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  • Miettinen, Heidi (2020)
    Objectives. Alzheimer’s disease’s (AD) prevalence is currently explosively increasing because of progressive aging of the population. It causes serious problems among individuals and in community basis. AD is a progressive disease which causes gradual deterioration of different aspects of cognition (especially memory), behavioral- and emotional symptoms and problems with social relationships and everyday life. Non-pharmacological treatments are needed for comprehensive rehabilitation because medical interventions have very limited effectiveness. The goal of this review is to answer the question: Are creative therapies (music-. dance/movement- and art therapies) effective treatments as a part of comprehensive rehabilitation of AD? Method. Literature of this review was searched from PubMed, PsychINFO and Google Scholar database. Results and conclusion. Research about creative therapies are still very limited but there is already evidence especially about how music therapy can positively affect patients’ behavioral symptoms and emotional problems. Still there is lack of evidence about effectiveness of creative therapies to cognitive problems of AD.
  • Ståhl, Aada (2019)
    The integration of immigrants into Finnish society has become an increasingly important social and equality issue, which underlines the importance of supporting the integration and development of immigrant children. The immigrants in the migration process can be burdened with risks, which can be realized especially among young people because they can also be affected by the difficult situation of their parents in addition to their own stressful experiences. With regard to the mental well-being, research suggests that the majority of immigrant children are doing well, but a small number have persistent problems, that according to research seems to be due an accumulation of stress. The need for support for children and adolescents with an immigrant background is emerged in education, where they perform worse than the general population, which can be influenced by language skills in addition to the mental load. There have been various attempts to solve these problems, one of them being musical interventions; they could support, for example, emotional regulation skills that could alleviate cumulative stress. In addition, it could support parenthood and thus contribute to the overall well-being of the immigrant family. Past research demonstrate that musical interventions have potential in supporting language development, and language has been rased as one of the most important areas where migrant children needs to be supported. This paper examines research evidence on the potential of music training, music interventions and musical interaction in supporting the development of young immigrants. The search of the literature was conducted using OvidMedline database. There is very little research on supporting the development of immigrant children through music, limited to a few studies conducted outside Finland. Individual studies indicated the potential benefits of music interventions in increasing orientation to mainstream culture and supporting language learning especially in terms of phonological awareness. There is preliminary evidence on the impact of music interventions on internalizing and externalizing behavior problems and the effect was found in the externalizing symptoms. It is important to be able to provide migrant children support which is not obstructed by for example lack of language skills. If music interventions are greeted with satisfaction among parents, such as in previous studies, parents might integrate better in health care system, thus supporting the well-being of the whole family, which would also support the child's development.
  • Reinistö, Elena (2018)
    Depression is a significant personal and societal burden, and it is unequally divided in population. The most important risk factors for depression are gender, age, socioeconomic status, marital status and negative experiences in childhood. This literary review considers the connection of depression and socioeconomic status. The study considers 18 exploratory articles of the topic. Low socioeconomic status is associated with psychiatric morbidity. The association with depression is more incoherent, but still significant. Low socioeconomic status is connected especially with the prevalence of depression, that is 1.8 times higher in the lowest class compared to the highest class. The connection with the incidence of depression is weaker. Socioeconomic background has an influence on depression already in childhood, and the socioeconomic background is also inherited in generations. The connection is two-directional because depression can also have negative effects on one’s socioeconomic status. Many physiological, behavioral and social factors have an impact on the connection of depression and socioeconomic status. The social distribution of depression is mainly explained with the stress theory, that focuses on the stress exposure, and on the other hand on social resources to cope with that stress. Lifestyle, diseases, social support, psychosocial stress and access to health care are some important mediators of the connection. That is how the problems are accumulating to those in the weakest positions. In summary, depression is more common in the lowest socioeconomic class. Society structures support the resources on some of its members, and exposes those same individuals to fewer harmful experiences. Also, those in the lower socioeconomic class might be easier left outside of mental care. It is important to take these things into account in political decision-making, mental care and health care.
