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  • Heikkinen, Tuukka (2020)
    Objective. Today almost everyone has access to the internet and thus the incidence of internet-related mental problems has also increased. Youth and young adults in particular are at risk for experiencing these problems because they use the internet more compared to the rest of the population. Loneliness is common among young people and they often gravitate toward the internet to alleviate their feelings of loneliness. This type of internet usage can be problematic, meaning that it is pathological, compulsive and harmful to the user. The objective of this review is to examine the association between loneliness and problematic internet use among youth and young adults. Methods. The studies that were included in this review were as recently published as possible and examined the association between loneliness or related experiences and problematic internet or Facebook use among youth and young adults. Keywords that were used to search for the studies were loneliness, problematic internet use, internet addiction, problematic facebook use, youth and young adults. The search was carried out utilizing the Google Scholar search engine. Results and conclusions. Based on this review there is a positive association of some magnitude between loneliness and problematic internet use. The association is likely bidirectional, meaning that problematic internet use causes feelings of loneliness and feelings of loneliness increase problematic internet use. In the future longitudinal studies are required to form a more thorough understanding of the phenomenon because loneliness and problematic internet use are both phenomena that develop relatively slowly over a long period of time. Problematic internet use as a phenomenon is diverse and appears to be widely connected to mental well-being, so understanding the causes behind it helps healthcare and educational institutions develop services to prevent it and its harmful effects.
  • Välimäki, Lauri (2019)
    This study examines the reasons behind passed or undone domestic work in young alone living adults’ everyday lives and describes the impact of undone domestic work in their everyday experience. Undone domestic work is often seen as laziness or ineffectual by people. According to previous studies, some housing types like multi-member families with little children cannot skip domestic work or be flexible on their daily routines to avoid difficulties in their everyday life. Also, when living in cohabitation in general, you must actively contribute in domestic work to forward collective well-being. However, that does not apply for alone living adults since they are only accountable for themselves. They can do the domestic work based on their own schedule, resources and with their own standards of tidiness. The study was implemented with qualitative research method. Five young alone living adults took part in this study, in the 20-32 age range. Three males and two females were chosen with discretionary take. All of them were living in rental one-room flats. The material was gathered by individual theme interviews, that were done by online phone calls. The themes were a single day, periodical domestic work, home and housing, subliminal domestic work and experience on undone domestic work. The analysis method was inductive content analysis. According to the results, it seems that domestic work is not highly prioritized task in everyday life, and undone domestic work results in mostly negative experience. There was found nine different subcategories to explain the reasons behind passed or undone domestic work. Essential subcategories were hurry, which included management of responsibilities and hectic everyday life, sufficient tidiness, which mean that a little messy apartment was not seen as a problem, and laziness, when one could not bother or bear to do domestic work. They formed two upper categories which were rationalization of domestic work and domestic work affiliated despondency. Also, there was found five different subcategories to describe the impact of undone domestic work in young alone living adults’ everyday life. Essential subcategories were slight queasiness, where undone domestic work was slightly distressing, being strained, where undone domestic work was causing burden, and relief, where passing domestic work saved resources. They also formed two upper categories which were negative mood and decent mood.
  • Koskelainen, Karita (2016)
    Aims. The aim of the study is to find out what are the factors most affecting the food choices of men studying in university and living by themselves. The research question is what factors affect the food choices men who study in university and live by themselves. There is no previous research conducted in Finland regarding the food choices of university students. The basis for this study is a qualitative study done in Belgium in 2014 regarding the eating habits of university students. Methods. The quantitative study was done in May 2016 at the university of Helsinki by using an online survey. The survey consisted of multiple choice questions, Likert scale based questions as well as one open question. The survey was completed by 58 people of which 57 were part of the target group whose answers were then used as material for the study. Results and discussion. The factors most affecting the food choices of men studying in university living by themselves were the pleasure of the food, the price of the food, the time used in preparing the meal, the appeal of the food, previous food preferences and the nutritional value of the food. Unpredictable in the study was the dumpster diving which came to the fore in the open question.
