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Browsing by discipline "Craft Science"

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  • Vistbacka, Niina (2019)
    Woad (Isatis tinctoria L.) is a traditional and versatile dyeing plant producing ignite blue colour. Woad is one of the oldest dyeing plants and its oldest seeds are known from the Stone Age. The purpose of this study is to find out the characteristics of the woad and how to use it in dyeing. During the study, the cultivation of woad became one of the themes of research data. It turned into one research problem. The research was carried out as a literature review. The research material is based on existing literature and previous studies on dying with woad. The choice of material was influenced by the versatility of the material and the subject matter of the research used as material. There is a lot of literature and research on natural colouring and woad. In the end, the source is the most versatile source of content and the most relevant sources of research. I also wanted to deal with natural dying in my research. It opens up natural dying methods to the reader and introduces it to its versatility. Thus, the research results and the terminology used in the study will be closer to the reader. The study found that woad has been used in many ways for centuries. Various dying methods used in dying were a major factor in the success of it. The dyeing result was not always blue but depending on the process varied from greenish to yellow. Also pink and brown dyed textiles were found in the research results. Different conditions in dyeing situations also yielded different results. There was a clear result of the material on the effects of cultivation and harvest. Cultivation of woad is possible for industrial purposes and the effect of plant age on dyeing can be seen. With different follow-up studies, the results provide a good basis for starting to apply the knowledge and thus finding new methods for woad dyeing.
  • Patronen, Greta (2018)
    The aim of the study was figure out which kind of knowledge consumer can get from online about recycling postconsumer textile waste. The landfill prohibition of organic waste which came into force in 2016 forbids textile waste end up to landfill. This caused confusion among consumers because many people thought that textiles are not allowed in garbage anymore. The study investigated the possibility of postconsumer textile waste when it cannot be recycled to charity or flea markets. According to previous reports the Finns would be interested in recycling all the textile waste generated from home but information and a concrete place to recycle it is not known. The material in the study is five recycle themed websites that introduce possible ways to recycle old textiles. The material was collected using an internet search engine for which three people were asked to define search terms for search. Five websites were selected discretionally from search results and then analyzed using content analysis. Based on the research questions a table was created where all the necessary information was collected. Finally the information was summarized. According to the results postconsumer textile waste can be recycled by transporting it to mixed waste, dump collection or shop collection points. The amount of textile waste can also be reduced by paying attention to consumption and the age of textiles can be length by utilizing them in cleaning or weaving material. The information about recycling textile waste has remained the same for some decades. Most of the textile which are exported to recycle end up being utilized as energy in waste incinerators, materials of industrial or business reuse.
  • Paavola, Tiina (2017)
    The purpose of the study was to compare two different price groups of jeans and find out how they differ in their durability. The theoretical background of the study presented the concept of quality, the consumer's role in evaluating the price-quality ratio of products and the denim fabric as a material from a durability point of view. Previously, the durability of three different price group jeans was studied after one and five wash cycles and the effect of elastic fiber on the durability of denim. This study also looked at the impact of consumer expectations on quality assessment. The research was mainly quantitative, but the analysis was diversified with qualitative approaches. The research material was collected by experimental methods in laboratory conditions using textile standards based tests. The experiment examined three expensive and three cheap jeans (98% CO, 2% EL) in three different tests by measuring their performance specifications in tearing strength, abrasion resistance and colorfastness of the dye. The results of the study were presented in figures. In the conclusions, the results were analyzed and compared with each other on the basis of price. Expensive denim jeans proved to be a little more durable than the cheap denim jeans, but the result is not unambiguous. According to the study, the durability of jeans is not primarily affected by their price, because cheap jeans also received some good results in the tests. When evaluating the quality, some other factors have to be taken into account in addition to the price, texture, fiber content, dyeing and finishing of the fabric. Conclusions were made from three tests, so more experimental research is needed.
