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Browsing by discipline "Erityispedagogiikka"

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  • Sipinen, Elina (2017)
    Objectives. The aim of this study is to explore interventions designed for middle school students with mathematical learning difficulties. Explanations of mathematical learning difficulties are ambiguous, the causes of the difficulties are versatile, and mathematical learning difficulties appear in various ways. However, mathematical learning difficulties can have a significant impact on employment opportunities and basic life skills. Although early interventions are desirable and effective, differences found among young children tend to remain or even increase along with age. As mathematical learning difficulty is a persistent character, problems with mathematics will occur at the middle school level as well. Therefore, in addition to early interventions, interventions for middle school students are also essential. This study explores interventions designed for middle school students, what shared features they have and how they differ, and what kind of results can be obtained by those interventions. Methods. The study was conducted as a systematic literature review of five peer reviewed articles. Results. Examined interventions concentrated on the use of different strategies or on the use of different concrete and/or visual tools. The interventions differed in regard to duration, number of sessions, group size and inclusion criteria. All interventions emphasized explicit instruction, and each intervention reported positive results.
  • Rantaniemi, Eeva-Liisa (2020)
    Tavoitteet Kandidaatintutkielmani tarkotus on selvittää kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin, miten matematiikka-ahdistusta voisi luokkaolosuhteissa lieventää, eli siihen tepsiviä interventioita. Vaikka vankkumatonta dataa matematiikka-ahdistuksen yleisyydestä ei ole, se on näkyvissä kouluarjessa. Ahdistus voi olla kaikkea pienen epämukavuuden ja täyden fobian välillä, joten se näyttäytyy hyvin yksilöllisillä tavoilla eri tilanteissa. Pohdin mitä tietoa tarvitsisin opettajantyössäni, ja tutkimuskysymyksiksini muotoutuivat: 1. Minkälaisia interventioita matematiikka-ahdistuksen lieventämiseksi on tutkittu? 2. Minkälaiset interventiot ovat matematiikka-ahdistuksen lieventämiseksi tehokkaita? Menetelmät. Toteutin tutkielmani integratiivisena systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena Kokosin kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineiston Helda, Helka, Eric ja Google Scgolar tietokannosita. Hakusanoinani toimi "matematiikka-ahdistus/math anxiety, työmuisti/working memory ja interventio/intervention. Näillä hakusanoille ja näistä tietokannoista valitsin 5 artikkelia, joista kaksi oli empiiristä tutkimusta, kaksi tieteellisiä artikkelia ja yksi opetusalan oppikirja. Tästä materiaalista etsin vastauksia tutkimuskysymyksiini. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Lähtökohtanani oli etsiä nimenomaan interventioihin liittyvää tietoa, mutta valtaosa löytämästäni materiaalista koski joko matematiikka-ahdistuksen olemusta tai ennakoivia toimenpiteitä sen syntymisen ehkäisemiseksi. Materiaalista paljastui, kuinka merkittävä rooli opettajan työllä matematiikka-ahdistuksen lieventämisessä on. Opettaja vaikuttaa ahdistuksen määrään omalla asenteellaan matematiikkaa kohtaan, jonka tuo tunneille mukaan, pedagogisilla ratkaisuillaan ja kyvyllään huomioida oppilaiden yksilöllisiä tarpeita. Erityisopettajalla on erityisen tärkeä rooli matemaattisista oppimisvaikeuksista kärsivien oppilaiden asenteen muotoutumisessa matematiikkaa kohtaan. Asenteeseen kohdistuvaa interventiota puoltaa myös valitsemani empiirinen tutkimus, joka osoitti kasvun ajattelutavan olevan merkittävä osa oppilaan minäpystyvyyden tunteen kehitystä ja uskoa kykyynsä oppia uutta vaikeuksista huolimatta, kunhan jaksaa olla sinnikäs ja tehdä töitä sen eteen.