  • Kantola, Jonna (2024)
    Syöminen on suuressa osassa arkeamme ja se on välttämätöntä arjen toimintojen ja selviytymisen kannalta. Ruoanvalintaan liittyy erilaisia päätöksiä – mitä syödään, kenen kanssa syödään ja miksi syödään. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on koota yhteen aiempien tutkimuksien avulla kuva siitä, mitkä tekijät voivat vaikuttaa yksinhuoltajien ruokavalintoihin. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on noussut esiin, että muun muassa perherakenteella ja perheen sosioekonomisella asemalla nähdään olevan vaikutusta ruoanvalintaan, joten päädyin rajaamaan aiheen tässä tutkielmassa haavoittuvassa asemassa oleviin yksinhuoltajiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena, narratiivisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Sen avulla pyritään kokoamaan laaja kuva käsiteltävästä aiheesta ja ajantasaistamaan tutkimustietoa käsiteltävästä aiheesta. Tutkimuskirjallisuutta etsittiin monipuolisesti eri lähteistä englanniksi ja suomeksi. Tutkimukseen valikoitui kotimaisia ja kansainvälisiä artikkeleita ruoanvalintaan vaikuttavista tekijöistä eri näkökulmista. Tutkimukset antoivat viitteitä siitä, että yksinhuoltajien ruokavalintoihin vaikuttavista tekijöistä keskeisimmät ovat talous, aika ja voimavarat, jotka vaikuttavat valintojen terveellisyyteen. Talouden ollessa tiukoilla, yksinhuoltajat suosivat ruoassa edullisuutta. Tämä taas vaikuttaa terveellisyyteen, sillä yksinhuoltajien on nähty tekevän epäterveellisiä ruokavalintoja taloudellisten resurssien ollessa vähäiset. Lisäksi pienituloiset kuluttavat eniten energiatiheämpiä ruokia. Ajan ja voimavarojen ollessa niukat joudutaan tinkimään erityisesti ruoan terveellisyydestä, kun halutaan suosia arjessa nopeita ja helppoja ruokia ajan ollessa vähäinen. Tutkimuksista käy ilmi, että yksinhuoltajat saattavatkin suosia pikaruokaa helpottaakseen arjen kiireitä ja toisaalta väistääkseen negatiiviset tuntemukset nautintoa tuottavan ruoan äärellä. Tutkielman avulla tuotettiin arvokasta tietoa yksinhuoltajien ruokavalinnoista, jota voidaan hyödyntää yksinhuoltajien tukemisessa kohti tasapainoista arkea ja terveellisiä ruokavalintoja, sillä ruoanvalinnoilla voi olla pitkälle kantava vaikutus yhteiskunnassa muun muassa sairauksien ehkäisyn näkökulmasta.
  • Maskulin, Viivi (2018)
    The study examines women´s positive experiences of self-eating. The aim of the study was to find out the experiences of eating alone as part of the structure of eating and the food culture. Eating experiences and related factors are considered in the theoretical framework of gender, food status, and social interaction. This study is based on the theoretical approach to eating and food behavior used in research literature, derived from Nobert's Elias's Food Space theory (1978) and Claude Lévi-Strauss's Culinary Triangle Theory (1966). The survey was conducted through a questionnaire asking open questions about the positive experiences and factors associated with self-deception. In addition, respondents were asked to name the foods that are eaten alone. The study was conducted as a link to the HY e-form ques-tionnaire in the social media Facebook group Geek Women Unite! (Finland). In response to the e-form, 616 responses were received, of which 93.67% (n = 577) were identified as female identifiers. Most of the respondents (99.3%) feel self-eating at home as positive. In other environments, such as restaurants and workplaces, the experiences were described as positive. The enjoyment was related to experiences of their own peace and decision-making, that is, the definition of where and what women ate. The food and food products that were consumed alone represent-ed both meals and snacks. The conclusion of the thesis is that the significance of self-eating came out as stories of high-status foods, and the significance of the women´s own time.