  • Österberg, Pekka (2020)
    Tässä tutkimuksessa perehdytään perusopetuksen käsityönopettajien käyttämiin didaktisiin rat-kaisuihin käsityötekniikoiden opetuksessa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, missä määrin vi-deotutoriaaleja käytetään käsityötekniikoiden opetuksessa ja millaiset tekijät ovat yhteydessä nii-den käyttöön. Tutkimus vastaa kysymykseen, missä määrin käsityön opettajat käyttävät video-tutoriaaleja käsityötekniikoiden opetuksessa, millaisia kokemuksia opettajilla on videomuotoisesta opetusmateriaalista ja mitkä tekijät ovat yhteydessä videotutoriaalien käyttöön. Tutkimuksen teoria pohjautuu käsityötieteen ja kasvatustieteen lähteisiin, joissa tarkastellaan vi-deotutoriaalien potentiaalia opetuksessa ja käsityötaitojen oppimisen lainlaisuuksia. Vaikka vuo-rovaikutuksen merkitystä oppimisessa korostetaan, pidetään videotutoriaaleja yleisesti toimivina opetusmenetelminä. Monipuolisiin opetusmenetelmiin kannustetaan ja mahdollisimman monien aistien hyödyntämistä pidetään oppimisen kannalta positiivisena asiana. Videomuotoinen oppi-materiaali aktivoi näkö ja kuuloaistin sekä soveltuu hyvin praktisten taitojen kuten käsityötaitojen oppimiseen. Samalla kun videomuotoisen opetusmateriaalin tutkimus lisääntyy ovat käsityötaitoja käsittelevät videotutoriaalit laajalti yleistyneet verkossa. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin kyselytutkimuksella ja perusjoukko oli Suomessa perusopetuksessa työskentelevät käsityönopettajat. Kyselyllä pyrittiin tavoittamaan mahdollisimman suuri määrä pe-rusjoukon edustajia ja näin saavuttamaan vastaajien edustavuus perusopetuksessa työskentele-vien käsityöopettajien keskuudessa sekä tutkielman tulosten hyvä yleistettävyys. Tutkimuksen aineistosta kävi ilmi, että videotutoriaalit soveltuvat vastaajien mielestä käsityötekniikoiden opetukseen ja niitä käytetään säännöllisesti käsityötekniikoiden opetuksessa perusopetuksessa opetuksen tukimateriaalina. Videotutoriaalit eivät kuitenkaan korvanneet opettajan opetusta. Merkittävä enemmistö vastaajista näyttivät videotutoriaaleja youtube.comin välityksellä ja niitä katsottiin useimmiten joko oppilaiden omilta laitteilta tai yhteisesti valkokankaalta. Videotutoriaalien käyttöön yhteydessä olleet taustamuuttujat olivat opetettavat työtavat, sukupuoli ja kokemukset positiivisista oppimistuloksista. Tekstiilityön työtavoissa käytettiin videotutoriaaleja tekniikan opettamisessa teknisiä työtapoja enemmän ja naiset käyttivät videotutoriaaleja miehiä enemmän. Kyselyn tulosten yhteenvetona voidaan todeta käsityöopettajien pitävän videotutoriaaleja soveltuvina opetusmenetelminä käsityötekniikoiden opetukseen. Sopivien videotutoriaalien löytäminen ja videotutoriaalien tuottamisen haasteet muodostavat suurimman esteen videoiden käytölle.
  • Koskela, Marja (2018)
    This is a study about one evening’s gathering with handcrafts. Marttaliitto and työväenopisto arrange multiple similar gatherings with handcraft. My aim was to arrange an evening with handcrafting such as any other evening with women, but everyone has their own crochets or knitting with them. I arranged the gathering to my four friends. Everybody did not know each other but some of them had met before. My aim was to research the atmosphere of the evening and co-teaching. My aim was not to generalize, and I did not make hypothesis. The research was descriptive. Research questions were: 1. What is the meaning of other mem-bers of the team when doing your own handcraft? 2. How is the peer education mediated in the gathering? My research was a qualitative research. My methodological approach was an ethnographic case study. The data was concise because I dealt that one night with a point of view of communality. I videoed the evening and used it as a supporting data for the questionnaire which I conducted to the participants the day after. Questions were open. There were four participants in my research. I divided the answers in to themes and analyzed the themes so that they answered into my research questions. The data shows that communality and being together was meaningful and handcrafts brought easiness to spend time with strangers. The handcrafts brought nice addition to gathering contrary to my expectation that the gathering would brought something extra to participants’ handcrafts. There was peer education among the conversation and it has been given lone and by jointly to person in need. The participants felt peer education and peer support pleasant and challenging. The participants felt pleasant to have support and self-confidence to handcraft. Some of them did not feel that they were enough talented. Overall the evening contained both deep conversations and lots of happiness and laugh.
