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  • Partanen, Verna (2019)
    Aims. The aim of sexual education among young children is to support and protect children’s sexual development (Ingman-Friberg & Cacciatore, 2016). Even though a young child is considered as a sexual being, studies show that sexual education does not appear as a planned activity in Finnish early childhood education yet. This study aims to analyse, which body parts do children, under the age of seven, view as their private body parts that are not allowed to be touched by others without their own permission. In other words, the intent of this study is to find out how children have understood the knowledge and own rights about appropriate touching, as known as safety skills. Furthermore, the aim is to analyse where have these private body parts been learned from. This study offers an opportunity to go deeper into the subject matter and to discover possible defects in the educational needs. Methods. This study was based on a phenomenological study, which aims to understand people’s experiences. This was conducted with the use of qualitative research methods, such as group interviews and colouring pictures, which worked as private documents. Research material was collected from six approximately five-year-old children from two different kindergartens. Materials were analysed with data based content analysis. Results and conclusions. According to the document material, children had different views on private body parts. However, all of the children viewed the areas around breasts, genitals and buttocks as private. This indicates that children have understood the privacy of the swimsuit rule. Furthermore, every child described some body parts as private, which means that none of the children viewed their bodies fully acceptable to touching. According to the interview material, there were different factors that represent where were the private body parts learnt. These factors were divided into children’s own viewpoints and environmental effects. The results of this study shows, that children had learned some safety skills, even though the answers did not connect early childhood education as the source of learning. It seems that sexual education has happened, but not in early childhood education.
  • Laurikainen, Jenni (2018)
    This bachelor’s thesis will show how the media use of children has changed in the past few years and what kind of effects it has on children. This thesis will allso look at media education and think about what kind of media education should there be in daycare. The research method in this thesis was a literature overwiew. The material was collected from research softwares and was picked randomly. Method used in this thesis was content analysis. This thesis showed that the media use of children under the age of seven has changed during the last decate and that children begin to use media even younger. The reasearch showed also that even when the use of media has crown there are little mentioning about media education in the national early childhood education plan, releasted in 2016. It is shown that media education is not necessarily exploited enough in early childhood education.
  • Suonpää, Maarit (2016)
    The main goal of this study was to investigate what kinds of beliefs higly intelligence persons have about intelligence itself; do they consider intelligence as a fixed trait that people are born with or something in what they can affect themselves. In the light of the previous studies, I argue that people with higher intelligence would consider intelligence as something they can self make a difference in. Secondly I’m investigating how these beliefs correlate with beliefs about other aspects of intelligence. Finaly I’m investigating does person’s sex or educational backround affect their beliefs about intelligence. This study’s target group, the higly intelligence persons, were all official members of Finland’s Mensa. The data for this study was collected by electrical questionnare, on Finland’s Mensa’s official Facebook-page and on their own web site. In february 2016 alltogether 148 people answered to this questionnare, 88 of them were males, 58 of them were females. The results of this study indicate, that my targer group’s epistemological beliefs are very heterogeneous. One’s high intelligence quotient doesn’t necessarely correlate with person’s higher level thinking. The beliefs of the nature of intelligence correlated most with beliefs of musicality. Person’s sex or educational backround showed no statistical significance to their epistemological beliefs.
  • Lehtonen, Nina (2018)
    The aim of this study was to find out what reasons young people give for dropping out of vo-cational education or why they consider dropping out. Incompletion of upper secondary level studies is a current topic and is more widely associated with exclusion of young people. Dropping out of school can be viewed from the perspective of school engagement: dropping out our leaving school is a result of failed engagement. Study motivation affects school en-gagement. In the theories of study motivation intrinsic interest and autonomy play an im-portant role. In earlier studies reasons for dropping out of vocational education and training have been mental health issues, wrong choice of field and socio-economic reasons. This study was carried out as a qualitative, inductive content analysis. The aim was not to prove an existing theory, but to create categories based on the research material. The re-search material was picked out from Demi-fi -web page. Four conversations from years 2013 – 2015 were selected. In this study I concentrate on the reasons young people give for drop out in their texts. Three different reasons were given for dropping out of vocational education. The reasons were external issues, such as the actions of the educational institute and teachers’ lack of professionalism, lack of interest and failed choice of field and lack of personal resources, such as issues with mental health and wellbeing. According to the results of this study, it can be stated that more support should be given to student in choosing the right field of study. Al-so educational institutes should be developed and more attention should be paid to young peoples’ mental health and wellbeing.
