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  • Lehtinen, Aino (2019)
    This review will address how individual symptomology may be used to model a person’s psychological disorder. The discussed disorders are depression, generalised anxiety disorder and social anxiety disorder, which will be discussed separately and as simultaneous compositions of symptoms. Traditionally mental health disorders have been elucidated by dividing them into separate categories. In 2010s network analysis has risen as an alternative method, where the relationship between symptoms is examined in time and visualised as a network. The network analysis viewpoint suggests that psychological symptoms cause each other and that activation spreads through the network via the interactions between those symptoms. Two disorders that occur simultaneously are thought to constitute separate clusters of symptoms, which are united by bridge symptoms that mediate activation from one cluster to another. This review will focus particularly on idiographic, personalised networks. These personalised models aspire to take into consideration all the variation in a person’s symptomology. These models are formulated from occurring symptoms in several points in time, so it is possible to speculate, although not prove, the direction of an interaction between symptoms. The symptoms that affect several other symptoms strongly spread activation all around them when activated, whereas those symptoms that receive several effects from other symptoms particularly often associate with other symptoms. The application of network models to clinical practice is based on this idea. To demonstrate idiographic modelling, two different cases will be considered. In both examples the person is afflicted with both depression and an anxiety disorder, and for each person an idiographic network model is formed. The observation can be made from these cases that the symptoms described as most central in categorical models are not equal to the symptoms in these networks that most maintain its activation. The idiographic networks of the example cases also do not indicate bridge symptoms, but rather the symptoms form a single cluster and maintain each other across disorder category boundaries. The conclusions made from personalised network analyses cannot be generalised to the population or even the same person in other points in time. In addition, conclusions cannot be made about the validity of DSM categories or the concept of comorbidity. Nevertheless, they open windows to the individual variation and complexity of symptomology, which categorical diagnostic classifications cannot consider. From these observations different study questions and designs can be formulated and novel clinical interventions developed.
  • Perälampi, Heidi (2018)
    Dissociation is defined as disruption in the normal integration of consciousness, memory, identity, emotion, perception, body representation, motor control, and behavior. The definition has some similarities with five symptom domains of schizophrenia; hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking, disorganized motor behavior, and negative symptoms. This review aims to clarify the relationship between dissociation and schizophrenia from three perspectives. These are; dissociative symptoms in schizophrenia patients; schizophrenia related symptoms in dissociative patients; and the correlation between schizophrenia related symptoms and dissociative symptoms. The most systematically studied area was dissociative symptoms in schizophrenia patients, and the results showed that schizophrenia patients do not have particularly high dissociative symptoms compared to other mental health disorders. In contrast schizophrenia related symptoms in patients with dissociative disorder diagnosis is somewhat understudied area; yet a very few studies have found connections particularly between dissociative disorders and auditory hallucinations. There seems to be relatively high correlation between schizophrenia related symptoms and DES-scores. Research evidence was compared to three theories that have tried to explain the relationship between dissociation and schizophrenia. The theory by Moskowiz, Read, Farrelly, Rudgeair and Williams, according to which all symptoms of schizophrenia, (possibly excluding negative symptoms) would be caused by dissociation, found no support. The duality model by Şar and Öztürk, and Ross’ and Keyes’ model of dissociative subgroup within schizophrenia, were not in conflict with research evidence. However, more research is needed for reliable evaluation of these models.
