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  • Kostiainen, Iiro; Hakaste, Liisa; Kejo, Pekka; Parviainen, Helka; Laine, Tiina; Löyttyniemi, Eliisa; Pennanen, Mirkka; Arola, Johanna; Haglund, Caj; Heiskanen, Ilkka; Schalin-Jäntti, Camilla (2019)
    Background: Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare endocrine carcinoma with poor 5-yr survival rates of <40%. According to the literature, ACC is rarely an incidental imaging finding. However, presentation, treatment and outcome may differ in modern series. Design and methods: We studied all patients (n=47, four children) from a single centre during years 2002 – 2018. We re-evaluated radiologic and histopathological findings and assessed treatments and outcome. We searched for possible TP53 gene defects and assessed nationwide incidence of ACC. Results: In adults, incidental radiologic finding led to diagnosis in 79% at median age of 61 yrs. ENSAT stage I, II, III and IV was 19%, 40%, 19% and 21%, respectively. Nonenhanced CT demonstrated > 20 Hounsfield Units (HU) for all tumours (median 34 (21-45)), median size 92 mm (20-196), Ki67 17% (1-40%), Weiss score 7 (4-9) and Helsinki score 24 (4-48). ACC was more often found in the left than the right adrenal (p< 0.05). One child had Beckwith-Wiedemann and one a TP53 mutation. In adults, the primary tumour was resected in 88% and 79% received adjuvant mitotane therapy. Median hospital stay was significantly shorter in the laparoscopic vs open surgery group (4 (3-7) vs 8 (5-38) days, respectively; p< 0.001). In 3/4 patients, prolonged remission of >5 to >10 years was achieved after repeated surgery of metastases. Overall 5-yr survival was 67%, and 96% vs 26% for ENSAT stage I-II vs III-IV (p< 0.0001). ENSAT stage and Ki67 predicted survival, type of surgery did not. Mitotane associated with better survival. Conclusions: Contemporary ACC predominantly presents as an incidental imaging finding, characterized by HU>20 on nonenhanced CT but variable tumour size (20-196 mm). Malignancy cannot be ruled out by small tumour size only. The 5-yr survival of 96% in ENSAT stage I-III compares favourably to previous studies
  • Koskinen, Tuomas (2017)
    BACKGROUND: Complication rates following neck dissection (ND) have been assessed in many studies, but only few of those have incorporated a well-established grading system for severity. Our aim was to assess the incidence and the severity of ND complications using the Clavien-Dindo Classification of Surgical Complications (CSC) and to review possible risk factors. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Documents of the patients (n=194) who underwent ND at the Helsinki University Hospital in 2014 were retrospectively reviewed. Seventy-six patients were identified for further review as they were operated on by the same otorhinolaryngology surgery team without coinciding microvascular transfer. CSC was used to evaluate the severity of complications related to ND for the first 30 postoperative days. Statistical analyses were performed to assess possible risk factors. RESULTS: One quarter (27.6%) of the patients recovered from ND without any deviation from normal postoperative course (CSC Grade 0). More than half (57.9%) of the patients received CSC Grade I and II interventions postoperatively. Postoperative surgical intervention in the operation room (CSC Grade IIIb) was required for 14.5% of the patients. There were no life threatening complications or deaths. No statistically significant patient-related risk factors were identified. Dissection of fewer neck levels was associated with fewer complications. DISCUSSION: Complication rates were higher in this study than in other studies focusing on ND, partly due to careful registration and classification of all complications. However, infection rates were lower than in other studies and there were no life threatening complications, suggesting a good competence level of surgical management.