  • Laitila, Krista (2016)
    Studies have shown us, that factors influencing our career choices are based on the lifelong development of identity and self-perception. These have great importance on what kind of career starts to interest person and what kind of professional identity he or she may develop. On the top of interior motivation, there are many external factors, that effect on person’s choices. For example, does person feel the job valuable and relevant? Students ponder these themes before graduation. The goal of this research is to resolve, how kindergarten teacher students evaluate their own education at Helsinki university. The research aims to bring up the reasons why students change their education after or during the early childhood education program, and on the other hand, why students chose to become a kindergarten teacher, even it was not his or hers primary choice of career. Furthermore the aim is to find out, why the students chose to apply for early childhood education and how they evaluate the working field, so the education can support the development of person’s professional identity and provide the needed knowledge and skills. In this research eight students, who had started their studies at 2013, were interviewed. Half of the interviewee had applied to change career during the early childhood education and half of the interviewee had decided to stay in the program, even it was not their primary choice of career. The method of research was half-structured interview with some features of theme interview. Only relevant material collected by interview was retained, and the remaining material was categorized and split into themes. In one theme was placed all the material with common features. No matter, if the student was about to change the education, or had decided to work as kindergarten teacher, the evaluation of the education program was excellent. Negative comments were mostly related to the working field. The students experienced the education to be interesting and inspiring, but they were worried of the challenging situation of the kindergartens in Helsinki metropolitan area: lack of resources, growing group of children and low salary don’t necessarily lure students to become a kindergarten teacher.
  • Kokkonen, Terhi (2016)
    Topic and purpose. The topic of this thesis is Finland’s ongoing process of reforming legislation on vocational upper secondary education. According to the government, the objective of the reform is an effective, competence-based and customer-oriented VET (vocational education and training) system. The aim is to increase the amount of on-the-job learning and vocational colleges should create more personalized learning paths for each individual student. I attempt to describe the reform in its societal, historical and ideological context. I also critically examine the key themes of political narratives for this reform. Materials and methods. Political discourse can be examined both as the instrument and as an effect of power. I used rhetorical analysis when I examined the draft (dated November 8, 2016) of government bill for The Vocational Education and Training Act and some acts related to it, and some stakeholders’ reactions to it. Results and conclusions. The draft of government bill is associated with neoliberal ideas, in which a student is personally responsible of his/her own employability. In this rhetoric, a student is a customer of a vocational institution, who is helped to plan educational and workplace pathways. Instead of pedagogical, educational or cultural goals, the student-customer is offered an opportunity to show his/her vocational skills. The neoliberal ideals of effectiveness, individualization and flexibility are emphasized in targets set to educational organizations.
  • Pimenoff, Larissa (2016)
    It has been shown that plentiful possessions can disturb ones activity in his/her home. People may also have difficulties in making decisions about, and taking action in cutting down his/her belongings. Moreover has outsourcing domestic work been found to be increasing. The aim of this thesis was to create preliminary understanding of a so far little researched topic: professional organizers’ profession and work in Finland. This is made by describing their working methods, causes of clutter in Finnish homes, and hindrances it may cause. Professional organizers’ views of their principal professional qualities are portrayed as well. 14 media publications on professional organizers and two handbooks written by them were used as material of this research. In the stage of the analysis information was gathered according to the research problem and put in index in summary form. Part of the findings was further categorized into subtypes after which the interpretations could be made. Professional organizers saw a demand for their work in Finnish households. In their work they encouraged their clients to make decisions about cutting out stuff and help them in completing the actual decluttering. Their main advice was to proceed gradually with the work in witch every item needs to justify its necessity to be retained. Professional organizers rated social skills as the main quality in their profession. The prime mover of clutter building up in Finnish homes was mentioned to be the mentality of sparing. Clutter could be seen as a hindrance on physical (trip hazard), mental (disarray causing anxiety) and social (too ashamed to invite friends over) level as well. It can be stated that home clutter and clearing is a complex whole. Decluttering homes is done with good reasons due to the hindrances clutter can cause. That may require professional help’s cheer and practical advice. Professional organizer’s and his/her client’s successful cooperation requires confidentiality to build between them.