  • Leskinen, Jenni (2017)
    Kielellinen erityisvaikeus on merkittävä riskitekijä lukivaikeuksille. Jopa 50 %:lla kielihäiriöisistä lapsista todetaankin dysleksia ja vielä suuremmalla määrällä on lievempiä kirjoitetun kielen prosessoinnin ongelmia. Dysleksia on pohjimmiltaan fonologisen prosessoinnin häiriö ja myös kielihäiriöön liittyy usein samankaltaisia fonologisia ongelmia, mikä tekee häiriöiden toisistaan erottamisesta usein vaikeaa. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat kuitenkin osoittaneet sen olevan mahdollista fonologista prosessointia tarkemmin analysoimalla. Sekä SLI että dysleksia heikentävät usein merkittävästi koulumenestystä ja häiriöiden esiintyessä yhdessä on negatiivinen vaikutus koulumenestykseen vielä suurempi. Olisikin tärkeää pystyä mahdollisimman varhaisessa vaiheessa erottamaan kielihäiriöisistä lapsista ne, jotka ovat dysleksiariskissä, jotta heidän lukivalmiuksiensa kuntoutus päästäisiin aloittamaan jo ennen koulun alkamista. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on koota tutkimustietoa kielihäiriöisten lasten dysleksiariskistä ja erityisesti siitä, mitkä piirteet alle kouluikäisten kielihäiriöisten lasten fonologisessa prosessoinnissa ennakoivat dysleksiaa. Tämä kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen muodossa toteutettu tutkielma pohjautuu neljään tutkimusartikkeliin, jossa yhteensä 133:n kielihäiriöisen lapsen fonologista prosessointia arvioitiin 4-6-vuotiaana ja tuloksia verrattiin heidän teknisen lukemisensa sekä lukemisen sujuvuuden taitoihin ensimmäisinä kouluvuosina. Tutkimusten tuloksista kävi ilmi, että lyhytkestoisella kielellisellä muistilla ei ollut yhteyttä SLI-lasten dysleksiariskiin. Merkittäväksi dysleksiaa ennustavaksi tekijäksi osoittautui sen sijaan pulmat nopeassa sarjallisessa nimeämisessä, varsinkin mikäli lapsella oli ongelmia myös fonologisessa tietoisuudessa. Aiempaa tutkimusta aiheesta on tehty vasta vähän, mutta nyt saatujen tulosten perusteella näyttää kuitenkin siltä, että kielihäiriöisten lasten dysleksiariskiä ei voida ennustaa samoin kuin tyypillisesti kehittyneiden lasten dysleksiariskiä.
  • Jansson, Linda (2017)
    Dyslexia is a specific learning disability with a neurobiological origin. Structural and functional abnormalities have been identified in the brains of people with dyslexia. These abnormalities, which are believed to arise early during fetal development, are thought to underlie the deficits in phonological skills primarily associated with dyslexia. Therefore, early identification of children at risk and detailed insight into the linguistic processes affected are important to offer personalized support measures. The aim of this thesis was to study current structural and functional findings associated with the neurobiology of dyslexia. Specifically, the study focused on how brain areas and neurobiological processes involved in reading are different in people with dyslexia compared to normal readers, and whether the same structural and functional differences can be identified in all persons with dyslexia. This work was performed as a descriptive review article, where relevant scientific original articles were screened for using search databases and a defined search phrase. The material was restricted to include articles from the last five years. The material included research on developmental dyslexia where the results had been obtained using MRI, fMRI, or MRI-based methods to obtain results with good spatial resolution. The results demonstrated structural anomalies in gray and white matter in people with dyslexia. In addition, locally abnormal brain activation patterns as well as local and global abnormalities in functional connections within and between brain areas associated with various linguistic components were demonstrated in people with dyslexia. Different subtypes of dyslexia could be differentiated based on differences in brain activity. Taken together, the results presented in this thesis show that atypical local and global patterns of gray matter and local differences in white matter characterize dyslexia. Furthermore, it is shown, that several different linguistic components are affected by dyslexia. Whether different subtypes of dyslexia can be distinguished based on structural differences remains unclear, but differentiation between subtypes of dyslexia based on differences in brain activity is possible.
  • Pöllä, Satu (2017)
    Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a disorder that consists of a distressing and impairing preoccupation with a nonexistent or slight defect in appearance. Patients often seek surgical, dermatologic and other nonpsychiatric medical treatment for their perceived appearance flaws. Psychological and pharmacological interventions are suggested format for the treatment. The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the treatments of body dysmorphic disorder. The main interest is in the effectiveness of psychotherapy and which therapeutic techniques or strategies are effective in the treatment of body dysmorphic disorder. Although research on treatment is still limited, findings support the effectiveness of psychotherapy suggesting that cognitive-behavioral therapy is effective in treating patients with body dysmorphic disorder. Effective therapy may consist of both cognitive and/or behavioral elements, but use of exposure and response prevention is reported in many studies. Findings also suggest that serotonin reuptake inhibitors may be useful in treating patients with body dysmorphic disorder but nonpsychiatric medical treatment usually does not improve BDD symptoms. Although treatments improved the appearance of the treated body part, it led not to improvement in BDD symptoms.
