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  • Kämäräinen, Laura
  • Klemetti, Sinituulia (2019)
    The attitudes towards mathematics grow more and more negative in Finnish children as their studies progress. The attitudes towards mathematics are negative even as compared with attitudes towards mathematics worldwide. The quality of teaching has proven to have an impact on the attitude of students. Flipped learning aims to humanize and individualize the learning process so that the teacher is rather a supporter in the learning process than an information provider. This thesis aims to define the factors influencing the attitudes towards mathematics and explore the components forming these attitudes. In addition, this thesis examines the definition of flipped learning and the ways it can be applied to teaching of mathematics. Additional aim is to gather useful professional information to benefit the future work as a teacher. This thesis is a descriptive literature review formed in Spring 2019. The material was gathered using Helsinki University Library, Helmet Library, Finna Database, ResearchGate Database and Google. The literature was selected on the basis of their relevance in the field of mathematics and educational sciences. This literature review indicates that the attitudes towards mathematics consist of i. a. beliefs, emotions and motivation. They are influenced by the experiences, learning environment and background of the learner. Flipped learning is a learning ideology emphasizing learning at one’s own pace, self-guidance and communal learning. In the context of teaching mathematics, it can be applied for example in the form of using digital devices and encouraging communality in the class room.
  • Supinen, Roosa (2019)
    Aim of the study. Flipping can mean two pedagogical approaches, the flipped classroom or the flipped learning. In flipped classroom method students are introduced to content at ho-me and the exercises happens at school. When flipped classroom is a method, flipped learning is more like a ideology of learning. In flipped learning teacher is actually flipping many of the traditional pedagogical assumptions about teaching and learning. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to identify and recognice different ideologies and values behind flipped learning and it’s pedagogical model. This bachelor thesis is based on the pedagogical model of flipped learning by Toivola & Silfverberg (2014) and the book “Flipped Learning” (2017) by Toivola, Peura & Humaloja. Flipping has been popular around the world in recent years among teachers who are trying to change the traditional learning culture and that is why I found its backround theories and values important to research. Methods. I started the analysing process by identifying themes from the data. Soon I reali zed that ideological features are too hard to find just by theming. Finally I found discourse analysis as my research approach. Discourses and ideologies are often linked together, as discourses are the manners of speaking, that constructs the social reality and ideologies. Results and conclusions. As a result of this thesis, four discourses with idelogigial features and values behind the pedagogical model of flipped learning were identified. The discourses were the discourse of individuality, the discourse of learning commiunity, the discourse of flipped learning as a human learning and the discourse of digitalization. The discourses also link closely to each other. The humane belief about childrens ability to learn was strong in these discourses, but I also identified values that are based on neoliberalism.
  • Lehtola, Emma (2020)
    Aims. Previously psychopathy has been regarded as a homogenous and categorical personality disorder that cannot be treated. However, recent findings have suggested that psychopathy may be both a heterogenous and dimensional phenomenon. Several studies have found at least two subtypes, out of which primary and secondary psychopathy are the most prevalent. These two subtypes seem to manifest on their own, partly overlapping dimensions. The aim of this review was to evaluate the reliability of the evidence on heterogeneity of psychopathy and the model of two different subtypes, the core traits of psychopathy, and the differences in traits and etiology between the subtypes. Methods. The review is based on literature found from the Google Scholar database by searching for the term ”psychopathy” in connection with the words ”subtypes”, ”primary”, ” secondary”, ”heterogeneity”, ”variants” and ”treatment”. Conclusions. The evidence on the heterogeneity of psychopathy and the model of two different subtypes is strong. The reviewed studies suggest that callousness and lack of empathy are the core traits of psychopathy. Additional core traits of the primary subtype were low negative affect, high positive affect, few internalizing symptoms, higher control and high trait boldness and fearlessness. The distinctive traits of the secondary subtype were high negative affect, low positive affect, high impulsivity, lack of self-control, high internalizing symptoms and neuroticism. As both subtypes seem to have very distinct traits, the treatability of psychopathy may depend on the subtype which should be taken into consideration when developing and researching treatment methods. Research on psychopathy has mostly been conducted on samples of Western white men and therefore it is uncertain if psychopathy manifests in a similar way in different populations. Hence psychopathy and its subtypes require more research on differing populations.