  • Tiirola, Sohvi (2021)
    Ortognaattinen kirurgia on hoitomuoto, jota käytetään vaikeiden luustollisten tai hammasperäisten purentavirheiden hoidossa. Hoitoon kuuluu pre- ja postoperatiivinen oikomishoito ja yhden tai molempien leukojen leikkaus. Hoidon toteuttaa erikoissairaanhoidon moniammatillinen tiimi. Ortognaattis-kirurgisen hoidon indikaatiot ovat useimmiten toiminnallisia. Purentavirheet voivat aiheuttaa mm. syömisvaikeuksia, kiputiloja sekä uniapneaa. Tutkimusten mukaan potilaat toivovat leikkauksen vaikuttavan edullisesti myös itsetuntoon ja kasvojen profiiliin. Vakavat komplikaatiot ovat hyvin harvinaisia, mutta moni potilas kärsii välittömästi leikkauksen jälkeen leuan alueen tuntopuutoksesta. Useimmiten tuntopuutokset ovat palautuvia. Hoitotyytyväisyys on kirjallisuuden mukaan hyvin korkeaa. Ortognaattis-kirurgisen hoidon ortodontia tehdään yleensä kiinteillä oikomiskojeilla. Viime aikoina oikomishoitoa on alettu tekemään myös irrotettavilla kalvoilla. Kalvoilla hampaiden asentoa voidaan muuttaa jonkin verran mutta menetelmän hoitotuloksista on vasta vähän laadukasta tutkimusnäyttöä. Kalvo-oikomista ei ole juurikaan käytetty ortognaattis-kirurgisten potilaiden hoidossa eikä vertailevia tutkimustuloksia löydy. Tutkielmassa on esitetty kaksi kirjallisuudesta löytynyttä potilastapausta, joissa kalvoja on käytetty osana ortognaattis-kirurgista hoitoa. Syventävään opinnäytetyöhön kuuluvan potilastapauksen avulla selvitin yhden potilaan kokemuksia ortognaattis-kirurgisesta hoidosta. Potilasta haastateltiin kahden kuukauden kuluttua leikkauksesta. Haastattelun avulla selvisi, että potilas oli erittäin tyytyväinen saamaansa hoitoon, vaikka hoito jatkuikin vielä. Hänen pääasiallinen hoitomotivaationsa oli terveydellinen, mutta hoidon vaikutukset kasvojen estetiikkaan olivat mieluisia. (183 sanaa)
  • Kullberg, Pontus (2017)
    Befolkningen i Västvärlden åldras och människor lever allt längre. I Finland är över 90 åringar den snabbast växande befolkningsgruppen och mängden 90 år fyllda uppskattas tredubblas fram till år 2040. Ändå finns det relativt lite kirurgisk forskning om denna viktiga patientgrupp. Morbiditeten och mortaliteten vid operativa ingrepp ökar med ålder, men samtidigt har det visats att även över 100 åringar klarar av operativa ingrepp relativt bra. Målet med denna studie är att undersöka resultaten och effektiviteten av hudtransplantationsoperationer på patienter som fyllt 90 år. Data samlades retrospektivt in från samtliga hudtransplantationsoperationer gjorda på ≥90 åringar under åren 2010-2013 på HUS plastikkirurgiska enhet i Tölö sjukhus. Utgående från resultaten är hudtransplantation en effektiv och relativt trygg metod att rekonstruera vävnadsdefekter på ≥90 åringar. Hudtransplantationen lyckades i 89% av ingreppen. Dödligheten under post-operativ vård var 4,8%, vid 30 dygn 7,14% och vid ett år 33,3%, vilket är litet mindre än i tidigare studier där post-operativa dödligheten på 90 åringar har undersökts. Operationen är dock inte riskfri och ett års dödlighet är högre hos de som genomgått hudtransplantation än i samma åldersgrupp i genomsnitt.
  • Peuraharju, Elin (2019)
    Kronisk skleroserande sialadenit (KSS) anses vara en manifestation av IgG4-associerad sjukdom (IgG4-AS). Kohorter i tidigare publikationer är små och omfattar sällan västerländsk befolkning. KSS kliniska beteende samt behovet av uppföljning i denna patientpopulation bör studeras. Studiens mål var att utreda ifall KSS alltid är en manifestation av IgG4-AS eller förknippas med andra autoimmuna sjukdomar, samt att utreda vilka ytterligare undersökningar denna patientpopulation kräver. Materialet bestod av patienter som mellan åren 2000 - 2017 inom HUCS sjukvårdsdistrikt fått diagnosen KSS efter submandibulektomi (n=51). Vi omvärderade patienternas histologiska vävnadsprover och utförde immunohistokemisk färgning för IgG4. IgG4 positiva vävnadsprover (≥70 IgG4-positiva plasmaceller/ high power field (HPF)) färgades för IgG och CD31. Diagnosen IgG4-AS tillskrevs ifall ‘Boston consensus statement’- kriterierna för IgG4-AS uppfylldes. Vi granskade patientjournaler och skickade en uppföljningsblankett angående symptom av IgG4-AS eller autoimmuna sjukdomar. Trettiofyra vävnadsprover uppfyllde kriterierna för KSS, 17 vävnadsprover tillskrevs diagnosen icke-skleroserande kronisk sialadenit (KS). I 19 fall associerades en spottkörtelsten till organskadan. Tolv vävnadsprover var IgG4-positiva, varav två uppfyllde kriterierna för IgG4-AS. Båda fallen tillhörde KS-gruppen och hade manifestationer av IgG4-AS i andra organ. Histopatologiska drag hos KSS och KS sammanföll delvis. I finländsk befolkning verkar KSS inte tillhöra IgG4-AS. Däremot kan KS vara associerat med IgG4-AS. Att histologiskt urskilja KSS från KS är utmanande. Således bör IgG4-färgning utföras när lymfoplasmacytära infiltrat påträffas i KS och KSS.
