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  • Laurikainen, Lotta (2017)
    Goals. My goal in this study is to find out what kinds of views superiors have of giving feed-back. I believe that superiors give feedback, but I want to discover what it takes for them in their opinions as a manager. Earlier studies show that giving feedback has an impact on a sub-ordinates motivation and wellbeing at work. My research dilemmas are what kind of views su-periors have on giving feedback to subordinates and what prerequisites does it require for them to give feedback. Methodology. The study was up of qualitative semi-structured theme based interviews. I inter-viewed three superiors who worked at multinational enterprises. All of the superiors have worked as superiors for a long time and have multiple subordinates. After the interviews, I transcribed the materials after which I started to form the themes based on it. After forming the themes, I was able to write down the results under appropriate themes. Results and conclusions. The key findings of my study was that giving feedback is based on interaction. Superiors had a challenge giving constructive feedback, but they acknowledged how important it is in in their work. While giving feedback, you have to pay attention to word choice, as it plays a critical role in how the subordinates understand the feedback. By interacting superiors can build a relationship of mutual trust with their subordinate, which aids the superior in giving feedback.
  • Malinen, Rosa (2018)
    The study was carried out in a collaboration with a Finnish business organization which produces social and health services. Every year the organization conducts a personnel survey. Based on the survey the organization follows the development of different kinds of indexes in concern and unit levels. The purpose of this study was to examine connections between a few indexes because the organization analyses mainly just the yearly development of the indexes. The variables of this study were chosen together with the representative of the organization. The independent variable is foreman’s leadership. Commitment to own work and commitment to the organization were chosen as dependent variables. In addition to examining the connections, the purpose of this study was also to examine the formation of the variables critically and develop suggestions to alter the variables. Due to this examination the variable of commitment to own work turned into a variable of work engagement. Foreman’s leadership has been proved to have connection with many things in an organization, also to organizational commitment and work engagement. The study examined how much the foreman’s leadership can explain employees’ organizational commitment and work engagement. The hypothesis was that foreman’s leadership explains a part of the variation of commitment to organization and work engagement. The statistical examination was used to find out how big that part is. The study was carried out with a material which had been collected in the yearly personnel survey of the organization. The personnel survey was performed as an electric survey. All the employees in the concern were allowed to participate. Different kinds of indexes (sum variables) were formed from the claims the survey included. The variables were altered based on theory and examined statistically. All the variables filled the requirements of regression analysis so the foreman’s leadership’s influence on the dependent variables was tested with separate regression analyses. The results were codirectional with organizational commitment and work engagement. The foreman’s leadership had weak positive correlation with the dependent variables. The foreman’s leadership explained a rather small part of the variation of the dependent variables but it could explain some of the variation. In conclusion, the foreman’s leadership is one of many factors which explain organizational commitment and work engagement. More research is needed on both, organizational commitment and work engagement. Improving the variables of the personnel survey to match better with theory is also a result of this study.
  • Heikkilä, Peppiina (2017)
    Objectives. The purpose of this qualitive study was to find out what practical actions leaders use to increase employees’ work engagement. The research question was ’’How can leader promote employee’s work engagement?’’. Earlier studies concerning work engagement show that work engagement improves individual’s work well-being, work performance and the desire to work for the organization. Job resources and personal resources of work affect essentially how work engagement develops. The leader can have a major positive impact on individual’s work engagement. Methods. This study was conducted as a qualitive case study and the data of this study was collected by semi-structured theme interviews. Five leaders participated in this study and the method used was a group interview. The questions concerned the resources, work engagement and leadership. The role of theory was directional in the analysis. Especially the JR-D model was applied in the analysis. Results and conclusions. The results of this study were categorized into job resources and individual resources. This study showed that leaders use many different actions to promote employees’ experience of work engagement. Through these actions leader can contribute to the factors of personal resources and job resources. Leaders used actions to improve employees’ feeling of competence, autonomy and relatedness. Leaders also used these actions to raise trustful and fair work climate where employees feel safe. This study could be beneficial on the field of work development since it shows the importance of the leader and the positive consequences promoting the work engagement.
