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  • Arffman, Anna (2019)
    The goal of this literature review is to look and assess the variety of previous research that has been conducted on the interaction during craft classes in school. This piece of research focuses on the special features of interaction during craft classes, such as interaction between teacher and student, and the role and meaning of motivation in learning processes. Research material was collected from Google Scholar, HELDA - Digital Repository of University of Helsinki, and Finna. The collected material consisted of previous pieces of research on interaction in schools. In addition to that, the research material included pieces of literature discussing the impact of interaction and motivation on learning. The material was analyzed by themes. Even though there has been a lot of research done on interaction in general, there was only a little research on interaction during craft classes. One of the key points that arose from previous pieces of research was the importance of interaction in learning processes. Interaction was discovered to be the most essential factor determining the quality of a learning process. Another finding was that craft classes are considered unique because of their learning environment. The bodily aspect of craft classes is more significant comparing to other disciplines. Research also showed the enhancing effect of motivation, especially intrinsic motivation, on learning processes. Based on the findings of these pieces of research the teacher has true potential in accelerating the student's intrinsic motivation by choosing suitable yet challenging assignments. This literature review points out the need of further research in the field of handcraft discipline.
  • Korpimäki, Henna-Riikka (2016)
    The new curriculum emphasizes the importance of interaction. It is very important part of home economics teaching because the group work is a significant part of the learning process. Information and communication technology has also become more common in home economics education. The aim of this study was to find out how learning environments affect the social interaction in home economics education and what are the challenges and opportunities of information and communication technology to the social interaction. The study method was literature review which made it possible to evaluate the previous theory and get an overview on the chosen theme. Critical analysis was absolute necessary because then I was able to present the essential things to my own study. Open spaces enabled the interaction between students and the teacher was able to communicate more easily with students and saw when the students need help or what they were actually doing. A well-planned learning environment encouraged students to work together. Information and communication technology expanded learning environment outside the classroom. Interaction was still important even though it was different from face to face communication. The teacher can affect classroom interaction, for example, re-organizing desktop. Small things can have a significant impact. Information and communication technology requires the teacher continuous learning process because the devices and applications are developing rapidly.
  • Lundqvist, Johanna (2019)
    This study examines the factors related to the development of interaction skills in the context of early childhood education. This study also explores what factors affect the development of interaction skills, and how and where interactions skills or their inadequacies appear. In addition, the study shows how typically developing children and children with special needs differ in their interpersonal skills. The key result is that interaction skills are interacting with the environment and skills cannot be practiced alone or in isolation from the environment. The data consists of a systematized literature review, of which 7 articles are approaching the development of interaction skills in the context of early childhood education. The data was analyzed using theory-driven content analysis. The analysis consisted four main categories. The First category is Culture as a determing factor in group activity and learning which shows that culture influences the development of interaction skills. Activities and learning are culturally related dimensions with significant impact. Each group creates its own atmosphere and culture, which defines to a great extent what kind of interaction the group has. The Second category Educator’s pedagogical competence as an enabling factor in early child-hood orientation is one of the most important missions in early childhood education and which is considered as a significant factor in the development of interaction skills. Childhood orientation requires sensitivity and pedagogical competence. The Third category Creating and Maintaining Peer Reations as ja Prerequisite for Learning Social and Emotional Skills shows that the skill of creating and maintaining social relationships has proven to be important in the material. Creating and maintaining peer relationships develops both social and emotional skills. Skills are needed to create and maintain peer relationships. The Fourth category Interdimensional Class of Interaction Skills show that play is the child's most natural form of action, through which linguistic, social and emotional development can be tracked, and the occurrence of possible disturbances is identified. For children who face challenges in interaction skills, the play is seen as simple and lonely; In addition, children with language and speech disorders also face more social and behavioral challenges than typically developing children.
  • Räty, Sini (2020)
    Ihmisen tiedonkäsittelyn ja päätöksenteon tukena käytetään yhä enenemissä määrin teknologioita, jotka sisältävät tekoälyä. Näiden teknologioiden kanssa jatkuva vuorovaikuttaminen vaikuttaa myös meidän kognitiivisiin prosesseihimme. Sovellusten inhimillistämisen vuoksi ihmiset näyttäisivät suhtautuvan tekoälyä sisältävään teknologiaan eri tavalla kuin muihin teknologioihin. Tekoälysovelluksia käytetään ihmisen oman kognition tukena, mutta näiden teknologioiden käyttäminen ei ainoastaan paranna tiedonkäsittely- ja päätöksentekoprosessejamme vaan saattaa myös vääristää niitä. Tekoälyä sisältävät teknologiat mahdollistavat suurten datamäärien käsittelyn ja ne voivat olla apuna havaintoprosessiemme parantamisessa. Ihminen saattaa kuitenkin luottaa liikaa koneen tekemiin päätöksiin ja meidän voi olla vaikea ymmärtää tekoälysovellusten päätöksentekoprosesseja. Järjestelmät, jotka jäljittelevät ihmisten välisiä kommunikaatiotapoja helpottavat vuorovaikutustamme koneiden kanssa. Koneiden näyttäessä ihmismäisemmiltä tai niiden puhuessa ihmisen tavalla sovellamme niiden kanssa kommunikoimiseen samankaltaisia käytösnormeja, kun ihmisten kanssa kommunikoitaessa. Koneiden ihmisenkaltaisuus herättää meissä myös epämukavuuden tunteita. Tekoälyteknologioiden kehitys on tapahtunut niin nopeasti, ettei tutkimustietoa niiden vaikutuksista ihmisiin ole ehtinyt kertyä tarpeeksi. Psykologinen tieto on hyödyllistä näiden uusien sovellusten suunnittelussa ja tutkittaessa niiden vaikutuksia kognitiivisiin prosesseihin. Aiempi tutkimus ja teoriat ihmisten välisestä vuorovaikutuksesta ja ihmisen kognitiivisista prosesseista toimivat hyvänä pohjana tutkittaessa tekoälyteknologioiden vaikutuksia meihin.
