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  • Haatainen, Ida (2019)
    This study is a descriptive literature review. In this thesis work I researched factors that affect an individual’s development and future planning. My goal was to find out how to offer equal opportunities for adolescents in discovering their potential and finding their place in society. My research questions were: 1. What are the factors affecting the adolescents’ perceptions of themselves and the opportunities they see? 2. How can school support the development of adolescents so that they can recognize their own potential? 3. How to make successful transitions from school to working life? My main sources were the textbooks used in the Faculty of Educational Sciences. Main theories used were positive psychology, character strengths, mindsets, temperament and personality. To gain insight into Finnish adolescents’ education choices and the success of those choices I used several sources, like for example the tool We foundation and The National Institute for Health and Welfare have developed about the dynamics of exclusion from the Kohortti87- material. I also used the Youth Barometer 2017 and the publication of Finland’s Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment on NEET (not in education, employment or training) youth as sources. My results show that inborn traits determine the way individuals react in different situations. It is critical how the environment responses to those traits and reactions. (Keltikangas-Järvinen, 2004, s. 36–108). Everybody has their own character strengths and when adolescents find theirs it will help them raise their self-esteem and plan for their future. One of the significant development tasks of adolescence is planning an educational path. Environment can greatly influence adolescents since they are still processing their beliefs about themselves. With positive and warm encouragement from teachers and parents, even the hardest experiences can turn into psychological resources by increasing growth mindset, resilience and competence. Self-knowledge helps young people to discern their possibilities and make conclusions about whether they are suited for different careers. When adolescents find the right career that supports their traits and strengths, it will make work feel more valuable and decreases the risk of exclusion (Hotulainen, Lappalainen & Sointu, 2014, s. 269; Seligman, 2008, s. 27).
  • Huusko, Liinu (2018)
    Social exclusion of children and adolescents is a topical problem that has been increasingly noted by media and political conversation in Finland. Prevention of social exclusion is one of the most prioritized issues worldwide. Social exclusion is usually a result of accumulation of multiple different problems that have negative influence for persons wellbeing. Factors that can cause social exclusion are for example unemployment, mental health-problems, financial troubles or lack of education. It`s often difficult to return from social exclusion and extreme result can be convicting person for criminal behavior. There is also different risk-factors that can predict social exclusion of children and adolescents, for example behavioral problems, learning difficulties and negative circumstances in family. The aim for this study is to find different ways for teacher to prevent social exclusion of children. This study has been implemented as a literature review. Material of this review has been collected systematically from University of Helsinki library`s database. Material includes 4 different social exclusion of children and adolescents related peer-reviewed articles and one doctoral thesis. As result of this study I found multiple different ways for teacher to prevent social exclusion of children. Improving social relationships between children was mentioned in every article. Warm and confidential relationship between teacher and pupils was also seen important factor to decrease exclusion. Strengthening and encouraging of positive behavior, instead of forbidding and punishing, is seen more efficient way to improve school atmosphere and learning results. It was seen important that teacher truly respects and cares for pupils. Also including pupils to making rules and planning classes was mentioned in many of the articles.
  • Kankainen, Taru (2017)
    Studies shows that that there is strong a connection between teacher approval and disap-proval behaviour and behaviour of the student. Researchers have examined teacher’s ap-proval and disapproval behaviour since 1970. First studies show that frequency of teacher disapproval is higher than rate of approval. Studies made after 1980 shows that frequency of approval is higher. The purpose of this systematic literature review is examine approval and disapproval behaviours of the teachers in the 2000’s. The frequency of teacher’s ap-proval and disapproval behaviours towards students’ academic and social behaviours was analysed. Teachers approval and disapproval behaviour towards student with special need was also examined. The study used method of systematic literature review. Through the review, six peer re-viewed studies were found as the research material. This study shows that teacher showed more disapproval behaviour than approval behaviour. Teachers showed more disapproval behaviour towards student’s social behaviour. Teachers approved more student’s academic behaviour that social behaviour. In inclusive classroom student with special need received more disapproval feedback than peers without special need. Teachers showed more ap-proval behaviour in special education classrooms than in general education classrooms.
