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  • Vertanen, Viivi (2016)
    Objectives. In this research I was studying the usability of an electronic knitting machine (Brother KH-970) from a novice’s perspective. By using a novice for testing, it was possible to gain information about the basic functions of the knitting machine. One of the objectives of this research was to create a readable manual for the beginners to make it easier for them to get started with an electronic knitting machine. An overall picture of the usability of a product can be gained by observing several criterions of usability. In this research the focus was on the following criterion; the manual of an electronic knitting machine, ease of the use and the machine’s functionability. Some previous research of electronic knitting machines existed but none of them had yet focused on the usability of electronic knitting machines. Method. This research was made by using the method of action research. The material of the research was collected by reflecting an action. The researcher was acting also as a tester who collected the research material by writing reflections while exploring the electronic knitting machine (Brother KH-970). The material was theoretically analysed with a content analysis. For the analysis a model of usability by Keinonen was exploited. The model can be found in the categorization of the content analysis. This research is the first part of usability testing. Results and conclusions. The test results were given by comparing the categories and by evaluating those according to Keinonen’s model of usability. The two compared categories were desired effects and non-desired effects. The considered sections of these categories were: the manual, the ease of use and functionability. On base of the results, it can be said that the usability of this electronic knitting machine isn’t the best for a novice. Instructions-wise, the results are similar to the ones that have been received from earlier research. A novice wants more information concerning the reasons for the actions. A novice is, however, capable of using an electronic knitting machine and its functions. According to the results, the main hindering issues in the instructions are confusion of the directions and imperfection.
  • Penttala, Sanna (2018)
    The growing trend of internationalization has had a big impact on the importance of speaking foreign languages. Many parents want their child to learn another language at the earliest possible age, so kindergartens that focus on teaching foreign languages have become very popular. English especially is highly valued in Finland. Free play time is a time during which children have control over what they do. It is also an opportune time to practice English, and attentive kindergarten teachers should encourage them to do so. The aim of the research questions was to find out how the adults working at these kindergartens view language teaching during free play time. The theoretical framework is based on different language learning theories. Prior research suggests that learning happens largely during interactional situations, which suggests that free play time is very important in learning a new language. The research is qualitative and the research material has been gathered in the fall of 2016. The research method was half constructed, themed interviews. Altogether six women working in English kindergartens took part in the interviews. The interviews were recorded and transcribed, after which they were analyzed using the quantification method. The results indicate that while it is very important that children maintain their right to choose the language they use during free play time, it is also important to encourage them to practice their English skills and that the learning environment motivates children to use the new language. The interviewees feel they have difficulties enforcing this for example due to lacking technological skills and equipment. The results also showed that time spent outside is rarely utilized as time for practicing English.
  • Numminen, Sara (2018)
    In this thesis I describe English pre-school education in a Finnish kindergarten. I have used observation as my method. In my research I analyse how the Finnish and English pre-school education differ from each other. In my theory chapters I write about public and private early childhood education and their history, the meaning and definition of pre-school education and different learning methods of early language education. I collected the data for my research in a private kindergarten in Espoo in two mornings. There are no children or teachers represented in my data, but I photographed those methods and practices they use in that group. I observed the activities and learning sessions and the communication between adults and children. I also analyse the differences between Finnish and English educational cultures. I found that the biggest difference is that the Anglo-American learning style is more “school-like”. The worksheets and activities are similar to those in Finnish first and second grade education. I also noticed that discipline and teaching lead by adults are more common in an Anglo-American education style. In a private kindergarten it is also much easier to facilitate work-based education and to have activities between different age groups.