  • Huuhtanen, Eveliina (2017)
    School dropout is one of the most serious challenges in education policy. It is considered to be a problem particularly in vocational education where dropout rates are more than two times higher than in high school. It is more likely for a student not to get a diploma when a longer period of time has gone by. Low level of education is the most significant factor in youth unemployment and social exclusion. Factors affecting dropout are usually drawn from a sociocultural context and for example the level of parental education and socioeconomic background have an impact in youth dropout. The aim of this study is to locate, to classify and to analyse the factors that have an impact in the student’s decision-making process. This study is a systematic literature review. By conducting a systematic research, six studies have been chosen to help this study in locating the sociocultural factors that are affecting dropout in vocational education and training processes. Based on this study dropout is a longterm process which is constructed by a various group of different factors. The lack of motivation was one of the most essential reasons behind dropout. Factors that had an impact on dropout were usually connected with each other causing a cumulative reaction. Based on the results of this study there is a need for further research for example in how raising the amount of extrinsic motivation can influence the dropout rate.
  • Alatulkkila, Saara (2020)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisilla interventioilla lasten ja nuorten mielenterveyttä on kouluissa pyritty edistämään sekä sitä, mihin mielenterveystaitoihin interventioilla on pyritty vaikuttamaan. Lasten ja nuorten mielenterveydestä on keskusteltu viime aikoina paljon ja se on aiheena hyvin ajankohtainen. Mielenterveystaitojen kehittäminen ja harjoitteleminen ovat yksi tärkeimpiä tapoja saavuttaa mielenterveyden edistämiseen liittyviä tavoitteita. Lapset ja nuoret viettävät suuren osan ajastaan koulussa, minkä vuoksi koulukonteksti mielenterveyden edistämiselle on luonteva. Tutkimus toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineisto sisälsi viisi englanninkielistä ja vertaisarvioitua artikkelia vuosilta 2011–2018. Aineisto analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin avulla. Analyysissä keskityttiin siihen, millaisia interventioita kouluissa on mielenterveyden edistämiseksi tehty ja mihin mielenterveystaitoihin näillä on pyritty vaikuttamaan. Tulokset osoittavat, että kouluissa on tehty eniten universaaleja sekä monitasoisia interventioita mielenterveyden edistämiseksi. Huomattavasti vähemmän on toteutettu selektiivisiä ja indikatiivisia interventioita. Korkean tulotason maissa ollaan siirtymässä kohti monitasoisen intervention mallia. Mielenterveystaitojen kehittämisessä nousi selvästi eniten esiin tunne- ja kaveritaitojen kehittäminen. Näitä pyrittiin tietoisesti harjoittamaan. Jonkin verran nousi esille myös kehon ja mielen viestien kuuntelu lähinnä stressiin liittyen, turvataidot ja selviytyminen sekä itsetuntemus. Vähemmän esille nousi ainutlaatuisuus ja hyvä arki. Sen sijaan arvokkaita asioita elämässä ei noussut lainkaan esille. Mielenterveystaitoja tulisi kaikkia opettaa ja harjoitella tasapuolisesti sekä lisätä opettajien tietotaitoa niihin liittyen.
  • Kaarto, Samu (2016)
    Proficient reading and writing skills are one of the main goals of education in school because these skills are the base for other skills taught in school. Dyslexia complicates the process of learning to read and it affects majorly the success of students in school. However, there is no consensus in the scientific community of the reasons and factors influencing the outbreak of dyslexia. Poor performances in reading and writing influence the self-efficacy of the student as well. The concept of self-efficacy means person’s belief of his or her ability to perform tasks required. According to Albert Bandura, the creator of the concept of self-efficacy, experienced self-efficacy affects the choices, motivations and performances of an individual. The purpose of this study is to investigate the correlations between self-efficacy and dyslexia and for example research, how dyslexia affects self-efficacy of an individual. The study used the method of systematic literary review. Through the systematic literary review seven studies were found, which discuss the problems in reading and writing and the influence of these difficulties on self-efficacy. The results of this literary review were that on average dyslexic students had for example poorer self-efficacies in reading and writing. The reasons for the lack of self-efficacy were the experiences of failures and the environment’s negative attitudes towards dyslexic people. The lack of self-efficacy in self-regulated learning was discovered to undermine the academic success. Nevertheless, based on the studies the dyslexic students had a tendency to overestimate their capabilities in reading and writing. It is believed that the reason for this tendency is the more slowly developing metacognitive skills in reading and writing. The tendency of the students to overestimate their capabilities, can make the students to underestimate the effort and time needed for studying. Therefore the student will also use less time for the schoolwork and because of that the student’s performance will not reach the full potential. That is why it is important to teach metacognitive skills to dyslexic students and to make sure that their self-efficacy will develop properly.