  • Palmu, Emmi (2017)
    Problem behavior influences a child’s academic success. This pattern of behavior has also been shown to be an important risk factor for achievements later in life (Kaufmann 1998; Sigafoos 2003). Research has shown positive teacher - student relationship can be a protective factor in these cases for students. (O’Connor, Dearing & Collins 2011.) Pianta (1995) has pointed out that Teacher- student relationship has a significance to a student’s overall managing and success in school and life. Teachers professional actions and children behavior problems are both widely researched matters. The aim of this research was to collect information from authors mentioned above and find connections between these two phenomenon. The aim of this research is to report whether a teacher’s actions in a classroom has an influence on a student behavior and clarifies what kind of actions from the teacher influences student behavior. Study was carried out with the method of systematic literary review. Through the systematic literary review five studies were found and analyzed by using the method of content analyz-ing. Studies were selected in a way which gives a holistic view of researches result in the past five years. All selected studies are intervention researches which are directional to im-prove a teacher’s professional ability and considers student behavior as a factor. This study shows that there was a connection between improving teachers professional skills and behavior of students who were a part of a risk group based on their behavior. From a student behavior angle, teacher interaction with students and models of communication had the most significant role. In this study, three operating models of interaction having relation to a students behavior were scrutinized. Those were closeness in interaction, interaction which showed class management skills and dialogical interaction. Former two of above mentioned models were significantly connected to children behavior. Interaction which contained more closeness and elements of class management decreased problem behavior significantly. Based on this study it seems possible to influence student behavior by increasing teacher knowledge on the importance of models of interaction.
  • Khan, Lamia (2020)
    Vuoden 2014 perusopetuksen arvoperustaa koristaa optimistinen, mutta välttämätön vaatimus arvostaa jokaista yksilöllistä ja ainutlaatuista identiteettiä koulussa. Tutkimukset Suomessa osoittavat, että tämä ensiarvoinen osa koulutuksellisesta tasa-arvosta ei toteudu kaikkien kohdalla. Oppilaat, jotka nähdään etniseen vähemmistöön kuuluvana kohtaavat koulumaailmassa epäoikeudenmukaisuutta, syrjintää ja rasismia ennakkoluulojen ja kategorisoinnin takia. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, miten vähemmistöön kuuluvan oppilaan etniseen taustaan suhtaudutaan koulussa ja miten suhtautuminen vaikuttaa oppilaan mahdollisuuksiin määritellä identiteettiänsä. Tarkastelen identiteetin määrittelemisen mahdollisuuksia koulun erilaisten vuorovaikutustilanteiden valtasuhteita tutkimalla. Yhteiskunnan rakenteet ovat muodostaneet enemmistöstä eli valtaväestöstä mittapuun vähemmistöä varten. Tutkin miten koulun rakenteet, opettajat ja oppilaat rajoittavat vähemmistöön kuuluvien oppilaiden mahdollisuuksia kuulua kouluyhteisöön ja olla oma itsensä. Kriittinen pedagogiikka, kriittinen monikulttuurikasvatus, sosiaalisen identiteetin teoria ja interkulttuurinen tutkimus tuovat idealistisen arvoperustan kätköistä vähemmistöön kuuluvien oppilaiden kokemuksia esille. Tutkimustapana käytän systemaattista kirjallisuuskatsausta, johon sisältyy kuusi vertaisarvioitua artikkelia liittyen etniseen identiteettiin, valta-asetelmiin ja etnisten rajojen muodostamien ryhmien välisiin suhteisiin koulussa. Lähdeaineistoa analysoin teorialähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Koulu suhtautuu etniseen taustaan kategorisoimalla, polarisoimalla ja marginalisoimalla oppilaita, jotka mielletään vähemmistöön kuuluvaksi esimerkiksi ihonvärin, vaatetuksen tai uskonnon perusteella. Ennen kaikkiaan polarisaatiota selittää vahingolliset ennakko-oletukset, eikä vika tai haaste ole etnisyydessä itsessään. Kategorisointi näkyy opettajan