  • Sahlberg, Suvi (2017)
    Today children live in mediated culture. Therefore they need many different kind of literacy skills. Basic reading skills are the foundation that it is built on. Children´s literature has its own role in supporting the process of learning to read. The purpose of this qualitative content ana-lysis is to find out what kind of typographical, illustrational and textual ways to support pro-cess of learning to read can be found in Finnish learning to read books. Collected data invol-ves thirteen beginner readers books that are published in Finland. I had three categories in the focus of analysis: typography, texts and illustrations. Through analysis, the main focus on beginner readers books was based on readability and in the clarity of illustrations. The major finding was that some of the books was really targeted for children that are just starting to learn how to read but others was for children that already can read. The another result was that hyphenated text or increased text size are not the only factors that help the progress of learning to read. This study can be used as a support when parents are choosing a book when their children are in a stage of learning to read. Authors, illustrators and graphic designers that are planning to do a book for children that are learning to read can use this study for their benefit.
  • Kuivalahti, Lotta (2016)
    The aim of the research presented in this thesis was to look into Finnish children’s books to see what kind of child main characters the books have and how the characters have changed in the past 50 years. The books studied in this research were published in the 1960s and 2010s, both times with big changes in the Finnish society. Books are a product of their time, which means that the changes in the society affect the literature as well. In the 1960s Finland was going through urbanization as well as other changes in ideology and advancements in technology. In the 2010s the changes involve the development of advanced technology as well as globalization. Because of the nature of books as the product of their time, it can be assumed that books written in the same country during the same time period have some similarities that narrate the society, its values and norms. The books used in the research were chosen from the “Helmet” network of libraries which includes all the libraries in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The number of books was narrowed down to 43 books with 60 different main characters. 26 of the books were published in the 1960s and 17 in the year 2015. The books were analysed using the means of qualitative content analysis, focusing on the inner and outer features of characters based on text as well as pictures. The key results show that there are differences between the two time periods. There are almost as many girls and boys as main characters from both time periods. The main difference considering gender are the two characters from 2015 whose gender is not defined in the book. The literature from the 1960s highlighted personality traits such as honesty and obedience, often in line with Christian values. Girls were shown wearing pretty dresses and described as pretty. Boys were also obedient and respectful. The gender stereotypes are still visible in the books from 2015 to some extent, but especially boys were more likely to show emotion: be lonely and afraid. Generally the characters have become more independent. The literature from 2015 is more visual and the pictures have taken over space from the text. The books from the 1960s are black and white with less frequent pictures. This means that the main way of giving information about the character has changed from text to pictures. When there is more text, the character development is often more profound than in the picture books. Even though the characters are more actively taking action in their lives, they are still mosty stereotypical and one-dimentional.
  • Laaksonen, Roosa (2017)
    The role of vision for a child’s overall development is significant. Visual impairments have an effect on almost every aspect of a child’s early development. It has been estimated that the greatest challenges for children with visual impairments come with interaction and communication. Visual impairments exist in every age group, although only marginal among children. When it comes to children with visual impairments, there is a great need for research in the field of early childhood education, especially for providing ways to support the social skills and peer relationships among these children with special needs. Currently, there is only a meager amount of Finnish research and literature on the subject. The aim for this study is to examine the nature of interaction between a child born blind and his peers. It is as important to regard the ways teachers and other personnel support the children to build and maintain friendships. This study is a qualitative case study. The material of the study has been collected empirically observing and filming moments of interaction between 5-year old Antti, who was born blind, and his peers in daycare. After a month’s observation, each educator working in the child group was then interviewed individually. The material has been analyzed through transcription and classification. The conclusion to the study was, that there were significant challenges to interaction and play between visually impaired Antti and his peers. Adults’ support was in a key role in helping Antti succeed in binding and keeping up friendships with his peers. Over all, many social situations in the daycare’s context seemed specifically challenging for Antti. The educators gave insight to the ways they support Antti and all the other children in the group interacting with each other successfully.
