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  • Saarinen, Johanna (2020)
    Ledarskap inom småbarnspedagogik har under det senaste årtiondet ändrat form och karaktär. Ledarskap är något som ständigt utformas i föränderlig värld. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilka egenskaper som behövs och förväntningar personalen har på teamledaren inom småbarnspedagogik. Genom att ta reda på vilka egenskaper samt förväntningar personalen inom småbarnspedagogik har på teamledaren, kan potentiella svårigheter synliggöras. Vidare granskar jag hur pedagogerna ser på den nya läroplanen i den pedagogiska verksamheten. Mina forskningsfrågor är: Vilka egenskaper behöver en god ledare? Vad förväntar arbetsteamet av en god ledare? Läroplanens betydelse i verksamheten? Avhandlingen är en kvalitativ innehållsanalys där intervjuer och teori analyseras med inspiration av fenomenografi. Materialet samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer där fem pedagoger som arbetar på daghem intervjuades. Inspelningarna transkriberades och analyserades. Resultatet visar genom att ledaren inom småbarnspedagogik använder sig av pedagogisk handledning och bryr sig om personalens välmående förbättras arbetsgemenskapen. Vidare framkommer det i resultatet att team-medlemmarna värdesätter öppen dialog, tydlig kommunikation och interaktion i arbetsteamet så att samtliga är delaktiga i hela processen. Resultaten belyser att det behövs mer handledning i hur nya läroplanen skall tolkas och användas i verksamheten.
  • Pietikäinen, Sofia (2016)
    The aim of this study was to find out what physical education in kindergarten looked like during different time periods and what kind of vision educators had on it. The study covers three time periods 1915–1925, 1965–1975 and 2005–2015. This is a qualitative study with literature review as a method. The material for the literature review was collected from different libraries, from the archives of the Ebeneser home and from the Internet. The material was analyzed and the three time periods were compared to each other. Although there’s been used different types of documents, this study has been able to provide an insight on how physical education looked like and what kind of role it had in these time periods. This study concludes that physical education has changed over the years. It has gained a stronger position in the planning of day care activities and its importance in children’s physical development has grown. Furthermore, "gymnastics" in kindergarten has looked different depending on the time period and you can see how the emphasis in physical education has changed during these periods.
  • Holmström, Jannica (2016)
    The aim of the study was to find what parents think about the cooperation with the educators in daycare. I also wanted to find out what experiences they have had and what they think about the cooperation methods. My method was quantitative and I did an electronic survey that was shared on social media and sent via email. The survey was answered by parents with children in daycare or preschool. The most important outcome of the study was that the parents had good and positive experience of cooperation. They thought that the cooperation is something important and that the forms of cooperation are important elements. Another result was that the parents had different experiences with different teachers. According to the parents the cooperation with one educator could be very good, while they had a hard time to get along with another educator because of the chemistry. Some parents said that there were teachers who did not have any knowledge of how to work together. Therefore it seems like the cooperation between parents and educators often works well. Some educators however have not good skills in cooperating with parents. All teachers should have the knowledge of how important cooperation is for both the parents and the teachers' own work. Personal chemistry should not affect much, because the teachers should be professional.
  • Candolin, Heidi (2017)
    The aim of this study is to assess the view of kindergarten teachers on children’s need for physical activity, how they perceive the connection between children’s physical activity and ability to concentrate, as well as the experience they have of this connection. In the theoretical part of the work, I discuss current views on children’s motor development, children’s need for physical activity, children’s cognitive development, and how the regulatory documents deal with physical activity. The qualitative study was carried out by interviewing three kindergarten teachers at three different kindergartens in Helsinki. The interviews were recorded and transcribed, and then analysed. The results indicate that kindergarten teachers perceive a connection between children’s physical activity and ability to concentrate, in agreement with prevailing theories. They realize the importance of physical activity for children’s health and development, and fulfil the official requirements for physical activity. They realize as well the importance of emphasizing the importance of physical activity for health to children as well as to parents and other personnel at kindergartens. With the reservation that only three kindergarten teachers were interviewed, the results of this study indicate that kindergarten teachers at kindergartens realize the importance of physical activity for the development of children, and that great emphasis is placed on satisfying children’s need for activity.