  • Raaska, Nea (2018)
    Working life has undergone drastic changes faster than ever in the past few decades. Because of these changes organizations and their structures have also changed and been renewed. One of the key areas of change is the increase of remote work that is caused by new flexible ways of work and the breakthrough of technology. The increase of remote work brings new challenges to leadership that need to be studied. The aim of this qualitative study was to describe and analyze remote leaders’ experiences of remote work and remote leadership. By investigating these experiences, I aimed to describe what special characteristics remote work brings to leadership and how should these characteristics be considered in remote leadership. This study highlights key areas of remote work that should be developed in the future regarding the fast-changing working life. The theoretical framework of this study consists of previous research conducted regarding remote work and remote leadership. The data consisted of four semi-structured theme interviews that were analyzed using content analysis. The aim was to find similarities and differences between the data and the theoretical framework. The interviewees were experts in their own field and they all had at least one year of experience as a remote leader. Every interviewee had their own team that consisted of remote and non-remote workers. The interviewees brought up dissimilarities on different areas between remote and non-remote workers. The results of this study were divided in two sections: experiences of remote work and special characteristics of remote leadership. Remote work was seen as a positive and long-awaited change that makes combining work and personal life possible especially to people with families. On the other hand, remote work can dim the boundaries between work and personal life that could cause burnout. Special characteristics of remote leadership were found to be the importance of regular interaction and communication, equal treatment between remote and non-remote workers and the importance of building a trustful relationship between the leader and subordinates. Especially the results indicated that remote leaders had the feeling of inadequacy because of the lack of time that was allocated to leadership. This indicated that remote leaders lacked the support from their supervisor and the organization. None of the interviewees had been trained to remote leadership. In conclusion, this study highlights that managing remote subordinates is a challenging form of leadership and it should be investigated further to provide training and support to remote leaders.
  • Wiksten, Ilona (2019)
    The purpose of this study is to figure out what knowledge about children’s voices, regarding singing, would be relevant and important for early childhood educators to be aware of. The aim is also to find out how early childhood educators could implement this knowledge in their teaching practices. This study is a qualitative literature study. The research process is guided by a hermeneutic cognitive approach and the method of analysis is a descriptive content analysis. The material consists of four research-based books from Sweden and Finland. The conclusion of this study is that early childhood educators would benefit from having knowledge both about children’s voice development and singing development, so that they can adapt to the pre-conditions of a child’s voice accordingly. Early childhood educators are recommended to both choose suitable songs and adapt the key of the songs to the children’s voices, to be able to contribute to the development of the children’s singing ability.
  • Wik, Elin (2018)
    The purpose of this study is to analyse how gender roles are portrayed in popular Finno-Swedish picture books from the 1980s and 2010s. Little research has been conducted to examine how characters are portrayed from a gender perspective in Finno-Swedish children’s litterature. The new regulations in early childhood education emphasise gender equality, which means that pedagogues need to be aware and critical towards children’s litterature, e.g. to create a more gender equal preschool culture. This qualitative study was carried out through text- and picture analysis of six popular Finno-Swedish picture books. Three books from the 1980s and three from the 2010s. The characters were analysed based on five pre-existing questions. The result indicates that Finno-Swedish picture books show a wide range of various attributes among the characters. The characters that are children are more gender neutral than the adults portrayed in the books. The female characters are the ones who changed most during these years. They show signs of a more explorative and active side, compared to the 1980s books. The male characters on the other hand, already show stereotypical female behaviour like thoughtfulness in the earlier books, and similar behaviour can also be seen among the male characters in the 2010s books. Hence, the male characters show a lesser degree of change than female characters from the 1980s to the 2010s.
  • Ray, Jenny (2019)
    Aims. Previous studies have shown that few Finnish children and adolescent fulfil the physical activity (PA) recommendations. Previous studies have also shown that the PA gained during the school day is more important for children and adolescents that are the most inactive. This group gain the majority of their physical activity during their time in school. According to socioecological models, physical and socio-psychological factors affect children’s and adolescents’ physical activity. This study aims to describe the Finnish Swedish speaking children’s and adolescents’ recess time, focusing on where they spend their recess, how physically active they are during recess, what conditions there are for PA during the recess, and whether the children and adolescents have participated in planning the schools activities. Methods. The sample consisted of 1119 Swedish speaking Finns in the grades 1, 3, 5, 7, and 9 in Finland. The material was collected in the schools during spring 2018 through electronic questionnaires. Most of the participants were 1st, 3rd, and 5th graders. Frequencies and cross-tabs were used in analyses to describe the participants. To explore whether there was statistically significant differences between the grades and gender regarding the respondent’s answers in the questionnaires, khi2-test and t-test were used. Results and conclusions. Younger children spent their recess time outside more often than the adolescents. PA during recess decreased as the age increased. Moreover, the younger children found the support from schools for PA during recess to be better than the elderly ones. Children on the 3rd grade were the most active in planning the recess activities, while adolescents in the 7th and 9th grade were the least active. Conclusions: The results in this study are in line with previous studies. Keeping in mind that the recommendations for daily PA is less fulfilled, it is important that schools encourages and supports children and adolescents to be physical active during the school day. Future studies should explore whether there is an association between schools’ support for PA and children’s and adolescents’ PA, and further between participating in planning the school physical activities and children’s and adolescents’ PA.
