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  • Keijonen, Annastiina (2020)
    Kulttuurinen omiminen on ilmiö, joka on puhuttanut ihmisiä maailman laajuisesti. Suomessa kulttuuriseen omimiseen liittyvä keskustelu on keskittynyt erityisesti saamelaisten, suomen ainoan alkuperäiskansan, kansanpuvun käyttöön liittyviin ilmiöihin. Keskustelua on käyty siitä, saavatko pukuun pukeutua muutkin kuin saamelaiset ja onko saamenpuvun kaltaisten asujen käyttö hyväksyttävää. Tässä tutkielmassa on tarkoituksena selvittää, mistä keskustelu kulttuurisesta omimisesta johtuu eli millaisia asioita saamenpukuun liittyvän kulttuurista omimista käsittelevän keskustelun taustalla on. Näitä asioita selvitetään kahdella tavalla. Ensiksi tarkastellaan, miten muut kuin saamelaiset ovat saamenpukua tai sen kaltaisia pukuja käyttäneet. Seuraavaksi keskitytään selvittämään millaisia merkityksiä saamelaiset saamenpuvulle antavat. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, jossa tarkasteltiin Yleisradion verkkosivulla julkaistuja saamenpukua ja kulttuurista omimista käsitteleviä artikkeleita. Artikkeleita luettiin, kunnes lisää lukemalla ei enää saatu uutta tietoa aiheesta tai enempää artikkeleita ei enää löytynyt. Niitä analysoitiin aineistolähtöisesti soveltamalla tekstiaineistoon sisällönanalyysia. Sisällönanalyysin kautta teksteistä pyrittiin löytämään toistuvia ja harvinaisempia tutkimuksen aiheeseen liittyviä ilmiöitä ja näkökulmia. Saamenpuvun merkityksiin pureuduttiin semioottisen analyysin keinoin. Tutkimuksessa selvisi, että muut kuin saamelaiset ovat käyttäneet saamenpukua tai sen kaltaisia asuja markkinointitarkoituksissa, itseilmaisussa, taiteessa sekä viihteen tekemiseen. Saamelaisille saamenpuku on merkki, joka ilmaisee alkuperäiskansaan kuulumista. Se on alkuperäiskansan jäsenille siis vaatetta merkityksellisempi asia, joka välittää aina kuvaa heistä huolimatta siitä, kenen päälle se on puettu. Saamenpukuun liittyvä kulttuurista omimista käsittelevä keskustelu johtuu pohjimmiltaan tietämättömyydestä: Suomessa saamelaisuutta ei tunneta hyvin, vaikka saamelaiset asuvat myös Suomen alueella. Jotta tietämys saamelaista lisääntyisi ja siten kulttuurisia näkökulmia ymmärrettäisiin jatkossa paremmin, olisi tärkeää, että peruskoulun opetussuunnitelman sisällöissä saamelaisuus huomioitaisiin jatkossa nykyistä laajemmin.
  • Davidkin, Marjut (2019)
    The clothing industry and its environmental impact have recently been much discussed while consumer interest in sustainably produced clothing has been rising. As a response to increased demand, clothing companies have set up collections that give the impression of being ecologically and ethically manufactured. Unfortunately, this phenomenon has also been found to be related with negative byproducts such as incoherent ecoterminology and green washing. The idea for this study sprung up from a personal desire to better understand the ecosymbols hanging in clothes’ tags and the ecolabelling system behind them. The study has two main goals. The first is to decipher the kinds of ecolabels that textiles and clothing can have, and what criteria a product must meet in order to obtain a permission to use an ecolabel. According to previous studies, ecoterminology is often vague, and consumers’ awareness about it is low. The study examines three well-known ecolabels, the Nordic ecolabel ”Joutsenmerkki”, the EU-ecolabel ”EU-kukkamerkki” and the GOTS-sertificate. The study’s second aim is to analyse the information provided to consumers by the three children’s clothing companies profiling themselves as sustainable manufacturers. This information concerns the actions the companies have taken regarding their production’s ecologic sustainability, certification, as well as the underlying values behind the actions This second goal comprises the actual empirical part of the study. Brands chosen to this study are Vimma, Gugguu and Papu. The data were collected from the companies’ websites and was analysed according to the methods of content analysis. The results show that the quality of the information varies considerably. Papu got the best results due to a code of conduct document and a sustainability report that included both measures already taken as well as measures planned for the future. One possible interpretation for Vimma and Gugguu’s quite poor results is that even though measures had been taken toward sustainability, the companies didn’t properly report them to consumers. There is still much to improve, and standardized, independent and transparent ecolabels might be part of the solution as they might clarify the incoherent ecoterminology provided by clothing companies.