  • O'Shea, Mia (2019)
    Depression is the most prevalent psychiatric disorder amongst seniors in Finland, with about 5% experiencing major depression at any one time. As the population of Finland is slowly growing older, a large proportion of the nation are in late adulthood or retirement and more effort should be put towards the widespread issues which come with old age. Most cases of geriatric depression are treated with either psychosocial interventions or antidepressant treatments, neither of which guarantee definitive success in eliminating symptoms altogether. Antidepressants especially often come with unwanted side-effects, conflict with other medications and are expensive in long-term treatment. Listening to music could be administered as a standalone treatment or within music therapy as a cost-effective, non-invasive and non-pharmacological treatment for elderly depression. Music acts as a powerful stimulant by altering neural activation in many functional brain areas associated with audition, emotions, memory, and movement. Listening to music has been found to alleviate symptoms of depression by encouraging emotional expression, processing of feelings and by altering negative mental states. The purpose of this review was to explore previous research in order to conclusively draw together findings in the effects of music listening on late-life depression. Google Scholar and PubMed -databases were thoroughly enquired to find the latest meta-analyses, systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials and other information relevant to the subject. Altogether three of the most recent meta-analyses were included, as well as an additional three systematic reviews and three RCTs published outside of these. Drawing together findings from various sources, it is evident that music listening has complex beneficial effects and is an effective method in reducing depressive symptoms in older adults. Music listening can be implemented as a therapeutic tool in stand-alone treatment, as part of an intervention or within a music therapy framework.
  • Närvänen, Eija (2019)
    Objective. Transdiagnostic models of psychopathology assume that the commonalities across disorders may outweigh their differences. While these models acknowledge that disorder-specific symptoms and features undoubtedly exist, the same underlying factors are perceived to cause and maintain various disorders. In recent years, this approach has received growing attention and several new forms of therapy have been developed based on it. These may be well-suited for the treatment of mixed-diagnosis groups or individuals with comorbid disorders, and as such, they hold the promise of being very cost-effective. One of the most established transdiagnostic treatments is the Unified Protocol (UP), designed to help patients suffering from depression and the full range of anxiety disorders. The purpose of the present study is to review the evidence regarding the efficacy and effectiveness of the UP for the transdiagnostic treatment of adult anxiety and depression. Methods. For this review, systematic literature searches were performed using the PsychInfo and PubMed online databases in October 2018. The search term used was “Unified Protocol”. The search yielded 114 results in PsychInfo and 138 in PubMed. Ten of these matched the following study selection criteria and were included in the current review: a) the study measured either the efficacy or effectiveness of the cognitive-behavioral UP therapy developed by Barlow (2011), b) treatment was delivered face-to-face in either individual or group setting, c) treatment followed the UP therapist guide without major modifications, d) participants suffered from an anxiety disorder or depression, e) participants were over 18 years of age, d) the study was published in 2015 or later, and f) the study was published in English in a peer-reviewed journal. Results and conclusions. The UP appeared both efficacious and efficient in reducing the severity of adult anxiety and depression as well as the number of comorbid diagnoses; however, there were some conflicting findings regarding recovery rates and effect sizes. The results achieved were comparable to those achieved using diagnosis-specific cognitive-behavioral therapy. The UP treatment had a positive impact on the patients’ functioning and quality of life and the amount of positive and negative affect they experienced. Treatment retention was generally high, particularly when treatment was delivered individually, and the UP received high ratings from those who participated in the studies. All in all, the current empiric evidence regarding the UP appears fairly promising. However, these results must be interpreted with caution, as the research concerning the UP is still in its infancy and a large part of it has been conducted by researchers affiliated with the treatment.