  • Kokko, Sini (2016)
    Studies have consistently reported the link between depression and Alzheimer's disease. The purpose of this thesis is to clarify this link and to examine depression as a risk for Alzheimer's disease as well as its prodrome. On the grounds of research, history of depression seems to be both an individual risk factor and a prodrome for Alzheimer's disease. Depression earlier in life, even dozens of years before the onset of Alzheimer's, is related to the increased risk for Alzheimer later in life. It also seems possible, that the severity and number of depressive symptoms and episodes may increase the risk for Alzheimer. However, for some elderly people depression seems to be the first symptom of a dementia disease. Depression close before getting the diagnosis of Alzheimer's seems to be associated with Alzheimer's especially when there's cognitive decline along with depression: either pseudodementia or MCI. In the future, depression must be seen as a risk for Alzheimer's that can be affected. Thus, effective and early treatment of depression may then decrease the risk for Alzheimer's and possibly prevent it. More attention should also be paid on geriatric depression, especially when along with memory problems or decline in other cognitive skills.
  • Ylijoki, Anu (2016)
    Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a mental health disorder, which requires a diagnosis or identifying an illness in order to be treated. There are nine criteria symptoms for MDD, and to acquire a diagnosis, an individual must exhibit five to nine of these symptoms (DSM-5). The weight of the criteria symptoms is assumed to be equal and a sum-score is calculated. The sum-score determines whether the MDD in question is mild, moderate or severe. The sum-scores simplify MDD because it is a heterogeneous syndrome. The diagnostic criteria see MDD as a common cause network: criteria symptoms are equally weighted indicators of an illness called MDD. Symptom-based networks are presented as an alternative, more precise way of modeling MDD. In symptom-based networks MDD is seen as consisting of causal connections between symptoms so that a certain existing symptom is likely to result in the manifestation of another symptom. Symptom-based networks are well-suited for explaining the heterogeneity of MDD, the vast spectrum of symptom combinations and the interrelationships of symptoms. In addition, symptom-based networks bypass entirely the problematic assumption that MDD is a latent phenomenon. The heterogeneity hidden in the MDD diagnosis is critically examined through research evaluating the diagnosis and pathogenesis of MDD as well as symptom studies. The results from depression studies and clinical practice strongly indicate that the official view of the scientific community on the etiology of MDD is wrong. A tremendous amount of heterogeneity is hidden behind the MDD diagnosis.
  • Korhonen, Emma (2016)
    Intellectual disability (ID) is defined as a difficulty to learn and understand new things. Intellectual disability is divided into mild, moderate and severe disability by the abilities of an individual. Abilities and strengths of an individual vary a lot in the disabled population. Unlike thought before, depression and other psychiatric disorders are even more popular in people with intellectual disability than what they are in the general population. The purpose of this thesis was to examine symptoms and problems with diagnostic methods of depression in people with ID. Due to limitations in mental and cognitive capacity, there is differences in symptoms between general population and people with ID, which also makes diagnosing more difficult. Standard diagnostic criteria and treatments developed for general population can effectively be used to detect and treat depression with mild ID. The same criteria and treatments do not again work on depression associated with moderate to severe ID. Neither have the efforts to build own criteria for people with ID worked so far. According to researches and reviews I examined, almost all of the most potential methods have originally been developed for general people and are based on self-reports. Due to lack of conceptual and language skills, behavioural equivalents like aggression and other challenging behaviour are in a bigger role in diagnosis. Most sources point out the challenging behaviour as a symptom of depression anyway to be very debatable. There is no consensus whether it is a part of depression or ID and at the moment a common opinion seems to be that challenging behaviour should not be used as diagnostic criteria of depression. After all adequate diagnostic criteria or methods for people with severe ID do not seem to yet exist. Improving the criteria and methods would be important for people with ID to get the treatment and quality of life they deserve.