  • Haapamäki, Siru (2020)
    Oppiminen on kokonaisvaltainen prosessi, johon vaikuttavat kognitiivisten tekijöiden lisäksi emotionaaliset ja sosiaaliset tekijät. Oppimisvaikeudet vaikuttavat oppilaiden psykososiaaliseen kehitykseen. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää yhteyksiä matemaattisten oppimisvaikeuksien, minäpystyvyyden ja minäkäsityksen välillä. Tutkielmassa otettiin myös huomioon mahdollinen sukupuolen vaikutus. Tutkimuksessa kehitetään keinoja tukea oppilaiden minäpystyvyyttä ja minäkäsitystä. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on ristiriitaista näkemystä, miten oppimisvaikeudet heikentävästi oppilaiden minäpystyvyyteen ja minäkäsitykseen. Minäpystyvyys voidaan määritellä Banduran (1986) mukaan yksilön kokemukseksi, miten hän suoriutuu jollain elämän osa-alueella. Minäkäsitys taas on ihmisen suhteellisen pysyvä näkemys omasta itsestään. Minäpystyvyys ja minäkäsitys ovat yhteydessä toisiinsa ja molempien muodostumiseen vaikuttaa sosiaalinen vertailu. Tutkielma on systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus, joka koostuu viidestä tutkimusartikkelista. Artikkelit valittiin tarkkojen kriteereiden avulla. Tutkittavat artikkelit ovat englanninkielisiä vertaisarvioituja tutkimusartikkeleita, jotka ovat julkaistu vuosina 2004-2017. Artikkelien tuloksien perusteella tehtiin kaksi taulukkoa, jossa on eritelty matemaattisten oppimisvaikeuksien, minäpystyvyyden ja minäkäsityksen yhteyksiä ja sukupuolen mahdollista vaikutusta. Toisessa taulukossa on eritelty keinoja tukea minäkäsitystä ja minäpystyvyyttä. Tutkimuksessa saatiin ristiriitaisia tuloksia, millainen minäpystyvyys ja minäkäsitys on oppilailla, joilla on matemaattisia oppimisvaikeuksia. Neljässä viidestä tutkimuksesta matemaattinen oppimisvaikeus vaikutti heikentävästi oppilaan minäpystyvyyteen tai minäkäsitykseen, yhdessä ei löydetty yhteyttä heikentyneeseen minäkäsitykseen. Kahdessa tutkimuksessa sukupuolella ei löydetty olevan vaikutusta oppilaiden taitoihin, minäpystyvyyteen ja minäkäsitykseen, yhdessä tutkimuksessa tytöillä oli heikompi minäpystyvyys ja osaamistaso. Oppilaita voidaan tukea luomalla turvallisia ja kannustavia oppimisympäristöjä, joissa epäonnistuminen on sallittua. Tutkimuksen perusteella oppilaiden kokonaisvaltaisen hyvinvoinnin ja oppimisen tukeminen on tärkeää, jotta oppilaiden taidot, minäpystyvyys ja minäkäsitys kehittyisivät.