  • Andersson, Johanna (2018)
    The purpose of this study is to give answers to common preconceptions about preschool children’s use of digital technology. The main questions of this study are: 1. Do childhood and digital technology mix? 2. Does digital technology hinder the social and emotional development of children? 3. How can digital technology be used in playing and learning? The method of the study is a literature overview consisting of nine articles. The articles are compared to each other, to the ealy childhood teaching program and also to a few news stories. Method used in study is a narrative overview of the literaure. The majority of the studies compared have a positive attitude to preschool children’s use of digital technology. It is the responsibility of the teachers and other grown-ups to scaffold children to use digital technology in a useful, diverse and safe way. Digital play is a huge part of the lives of today’s children.
  • Hassel, Tina (2017)
    The aim of this study is to get knowledge about what school teachers think about preschool education and what they think is important for children to manage when they start school. The study also brings up childrens play that seems to be missing in school but according to the preschool curriculum is important. The study is a qualitative interview study. Three school teachers where interviewed about their thoughts about preschool education. The results of this study indicates that the school teachers appreciates social skills and that is what preschool is about; children should learn to work in a major group, take care of his/her own things and manage to concentrate on school assignment. The study also claims that childrens play is something that teachers belongs to the break between the lessons. The teachers in this study seperates play and learning, but at the same time the school teachers find childrens play important for the children.
  • Forstén, Elin (2018)
    The purpose of this study is to get an insight into preschool children's thoughts on gender roles. The topic of gender roles is highly relevant in todays' society and an issue that has been brought into focus in early childhood education as well and my aim is to explore how the preschool children of today think about gender roles. Research in the field of early childhood education related to gender roles is being done more and more but it is still a relatively undiscovered field and very few studies have the children's perspective in focus. This study is made up of individual, qualitative interviews and I have interviewed 26 children in total in six separate interviews. Outside of the interviews I have collected material through the children choosing toys from a toy magazine. The interviews started with a discussion about the children's choices of toys and followed with a conversation about different issues regarding the topic of gender roles. One of the most central findings of the study is that children to a certain extent had noticed differences between boys and girls while regarding some other areas did not think there is any difference between the two genders at all. Furthermore it is interesting to notice that even though children pointed out certain differences between boys and girls they were in general very accepting of different types of genderbending and norm breaking tendencies.
  • Weissman, Helena (2017)
    The purpose of the study is to ascertain what preschool children think of physical activities. The study will also show how much children perceive they exercise a day as well as if they feel that adults in their everyday life encourage them to do so. According to the new recommendations should children exercise three hours a day. It is important to hear what children think about exercise to be able to develop their exercise both at home and at preschool. The research is qualitative with a phenomenological research approach. Interview was used as the method of research. To support the children, the interviews were conducted in groups and all interviews were recorded, transcribed and analysed. The children perceive that they exercise quite a lot. They did not experience adult restrictions but they did wish adults would participate in game and play. It can, however, be ascertained that the children did not exercise three hours a day. With adult participation, both at home and preschool, the time spent exercising could be increased.
  • Jonsson, Matilda (2018)
    The purpose of this study is to search for people´s describing thoughts and furthermore positive and negative attitudes to the value and status of preschool teachers in the Finnish society, to explain a possible disharmony between these two. The theoretical frame of this study clarifies the concept of professionalism and its meaning in relation to the occupation of preschool teacher. It furthermore clarifies the concept of attitudes and its components, its origin and its ability to change. Furthermore, this study is a qualitative study and its approach is phenomenological, based on semi-structured interviews. Four people, regardless of earlier experience of children, are interviewed in Helsinki with the aim to seize the phenomenon, their positive, negative or indifferent attitudes towards preschool teachers in respect of their value verses their status in the Finnish society. Finally the result shows that positive, affective attitudes seem to be connected with children and positive, cognitive attitudes tend to be connected with their childhood witch creates a link to why preschool teachers has such high value in the society. According to this study, lack of knowledge and stereotypic point of views, lowers their status and therefor a disharmony is created between the preschool teacher´s value and status. Furthermore, in order to make a change, knowledge and visibility of the meaning of the profession as a preschool teacher within young children’s education is needed in purpose to bring their value and status to the same level.