  • Petersen, Emma (2019)
    Masennus on valitettavan yleinen mielialahäiriö. Lisäksi sen yleisyyden on todettu lisääntyneen huomattavasti, mutta silti sen tutkimus ja hoito eivät ole tuottaneet vielä toivottua tulosta. Tämän takia on ehdotettu, että sitä pitää tarkastella oireiden verkostona. Verkostoteorian mukaan taustalla ei ole masennusta aiheuttavaa taustatekijää vaan jokin verkostossa keskeinen masennusoire saa aikaan muita oireita ja näin syntyy kokonaisuus, jota kutsumme masennukseksi. Yksi näkökulma masennuksen taustalle on, että masennus olisi evoluution saatossa syntynyt adaptaatio. Tutkijoiden enemmistön näkemys vaikuttaisi kuitenkin olevan, että kliininen masennus olisi adaptiivisista reaktioista syntynyt toimintahäiriö. Yksittäiset masennusoireet voisivat mahdollisesti olla adaptiivisia, mutta diagnostiset kriteerit täyttävässä kliinisessä masennuksessa oireet esiintyvät ryppäissä. Masennusoireet riippuvat enemmän tilanteesta kuin henkilöstä. Ihmisen kohdatessa erilaisia vastoinkäymisiä oireprofiilit eroavat selkeästi toisistaan. Kun menettää läheisen tai epäonnistuu itselleen tärkeässä tavoitteessa, syntyy erilaisia masennusoirekokonaisuuksia. Masennuksen hoidon kannalta olisi ratkaisevaa ymmärtää, mitkä oireet ovat riskitekijöitä laukaisemaan masennuksen missäkin tilanteessa. Sen ehkäiseminen olisi helpompaa, jos tiedettäisiin, mitkä tekijät aiheuttavat nyky-yhteiskunnassa masennusta. Masennuksen yleisyys saattaa johtua stressaavasta työkulttuurista ja helposti yksinäisestä yksilökeskeisestä kulttuurista. Verkostoteoria voisi tuoda uutta ymmärrystä siihen, missä vaiheessa todennäköisesti adaptiiviset reaktiot muuttuvat diagnosoitavan masennuksen oireverkostoksi.
  • Piitulainen, Teo (2017)
    MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine) was used as an adjunct to psychotherapy before recreational use of MDMA in the form of “ecstasy” led to its criminalization in the U.S. in 1985. However, MDMA has still been thought to have psychotherapeutically beneficial effects on socioemotional processing. Research into MDMA-assisted psychotherapy (MDMA-AP) for chronic, treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is moving into Phase III clinical trials in the U.S., and the approval of European Medicines Agency will also be sought. The purpose of this thesis was to assess the efficacy and psychological safety of MDMA-AP. Source material included, and was limited to, placebo-controlled & double-blind clinical (and experimental) studies of pure MDMA’s effects in humans, as well as follow-up and analysis studies based on them, from the last decade. The efficacy of MDMA-AP was found promising at least for chronic, treatment-resistant PTSD. However, MDMA-AP meetings that last for many hours do require, both from the therapists and the patients, more commitment and stamina than meetings of traditional length, and more research is needed on the role of therapists in MDMA-AP’s efficacy. Pure MDMA in a controlled setting was not found to have severe nor non-transient adverse psychological effects in the single doses (≤ 125 mg) used in the studies. Physiological effects were also mostly mild, transient, and highly predictable. The most considerable risks in participating in MDMA-AP treatment might be cardiovascular. MDMA-AP was not found to predispose the participants to problem use of illegal substances outside the research setting; rather, successful treatment protects from it.
