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  • Vesterinen, Vivi (2022)
    Mitt syfte med pilotstudien var att undersöka om män och kvinnor behandlas olika på Youtube genom att studera Youtube-kommentarsfält. Jag jämförde skillnaderna mellan en kvinnlig och manlig litteraturvetare och mina resultat visar olika behandling och könsspecifik retorik. Varför kvinnor och män behandlas olika i Youtube-kommentarsfält beror på att de härskande samhällsstrukturerna förs över till internet och påverkar oss på samma sätt. Kommentarerna över utseende och utstyrsel var beroende på kön och blev sexuellt explicit mot kvinnan när hennes kläder blev ett samtalsämne. När mannen anspelade på sex uppfattades det bara som ett skämt och han blev inte utsatt för sexuellt explicita kommentarer. I kommentarsfältet verkade det vara lättare för folk att dela med sig av sina egna upplevelser och känslor för den kvinnliga föreläsaren än för den manliga. I mannens kommentarsfält idoliserade man honom eller tog personligt avstånd genom humor. Så länge som vi skiljer mellan kön i samhället kommer det att återspegla sig på internet och styra vårt sätt att kommunicera på Youtube.
  • Eilittä, Anna-Maria (2017)
  • Mäntylä, Paula (2019)
    The goal of this review is to show the possible connections between depressive disorders and the Big Five personality traits. Also, the focus is to examine the personality traits which have a possible influence on the outcome of psychotherapy when treated depression. Research shows that especially Neuroticism is connected to depression. Other personality traits connected to depression are low Conscientiousness and low Extraversion. Personality traits which influence the positive outcome of the treatment are Conscientiousness, Extraversion and Agreeableness. The personality profile connected to depression seems to be an obstacle in the treatment of depression. More research about the real connection sizes between depression and personality traits is needed to help the clinicians to offer the best treatment for patients suffering from depression.
  • Uusi-Kilponen, Alisa (2019)
    Aims. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to study the forms of professional support given to newly qualified teachers and how efficient these forms of support are in enhancing teachers’ professional development in Finland. Previous studies have shown how demanding the induction phase can be for new teachers. The fact that a systematic induction program is not yet available doesn’t help new teachers assimilate new information, adapt to the work community and become committed to the teaching profession. Different kinds of experiments have taken place, however. The purpose of this thesis is to chart those forms of support that help the progress of teachers’ professional development in Finland. The purpose is based on the motivation to promote knowledge and understanding of new teachers’ possibilities to get the help needed. Methods. This thesis was produced as a descriptive literature review. The data was collected by using the databases Helka, ARTO and Google Scholar. Ultimately, six publication that were released between the years 2006 - 2015 and written in Finnish, Swedish or English were selected for the analysis. Results and conclusions. According to the research data, the forms of support for newly qualified teachers varied from an introduction to the working environment within the school to different types of mentoring organised in different parts of Finland. The mentoring programs differed from each other in terms of their duration, content and organizing models. While one-to-one conversations in dyadic mentoring supported the professional and personal growth of the mentees, group-based mentoring also offered social support. After the first mentoring experiments, peer group mentoring was further developed, and it seems that it is the most efficient form of support in enhancing a teacher’s comprehensive professional development.
  • Mähönen, Iina (2017)
    The research examines the development and sharing of expertise in the profession of tailoring. The focus is on four themes: the impact of individual and social factors on the development of expertise and activities that either advance or inhibit its deepening. Research focused on traditional handcraft professions is important as it increases the appreciation, understanding and knowledge of these professions. Studying traditional handcrafts is also important in order to prevent the decline and disappearance of these fields. The theoretical part of the study focuses on examining previous research and theoretical literature on expertise and the development and sharing of expertise. Literature on the diversity of the methods of learning skills is also briefly discussed in the second chapter of the study, which also serves as a general introduction into the topic of the study. In this study, the development and sharing of expertise was studied by using qualitative research method. The collection of the data was carried out by conducting semi-structured individual interviews. For the purpose of the research, the experiences of skill development as well as the development and transfer of skills were collected from tailors engaged in the trade (n=4).Theoretical content analysis was used in the analysis of the material. The research results showed that the deepening of one’s own expertise was advanced by imitating the technical details of competitors and by learning by research. Sharing knowledge and skills together with other experts was not found to very common in the data. According to the tailors interviewed, the biggest obstacles for sharing expertise were the challenge of teaching skills that require routine and the lack of time. It can also be seen from the data that the reflection of one’s own workmanship was low, which may be related to the challenge of sharing skills. Those tailors who constantly challenged their own skills and routines experienced their opportunities for professional development more strongly. The reluctance to deviate from routines also rose from the data as one of the most concrete obstacles for the development of expertise. Acknowledging the factors that advance professional development is justified when the education of tailors is considered. The results of this study can contribute to this process. The organizations educating tailors should avoid teaching students simply to repeat things that are already known, even if it is important to build on what has already been learned. Educational arrangements that promote open learning and are based on students’ own interests’ support their ability to both renew and transfer what they have learned into future professional practices.