  • Sinivaara, Heidi (2019)
    Objectives. The aim of this study was to examine how tablets and other mobile devices used in preschool setting affect the emergent literacy skills of young children. Another goal of the study was to find ways how to use mobile devices to support emergent literacy with the most effective possible outcome. Methods. The study was conducted as systematic literature view by comparing seven different studies. The material was also analysed by means of content analysis. Results. The results show that there isn’t much difference in learning results when comparing traditional methods to mobile devices in early childhood education and preschool setting. The content analysis produced four different themes to be used when taking the mobile devices in consideration as pedagogic tools.
  • Pulkkinen, Jussi (2018)
    Different definitions of disability effect the individual and his/her position in society significantly. That is why it is important to study those definitions also in special education.This study used the method of systematic literary review. Six articles were found using systematic review process. The articles were from psychology, education and disability studies journals. Those six articles discussed the definitions of disability and the influence of these definitions on an individual. The results of this literary review suggest that disability is defined medically, as socially created or as socially constructed. Some ethic and legal point of views were also brought out. However, the different ways to define disability were not uniform, naming the same phenomenons differently and emphasizing different aspects of them. Special education defined disability in school context and different definitions lead to either support paradigm or rehabilitation paradigm. All in all, the definitions were considered to lead to a need to heal the individual, change the society or change the attitudes of people.
  • Palosaari, Lotta (2017)
    The purpose of this systematic literature review is to describe how the school and the child welfare collaboration appears in interventions that are developed to confront foster child’s educational challenges. The aim was to find out what kind of results have been reached to support children’s school achievements when the collaboration between school and child welfare was the key factor in support action. This systematic literature review was conducted as an electronic material search. The overall result from databases was 191 search results. Two English-language articles were selected from overall result according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. The electronic search was supplemented by manual search which gave one Finnish-language article to add in. The final research data became three articles. The analysis of the data was based on content analysis. According to this study, the main theme was social workers’ and school staffs’ regular meetings. Another important theme was working together as a team and working child-oriented. Strive for a good communication connection appears important in this study. According to this study collaboration interventions improve foster children’s academic and cognitive skills and some children showed improvement in their relations with teacher and their peers. According to this study the poor educational performances of foster children can be improved through systematic work. As a conclusion, interprofessional collaboration between school and child welfare can have an impact on this development.
  • Mattila, Venla (2020)
    Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millä tavoin motorisen oppimisen vaikeudet ovat yhteydessä alakouluikäisten lasten koulusuoriutumiseen ja muihin oppimisen haasteisiin. Tarkoituksena oli lisäksi kartoittaa sitä, millaisiin mahdollisiin kognitiivisiin alatekijöihin sekä oppimisen osa-alueisiin vaikeudet kytkeytyvät. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet motorisen oppimisen vaikeuksien yhteyden laaja-alaisesti muihin neurologisiin häiriöihin, erityisesti kielellisiin erityisvaikeuksiin sekä tarkkaavaisuus- ja ylivilkkaushäiriöön. Motorisen oppimisen vaikeudet riskitekijänä lapsen kehitykselle on ilmiönä hiljalleen tunnustettu, mutta kokonaisvaltainen ymmärrys niiden vaikutuksesta koulunkäyntiin on edelleen vähäistä. Vaikeudet ovat ilmiönä edelleen alitunnistettuja ja verrattain vähän tutkittuja. Tutkielma toteutettiin systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin. Tutkimusaineistoksi valikoitui tiukoin rajauskriteerein kahdeksan tutkimusartikkelia, jotka olivat julkaistu englanninkielellä vuosina 2010-2018. Tutkimusten tuloksia analysoitiin ja niistä etsittiin ja eriteltiin erilaisia esiin nousevia motorisiin vaikeuksiin liittyviä oppimisen alatekijöitä, joiden pohjalta muodostettiin synteesiä. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin, minkälaisia kognitiivisten taitojen tekijöitä tutkimustuloksista nousi esiin yhteydessä motorisiin hankaluuksiin. Analyysi ja johtopäätökset muodostettiin näiden pohjalta. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että motorisen oppimisen vaikeudet ovat kokonaisvaltaisesti yhteydessä lasten yleiseen koulumenestykseen heikentäen sitä huomattavasti. Esiin nousivat yhteydet matemaattisiin (muistiin perustuvat & proseduraalinen laskeminen) taitoihin sekä lukemisen ja kirjoittamisen taitoihin. Motorisen oppimisen vaikeudet ovat tutkimustulosten perusteella voimakkaasti yhteydessä muistin toiminnan hankaluuksiin ja visuomotorisiin taitoihin. Erityinen yhteys havaittiin visuaalisen havainnoinnin, motoristen taitojen ja matemaattisten taitojen välillä.