  • Silvennoinen, Jaana (2017)
    Objective for this thesis was to survey how children themselves, under early childhood education environment, demonstrate their operational strategies. And how children expressed their social skills in operational models and in their thinking. Qualitative survey from children perspective was carried out to gain knowledge on how children utilize operational strategies during typical social interaction situations. Based on previous research, children’s ability to experience content of learning has strong influence on the learning outcome, and each individual impression contributes to learning event formulation. Classification in the agency model follows fourfold table formulation after Reunamo (2007). According to common knowledge from childhood research, children can be seen as competent social operators that are linked to their environment. Activity and possibility to interact and to participate is enabler to capability to act as an operator. Research data consists of interview study of 15 children, born in year 2009 and during study were four or five years old. The study was carried out as a set of discretionary interviews in one kindergarten during two days in October 2016. The data was analyzed using fourfold table model for agency of children perception after Reunamo. Research showed that children used different operational strategies and that they were having more adaptive role to control the situation during interaction with their peers. Theoretical framework of this study does not distinguish difference of children social interaction in their relationships between adults compared to their peers. However, this study indicated significant importance of social interaction between children and education personnel during early childhood education. Most challenging for the subjects was finding answers to questions related perceiving different perspectives between children and adults. The role between an adult and a child is always anti-symmetric where the adult is in superior role and meanwhile the child is greatly dependent on the adult from various aspects. It is known that social skills are demonstrated differently according to the relationship. Children can safely test and develop their skills with their peers. Theoretical models often emphasize the importance of peer interaction as an enabler for the development of social skills, and has even greater role in the development of emotional skills.
  • Tallqvist, Jenni (2016)
    The purpose of this research is to identify why the professional substance abuse counselors, which have overcome their own substance abuse problems, leave to study substance abuse professional qualifications, even if they have already found a job without a degree. Is it compulsion or something else? The study will also identify what studies can provide to an all seen addict, if anything. The main research questions are: 1. What made the professional substance abuse counselors, who were also former substance abusers seek training? 2. What they felt that they got out of the training? This study is a qualitative research. For the study, five former substance abuser, who are working as professional substance abuse counselors were interviewed, all twice. After overcoming their own substance problems, the subjects had started to work as substance abuser counselors to make substance abuse work and acquired later substance abuse professional degree. The research material was collected by themed interviews. The data was inspected by using content analysis. The study shows that the former drug users were not very strongly motivated to study substance abuse work. However, during the studies their external motivation changes to the internal. All those who were interviewed felt that studying gave them something. Education, inter alia, increased self-esteem, a new perspective on substance abuse work and the tools to work.
  • Norberg, Taru (2017)
    This research explores the experiences of nursing and teaching staff in Helsinki's Early Childhood Education area about unprofessionality and its emergence in the interaction between the adult and the child. Based on my experience and previous research, it can be stated that the documents guide early childhood education practice very loosely and interpretatively. Both, unconscious and conscious, decision making and value basis and their interpretation development, causes variation in the quality of work in an early education settings and, also between workers.   It was interesting to find out what the nursing and education staff think is unprofessional, about how they felt when they had to intervene, and how the responses showed the theoretical starting point for a high-quality educational interaction. However, day-care staff are expected to be familiar with the legislation and documents governing the field. This is a phenomenographic mixed method research, which is a one-time transversal survey. The material was collected with an E-questionnaire from one of Helsinki's early childhood area.  54 early childhood educators answered the questionnaire. The material was analyzed using content analysis and separation. The results showed that the respondents recognized unprofessional situations, but they had difficulty and variation in evaluation the gravity of the situation. Respondents also found it difficult to respond to unprofessional situations. The lack of agreed policies in their work community, lack of theoretical knowledge and understanding of the basis of legislation and documents, that creates the foundation of quality interaction between a child and an adult, makes intervention problematic and difficult. The results showed that there were deficiency in professional knowhow, communication as well as in the operating culture and leadership.