  • Säe, Jenna (2019)
    Crochet is one of the most popular craft techniques. The rich variety of materials, craft books and web pages about crocheting reflects its popularity. Crocheting books have been printed since the 1800s. Today most of the crochet patterns are found in the internet but they still print actual books about crocheting. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the contents of printed crocheting books. I observed how the books teach crocheting, what is the structure of crocheting books and how the books have changed during the years 1924-2013. I analysed with qualitative content analysis ten crocheting books during the years 1924-2013. I chose by discretionary sampling one book from each decade for my analysis. I collected the key contents for comparing into a table and then reflected their meanings. Many things have stayed the same in crocheting books. Most of the books that were analysed in this thesis teach you the basics of crocheting. The books show you how to hold the yarn and the crochet hook and also how to do the basic stitches. These are taught with text and pictures. The pictures are there to help you understand the instructions better. Since 1980s the crocheting books got coloured pictures and the crocheted products were presented in real environments. Older crocheting books have patterns for bigger products like lace tablecloths and lace curtains. The yarn that was used in crocheting was white cotton. The materials have got more diversity in the newer books. These books have patterns for colourful accessories and other products that are fast and easy to make. Overall the contents of 2000s crocheting books are quite rich, giving a comprehensive idea of crocheting.
  • Arffman, Anna (2019)
    The goal of this literature review is to look and assess the variety of previous research that has been conducted on the interaction during craft classes in school. This piece of research focuses on the special features of interaction during craft classes, such as interaction between teacher and student, and the role and meaning of motivation in learning processes. Research material was collected from Google Scholar, HELDA - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki, and Finna. The collected material consisted of previous pieces of research on interaction in schools. In addition to that, the research material included pieces of literature discussing the impact of interaction and motivation on learning. The material was analyzed by themes. Even though there has been a lot of research done on interaction in general, there was only a little research on interaction during craft classes. One of the key points that arose from previous pieces of research was the importance of interaction in learning processes. Interaction was discovered to be the most essential factor determining the quality of a learning process. Another finding was that craft classes are considered unique because of their learning environment. The bodily aspect of craft classes is more significant comparing to other disciplines. Research also showed the enhancing effect of motivation, especially intrinsic motivation, on learning processes. Based on the findings of these pieces of research the teacher has true potential in accelerating the student's intrinsic motivation by choosing suitable yet challenging assignments. This literature review points out the need of further research in the field of handcraft discipline.
  • Bäckström, Marjo (2017)
    This thesis is a review of articles written about common craft in craft teacher newsletters in the year 2015. Common craft refers to craft teaching directed towards all students and both genders, containing both technology education and textile craft teaching. It is a current topic, since the elementary school curriculum that came into force in the year 2016 no longer differentiates between ”technology education” and ”textile craft”, but rather refers to ”craft”, containing both subjects. The materials used in this study are the newsletters of The Association of Craft Teachers TOL ry, and the Association of Technology Teachers TAO ry, Tekstiiliopettaja and Tekninen Opettaja, respectively. The objective of this research is to find out what kind of a view these newsletters hold on the subject of common craft. The research represents qualitative discourse analysis. The results show that there is a difference in writing culture concerning this subject between Tekstiiliopettaja and Tekninen Opettaja. Both publications upheld their own values consistently, and did not publish self-contradictory articles. The differences between the newsletters were significant, which leads to the conclusion that each publication conveys a different view of common craft. All in all, common craft is an ambiguous subject, and its correct implementation is not agreed upon.