tietämättömyytenä valta-asetelmien vaikutuksesta oppilaiden identiteettiin, oppilaiden jakautumisena ryhmiin etnisyytensä perusteella ja toiseuttavina oppimateriaaleina. Valtaväestöön kuuluvat oppilaat olettavat, että vähemmistöjen on omaksuttava valtakulttuuri, jotta heidät hyväksyttäisiin kaveripiireihin. Vähemmistöön kuuluvien oppilaiden etnisyys on leimaava piirre, joka rajoittaa heidän mahdollisuuttansa tulla hyväksytyksi itsenään ja omien ehtojensa mukaan. Tuon tutkimustyössäni esille pedagogisia keinoja haastaa valta-asetelmaa ja toteuttaa koulutuksellista tasa-arvoa jokaisen oppilaan identiteetin kohdalla. Kouluyhteisön on edistettävä oppilasryhmien välisiä suhteita, jotta vertaisryhmä voi laajentua koskemaan esimerkiksi koko luokkaa, eikä vain oppilaita, jotka näyttävät samanlaisilta. Opettajien on tiedostettava valta-asetelmien olemassaolo ja ymmärrettävä, miten yhteiskunta leimaa vähemmistöön kuuluvia oppilaita etnisyyteen perusteella. Oppilaita on kannustettava tutkimaan ja reflektoimaan kehittyvään käsitykseen itsestään, mikä vaatii jatkuvaa pedagogista sensitiivisyyttä ja etiikan läsnäoloa opettajan ammatissa. Moninaista oppijaryhmää pitäisi nähdä enemmän mahdollisuutena kuin haasteena.
  • Leinos, Minna (2020)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää opettajien kokemuksia puhetta tukevia ja korvaavia menetelmiä (Augmentative and Alternative Communication, AAC) käyttävien oppilaiden inkluusiosta. Inkluusio, ajatus kaikille yhteisestä koulusta, nousee esiin muun muassa UNESCOn Salamancan julistuksessa vuodelta 1994 sekä Yleissopimuksessa vammaisten henkilöiden oikeuksista (27/2016). Myös perusopetuslaki ja Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet 2014 puoltavat inkluusiota. Inkluusion vaikutukset ulottuvat moniin eri osapuoliin, ja sitä toteuttavat opettajat ovat inkluusion ytimessä. Tutkimus toteutettiin integroivana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineisto haettiin systemaattisen aineistohaun piirteitä noudattaen kahdesta eri tietokannasta. Aineistoksi valikoitui viisi artikkelia vuosilta 2001-2018. Näistä artikkeleista kerättiin opettajien kokemukset AAC-oppilaan inkluusiosta ja ne luokiteltiin tutkimuskysymysten mukaisesti positiivisiin kokemuksiin, haasteisiin ja suosituksiin. Aineiston perusteella opettajat kokevat AAC-menetelmää käyttävän oppilaan inkluusiosta olevan hyötyä, mutta sen asettavan haasteita ja vaatimuksia AAC-menetelmää käyttävälle oppilaalle, luokkatovereille, opettajalle sekä yleisesti koululle ja koulutusjärjestelmälle. Keskeisiksi aiheiksi nousivat muun muassa inkluusion tuottama ymmärrys erilaisuutta kohtaan sekä opettajien kokemat paineet ja resurssipula.
  • Timonen, Suvi (2018)
    The purpose of this study was to explore how the work community and the interaction between the school staff are connected with the school climate. The study explores teachers’ perceptions of the quality of the school’s work community and the relationship of these perceptions with the quality of school climate. Previous study has shown that school climate is connected with students’ well-being and academic achievement. Studies also show that principals are in an important role to influence and define the school climate. The study was conducted as integrative literature review. The research material consisted of three international and peer-reviewed articles, one dissertation and one master’s thesis. The review synthesized these five different studies to form an inclusive view of the topic. Results of this study show that the work community in school, the interaction between the staff members and the relationships between principals and teachers are a meaningful aspect for school climate. Particularly important is equal and fair treatment of all members. Teachers that saw the interactions between the staff as negative and disrespectful also experienced the school climate as negative and tense. Important factors for teachers’ wellbeing are open communication, possibilities to participation, equality and fairness and reciprocal appreciation. Teachers also want to get support and feedback. Good interaction seems to be connected with teacher’s work attitudes, commitment, professionalism, trust and willingness to development.