  • Finell, Clarice (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to gain a larger insight to how jewelry artists choose the use of textile materials and methods in their artworks. Based on the dissertations on jewelry art by Petteri Ikonen and Päivi Ruutiainen and Dormers theory on craft knowledge, the aim has been to study what has influenced the artists to choose textile materials and methods as a means to produce an artwork and if the choice of material directs the design or if design directs the choice of material. The study has been executed by means of phenomenography. 15 jewelry artist from different countries participated. A survey was sent via e-mail to 147 jewelry artists, three jewelry artist associations and was also put on a jewelry art forum on Facebook. The obtained material was analyzed with phenomenographic methods. The result of the study was the utterances of the jewelry artists could be categorized in three groups which pertain to what is needed to create art, what skills are needed and how these skills are obtained. The result showed the passion is needed to create art, that materials and methods are used because of a thorough knowledge to use them and that thorough knowledge is obtained by extensive experience and practice of said knowledge.
  • Iivanainen, Josefiina (2019)
    Objectives. The aim of this thesis was to analyze how everyday life is structured in student families. The second purpose was to gather information about how daily routines affect the families’ mastering of everyday life. It has been proven in many previous studies that regularity and routines support families’ day-to-day lives. Also, combining family life with studies has been shown to create many challenges. With proper knowledge and a healthy respect towards routines, some obstacles of everyday life could be prevented from occurring beforehand. Methods. This thesis was qualitative and the data was collected by interviewing mothers (n=5), who were chosen by using purposive sampling. In each of the families, at least one of the parents was studying full-time and at least one child was in a day care center. The interviews were conducted as theme interviews and the data was analyzed by using qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions. The families organized their everyday lives by coordinating studying, work and family life. The analysis revealed several different factors which support or hinder the mastery of everyday life. Day-to-day life was mainly cyclic and weekdays consisted of six different temporal phases. On weekends, the routines and schedules were more flexible. Establishments like kindergarten and school had both positive and negative effects. The flexibility of student life eased everyday life but at the same time the incessant need to study constrained it. Kindergarten regularized life but it also brought time pressure in the mornings. The management of schedules turned out to be a notable challenge for the families, which they attempted solve by equally dividing chores, scheduling studies and regularity. According to the results, routines had positive impacts on the mastering of everyday life. They relieved the families of certain actions and decreased the feeling of rush. They also created feelings of security and predictability from the children’s point of view. Scheduling routines had a great impact on intimate relationships, spare time, study time, sleep and emotions as well as on the flow of day-to-day functions. Routines were also associated with parenting goals, such as supporting the child to become more independent and responsible. If necessary, the most important routines could be adjusted accordingly but usually the aim was to stick by some common rules. Nevertheless, better routines were consciously created and molded simultaneously as the children grew up. As for the negative effects, fully scheduled weeks can be exhausting and have an overpowering effect on the family’s comings and goings.
  • Ahlfors, Kira (2017)
    School evaluation always has a connection to the current learning concept. The evaluation indirectly indicates what is valued in society at that present time. These values are reflected in the human concept and hence the pupil's perception. Therefore, student assessment plays an important and responsible role in promoting favorable development in children. In this bachelor’s thesis I´m researching thoughts of the 5th grade teachers in the Arabian school about the significance of evaluation in children development, growth and learning. In the theoretical part I focus on the internal growth and development of children and young people between 7 and 15 years through different development areas and phases. I bring forth the most famous theories that have influenced our present understanding of the child as a developing and learning human being. In addition, I address evaluation methods that can support and promote student learning and thereby support favorable growth and development. Four 5th grade teachers from the Arabian school attended the study. Three of them were class teachers and one craft teacher and each had a teaching history for over five years. Interviews were conducted at the Arabia School as individual and semi-structured interviews. My research is data-driven and the focal point is the data that I have collected from the interviewed teachers. The theoretical part is based on the themes raised in the material. In the study, teachers considered the evaluation to be important if it was comprehensive and developing. By evaluating, the teachers felt the opportunity to increase the student's understanding of their skills, strengths and weaknesses, which provides tools for achieving the goals. In assessing the student, teachers felt that cooperation with parents, peers and other teachers was particularly important.