  • Ora, Inka (2019)
    The purpose of this research is to study and describe how craft skills affect the choosing of a hobby for a fifties-fan who makes some of her clothes herself. In this study the questions of what is appealing of 1950s, what craft skills a fifties-fan needs for her hobby and where a fifties-fan finds inspiration and help for her crafting were examined and answered. The re-sults were compared to Vartiainen’s (2006) study about transmitting craft skills and information in virtual environments. There are no previous studies about 1950s as a hobby. The research data was collected in a group interview of three fifties-fans. All participants were females. The data was analysed based on the framework that was made for the interview. The theoretical basis of this study served as an aid in interpreting the results. The results indicate that craft and sewing skills have been a necessity for a fifties-fan to be able to dress in the 1950s’ style. 1950s have a special meaning for the fifties-fans as its masculine and feminine women’s fashion have helped the fans to become more positive about their bodies. The results indicate that problem solving of the fifties-fans is slightly different from the craft makers in Vartiainen’s (2006) study. Reality groups are more important for the fifties-fans than virtual groups. Though virtual groups are a source of inspiration and ideas for dressing up.
  • Dahlberg, Mikaela (2018)
    A new curriculum has been introduced in elementary schools in the autumn of 2016. The new curriculum (FNAE 2014) has suggested that each student should be offered at least one multidisciplinary learning course per an academic year. The goals of multisectoral learning courses are to exceed the school subject limits and offer students opportunities to practice and develop a range of thinking and practical skills that they can apply to their everyday lives. The purpose of this study is to describe the multidisciplinary learning course’s design and execution process from the perspective of the craft’s subject. Also, to find out what kind of experiences these multidisciplinary learning courses have led to. The study investigated how the design and implementation of multidisciplinary learning courses has worked in practice and how it has affected the work of a crafts teacher. This study is a qualitative study that aims to describe and understand the studied phenomenon. The data for this study was collected using a semi-structured theme interview. The interview themes were set out in from the grounds, which affect the design and implementation of multidisciplinary courses. These include the cooperation of the committed operators, the goals and contents for teaching and learning and the significance of different learning environments. The interview was answered by a crafts teacher from an elementary school in Helsinki. The interview was recorded as a voice record. The researched material was analyzed in accordance with the theory-based content analysis principles. This study showed that the design and implementation of multidisciplinary learning courses has brought new dimensions to the work of the teacher, which has not emerged in more traditional teaching. Practical challenges and constraints such as time and resource constraints were not faced alone by the craft’s teacher. This has led to that the design and implementation of multidisciplinary learning courses are experienced as a positive part of the craft teacher's work. It has developed cooperation between all committed operators. It emerged from the results that the design and implementation of multidisciplinary learning courses are aimed to develop student’s problem-solving skills and creativity. The goals set were the design, perception and development of a comprehensive process. The teaching of multidisciplinary learning courses is not different from the usual subject-specific teaching, but the perspective is different. It is not about changing the teaching, but about expanding the mindset and developing it.
  • Jeskanen, Anu-Mirjami (2018)
    The oldest written sources of ryijy-rugs in Finland are from the 15th century. Ryijy-rugs were used as bedcovers and as covers in a sleigh. At first ryijy-rugs were mostly used by crown but later on became a common cover among the commonality. Change from bedcover to tapestry happened not until hundreds of years later. In the beginning of 20th century researchers became interested of ryijy-rugs in a historical point of view. This study was inspired by four ryijy-rugs found from the attic of an old farmhouse in the spring of 2018. The aim of this study is to answer the questions why these ryijy-rugs were made, by whom the ryijy-rugs were made and when the ryijy-rugs were made.