  • Pousi, Saara (2017)
    Already a long ago some patients suffering from nonfluent aphasia, having lost their ability to speak complitely or partly, have been noticed to be able to sing words and phrases. Various singing-based speech rehabilitation methods have been developed since then, melodic intonation therapy (MIT) being probably the most well known of them. MIT is an intensive rehabilitation method that consists of several elements: simple melodic intonation that follows the prosody of a normal speech, rhythmic syllables, left hand tapping and multiple repetitions. The aim of this review was to present literature concerning the effectiveness of MIT, and the behavioral and neural mechanisms behind it. Some evidence has been found of the effectiveness of MIT both in the acute phase of the disorder and in the sub-acute and chronic phases. In several studies MIT has been compared with regular speech therapy. However, only preliminary conclusion should be made based on these studies, since they often lacked adaquate control and had too small sample sizes. Also, there is no full consensus concerning the bahavioral mechanisms that make MIT effective. Some studies suggest that it is the rhythmic component that makes the method work. On the other hand, in some studies the melodic intonation in itself has been said to play a crucial role. Results from brain imaging studies suggest that the way in which MIT helps in the speech rehabilitation is that it activates the right hemisphare through singing. This was also the initial idea of the inventors of MIT. At least some aphasia patients having gone through MIT have showed increased activity in the right hemisphere, especially in the sub-acute phase, as well as anatomical changes in the right subcortical areas in association with the rehabilitation. For patients whose left hemisphere language areas are complitely distroyed, MIT may be an especially effective treatment method for language rehabilitation.
  • Björkholm, Susanne (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Teorioiden taustaoletukset muodostavat usein tieteenalan heikoimman lenkin. Joskus ne rajaavat teorian sovellusalueen niin kapeaksi, ettei teoria kuvaakaan todellisuutta, vaan imaginaarista mallimaailmaa, kuten taloustieteesssä. Joskus oletukset ovat niin sallivia, ettei niiden varaan voi rakentaa tieteellisyyden kriteerit täyttävää, falsifioitavaa teoriaa ollenkaan. Tutkielmassa esitellään ja problematisoidaan psykologian taustalta löytyvää dualismia ja sen vaikutuksia. Nykyaikainen dualismi liittää tietoisen mielen ja aivotoiminnan intiimisti toisiinsa, mutta käsittelee niitä silti erillisinä entiteetteinä ja, mikä ongelmallisinta, olettaa mielellä olevan kausaalisia vaikutuksia aivotoimintaan. Dualismi vaikuttaa paitsi teorianmuodostukseen ja jokapäiväisiin tutkimushypoteeseihin myös ihmiskuvaamme ja kliinisiin käytäntöihin psykologiassa ja psykiatriassa. Tutkielmassa dekonstruoidaan käsitteitä kuten holismi, biopsykososiaalinen malli, tiedonkäsittelyn hierarkia ja top-down -kausaliteetti ja kiinnitetään huomio siihen, miten käsitteet ovat omiaan aktivoimaan voimakkaan synnynnäisen illuusion tietoisen aivotoiminnan dualistisesta luonteesta. Menetelmät. Yleisimpiä dualismin ilmenemismuotoja havainnollistetaan esimerkein kymmenestä 2019-2021 ilmestyneestä artikkelista psykologian alan arvostetuimmassa julkaisussa vaikuttavuuskertoimella mitattuna. Artikkelit haettiin Google Scholarista hakumerkkijonolla "consciousness" AND "brain" AND "annual review of psychology". Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Yhdestä artikkelista ei löytynyt dualistiseen ajatteluun viittaavaa tekstiä lainkaan, yksi oli eksplisiittisen dualistinen ja kahdeksassa dualistiseen ajatteluun viittaavaa kieltä löytyi vaihtelevia määriä. Dualismi ohjaa helposti ajattelua harhaan psykologiassa ja psykiatriassa ja johtaa havaintojen ja tutkimustulosten liian löyhään tulkintaan. Dualismista luopuminen rajaisi teorianmuodostuksen vapausasteita tavalla, joka mahdollistaisi teorioiden testaamisen sanan tieteellisessä merkityksessä. Tämä puolestaan tehostaisi luotettavan tiedon kumuloitumista psykologiassa.