  • Salopuro, Salla (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Eläinten läsnäololla on rauhoittava ja mielialaa parantava vaikutus ihmiseen, ja 2000-luvulla sitä on opittu hiljalleen hyödyntämään myös kuntoutuksessa. Eläinavusteisuuden suosio on kasvanut puheterapeuttienkin keskuudessa, mutta eläinavusteista puheterapiaa käsittelevä tutkimus on vielä hyvin vähäistä. Tämä tutkielma pyrki vastaamaan eläinavusteista puheterapiaa koskevan suomenkielisen tutkimustiedon puutteeseen selvittäen eläinavusteisen puheterapian piirteitä ja vaikuttavuutta. Tarkastelussa olivat erityisesti tavat, joilla eläimiä on hyödynnetty ja vaikutukset, joita eläimillä on havaittu olevan eläinavusteista puheterapiaa käsittelevien tutkimusten terapiajaksoilla. Menetelmät. Tutkielma toteutettiin integroivan kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin. Tiedonhaku tehtiin Scopus ja Ovid Medline -tietokannoista hakulausekkeella ”(speech OR communication) AND therapy AND animal* AND NOT (robot* or electr*) AND (assist* ADJ2 therapy)”. Tutkielman aineisto koostui viidestä tutkimuksesta, jotka täyttivät mukaanottokriteerit: ne olivat vertaisarvioituja, englanninkielisiä, saatavilla maksutta Helsingin yliopiston kirjaston kautta ja käsittelivät puheterapeutin toteuttamaa eläinavusteista puheterapiaa. Aineistoa analysoitaessa tutkimusten olennaiset sisällöt kerättiin taulukkoon niiden keskinäisen vertailun helpottamiseksi. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Aineistossa kuvattiin useita erilaisia eläinten hyödyntämistapoja, mutta useammassa tutkimuksessa toistuvia eläinavusteisen puheterapian elementtejä olivat eläimen kanssa liikkuminen, käskyjen antaminen eläimelle sekä eläimen koskettaminen. Eläinavusteisen puheterapian vaikutusten havaittiin painottuvan ennemminkin pragmaattisten kuin kielellisten taitojen paranemiseen, sillä kaikissa tutkimuksissa raportoitiin kuntoutujien sosiaalisen käytöksen lisääntyneen eläimen mukaanoton myötä kielellisten testien tulosten paranematta merkittävästi. Eläinten läsnäolo kohensi myös kuntoutujien viihtymistä ja motivaatiota kuntoutusprosessissa. Eläinavusteisesta puheterapiasta hyötyvät siis erityisesti sellaiset kuntoutujat, jotka kaipaavat lisämotivaatiota kuntoutukseen, helpotusta terapia- tai vuorovaikutustilanteisiin liittyvään jännitykseen ja joiden terapian tavoitteena ovat pragmaattisten ja vuorovaikutustaitojen harjoittelu. Tulokset ovat hyödynnettävissä eläinavusteisen puheterapian suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa tai esimerkiksi eläinavusteista puheterapiaa koskevien yhtenevien käytänteiden ja suositusten luomisessa.
  • Lukka, Venla (2019)
    Empathy is an ability to recognize, understand and share the emotional states and understand subjective experience of others. Empathy is assumed to consist of two components: affective and cognitive empathy. Deficit in empathy are reported in autism spectrum disorder (asd) and with callous-unemotional (cu) traits. Studies have suggested that these deficits and their cause might be different between asd-traits and cu-traits. The main aim of the current review is to describe the association between asd-traits, cu-traits and lack of empathy. In addition, the review discusses the possibility that structures of empathy processes behind those traits are separate. The review also presents used methods of measuring empathy. A literature search was done by using Pubmed in March 2019. Following search terms were used: autism spectrum disorder, callous-unemotional traits, psychopathy and empathy. Every original articles that considered both asd-traits and cu-traits and that had been published between 2006 and 2019, were selected to the review. After selection, seven studies were included to the review and they were published in years 2006-2016. Based on the current knowledge from original studies untypical empathy processes and lack of empathy are connected to asd-traits and cu-traits. Mechanisms that cause lack of empathy seems to be different behind those traits. In asd-traits cognitive empathy seems to be impaired and on the contrary in cu-traits affective empathy seems to be impaired. Difference in traits level can occur also in disorder level. Therefore these findings should be taken into consideration in case of structuring subjective assistance for person with asd or cu-traits.
  • Hurskainen, Wilma (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Tiettyihin neurologisiin sairauksiin liittyy kohonnut dysfagian eli nielemisvaikeuden riski. Nielemisen kuntoutuksen tavoitteet ja menetelmät riippuvat siitä, mihin motorisiin tai sensorisiin häiriöihin nielemisongelmat perustuvat. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että hengityslihasten voiman harjoittaminen auttaa lisäämään maksimaalista uloshengitysvoimaa, mikä taas voi auttaa yskimällä poistamaan henkitorveen päätynyttä vierasta ainetta. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on arvioida uloshengityslihasten voiman lisäämiseen tähtäävän EMST-menetelmän vaikuttavuutta dysfagian kuntoutuksessa potilailla, joilla on jokin neurologinen sairaus. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa pyritään selvittämään, onko vaikuttavuus yhteydessä potilaan diagnoosiin tai dysfagian vaikeusasteeseen. EMST-menetelmän oletetaan lisäävän paitsi maksimaalista uloshengitysvoimaa, myös parantavan nielemiseen osallistuvien suun, nielun ja kurkunpään lihasten toimintaa ja auttavan näin kieliluun ja kurkunpään nousemista nielemisen aikana. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksen menetelmä oli integroiva kirjallisuuskatsaus. Hakulausekkeeseen sisältyi EMST-menetelmään (expiratory muscle strength training) ja dysfagiaan liittyviä haku-sanoja. Aineisto haettiin PubMed-, Scopus- ja Cinahl -tietokannoista ja se käsitti yhteensä 10 tutkimusta, joista 7 oli satunnaistettuja kontrolloituja kokeita ja 3 prospektiivisia kliinisiä kokeita. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Maksimaalinen uloshengitysvoima lisääntyi koeryhmässä merkitsevästi kaikissa tutkimuksissa, joissa se oli muuttujana. Nielemisen turvallisuutta mittaavat P/A-pisteet paranivat koeryhmällä viidessä yhdeksästä tutkimuksesta, joissa pisteet olivat mitattavana muuttujana. Subjektiivisessa nielemiseen liittyvässä elämänlaadussa ei nähty muutosta yhdessäkään tutkimuksessa, jossa se oli muuttujana. Siihen, oliko menetelmän vaikuttavuus yhteydessä sairausdiagnoosiin tai dysfagian vaikeusasteeseen, ei saatu katsauksen aineiston perusteella selvää vastausta. Tutkimuksen perusteella EMST-menetelmä on helppokäyttöinen ja hyvin siedetty, ja se sopii hyvin neurologisten potilaiden lieväasteisen dysfagian kuntoutukseen. Menetelmä voi soveltua myös ennakoivaan kuntoutukseen etenevissä neurologisissa sairauksissa.
  • Viljakainen, Pia (2018)
    First impressions are quickly formed observations of a new acquaintance. The basis of these observations is to find out what are the intentions of the other person. Therefore, the question behind is to find out whether they are a friend or an enemy. This happens automatically and as studies have found within mere fraction of seconds. It has been found that longer observations of others lead to more precise conclusions and after five seconds people are able to judge each other’s extroversion above chance level. Furthermore, studies point out that first impressions are vulnerable to error as for example positive features like physical attractiveness and success are linked together. In addition, studies show that features signaling threat are seen faster than positive features. According to evolutionary psychology this behavior is valuable for staying alive. Studies also show that to some extent people can impact on their first impression and in photographs people have been successfully able to act extraversion and openness. The purpose of this overview is to consider first impressions and the questions of how they are formed and if they are truthful. In addition, this overview analyzes whether people are aware of the first impressions made of them and whether they can have an impact on them.
  • Kanerva, Viivi (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että kuulovammaisten lasten kielelliset taidot ovat usein ikäodotuksista jäljessä ja kuulovammaisten lasten välillä esiintyy huomattavaa vaihtelua näissä taidoissa. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli tarkastella kuulovammaisten lasten epäsanatoiston ja heidän kielellisten taitojensa välisiä yhteyksiä. Tutkimuksessa otettiin lisäksi huomioon se, ovatko erilaiset demografiset ja audiologiset tekijät yhteydessä kuulovammaisten lasten epäsanatoistoon sekä se, miten kuulovammaisten ja normaalikuuloisten lasten epäsanatoistotaidot eroavat toisistaan. Näitä asioita tarkastelemalla tutkittiin, voisiko epäsanatoistoa hyödyntää kuulovammaisten lasten kielellisten taitojen arvioinnissa ja erityisen kielellisen kuntoutuksen tarpeessa olevien kuulovammaisten lasten tunnistuksessa. Menetelmät. Tutkielman tutkimusmenetelmä oli integroiva kirjallisuuskatsaus. Aineistohaku suoritettiin tieteellisiä julkaisuja sisältävissä tietokannoissa seuraavilla hakusanoilla: nonword repetition/imitation, hearing loss, hearing impairment, hearing impaired, hearing aid, cochlear implant, deaf, deafness, language skills ja language acquisition. Hakusanoista muodostui seuraava hakulauseke: (nonword AND (repetition OR imitation)) AND ((hearing AND (loss OR impair* OR aid)) OR "cochlear implant" OR deaf*) AND (language AND (skills OR acquisition)). Lopulliseen aineistoon valikoitui seitsemän tieteellistä tutkimusartikkelia, joissa tutkittiin epäsanatoiston ja erilaisten kielellisten taitojen ja muiden tekijöiden välisiä yhteyksiä sekä vertailtiin kuulovammaisten ja normaalikuuloisten lasten epäsanatoistoa. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkielman päätulokset olivat seuraavat: kuulovammaisten lasten epäsanatoisto oli positiivisesti yhteydessä heidän kielellisiin taitoihinsa, demografiset ja audiologiset tekijät eivät olleet voimakkaasti yhteydessä epäsanatoistoon, kuulovammaiset lapset suoriutuivat merkitsevästi normaalikuuloisia lapsia huonommin epäsanatoistossa ja kuulovammaisten lasten ryhmän sisäinen vaihtelu epäsanatoistossa oli suurempaa kuin normaalikuuloisilla lapsilla. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että epäsanatoistosta voi olla kliinistä hyötyä erityisen kielellisen kuntoutuksen tarpeessa olevien kuulovammaisten lasten tunnistuksessa.
