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  • Mönkkönen, Emma (2019)
  • Malmila, Elisa (2018)
    Apprehension of reading and interpretation in work instructions of handicrafts may come out of some problems, which can influence to understanding of it. Some things may seemed incoherent. These facts can make troubles to follow work instructions, particularly the printed text. This study’s research problem is work instructions of handicrafts and its various conceptualization problems. There is presented earlier researches about this crafts dilemma very little even if they have said it is very well-known topic in conversations with handicraft people. At the beginning of this study introduced I two questions: 1. What are those different ways which can help craft people to decode, understand and ’read’ illustrated and verbal work instructions of handicrafts? 2. What are those factors, which have an effect instrumental to intelligibility of work instructions of handicrafts? A possible solution to the problem composed primarily of the handicraft people’s experiences with work instructions. Theory of conceptualization based on Sciences of Mathematic and Psychology. Craft Science has not sufficiently researches or theories to explain this conceptualization’s problematic nature. Material of this study has collected through an online survey, and twenty people answered to it. Analysis and categorization of the material of study was challenging because opinion questions of the online survey yielded nearly 100 answers. People who answered to the enquiry told variedly their experiences and feelings, for example, when they had used work instructions with some handicrafts projects to bring help. I used both qualitative and quantitative methods concerning to analyzed of material of study, but mainly this study is qualitative research. According to research results the work instruction of crafts should be clear, logic and above all, simple and carefully finished, as possible. Pictures and text are in balance together and these factors will make an easy-following and versatile entirety. Workable work instruction will minimalize discontinuities (or pauses) and misunderstandings. Moreover, what most important, any craftsman or beginner of crafts can follow those same work instructions without any troubles. Everything what craft person needs to start the working with handicrafts, he finds immediately from the work instruction: Among other things, materials, working tools, essential measurements and various steps of working. One of the positive fact is crafts people apply work instructions to mix different techniques, patterns or models together at will. Work instructions can be functional for source of inspiration too if someone wants to create work instructions itself.
  • Ruokomäki, Pirjo (2016)
  • Kiuru, Mia (2021)
    Viisikielisen kanteleen kehitys viime vuosikymmeninä on ollut todella suurta. Kansallissoittimemme elää tietynlaisessa murrosvaiheessa ja sen arvostuksen kasvu varhaisiän musiikkikasvatuksessa näkyy myös uusien lapsille suunnattujen oppimateriaalien ja heidän tarpeisiinsa vastaavien kantelemallien kehittämisen kautta. Taidekasvatuksen toteutuminen on kuitenkin tutkimusten mukaan heikkoa varhaiskasvatuksessa, ja paljon puhuttavat resurssipulat sekä pienet budjetit vaikuttavat kaikkiin varhaiskasvatuksen ja esiopetuksen osa-alueisiin. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kartoittaa viisikielisen kanteleen käyttöä varhaiskasvatuksessa ja esiopetuksessa: käytetäänkö sitä osana varhaisiän musiikkikasvatusta, miten sitä käytetään, miksi sitä ei käytetä ja miten sen käyttöä voitaisiin kasvattaa. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeen avulla, joka sisälsi monivalinta- ja avokysymyksiä. Lomake jaettiin kahdessa suljetussa Facebook -ryhmässä ja lomakkeeseen sai vastata anonyymisti kuka vain päiväkodin henkilöstöstä, joka pystyi vastata lomakkeen kysymyksiin. Vastauksia saatiin 34 ja vastaukset analysoitiin Microsoft Excel -ohjelman avulla. Tutkimuksen mukaan joka toisessa varhaiskasvatus- ja esiopetusryhmässä käytetään kannelta osana varhaisiän musiikkikasvatusta. Jos kannelta käytetään, käyttö on useimmilla melko yksipuolista, eli joko pelkästään näppäilyn tai sointujen soittoa. Jos kannelta ei käytetä, yleisin syy käyttämättömyyteen on henkilöstön soittotaidon puute, ja resurssiasiat, kuten soitinten ja henkilöstön puute. Kanteleen soiton lisäämiseksi kaivattiin lisää opetusmateriaaleja, koulutuksia, sekä soittimia. Kanteleen käyttöä varhaiskasvatuksessa ja esiopetuksessa kartoittavalle tutkimukselle on paljon tilaa tutkimuskentällä, aikaisempien tutkimusten puutteen vuoksi. Tämä tutkimus olikin kannattava, jotta aiheesta saatiin alustavia tuloksia. Tulosten pohjalta voidaan muotoilla uusia hypoteeseja jatkotutkimuksia varten, ja jopa tehdä jonkinlaisia toimenpiteitä kanteleiden suosion nostamiseksi varhaiskasvatuksessa ja esiopetuksessa.
  • Lång, Sakari (2016)
    Objectives Romantic relationships are one of the cornerstones of human experience. Availability and development of valid measurements of relationship status and relationship satisfaction is essential for studying romantic relationships. Currently, there are no adequate reviews of currently or most used measurements of relationship quality. The aim of this thesis was to identify and review the most commonly used questionnaires that measure relationship quality. Methods Literature search was conducted to find previous reviews. In Finnish there was none to be found, and in English there were very few as well. Different literature searches were then used to collect the most cited questionnaires and together with reviews, the most used measurements of relationship quality were identified. Ten such questionnaires were selected for further analysis, in which factorial structure and reliability estimates were examined. Results and Conclusions Self-report method and the use of likert-scale were identified as the common elements of relationship assessment questionnaires. Reliability estimates were above 0.8, which can be interpreted as good. The common flaws were identified as well. The first was the lack of precise and universal definitions, variation is measured without proper definition of relationship quality or satisfaction; also overlapping items and definitions inhibit valid comparison of measurements and hinder the interpretation of contributing factors. Second issue was the calculation of total sum from different scales, where we are left without clear definition of what does the number actually tell us, and within what limits. The third issue was the well-known problems within the self-report format. In conclusion all questionnaires, even the older ones, are still in use and relevant, and still fulfill their purpose. The fast changing world does however require the questionnaires to evolve and update as well, to better match the new definitions of relationships and what we conceive the relationship quality to encompass today.