  • Kaijanen, Noora (2017)
    The purpose of this thesis was to collect information on the level of Finnishness featured in women's independence day Castle ball evening dresses. The theoretical section explored semiotics with picture analysis technique, history of dresses and Finnishness. The data was collected from a film of the President's independence day Castle party, broadcasted in 2016. It was possible to watch on Yle Areena website. The data was analysed using qualitative and quantitative methods. In qualitative methods, 25 evening dresses were analysed using semiotic picture analysis. Quantitative methods contributed to the total sum of women's evening dresses in the Castle ball and themes of dresses. These results suggest that Finnishness in the design of Castle ball dresses is not popular in the year 2016. Only in 39 percent of dresses examples of Finnishness were present. Qualitative results showed how the colours and materials of the dresses were the main modes to feature Finnishness. The result of these findings indicates there is a growing interest in multiculturalism in Finland. This can explain the reason why Finnishness is not incorporated within Castle ball evening dresses and must be considered how multiculturalism affects the existence of Finnish culture and traditions.
  • Plit, Milla (2018)
    The Finnsheep and the Finnish Grey Landrace have recently been identified as two different breeds of sheep (Ovis aries). As this was achieved by genetical analyses and as many important characteristics of the wool are heritable it is possible that there are differences within the wool qualities of the Finnsheep and the Finnish Grey Landrace. The aim of this study was to find out if the Finnsheep wool fibres and the Finnish Grey Landrace wool fibres can be identified by breed when compared using stereomicroscopy techniques, and if the Finnsheep wool fibres and the Finnish Grey Landrace wool fibres have structural differences that might affect their usage as textile material. Wool fibres of two white and two brown Finnsheep ewes and two pale grey and two black Finnish Grey Landrace ewes were examined by microscopic methods. The longitudinal structures, cross sections and scale casts of fibres were examined. The scale patterns of the cuticula, the shape and structure of the medulla and the cross sections were examined by qualitative methods as well as the shape of the edges of the scales. The diameter of the fibres, the height and the rate of the scales were measured by using Motic Images Plus 2.0 ML software. The examined traits were compared between individuals, colours and breeds. No such trait was found that would have been characteristic for only one breed as there were no differences between the breeds. Most of the traits were similar between two colours instead of breeds. The results suggest that the wool fibres of the Finnsheep and the Finnish Grey Landrace can be used together as textile material. According to the results the wool fibres can’t be used to tell the two breeds apart. For future research, it might be more relevant to compare wool fibres between colours than breeds.
  • Kivipelto, Kaisa (2018)
    The aim of my study was to find out what is it about clothing brand Supreme that allures its users to spend so much time, money and effort to be able to get a hold on to its clothes and accessories. My research task was to get a clarification what makes Supreme so supreme to its user and what type of matters are there in the background. To find out my study asks what are the roles of identity and exclusiveness in this entirety. My study reflects on earlier studies about dressing, identity and about the role of exclusiveness in marketing of luxury brands. The material for my study is collected from an interview. To be able to get relevant information I chose the interviewee based on my knowledge of him being a Supreme user. Content analysis was made from a semiotic point of view and the aim was to show different semantics appearing in the results. The results show how identity and exclusiveness have an effect on the appeal of Supreme to its user and how they work together increasing one another. Supreme revealed to be just enough out of reach from its users to be able to create a community around itself that community being based on the identity built around Supreme in certain context.