  • Silo, Kati (2019)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, minkälaisia epätyypillisiä vaatetusmateriaaleja voidaan käyttää vaatteen valmistuksessa. Lisäksi tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää epätyypillisestä vaatetusmateriaalista valmistetun vaatteen yksityiskohtia ja esiintymistä. Teoriaosuudessa käsittelen perinteisiä vaatetusmateriaaleja sekä vaatesuunnittelun periaatteita. Tästä teoriaosuus siirtyy tarkastelemaan kokeellista vaatesuunnittelua ja vaatetta teoksena. Tutkimuskysymykset muotoutuivat sekä oman työskentelyn ja kiinnostuksen kautta, että kirjallisuudesta syntyneistä ajatuksista. Tutkimuskysymyksiä on yhteensä neljä: 1.Minkälaisia epätyypillisiä vaatetusmateriaaleja voidaan käyttää vaatteen valmistuksessa? 2.Minkälaisia vaatekappaleita valmistetaan epätyypillisistä vaatetusmateriaaleista? 3.Esiintyykö epätyypillisestä vaatetusmateriaalista valmistetussa vaatteessa myös muita materiaaleja? 4.Missä kontekstissa epätyypillisestä vaatetusmateriaalista valmistettu vaate esiintyy kuvassa? Tutkimusmenetelmänä oli sisällönanalyysi, jota on sovellettu kuvalliseen aineistoon. Keräsin tutkimusaineiston internetin kuvapalveluista, Pinterestistä ja Instagramista sekä kirjalähteistä. Aineiston keräämiseen käytin hakusanoja avantgarde fashion, wearable art, experimental clothing design, contemporary fashion. Kirjalähteitä etsin samoilla hakusanoilla. Tutkimusaineiston perusjoukko sisälsi kahdeksankymmentä (80) kuvaa, joista valitsin systemaattista otantaa käyttäen neljäkymmentä (40) kuvaa analysoitavaksi. Nämä neljäkymmentä (40) kuvaa muodostivat tutkimusaineiston otoksen. Suoritin kuville sisällönanalyysin, jolloin katseen kohteena oli vaatteessa käytetyt materiaalit, vaatekappale ja sen yksityiskohdat sekä vaatteen esiintyminen. Tutkimustuloksissa eniten ilmennyt epätyypillinen vaatetusmateriaali oli käyttöesine tai paperi. Tuloksista kävi ilmi, että tutkittavien vaatteiden mallit ja leikkaukset mukailivat arkivaatetuksessa nähtäviä malleja. Epätyypillistä vaatetusmateriaalia ilmeni eniten mekoissa ja takeissa. Yli puolessa (24) otoksessa esiintyvässä vaatteessa oli käytetty vain tätä epätyypillistä vaatetusmateriaalia. Yleisin epätyypillisen vaatetusmateriaalin rinnalle lisätty materiaali oli tekstiili. Eniten epätyypillisestä vaatetusmateriaalista valmistettuja vaatteita esiintyi ihmisen ylle puettuna. Tutkimustulokset tarjoavat katsauksen kokeelliseen vaatesuunnitteluun, jossa materiaali on lähtökohtana. Tuloksia voi soveltaa kokeellisen vaatesuunnittelun parissa tehtävään tutkimukseen tai työskentelyyn.
  • Rouvinen, Anna (2017)
    The purpose. Documents outlining pre-school and early childhood education highlight the importance of child's participation. Participation involves listening to the child's wishes and opinions concerning his or her affairs. Previous studies show the relevance of music in childhood. Music education is also defined as part of the child's holistic support for growth and development. In Criteria for the pre-school curriculum (2014) music education has been recognized within Forms of expression -learning entity. The aim of this study was to describe a group of pre-school children's attitudes towards music. This study examines what the group of pre-school children think music is, how they experience music and if they would like to have something more of music education. These research questions were sought answers by interviewing children in the group. Methods. The study was conducted as a qualitative case study in the spring 2016 to one pre-school group in the Southern Finland. All 14 children in the group participated the study by answering interview questions. Children were interviewed one by one in a semi-structured interview. Interviews were conducted in the premises of the day care center on three consecutive days. The resulting data was analyzed using content analysis methods. Results and conclusions. The results of the study showed the majority of the group's children perceive music as tones of instruments. Playing instruments was seen as the easiest and the most difficult area of the music depending on the individual. Playing musical instruments was the most desirable musical area, when asked whether the children would like to have more musical activities. The children in the group hoped to play more instruments and named a variety of musical instruments, which they wanted to try. Most of the children had had or were having a musical hobby, which can be thought to affect the responses. This was seen in use of musical terms, as well as a general understanding of music. By solving children's interests the things that they feel relevant can be found.
