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Browsing by department "Institute of Behavioural Sciences"

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  • Lahtinen, Jutta (2019)
    Aims. The demand for IT-professionals is growing worldwide, and it is predicted that in Finland the need will multiply in upcoming years. One target group for marketing the field is career changers, whose transition to the field is eased by short programs that will promise them to get a new job quickly after the program. The aim of this study was to investigate work values of career changers who are aiming to occupy themselves in the IT-field. The work value categories used in this study were intrinsic, extrinsic, status and safety values. In previous research, intrinsic values have been found to be the most important for career changers. The results concerning gender differences are mixed. The associations between the value categories and the connection between the values fulfilled in previous job and the current work values were also studied. Because there is a lack of research on career changers in the IT-field, this study might provide valuable information for IT-employers and education providers on how to attract more people to work in the field. Methods. The participants (n=60) were currently studying in IT-related field in either university, college or short program in Finland, and they filled in a questionnaire in October-December 2018. The survey included 17 items for important values of future job in the IT-field and 17 items for fulfilled values in their previous job. The associations between different value categories were analysed with correlations and the gender differences were examined by using t-tests. Regression analyses were conducted in order to investigate whether fulfilled values in previous job predict future work values. Results and Conclusions. Intrinsic values were the most important for career changers, in other words, they especially valued interestingness, variability, and the possibilities to learn in their work. The results are in line with prior research. In this study it was founded that extrinsic and status values had a strong positive association, so people that had strong extrinsic values were likely to also have strong status values. No gender differences were detected in work values in this sample. Fulfilled safety values in previous job predicted current safety values negatively, therefore we can assume that the people whose safety values were not fulfilled in the previous job most likely value them more in the future job.
  • Ojanne, Oona (2016)
    Objectives. Self-compassion is compassion toward oneself and it consist of treating oneself with kindness, understanding one’s shared humanity, and being mindful when considering negative aspects of oneself. Self-compassion is theorized to have positive mental health benefits and it is associated with psychological well-being. Depression is a mood disorder which is characterized by low mood, reduced energy and anhedonia. Is is the second leading cause of disability worldwide. The aim of this review was to describe the concept of self-compassion, define if self-compassion and depression are associated and how, and what mediators between self-compassion and depression have been discovered. Conclusions. High level of self-compassion was associated with lower levels of depression symptoms across the studies. Also the subscales of self-compassion were associated with depression in some studies. There were preliminary results that practising self-compassion might reduce depression symptoms. These practices didn’t have a straight impact on negative affects but instead had effect on rumination in the context of negative life events. The main mediators of the relationship between depression and self-compassion were discovered to be rumination, automatic thoughts, irrational beliefs, cognitive avoidance and shame. Self-compassion had been doscovered to correlate with emotional and cognitive reactions and buffer stress in the context of negative life events. There were multiple problems in the studies. The populations of the samples were restricted, when assessing self-compassion, almost all the studies used just one self-report measure of which validity is questionable and subscales partly overlap with depression symptoms. More work is needed to delineate the construct of self-compassion and to develop more valid and reliable assessment methods. Even thought there exists some serious shortcomings in the study of self-compassion, the association between self-compassion and depression is consistent. Increasing one’s self-compassion is theoretically easier than increasing one’s self-esteem, and it may help people to modify their deficits and change negative self-centered emotions to compassion toward one self.
  • Konttinen, Lotta (2019)
    My Bachelor’s Thesis´s research assignment was about solving how Self-Determination Theory has used in examination of motivation and well-being in the working life context and how literature have defined these concepts and also are these concepts in connection with each other. I defined motivation according to Self-Determination Theory. Deci’s and Ryan’s Self-Determination Theory divides motivation to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and amotivation (Ryan & Deci, 2000, s. 71-72). Self-Determination Theory have used before in examination of motivation and well-being (Ryan and Deci, 2000, s. 69) so I assumed that these concepts are connected. I defined well-being according to Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnnin laito’s definition where well-being is divided to individual and communal level well-being and three well-being´s dimensions: health, material and subjective well-being. I did my bachelor’s thesis in systematic literature review where I searched results specific as possible to my research questions in five different keyword combinations. I used Helsinki University Library’s Helka Finna – search engine to get results and at first, I chose articles according to their titles. I chose 20 articles according to their titles and after that I chose 8 articles according to whole text. I used content analysis to analyse those parts of the articles that address theories. Self-Determination Theory was used in examination of motivation and well-being in the working life context in motivational profiles, employee’ outcomes and in health. Also, in examination health behaviour Self-Determination theory was used but not in the working life context. In the Articles, motivation is divided to intrinsic and extrinsic motivation or autonomous and controlled motivation. Self-Determination continuum and regulations were used differently. In all articles but one, well-being is seemed only health centered. That one article where well-being was defined, well -being is seen more multidimensional than in those other seven articles. It seemed that Self-determination theory, motivation and well-being has quite strong connection according to my research.