  • Mäkelin, Minnea (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Halkiopuhe ja sen erityispiirteet ovat kiinnostaneet tutkijoita jo pitkään. Skandina-viassa yleisin halkiotyyppi on huuli-suulakihalkio, joka vaikuttaa ääntöväylän rakenteisiin merkittävästi ja muuttaa samalla halkiopotilaan artikulaatiota. Tutkimus on aiemmin painottu-nut halkiotyyppien yleiseen käsittelyyn ja vasta viime vuosina on keskitytty yksityiskohtai-semmin tiettyihin halkiotyyppeihin. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli koota yhteen tutki-mustietoa hammasvalliartikulaatiovirheiden esiintyvyydestä yksipuolisissa huuli-suulakihalkioissa ja mahdollisuuksista ennustaa kyseisten äännevirheiden ilmaantuvuutta myöhemmällä iällä. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin integroivana kirjallisuuskatsauksena Ovid MEDLINE-, Pubmed- ja Scopus-tietokannoista. Hakulauseke oli ”cleft palate AND unilateral AND dental consonant”. Aineistoa rajattiin valintakriteereiden perusteella ensisijaisesti otsikoiden ja abst-raktien perusteella, toissijaisesti tarkastelemalla koko tekstiä. Artikkeleissa käsiteltiin ham-masvalliartikulaatiovirheiden esiintyvyyttä yleisesti halkiolapsilla sekä mahdollisia keinoja en-nakoida ilmaantuvia artikulaatiovirheitä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Lapsilla, joilla on yksipuolinen huuli-suulakihalkio (unilateral cleft lip and palate, UCLP), esiintyy hammasvalliäännevirheitä jopa kaksi kertaa enemmän kuin normaalisti kehittyvillä lapsilla. Suurin osa äännevirheistä on vääristymiä ja vain pieni osa korvauksia. /r/-virhe on äännevirheistä sitkein, ja neljännes halkiolapsista tarvitsee puhetera-piaa 6-vuotiaana. Pojilla esiintyy hammasvalliäännevirheitä huomattavasti enemmän kuin ty-töillä, ja he tarvitsevat puheterapiaa tyttöjä enemmän. Äännevirheiden esiintyvyys muuttuu lapsen kasvaessa, ja osa virheistä voi korjaantua spontaanisti. Halkiolasten PCC-A (per cent correct consonants adjusted for age), joka mittaa sekä artikulatorista että fonologista taitoa, on huomattavasti vertailuryhmän lasten arvoja pienempi. PCC-A:n avulla voidaan mahdolli-sesti ennustaa halkiolasten myöhäisempiä artikulatorisia ja fonologisia taitoja. Konsonanttien tuoton avulla tämä ei nykyisen tiedon perusteella ole vielä mahdollista.
  • Kurittu, Helka (2018)
    Previous research has shown that teachers’ bullying experiences have affected their well-being at work. These experiences have also been connected to physical and emotional violence. I am studying teachers’ experiences of students’ negative behaviour and the relation between teacher’s authority and experiences of being bullied. Based on previous literature, my assumption was that these experiences would have a negative effect on teachers’ well-being at work. I also assumed that if the teacher’s authority weakens, it will reflect on one’s experiences of being bullied. Material was collected by an e-form, which had one open question. Through this open question, teachers had the opportunity to describe their experiences and bring forth aspects that had caused negative emotions at their workplace. Four complete answers were gathered and utilized within a material-based content analysis. Aspects that were related to the research questions or the chosen concepts were picked out and used in the analysis. The results indicate that almost all teachers experienced the bullying directed towards them as negative. Almost every teacher described emotional violence that had appeared in a verbal form. Physical violence was not mentioned. Teacher’s authority was also left unmentioned so conclusions of its implications to bullying cannot be made. Teachers did not experience the events having a negative influence on their wellbeing at work, but instead mentioned considering a break from work. These results could be used in future research or to educate teachers about the challenges of teacher’s job.