  • Marchant, Felipe (2022)
    Background: Surgical resection has proven to be the most effective long-term treatment in managing airway stenoses and has shown to decrease the risk of tumor recurrence and mortality in patients with tumor infiltration to the airways. However, there are only a few Nordic reports on the results of a tracheal resection (TR) and cricotracheal resection (CTR). This study aimed to evaluate the volume and short-term outcome of TR and CTR at our institution. Methods: Retrospective review of patients who underwent TR or CTR between 2004 and 2019 at the Helsinki University Hospital (Helsinki, Finland). Results: Forty-four patients were included, of which 21 (47.7%) underwent surgery for a tumor, whereas 23 (52.3%) were operated for a benign stenosis. The most common tumor type was thyroid carcinoma with tracheal invasion (15.9%). The distance between the upper margin of the stenosis or tumor infiltration and the vocal cords was in median 3 [interquartile range (IQR), 2–5] cm and the median length of resection 2.5 (IQR, 2–3.5) cm. Overall success rate was 75% (no need for reoperation or postoperative intervention). Complications occurred in 20 (45.5%) patients, of which 10 patients were operated for a tumor, and 10 for a benign stenosis. Conclusions: Tracheal and CTRs were effective in treating tracheal and subglottic stenoses with variable etiology. However, complications were common especially following cricotracheal tumor resections. These procedures show a clear need for further centralization due to their complex nature and should therefore be performed primarily at institutes with highly experienced multi-professional teams.
  • Tommiska, Pihla; Lönnrot, Kimmo; Raj, Rahul; Luostarinen, Teemu; Kivisaari, Riku (2019)
    Background A number of randomized controlled trials have shown the benefit of drain placement in the operative treatment of chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH); however, few reports have described real-life results after adoption of drain placement into clinical practice. We report the results following a change in practice at Helsinki University Hospital from no drain to subdural drain (SD) placement after burr hole craniostomy for CSDH. Methods We conducted a retrospective observational study of consecutive patients undergoing burr hole craniostomy for CSDH. We compared outcomes between a 6- month period when SD placement was arbitrary (July-December 2015) and a period when SD placement for 48 hours was routine (July-December 2017). Our primary outcome of interest was recurrence of CSDH necessitating reoperation within 6 months. Patient outcomes, infections, and other complications were assessed as well. Results A total of 161 patients were included, comprising 71 (44%) in the drain group and 90 (56%) in the non-drain group. There were no significant differences in age, comorbidities, history of trauma, or use of antithrombotic agents between the 2 groups (P>0.05 for all). Recurrence within 6 months occurred in 18% of patients in the non-drain group, compared with 6% in the drain group (odds ratio, 0.28; 95% confidence interval, 0.09-0.87; P=0.028). There were no differences in neurologic outcomes (P=0.72), mortality (P=0.55), infection rate (P=0.96), or other complications (P=0.20). Conclusions The change in practice from no drain to use of an SD after burr hole craniostomy for CSDH effectively reduced the 6-month recurrence rate with no effect on patient outcomes, infections, or other complications.