  • Timperi, Erika (2018)
    Shared leadership is an interesting theory in the leadership practice at the moment. As a concept it is relatively new-found and due to this there is no consensus about the definition and content. The need of research in this field has been recognized. This bachelor thesis is a systematic literature review. The purpose of this study is to survey the concept and prac-tice of shared leadership. The research questions are 1) how shared leadership is defined as a theoretical concept, 2) in what kind of practices does shared leadership appear in a pro-fessional organization and 3) which kind of practical consequences come out when shared leadership is applied to a professional organization based on the articles? The data was gathered of ten research articles. All articles were in English and they were found from the EBSCOhost database with one exception. The method of analysis was con-tent analysis, which was practically performed by arranging the provided materials in differ-ent colors, based on the research questions. A table was formed from these materials and the synthesis was constructed. For each research question, the results were divided into categories to make it easier to perceive the whole. According to the results, the concept of shared leadership is approached from different per-spectives. The concept was mainly defined in the material either by decentralizing the duties of a director or by working from a teamwork point of view. For shared leadership practices, half of the articles featured some practical application or project that was seen as demon-stration of shared leadership in the organization. Practices often caused embarrassment in organizations that rose from the ambiguity of roles and responsibilities. Positive impacts, such as the distribution of workload or professional development, also occurred almost as often. It was also observed that the organization's power relations and hierarchies may com-plicate the application of shared leadership.
  • Airaksinen, Johanna (2019)
    Working life has faced a lot of changes recently. As a result of these changes, the traditional one-leadership model has been critically explored because of its inactivity for change. Competition be-tween organizations has accelerated, autonomous needs become more common and team-based working more popular. Team-based projects has also become complex which requires more knowledge than a leader can offer. As an answer to these new needs, evolving of collaborative models and teamwork has occurred. The solution has been proposed to be a shared leadership model, in which the leadership is divided into the interaction between the workers in team. The purpose of this study is to find out what shared leadership model requires from interaction to make active teamwork, learning and development come true. These findings are necessary for im-plementing and developing shared leadership model. In addition, factors challenging the realization of shared leadership are discussed. This research is a descriptive literature review. The research material was collected from Helka's and Google Scholar's databases, together with University of Helsinki Library's literature. The results of this study point out how shared leadership requires commitment, trust, support, shared information as well as dialogue-based discussion in which listening among team members comes to fruition. With these sub-areas, the state of shared leadership can be achieved, where the team's activities are guided by common action towards goals and development.
  • Rikanniemi, Kanerva (2018)
    Aims. Restorative conflict mediation at workplace is a method developed for conflict and dispute management at workplace context which emphasizes the agency of the disputants and their ownership of the conflict. Previous literature indicates the mediation method to enable and support individual learning processes and empowerment. The knowledge-creation approach comprises learning not only as an outcome of acquisition nor participation but also as collaborative development of shared conceptual and mediating artefacts and practices. The aim of this research is to broaden the conceptions of restorative conflict mediation at workplace context by examining the emergence of collaborative knowledge creation during the process and how it is supported by the facilitative mediation. Methods. The research was conducted as a descriptive literature review. The description of the restorative conflict mediation method, derived from previous studies, served as an anchoring platform for the collaborative knowledge creation and its fundamental background theories. The aim of the analysis was to create a synthesis between two different research traditions (i.e. Conflict mediation and collaborative knowledge creation). Results and conclusions. Through the analysis based on collaborative knowledge creation both communal and organizational level learning and developmental processes emerged at the method of restorative conflict mediation at workplace context. In these processes implementing facilitation played a key role. Method was found to endeavour transformation and to have several expansive dimensions. The widened understanding considering influences of the restorative conflict mediation at workplace context constitutes the results solidly to the research traditions of educational sciences and work and organization psychology.