  • Kytömäki, Saara (2017)
    The aim of this thesis was to gather more information on the topic of values education from the perspective of primary school teachers in Finland. While the topic has been examined to some extent in previous studies, the focus of this thesis differs from those earlier works. Paula Suhonen (2012), for example, has studied the role and realisation of values education in schools, and the ideas and attitudes the teachers have concerning their role as value educators. My study continues her work by further examining especially the latter topic. Above all, the goal was to examine how teachers themselves view their role as a value educator, and how conscious this role is. Furthermore, the aim was to determine how teachers see values in general: as absolute and immutable, or more dependent on time and place. The theoretical background of the thesis leans on general deninitions of values and values education and - as in most previous research - values education is here linked to moral philosophy. The research was carried out as focused interviews of three teachers of various ages and career stages. The focused interview as a method suited the process well, as the aim of the research was to record the teachers' thoughs as personal and authentic as possible. The interview material was then phenomenografically analyzed by creating categories portraying teachers´ perceptions of themselves as value educators. These descriptional categories were based both on theory and the interview material. The findings of the thesis supported those of previous studies: in addition to the school curricula and the Finnish law, the values of the interviewees were based on their own upbringing and personal experiences in life and at the workplace. While being highly conscious of their role as "quardians of a lot", they also view the busy everyday encounters at the school as rather concrete interaction, where values education is carried out mainly through solving ordinary, everyday problems. Each of the teachers experienced values education as an essential part of their work, but what they hoped for was that their role would be specified more clearly, for example in the school curricula. This would be a good topic in future research on values education, as previous studies have also called for by suggesting that The aim of this thesis was to gather more information on the topic of values education from the perspective of primary school teachers in Finland. While the topic has been examined to some extent in previous studies, the focus of this thesis differs from those earlier works. Paula Suhonen (2012), for example, has studied the role and realisation of values education in schools, and the ideas and attitudes the teachers have concerning their role as value educators. My study continues her work by further examining especially the latter topic. Above all, the goal was to examine how teachers themselves view their role as a value educator, and how conscious this role is. Furthermore, the aim was to determine how teachers see values in general: as absolute and immutable, or more dependent on time and place. The theoretical background of the thesis leans on general deninitions of values and values education and - as in most previous research - values education is here linked to moral philosophy. The research was carried out as focused interviews of three teachers of various ages and career stages. The focused interview as a method suited the process well, as the aim of the research was to record the teachers' thoughs as personal and authentic as possible. The interview material was then phenomenografically analyzed by creating categories portraying teachers´ perceptions of themselves as value educators. These descriptional categories were based both on theory and the interview material. The findings of the thesis supported those of previous studies: in addition to the school curricula and the Finnish law, the values of the interviewees were based on their own upbringring and personal experiences in life and at the workplace. While being highly conscious of their role as "quardians of a lot", they also view the busy everyday encounters at the school as rather concrete interaction, where values education is carried out mainly through solving ordinary, everyday problems. Each of the teachers experienced values education as an essential part of their work, but what they hoped for was that their role would be specified more clearly, for example in the school curricula. This would be a good topic in future research on values education, as previous studies have also called for by suggesting thatvalues education should be more closely linked to actual studying material. The questions of values and their immutability divided opinions among the teachers - which might have though been affected by their differing interpretations of the research questions on the topic. values education should be more closely linked to actual studying material. The questions of values and their immutability divided opinions among the teachers - which might have though been affected by their differing interpretations of the research questions on the topic.