  • Hiljanen, Johanna (2016)
    The targets. The aim of this research was to find out how the pupils in flexible basic education (JOPO) feel about the camp school as a learning environment. I examine the experiences the pupils have about a camp school which is based on experience pedagogy. I also explore the effect that the camp school has on the social atmosphere and grouping of the pupils. The camp school in flexible basic education is based on experience pedagogy and I try to find out how well is this pedagogy present in the pupils´ stories. Based on previous theory there are some goals where the camp school aims and the study is trying to find out if the experiences of the students are matching with those aims. The team spirit is supposed to grow while working together in challenging circumstances as is the self-esteem of the pupils as a result of overcoming difficulties. The experience pedagogy is planned to offer pupils experiences in nature and the aim is that the pupils´ responsibility of themselves and others develop during the camp school. The method. The target group of this study were two flexible basic education classes in southern Finland. I gathered the material for the research by interviewing three pupils as a group and by collecting writings the pupils wrote about the camp school they had attended to in autumn 2015. So the material consisted of eleven writings and one theme interview. I used content analysis when analyzing the material. The findings. The research showed that the team spirit grew within the JOPO class. Pupils learned to know and trust each other better. They had to take responsibility of themselves and others and they did it while learning some new surviving skills in camping in nature. There were some challenges during the heavy hiking week but the pupils overcome those challenges and had some feelings of success while doing it. The self-esteem got stronger at the same time. The camp school seemed to be both mentally and physically rough but it got the pupils closer together and the experiences were told to be positive. It seems that the flexible basic education camp school fulfills those expectations that are placed on it by theory.
  • Vehmaa, Saara (2016)
    This study has two major purposes. First to investigate factors which have a relationship to excellent and low grades in mathematics. Second to demonstrate how drawing method works with research of children’s conceptions. Previous studies have showed that some factor or factors have an effect on good or low grades in mathematics but there is no study, where factors are listed to factors of excelled achieved pupil or low achieved pupil. The other main purpose is to define, what kind of research method drawing method is and how it can be used in research of children’s conclusions and thoughts. With drawing method, it’s possible to produce unique content, which can’t be produced with other methods, for a research. Data for this study were collected with literature review. Literature was collected from databases of Helsinki university library and Google Scholar search engine. When there wasn’t an electronic material available, handbooks and other literature of Helsinki university library collections were used. Most used keywords were mathematics, mathematic achievement, grade, drawing method and visual method. Results of the study suggest that there are factors which have a relationship with excellent grades and low grades in mathematics. These factors are usually opposite to each other’s. Factors are pupil’s approach, temperament, emotions about mathematics, gender, month of birth, socioeconomic background and social role in classroom. Although gender has a contradictory relationship with grades in mathematics. The other main result was that drawing method is usable way to research pupils’ ideas and conclusions. Drawing method as a research method is easy way for children to show their thoughts. Children usually enjoy drawing and they don’t need to have very advanced verbal skills. That’s why it’s usable way to research children’s ideas of, for example, well achieved and low achieved pupil in mathematics.
  • Vantala, Niko-Janne (2016)
    Objectives. There has been a wide range of international studies of self-esteem between students in regular classes and special classes. However, research has yielded conflicting results. Some studies report lower self-esteem levels among students in special classes, while others note no differences. Throughout the history of research on self-esteem, there have been concerns that the concept was poorly defined and there were a large number of self-esteem instruments poorly correlating with one another. The purpose of this study is to compare the global self-esteem of students in special classes and in regular classes in two secondary schools in grades 7 through 9 in the city of Espoo. The difference in global self-esteem between the genders and the grade levels is also studied. Methods. The data was collected in April and May 2015 in two secondary schools in Espoo. Selfesteem was assessed with two different self-esteem measures, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem scale (RSE) and the State Self-Esteem scale (SSES) among 88 students. The participants included 56 students in regular classes and 32 students in special classes. The students in special classes were classified weather as having learning disabilities (17) or emotional and behavioral disturbance (15). Results and Conclusions. Results indicate that there is no difference in global self-esteem between students in regular and special classes. No difference was found with either self-esteem measures. Neither was there any difference in self-esteem between the different types of special classes. However, the difference in self-esteem between genders was obvious and statistically significant: the boys had higher self-esteem scores than girls with both scales. As different grades were compared, the ninth-graders had lower self-esteem scores than the seventh-graders assessed with SSES-measure indicating that self-esteem lowers during the secondary school years.