  • Knuters, Jessica (2018)
    The purpose of this study is to achieve a deeper understanding about how pedagogues have used Alternative and Augmentative Communication methods (AAC-methods) with children at the start of language immersion, when a mutual language has not existed yet and how it still is used although a mutual language develops. The purpose of the study is also to find out how these methods are used to support the development of the children’s second language and what role pedagogues ascribe them. There is earlier research where Alternative and Augmentative Communication is connected to children with special needs, but almost no research that connects it with language immersion. This study strives to show a connection between the two and brings up the importance in using Alternative and Augmentative Communication also in language immersion. The study is a qualitative study with an ethnographical research approach. The research material was gathered both through observations and interviews. The observations were carried out in two different language immersion groups and a pedagogue from each group was interviewed. The material from the observations was written down as observation diaries and the interviews were recorded and transcribed. The results of the study show how versatilely pedagogues in language immersion groups use Alternative and Augmentative Communication methods, such as pictures, photographs, body language, facial expressions, sounds, objects and sign language to support children in various daily situations. Both the physical and the social environments were characterized by these methods and the pedagogues ascribed them an important role in both supporting and developing the children’s understanding.
  • Hedengren, Meggi (2019)
    Aims. Happiness is arguably the most desirable goal in life. Since ancient times happiness has been a subject of interest for scientists as well as laymen. Everyone knows what happi-ness is, but few know anything scientific about it. The aim of this study is to deeper insight into what science today can tell us about happiness. I approach this from a psychological perspec-tive, where the field of positive psychology promote the so-called good life and how a person can reach his full potential. In this thesis I present the leading theories within positive psychol-ogy, in the purpose of gathering insight as to what happiness really is from a psychological point of view, what effects this happiness, and whether we ourselves can have a positive in-fluence on our happiness. Methods. The method I used in this study is an integrative review and literacy-describing overview. I have systematically gathered and examined scientific literacy on the subject of happiness and positive psychology, whereafter I have done an understanding-oriented analy-sis and mapped out the conclusions. Based on previous studies in positive psychology and happiness, I describe what we scientifically today know about happiness. In the material used, I have chosen to focus on publications and studies made by three renown scientists within positive psychology; Martin Seligman, Ed Diener and Sonja Lyubomirsky. Conclusions. Happiness, despite its ambiguity, can be discussed scientifically. One can also empirically measure happiness, in the form of subjective well-being. Happiness can be compared through subjective evaluations, often with the help of self-evaluating surveys. It is also possible to measure subjective well-being in real time, through ESM methods. Using these methods, it has been possible to measure and compare subjective well-being on national scales, and present a large number of conclusions. Happy people have a lot of benefits in life. Studies have been able to point out several positive consequences of being happy, as well as specific relationships for what impacts one's happiness. The explaining factors for happiness are three-fold, about half is are genetically bound, 10-20% are due to living conditions, while 40% of the variation in subjective well-being can be explained by attitudes and intentional activities. By observing and adapting one´s style of approach, one can learn to become happier. Through the execution of a number of proposed happiness-promoting activities, one can consciously promote their happiness.
  • Lipponen, Sofia (2019)
    The purpose of this thesis is to explore the perceptions of coaches’ in youth football on coaching expertise and good coaching. Outstanding sports performances are not based on innate abilities but on long-term deliberate practice. In sport, the most important task of a coach is to design and guide athletes' deliberate practice. The expert coaches consider the coaching context in their coaching and use their expertise to develop their athletes in a holistic way. In addition, they have the ability to continuously develop their athletes over the longer term. I explore what kind of coaching youth coaches think is a good coaching and what kind of coach they think is a good coach, and whether these perceptions differ between coaches in competitive and recreational teams. The data consists of theme interviews from four coaches. The material has been analyzed by using a qualitative content analysis method. According to coaches, good coaching is organized in a certain way, is oriented towards the player, generates learning, leads to excel in competition, creates a positive atmosphere in the team, and is also conditional depending on various preconditions. A good coach has some football related knowledge, good intrapersonal skills, some special features, good interpersonal skills, takes care of the players and understands the impacts of the environment on their own coaching. Competitive coaches emphasized the organizing nature of coaching, and how good coaching is organized in a certain systematic way that supports the achievement of goals. The recreational coaches, on the other hand, emphasized more the player-centeredness of good coaching and how the coaching is done with the players and for the players. This difference can reflect the differences in the recreational and competitive world in the demands they place on coaches.