  • Wessman, Emilia (2018)
    The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers at kindergarten working in preschool, perceive/ consider educational styles as a part of children’s development and learning. I have investigated how pedagogues perceive and experience different educational styles. The theory chapter gives a background and understanding of the content of the study. The study is qualitative in structure and consists of three interviews with pedagogues from Southern Finland. The pedagogues interviewed works with children in preschool. The result shows that the pedagogues that participated in the study agree that educating children is all about limits with love. An important part of education is consequent advice and support. Education is needed to support children to grow and being a part of the society. The study illustrates challenges in the educational co-operation with parents, which is very important, as well as the different backgrounds that children at preschool brings to kindergarten.
  • Willberg, Maria (2016)
    The purpose with this study is to find out the educators’ experiences about conflicts between children at different ages at daycare and to get an insight in how the educators deal with the conflict situations and how they see their own role in these situations. The theory part includes a discussion of daycare as a place of interaction between children and educators, and also between children. It also includes a discussion of conflicts between children, and the educators’ role in the conflict situations. The study is qualitative and was carried out through interviews with three educators working at daycare. A long experience of conflicts between children at daycare and experience of working with children at all ages under school age were the criteria for the interview persons. The interviews were tape recorded, and then transcribed and analyzed. The result indicates that conflicts between children at daycare are diverse and that conflicts are common at all ages. There are many reasons that conflicts between children emerge and the reasons are partly agerelated. Besides that, younger children also act more physically in conflict situations, while older children are more verbal and they also can leave some children outside the group as a consequence of a conflict. The educators feel that their role in conflict situations is important. Their role in handling the conflicts is complex and the educators have to act in different ways in different situations. The educators have to be present when the children interact and they also all the time have to make interpretations of the interaction between the children in order to notice when conflicts between children emerges, what happens in the conflict situations and when to intervene. The educators are clearly aware of the importance of children learning how to solve conflicts themselves.
  • Forsius, Maria (2016)
    In fall 2016 a new curriculum will be introduced in basic education in Finland which will result in dramatic changes for teachers. Since the teachers are in charge of implementing the changes in practice, their attitudes towards the new curriculum are of high relevance. Prior research show that teachers are more positive to school reforms if they are aware of, and accept, the purpose and the consequences of the reform. The purpose of this study is to find out how the teachers feel about the new curriculum for basic education. I want to find out if they are aware of how the new curriculum affect them and their work, if they feel that they have participated in the work process, if they find the new curriculum relevant and easy to implement, how they feel about the content, and finally, how they feel about their own roles as teachers as the new curriculum is introduced. The study was done with quantitative methods. An electronic questionnaire was sent out in March 2016 to teachers working in grades 1-6 in swedish speaking schools in Espoo. A total of 48 teachers answered the questionnaire. The data was analyzed with the statistic programme SPSS. The results showed that most teachers feel positive about the new curriculum even though they think that their profession will become more demanding. They understand and accept the purpose of the reform and are well aware of how the new curriculum will affect them and their work. However, they are sceptical about how well the curriculum will work in practice. Many teachers feel like both the schools and the teachers lack enough resources and competences to successfully implement the curriculum in practice.
  • Eira, Emma (2019)
    Objectives; The aim of this Bachelor’s thesis was to compile information on the association between physical activity and academic performance in primary school children from previous studies. The connection between physical activity and academic performance has attracted a great deal of interest and has been studied extensively. Previous studies have found a positive association between physical activity and academic performance. However, the results have been contradictory and the ositive link between physical activity and academic performance has not been found in all of the studies. The purpose of this study was to answer the following research questions 1) Is there a connection between physical activity and academic performance? 2) What kind of physical activity supports academic performance? Methods: Bachelor thesis was executed as a systematic literature review. The research material consisted of nine articles that studied the connection between physical activity and academic performance in primary school children. The material was collected in three differ-ent literature searches from library of the University of Helsinki’s Helka database. The stud-ies were grouped into longitudinal and cross-sectional studies, to studies that examine phys-ical fitness, motor skills, physical activity during school hours and during leisure time. Ana-lyze was carried out as a content analysis. I emphasized main findings by highlighting them in the text and created a table to illustrate most important findings according to the research questions. The results formed in relation with the research questions through the analysis. Results and Conclusions: The majority of studies showed that there is a positive association between physical activity and academic achievement. These results showed that especially good physical fitness and short physically active breaks during school day support learning outcomes. For further research, we would be interested to investigate whether the effects of physical activity are as positive for children of high school age as for primary school children.