  • Salonen, Suvi (2018)
    The background for this thesis came from the reformed curriculum, where intermediate Swedish was moved to begin on the sixth grade in September 2016. The purpose of the reform is to improve intermediate Swedish skills by emphasizing on the significance of motivation and attitudes towards learning. This thesis investigated learning motivation and attitudes of junior high school students towards intermediate Swedish before the reform. In addition, it clarified which factors and how they affected motivation and attitudes. Clarifying students’ motivation and attitudes offers hints to Swedish teachers on how to improve the education. The secondary purpose of this thesis is to act as a comparison for my Master’s Thesis, where I intend to investigate the motivation and attitudes of students towards intermediate Swedish when following the reformed curriculum. This thesis was implemented as a literature review. The literature consisted of two reports by the National Board of Education, one extensive research and four Master’s Theses. The literature was analysed with the help of Dörnyei’s (1994) components of foreign language learning motivation, which divides factors affecting motivation to language, learner and learning situation level. Girls were more positive towards intermediate Swedish studies compared to boys. Motivation appeared to decrease when moving from the seventh grade to the eighth and ninth grades. This was explained by the challenging content of the eighth and ninth grades. The students’ instrumental orientation towards intermediate Swedish was stronger than their integrative orientation. Swedish was mostly studied for the grade and some realised its importance even in working life and further studies. Failures in Swedish studies were explained by a lack of effort, which had a favourable effect on motivation. Faith in one’s abilities was connected to positive attitudes towards intermediate Swedish. The teacher had a central role in affecting students’ motivation and attitudes. The media had a weak effect on attitudes, both positive and negative. A minority of students brought up the concept of obligatory Swedish and were either for or against it.
  • Heikola, Emmi (2018)
    The aim of this thesis is to examine how this season’s fashion trends relate to the sketches made by 9th grade students in the subject of handicrafts. What kind of fashion references can be found in their sketches? Does current fashion define young people`s design ideas or are students capable of designing individual clothing by themselves? This research examines the world of fashion especially in the context of youth fashion. Earlier research has studied the theme of youth in the context of clothing and favourite clothes, but not from the viewpoint of student`s design competences. This thesis focuses on the theme of fashion and what kind of connection it has with student`s design ideas and sketching. The research method was based on organizing picture materials in different themes. Sketches on ensembles designed by Kruunuhaka junior high school students of optional handicrafts course were used as the source material. Sketches by three students chosen in a discretionary manner acted as the source material. The three most distinct sketches in a random set were picked. The sketches and drawings are meant to act as a designing tool to clarify the designer’s individual thinking. The sketches were studied to see if there were any connections between youth fashion and the designed ensembles. The assumption was that references to spring 2018 fashion would be found in the ensembles designed in the handicrafts course. The ensemble sketches showed clear references to spring 2018 fashion. As a conclusion it can be stated that youth design is steered by global fashion phenomena.
  • Salminen, Tuukka (2019)
    Aims. The aim of the present study was to find out, whether the educational choices of closest high school friends were linked. The study seeks to answer these questions: Do closest friends in lower secondary school have higher than average probability to end up in the same educational sector after lower secondary education? Do the educational choices of closest friends predict whether different educational sectors are considered after lower secondary education? Previous surveys have mapped the different reasons for educational choices using Likert-scales, which measure opinions. Qualitative research and statistics, however, have questioned the individualistic picture the results from these surveys paint. Methods. Data from VET Student Survey 2017 was used, which was collected in early 2017. Answers from only first and second year students aged 15 to 19 were analysed (n=3577). The respondents had Finnish nationality, spoke only Finnish or Swedish, and had no previous studies in addition to lower secondary education. The average proportions of vocational education and training (VET) and general upper secondary school among the respondents’ closest friends, who had continued from lower secondary education to upper secondary level, was calculated. These proportions were compared with the averages among all people who had continued from lower secondary level to upper secondary level using a binomial test. The association between the educational choices of closest friends and considering general upper secondary school instead of VET was examined with two proportion z-test and via a logistic regression model, in which the student’s grade point average and the educational level of parents were controlled for. Results and conclusions. The educational choices of closest friends were linked with the possibility of ending up in a certain educational sector after lower secondary school. The educational choices of closest friends predicted considering general upper secondary school instead of VET even when the effects of the student’s grade point average and the educational level of parents were taken into consideration.