  • Kaihovaara, Minna (2017)
    The aim of this study is to investigate how business leaders and supervisors experience about identifying their own role and what kind of role expectations they experience that their subordinates set to them. I also define concepts of leaders and supervisors. The main concepts that I define are identity, identification, role and role expectations. I also outline about how subordinates can set expectations to leaders and supervisors. This study is qualitative study and I have used content analysis as analysis method. The data is collected through interviews. I interviewed four business leaders who are also supervisors and have subordinates.The main results in this study are that the experience act as leader or superior can explain through power and responsibility. Also belonging part of team can explain experience about social identity. Some of the interviewees emphasized their team being distinct as positive way from others which may refer to need of positive identity. All interviewees experienced that they have grown up into their role and most of them experienced that their role has changed through time. Also most of interviewees experienced that their work role can occur outside work context which may refer about importance of their role. All interviewees experienced that their subordinates set role expectations for them regarding development, clarity, action and responsibility. It is interesting to consider about the question that are those experienced role expectations actually the same as their subordinates think.
  • Kaasalainen, Emilia (2017)
    The aim of this qualitative thesis was to examine what kind of meanings individuals from different educational and socio-economic backgrounds are giving to their educational options and how much unequally distributed capital resources, such as social status, cultural capital and class-related reasons, affect educational choices. The research is based on Bourdieu’s theory of forms of capital, which is examined through previous studies and literature. The study was carried out as a case study, interviewing four different people whose educational paths were different. Every person was interviewed separately. The produced material was analyzed by using discourse analysis and content analysis techniques. Individuals from different socio-economic backgrounds set different meanings for their edu-cation. Three distinct, often repeated, meanings were found in education: income and appreciation, me-talk and unlimited and limited opportunities. Depending on the individual’s socio-economic background, different meanings became more or less important for options. Interviewees argumentation about the options also revealed possible class-related reasons for the options, which was obvious to someone wasn’t necessarily that to the other. Examining the talk of individuals, some of the effects of cultural capital were also found of options. For the future, for example when discussing equality between educational opportunities, it would be important to remember that our cohesive comprehensive school system may not be able to equalize all the effects of socio-economic backgrounds on learning and studying success and therefore on educational choices. Pupils are and will be in an unequal position whit their educational options as long as the social segregation and inequalities between people continue to grow.
  • Parisianos, Veera (2016)
    Kaksikielisten lasten määrä kasvaa jatkuvasti Suomessa, ja erityisesti pääkaupunkiseudulla kasvu on ollut viime vuosina nopeaa. Suurimmalle osalle kaksikielisistä lapsista kahden kielen omaksuminen sujuu ongelmitta, mutta joukossa on myös lapsia, joiden kielelliset taidot eivät kehity kummallakaan kielellä. Tällöin kyse voi olla kielellisestä erityisvaikeudesta. Kaksikielisten lasten kielellisen erityisvaikeuden arvioiminen voi olla haastavaa, sillä kaksikielisyyden ominaispiirteitä huomioivia arviointimenetelmiä ei juurikaan ole saatavilla, eikä kaksikielisten lasten kielenkehitystä ole mielekästä verrata pelkästään yksikielisten lasten kielenkehitykseen. Perinteisen testauksen rinnalle kaksikielisille lapsille on ehdotettu dynaamista arviointia, joka perustuu oppimisen kapasiteetin arvioimiseen, sen sijaan, että keskityttäisiin pelkästään lapsen osaamistasoon testaushetkellä. Tutkielmassa perehdytään dynaamiseen arviointiin ja sen mahdollisuuksiin kaksikielisten lasten arviointimenetelmänä. Aineisto kerättiin kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen periaatteita noudattaen tammi- ja helmi-kuussa 2016. Hakulauseke muodostettiin termien dynaaminen arviointi, kaksikielinen, lapsi ja kielellinen erityisvaikeus englanninkielisistä vastineista ja aineistohakuun käytettiin EBSCO:n Academic Search Complete-tietokantaa sekä ProQuestin Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA)-tietokantaa. Aineistohaku rajattiin 2000-luvulla tehtyihin artikkeleihin, minkä lisäksi aineiston tuli olla vertaisarvioitua, sen tuli sisältää kaikki hakulausekkeen termit ja siitä tuli olla kokoteksti saatavissa. Haku tuotti yhdeksän artikkelia, joista neljä olivat samoja mo-lemmissa tietokannoissa. Lopulliseksi aineistoksi valikoitui viisi artikkelia. Tulosten perusteella näyttäisi siltä, että dynaamista arviointia käytettiin erityisesti testaus-opetus-uudelleentestausmenetelmällä ja sen avulla oli mahdollista erotella hyvällä tarkkuudella kielellinen erityisvaikeus normaalista kaksikielisestä kielenkehityksestä. Aineiston vähäisen määrän takia saatua tulosta ei kuitenkaan ole mahdollista yleistää. Tulos on kuitenkin yhte-neväinen aiemman yksikielisillä lapsilla tehdyn dynaamisen arvioinnin menetelmällä toteutetun tutkimuksen kanssa