  • Halonen, Alisa (2018)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract This research’s main goal was to study how textiles’ substitute materials were used in Finland during the 1940’s. Research focused on what kind of substitute materials were used, in what purpose they were used and how did they work in their use. During the 1940’s there was a shortage of textiles in Finland, caused by The Second World War. The Second World War made it harder to import raw materials and textiles from around the world. In addition The Winter War and The Continuation War slowed down industrial developement and decreased domestic production. Textile shortage forced people to develop various creative ways of coping, one of which was using and developing substitute materials for textiles. Previous studies about 1940’s shortage time have been made, but the field is lacking a study about substitute materials. Many of the previous researches consentrate on studying crafts during the depression in a more general way. This study was targeted to consentrate on textiles’ substitute materials’ as a way of coping. The research was executed as qualitative historical study and the data was gathered using semi-structured interview. A woman born in 1937 was interviewed. The data was analyzed using the content analysis. In this study it was found that the usage of textiles’ substitute materials’ was perhaps not that common, as the previous studies imply. In addition the differences between the countryside and the city came up. It was found, that substitute materials were more commonly used in the city, when in the countryside people coped with what they already had.
  • Kemppainen, Meeri (2017)
    The aim of this qualitative study was to find out, how mending and darning textiles appear on shared photos of social media. This study also explores, how mending is represented in captions and hashtags used in photos. The theoretical frame of this study is founded on the relationship between textiles and sustainable development. Earlier studies have shown that most of textiles environmental impacts arise from the use phase. Consumers can directly contribute to textile sustainability by changing their use habits and patterns. For older generations it was considered normal and necessary practice to repair and mend textiles, usually for economic reasons. Industrialization in the 20th century led to mass production of textiles and low prices. In consequence the practices of mending and darning textiles have largely disappeared. The data for this study was drawn from photo-sharing application Instagram using hashtag #parsinta during summer 2017. In the course of a year 33 photos were shared with beforementioned hashtag. Both the photos and attached captions, hashtags and comments were analysed thematically using content analysis. The shared representation of mending and darning in social media showed wide aspects of contemporary mending. The photos shared with hashtag #parsinta were conventional close-up images of finished mends or work in the progress. The mender and cloth type were cropped out of most photos. The captions and hashtags added needed context to photos and additional view points of mending. The captions and hashtags added information about motives and reasons to mend textiles. The special relationship between the mender and cloth, craft as a hobby or close relations made mending meaningful. Environmental issues and craft process were also featured in the captions and hashtags. On the other hand traditional and historical reasons to mend were also expressed. Mending was expressed as duty and necessity, which thrifty and diligent person has to be part of. The concept of contemporary mending has become wider and more complex, but still old traditions and discourses affect the representation of mending in social media. Still social media can inspire consumers to mend and thereby affect the lifecycle and environmental impacts of textiles.
  • Tuppurainen, Niina (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, minkälaista tietoa tekstiilijätteestä saadaan Helsingin Sanomien verkkoartikkeleista. Tähän etsittiin ratkaisua vastaamalla kysymyksiin, mitä tekstiilijätteestä kirjoitetaan verkkoartikkeleissa, millainen ilmiö tekstiilijätteestä muotoutuu ja millaisia teemoja kirjoituksista nousee esille. Tekstiilijäte on ajankohtainen ja ongelmallinen aihe, jonka vähentämiseksi pyritään jatkuvasti löytämään uusia keinoja. Suomessa kotitaloudet ovat suurimpia tekstiilijätteen tuottajia. Sanomalehdet tavoittavat suurimman osan suomalaisista ja niiden tarkoituksena on kuvata asiat totuudenmukaisina. Menetelmät. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen sisällönanalyysi. Aineistona tutkimuksessa on vuosien 2010-2019 aikana ilmestyneet Helsingin Sanomien verkkoartikkelit tekstiilijätteestä. Aineisto kerättiin hyödyntämällä Helsingin Sanomien verkkolehden hakutoimintoa, hakien artikkeleita ”tekstiilijäte” hakusanalla. Aineistoon valittiin 17 artikkelia, lehden eri palstoilta. Aineiston valinnassa hyödynnettiin harkinnanvaraista otantaa jättämällä pois artikkelit, jotka vain sivusivat aihetta. Myös mielipidekirjoitukset jätettiin pois aineistosta. Aineistoa analysoitiin teemoittelemalla, hakien samalla vastauksia toiseen tutkimuskysymykseen. Tulokset. Tutkimuksessa saatiin selville, että tekstiilijätteestä kirjoitetaan monen eri teeman kautta. Verkkoartikkelit antavat hyvin laajan kuvan tekstiilijätteen synnystä ja tavoista pienentää sitä. Teksteissä painottui kuluttajan oma rooli tekstiilijätteen tuottajana ja vastuullisena kuluttajana. Tekstiilijätteeseen liittyvistä kirjoituksista nousi esille erilaisia teemoja liittyen tekstiilien kierrätykseen, kulutukseen ja ympäristövaikutuksiin. Tekstiilijätteestä muodostui kirjoitusten perusteella moniuloitteinen ilmiö, jonka ongelmallisuuteen kehitetään jatkuvasti uudenlaisia ratkaisuja.
