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Browsing by discipline "Pedagogiska psykologi"

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  • Palkamo, Toni (2021)
    Eräs voimakkaimmista median ja nuorisokulttuuriin välille kytkeytyvistä ilmiöistä on tällä hetkellä sosiaalisessa mediassa tapahtuva arkisista aiheista kumpuavien videoiden tuottaminen ja jakaminen. Nuoret ovat kiinnostuneita dokumentoimaan oman elämänsä kokemuksia videolle pelkän viestittelyn lisäksi. Kuitenkin itselle tehtyjen videoiden pedagogisia käyttömahdollisuuksia on tutkittu vielä varsin vähän. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli pyrkiä selvittämään, että auttaako itsensä näkeminen ja kuuleminen videolta siinä esitetyn informaation mieleen palauttamiseen. Tutkielman taustalla olevana ajatuksena oli lähteä selvittämään itseä varten tehtyjen opetusvideoiden pedagogiseen hyödyntämiseen liittyviä lainalaisuuksia. Millä tavoin ihminen prosessoi tietoa videolta pitkäkestoiseen muistiin? Vaikuttaako itsensä näkeminen videolla sen sisällön muistamiseen? Tutkielman tavoite on siis osoittaa, että itsensä näkeminen ja kuuleminen videolta vaikuttaa positiivisesti videolla itse esitetyn sisällön muistamiseen. Tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jonka teoreettiset kokonaisuudet rakentuivat ihmisen muistin toimintaan ja tiedon itseensä kiinnittämiseen (self-reference) liittyvästä kirjallisuudesta. Pääosin tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käytetyt lähteet olivat kansainvälisiä, sillä erityisesti itseensä viittaamista ja tiedon kiinnittämistä on tutkittu jo pitkään muun muassa Yhdysvalloissa ja Englannissa. Tarkoituksena olikin kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen kautta yhdistää kahden teoreettisen kokonaisuuden ydinteoriat uudessa videokontekstissa. Tämän tutkielman tulokset osoittivat, että opittavan tiedon sitominen itseensä (self reference effect) parantaa todennäköisyyttä muistaa se myöhemmin. Kirjallisuudessa osoitettiin, että omien kasvojen näkeminen opittavan asian yhteydessä riittää tämän muistia tehostavan vaikutuksen ilmenemiseksi. Ihminen, joka näkee tai kuulee itsensä videolla, muistaa todennäköisemmin videolla esittämänsä informaation. Tämän muistivaikutuksen soveltamista ja hyödyntämistä kannattaa erityisesti pohtia jatkossa koulukontekstissa.
  • Ellonen, Eetu (2018)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Goals. Emotions and emotional skills have been found to be an important part of our everyday life. This was also taken into account in the new curriculum, which emphasizes the importance of social skills (POPS, 2014). Emotional skills are generally considered to be broad-based, and incorporating concepts that include, for example, emotional competence and emotional intelligence. This study examines the concept of emotional intelligence more closely. A lot of positive research results have been gained from the emotional intelligence of individuals. The study of the group in terms of emotional intelligence has remained secondary, although emotions have been found to have multiple meanings for group activity. The purpose of this study was to find out what kind of connections have been found between emotional intelligence and group work or teamwork. Group work and teamwork means in this study the work of a group of people in primary or secondary groups. The definition of emotional intelligence in this study is based on the theoretic theory of Goleman (1997), Mayer and Salovey (1997) and Bar-On (2000). Method. The study material consisted of nine international research papers that examined the relationship between emotional intelligence and group work. The material was obtained using electronic databases. The study is an integrative literature review, which allows a methodological examination of various studies. The material was analyzed using material-based content analysis. The result and discussion. In this study, emotional intelligence was associated with teamwork. The connection was found to group processes, teamwork and group cohesion. Other results were that emotional intelligence influences the ability to be a team worker and the group's mental health experience while working. However, all aspects of the intelligence did not rise individually when considering the importance of group work. The results highlighted the personal and social dimensions of an individual's emotional intelligence, such as the ability to understand their own feelings and to be aware of other feelings. The results of this study are supported by Druskat and Wolf (2001) hypothesis that emotional intelligence influences the effectiveness of teamwork. However, further research is needed to expand and broaden our understanding. Children and young people would also be particularly important.