  • Alanko, Akipekka (2018)
    The prevalence of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and other pervasive developmental disorders has been growing for decades. This results in an increasing amount of special needs in the school environment. ASD is a neurobiological disorder which particularly occurs as problems in reciprocal social relationships and communication. The emergence of reciprocal interaction is a key factor in a successful supporting process. Previous studies show that attending music therapy may improve social skills for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Thus, including applications of music therapy in the supporting of students with ASD could be beneficial, but the lack of recent studies about feasible applications in the school environment is notable. The purpose of this study was to examine the methods and effectiveness of music therapy interventions carried out in a school environment to support children and adolescents with ASD. Alternative instruments to support learning are researched in this study. The study was conducted as an integrative literature review. Five methodologically differing international and scientific articles were chosen for this review. Concrete descriptions of used methods and their effectiveness were researched. The collected data was categorised and synthesised to answer the research questions. The results indicated a broad range of musical methods which all belong to one or more of the following categories: individual or group therapy, receptive or active therapy, communication based or learning theoretical therapy. Positive effects were identified in the field of joint engagement, teacher-student relationships and socio-emotional skills in general. In comparison with ordinary teaching methods, musical methods didn’t seem to produce any better results in terms of academic skills. This study shows that long-term and communication based applications of music therapy in the school environment can be useful for supporting children and adolescents with ASD.
  • Ojala, Sonja (2018)
    The aim of this study was to consider the use of music therapy methods in training social skills of students with special educational needs. The object of the study is music therapy used in school in teaching students with special educational needs. Previous studies have indicated that music therapy can be used to positively affect on an individual’s wellbeing and for example reduce psychopathology in youth and improve the attentiveness and motivation of students. Musical activity has been acknowledged as naturally interactional, and music therapy has been proven a promising means for solving problems related to social skills. This study was implemented as a systematic literature review aiming to search the methods of music therapy used in training different social skills domains and to consider their effectivity. Five international, peer reviewed articles published in English-speaking countries between years 2000 and 2015 were selected for the literature review. The interventions described in the chosen articles had been implemented in a school context with comprehensive school students with special needs. A music therapy professional took part in implementing each intervention. The results of the studies were analyzed and different domains of social skills were searched from them based on the divisions presented in previous literature. Furthermore, the music therapy methods used in the studies and the conclusions of their effectiveness presented in the articles were considered. This study indicates that the use of music therapy methods is linked to social skills and especially to externally observed social behavior. In the studies included, music therapy was linked to increasing social behavior and decreasing conduct problems. Compared to non-musical interventions, no significantly better results were achieved in social skills with music therapy, but there were less negative reactions and a stronger interactional connection between the student and the therapist in music therapy. Several different music therapy methods, in which the role of the student varied from active to receptive, were used in the studies. Individual differences between students must be considered when choosing the methods. In the future, it would be interesting to further investigate the impact of school as a place for implementing a music therapy intervention and the effectiveness of different methods in interventions.