  • Laurila, Matias (2018)
    Increasing academic interest has been targeted towards psychological factors behind elite athletes' performances. Mental toughness (MT) is an umbrella term created to depict these characteristics. MT is commonly seen as a caravan of psychological resources that supports pursuing sporting goals in both practice and competitive situations. Emotion and thought regulation and traits and attitudes such as determination and dedication to sport have been thought to be some of the most pivotal examples of MT characteristics. Although there are naturally differences between the psychological demands of different sports and their practices and competitions, MT is still seen as an adept construct to describe the psychological characteristics supporting performing at the highest level. The aim of this review is to examine the common aspects of the definitions of MT, what is known about the development of MT, the associations with sports performances and the mechanisms MT works behind performance in elite sports context. In addition to the likely genetic basis of MT, also parents in childhood and coaches with other sports personnel during later sports career play a significant role in the development of MT. A training environment that is supporting and challenging at the same time is seen optimal considering the development of MT. Higher MT scores have been connected rather systematically with both better results and higher levels of competition. Of the characteristics of MT, control of negative thoughts and emotions, self-confidence and dedication to sports have been the ones to be associated most strongly with better performances. The meanings of thought and emotion control have been thought to emphasize in demanding, pressured situations and in adversities during sports career. Dedication, conscientiousness and determination are seen as important features behind purposeful training and creating and following competition plans. Practicing these, frequently highlighted as important, characteristics could be particularly beneficial for elite athletes from the early stages of the career. It has also been noted that many characteristics of MT, for example emotion regulation and perception of self-efficacy support also psychological well-being. Although the first MT development interventions have yielded promising results, the results are still relatively scarce and need more attention to be focused in future.
  • Haapala, Pinja (2020)
    People have a tendency to attribute uniquely human features to real or imagined nonhuman agents, which is known as anthropomorphism. The inverse process of anthropomorphism is dehumanization, in which people fail to attribute humanlike features to other humans and treat them as animals or physical objects. Sociality motivation and effectance motivation are motivational determinants involved in both anthropomorphism and dehumanization and they predict the amount of dehumanization and anthropomorphism. In this review, I explore what kind of social circumstances make people anthropomorphize nonhuman agents and dehumanize others. I also consider the role of effectance motivation in anthropomorphism and dehumanization. The link between effectance motivation and dehumanization has not been explored before, but there are arguments that dehumanization can enable an individual to feel competent and function effectively in one´s environment. There is little research on the topics as a whole. Google Scholar was used as database and search terms were, for example, dehumanization, anthropomorphism, sociality motivation and effectance motivation. According to results, people who lack social connection, anthropomorphize nonhuman agents more than people who feel socially connected. Lonely people may try to satisfy the motivation of social connection by seeking connections with nonhuman agents, such as pets, gadgets of gods. On the contrary, people who feel socially connected, are more likely to dehumanize the outgroup than the ingroup. Review also showed, that subjects who highly identify themselves as members of the ingroup, have higher threshold to distinguish the faces of the outgroup members from the face of the doll than the faces of the ingroup members. The results suggest that, feeling of social connection and group membership might be factors that enable dehumanization, but the causal relationship cannot be deducted. According to results participants who have high motivation to be an effective social agent, anthropomorphize unpredictable nonhuman agents more than people who have low need for gaining social competence. People try to understand, control and predict the environment through anthropomorphism to achieve a sense of social competence. Review showed that in contexts of medical practice and decision-making in power, dehumanization can enable one’s effective functioning by creating a sense of control by suppressing the negative feelings, when hard decisions must have done for others. Dehumanization might be seen as a form of effectance motivation in medical practice through lack of empathy and mechanization, for example. However, it is not clear whether these forms of dehumanization promote patient healing, although they may enhance the clinician´s performance in patient care.