  • Kanerva, Suvi (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Tulevaisuudessa tarvitaan hyviä tunne- ja vuorovaikutustaitoja, joten koulujen tulee opettaa sosiaalisemotionaalisen oppimisen taitoja. Sosiaalisemotionaalinen oppiminen tarkoittaa niitä prosesseja, joiden avulla sosiaalisia ja emotionaalisia taitoja kehitetään. Tässä tutkielmassa kartoitetaan alakouluikäisille oppilaille suunnattujen sosiaalisemotionaalisten interventioiden menetelmiä ja tuloksia. Kokoamalla tietoa viimeisen 15 vuoden aikana alakouluikäisille toteutetuista sosiaalisemotionaalisen oppimisen interventioista selvitetään, miten tunne- ja vuorovaikutustaitoja on opetettu ja millaisia tuloksia interventioilla on saatu. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on havaittu, että SEL-interventioilla voi olla positiivisia vaikutuksia oppilaiden hyvinvoinnin ja käytöksen lisäksi akateemiseen menestykseen. Menetelmät. Tutkielma toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistona oli kahdeksan artikkelia, joissa arvioidaan erilaisten tunne- ja vuorovaikutustaitoihin kohdistuvien interventioiden tuloksia. Aineisto kerättiin EBSCO-tietokannasta tarkoilla hakutermeillä. Ensimmäiseen tutkimuskysymykseen vastaavat maininnat interventioiden tuloksista jaettiin deduktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä viiteen plus yhteen kategoriaan ja toiseen kysymykseen vastaavat maininnat interventioiden menetelmistä jaettiin induktiivisesti kolmeen yläkategoriaan, jotka jaettiin vielä tarkempiin alakategorioihin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tunne- ja vuorovaikutustaitoja opettavien sosiaalisemotionaalisen oppimisen interventioiden tulosten havaittiin jakautuvat CASEL:n viiteen sosiaalisemotionaalisen oppimisen ydinosaamisalueeseen. Toisaalta huomattiin, että akateemiseen menestykseen liittyvät tulokset tulisi sijoittaa omaan kategoriaansa. SEL-interventioissa käytettiin monipuolisia menetelmiä, jotka voidaan jakaa oppilaiden aktiviteetteihin, oppituntien piirteisiin ja intervention rakenteeseen. Aktiviteetteja löytyi interaktiivisia, rauhoittavia ja turvallisuutta lisääviä. Oppituntien piirteet voidaan jakaa sisällön, ryhmäkoon, vetäjän ja luokanopettajan roolin mukaan. Intervention rakenteesta löytyi tietoa intervention kestosta ja säännöllisyydestä sekä tarjottavista materiaaleista. Tämän tutkielman tulosten valossa CASEL:n teoria on melko pätevä kuvaamaan SEL-interventioiden tuloksia. Lisäksi syntyi malli SEL-interventioiden menetelmistä, jota voi hyödyntää tutkimuksessa ja interventioiden suunnittelussa.
  • Hämäläinen, Heini (2016)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää oppilaiden kokemuksia metsässä pidetyiltä oppitunneilta. Tarkoitus on löytää oppilaille merkityksellisiä asioita ja – Decin ja Ryan itseohjautuvuusteoriaan nojaten – niiden mahdollisia yhteyksiä autonomian, kyvykkyyden ja yhteenkuuluvuuden tyydyttymiseen ja siten oppilaiden koulussa kokemaan hyvinvointiin. Tarkoituksena on kartoittaa, onko lasten kokemusten kuvauksista löydettävissä sellaisia olosuhteita, jotka edistävät psykologisten perustarpeiden tyydyttymistä tai estävät sen. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että ympäristöllä, joka tukee näiden tarpeiden tyydyttymistä tai estää sen, on selvä yhteys ihmisen psyykkiseen hyvinvointiin. Metsän puolestaan on todettu vähentävän stressiä, lisäävän energisyyttä ja innostuneisuutta, parantavan tarkkaavaisuutta ja keskittymistä sekä lisäävän yhteishenkeä ja halua olla yhteydessä toisiin. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin eteläsuomalaisessa koulussa keväällä 2016. Tutkimukseen osallistui neljänneltä luokalta 21 oppilasta, joista kaksi oli luokkaan integroituja erityisoppilaita. Tutkimus toteutettiin kyselylomakkeella, jossa oli neljä avointa kysymystä. Tutkimuksen filosofinen perusta oli fenomenologinen ja tutkimusote fenomenografinen. Aineisto analysoitiin soveltamalla teemoittelua ja teoriasidonnaista sisällönanalyysia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan yhdessä tekeminen luonnossa oli oppilaille merkityksellistä. Myös se, että sai itse päättää, mitä ja miten teki ja kenen kanssa oli, oppilaille tärkeää. Tutkimuksessa tuli esille, että metsässä oli mahdollisuus olla koulukaverin kanssa vapaammin ja sai tehdä juuri sellaisia töitä kuin itse halusi. Tutkimuksen mukaan koulumetsässä pidetyiltä oppitunneilta oli löydettävissä olosuhteita, jotka tukivat psykologisten perustarpeiden tyydyttymistä, ja myös olosuhteita, jotka estivät psykologisten perustarpeiden tyydyttymisen. Opettaja voi tukea oppilaan hyvinvointia osallistamalla oppilaita päätöksentekoon, kannustamalla tarttumaan haasteisiin, tarjoamalla onnistumisen kokemuksia sekä panostamalla ryhmätyötaitoihin ja luokkahenkeen.