  • Lehtonen, Jarno (2018)
    In recent years, talk about expertise has increased to include new and new occupations in the labor market transition. Since I worked many years with homeless people, I began to think about how the talk about the expertise is appropriate for the social work sector and how the expertise is practiced there. My main objective was to find out how the expertise is shown in the third sector social work with homeless people. From my own perspective, the public sector has structures and frameworks that guide new employees quite strictly how to implement their work, while the third sector has more free working environment where the employee's personal qualities can affect more to the content of the work. In 2002, Hakkarainen, Palonen and Paavola published an article about the mechanisms for creating expertise that, in my opinion, disregarded the personal and emotional capabilities of an employee to become an expert. However, I believe that these characteristics are emphasized in the social sector as an essential part when building up one´s expertise. The purpose of the research was to find out how Hakkarainen and his partners' (2002) three aspects of expertise; the acquisition view, the participation view and the knowledge-creation view are emphasized in the social work. The second purpose was to study what role the personal characteristics play when developing one´s expertise in the third sector. The material of my qualitative research was based on three professional thematic interviews in the social sector, which I implemented as half-structured interviews with using the phenomenographic approach. Prior to the interviews, I became acquainted with the theory of expertise and the literature of homelessness, as well as to the previous research specifically on social work expertise. According to the results, the information required for expertise in homelessness issues was mainly collected from the customer base and at the individual level. Social education was hoped to take better into account the people with whom the professionals will work after their graduation. The content of the work was essentially influenced by the personal skills of the employee, as they determined, not only the nature of the client work, but also the long-term work-life. More public and third sector co-operation was hoped for in order to utilize expertise.
  • Huovinen, Veera (2024)
    Asiantuntijakulttuuri on laajentunut, ja sen myötä perinteisten tieteellisten asiantuntijoiden rinnalle on noussut uusia toimijoita. Tämä ilmiö herätti mielenkiintoni, ja halusin tutkia tarkemmin, mitä asiantuntijuus tarkoittaa ja millaista osaamista asiantuntijan rooli edellyttää tällä hetkellä. Kandidaatin tutkielmani tarkoituksena on koostaa tietoa asiantuntijuutta tarkastelleista tutkimuksista integroivan kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin. Aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa asiantuntijuus määriteltiin yksilön erityisosaamisena ja lahjakkuutena, jota vahvistetaan akateemisella koulutuksella ja työkokemuksella. Teoreettisessa taustassa kuvailen kolmea erilaista asiantuntijuutta sekä niiden kehittymistä. Koska asiantuntijuuden käsite on laaja, olen rajannut näkökulman koskemaan työelämään kytkeytyvää asiantuntijuutta. Tarkastelen kandidaatin tutkielmassani asiantuntijuus käsitettä ja tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat asiantuntijuuden kehittymiseen työpaikalla. Tutkimus tehtävänä on muodostaa monipuolinen kokonaiskuva asiantuntijuudesta työympäristössä. Tutkimuskysymykseni ovat 1) Millä eri tavoin asiantuntijuus voidaan määritellä? ja 2) Millaisista palasista asiantuntijuus rakentuu työympäristössä? Toteutin tutkielman integroivana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistoni muodostuu 11.vertaisarvioidusta tieteellisestä artikkelista, jotka ovat sekä määrällisiä että laadullisia. Artikkelit ovat englannin kielisiä, ja ne kerättiin EBSCOhost-tietokannasta. Analyysi toteutettiin aineistolähtöisenä sisällön analyysinä, käytännössä yliviivaamalla ja ryhmittelemällä aineistoa tutkimuskysymyksien ohjaamana. Analysoinnin myötä tutkielman tulokset muodostuivat suhteessa tutkimuskysymyksiin. Tutkimus tulosten perusteella, asiantuntijuus koostuu monista erilaisista tekijöistä, kuten tietämyksestä, taidoista ja kokemuksesta sekä se vaihtelee eri ammateissa, rooleissa ja ympäristöissä. Asiantuntijaksi kehittyminen voi olla seurausta esimerkiksi tietoisesta kehityksestä tai kokemuksen kautta hankitusta oppimisesta. Kehitystä aloittelijasta asiantuntijaksi kuvattiin prosessina, joka kehittyy ajan myötä koulutuksen, pitkäaikaisen kokemuksen, tukevan oppimisympäristön ja henkilökohtaisen motivaation kautta.