  • Vuorela, Kaisa (2016)
    Integration and inclusion have been key topics in the discussion of special education for a long time. In Finland the integration, i.e. the aim of merging special education into general education, began in the 1970s. Inclusion became strongly involved in the discussions in the 1990s from an initiative of the UN. The purpose of this literature review is to determine the theoretical background of inclusion and integration and the way they should be seen and implemented in the selection of school, and schooling overall, for pupils receiving special support. In addition, the purpose is to look at the laws, regulations and guidelines, which are currently valid at Finnish comprehensive school, guiding the arrangement of special education. The aim is to obtain a better understanding of the subject and to understand which things in Finland determine the selection of school and schooling overall for special needs´ pupils. This thesis is divided into two parts. In the first part the theoretical background of segregation, integration and inclusion are clarified, and the concepts of special needs´ pupil and special education are described. In the second part, the key documents, as well as laws and regulations of how and where the special needs´ pupils can complete their basic education in Finland are collected. The thesis discusses additionally the National Core Curriculum coming into force next autumn, as well as the concepts of three-tier support and the local school principle. The Basic Education Act (628/1998), the modifications for it (642/2010), the Basic Education Regulation (852/1998), Special Needs Education Strategy (2007) and the National Core Curriculum (2014), all support execution of the local school principle. On the other hand, all of the above documents state that teaching can also be arranged in any other appropriate place. Municipalities are given a full responsibility for the allocation of a school place, as long as the choice is justified. On my future master's thesis, I will examine how the inclusion appears in schools´ and teachers´ everyday life, and whether support is adequate from teachers’ point of view.
  • Kinnunen, Auli (2016)
    High sensitivity is a part of a temperament. Most of the highly sensitive persons are also introverts. Their senses and minds get easily overloaded and they need to rest after being in a large, noisy group. This is why school years can be hard for highly sensitive children. If the teachers understand them, they will enjoy learning and their good qualities will come out.
  • Hintsala, Sonja (2017)
    Highly sensitive people feel things deeper and more intensely, and they sense nuances and details more precisely than other people. In addition, they process their observations and in-formation more deeply. Our society has been built largely by non highly sensitive people that make the conditions more favorable for them. The performance-driven society with its pres-sure and the tremendous amount of stimuli in the environment are driving highly sensitive people´s health and well-being to their limits. The aim of the thesis was to increase the awareness of sensory processing sensitivity and highly sensitive people`s health and to find ways to cope with the demands of society. The research examines which factors affect the health of highly sensitive people and how their health can be promoted. The thesis was implemented as an integral literary review, which is quite permissible for im-plementation, and can be used to look at the subject of the study in a variety of ways. The material consists of one research article and three books and one guide. The title was ob-tained by retrieving research articles from electronic databases and by manually adding other related literature. The selected material was analysed by material-based content analysis. Based on the analysis of the material, there was found a causal relationship between highly sensitive people and their more sensitive nervous system. A more sensitive nervous system expose highly sensitive people to over-stimulation and stress. Long-term over-stimulation and stress can lead to fatigue, depression, and other stress-related illnesses. Based on the cause-effect on health, it was concluded that the major health determinants were over-stimulation and stress. Based on this guideline, over-stimulation and stress management could be con-sidered to be a health-promoting activity for highly sensitive people. According to the data, over-stimulation and stress management can be accomplished, for example, by exercise, nu-trition and rest, and by looking for a balance on how much is involved with the world. The re-sults indicate that the health of highly sensitive people can be promoted by the choices and actions one makes during their daily life.