  • Salo, Verna (2016)
    Objectives. Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder in which the mood varies between depressive state and mania or hypomania. In earlier studies it has been observed that the depressive episode of bipolar disorder might be often inaccurately diagnosed as recurrent depression or unipolar depression. This might lead to lengthening of the symptoms and at worst, to use of antidepressants without the simultaneous use of mood stabilizers which in turn might lead to mania or hypomania. Thus, the objective of this review is to study the distinctive factors of the depressive episodes between bipolar disorder type I and II and unipolar depression, emphasizing genetic factors, the symptoms during depressive episodes, comorbid disorders, subthreshold hypomanic symptoms and the effects of pharmacotherapy during the depressive episodes. Results and conclusions. In the review it was found that many factors distinguished the depressive episodes of bipolar disorder and unipolar depression although for comorbid disorders, especially for alcohol and substance dependence and abuse, the number of depressive episodes, and the severity of depressive symptoms the evidence was contradictory. The family history of bipolar disorder, the depressive symptoms and the age at the onset of the mood disorder were found to be associated with the onset of bipolar disorder. The use of antidepressants in bipolar disorder without the simultaneous use of mood stabilizers was noted to possibly lead to a switch from depression to mania or hypomania. Bipolar disorder was also found to share genetic factors with depression and schizophrenia which supports the idea that mood disorders constitute a dimension. In the future, it would be important to increase the accuracy of diagnostics and diagnostic criteria should be re-evaluated. Moreover, the caregivers should be educated about the differences between the depressive episodes in bipolar disorder and unipolar depression and the assessment of family history of bipolar disorder should be established as a basic procedure in the assessment of a mood disorder. Also, one should pay more attention to the occurrence of subthreshold hypomanic symptoms and the use of pharmacotherapy and its effects on the individual during the treatment of a depressive episode. It would also be important to develop a pharmacological treatment that could be used in the treatment of both unipolar depression and bipolar depressive episode.
  • Poppeli, Mina-Maria (2018)
    The framework of the study was the support of the agency of immigrants as a part of the acculturation and integration process. The theories on agency in the background of the study have handled agency as a possibility to influence the course of events and as a part of the exercise of power, as an individual resource and as a way the individual continuously moulds the surrounding structures within their limitations and without being their passive victim. In previous research the visibility and exercise of agency was conceived as planned and meaningful work, self-conscious will to learn the language and the development of the individual with the support of the group. The function of the study is to examine what kind of meaning the adult education centre’s work can give to the agency of the immigrant and how agency can be seen to be supported in the work they do. The material of the study was three pieces of interviews of the experts in education of the immigrants at the adult education centres. The interviews were collected as thematic interviews while the research strategy was qualitative. Content-based content analysis was the research framework and the material was analysed through content analysis. The results of the study were the meaning of motivation in independent studies as part of exercising agency, developing of knowledge, skills and comprehension as part of expanding the limits of agency. The learning of the adult education centre’s students was best supported by student-based teaching methods, diverse course offering and the guidance and tranquil atmosphere provided by teachers. Learning can be seen to support the strengthening of agency with the immigrant students. The received results could be used in planning and evaluating the integration training of immigrants.