  • Lehtelä, Heli (2018)
    The purpose of this BA thesis is to find how boys who have chosen to study textile work view studying textile work in school. The objective is to find tools with which to develop the teaching of textile work to a more interensting direction regardless of gender. Through the history of school education and even today textile work has been a remarkably genderized subject. In order to raise the stature of textile works and crafts in general it is imperative to seek ways to dismantle its genderization. As the national curriculum of 2014 merges the subjects of textile work and techical work into one subject of crafts it is necessary to find ways to keep students willing to choose textile work as an optional subject. The material of the thesis was gathered in May 2012 by identifying the eighth and ninth grade upper elementary school boys who have chosen textile work as an optional subject in the area consisting of North Karelia, Northern Savonia and Southern Savonia. Twentyfive of such boys could be found in nine communities. After this charting a thematic interview was conducted with thirteen boys in seven communities. The interviews were either single interviews, dual interviews or group interviews. After transcription the interviews were deconstructed by the means of content analysis, thematizing and categorizing themes into main categories. The results indicated a largely positive experience of textile work as a school subject. According to research textile work was considered a more pleasant subject than theoretical subjects, with the permitted socialization with peers being a part of its appeal. In order to keep textile work meaningful to a student it is imperative that the student is able to choose a subject with a concrete meaning and personal importance to work on. Also of importance is that the student is able to utilize a technique best suitable to attain the desired result. Although the common notion of textile work is that of a girls' subject, this kind of genderization is not visible in the everyday life of studies. Students are always individuals reagardless of gender. The teacher is the pivotal part of making the subject they teach a success.
  • Hietanen, Josefina (2017)
    Aim: This study explores the views of secondary school students regarding food waste cam-paigns and their views of how to conduct different them as effective as possible. Previous researches suggest that campaigns can influence opinions in general and cultural level ra-ther than affecting individual behaviour. Previous research also suggests that food education should be linked better on secondary student’s personal life. This research elaborates the fol-lowing questions: 1. How do secondary school students evaluate presented campaign mate-rials? 2. What do they consider to be the best ways to conduct different campaigns in gen-eral? Methods: The material of this study consist of interviews of six secondary school students from the same school from the city of Pori. The materials was gathered by two-group-interviews in December 2016. Example materials from three food waste campaigns were used as accessories for the interviews. The participants evaluated the campaigns they were shown and expressed their thoughts about them. The participants were also asked to ex-press their views on informational campaigns in general. Interviews were conducted as semi-structured theme interviews. The study material was analysed using data-driven quali-tative analysis. Results and conclusions: The participants primarily focused on the visual aspects of the ma-terial shown rather than its actual message. This is due to the campaigns' focus demograph-ic being younger than the participants. Regarding this the students pointed out that for any campaign to succeed, the subject matter itself should be sufficiently interesting. To make a difference in personal habits, the students thought the most effective ways would be to point out negative avoidable consequences, to indent the whole classroom and to use campaigns repeatedly.