  • salminen, micaela (2016)
    In this research I study Bachelor’s of Arts (Education) and Bachelor’s of Social Services own conceptions of their professional core competences and the relation between academically acquired skills and the work standards. The purpose of this study is to find out what are the things the early childhood educators see as their professional core competence in relation to their work in day-care centre and does the education provide the early childhood educators sufficient competence for their daily work. The material for this research was collected by using a survey form that consisted of 37 arguments and two open questions. In the end, 37 forms were returned, 19 of which were answered by Bachelors of Arts (Education) and 18 by Bachelors of Social Services. According to the results of this research, the core competence of Bachelors of Arts (Education) and Bachelors of Social Services is really similar to one another. The open questions about the competence for the daily work brought up instead more differences between the answers. The Bachelors of Arts (Education) had a wish for more special pedagogy education and practical experience for their training programme. The Bachelors of Social Sciences whished instead for pure early childhood education for their training programme.
  • Matteinen, Heikki Urho PETTERI (2019)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoite on selvittää kahden maahanmuuttajataustaisen nuoren näkemyksiä perheen vaikutuksesta koulutuksen toisen asteen nivelvaiheissa, sekä toisen asteen koulutuk-sen aikana. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat syntyneet mielenkiinnosta selvittää perheen vaikutusta maahanmuuttajataustaisen nuoren koulupolkuun. Tutkimus on laadullinen sisällön analyysi, jon-ka tutkimuskysymykset ovat muotoutuneet lopulliseen muotoonsa yhdessä MUN KAVERI- hankkeen vetäjien, sekä kandiryhmän ohjaajan kanssa. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osittaneet, että maahanmuuttajataustaiset nuoret kohtaavat paljon erilaisia haasteita suomalaisessa koulu-tusjärjestelmässä. Samoin tutkimukset ovat myös osoittaneet, että vanhempien sosioekonomi-sella taustalla on suuri vaikutus nuorten koulussa pärjäämiseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa haluankin selvittää, että millä tavalla perhe ja vanhemmat vaikuttavat nuoren koulussa suoriutumiseen ja motivaatioon. Tutkimus aineistona toimi kahden saman maahanmuuttajataustaisen nuoren haastattelut vuosil-ta 2015, kun he olivat 9. luokalla, sekä vuodelta 2018. kun he olivat toisen asteen kolmannella vuodella. Haastattelut oli kerätty osana TRANSIT- hanketta, jonka vetäjiltä sain valmiiksi litte-roidun haastattelumateriaalin. Haastattelumateriaalin sain valmiiksi anonymisoituna eli siitä oli poistettu kaikki tiedot, josta haastateltavat voisi tunnistaa. En ole siis haastateltavia tavannut, en-kä tiedä edes heidän nimiään. Aineiston analysoin koodaamalla ja teemoittelemalla tutkimusky-symyksiini liittyvät kohdat haastattelumateriaalista. Nuorten näkemys vanhempien suhtautumisesta koulunkäyntiin oli positiivinen tai neutraali. Mo-lemmat ilmensivät kiintymystä ja kertoivat vanhempien tukevan heitä. Toisella haastateltavalla esiintyi myös hieman negatiivisesti tulkittavia käytösmalleja koskien nykyistä tilannettaan ja näissä keskusteluissa toinen vanhemmista nousi esille. Yhteistyö ja nuorten tukeminen opinnois-sa toisella asteella vaikuttaisivat positiivisesti koulun arkeen, sekä sen loppuun saattamiseen.