  • Antikainen, Minea (2019)
    Extensive amount of health information is available to people especially online, and most Finns have searched the internet for health-related guidance. However, some of the information is erroneous. At individual level, relying on false health assumptions can result in weakened health, whereas at societal level it can lead to, for instance, increased costs. Nevertheless, correcting misinformation can be challenging. The impact of prior information on people’s attitudes and decision making after receiving and accepting new, corrective information is called the continued influence effect. The continued influence effect has been studied quite much but less attention has been paid to its diverse examination from the perspective of health. The objective of this literature review is to clarify the general psychological factors that affect the challenges in correcting health-related misinformation. Studies showed that ensuring the cohesion of the general view about the topic was more effective in correcting false information than merely providing accurate facts. The corrections were the most influential when they included a sufficient explanation for the incorrectness of the original information. In addition, it was noticed that people might have evaluated wrong both the reliability of their memory and the probability of the risks of health disadvantages. People were also more favourable towards health-related knowledge that was in line with their previous expectations. Social consensus was sometimes used as a heuristic in evaluating claims, but yet the familiarity of the claim could create a false illusion of consensus. Moreover, it was noticed that the faster the correction of misinformation happened in media, the more efficient the correction was. Thus, it seems that when it comes to correcting false health information, it is important to tell why misinformation occurred in the first place and also ensure that the corrective information is sufficiently explained and is compatible with other related concepts. Taken into account the expectations and assumptions that are related to health, corrective information should be constructed with the target audience in mind in order to be effective. In addition, it is more difficult to change long-standing false beliefs compared to more recent ones. Therefore, reacting fast is required from media and the establishment when misinformation spreads. This review provides a comprehensive summary about the general psychological challenges in correcting misinformation from the perspective of health-related topics. However, due to the limited themes of the research literature, the conclusions remain partially uncertain. In order to get more knowledge about the continued influence effect precisely in health issues, it would be important to broaden the research topics even more in the future.
  • Pohjakallio, Katri (2020)
    Sleep has been shown to be important for human health due to its renewing and restoring effects. Sleep can be thought to be particularly important to competitive athletes because their main target is to reach body’s optimal performance. Out of single methods sleep has been suggested to be the best way to help the athletes’ recovery despite that many athletes feel that they do not have the means to improve their sleep quality. The purpose of this review is to introduce sleep quality and quantity of competitive athletes, the effects of sleep to physical and cognitive performance, recovery and the immune system. The review also gathers together factors that affect athletes’ sleep either in negative or positive ways and reflects how these factors should be considered when planning the everyday life of an athlete so that the effects of sleep to the training would be as optimal as possible. The method of this review was an integrative literature review. The articles chosen for the review answered to the research questions considering quality and quantity of the sleep of competitive athletes, sleep’s effects to performance and interventions improving the sleep of competitive athletes. Sufficient and good quality sleep is important to athlete’s performance. Some athletes don’t sleep enough according to recommendations, but it is still unclear if the amount of sleep is different between athletes and the general population. For athletes a common issue was low sleep quality. Multiple, but not all, research found sleep to be beneficial to physical performance. Sleep deficit negatively affected to cognitive performance of athletes such as memory, attention and reaction times. It also deteriorated more skill-specific actions such as throwing and serving accuracy and made athletes experience movements more difficult than normally. Sleep deficit lowered athletes’ overall mood and increased the prevalence of injuries, musculoskeletal pain and infections. Early morning or late evening practices and high training load influenced athletes’ sleep negatively and should therefore be considered in the everyday life. In turn sleep counselling, naps, melatonin use and mindfulness positively affected athletes’ sleep.
  • Kaasinen, Jasmiina (2021)
    OBJECTIVE Eating disorders are serious and often long-lasting conditions with significantly elevated mortality risk. Treating eating disorders is challenging, and the interventions commonly used do not benefit all patients. The aim of this literature review was to examine the effects of different mindfulness-based interventions on the treatment and prevention of eating disorders. METHODS The literature was searched in PubMed and Google Scholar databases using combinations of the terms mindfulness, ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy), MBCT (Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy) and eating disorder. Three meta-analyses and six randomized controlled trials examining the effects of mindfulness-based interventions on eating pathology were selected for the review. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS Results concerning the effects of mindfulness-based interventions on eating disorders were promising. Several mindfulness-based interventions appear to be efficacious in the treatment of both subclinical eating disorder symptoms and diagnosable eating disorders. There are some limitations in this review and in the literature used. The meta-analyses included many uncontrolled studies and waitlist and treatment as usual control groups were often used in RCTs. Furthermore, the heterogeneity of the studies was high. More RCTs are needed, but based on this review, mindfulness-based interventions can be considered as potential psychosocial treatments for eating disorders and disordered eating behavior.