  • Räsänen, Johanna (2018)
    The purpose of this study was to get an overall picture of the Master seamstress Paula Malleus's life and her brand called MEM by Paula Malleus. The aim of the study was to find out how to make design clothes from post consumer waste. Previous information shows the collections of the brand is the world's most ecological clothing collections, but scientific research into the use of post consumer textiles waste in clothing design has not been done before. The study describes the principles of sustainable fashion, and they discussed how sustainable aspects of fashion can be seen in MEM by Paula Malleus clothing. This research was attended by Paula Malleus, Founder of Remake EkoDesign Oy, whose life and work were carried out. The research material was collected by an open interview in her work area. After the interview, the interview was transcribed as text. A qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the study, with the aim of obtaining a clear picture of the case. The research was a qualitative research and research method was case study. MEM by Paula Malleus products are recycled clothing. Material processing had to have created its own technique to make the clothes suitable for serial production. It is not the manufacture of unique pieces. Malleus has merged a whole new way of working. In the study, the manufacturing process of each collection was studied. It turned out that product design does not follow a particular formula. Design is based on different methods and different perspectives, as Paula Malleus processes her own mind in product design.
  • Reiman, Sirke (2019)
    The goal of my study is to find information about methods of extraction of nettle fiber. For hundreds of years the nettle fiber has been used as a textile material in Europe. Linen, because of its higher fiber content, and cotton, when it came to the market, replaced the use of nettle fiber and the knowledge of extraction methods of nettle fiber disappeared. Research for using nettle fiber was made in Germany during the 19th century. Shortage of textile materials during the World Wars increased interest in nettle fiber in Germany and in Britain. I carried out my study as a systematic literature review. I found the framework of the material with search engines of Helka and the internet by using search keywords. In one study nettle was grown in Tuscany in 2006–2007 and the quality of nettle was investigated. In another study nettle was grown in Prato in 2007 and influence of extraction techniques to the nettle fiber was studied. Properties of nettle fiber was studied by Bodros and Baley with the nettles collected in France. Additionally I found a study in which qualities of Himalayan giant nettle (Girardinia diversifolia L.) and European nettle (Urtica dioica L.) were compared. A study made in Latvia clarifies the quality of nettle grown in Latvia and posibility to utilize that as textile material. The article of Harwood and Edom brings out the history of study about nettle fiber during the World Wars. The methods of extraction of nettle fiber which I found became as a result of my study. Nettle fiber was seen as a eco-friendly option, although the extraction methods can increase environmental hazards. Basics in extraction of the fiber were water or chemical retting or boiling and drying and shattering the bark of processed nettle stem. The order of different phases of extraction methods could be changed or one phase could be left out. For my own experiments water retting and drying seem to be most useful.