  • Kaarto, Raisa (2016)
    Aims. The purpose of this study was to systematically analyse what we know about teachers’ compassion, self-compassion and compassion fatigue. My research question was What do we know about teachers’ compassion, self-compassion and compassion fatigue according to previous research? As a theoretical framework, I used previous research of compassion, self-compassion and compassion-fatigue from other fields of science such as psychology. In this systematic review my purpose was to explore how compassion, self-compassion and compassion fatigue affect teachers’ work. Methods. This research is based on systematic review. For the review, I analysed 14 high quality peer-reviewed academic articles, which are studies of teachers’ or teacher students’ compassion, self-compassion and compassion fatigue. Results and conclusions. In this systematic review, I found that teacher students are high in compassion. Compassion predicts well-being in schools’ workers and prevent teachers’ stress. Teachers’ compassion helped understand pupils and their challenges. Higher self-compassion level predicted better social emotional competence and more positive approach towards inclusion. School’s administration’s support, fellow teachers’ support and teamwork prevented compassion fatigue. I also found that keeping personal lives separate from work protected teachers from fatigue. This systematic review indicated that there is just small amount of research made on a chosen topic. It would be beneficial to make more research on teachers’ self-compassion and on how it works against stress and fatigue.
  • Lahtinen, Noora (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän kanditutkielman tavoitteena oli tarkastella peruskouluopettajien työuupumista ja työstressiä mediadiskurssina Opettaja-lehdissä vuosina 2016-2019. Laadullisella tutkimuksella pyritään selvittämään, mitä syitä opettajien työuupumiseen ja -stressiin liitetään Opetusalan ammattijärjestön (OAJ) jäsenlehden artikkeleissa. Tutkimus perustuu Karasekin (1992) työstressimalliin ja Maslachin, Schaufelin ja Leiterin (2001) työuupumisen kolmen ulottuvuuden teoriaan. Tutkimuksessa otetaan huomioon median merkitys viestinnän välineenä ja sosiaalisen todellisuuden tuottajana. Tutkimuksen viitekehyksen muodostaa Suomessa 2010-luvulla toteutetut peruskoulun opettajien työoloihin liittyvät tutkimukset. Menetelmät. Tutkimuksen aineistona oli 88 Opettaja-lehteä vuosilta 2016-2019. Aineiston rajaus tapahtui etsien aineistosta opettajien työuupumiseen ja -stressiin liittyviä artikkeleita tietyillä hakuyksiköillä. Artikkelin tuli sisältää vastaus tutkimuskysymykseen ”Mitä syitä opetta-jien työuupumukseen ja työstressiin liitetään Opettaja-lehden artikkeleissa vuosina 2016-2019?” Lopulliseen tarkasteluun päätyi 18 artikkelia, jotka analysoitiin laadullisella sisällönanalyysilla. Analyysissa käytettiin Milesin ja Hubermanin (1994) teemoittelun menetelmää, joiden mukaan tulokset kategorisoitiin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tuloksista muodostettiin neljä kategoriaa, joita olivat henkilökohtainen hyvinvointi, työn määrä, oppilaat sekä vuorovaikutuksen haasteet. Henkilökohtaiseen hyvinvointiin sisältyi opettajan mielenterveydelliset haasteet, masennus, unettomuus sekä sisäilmaongelmista aiheutuneet terveyshaitat. Työn määrän koettiin lisääntyneen kouluun kohdistuvien muutoksien ja resurssien puutteen myötä. Oppilaiden omat haasteet, kasvavat ryhmäkoot ja erityisoppilaat yleisopetuksessa kuormittivat opettajia. Työyhteisön, esimiehen ja vanhempien kanssa esiintyvät vuorovaikutuksen haasteet aiheuttivat uupumusta. Syitä opettajien työuupumiselle ja -stressille löytyi useita, mikä saattaa vahvistaa aiempaa tutkimustietoa yksilöllisistä uupumisen ja stressin kokemuksista. Tutkimus kokoaa ajankohtaista tietoa opettajia kuormittavista tekijöistä sekä mahdollistaa siten vaikuttamisen opettajien työoloihin ja -hyvinvointiin.
