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  • Nynäs, Nicolina (2021)
    Mordet på den sista ryska tsarfamiljen är en mytomspunnen händelse på många plan; historiskt, politiskt och i detta fall journalistiskt. Mordet skedde i en tid då massmedia började utvecklas och det är en av de främsta orsakerna till att det finns ett stort material av tidningsartiklar. Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka hur man i Finland rapporterade om mordet på den sista tsarfamiljen. Ryssland spelar en viktig roll i Finlands historia och i och med denna avhandling undersöks även informationsförmedlingen länderna emellan. Med hjälp av en kvalitativ textanalys önskas få svar på frågorna: När skedde rapporteringen av mordet? Nämns någon av de andra familjemedlemmarna? Finns det någon källa till det påstådda? Hur beskrevs mordet i tidningen i stort? I analysen används elva artiklar som har blivit framsållade från tidningen Wiborgs Nyheter under en period på sex månader efter mordet. I resultatet av analysen framgår det att man i tidningen Wiborgs Nyheter rapporterade relativt effektivt om mordet på tsarfamiljen. Man använder sig alltid av källor i tidningen, om än i form av telegram från andra tidningar. I majoriteten av artiklarna nämns den övriga familjen. Beskrivningen av mordet är i vissa fall väldigt detaljrik men tidningen berättar ofta för läsaren att källorna inte är bekräftade.
  • Eronen, Heidi; Kangas, Jonna (2020)
    The aim of this study was to research connection of role play between gender and age as well as its share of free playtime in Helsinki city kindergartens daily life. We were also interested to see if the developmental phases that different theories of play define are true, and how temperament differences effect roleplays’ share from free play. In theoretical part of this study we got to know common theories of play and types of play. We concentrated especially on role play and significance of interaction abilities in role play, as well as significance of play and child’s involvement for child’s growth and development. This study is based on the quantitative data collected by Jyrki Reunamo. We analysed the data with quantitative methods such as comparison, grouping and explanation of correlation coefficients. This study shows that a large part of free play is role play; only object play is more popular. We thought this was mainly because environmental factors such as smallness of interiors and sparsity of quiet places in kindergartens. Statistically significant result was that the girls engage in role play more often than boys. We thought that this was also mainly because environmental factors: interiors, rules and role models in kindergarten guide boys and girls into different play styles. Less surprising was that 5-6-years old children play more role play than younger children. Children that parents and teachers define as socially skilful and committed participate in role play the most, whereas children that parents and teachers define as isolated and adaptable participate in role play the least. Also, the children that are defined as dominant don’t play role play more than on average. Role play requires advanced linguistic and social skills, such as negotiation and conversation skills and the ability to make compromises and follow rules that are made together.
  • Malmgren, Mikko (2017)
    Every school has an obligation to organize a one multidisciplinary module per school year. Same time local schools have a lot of choices how to organize this multidisciplinary module. Need for this study was born when I had to plan multidisciplinary module for our school with my colleagues. I wanted to use role-gaming as a teaching method in this multidisciplinary module, but I didn’t have enough knowledge how use this method and I couldn’t convince other teachers. I decided to study role-gaming as a teaching method. I wanted to study role-gaming and how to use it in theory as an teaching method In this research curriculum and role-gamin theory are compered to find common goals. In this research I study role-gaming, its theory, concept and history. Using it as a teaching method is main focus. There is lot of similarity in many curriculum goals and role-gaming benefits. Research shows that role-gaming is effective for teaching social skills. Benefit for using role-gaming as teaching method is supporting experimental and phenomenon based learning. Down side for using role-gaming is that it requires a lot of work. And there is a lack of scientific research of role-gaming as a teaching method and education for teachers how to use it.
  • Laitinen, Markku Tapio
  • Henriksson, Kajsa (2018)
    The purpose of this study was to find out how two different kindergartens with physical based activity are structured around physical activity. According to studies children aren’t physically active enough nowadays and according to recommendations children should be physically active three hours a day. That is why I thought it would be interesting to see how kindergartens with physical based activity fulfil the recommendations. From the purpose of the study I formulated these research questions: How does the physical based activity differ in two different kindergartens? How does physical activity based operations work in practice? What do the children think about physical activity based operations? The study was completed as a qualitative study, with both interviews and observations. I collected my material in two kindergartens where I did group interviews with children and interviews with staff and participating observations. The results show that the children have the possibilities to be physically active both indoors and outdoors and relate positively to the activities.