  • Hollo, Iida (2016)
    The aim of this study is to find out how the linguistic development of the child can be supported in early childhood education, and what is the role of the special kindergartner in supporting this development. Also, the aim is to find out what methods using special kindergartners support the children of this linguistic evolution and the development of linguistic difficulties, as well as what kind of cooperation the special kindergartner makes with a speech therapist in support of the child's linguistic development. The research was carried through using qualitative research methods. The data was collected in an open questionnaire, the E-Form. Link to the E-form was sent by e-mail to the special kindergartners in the region of Lohja and Nummela. They were combined 14. The questionnaire was answered by seven of the special kindergartners. The data were analyzed using content analysis method and the resulting material were grouped and classified with themes and types. The results of the study showed that the role of special kindergartner in supporting the child's language development is significant. Kindergartner or the child's parents were often asked for special kindergarten’s consulting. The results showed that all special kindergartners had uniform methods to support the child's language. The child's individuality had to be taken into notice and to plan interventions in accordance with the child's skills and needs. In kindergar-ten and at home should had a uniform set of rules for the use of methods of support. Also, the results showed that the co-operation with a speech therapist were seen important. All special kindergartners answered that they work with a speech therapist weekly. Special kin-dergartners told that they plan supporting methods for the linguistic development with a speech therapist.
  • Immonen, Waltteri (2018)
    The special education reform, has resulted in major changes in the job description of Finnish special education teachers. Also, distribution of resources to schools have changed. Previous researchers have found lack of resources in special education. Teachers also experience lack of time. To date, there have not been quantitative research about the matter of time specific to special education teachers.  I explored special education teachers experiences about challenges that connect to resources in this research. Opinions of special education teachers are interesting because they not only operate in the field but also have academic education. The aim of the study was to answer two questions: which resource challenges A teachers experience to be (1) most disturbing and (2) least disturbing (2).  The answers collected via electric questionaire, were from previous students from University of Helsinki whose major was special education. The participants were special education teachers in primary school. The questionnaire included many questions about resources. Answering scale were from 0-4. These answers were analysed by using quantitative methods. Also, questionnaire contained open questions. These answers I analysed using quantatative measures by themes related to resources.  According to the study the special education teachers experienced many different challenges.  The teachers often experienced lack of time. They were in hurry which left little time for planning the co-teaching. The teachers also worked after the working hours. Co-operating were also experienced challenging caused by lack of planning time.  Also, great challenge faced the system of special education. Amount of given support to pupils were too little. The teachers also found challenging the lack of special education classes. The size of special education classes was right. Experiences about human resources showed need for special education teachers and assistants. It was also hard to get substitute. The special education teachers didn’t see need for adding more regular teachers.
  • Pimiä, Hilla (2018)
    Goal. The most important subject in this study is integration. Integration is very current issue, which is why I think it is very important to study this topic. More and more special needs stu-dents are integrated into mainstream education, especially into the visual arts and therefore I wanted to address this topic in this study. Integration has seen in a very different light from different positions and that is why I was also personally interested in this topic. In this study, I looked at visual arts education from the point of view of special needs students and their teachers. This study researched special needs students’ visual art education integrated into the mainstream education. My literature review researches studies done from teachers’ point of view and analyses what kind of visual art education is in the class with integrated special needs students. The study also analyses the teachers’ capabilities to meet and teach special needs students in the mainstream classroom. Methods. This study has been made descriptive literature review. The literature of this study is articles and studies about the visual arts education of special needs students in general education, integration and the ability of teachers to differentiate their teaching. The literature I used in this study is Finnish studies and articles. Results and conclusion. In the results of the research, the focus was on the integration of special students into visual arts in positive aspects but also on the negative aspects. Visual art was seen as a place to grow as a person, an opportunity for peer learning and to increase the appreciation of diversity. Challenges were seen, for example, in the great differences be-tween pupils in skills. The teachers had several different ways to meet and teach special needs students. The most important thing was knowing the students as individuals, and the teachers had several concrete ways of differentiating. The results of the research also high-lighted the great differences in the skills of teacher students and the working teachers to face special needs students. Unlike students, teachers were able to describe many concrete ways.