  • Saarinen, Noora (2017)
    Many studies have shown that motivation is connected to learning and problems that occur with learning. Especially in the complex process of learning to read and write, motivation is an important factor. The goal of this study was to look into the relations between students’ goal orientations and problems with reading. In this study I examine what kind of goal orientations do students with reading problems have compared with students who have average skills in reading. The goal is to look for and explain prospective differences in goal orientations and the causes affecting them. The study used the method of systematic literature review. Through the review, eight studies were found as the research material. The studies discussed motivation from the viewpoint of goal orientations and dyslexia or the risk of having problems in reading. Based on the results of this study, it seems that there are connections between problems with reading and goal orientations. Students who had problems with reading were less task-oriented and more performance-oriented than other students. These students were less interested in learning new things and completing tasks, more socially dependent in learning situations and showed more task-avoidant behaviour. Most of the studies showed that motivation and reading problems formed a reciprocal relationship that caused a negative cycle for learning to students who had problems with reading. Students’ goal orientations also seemed to be quite stable during the school years. Motivation and goal orientations have a significant role in learning to read especially when a child faces challenges in learning. Based on the results of this study it is important to pay more attention to the development of students’ goal orientations already in the early years. More research should also be focused on how the teacher can affect students’ motivation in the classroom.
  • Dey, Mira (2020)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitkä tekijät edistävät oppilaiden kuuluvuuden tunnetta koulussa. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että koulussa muodostetut suhteet vaikuttavat kuuluvuuden tunteen kokemiseen. Ensimmäisen tutkimuskysymys koski tekijöitä, jotka edistävät kuuluvuuden tunnetta koulussa oppilaiden kokemana ja toinen tutkimuskysymys tekijöitä, jotka edistävät oppilaiden kuuluvuuden tunnetta koulussa opettajien ohjaamina. Tutkimuksessa etsitään konkreettisia keinoja, joiden avulla esimerkiksi opettajat voivat edistää oppilaidensa kuuluvuuden tunnetta. Tutkimus toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena, ja tutkimusaineistoksi valikoitui viisi vertaisarvioitua ja englanninkielistä artikkelia vuosilta 2013–2019. Artikkelit valittiin tietyin valintakriteerein esimerkiksi aiheen rajauksen myötä syntyneiden hakusanojen avulla. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin laadullisella sisällönanalyysimenetelmällä hyödyntäen Bronfenbrennerin (1979) ekologista systeemiteoriaa. Tutkimustulokset luokiteltiin yksilötason, sosiaalisen tason ja luokkatason tekijöihin. Tulokset osoittivat, että yksilötasolla kuuluvuuden tunnetta koulussa edistivät oppilaiden kokemana heidän sisäiset kokemuksensa, henkilökohtaiset ominaisuutensa sekä osallisuuden kokemukset ryhmässä. Sosiaalisella tasolla puolestaan akateeminen ja emotionaalinen yhteys vertaisiin sekä opettajiin edistivät kuuluvuuden tunnetta oppilaiden kokemana. Oppilaiden kuuluvuuden tunnetta edistäviä tekijöitä opettajien ohjaamina olivat emotionaalinen ja akateeminen tuki, joista emotionaalinen tuki voidaan jakaa psyykkiseen tukeen sekä vuorovaikutukseen ja akateeminen tuki verbaaliseen, sosiaaliseen sekä muuhun tukeen. Nämä tuen muodot kuuluvat luokkatason tekijöihin. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että opettajilla on merkittävä rooli oppilaidensa kuuluvuuden tunteen edistämisessä koulussa.
  • Heikkilä, Krista (2018)
    Previous studies have shown/come to the conclusion that truancy is a complex and multi-faced problem that exists in all countries and cultures. Reasons lying behind truant behaviour are lack of motivation, negative school factors, peer pressure and challenges in life skills and life management. Extended school non-attendance has negative long-term impacts both on a personal level as well as on social level causing for example unemployment and social exclusion. Many researchers have done research on truancy but only few studies have focused on students’ perspectives on truancy. The aim of the study was to examine compulsory school students’ perspectives on school factors that have influenced their decision to skip school days or school lessons. Also the aim of the study was to view students’ perspectives on how schools’ learning environments should change and improve in order to reduce unexcused absences. The research was conducted as a systematic literature review. The research material composed of five peer reviewed scientific articles that discuss students’ perspectives on school factors related to truant behavior and unexcused absences. Results from this study show that school climate and interaction between school staff and teachers and students are distinctly related to truancy. If students experience interactions in school nonfunctional and school’s climate negative, his decision to skip lessons or school days becomes easier. Correspondingly functioning interactions and school staff’s expressi-ve and genuine interest on student increase student participation and sense of belonging. Results from this study show that teachers classroom management skills and school’s co-operation with parents are related to truant behaviour.