  • Livola, Linda (2016)
    The aim of this study was to find out what kind of experiences the teachers at the nursery have in participating children's free play and to find out how important play is for children. The method was qualitative and the material consisted of interviews with educators in a day care group in Helsinki, and non - participant observation which I wrote down in an observation diary. The most important outcome of the study was that teachers needed in free play to support and develop children's language. Another result was that the children's social skills are strengthened in play when children play together. Then they acquire some experience on how to resolve conflicts and how to get along with everyone. It can therefore be concluded that educators are needed in the free play to help children to achieve these skills.
  • Järvenpää, Jukka
  • Alexandra, Björklund (2020)
    Den här undersökningen är en komparativ studie. Mitt syfte är att jämföra webbrapportering i Jakobstadsregionen i den finska lokaltidningen Pietarsaaren Sanomat (PS) och den svenska lokaltidningen Österbottens Tidning (ÖT). Hittills har inga andra studier behandlat de lokala tidningarna i Jakobstadsregionen trots att den språkliga segregeringen mellan de finsk- och svenskspråkiga inom regionen länge har varit ett känt fenomen. Målet med forskningen är att åskådliggöra eventuella skillnader i den svenska respektive finska nyhetsrapporteringen och förklara vad dessa skillnader kan bero på. Det material som användes bestod av tidningarnas nyhetsflöde under tidsperioden 23.9–21.10.2019. Materialet användes sedan för att utföra en kvantitativ innehållsanalys och en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I den kvantitativa innehållsanalysen mättes 1) ingångssidans flöde och längd, 2) typer av nyheter som presenterades på ingångssidorna och 3) mängden gemensamma nyheter. I den kvalitativa Innehållsanalysen valdes två av de gemensamma nyheterna där a) textstruktur, b) grad av emotionalitet och c) uppföljning av nyheten analyserades. Resultatet tolkades i ljuset av social identitetsteori och etnolingvistisk identitetsteori. Resultaten visar att det fanns skillnader mellan den finska och svenska språkgruppen inom regionen i fråga om mängden rapporterade nyheter och språkgruppernas intressesfärer. I genomsnitt publicerade ÖT 280–350 nyheter i veckan medan PS publicerade 20–30 nyheter i veckan. På motsvarande sätt publicerade PS mellan 1–3 nya nyheter per dag medan ÖT publicerade omkring 30–40 nya nyheter per dag på sin ingångssida. Av alla de nyheter som publicerades var antalet gemensamma nyheter 39. ÖT:s svenska intressesfär verkar större än PS då fler nyheter och mera ingående artiklar publicerades om alla kommuner medan PS webbrapportering berör ett mindre område inom regionen och primärt publicerade nyheter som berör Jakobstad och kommuner där det bor en större andel finskspråkiga. I de två nyheter som valdes för noggrannare innehållsanalys kännetecknas den första nyheten av mer närhet och emotionell och redaktionell tyngd hos ÖT än hos PS, medan den andra nyheten visar på mer engagemang och positiv syn på tvåspråkighet i PS än i ÖT. I slutkapitlet granskas resultat och vald metod kritiskt och möjligheter till vidare forskning inom området diskuteras: Språkbarometern 2020, innehållsanalys med ett större sampel och kvalitativa intervjuer föreslås för att gå vidare med forskningen.
  • Lindi, Konsta (2024)
    This study explores the concept of relational agency (Edwards, 2005b) within the context of Basic Education in the Arts (BEA, 2017; Ministry of Education, n.d.), focusing on the interactions between students and teachers in one-to-one music tuition. Relational agency, a concept rooted in Cultural Historical Activity Theory (Edwards, 2007a), studies the capacities of individuals to effectively work with others to respond to challenges and elicit each other’s expertise (Edwards, 2005b). BEA tuition is to involve the student in planning and evaluation (BEA, 2017) and prior research has identified reciprocity and collaborative practices in students’ development of the craft as key aspects of instrument tuition (Barrett & Gromko, 2007; Gaunt, 2011), thus indicating that instrument tuition fosters relational skills and provides a fruitful setting for research. Using a deductive thematic analysis (Braun & Clarke, 2006) of three semi-structured interviews (Galletta, 2013) conducted with one student and two teachers at a Finnish music institution, the research investigates how these people view tuition and the interaction and collaboration within it. The study identifies three distinct themes on how students and teachers engage in negotiations of aligned actions, two themes regarding the recognition and utilisation of each other’s expertise in tuition, as well as two themes on the unique nature of the pedagogical relationship in contrast to the inter-professional settings of previous studies on relational agency (Edwards, 2017). The findings highlight the reciprocal nature of student-teacher relationships, the experienced significance of student participation, and the unique challenges posed by the institutional and expertise-linked tensions of instrument tuition. The study contributes to a deeper understanding of collaborative practices in instrument tuition and offers insights into the limitations of relational agency as an explanatory model for collaboration in a master-apprentice-like setting, such as instrument tuition (Jørgensen, 2000).