  • Pajunen, Sara (2016)
    Physical activity has a positive impact not only on physical and mental health but also on cognitive functions. It seems that physical activity improves performance in a variety of cognitive tests and slows down the natural cognitive decline associated with aging. During adolescence the plasticity of the brain is greater and parts of the brain that are essential for cognitive functions develop significantly. At the same time there is some evidence that globally increasing physical inactivity and obesity might influence negatively on health of the brain and further on cognitive functions. From this point of view physical activity may have an underestimated role supporting cognitive development in youth. Physical activity has a positive effect on performance in a variety of cognitive tests in adolescence. Physically active adolescents outperform physically inactive controls in verbal and numerical abilities, different reasoning ability tests and especially in tests that measure executive functions and attention. Physical exercise has a positive effect also on emotional well-being, behaviour and academic achievement. Based on the articles of this thesis regular organized physical exercise that is vigorous and includes a cognitive component has the strongest impact on cognitive performance. In some studies the association between physical activity and cognitive and academic performance was stronger in girls than boys. This finding could be explained by the fact that physical exercise decreases symptoms of anxiety and depression and that girls have more of these symptoms than boys. The underlying mechanisms of the association include learning and developmental mechanisms and physiological mechanisms that include functional and structural features of the brain. Physical exercise increases cerebral blood flow and oxygen intake in the brain and upregulates multiple neurotrophic factors that are essential for new neurons. Regular physical exercise possibly leads to more efficient neuronal networks and permanent cortical changes in adolescent’s brain. Scarce literature and various study designs might explain some of the inconsistency in the results. In the future more research is needed about what kind of physical exercise by type, intensity and duration is the most effective on cognitive development in adolescence. Increasing amount of literature supports the idea that physical activity is a lifestyle factor that has a holistic impact on health and well-being throughout the lifespan.
  • Lönnholm, May (2017)
    Children's literature conveys gender-related societal norms and thus it is important to reflect on the books that are read to children from a gender point of view. This bachelor’s thesis examines how gender is depicted in recently published Finnish-Swedish picture books aimed at 1-5-year-old children. The focus is on the portrayal of adult characters. The study addresses the following research questions: From a gender point of view, how are adults depicted in these books? Are the gender-related positions that are offered normative or norm breaking? Six Finnish-Swedish picture books published in 2015 were analysed using a hermeneutical approach. The results indicate a multi-faceted and complex portrayal of gender. There are similarities as well as differences between female, male and gender-neutral characters. Both normative and norm-breaking gender-related positions are offered. As the books also include characters who break gender stereotypes, Finnish-Swedish picture books may be a good choice from a gender point of view. Nevertheless, certain books are more stereotypical than others and thus the Finnish-Swedish picture books that are read to children should be chosen with care.
  • Harjama, Heli (2019)
    The purpose of the study is to examine the potential of formative interventions to support the formation of transformative agency oriented to transformation of global structures into equity. The theoretical framework is composed of the construction the theory of cultural-historical activity theory in the case of the formation of transformative agency. In this study, local work activity is scrutinised as an expression of state of global structures from the point of view of the pedagogy of oppressed. The research is carried out as a literature review using pieces of scientific literature as data. The Data contains descriptions of the Change Laboratory Method, the “The Art of Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding” Method as well as the Cultural Circle Method. The result of the study is a hypothesis on the obstacles the formation of transformative agency faces in local work activities, that reflect the state of global structures, as well as an assessment of the possibilities offered by the Change Laboratory Method, “The Art of Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding” Method, and the Cultural Circle Method to support the formation of transformative agency oriented to transformation of global structures into equity. The research results suggest that the theory of cultural-historical activity theory and the pedagogy of oppressed are valid theoretical frameworks for reviewing the formation of transformative agency oriented to transformation of global structures into equity. Specifically, the Change Laboratory method seems promising to support the formation of transformative agency oriented to transformation of global structures into equity, in local work activities.
  • Naski, Malin (2019)
    The purpose of this study is to explore how educators view sustainable development and visual arts, and how these phenomena are incorporated into practice in early childhood education. This study is a qualitative study in which sustainability in early childhood education and visual arts are studied through a social constructivist and posthumanistic perspective. Method of enquiry is focus group interview. Educators where of the opinion that visual art activities using physical tools are important, but that the addition of digital art adds a new dimension to visual arts. Visual art activities were present in the practice of the educators both as planned activities and as spontaneous child-initiated artmaking. To make artmaking more ecologic educators taught children to use materials sparingly, or to make artwork that could be documented digitally, freeing the material for reuse. Using recycled material was seen both as a solution to making artmaking sustainable and as problematic. Children were taught a sustainable lifestyle and empowered by learning methods to work for sustainable development.