  • Häkkänen, Matias (2016)
    Objective. In the thesis the learning environments of two Norwegian kindergartens and schools are observed and studied. The Norwegian kindergarten act and education act are opened for discussion. Especially the links between the values presented in the acts with the corresponding field of education are emphasized. Procedure. The data for the thesis was collected by observing two Norwegian kindergartens and schools in the Spring 2016. To support the observation the staff was interviewed. The learning environments of the kindergartens and schools are being analyzed through the theory of Kopko, which discusses the effect of crowding, noise and quality of neighborhood. The construction of social skills in childhood is also viewed through Stig Brorström’s theory of childhood construction. Results and Conclusion. Connections were found between the acts and the kindergartens and schools. The Norwegian kindergarten act and both kindergartens observed emphasize care, play, respect for human and nature, equality, solidarity and creativity. The schools ob-served named Koulu1 and Koulu2 focused on knowledge and skills presented in the Nor-wegian education act. Also equality and solidarity listed in the school act was emphasized with Koulu1. The students should be couraged to solve problems together and share their knowledge. The process of learning is ought to aim at a shared experience, where the skills of an individual are brought to day light and being developed further with the peers.
  • Mensalo, Hanna (2020)
    Tavoitteet: Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on perehtyä William Shakespearen Romeo ja Julia-elokuvan puvustukseen ja nostaa esiin puvustukseen vaikuttaneita tekijöitä. Tutkimuksessa pyritään selvittämään elokuvan puvustuksen erilaisuuksia kahden riitaantuneen suvun välillä. Lähtökohtaisena oletuksena oli, että puvut poikkeavat toisistaan. Tutkimuksessa pyritään löytämään näihin kahteen puvustukseen vaikuttaneita tekijöitä. Menetelmät: Tutkimustrategiana oli tapaustutkimus, joka kohdistui Baz Luhrmannin ohjaamaan William Shakeskeparen Romeo ja Julia (1996)-elokuvan puvustukseen. Aineiston koonnin menetelmänä toimivat valmiit dokumentit, ja tutkimuksen aineistona käytettiin elokuvaa sekä elokuvan DVD-lisämateriaaleja. Aineistoa analysoitiin sisällönanalyysia hyödyntäen. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset: Sukujen puvustuksien erilaisuudet näkyivät paitojen erilaisuutena, väreissä, materiaaleissa, asusteissa, piirteissä ja heille luodussa tyylissä ja merkityksissä. Johtopäätöksenä on, että suvuilla on toiseen sukuun nähden hyvin erilainen oma tyylinsä pukeutua. Sukujen puvuista löytyi myös yhtäläisyyksiä, kuten uskonnollisia kuvia, joita oli molempien sukujen vaatteissa. Sukujen puvustuksiin elokuvassa vaikuttivat pukusuunnittelija, ohjaaja sekä muut elokuvantekijät, elokuvan kokonaisilme, tyyli, käsikirjoitus, miljöö, kuvauksen aikakausi sekä puvustuksen keino sanattomana viestijänä. Elokuvapuvustus rakentuu yhteistyönä ja se on monien tekijöiden summa.
  • Leinonen, Alina (2019)
    Drinking coffee is an important part of Finnish food culture. This study is about understanding the development of Finnish coffee culture and why people start to drink coffee. This thesis examines and describes factors that affect the start of one´s coffee drinking. Previous study of the subject has been done by Tuija Saarinen in her work Pannu kuumana: suomalaisia kahvihetkiä. She has collected coffee memories from different heritage archives. Inspired by Saarinen´s work, material for this research has been collected by a narrative method. Narratives are written about how Finnish people have started to drink coffee. Material for this study are narratives written by Finns. These narratives were collected by email. They were written by correspondents, independently and without monitoring. There are ten narratives. Material was analysed by finding and categorizing factors that have affected the start of one´s coffee drinking. Two kinds of factors were found affecting the start of coffee drinking. First coffee has an energizing effect which was found beneficial in every day life. This factor was mentioned in four of the ten narratives. Second factor was coffees social dimension. Social motivators to start drinking coffee were found in every single narrative. Sources for this social motivation were family, friends and work community. Energizing and social factors of starting one´s coffee drinking do not exclude each other. However, the social dimensions of coffee drinking appear to be the main factor why Finnish people start to drink coffee.