  • Kallela, Jyri (2019)
    Mindfulness has been recognized as a valuable skill for psychological well-being, and it has been utilized in psychotherapeutic treatment for decades. However, its operationalization has proven to be difficult, and research on mindfulness contains a number of additional methodological challenges. Mindfulness-based interventions also differ from each other in how they conceptualize mindfulness and use it as a part of treatment, and thus its role in their effectiveness is difficult to establish. This review compares three mindfulness-based psychotherapeutic interventions: acceptance and commitment therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. The comparison focuses on their definition of mindfulness and its utilization in treatment, and the role of mindfulness as a possible change mechanism. The interventions contained both common and differing elements in how they define and utilize mindfulness, which reflects the multi-faceted nature of the concept. The two elements that are most often linked to mindfulness, namely present-moment awareness and an accepting stance towards experience, were common to all interventions. However, the therapies differed in their emphasis of mindfulness either as a specific state of consciousness or as a set of skills to learn and master. There were also differences in the underlying purpose of mindfulness practice as part of the therapeutic process. The most obvious difference was whether or not a formal mindfulness practice is expected from either the patient or the therapist. The diversity of definitions makes mindfulness suitable to adapt for various psychological interventions which are aimed at different patient groups, and its therapeutic potential is clear. However, there is currently too little high-quality research available to make reliable conclusions about the specific effect of mindfulness in mindfulness-based treatments. Much more research is needed, starting with a clear definition and operationalization of the construct, and developing more reliable measures.
  • Hartikainen, Sari (2020)
    Objective. The aim of this literature review was to research whether mindfulness-based methods are related to stress reduction among students. Mindfulness, in other words the ability to be fully present in the moment, has been found to have many neurobiological, psychological and physiological effects on human health. Stress is linked to students' health in many ways and it is important to find effective ways to manage stress already while studying to prevent the negative sides of stress. In previous studies, stress has been reduced with mindfulness training. Methods. Research on mindfulness and students’ stress was searched in PubMed and Google Scholar with the keywords mindfulness, student and stress. Recent studies were searched between the years 2018 and 2019. Articles were also manually searched through the bibliographies of already selected articles. A total of six research articles were selected for the review, three of them using a mindfulness-based phone application and three of them using a traditional mindfulness course. Results and conclusions. The results between students’ stress and mindfulness exercises were ambiguous. In half of the studies, those who practiced mindfulness were less stressed after the intervention than those who were non-practitioners, and the results remained in follow-up. In half of the studies, mindfulness practitioners were as stressed after the intervention as non-practitioners. However, the latter studies give some hope for the effectiveness of mindfulness interventions among students. They found, among other results, that an improvement on the aspects of mindfulness was associated with less stress and stress decreased after mindfulness intervention in women but not in men. In one study they also found a slight decrease in stress among mindfulness practitioners. Mindfulness is a potential tool for students’ stress management, especially for students who are motivated to learn mindfulness and are ready to engage in regular practice.
  • Lahti, Heidi (2018)
    Insomnia and milder sleep problems are common complaints that affect about one third of the adult population. Because of the side-effects of hypnotics there is a growing need for new non-pharmacological treatments for insomnia. In earlier studies mindfulness-based treatments have proven to be effective for example in the treatment of depression and stress symptoms. It has also been demonstrated in multiple studies that mindfulness has many favorable effects on general wellbeing, such as increasing positive affect. The effects of mindfulness on insomnia and sleep have been the focus of large-scale research just for the past few decades. The objective of this thesis was to review the most recent research findings on the effects of mindfulness-based treatments on insomnia and sleep in different contexts, and to evaluate the reliability of these findings and the studies’ limitations. In addition, initial findings on the mechanisms through which mindfulness is thought to improve sleep are reviewed. Latest meta-analyses, systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials and background information were searched form Pubmed and Google Scholar -databases. Three most recent systematic reviews or meta-analyses and six randomised controlled trials published after them were included in the review of the effects of mindfulness on insomnia and sleep. Seven studies were included in the review of the mechanisms between mindfulness and sleep. Research findings accumulated so far indicate quite strongly that mindfulness-based treatments might be an effective approach in treating insomnia and in improving sleep in general. Mindfulness-based therapies might even pose a potential alternative to traditional insomnia treatments. Especially the positive effect of mindfulness on sleep quality was demonstrated in many studies. However, the observed effect sizes varied between different studies. Research findings concerning the mechanisms between mindfulness and sleep suggest that more adaptive cognitive processes seem to play a central role.