  • Harjula, Samira (2016)
    The goal of this thesis is to study the definitions of educational equality expressed by the National Coalition Party of Finland. The purpose is also to create a timeline concerning the birth of the Finnish comprehensive school and focus on the party’s views about it. The Finnish comprehensive school was based on educational equality, where every student had equal opportunities regardless of their socioeconomic background. The research method was a qualitative theory-based content analysis. The material was collected educational science literature, political platform database Pohtiva and the party’s official web pages. The literature provided a historical overview about comprehensive school and equality concepts. The analysis itself was conducted by studying expressions from the platforms. The expressions were summarized, grouped and modified into equality definitions, which were based on previous theories about equality concepts. The conservative equality concept was a dominant concept in the party’s platforms throughout every decade studied. Neoliberal concept of equality was the second most dominant concept. Sometimes the concept of equal opportunities appeared in the platforms, but in small amounts. The party’s stance towards comprehensive school was doubtful. Individuals were seen as different from each other and they feared the school’s homogenous effect on those individuals. However the party had little power when the school system was being built in the 1960s and 1970s because of their oppositional position in the parliament. In the 1980s the faith toward the welfare state started to crumble and at the same time the National Coalition Party rose to government. This meant big changes in comprehensive school and individual’s choices.
  • Korja, Sinituuli (2019)
    The purpose of this study was to investigate how Finnish high school students studying in different mathematics tracks (i.e. intermediate, advanced pro-longed advanced mathematics) differ with respect to mindsets. In addition, gender differences in mindsets and the associations between mindsets and grades were examined. This research was based on the Carol Dweck's theory of growth mindset, which concludes that people consider basic features such as intelligence, either as evolving (growth minset) or permanent (fixed mindset). In the US Growth mindset has been seen increasing the likeability that students choose more challenging high school courses. A questionnaire measuring growth mindset in mathematics was sent to pupils. 238 first-year high school students responded to the survey. Group differences in mindsets were examined by using analysis of variance, gender differences were investigated by conducting t-tests, and associations between mindsets and grades were explored by means of correlations. When interpreting the results, it should be noted that the group differences were statistically significant, yet rather small. The students of the intermediate mathematics track had the weakest growth mindset, followed by the students of the advanced mathematics track, while the students of the pro-longed advanced mathematics track reported the strongest growth mindset. This study also found that boys and the students who have better grades in mathematics seem to have a somewhat stronger growth mindset. In the future, it would be important to look more closely at causal relationships and to examine the impact of social context and how it affects students’ mindsets. Special attention should be paid to supporting the growth mindset of girls and students with lower grades in mathematics.
  • Sarasjärvi, Kiira (2016)
    In my review (bachelor thesis) I am presenting J.N. Vickers theory about Quiet eye. In the beginning I am go through how we use eye fixations in a everyday life. According to stuides people are pointing their eyes only for targets which re relevant for the upcoming task. At the same time the amount of fixations are strived to keep low. Vision has shown also to lead usually in action after two second after the eye fixation. The Quiet eye is the final fixation or tracking gaze on a location or object that is within 3ᵒ of visual angle for a minimum of 100ms. Quiet eye is mainly studied and has still be used in sport science. The most used research frame is to study difference in eye fixations periods and location between experts and novisers, success and unsuccess sportperformaning and before and after quiet eye training. In my review I also present fractioned reaction time paradigm and internal model. I try to create an overall picture about how and why The Quiet eye theory could actually worked and how the models could explain the differences between the different study groups. My goal is to give to the reader a general view about the quiet eye, the theories and literature behind it.
  • Marin, Pinja (2016)
    Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has been associated with increased criminality in both clinical and population-based studies. However, the details of and the mechanisms behind ADHD’s connection to increased criminality are not well-known yet. This is understandable considering the complex nature of the association between ADHD and criminality. In the first chapter of this paper the role of Conduct Disorder in the association between ADHD and criminality will be reviewed. Then, the connection of the two symptom dimensions of ADHD (attention-deficit and hyperactivity-impulsivity) to the association between ADHD and criminality will be discussed. In general, ADHD with comorbid Conduct Disorder has been linked to more severe and frequent delinquency compared to uncomplicated ADHD-diagnosis. Children with ADHD have an increased risk of Conduct Disorder compared to the general population. Especially hyperactivity-impulsivity has been connected to the occurrence of comorbid Conduct Disorder. ADHD’s association with Conduct Disorder has been explained with the overlap of the two disorders as well as causally with the symptoms of ADHD possibly predisposing to Conduct Disorder. Attempts to control the effects of comorbid Conduct Disorder has lead to different results regarding the independent association between ADHD and criminality. After controlling for comorbid mental disorders the symptoms of ADHD have been suggested to predispose individuals to less serious and specific types of crimes. The associations of hyperactivity-impulsivity and attentional problems with criminality have also been studied separately. In most studies hyperactivity-impulsivity has been more strongly associated with criminality than attention-deficits. Research regarding the relation of Conduct Disorder and the symptom dimensions of ADHD with the association between ADHD and criminality are partly conflicting. Researching the connection between ADHD and criminality further would be important to be able to settle these conflicts. It would also give psychologists better tools to help individuals with ADHD who could be prone to committing criminal acts.