  • Naskali, Anni (2017)
    Studies have shown that childhood physical abuse is associated with later adverse psychological development and mental health. Additionally, people who have experienced physical abuse have a higher risk for later violence. However, most people who have experienced childhood abuse do not become violent offenders which implies that the two factors are not directly linked. Mediating factors might account for the relationship. Alcohol related problems and antisocial personality disorder are psychiatric disorders which have been associated with childhood physical abuse and intimate partner violence. These disorders are examined here as possible mediators in the relationship between childhood physical abuse and later intimate partner violence. There are mixed results concerning the mediating role of alcohol related problems. These results indicate that alcohol related problems do not mediate the relationship between childhood abuse and violence. Alcohol related problems might work as a mediator for individuals with other risk factors. Studies have found that antisocial personality disorder has a mediating role in the relationship between childhood physical abuse and intimate partner violence. Abuse in childhood combined with a genetic risk for antisocial personality may lead to the development of the disorder which increases the risk for violence. In order to develop effective interventions, it is important to understand the adverse effects of childhood abuse. Moreover, mediating factors should be considered when designing interventions targeting intimate partner violence.
  • Lahtinen, Johanna (2017)
    Tavoitteet. Alle kouluikäisten lasten änkytysterapiassa on jo pitkään käytetty hyväksi epäsuoria kuntoutusmenetelmiä puheen sujuvuuden tukemisessa. Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) ja Demands and Capacities Model (DCM) ovat laajasti lapsen kehityksen huomioivia lähestymistapoja. Näiden tarkoituksena on lisätä lähiympäristön tietoisuutta puheen sujuvuuteen vaikuttavista tekijöistä ja saada heidät hyödyntämään niitä arjen vuorovaikutustilanteissa. Käytännön työssä menetelmien on todettu edistävän puheen sujuvuutta itsessään ja vaikuttavan myönteisesti sekä vuorovaikutusilmapiirin, että änkytykseen liitettyjen asenteiden kehittymiseen. Varsinaisia tutkimuksia aiheesta on kuitenkin vain vähän saatavilla. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää ja koota yhteen PCIT:n ja DCM:n vaikuttavuutta alle kouluikäisten lasten änkytysterapiassa. Menetelmä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineisto kerättiin yliopiston kirjaston tietokantoja ERIC (Proquest), Academic Search Complete (EBSCO), MEDLINE (Proquest) ja SCOPUS (Elsevier) käyttäen. Hakulausekkeella TI (stutter* or stammer* or (speech and rate)) AND TI (treatment or therapy or intervention or influence or effect or outcome or impact) AND TI (child* or early or preschool) AND AB (DCM or (demands and capacities model) or PCIT or (parent-child interaction therapy) or fluency) aineistoksi valikoitui neljä tutkimusta, joiden avulla kartoitettiin pienten lasten änkytysterapiassa käytettävien menetelmien (PCIT ja DCM) vaikuttavuutta. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. PCIT ja DCM olivat tehokkaita kuntoutusmenetelmiä alle kou-luikäisten lasten änkytysterapissa. Ympäristöllä on erittäin suuri rooli lapsen puheen sujuvuu-den ylläpitämisessä ja lisäämisessä. Nämä vuorovaikutuksen merkitystä sekä lapsen yksilöllis-ten kykyjen ja piirteiden huomioimista korostavat interventiomenetelmät auttavat löytämään lapsen kehitystä ja kommunikaatiota parhaiten tukevat keinot. Jatkossa tarvitaan kuitenkin lisää luotettavaa tutkimusta näiden tulosten tueksi. Kuntoutustarpeen arvion ja oikean interventiomenetelmän valintaan tulee kehittää tutkittuun tietoon perustuvia lähestymistapoja.