  • Forsström, Petra (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to discover how Asperger syndrome is connected to child’s intelligence, giftedness and motivation in school and teaching context. Research questions were: 1) How true is the image of intelligence and giftedness often associated with people with Asperger syndrome and how does this image appear in school context? 2) How do special interests characteristic of Asperger syndrome affect child's study motivation? In former studies the syndrome has often been seen in the light of challenges in social communication and there is less information about teaching children with Asperger syndrome and how do these children learn. Thus this study brings out further information about academic performance of a child with Asperger syndrome. This study was carried out as a descriptive literary survey. Scientific publications of experts in the field of autism spectrum and Asperger syndrome were used as sources and sources were searched for in libraries of The University and City of Helsinki and in databases of the Internet. As a result was discovered that the image of intelligence and giftedness was partly a myth. Most children with Asperger syndrome had normal intelligence and a relatively small number of children with Asperger syndrome were especially gifted or intelligent. Child's style of speaking and vocabulary gave an impression of intelligence and hid other problems. Performance in intelligence tests was uneven and giftedness was often narrow and connected to child's special interest. Many children had difficulties in other areas such as concentration and social relations. Some children with Asperger syndrome are however truly gifted and teacher has to be able to take both child's gifts and weaknesses into account. As a result was also discovered that special interests affected child's study motivation. Child was motivated to gather more information about his special interest but wasn't necessarily motivated to study other subjects or to do assignments. Using special interests one could on the other hand get child interested in new things and assignments. Therefore teacher should be aware of child's special interests and incorporate them into teaching with deliberation.
  • Siniketo, Aino (2019)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan syrjäytymisen yhteyttä Aspergerin oireyhtymään sekä sitä, miten Asperger-ihmisiä voitaisiin tukea ja syrjäytymistä ennaltaehkäistä. Erityisesti nuorten syrjäytyminen on ollut jo pitkään pinnalla. Aspergerin oireyhtymään liittyy syrjäytymisriski ja usein ongelmat ovat kumuloituvia, ja monella Asperger-ihmisellä voi olla vaikeuksia ylläpitää sosiaalisia suhteita tai työpaikkaa. Koulutus on yksi syrjäytymistä ehkäisevä osio, sillä vain peruskoulun varaan jäävät nuoret ovat syrjäytymisvaarassa. Tämä tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkielma on yleiskatsaus Aspergerin oireyhtymään sekä syrjäytymiseen liittyvään kirjallisuuteen. Aineistona toimi monipuolisesti sekä suomalaiset että kansainväliset tutkimusartikkelit, kirjat sekä muut raportit ja aiheeseen liittyvät sivustot. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella voidaan sanoa Aspergerin oireyhtymään liittyvän syrjäytymisriski. Syrjäytymisriski tulee nimenomaan kumuloituvasti eri ongelmien kasautuessa jo lapsesta lähtien. Syrjäytymisriskiin liittyviä ongelmia Asperger-ihmisillä voivat olla kiusaaminen, vaikeudet sosiaalisessa käyttäytymisessä sekä erilaiset arjen hallinta taidot koulu- ja työelämässä. Eri ongelmat saattavat aiheuttaa myös liitännäisoireita kuten ahdistuneisuutta ja masennusta, mitkä myös osaltaan voivat vaikuttaa syrjäytymisriskiin. Tärkeintä on tuki nivelvaiheissa, esimerkiksi koulutukseen tai työelämään siirryttäessä. Tuki-toimet voivat olla konkreettisia aputoimia koulussa ja työelämässä, tai esimerkiksi omien tunnuspiirteiden käyttämistä voimavarana. Koulutuksen lisäksi on tärkeää luoda ystävyyssuhteita ja harjoitella sosiaalista kanssakäymistä, sillä näitä taitoja tarvitaan läpi elämän. Jokainen Asperger-henkilö on oma yksilönsä, ja läpi elämän kestävien tukitoimien lisäksi on tärkeää, että Asperger-henkilö hyväksyy itsensä.