  • Tommiska, Pihla; Lönnrot, Kimmo; Raj, Rahul; Luostarinen, Teemu; Kivisaari, Riku (2019)
    Background A number of randomized controlled trials have shown the benefit of drain placement in the operative treatment of chronic subdural hematoma (CSDH); however, few reports have described real-life results after adoption of drain placement into clinical practice. We report the results following a change in practice at Helsinki University Hospital from no drain to subdural drain (SD) placement after burr hole craniostomy for CSDH. Methods We conducted a retrospective observational study of consecutive patients undergoing burr hole craniostomy for CSDH. We compared outcomes between a 6- month period when SD placement was arbitrary (July-December 2015) and a period when SD placement for 48 hours was routine (July-December 2017). Our primary outcome of interest was recurrence of CSDH necessitating reoperation within 6 months. Patient outcomes, infections, and other complications were assessed as well. Results A total of 161 patients were included, comprising 71 (44%) in the drain group and 90 (56%) in the non-drain group. There were no significant differences in age, comorbidities, history of trauma, or use of antithrombotic agents between the 2 groups (P>0.05 for all). Recurrence within 6 months occurred in 18% of patients in the non-drain group, compared with 6% in the drain group (odds ratio, 0.28; 95% confidence interval, 0.09-0.87; P=0.028). There were no differences in neurologic outcomes (P=0.72), mortality (P=0.55), infection rate (P=0.96), or other complications (P=0.20). Conclusions The change in practice from no drain to use of an SD after burr hole craniostomy for CSDH effectively reduced the 6-month recurrence rate with no effect on patient outcomes, infections, or other complications.
  • Börman, Julianne (2022)
    Urinary incontinence is a fairly common problem in neutered female dogs with a prevalence of 5 – 20 %. There are different causes behind urinary incontinence that are divided into being of either neurogenic or non-neurogenic origin that can either be congenital or acquired. The most common type of incontinence in neutered female dogs is urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence (USMI) with a prevalence of up to 60 %. Despite having been researched for nearly 40 years neither the etiology nor pathophysiology of USMI are completely understood. While an estimate of 75-97% of medically treated dogs respond to medication, USMI can become refractory over extended periods of medical administration. There are also some cases where medical management isn’t an option due to contraindicative illnesses or severe side effects from the medicine. Some owners also find it too laboursome to administer lifelong medication thrice a day. Injecting bulking agents into the lumen of the urethra is a way of regaining continence through increased urethral resistance. It’s a minimally invasive technique with minimal side effects and high continence rates. However, the effect can be passing, and additional medication might be needed. More invasive surgical techniques are colposuspension, urethropexy, artificial sphincters and different transpelvic sling techniques. These are associated with lower continence rates, more side effects and longer recovery times. None of these options, however, have been successful in treating all dogs. In this literature review I strive to collect the available information on USMI focusing on the treatment when medication is insufficient, with special focus on bulking agents. I hope to form a better understanding of the disease and to be able to highlight the areas in need of further studies, so that more treatment options to resolve USMI could be developed. There needn’t be one treatment to cure them all, however there should be a more systematic approach to diagnosing USMI in order to facilitate the recognition of the best course of treatment for each dog.
  • Börman, Julianne (2022)
    Urinary incontinence is a fairly common problem in neutered female dogs with a prevalence of 5 – 20 %. There are different causes behind urinary incontinence that are divided into being of either neurogenic or non-neurogenic origin that can either be congenital or acquired. The most common type of incontinence in neutered female dogs is urethral sphincter mechanism incompetence (USMI) with a prevalence of up to 60 %. Despite having been researched for nearly 40 years neither the etiology nor pathophysiology of USMI are completely understood. While an estimate of 75-97% of medically treated dogs respond to medication, USMI can become refractory over extended periods of medical administration. There are also some cases where medical management isn’t an option due to contraindicative illnesses or severe side effects from the medicine. Some owners also find it too laboursome to administer lifelong medication thrice a day. Injecting bulking agents into the lumen of the urethra is a way of regaining continence through increased urethral resistance. It’s a minimally invasive technique with minimal side effects and high continence rates. However, the effect can be passing, and additional medication might be needed. More invasive surgical techniques are colposuspension, urethropexy, artificial sphincters and different transpelvic sling techniques. These are associated with lower continence rates, more side effects and longer recovery times. None of these options, however, have been successful in treating all dogs. In this literature review I strive to collect the available information on USMI focusing on the treatment when medication is insufficient, with special focus on bulking agents. I hope to form a better understanding of the disease and to be able to highlight the areas in need of further studies, so that more treatment options to resolve USMI could be developed. There needn’t be one treatment to cure them all, however there should be a more systematic approach to diagnosing USMI in order to facilitate the recognition of the best course of treatment for each dog.