  • Kankaanpää, Suvi (2018)
    The goal of this study was to find out, what kind of challenges has Muslim parents and school experienced in their cooperation. According to earlier studies we can note three things. First, functional cooperation between parents and school has many benefits for the child’s schooling. Secondly, functional cooperation between parents and school supports child’s identity which is determined one of the schools’ mission. Thirdly, at the non-Muslim countries Muslims are diverse group which differ at least partly from the majority of people in terms of values, customs, and in culturally as well as religiously. Therefore, cooperation between parents and school is important to investigate especially from Muslim parents’ perspective. I executed my study as systematic literature review and I gathered my material using precise criteria from 1999–2018 articles. My final material consists eight articles which handle, at least part of the research, cooperation between Muslim parents and school in non-Muslim countries from the perspective of Muslim parents or school. All my articles are qualitative studies and data is gathered through interviews. I search answers to my research question by looking for themes from parents and schools’ interviews from the part the interviews answered to my research questions. From the Muslim parents and schools interviews I found many cooperation challenges of which the biggest ones are lack of teachers’ knowledge, recognition of Muslims values, unsuitable lessons and teaching material for Muslims, and lack of communication and its consequences. According to the research results we can consider ways to improve cooperation between Muslim parents and school. Increasing communication teachers could get more information on Muslims values and habits, and Muslim parents could get more information on schools’ customs. Via communication Muslim parents could help teachers and school to respect Muslims values and habits, and to support Muslim students’ identity, while still working along curriculum.
  • Laamanen, Pauliina (2019)
    The purpose of this study was to examine the prevalence, forms and consequences of cyberbullying among youth with special needs. Bullying via internet, social networks and cellphones is a rather new and rapidly changing phenomena. Cyberbullying is a serious problem particularly amongst young people, since the social media is more and more popular. According to previous research, cyberbullying is related to stress, anxiety, depressive symptoms, low self-esteem and suicidality. On the other hand, internet and social media are very important ways for young people to find friends and communities, and construct their own identities. Youth with special needs might however be at greater risk of cyberbullying involvement, since previous research has shown that this is the case with youth with special needs and traditional bullying. Current study examines the cyberbullying prevalence among youth with special needs. Another goal of the study is to find out how cyberbullying impacts psychical, emotional and other aspects of well-being. In this study, most common disabilities were intellectual disabilities, autism spectrum disorder, Asperger’s syndrome or ADHD. Current study was executed using the principles of systematic literature review. Research material consisted of five peer-reviewed studies published in 2009-2017. Articles examine young people with special needs and their experiences about traditional bullying and cyberbullying, as well as consequences of bullying. Results show that young people with special needs and disabilities were at greater risk of cyberbullying involvement when compared their non-disabled peers. Cyberbullying was related to lower self-esteem and increased depression, anxiety and other emotional symptoms. Cyberbullying and traditional bullying were strongly related with each other. Social support reduced the negative effects of cyberbullying.
  • Talosela, Minttu (2019)
    The aim of this study is to examine the impressions and conceptions associated with collaborative teaching. What are the main features of collaborative teachig according to teachers? What do teachers’ perceptions of thoughts and experiences associated with collaborative teaching reveal about ideals for collaborative teaching? The study focused on secondary research data collected by the method of empathy-based stories. The data consists of 38 narratives by 20 teachers. The material was first analysed by content analysis. A second analysis was conducted with narrative structures approach. Three core themes were discovered in the analysis: the division of work between teachers, the collaborative relationship between teachers and the flexible work methods and arrangements in labile situations. In additon, a difference was discovered between the experiences of the main character rin omance and tragedy plot types. This difference was more distinct than the effect of orientation. The core themes echo the collaborative teaching features presented in the previous studies.
  • Nurmi, Anette (2017)
    Using grades as a student evaluation method is an established routine, but at the same it’s not questioned often. Taking into account the long time period that we have already been familiarized with the negative effects of grades, this is very interesting. Researching the effects of grades on student motivation is on the focus of this thesis. In addition to motivation, also other effects on student are discussed, as well as the rationality of using grades as an evaluation method. Descriptive literature review was chosen as the research method in this thesis. The research material was searched from web databases and Helsinki University Library. The material was described by presenting the three main studies of this thesis. The results indicated that using grades as an evaluation method lowers student’s motivation and interest towards learning. According to results, that’s not the only way grades affect students since grades also have a negative effect on student’s self-esteem, performance, behavior and attitudes. Grades also increase the likelihood of student focusing mainly on getting good grades which takes the energy and interest out of learning and developing skills and knowledge. According to the results in this thesis, it is justifiable to question the rationality of using grades as an evaluation method.