  • Laiho, Heidi (2019)
    Kestävän kehityksen tavoitteena on taata tuleville sukupolville vähintään yhtä hyvät elämisen mahdollisuudet kuin nykyisin maapallolla vallitsevat. Ekologinen kestävyys on kestävän kehityksen ulottuvuus, joka pyrkii sopeuttamaan ihmisten toimintaa luonnon kestokykyyn. Kestävä kehitys on viime vuosina ollut paljon esillä tiedotusvälineissä ja ihmisten valintoihin on pyritty vaikuttamaan mm. pikamuodin haitallisia ympäristövaikutuksia korostamalla. Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, millaisia ekologisen kestävyyden teemoja Taito-lehdissä esiintyi vuonna 2018. Tavoitteena on muodostaa aineistosta esiin nousseista teemoista yhtenäisiä kokonaisuuksia eli luokkia, jotka kuvastavat tapoja ottaa ekologinen kestävyys huomioon käsitöiden tekemisessä. Tutkimuksessa analysoitiin vuonna 2018 ilmestyneiden kuuden Taito-lehtien sisältöä. Tutkimukseen otettiin mukaan 128 artikkelia, joista 52:ssa esiintyi yhteensä 83 viittausta ekologiseen kestävyyteen. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena ja aineiston analyysiin käytettiin teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysiä. Kvantitatiivisen teemoittelun tuloksena syntyi neljä luokkaa, jotka muodostuivat ekologisen kestävyyden viittauksista aineistossa. Ekologinen kestävyys ilmeni aineistossa monipuolisesti sisältäen viittauksia esimerkiksi eri tavoin ekologisiin materiaaleihin, tuotannossa käytettyihin työmenetelmiin ja tuotteiden loppusijoitukseen. Syntyneet luokat ovat ekologinen materiaali, kierrätys, käyttöikä ja arvostus sekä laatu. Tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa ekologisen kestävyyden olevan monipuolisesti esillä Taito-lehdissä.
  • Kujala, Tiina (2019)
    The aim of the thesis is to visualize, analyze and interpret the elements of a good figure skating outfit in the light of literature. The thesis has its origins in the need to understand what are the starting points for the costume designer to take into account in their costume assignment and to find out, in the light of the source literature, what has been written about the design of figure skating suits and what other types of evaluation could be used to design figure skating suits. A custom-made themed figure skating outfit is often still an interesting research item in a society, and in the sporting world, that is popular with the ready-to-wear industry. The theoretical basis for the study is the TIE model application compiled by Koskennurmi-Sivonen, a user-driven FEA design model developed by Lamb and Kallal (1992). The core content of the TIE model is concerned with the consideration of three main aspects - functional, expressive and aesthetics - as a starting point for design. The purpose of the study was to find out which elements of the TIE model are associated with figure skating, what other relevant research information or literature is available and whether the information derived therefrom is applicable to the design and construction of figure skating outfits. There is little prior literature on assessment types such as figure skating, so the inclusion and exclusion criteria sought to find as many species of the same style as possible, where the theme-specific costume is both part of the evaluated competition performance as defined by the rules and a sportswear that tends to extreme movements. Finally, a total of five theses on three different sports were found. The study compares figure skating, team gymnastics and costume design features of competitive ballroom dancing, and strive to find consistent guidelines in line with the elements of the TIE model. The method was loosely applied using Torgeson's (2003) systematic literature review. The material was searched into various electronic databases in Finnish and the contents of the material were themed into a TIE model under three perspectives. The theses found were used to find the essential elements for the design of skill suits and, based on them, to outline the elements of a good figure skating suit. The design and features of team gymnastics and dance outfits were very similar to those of figure skating outfits. In all sports, all aspects of the TIE model were emphasized in a good outfit. The following was considered essential: the appearance of the suit as well as its functionality and reliability in the performance, the self-confidence and the feeling of competition, and the overall supportive character.
  • Siekkinen, Anna (2017)
    The purpose of this study is to understand how personal values can be connected to a product, as well as how personal values can be expressed to others in terms of a product. The subject of the study, along with the case study, was Marimekko’s logokassi (a bag). There are three research questions: 1. What kind of features are connected to the product? 2. What kind of values does the user of the logokassi connect to him-/herself by using the bag? 3. What kind of values does the user of the logokassi want to signal to others through the product? Product essence analysis developed by Marketta Luutonen (1997), and the functions of dress, formulated by Penny Storm (1987), were used as theoretical background. The research questions, as well as the questions of the questionary have been formulated by using these theories. The study was carried out as a qualitative research, where the internet was used as the medium of the study. The material was gathered in two closed groups on Facebook in April 2017. The questionary was posted and advertised in the groups. In total, 230 responses were reseived. The responses were analyzed in different themes according to the subject analysis, and later used to carry out the product essence analysis. The analysis was carried out through three stages, first proceeding from the first impression stage to the factual stage, and then continuing to the stage of interpretation. The popularity of the logokassi is based on its tangible assets as well as its different matters of essence. It was considered to be estheticaly beautiful and functional due to its purpose because of its larger, when compering to normal size bags. In addition, the bag itself contained several meanings, which the users wanted to express to others. Users connected these meanings to themselves also when considering other possible accesories. As a brand, Marimekko is strong, and as a product of the company, the logokassi proved to be part of its users’ imago and identity. The company, as well as the product, were seen to advocate values related to Marimekko: ecologicality, stylishness, quality, timeless design and even equality. Some users of the bag wanted to express trend and ecological choices to others, whereas some of the users felt that values related to Marimekko weren’t carried out in this product.