  • Andersson-Aholainen, Anita (2022)
    Syftet med denna studie är att utgående från olika undersökningar och litteratur ta reda på hur personal på daghem kan stödja barn som utsatts för kris och trauma, samt vilka olika stödåtgärder personalen på daghemmen kan använda sig av. Utgående från arbetets syfte har tre forskningsfrågor formulerats: Hur hanterar barn trauma? Hurdana stödåtgärder kan personalen ge barnen i en krissituation? Varför är det viktigt att personalen på daghem stöd-jer barnet som upplevt kris och trauma? Som metod valdes en systematisk litteraturstudie. Metoden som använts är olika artiklar och böcker har analyserats med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Avhandlingen innehåller fem artiklar och fyra böcker. Jag läste alla artiklar och böcker grundligt för att kunna anknyta till mina forskningsfrågor. Resultatet visade hur betydelsefullt det är att ge tid åt barnen för bearbetning av sorg och re-sultaten pekade på hur viktigt det är att en vuxen förstår barnets behov när hen är utsatt för trauma och kris. Det är angeläget för en pedagog att vara medveten om att barn reagerar på olika sätt. Personalen måste kunna vara tillräckligt tillgänglig och kunna uttrycka sig tydligt, förståeligt och vara beredd att använda sig av olika stödformer. När en oanad händelse in-träffar på daghem eller förskola är det oerhört viktigt att arbeta i team, ge stöd åt varandra, få stöd av daghemsföreståndaren och att informationen fungerar.
  • Lindgren, Elisa (2024)
    Multilingualism is constantly increasing in our society. Several years ago it was forbidden to speak a language other than the daycare language in daycare centers, but now that has changed. I want to find out what methods are used to support children's different linguistic backgrounds. My research questions are: 1) What view do the pedagogues have of bilingualism 2) How to support bilingual children in daycare 3) What concrete methods are used when the child actively mixes two different languages? In this master's thesis, I have chosen to use qualitative research methods. I interviewed three people with different educational backgrounds and job experiences. The interviews were taped and transcribed and some parts were used in the thesis. The result shows that bilingual or multilingual children are valued in today's situation. The educators see it more as a resource than a problem. Mam invests in different methods to support children's bilingualism in similar, but also different ways.
  • Nylund, Robert (2019)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract This bachelor’s thesis addresses the health of children in day care center age by a study conducted on exercise recommendations for the target group at hand. A general worry and discussion has risen round the health and wellbeing of children in our community. The day care centers, as well as the parents both play a key role when aiming for a sustainable and healthy development. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to investigate to what extent the goals and the new exercise recommendations are met and especially whether the recommended amount of pacey physical activities (1hour/day) for 3 to 6-year-old children are fulfilled at the day care centers as compared to the home. I have produced different research results all of which demonstrates that the worry about the health of children is legitimate and that a discussion around the theme is relevant. For gathering data, I have conducted three interviews with two nursery teachers and one social worker. I observed the environment and equipment at the day care centers in connection with the interviews. In addition to the interviews, I have gathered data from the parents of the children via a questionnaire addressing the children’s leisure time and physical activities. My study shows that there is a general, intentional effort on the promotion on the health of children from various parts. There is, however, a tendency arising showing that some children easily may be passivated in the ever so crucial age and stage of evolvement, which may negatively affect the child’s evolvement and health in the long run.
  • Smeds, Emmi (2017)
    The purpose of this study is to learn what kind of expectations parents have about the activity of the kindergarten and whether the expectations differ in different age groups. The study emphasizes the cooperation between parents and staff of the kindergarten, the significance of communication between them, the skills of the staff and the quality of the activity in the kindergarten. I use as a theoretical base some texts of the law, the curriculum and a book of docent Marjatta Kalliala among other things. Additionally, there is a comparison between three different studies about parents’ thoughts and expectations of kindergartens. The study was a quantitative study and the information was gathered from three different kindergartens in Vantaa with a survey. The sample consisted of 35 parents in total. The survey had questions about how well the parents know the curriculum, the staff and the general activity of the kindergarten, whether the parents believe that communication between them and the kindergarten is working and what the most important tasks are for the different age groups in the kindergarten. The results show that the parents are in general very pleased with the kindergartens, their activities and the staff. The most important thing is qualified staff and pedagogical activities according to the parents. Good communication is valued by the parents and they believe that communication between them can always be improved. The most important task is to create a safe setting for the children.