  • Huotari, Pinja (2020)
    Introduction: The purpose of this review is to point out the results of genetic studies on borderline personality disorder and to discuss the possible genetic influence in the development of the disorder in relation to other influencing etiological factors. This review evaluates if research results support the heritability of borderline personality disorder. At the early stages of the disorders’ etiological studies only psychosocial factors were examined, thus the genetic point of view in the development of borderline symptoms was ignored. The genetic perspective has received more attention lately, however the amount of genetic studies on the subject is still rather limited. Methods: A literature search was conducted using OvidMedline database using search terms borderline personality disorder, BPD, impulsivity, heritability, genetics, development, family studies, adoption studies and twin studies. Results and Conclusions: The results of genetic studies on borderline personality disorder support its heritability. Family studies suggest a noticeable familial aggregation effect, and the risk for borderline personality disorder was greater for immediate relatives of individuals who have been diagnosed with borderline personality. Based on findings from twin studies, the heritability varied between 42-69 percent. Genetic research has not yet identified genetic variants specific to borderline personality disorder, but there was some evidence of a common genetic liability across multiple mental health disorders. Borderline personality disorder is one of the most challenging mental health disorders, and regardless its low prevalence it often leads to hospitalization or outpatient care. With an early identification and focused treatment, it could be possible to lessen individual’s suffering, increase ability to function and reduce the financial burden it causes to society. Since research results support borderline personality disorder’s heritability, raised awareness about the genetic liability amongst health care professionals is a promising start in identifying high-risk groups and planning the treatment.
  • Grandell, Leena (2018)
    Objectives. Psychotherapy research has traditionally concentrated on the positive outcome of therapy whereas negative outcome has not been an object of interest. A comparison to psychopharmacological treatment, for which reporting of side-effects is mandatory, reveals a difference. The area of psychotherapy outcome has lacked consensus on theoretical, methodological and practical issues. This bachelor thesis is a literature review on the subject. The review is limited to cover research projects dealing with adult individual psychotherapy for mood and anxiety disorders concentrating on cognitive and psychodynamic therapy orientations. Method. The Bachelor thesis consisted of a literature review covering international scientific papers on negative outcome of psychotherapy concentrating on following research questions: operationalisation of psychotherapy outcome, measures for monitoring outcome, categorisation of psychotherapy outcome and methods for distinction between the categories. Additionally the work covered a review on quantitative results. Results and conclusions. No consensus on measuring psychotherapy outcome and the categorisation of outcome was evident. A typical approach was using the categories “recovered”, “improved”, “non-response” and “deteriorated”. Two alternative means of operationalising the psychotherapy outcome could be found. Measures for estimating symptomatic level, interpsychological functioning and social functioning were combined with the reliable change index (RCI) to assess observed changes. Another alternative formed measures to assess directly adverse effects of psychotherapy. Quantitative estimates of negative outcome were consistent: prevalence of deteriorated patients varied between 1 – 7% and share of non-responders was 39-67%
  • Lintula, Sakari Johannes (2018)
    The recognition of faces is a widely researched process. Typically, this process is thought of as separate from other object recognition: a specific mechanism. Today’s neural models of face processing also presume the previous assumption. A competing hypothesis for this specificity hypothesis is the expertise hypothesis, which claims that the recognition of faces is unique due to the vast amount of experience we have with faces. The conversation regarding the expertise hypothesis has surrounded largely the function of the FFA. In this review, evidence for the FFA’s role as a general, not face specific, object recognition module is presented. As an explanation for the current evidence for the role of the FFA a holisticity hypothesis is proposed: FFA is a module of holistic visual processing. Finally, critical notations for following research are discussed.
  • Danesi, Claudia (2020)
    Maternal prenatal depression is associated with increased prevalence of mental disorders in the offspring, but the underlying mechanisms are yet to be discovered. It has been proposed that prenatal stress could cause changes in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal-axis (HPA) function and glucocorticoid secretion of the fetus. Animal models have shown that an adverse early life environment is associated with glucocorticoid receptor gene (GR) methylation and increased stress reactivity in adulthood through decreased negative feedback. Decreased negative feedback is thought to increase the concentration of glucocorticoids, which influence amongst other things central nervous system development. This bachelor thesis aims to clarify the role of glucocorticoids in fetal programming. To outline the subject the thesis seeks to answer two questions; first, whether maternal prenatal depression is linked to GR-gene methylation and second, if maternal prenatal synthetic glucocorticoid treatment is associated with increased psychiatric symptoms in the offspring. Based on the literature review, maternal prenatal depression and GR-gene methylation are not strongly associated. This interpretation could partly be due to small sample sizes and variability of depressive symptoms. Prenatal synthetic glucocorticoids and HPA-axis dysfunction seem to be associated with increased prevalence of mental health disorders. This highlights the importance of discretion in glucocorticoid treatments associated with pre-term birth. Glucocorticoid treatments can affect the epigenome and it is likely that future research should focus more on the epigenetic changes of GR responsive genes. Glucocorticoids are likely involved in mediating the effects of adverse prenatal environment on the fetus. More research combining data from longitudinal studies and experimental laboratory research is needed to discover the possible causal mechanisms.