  • Dammert, Hanna (2019)
    The idea of integration grew stronger in Finland during the seventies. It was based on normalization principle. The basic idea was that every child including ones with disabilities had the right to study in their local school. The basic concepts of inclusion were outlined in Salamanca Statement (1994). The foundation was that every child regardless their special needs should participate in general education classes at their local school. In the amendments to the Basic Education Act in 2010 the three-tier model of support for learning and studying was included in the spirit of the Salamanca Statement. The main goal of this thesis is to demonstrate changes in studying arrangements of children with special needs in one selected primary school. Theoretical framework is education policies of Finland, specially the impact of integration and inclusion models of education to these policies and amendments to Basic Education Act in 2010. What kind of support teachers and headteachers wish to achieve goals set by inclusion model and to fulfil requirements of Basic Education act in best possible manner? This thesis is a case study. Data was collected using thematic interviews which is a qualitative study method. The interview material was collected from one headteacher and two teacher of a single primary school in 2012. The aim was to have dialogue between the material collected and research literature on the subject. The subjects of the interviews didn't advocate full integration of all students to general classes. Inclusion was regarded as ideological model and ideal rather than concrete way to work in everyday school environment. The amendments to Basic Education Act was apparent in everyday work only as a slight increase in amount of bureaucracy and as a increase in a level of quality requirements. The subjects of interviews perceived part-time special needs education teachers, increasing the amount of simultaneous teaching, schools own models of support and increasing communication between teachers as preconditions of making a smooth shift of a child with special needs from a special class to a general class.
  • Ylinen, Elli (2019)
    The aim of this thesis was to find out what the concept of differentiation means and which theoretical arguments are attached to it in the studies. The thesis has also sought to identify the importance of differentiation in the context of physical education and to describe how the differentiation is implemented in physical education in a heterogeneous group of students and whether teachers face challenges with this aspect. Differentiation has been raised as a pedagogical starting point for all teaching in FNCC 2014. Nevertheless, teachers are experiencing differentiation to be a major challenge in their teaching, based on research. The subject of this thesis was formed by the interest in this contradiction. The extraordinary learning environment of physical education classes and my own experience of the challenge about differentiation in physical education increased the interest in the subject of the thesis. The research method of the study was a descriptive literature review. The material was selected in the books and studies on differentiation and physical education, which were mainly published in the 2010s, with the exception of a few classic works. As headwords, I used concepts related in the research topic to help me gather as versatile material as possible to illustrate the phenomenon of my thesis. According to the research method used, I summarized the material and sought to bring up new conclusions based on it. On the basis of this review, the challenge of differentiation teachers' are experiencing was partly due to the limited scope of the study. Theories attached to differentiation within the boundaries of the thesis emphasize the importance of knowing your students and seeing differentiation as a guiding philosophy that takes into account the individual characteristics of each student. According to research data, teachers find heterogeneous groups of pupils as a great challenge, making difficult to differentiate in physical education classes. However, every student has the right to participate in normal education and to receive teaching according to their own abilities. Teachers' resources to implement quality physical education are at a discrepancy with the objectives of the national curriculum. Developing teacher education, understanding differentiation as a teaching philosophy, and using teaching methods that are considered to be the best in research can give teachers more ways to differentiate their teaching.
  • Rautakoski, Toni (2019)
    The goal of this paper is to discover to what end urban segregation is present within Helsinki, and which neighborhoods stand out. The research is based on the participants’ own experi-ence of how well they feel they can cover their expenses in their current situation. The rapid growth of the Helsinki metropolitan area, similar to other larger cities in Finland has raised concerns over the polarization of the housing market and the segregation of neighborhoods. This phenomenon has been the base for the research. This paper utilizes the theories of urban segregation as well as economic inequality. The material for this paper is from a survey done by Helsingin Sanomat. The survey meas-ured how satisfied people are with their current living conditions. The original sample of 13 381 answers throughout Finland was limited in this study to only those 4147 answers from Helsinki. Selecting two income-related variables and one variable for the responder’s postal code, these variables were analysed using frequency analysis. The original material con-cerned the entirety of Finland but was limited to responses from Helsinki for this paper. From the results of the study it is clear, that the experience of not having enough funds for everyday living is accentuated in certain Helsinki neighborhoods. People living in the city center and Kallio neighborhoods experienced dissatisfaction with their funds more often, as well as more strongly than most. Dissatisfaction was also significantly more common among people with low income, and the areas with most dissatisfied responders also had the largest number of low-income households.