  • Ikonen, Eeva-Kaarina (2020)
    Nuorten koulutuksen ulkopuolelle jääminen on yhteiskunnallinen haaste, joka voi toimia suuntaa-antavana polkuna kohti syrjäytymisen prosessia. Myös nuoren rikoskäyttäytymisen on nähty ennakoivan mahdollista myöhempää syrjäytymistä. Syrjäytyminen vaikuttaa kansantaloudellisesti koko yhteiskuntaan, mutta ennen kaikkea se on koko elämänkulkuun heijastuva prosessi yksilölle itselleen ja hänen lähipiirilleen. Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa on tarkoituksena selvittää syitä koulupudokkuuden ja rikoskäyttäytymisen taustalla. Lisäksi kirjallisuuskatsauksen muodossa toteutettavan työn tarkoituksena on selvittää tutkittavien artikkeleiden näkemyksiä niistä käytännön toimista, joita koulussa voidaan tehdä koulupudokkuuden ja rikoskäyttäytymisen ennaltaehkäisemiseksi. Tässä opinnäytetyössä tarkastellaan koulupudokkuuden ja rikoskäyttäytymisen yhteyttä kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen menetelmin, kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla. Aineisto koostuu viidestä (5) englanninkielisestä tutkimusartikkelista, jotka ovat kaikki vertaisarvioituja sekä julkaistu aikavälillä 1993-2018. Artikkelit valikoitiin Ebscohost-tietokannan kautta, tiettyjä sisäänotto- ja poissulkukriteerejä käyttäen. Kaikki tähän työhön valikoituneet artikkelit ovat pääosin määrällisin menetelmin Yhdysvalloissa toteutettuja tutkimusartikkeleita. Artikkelien sisältö on analysoitu aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä hyödyntäen. Tutkielmaan valikoituneet artikkelit vahvistivat aiempien tutkimusten näkemystä nuorten koulupudokkuuden ja rikoskäyttäytymisen yhteydestä. Artikkeleiden mukaan syyt koulupudokkuudelle tai rikollisen toiminnan piiriin ajautumiselle ovat hyvin moninaisia, kuten nuoret itsekin ovat. Tämä tilanteiden moninaisuus tulisikin huomioida koulupudokkuutta sekä rikoskäyttäytymistä tarkasteltaessa. Artikkelien mukaan koulut voivat parhaiten ennaltaehkäistä koulupudokkuutta sekä rikoskäyttäytymistä vahvistamalla koulun positiivista ilmapiiriä, sitouttamalla oppilaita tehokkaammin koulunkäyntiin sekä kiinnittämällä huomiota oppilaan ja opettajan väliseen suhteeseen.
  • Virva-Auvinen, Elisa (2019)
    The purpose of this research is to describe ways to prevent social exclusion at school. This research was executed as a systematic literature review. The model of social exclusion as a process by Jahnukainen (2001) was used as a theoretical framework in this research. This model recognizes school dropout as one of the stages of social exclusion which is why this research focuses on preventing social exclusion by increasing school attachment. Social exclusion is a subject that has been researched widely but there exists no common definition of what social exclusion is. Youngsters have not been researched as much as young adults and usually research concentrates on those who are deeper in the process of social exclusion. The aim of this research was to find scientific publications about how to prevent social exclusion before the process has even begun. The research material included five scientific articles about teenagers’ social exclusion and school dropout. Three of the articles included social exclusion intervention models executed at school grounds. The other two articles handled social exclusion prevention through school attachment. The material was searched from Ebscohost database by using different combinations of the following terms: social exclusion, social inclusion, secondary school, adolescents, prevention, intervention, program, students, teachers, preventing in schools, school dropout, preventing school dropout, school failure. This research showed that the factors that influence school attachment have many connections with preventing social exclusion. Especially school’s atmosphere, school grounds, co-operation between school, home and society, sense of belonging to school, family background and teachers’ attitudes and well-being had an impact on school attachment. Three ways of preventing social exclusion came up from the research material: different teaching practices, supporting teachers and taking the student’s whole life into consideration. Especially teachers were given many different roles in social exclusion prevention. Teachers were seen as objects, instruments and collaborators in social exclusion prevention.