  • Alve, Anna-Kaisa (2016)
    The aim of this research was to investigate and describe, first, the discourses built within the referral procedure concerning the new legislation of pupil and student welfare, and second, how these discourses are connected to the historical development of pupil and student welfare and its sociopolitical purpose. In this research, reforming the pupil and student welafare legislation under one act (Pupil and and Student Welfare Act) is seen as a part of the historical development of the wefare state while the discourses involved in the procedure are considered an activity determining the pupil and student welfare. The referral statements were investigated in the framework of critical discourse analysis, applying the model presented by Norman Fairclough. The data was analysed on the levels of text, discourse practices and sociocultural practices and connections between these. The analysis focused on the content of and the rhetorical devices found in the referral discourse, and these observations were interpreted and explained within the context of the sociopolitical development of pupil welfare and referral procedure of the preparation of legislation. The data of this research consists of statements given on the draft law of Pupil and Student Welfare act found on the website of the Council of State. There were altogether 57 statements on the draft law and 13 of these were selected for the present study. These statements were given by the interest groups and professionals organizations of those in charge of the implementation of pupil and student welfare: teachers, school wefare officials, school psychologists, school doctors and nurses. The central finding of this research was that the predominant discourse position adopted by the occupational groups implementing pupil and student welfare was professionalism. Professionalism was both used to validate the discourse and built through the discourse. The discourses in which pupil and student welfare were seen as cooperation or a working method appeared subordinate to professionalism. A significant finding in the analysis of the referral discourse was the total absence of pupils and students in any other position but as objects of the actions of professionals.
  • Silvo, Sofia (2017)
    The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to investigate the types of coping strategies supporting learning and the advancement of studies [hereafter coping strategies] in higher education students with learning disabilities use during their studies. Research on the topic has been conducted especially by comparing higher education students with and without learning disabilities. Previous studies show that, to some extent, higher education students with learning disabilities use different coping strategies during their studies than other students. The thesis is a systematic literature review, and the data are compiled of six articles and one doctoral dissertation. The data were collected following the principles of a systematic literature review, after which the data were analyzed by categorizing the various learning disabilities and the coping strategies mentioned in the literature. Results from the thesis show that the most common coping strategies for compensating learning disabilities in higher education students are related to the organization of studies and the utilization of study strategies, leaning on the help offered by others, utilize g various tools (e.g. recording of lectures), and modifying environmental factors (e.g. extra time during an examination).
  • Ojanen, Osmo-Matias (2016)
    Tämän kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää olemassa olevan tutkimustiedon pohjalta palautteen vaikutuksia oppimiseen. Tavoitteena oli ensin muodostaa kokonaiskäsitys siitä, miten palaute määritellään. Toiseksi tarkoitus oli kartoittaa sitä, minkälaista on hyödyllinen ja tehokas palaute, sekä kolmanneksi tarkastella erilaisia tutkimuksia, joissa palautteeseen liittyviä prosesseja on tutkittu oppimisen edistäjänä.   Tutkielmassa perehdyttiin palautteen antamiseen liittyvään aiempaan kansainväliseen kirjallisuuteen ja tutkimukseen, jonka jälkeen kyseisestä aineistosta valittiin vaiheittaisten sisäänotto- ja poissulkukriteerien perusteella neljä artikkelia, joista koottiin keskeiset tulokset tarkasteluosiota varten. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tutkimusaineiston haku toteutettiin internetin kasvatusalaan liittyvistä tietokannoista. Tietoa haettaessa käytettiin mahdollisimman tarkoin valittuja hakutermejä, jotta aiheen kannalta olennaisimmat tutkimukset valikoituisivat tutkielmaan. Aineistojen keskeinen sisältö ja tulokset referoitiin ja katsauksen loppuun laadittiin lyhyt yhteenveto aineistojen tuloksista. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tutkimustulokset tukevat käsitystä siitä, että palautteen antaminen on merkittävä oppilaan oppimisen ja kasvun edistäjä. Palauteprosessiin liittyy aina vuorovaikutusta, joka voi olla muodoltaan oppimista edistävää tai päinvastoin. Laadukas palaute on yksilöllistä, oikea-aikaisesti annettua, toistuvaa, kriittistä mutta samalla positiivisesti rakentavaa. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että käytännössä palauteprosessissa opettajien on kiinnitettävä huomiota siihen, että palautteen antaminen on jäsenneltyä ja oppilaan kannalta merkityksellistä. Tuloksia voivat hyödyntää koulut, jotka haluavat kehittää omia palautekäytäntöjään. Tutkielma tiivistää sen, miten tärkeää palautteen antaminen on oppimisprosessin aikana. Jatkossa olisikin tärkeää tutkia sitä, miten opettajien osaamista palautekäytänteisiin liittyen voidaan kehittää siten, että palautteen antaminen oppimisen prosessin aikana on oppilasta kannustavaa ja yksilöllisesti huomioivaa.