  • Kauranen, Taru (2020)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli analysoida verkkokaupasta ostavan kuluttajan osto-käyttäytymistä. Tutkimuksessani halusin saada selville, mihin asioihin kuluttajat kiin-nittävät huomionsa tehdessään vaateostoksen verkkokaupasta ja mikä oli tärkein va-lintakriteeri ostopäätöksen syntymisessä. Halusin myös selvittää, vaikuttaako kuluttajan tausta valintaan. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen ja se toteutettiin ääneenajattelumenetelmällä. Haastatteluun valittiin harkinnanvaraisella otannalla neljä kuluttajaa, jotka tekivät kuvitteellisen ostostapahtuman verkkokaupasta syksyllä 2017. Kuluttajista kahdella oli vaatetusalan tausta ja kahdella kuluttajista oli myös kokemusta verkko-ostosten tekemisestä. Kuluttajien oli tarkoitus ajatella ääneen, mitä asioita verkkokaupan tuotteista heillä nousi mieleen ostosten teon yhteydessä. Analysoin tutkimusaineistoa aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä, sekä kvantifioin tuloksia, jotta saisin tilastoa kuluttajien eroista. Tutkimukseen osallistuvat henkilöt kiinnittivät taustasta huolimatta eniten huomiota vaatteen leikkaukseen ja toiminnallisuuteen. Haastateltavien tausta korostui hieman materiaalin huomioimisessa, jolloin he, joilla oli vaatetusalan taustaa, tutkivat myös osittain materiaalitietoja. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että kuluttajat kiinnittävät huomiota melko samoihin asioihin, joskin vaatetusalan perehtyneisyys saattaa hieman vaikuttaa vaatteen materiaalin huomioimiseen.
  • Virta, Laura (2016)
    The focus of this bachelor’s thesis was on the stage costumes in Alphonse Mucha’s 1890’s theater posters. The aim of the study was to find out the background and stories behind the costumes – what kind of costumes did Alphonse Mucha portray in his posters and what sort of messages do they carry. The main question in the study is as follows: what kind of stage costumes did Alphonse Mucha portray in his poster designs for actress Sarah Bernhardt. Five theater posters by Alphonse Mucha made up the research material in the study: Gismonda, La Dame aux Camélias, La Samaritaine, Médée and La Tosca. The approach was semiotic and the main method used in the study was the Product Essence Analysis developed by Luutonen (1997). Instead of actual products, the focus here was on pictures of products, i.e. the stage costumes. The first step of the analysis is the first impression, followed by depth study of the object. The third step is interpretation which combines knowledge gained in the first two steps to further understand the subject. The Product Essence Analysis offered some conclusions on the stage costumes in Mucha’s posters. All the costumes held typical characteristics of the costumes and dresses of the plays’ eras. Therefore, the Art Nouveau style present at the time the posters were designed is mainly seen in the style of the posters themselves, not in the costumes they portray. The study shed fairly little light to the background of any of the specific costumes in the posters. However, previous studies and photographs of Bernhardt in costume suggest that in many cases the actual costumes worn by Bernhardt on stage were an inspiration to the costumes in Mucha’s posters. And vice versa, some of Mucha’s designs have provided inspiration to costumes and jewelry later seen on stage. This suggests a strong connection between the designs in Mucha’s posters and the actual stage costumes.