  • Johansson, Ani (2019)
    In elementary schools, a new curriculum (POP2014) was introduced in autumn 2016. The new curriculum no longer specifies the content of technical and textile handicraft, but the students study a shared, multi-material craft subject. Among both elementary school teachers and handicraft teachers, this change has raised a lot of uncertainty and has affected craft education. The purpose of this study is to find out how schools organize a shared craft and how teachers interpret the curriculum in this context, how teachers understand the multi-material and how it is appears in the work of the pupils. The research was carried out using qualitative methods. Three textile craft teachers, three technical teachers and two elementary school teachers were interviewed for the material. Interviews were conducted as a semi-structured theme interview. Based on research questions and previous theory, the material was analyzed theoretically by classifying it into different themes. The results of the research were finally divided into five different theme sections. Craft teaching was organized so that students were about 10 weeks at a time in the class of technical work or in the class of textile craft. The pupils first did experiments and then they designed and produced the project work. Multi-material was understood so that the student is free to use different materials and techniques in his own craft project. The teachers were worried about the survival of craft in basic education and the contraction of the craft areas to be learned. There was also concern about the reduction in teaching hours, the low popularity of handicraft and the future employment of craft teachers. Interaction between handicraft teachers and the resulting successful cooperation is the starting point for the implementation of a shared craft, and a prerequisite for the craft subject to continue to be taught in basic education in the future as well. In the future, handicraft teachers also wish to cooperate with elementary school teachers in order to create a continuum of handicraft learning from sub-classes to upper classes.
  • Heikola, Emmi (2018)
    The aim of this thesis is to examine how this season’s fashion trends relate to the sketches made by 9th grade students in the subject of handicrafts. What kind of fashion references can be found in their sketches? Does current fashion define young people`s design ideas or are students capable of designing individual clothing by themselves? This research examines the world of fashion especially in the context of youth fashion. Earlier research has studied the theme of youth in the context of clothing and favourite clothes, but not from the viewpoint of student`s design competences. This thesis focuses on the theme of fashion and what kind of connection it has with student`s design ideas and sketching. The research method was based on organizing picture materials in different themes. Sketches on ensembles designed by Kruunuhaka junior high school students of optional handicrafts course were used as the source material. Sketches by three students chosen in a discretionary manner acted as the source material. The three most distinct sketches in a random set were picked. The sketches and drawings are meant to act as a designing tool to clarify the designer’s individual thinking. The sketches were studied to see if there were any connections between youth fashion and the designed ensembles. The assumption was that references to spring 2018 fashion would be found in the ensembles designed in the handicrafts course. The ensemble sketches showed clear references to spring 2018 fashion. As a conclusion it can be stated that youth design is steered by global fashion phenomena.
  • Lehtelä, Heli (2018)
    The purpose of this BA thesis is to find how boys who have chosen to study textile work view studying textile work in school. The objective is to find tools with which to develop the teaching of textile work to a more interensting direction regardless of gender. Through the history of school education and even today textile work has been a remarkably genderized subject. In order to raise the stature of textile works and crafts in general it is imperative to seek ways to dismantle its genderization. As the national curriculum of 2014 merges the subjects of textile work and techical work into one subject of crafts it is necessary to find ways to keep students willing to choose textile work as an optional subject. The material of the thesis was gathered in May 2012 by identifying the eighth and ninth grade upper elementary school boys who have chosen textile work as an optional subject in the area consisting of North Karelia, Northern Savonia and Southern Savonia. Twentyfive of such boys could be found in nine communities. After this charting a thematic interview was conducted with thirteen boys in seven communities. The interviews were either single interviews, dual interviews or group interviews. After transcription the interviews were deconstructed by the means of content analysis, thematizing and categorizing themes into main categories. The results indicated a largely positive experience of textile work as a school subject. According to research textile work was considered a more pleasant subject than theoretical subjects, with the permitted socialization with peers being a part of its appeal. In order to keep textile work meaningful to a student it is imperative that the student is able to choose a subject with a concrete meaning and personal importance to work on. Also of importance is that the student is able to utilize a technique best suitable to attain the desired result. Although the common notion of textile work is that of a girls' subject, this kind of genderization is not visible in the everyday life of studies. Students are always individuals reagardless of gender. The teacher is the pivotal part of making the subject they teach a success.