  • Pihlajapiha, Sanna-Mari (2017)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten toimivia halkiovauvojen syömisen tukemiseen käytettävissä olevat keinot ovat sinä aikana, kun halkioita ei vielä ole suljettu ja kun vauva ei vielä syö kiinteää ravintoa. Huuli- ja suulakihalkiovauvojen hoidosta ei ole Käypä hoito suositusta. Aikaisempien tutkimusten ja opinnäytetöiden mukaan halkiovauvojen syömisen tukemiseen on olemassa erilaisia keinoja ja välineitä, mutta syömistä ei juurikaan tueta synnytyssairaalassa eikä neuvolassa. Etenkin vaikeimmissa tilanteissa vauva voi kuitenkin saada apua syömisvaikeuksiin perehtyneeltä puheterapeutilta. Menetelmät. Tutkielman menetelmänä käytettiin kuvailevaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Aineisto kerättiin seuraavista viitetietokannoista: ProQuest, MEDLINE (ProQuest), EBSCO ja Scopus. Hakulausekkeeseen sisältyivät englanninkieliset vastineet termeille halkio, syöminen, imeminen ja ravitsemus. Valintakriteerien mukaan artikkelien tuli olla vertaisarvioituja ja englanninkielisiä, käsitellä halkiovauvojen syömisvaikeuksia ennen korjausleikkauksia ja artikkelin tuli olla saatavilla maksutta. Haku tuotti 424 artikkelia, joista valintakriteerien avulla kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineistoksi valikoitui seitsemän vuosina 1997–2016 julkaistua tutkimusartikkelia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Halkiovauvojen syömisen tukena ennen korjausleikkauksia on käytettävissä monenlaisia riittävän hyvin toimivia keinoja. Tässä aineistossa esiin nousivat pehmeä tuttipullo, Pigeon-pullotutti, pitkänokkainen syöttökuppi, lusikka, lääkeruisku ja rintaruokinta. Halkion tyyppi ja koko sekä vauvan syömistaidot vaikuttavat syömisen sujumiseen. Huulihalkiovauvoilla syömisen ongelmat tyypillisesti ovat lievempiä kuin muilla halkiovauvoilla. Pelkästään halkiotyypin perusteella voidaan kuitenkin tehdä vain karkeita päätelmiä kullekin vauvalle parhaiten soveltuvasta keinosta syömisen tukemiseksi, ja syömisratkaisut arvioidaan yksilöllisesti.
  • Rasmus, Enni (2019)
    Introduction The purpose of this review is to point out different variants of acquired prosopagnosia and to review and discuss if the variants are distinctive of one another by their neural mechanisms and clinical symptoms. Discussion about diagnostics and rehabilitation of acquired prosopagnosia will also be made. Conclusions were based on two research questions. First, it was hypothesized that the neural findings would support the existence of different variants of acquired prosopagnosia. Second, it was questioned what forms of rehabilitation would help the most. Methods The source material was defined with help of three reviews of high quality which were published in Frontiers in Bioscience during the year 2014. Sources were rounded out with OvidMedline search. Terms of search used were prosopagnosia, acquired prosopagnosia, developmental prosopagnosia, congenital prosopagnosia, rehabilitation, covert recognition, ICD-10-CM and neural mechanism. Results and Conclusions Based on this review, a point can be made that the neural findings partly support the existence of different variants of acquired prosopagnosia; the apperceptive variant is usually a consequence of injury in the posterior occipital temporal axis whereas the anterior injury causes the associative variant in most of the cases. Distinctiveness of these variants is also supported by double dissociative symptoms which include covert recognition and the imagery of faces. There is some initial research from which a conclusion could be made that rehabilitation could benefit patients with acquired prosopagnosia. There is not much information about acquired prosopagnosia in Finland. Raised awareness of acquired prosopagnosia amongst healthcare professionals could help diagnostics and to give more optimal treatment. Patients with acquired prosopagnosia usually learn effective but cognitively demanding coping mechanisms. Research in treatment possibilities could help professionals to rehabilitate more effectively but also understand the psychosocial problems that may rise up with the disorder.