  • Haverinen, Eerika (2017)
    Goals: Successful performance appraisal is in the interest of employer and employee because both parties will greatly benefit of its positive impact. Successful performance appraisal enhances individual, and improves working conditions in such a way that the organizations operation can also improve. The success rate of a performance appraisals can vary, and it is always very individual and environment sensitive subject. There is no unambiguous solution on improving the performance appraisal itself either, but rather it is always very individual and organization dependent. In this study the views of performance appraisals and their meanings in terms of improving work quality, and sustaining good work-quality are described by nurses. The goal is to understand the impact of a performance appraisal from the individual point of view. Furthermore quality management which is used to examine the work quality and its development is handled in this study. Methods: The material of this study was collected as semi-structured interviews from four nurses. The material was analyzed with content analysis. Results and conclusion: It was found that the performance appraisal was formed mostly of social and structural factors. These factors were mainly employees and employer interactions, appropriate execution of what was discussed, and systematic monitoring during the execution. The development of the work-quality in nursing was not only seen as responsibility of individuals but as whole community. The development of work-quality included: development discussions, discussion about good quality nursing, and opportunity to further educate oneself. Ultimately the basis for a Successful performance appraisal is an open, but confidential relation between employer and employee. Although the performance appraisal is very important event, the following time, and actions after the discussions were held as equally important. The performance appraisal was felt most successful when the goals and targets were put into practice, and when the goals were achieved. The most important baseline in the development of work-quality is the active role of employees, and finding the desire to develop because of the work itself.
  • Saari, Päivi (2016)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena oli selvittää aikuisten kerronnan rakennetta sekä kerronnassa iän myötä mahdollisesti ilmeneviä muutoksia. Kertomukset ovat tärkeä osa ihmisten välistä vuorovaikutusta ja läsnä jokaisen arjessa. Kertomuksia tutkitaan monella eri alalla ja niitä tarkastellaan monesta eri lähtökohdasta. Tämä kirjallisuuskatsaus nojaa Kintschin ja van Dijkin (1978) ajatukseen kertomuksen rakenteen kolmiportaisesta mallista, jossa ylimpänä on kertomuksen yleinen muoto. Sen alapuolella on kertomuksen semanttinen rakenne, kertomuksen idea ja kolmannella tasolla on kertomuksen lauseiden ja virkkeiden rakenne ja merkitykset. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan kertomuksen keskimmäistä porrasta, semanttista rakennetta, jota voidaan analysoida muun muassa kertomuskielioppien avulla. Kaksi kuuluisaa kertomuskielioppia ovat kehittäneet William Labov (1977) sekä Stein ja Glenn (1979). Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa tarkastellaan terveiden, kielellisesti tyypillisten aikuisten kerrontaa, sillä jotta voidaan havaita kerronnan vaikeuksia ja haasteita henkilöillä, joilla on jokin kielellis-kognitiivinen vaikeus, on oltava tietoa siitä miten kielellisesti tyypilliset aikuiset tuottavat kertomuksia. Menetelmät. Tämän tutkimuksen menetelmänä oli kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus. Kirjalli-suushaku suoritettiin ProQuest LLBA tietokannassa. Hakulausekkeena oli (narrative OR story OR discourse) AND structure AND (adult OR ageing OR aging) NOT child* jolla löytyi yhteensä 190 englanninkielistä, vertaisarvioitua ja koko tekstillä löytyvää artikkelia. Poissulkuprosessin myötä näistä artikkeleista tämän tutkielman aineistoksi valikoitui viisi artikkelia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Kerronnan rakenteen arvioimiseen käytettävät menetelmät vaihtele-vat eikä käytössä ole yhtä yhteistä menetelmää. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella voidaan todeta, että tutkimustulokset vaihtelevat riippuen käytetystä menetelmästä ja analyysitavasta. Ikääntyminen näyttäisi vaikuttavan kerronnan rakenteeseen, mutta tarvitaan lisää tutkimusta aiheesta.