  • Valento, Miia (2018)
  • Hermansson, Noora-Sofia (2019)
    Goals: Perfectionism is a multidimensional phenomenon and concept. It is a personality disposition characterized by, amongst other things, a pursuit for perfection, an excessive concern over mistakes and high standards for oneself. There is scientific evidence that perfectionism links to, for example, numerous different mental health issues. However, studies have also shown that perfectionism is not entirely a negative thing. There seem to be both genetic and factors related to growth environment behind perfectionism and it begins to develop in early childhood. At school students’ unhealthy perfectionism can appear as an extreme concern over mistakes and self-criticism. Perfectionistic people have been helped through, for instance, cognitive behavioural therapy and the results have been positive. The purpose of this study is to investigate what kind of interventions and forms of support have been targeted at perfectionism in children and adolescents and weather these interventions and forms of support would be suitable for schools. Methods: This study was executed through a systematic literature review. Five scientific and peer reviewed articles examining interventions or other forms of support targeting perfectionism in children and adolescents were analysed through the systematic literature review. Results and conclusions: Interventions targeting perfectionism in children and adolescents used, for example, a cognitive behavioural approach that acknowledged the multidimensional nature of perfectionism. The interventions addressed, amongst other things, mistakes and self-criticism and separated healthy perfectionism from unhealthy perfectionism. Additionally, the interventions utilized many kinds of methods in order to go through the addressed topics, for example presenting information about perfectionism, role plays and bibliotherapy. From the five examined interventions four were carried out in schools, so they would be suitable for schools as they are. The fifth intervention was based on individual play therapy implemented by a professional play therapist, so it could be challenging to execute this intervention as it is in schools.
  • Husso, Riikka (2017)
    Finland is driving a policy for educational inclusion. Special schools are closing down and local schools are ought to provide the support needed. That said, a lot of special need persons and Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) users are still attending special schools. From the educational inclusion’s point of view that is not a great situation because educational inclusion is a human right – everyone can and should benefit from inclusive education. We are slowly progressing with the idea that one school could provide everyone’s educational needs. That transition requires schools to chance their way of thinking and working. Parents, teachers, speech-language pathologists and several other groups of stakeholders play important roles in building successful inclusion for students who use AAC. The objective of this study is to synthesize the key literature related to different stakeholders and inclusion of AAC users by answering the following research question: “What are the critical success factors of educational inclusion of an AAC user according to different stakeholders?” In order to synthesize the existing academic discussion, this study made a systematic literature review. Six relevant articles were picked and analyzed. A common theme in all six papers was that they provided thoughts of stakeholders related to inclusion of children who either used or required AAC method. The results of this study indicate that the stakeholders quite unanimously picked effective team communication and collaboration as the most important facilitator of successful inclusion. Curriculum modifications was also seen as an important factor but teachers felt that they needed more education related to it. Furthermore, the stakeholders thought that the school should provide more time for teachers to provide the needed support for AAC users who attend a new school.