  • Virolainen, Hanna (2019)
    Most of the clothes we use today are ready-made garments. A few more generations ago, almost all the clothes were made by hand. Changing the importance of hand-made clothes at the social and everyday level has also influenced our appreciation for crafts. It is known that personal experiences have great significance in the formation of individual values. Our culture and our social environment also affect our values. In this qualitative study, the subject of the study was the appreciations of handmade children's clothing. My starting point for the research was my experience that handmade children's clothes are less appreciated than ready-made clothes. This study examines the views and appreciations of parents of children under school age in handmade children's clothing. The study examines also which handmade children's clothes are still used in families. The research material was collected with a semi-structured questionnaire containing both open and multiple choice questions. The questionnaire was distributed to one of the municipal nursery parents. Of the 45 questionnaires, 16 replies were received and the response rate was 35%. The research material was qualitatively analyzed using content analysis. According to research, parental appreciations for handmade children's clothing was varied. However, expressive, aesthetic, tradition and craftsmanship aspects were most appreciated in handmade children's clothing. The parents' positive experiences had an impact on their views on handmade clothing. The more positive the experiences of the parents were, the more appreciated were the aspects of craftsmanship, tradition and quality of work. If the parents' experiences of handmade clothing were relatively neutral, the aesthetic and expressive views were more pronounced in the valuations. Based on the responses, handmade garments currently used by families with children were mostly knitted woolen garments such as socks, hats, and vases. The most important feature of the clothes currently used by children is comfort. There was no clear link between the appreciation of parents' handmade garments and their handmade clothes for their children. In addition to parental valuations, other factors, such as the availability, price and availability of clothing, also affect decision-making related to the acquisition and introduction of garments.
  • Tahvanainen, Saara (2020)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää värjäysliuoksen pH:n vaikutusta värjäyksen lopputulokseen mustapavuilla värjätessä. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin millaiset asiat vaikuttavat värjäyksen lopputulokseen. Näiden tekijöiden pohjalta laadittiin lopullinen koeasetelma ja kokeen kulku. Mustapavuilla värjäämistä on tutkittu aikaisemmin lähinnä elintarvikkeiden näkökulmasta. Mustapapujen väriaineita, antosyaaneja, löytyy luonnosta paljon, sillä ne ovat suurin luonnosta löytyvä flavonoidien ryhmä. Antosyaaneja on käytetty erilaisten kuitujen värjäämiseen jo pitkään. Nykyään niitä tutkitaan myös mahdollisten terveysvaikutusten takia. Antosyaanien ominaisuus on, että ne muuttavat väriään eri pH-arvojen mukaan. Niiden heikkous on, että värit kiinnittyvät huonosti ja haalenevat herkästi. Luonnonväriaineiden tutkimus on ajankohtaista, sillä uusien ekologisempien värjäysaineiden kehitys on tärkeää. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin kvasikokeellisia tutkimusmenetelmiä, joissa kaikkia muuttujia ei pyritä kontrolloimaan, vaan ainoastaan tutkimukselle oleellisimmat tekijät. Tutkimuksessa värjättiin villalankaa sekä pellava- ja puuvillakangasta vuorokauden ajan mustapavuista liuotetusta värjäysliuoksessa. Liuos jaettiin kahdeksaan osaan ja niiden pH:ta muutettiin happamammaksi ja emäksisemmäksi etikan ja natriumhydroksidin avulla. Liuosten pH:ta tarkkailtiin pH-mittarilla. Värjäys onnistui odotusten mukaisesti. Väri muuttui happamissa olosuhteissa punaisemmaksi ja emäksisissä sinisessä. Väri hajosi kokonaan, kun liuos oli liian emäksistä. Väri tarttui parhaiten villalankaan ja heikoiten selluloosakuituisiin kankaisiin. Mustapavuilla on siis mahdollista värjätä ja väri riippuu liuoksen pH:sta. Myös värjättävä materiaali vaikuttaa värjäystulokseen. Mahdollista jatkotutkimusta voi tehdä värin pysyvyyteen ja sen parantamiseen liittyen.