  • Kangasniemi, Anni (2020)
    Kansainvälisillä organisaatioilla on kasvava vaikutus Suomen koulutukseen. Taloudellisen yhteistyön ja kehityksen järjestö OECD on yksi merkittävimmistä Suomen koulutukseen vai-kuttavista kansainvälisistä organisaatioista. OECD:n painoarvo koulutusasioissa tunnuste-taan globaalisti. Järjestöllä on ollut esimerkiksi keskeinen rooli koulutuksen kansainvälisen vertailtavuuden kehittämisessä. Tämän tutkielma arvioi OECD:n vaikutusta Suomen koulutusasioihin. Tutkielmassa selvitettiin, miten OECD on vaikuttanut Suomen koulutusasioihin ja koulutuspolitiikkaan ja miten Suomessa on reagoitu OECD:n toimiin. Lisäksi tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin sitä, mitä vaikutuskanavia OECD:n vaikutukselle Suomen koulutusasioihin ja koulutuspolitiikkaan tunnistetaan tutkimuskirjallisuudessa. Tutkielma toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jonka kautta aineistoksi valikoitui viisi tutkimusta. Tutkielmaan valikoitujen tutkimusten tuli olla vertaisarvioituja ja tieteellisessä julkaisussa julkaistuja. OECD:n vaikutus Suomen koulutusasioihin näkyi siinä, miten koulutusta on Suomessa kehitetty eri osa-alueilla OECD:n näkemykset huomioiden. Vaikutus havaittiin myös koulutusta koskevissa diskursseissa. OECD:n olennaisimmiksi vaikutuskanaviksi koulutusasioissa havaittiin PISA-tutkimukset (Programme for International Students Assessment) sekä maakohtaiset ja teemakohtaiset raportit. Tutkielman perusteella OECD:lla on ollut vaikutus Suomen koulutuksen ja koulutuspolitiikan kehitykseen. Aihepiiriä koskevaa tutkimusta voisi jatkojalostaa kansainvälisen vertailun suuntaan, niin että Suomen lisäksi OECD:n vaikutuksia arvioitaisiin muissa järjestön jäsenmaissa. Lisäksi OECD:n vaikutuksia voisi tutkia rajatummilla koulutuksen osa-alueilla kuten erityispedagogiikassa.
  • Piira, Viivi (2016)
    Aims. Systems Intelligence is aimed at improving functions of primarily one’s social systems. It is essential for System Intelligence that person is able to see themselves as part of the system and is able to regulate their own behaviour in different systems. There has been found similarities between System Intelligence and features of a good teacher, since a teacher is required to have various sub-skills of Systems Intelligence, such as the ability to operate over the long term and the ability to reflect on their own thoughts. The aim of this study is to find out how System Intelligent special education students are and is it affected by their age, educational background or their teaching experience. In addition, the aim is to clarify whether the yearlong studies in special education improve their Systems Intelligence. Methods. The research of System Intelligence of special education students was based on Systems Intelligence questionnaire answered by 88 special education students. The Systems Intelligence questionnaire was based on self-assessment. The data analysis was based on factor analysis. Factors described sub-skills of Systems Intelligence and were found in the questionnaire. The effects on Systems Intelligence in yearlong studies in special education were searched by replicate measurement, which was answered by 30 students. The analysis of replicate measurements was based on individual change of points, rather than the changes between the groups. Because of the small sample, it was decided to use the Wilcoxon sign test on analysis. Results and conclusions. Age was found to have a statistically significant effect on System Intelligence of special education students. Educational background or teaching experience were not found to have such an effect. In addition, the studies of special education were found to have positive effects on the Systems Intelligence and the result was statistically significant.