  • Fagerström, Therese (2016)
    The purpose of this study is to examine the view that kindergarten teachers have on the planned exercise activities for children in day-care. The research will thus not include spon-taneous movement and activities that might occur, for instance outside during play, but in-stead the scheduled activities. I aim to find out what kindergarten teachers think of the planned activities, and how well-planned the activities are. I am also curious to find out what impact the teachers backgrounds and experiences might have on the activities and what dif-ference they make. The method used in this study was qualitative interviews. Three kindergarten teachers from a smaller municipality were interviewed, and these interviews were recorded with a mobile phone. Later the interviews were transcribed and analysed. The results I got of this study were that all three of the kindergarten teachers were positively inclined to plan exercise activities with children, as they see them as an important aspect of the children’s development. In all three places the activities were planned, taking the envi-ronment into consideration. Thus the kindergarten with a useful environment around them, such as forests, could utilise these environments more than the kindergarten located in an environment that was not as useful.
  • Pietikäinen, Sofia (2016)
    The aim of this study was to find out what physical education in kindergarten looked like during different time periods and what kind of vision educators had on it. The study covers three time periods 1915–1925, 1965–1975 and 2005–2015. This is a qualitative study with literature review as a method. The material for the literature review was collected from different libraries, from the archives of the Ebeneser home and from the Internet. The material was analyzed and the three time periods were compared to each other. Although there’s been used different types of documents, this study has been able to provide an insight on how physical education looked like and what kind of role it had in these time periods. This study concludes that physical education has changed over the years. It has gained a stronger position in the planning of day care activities and its importance in children’s physical development has grown. Furthermore, "gymnastics" in kindergarten has looked different depending on the time period and you can see how the emphasis in physical education has changed during these periods.
  • Eriksson, Agneta (2022)
    Tiivistelmä - Abstrakt - Abstract Mål. Pedagogens uppdrag är att vara relationskompetent och att bemöta barnet så att det främjar utveckling och lärande. I Grunderna för planen för småbarnspedagogik (Utbildningsstyrelsen, 2022) betonas hur viktigt det är med ett ömsesidigt, öppet och respektfullt bemötande då man planerar verksamhet. I läroplanen poängteras också att att alla barn har rätt att bli hörda och sedda både som enskilda individer och som medlemmar i en grupp. Avhandlingen har sin utgångspunkt i hur Rosenbergs Nonviolent Communication kan utgöra en metod för att främja en sådan form av relationell kompetens såsom styrdokumenten uttrycker. Syftet med avhandlingen är att ge en övergripande beskrivning av Rosenbergs Nonviolent Communication (NVC) metod för att ta reda på hur den relaterar till finländska styrdokument för småbarnspedagogik med fokus på värdegrunden och pedagogens relationskompetens. Forskningsfrågan lyder: På vilket sätt relaterar Rosenbergs NVC metod till finländska småbarnspedagogikens värdegrund och krav på personalens relationskompetens? Metoder. Denna avhandling är en integrerad litteraturstudie med en hermeneutisk kunskapssyn. Jag har forskat vad existerande litteratur framhåller angående Rosenbergs NVC metod i ljuset av småbarnspedagogikens styrdokument i Finland. Den valda litteraturen har analyserats genom hermeneutisk kunskapssyn. Hermeneutik är en form av tolkning som går ut på att skapa förståelse för den mening, innebörd och de värderingar som finns i en text. Resultat och slutsatser. Resultaten visade att Rosenbergs NVC metod stöder värdegrundsuppdraget och personalens relationskompetens på flera olika sätt. Det framkom ur litteraturen att NVC är ett förhållningssätt och ett relationsbyggande verktyg. Det framkom att NVC kan fungera som verktyg för främjandet av pedagogens empati och självreflektion. Övrigt som framkom var verktyg för ökad tidsanvändning och för konflikthantering. Etiska värden som respekt, delaktighet, självreflektion och sensitivitet var likadana i NVC och i styrdokumenten. Resultatet visar att NVC metoden går att omsätta läroplansgrunderna i praktiken.
  • Mäkinen-Taina, Markus