  • Vesterinen, Veera (2017)
    The purpose of this study is to define methods of psychotherapy that are used to treat comorbid psychiatric diseases with adults who have Asperger syndrome. There is a small number of previous studies in this field which is the reason this study was conducted. The aim of this study is to identify methods of psychotherapy that are used to treat comorbid psychiatric diseases. The aim is also to describe these therapeutic interventions in detail and to reflect on the gains and limitations of different methods. The theoretic background to this study consists of defining Asperger syndrome and psychotherapy. In the definition of Asperger syndrome the focus is on neurobiological background, diagnosis, behavioural traits and how the syndrome appears in adulthood. The need for this study is emphasized in the theoretical background by mentioning the commonness of psychiatric diseases. When introducing psychotherapy the focus lies on the cognitive approach. This is because it is the most important approach of psychotherapy for this study. The method used in this study is a systematic literature review. The study material was gathered according to precise search criterion. The study material consists of scientific studies that were gathered from Proquest Database. The gathered material was analysed and synthesized according to the study questions. According to the study material comorbid psychiatric diseases have been rehabilitated using three different types of psychotherapy. These three methods are: cognitive behavioural therapy individually, group cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness-based therapy. All of these methods have successfully reduced symptoms of psychiatric diseases.
  • Seppälä, Jenna (2020)
    The purpose of the study was to find out what challenges may arise with a child with Asperger in elementary school physical education. Previous studies have pointed out that most of the children need special forms of support to be successful in studies. In addition, motor difficulties and unsuitable instruction have shown to have a negative connection in individual’s motivation towards exercise. The study was conducted as a narrative figurative literature view. The purpose was to find out what kind of research can be found on special characteristics of Asperger’s Syndrome in physical education and how to support Asperger children during physical education. Materials selected from both Finnish and English databases were Finnish and international books and articles mainly based in the 2000s. Also, Finnish Autism Union website was utilized for additional data. The findings were that special characteristics with children with Asperger’s can cause difficulties in school physical education, but they can also be supported in various ways. Challenges were especially caused by social problems, linguistic difficulties, sensory defensiveness, routines and subjects of interest. In addition, difficulties were found in cognitive control and attention. From forms of supports significant factors were teacher’s competence and personality. On top, support was provided with the help of preliminaries and flexible curriculum.
  • Hirvasnoro, Jussi (2017)
  • Bjon, Isabel (2021)
    The criminalization of homosexual acts and persecution of LGBTQ+ people is a serious global problem and therefore LGBTQ+ refugees can seek asylum on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in the European Union. The asylum process should protect LGBTQ+ refugees as they can be considered to belong to a particular social group subjected to persecution because of their sexual orientation and gender identity. However, as there are existing gaps in the legislation, the legislation is not always applied as it should be. Among other things, there has been a major problem in which way authorities should confirm the sexual orientation of asylum seekers and therefore illegal or criticized methods have arisen in the asylum process.
  • Halkosalmi, Ella (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää ja kuvailla, millaista maksutonta työpajatoimintaa Ateneum on järjestänyt päiväkotiryhmille vuosina 2002–2021. Kansallisen koulutuksen arviointikeskuksen varhaiskasvatuksen laatua koskevan selvityksen (Repo ym., 2019) mukaan kuvataidekasvatusta ei järjestetä riittävästi varhaiskasvatuksessa. Kuvataiteellisen toiminnan tulisi kuitenkin varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteiden (OPH, 2018) mukaan olla osa varhaiskasvatuksen arkea ja museot mainitaan yhtenä varhaiskasvatuksen oppimista rikastuttavana ympäristönä. Ateneum on tarjonnut lapsille opastuksia ja työpajatoimintaa jo vuosikymmenien ajan, ja tämä tutkimus pyrkii valottamaan sitä, millaista kuvataiteellista työpajatoimintaa Ateneum on 2000-luvun aikana voinut tarjota päiväkotiryhmille. Menetelmät. Tutkimus oli laadullinen tapaustutkimus ja aineiston analyysi tehtiin teorialähtöisenä sisällönanalyysina, jossa analyysirunkona sovellettiin Kettusen (2004) työpajatoimintaa kuvaavien ilmausten kategorisointia. Tutkimuksen aineistona toimivat Ateneumin päiväkotiryhmille suunnatun työpajatoiminnan kuvaustekstit. Vuosien 2002–2008 tekstit löytyivät Kansallisgallerian KAS-tiedotuslehdistä, ja vuosien 2009–2021 vastaavat tekstit saatiin Ateneumin museolehtori Erica Othmanin välittäminä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että Ateneumin päiväkotiryhmille järjestämälle toiminnalle ominaista oli lapsilähtöisyys, joka ilmeni tarinallisuuden ja oman käsillä tekemisen korostumisessa. Työpajojen kuvauksissa tarjottiin mahdollisuus tutkia ja ihmetellä museon näyttelyitä, sekä pohtia yhdessä ihmisyyteen, ympäristöön, menneisyyteen ja nykyisyyteen liittyviä kysymyksiä. Työpajatoiminta tarjosi monipuolisen toimintapaketin, jossa lapsilla on mahdollista tutustua museoon, sen näyttelyihin, sekä omaan taiteelliseen työskentelyyn.