  • Vahtera, Laura (2016)
    Intellectual disability is a disability characterized by varying degrees of intellectual functioning limitations. Approximately one third of people with intellectual disabilities have problems regulating emotions and behavior management problems. In general, people with intellectual disabilities are offered psychodynamic individual therapy, psychodynamic group therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, counselling and systematic family therapy as an intervention. The purpose of this thesis was to examine the suitability and effectiveness of the mindfulness-based interventions for people with intellectual disabilities. As a point of interest was the effects of mindfulness-based interventions for decreasing aggression, depression and anxiety. This thesis also examined the effects of effectiveness in mindfulness-based interventions when staff members working with people with intellectual disabilities and parents of people with intellectual disabilities had mindfulness training and practice. Furthermore, the effects of mindfulness-based interventions for people with intellectual disabilities to have a greater self-determination and mindfulness-based intervetions as cost-effective interventions was discussed. The studies show sings of the effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions for decreasing aggression, depression and anxiety with people with intellectual disabilities. Trainig staff led to benefits for people with intellectual disabilities, decreased use of physical restraint for aggressive behaviour and increased job satisfaction. Training parents led to reduced stress and improved parent–child interactions. Despite the long duration of mindfulness intervention and its cost mindfulness-based interventions are still cheaper for society. This is caused by the positive effects of mindfulness therapy, such as reduced acts of violence with people with intellectual disabilities and because of that costs of staff’s lost days of work and cost of medical and rehabilitation because of injury caused by people with intellectual disabilities were reduced. In addition to these positive effects offering mindfulness-based interventions to people with intellectual disabilities, mindfulness might be useful for people with intellectual disabilities to have a greater self-determination in everyday life. The use of restriction measures for calming people with intellectual disabilities is considered as a factor that weakens their delf-determination. As people with intellectual disabilities being able to calm themselves the use of restriction measures would be decreased.
  • Moisala, Lotta (2016)
    Aims. The aim of this thesis was to consider whether interventions based on mindfulness are effective in job stress management. Job stress causes harm both to the working individual and the organisation as well as the whole society. The individual consequences of job stress include coronary heart diseases, which are the main cause of death in our societies, and burnout, a clinical condition that can be compared to depression. This thesis emphasises the individual aspect and management of job stress. Mindfulness aims at concentrating on the exact moment and accepting all emotions and stimuli in that moment. Mindfulness is seen as a skill that can be trained. The emphasis of mindfulness training is on different types of meditation, and the trainings can also include yoga or journaling. Originally mindfulness evolved from Buddhism and it was first used in clinical practice for patients with chronic pain. Mindfulness as an intervention is currently used in a variety of other contexts, such as depression, anxiety and job stress. Concerning job stress, mindfulness is seen as a cost-effective and an easy method to be put in practice even at the workplace. Mindfulness can be a more approachable intervention compared to for example psychotherapy. Methods. The results of the thesis, which was executed as a literature review, were gathered from several review articles and meta-analyses. Only research on working adults was included in the results section. Results and conclusions. Considering the results, mindfulness is quite an effective method in managing job stress. However, the effects found so far are only moderate and there is not enough evidence on longitudinal effects of mindfulness on job stress. Longitudinal effects on meditation have been found, which points at possible future findings also in mindfulness. Also, the mechanism of mindfulness is still unclear: the question of why mindfulness is beneficial and effective in job stress management has also been raised. Mindfulness is thought to affect the health positively through changes in for example attention, sleep quality and self-compassion. More research in job context is still needed to determine this, and future research should concentrate on distinguishing the effects of mindfulness on behaviour, cognition and emotions on job context.