  • Rinne, Marju (2018)
    The purpose of this thesis was to study racism in Finland in the 21st century. The goal was to find out young people`s experiences about racism at school and in their free time and also to examine their attitudes about discussing racism. I also wanted to study antiracist strategies for people involved in antiracism work. Previous Finnish researches about these subjects focus on children`s and young people`s experiences about racism, everyday racism in the youth relations and antiracist education. The thesis is a systematic literary review which includes five peer reviewed articles published in different scientific journals. For my literary review I chose recently published acrticles that talk about racism and antiracism education. The key selection criteria was that the young people were included in the research and their opinions were heard and it was possible to find antiracist strategies for the people involved in antiracism work that they should implement in their work. The research results showed that the majority of the youth with multicultural background have personal experiences of racism: harassment, discrimination, isolation, verbal and physical violence. The need to talk about racism is great and majority of them are interested about taking part in civic action against racism. The youth are requesting that there would be discussions about racism at schools and in the youth activities. Antiracist strategies were discovered in this study. Teachers should learn how to recognize, question and deconstruct structures of power in the schools social interaction situations and speak against discrimination at school and elsewhere. When discussing racism it is necessary to think about the goals and the questions before the conversation and connect history to present. It is important to discuss about the hierarchies of power, share personal experiences and think about different antiracist strategies. Categorizing people should be questioned. In youth work they should listen young people`s wishes about the arranged activities and they should consider positive discrimination for the young people with multicultural background..
  • Hämäläinen, Ari (2019)
    Maahanmuutto on viime vuosina ollut voimakasta Suomeen. Tilastokeskuksen mukaan ulkomaan kansalaisten määrä oli vuonna 2000 noin 91 000, kun se vuonna 2016 oli jo noin 244 000. Koululaitoksemme on ollut uusien haasteiden edessä maahanmuuttajaoppilaiden kasvun johdosta. Koulu, jossa toimin resurssiopettajana on monikulttuurinen ja oppilaita, joilla äidinkieli on jokin muu kuin suomen kieli, on noin 35%. Erityisluokilla maahanmuuttajaoppilaiden prosentuaalinen määrä on vieläkin suurempi ja tämä sai minut tutkimaan kielen osuutta suomi toisena kielenä puhuvien matemaattisessa osaamisessa erityisluokilla. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaisia vaikeuksia S2-oppilailla on matemaattisten termien ymmärtämisessä ja miten he osaavat kielellistää näitä termejä. Suomessa matematiikan opetus tapahtuu suomen kielellä, vaikka oppilaan äidinkieli on jokin muu kuin suomi. S2-oppilaalla matemaattiset termit voivat olla esteenä oppimiselle heikon suomen kielen taidon vuoksi. Tutkimus tehtiin viidelle suomi toisena kielenä (S2) opiskelevalle erityisluokanoppilaalle. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisina yksilöhaastatteluina, joissa tutkittavat suorittivat soveltavia tehtäviä samalla kielellistäen tehtävien tekoa, sekä miten tutkittavat ymmärtävät suomeksi esitettyjä matemaattisia perustermejä. Tutkittaville esitettiin matematiikan soveltavat kysymykset suomen kielellä ja kysymys myös tutkittavan omalla äidinkielellä. Kaikki tutkittavat olivat samasta espoolaisesta alakoulusta erityisluokilta 3-4 ja 6. Tutkimus osoitti, että tutkittavilla oli selkeitä haasteita matemaattisten termien kielellistämisessä ja ymmärtämisessä. Ymmärtämisen ongelmat vaikuttivat selkeästi heidän matematiikan oppimiseen. Tutkittavien suomen kielen taidot olivat puutteelliset ja myös heidän oman äidinkielensä taidoissa oli puutteita. Molempien kielien vaikeudet heijastuivat matematiikan oppimiseen negatiivisesti. Tutkimus osoitti, että kielellä on vaikutusta matematiikan oppimisessa ja mahdollisuuksiin oppia. S2-oppilas tarvitsee tukea oman äidinkielen ja suomen kielen puutteiden vuoksi matematiikan termistön ymmärtämisessä. Heikko äidinkielen osaaminen on usein syynä myös heikkoon suomen kielen ymmärtämiseen ja sen myötä matematiikan oppimiseen.