  • Uusi-Kilponen, Alisa (2019)
    Aims. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to study the forms of professional support given to newly qualified teachers and how efficient these forms of support are in enhancing teachers’ professional development in Finland. Previous studies have shown how demanding the induction phase can be for new teachers. The fact that a systematic induction program is not yet available doesn’t help new teachers assimilate new information, adapt to the work community and become committed to the teaching profession. Different kinds of experiments have taken place, however. The purpose of this thesis is to chart those forms of support that help the progress of teachers’ professional development in Finland. The purpose is based on the motivation to promote knowledge and understanding of new teachers’ possibilities to get the help needed. Methods. This thesis was produced as a descriptive literature review. The data was collected by using the databases Helka, ARTO and Google Scholar. Ultimately, six publication that were released between the years 2006 - 2015 and written in Finnish, Swedish or English were selected for the analysis. Results and conclusions. According to the research data, the forms of support for newly qualified teachers varied from an introduction to the working environment within the school to different types of mentoring organised in different parts of Finland. The mentoring programs differed from each other in terms of their duration, content and organizing models. While one-to-one conversations in dyadic mentoring supported the professional and personal growth of the mentees, group-based mentoring also offered social support. After the first mentoring experiments, peer group mentoring was further developed, and it seems that it is the most efficient form of support in enhancing a teacher’s comprehensive professional development.
  • Mähönen, Iina (2017)
    The research examines the development and sharing of expertise in the profession of tailoring. The focus is on four themes: the impact of individual and social factors on the development of expertise and activities that either advance or inhibit its deepening. Research focused on traditional handcraft professions is important as it increases the appreciation, understanding and knowledge of these professions. Studying traditional handcrafts is also important in order to prevent the decline and disappearance of these fields. The theoretical part of the study focuses on examining previous research and theoretical literature on expertise and the development and sharing of expertise. Literature on the diversity of the methods of learning skills is also briefly discussed in the second chapter of the study, which also serves as a general introduction into the topic of the study. In this study, the development and sharing of expertise was studied by using qualitative research method. The collection of the data was carried out by conducting semi-structured individual interviews. For the purpose of the research, the experiences of skill development as well as the development and transfer of skills were collected from tailors engaged in the trade (n=4).Theoretical content analysis was used in the analysis of the material. The research results showed that the deepening of one’s own expertise was advanced by imitating the technical details of competitors and by learning by research. Sharing knowledge and skills together with other experts was not found to very common in the data. According to the tailors interviewed, the biggest obstacles for sharing expertise were the challenge of teaching skills that require routine and the lack of time. It can also be seen from the data that the reflection of one’s own workmanship was low, which may be related to the challenge of sharing skills. Those tailors who constantly challenged their own skills and routines experienced their opportunities for professional development more strongly. The reluctance to deviate from routines also rose from the data as one of the most concrete obstacles for the development of expertise. Acknowledging the factors that advance professional development is justified when the education of tailors is considered. The results of this study can contribute to this process. The organizations educating tailors should avoid teaching students simply to repeat things that are already known, even if it is important to build on what has already been learned. Educational arrangements that promote open learning and are based on students’ own interests’ support their ability to both renew and transfer what they have learned into future professional practices.
  • Lehtonen, Jarno (2018)
    In recent years, talk about expertise has increased to include new and new occupations in the labor market transition. Since I worked many years with homeless people, I began to think about how the talk about the expertise is appropriate for the social work sector and how the expertise is practiced there. My main objective was to find out how the expertise is shown in the third sector social work with homeless people. From my own perspective, the public sector has structures and frameworks that guide new employees quite strictly how to implement their work, while the third sector has more free working environment where the employee's personal qualities can affect more to the content of the work. In 2002, Hakkarainen, Palonen and Paavola published an article about the mechanisms for creating expertise that, in my opinion, disregarded the personal and emotional capabilities of an employee to become an expert. However, I believe that these characteristics are emphasized in the social sector as an essential part when building up one´s expertise. The purpose of the research was to find out how Hakkarainen and his partners' (2002) three aspects of expertise; the acquisition view, the participation view and the knowledge-creation view are emphasized in the social work. The second purpose was to study what role the personal characteristics play when developing one´s expertise in the third sector. The material of my qualitative research was based on three professional thematic interviews in the social sector, which I implemented as half-structured interviews with using the phenomenographic approach. Prior to the interviews, I became acquainted with the theory of expertise and the literature of homelessness, as well as to the previous research specifically on social work expertise. According to the results, the information required for expertise in homelessness issues was mainly collected from the customer base and at the individual level. Social education was hoped to take better into account the people with whom the professionals will work after their graduation. The content of the work was essentially influenced by the personal skills of the employee, as they determined, not only the nature of the client work, but also the long-term work-life. More public and third sector co-operation was hoped for in order to utilize expertise.