  • Nousiainen, Katja (2016)
    Aim: This study explores eating habits of secondary school students: whether they eat school lunches and which kind of snacks are consumed. Earlier studies show that almost one third of the students consume unhealthy snacks at least twice a week. More than half of the students do not eat all components of the school meal. This research elaborates the following questions: 1. How often an adolescent consumes school lunches and its portions? 2. What kind of snacks the adolescent enjoys in and out of school? 3. Which factors affect his or her snack choices? Methods: This study was executed by using qualitative methods. Six students aged between 13 and 15 were interviewed in November 2016, in the city of Joensuu. Interviews were semi-structured. The data was analysed by using quantitative methods as well as qualitative, data-driven analysing methods. Results and conclusion: The students consume school meals daily but leave some portions aside. Girls seem to eat salad more often than boys. Boys drink milk or sour milk more often than girls. Students rarely consume any snacks at school except one girl who has fruits or biscuits three times a week. Almost all interviewed enjoy a sandwich and yoghurt for a snack after school. Fruits are common snacks for half of the students. Most of the interviewed made decision what they will have for snack due to the availability and taste of snack. Some also found healthiness as a key factor. Overall it seems that rea-sons for decreasing the need for snacks at school are 1) food made in home economics class, 2) it is not allowed to exit school during school day as well as 3) comprehensive con-sumption of different portions of school meal.
  • Engström, Sofia (2019)
    Purpose: The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was provide an overview of the scientific literature on the eating habits of today’s Finnish upper comprehensive school students and the different aspects that the impact how they choose their food according to research results of the studies published in 2010’s. Methods: To this end, I engaged in a narrative literature review of research published on the topic between the years 2010 and 2019. The final analysis based on 13 different publications. The analysis for the review has made by using the content analysis, where the content has analysed first in to themes which indicates the research questions. After the themes have been analysed, the themes were able to transfer in the final results. Results and conclusions: The Finnish upper comprehensive school students are aware of the fact what are the healthy eating habits or what they should eat in daily basics. The research have shown the problem that the adolescents do not know how to take the healthy choices to practice even if they knew what the healthy eating habits were. The studies have also noticed that eating with the regular meal rhythm is challenging for the Finnish adolescents. Special notice has been made that the adolescents do not eat breakfast or school lunch so often in their daily basics and tehy replace the missing meals with unhealthy snacks. The researchers have also noticed that there is a difference between the genders in the eating habits. It was more likely for the boys to eat against the healthy eating habits and they ate more unhealthy snacks than the girls. According to the researchers results, adolescents from the families with the lower social economical statuses ate more against the healthy eating habits. The researchers have found a connection that the adolescents have common eating habits with their friends and they have similar food choices. The studies have discovered also that the area where the adolescent live and the school is placed, affects to their eating habits and choosing the food. Also, the society have noticed to have an influence to the adolescents eating habits and how they choose their food. The literature review had shown results that research should pay more attention to Finnish adolescents eating habits. All the results from this literature review should not be used without a second and more trustworthy research.
  • Keski-Jyrä, Tiina (2023)
    Tutkimuksessa tutkitaan yleisen tuen keinoja esiopetuksessa. Päädyin aiheeseen koska, asia on ajankohtainen ja merkittävä varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan työssä. Tuen saaminen mahdollisimman varhaisessa vaiheessa ehkäisee oppimisen pulmia ja lisää lapsen onnistumisen kokemuksia. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena eli laadullisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen aineisto ke-rättiin haastattelemalla kolmea esiopettajaa. Kaikki haastateltavat toimivat esiopettajina haastattelujen aikana. Yhdellä opettajalla oli varhaiskasvatuksen maisterin koulutus, yhdellä varhaiskasvatuksen kandidaatin koulutus ja yhdellä LTO-tutkinto lastentarhaopistosta. Haastattelut nauhoitettiin, jonka jälkeen vastaukset litteroitiin ja analysoitiin. Tuloksista selvisi, että haastateltavat opettajat käyttivät samankaltaisia konkreettisia yleisen tuen keinoja. Lisäksi selvisi, että kaikki opettajat pitivät yleistä tukea osana arkea ja jokapäiväistä pedagogiikkaa. Tuen kolmiportainen malli oli selkeä haastateltaville opettajille. Konkreettisia yleisen tuen keinoja, joita kaikki tutkimukseen osallistuneet opettajat toivat esille, olivat muun muassa kuvatuki ja pienryhmätoiminta. Lasten jatkuva havainnointi liitettiin läheisesti lapsen tukimuotojen suunnitteluun.