  • Forsström, Petra (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to discover how Asperger syndrome is connected to child’s intelligence, giftedness and motivation in school and teaching context. Research questions were: 1) How true is the image of intelligence and giftedness often associated with people with Asperger syndrome and how does this image appear in school context? 2) How do special interests characteristic of Asperger syndrome affect child's study motivation? In former studies the syndrome has often been seen in the light of challenges in social communication and there is less information about teaching children with Asperger syndrome and how do these children learn. Thus this study brings out further information about academic performance of a child with Asperger syndrome. This study was carried out as a descriptive literary survey. Scientific publications of experts in the field of autism spectrum and Asperger syndrome were used as sources and sources were searched for in libraries of The University and City of Helsinki and in databases of the Internet. As a result was discovered that the image of intelligence and giftedness was partly a myth. Most children with Asperger syndrome had normal intelligence and a relatively small number of children with Asperger syndrome were especially gifted or intelligent. Child's style of speaking and vocabulary gave an impression of intelligence and hid other problems. Performance in intelligence tests was uneven and giftedness was often narrow and connected to child's special interest. Many children had difficulties in other areas such as concentration and social relations. Some children with Asperger syndrome are however truly gifted and teacher has to be able to take both child's gifts and weaknesses into account. As a result was also discovered that special interests affected child's study motivation. Child was motivated to gather more information about his special interest but wasn't necessarily motivated to study other subjects or to do assignments. Using special interests one could on the other hand get child interested in new things and assignments. Therefore teacher should be aware of child's special interests and incorporate them into teaching with deliberation.
  • Vesterinen, Veera (2017)
    The purpose of this study is to define methods of psychotherapy that are used to treat comorbid psychiatric diseases with adults who have Asperger syndrome. There is a small number of previous studies in this field which is the reason this study was conducted. The aim of this study is to identify methods of psychotherapy that are used to treat comorbid psychiatric diseases. The aim is also to describe these therapeutic interventions in detail and to reflect on the gains and limitations of different methods. The theoretic background to this study consists of defining Asperger syndrome and psychotherapy. In the definition of Asperger syndrome the focus is on neurobiological background, diagnosis, behavioural traits and how the syndrome appears in adulthood. The need for this study is emphasized in the theoretical background by mentioning the commonness of psychiatric diseases. When introducing psychotherapy the focus lies on the cognitive approach. This is because it is the most important approach of psychotherapy for this study. The method used in this study is a systematic literature review. The study material was gathered according to precise search criterion. The study material consists of scientific studies that were gathered from Proquest Database. The gathered material was analysed and synthesized according to the study questions. According to the study material comorbid psychiatric diseases have been rehabilitated using three different types of psychotherapy. These three methods are: cognitive behavioural therapy individually, group cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness-based therapy. All of these methods have successfully reduced symptoms of psychiatric diseases.
  • Larma, Sonja (2019)
    Everyone in the Swedish speaking minority in Finland does not come easily in contact with the Finnish language. At the same time, there is an increase of Swedish-speaking Finns moving to Sweden. One of the reasons for emigration to Sweden is language. It is important that all Swedish-speaking Finns have the chance to learn and master the Finnish language to have the same opportunities in the Finnish society as the native Finnish speakers. The purpose of this study is to observe the attitudes towards the Finnish language among pupils in Swedish speaking schools. To get a wide perspective a comparative study was conducted between so to say pair schools (where a Finnish and a Swedish speaking school are sharing the school property) and a regular Swedish speaking school. In this quantitative study, the data was collected by a paper questionnaire that pupils in grades 4-6 filled in. Two pair schools and one regular school participated in this study. The sample consisted of N=81 pupils and the data where analysed in the statistical program SPSS. The results showed that the pupils in general had a relatively neutral or a slightly more positive attitude against the Finnish language. The pupils in the regular school had slightly a better attitude towards the Finnish language than the pupils in the pair schools. Students that spoke Finnish regularly had a better attitude towards the Finnish language. The pupils in the pair schools where not that interested in interaction with the pupils from the Finnish speaking schools.