  • Siitonen, Emma (2019)
    Goal. The induction phase in teacher’s career is extremely important when it comes to whether they decide to continue teaching or not. New teachers have the same responsibility of their students as teachers with more experience, but they don’t have all the skills they need yet. The induction at schools is often inadequate and varies between schools. The aim of this study was to find out the major challenges beginning teachers face in their early career. Also, similarities and differences between this study and Veenman’s (1984) study are analyzed. Methods. The type of this study is a descriptive literature review. The data consisted of 11 research articles published in 2007–2018. Thematizing was used as a method to analyze the data. The results of this study were then compared to Veenman’s (1984) results. Results and conclusion. The teachers perceived most challenges with issues related to teaching, handling heavy work load and stress organizational issues, collaboration with parents and school staff and assessment of students learning.The most challenging for beginning teachers were teaching related issues such as discipline, teaching methods, working with students with special needs and implementing the curriculum. Issues related to teaching, contacting with parents and assessment of students learning were highlighted in both this and Veenman’s (1984) studies. However, as opposed to this study, heavy workload wasn’t perceived a significant challenge in Veenman’s study.
  • Pasula, Susanna (2016)
    Goals. The writing performance level of finnish schoolchildren has raised concerns over the past few years. The present study is part of a longitudinal intervention study (RoKKi) which has created an encouraging feedback model for trying to find ways to enhance writing skills. Pupil experience has not figured significantly as an issue in writing research, so this thesis will tackle that subject by asking if the encouraging intervention affected the writing experiences of the 5th-graders and how the pupils experienced writing in different genres. Peer review is a central element of the encouraging feedback model. The idea of the model is that the pupils feel that attention is being paid to what they have written. Methods. The study was carried out in three 5th-grade classes between autumn 2011 and autumn 2012. The established class had already used the encouraging feedback model before the intervention. The treatment class started to use it at the beginning of the intervention and continued to use it throughout the whole school year. In the control class, the teacher gave feedback according to a more traditional manner. The data consists of four measures of the writing experience. They were analysed using one-way analysis of variance (one-way ANOVA) and repeated measures ANOVA. Results and conclusions. The writing experiences of the pupils varied statistically significantly in the three classes. The established class had the most-positive experience of writing, whilst the control class had the least-positive experiences. The interaction of the class and the intervention was not statistically significant, which means that the variation in the writing experiences was instead linked more to the variation that occurred during the intervention (e.g. genre or the intervention) than to the starting situation of the classes. The different classes experienced the same genre, e.g. opinion, very differently. As expected, the writing of stories was experienced more positively than writing factual texts. The fact that the established class had the most-positive experiences of writing suggests that the encouraging feedback model might be useful in long-term use.
  • Rantanen, Joonas (2018)
    Objectives. The target of the research was to examine coach’s social and emotional skills, on the perspective of developing the functionality of a team. Social and emotional skills are considered to have repercussion to an individual’s well-being, as well as succeeding in academic or professional career. The functionality of a team, consist different factors, such as cohesion and motivational atmosphere. The purpose of the research was to survey how coach can effect on a team’s functionality with social and emotional skills. Coach’s social and emotional skills has hardly been touched in research, even though general research of social and emotional learning has been conducted over the last decade. Methodology. The research was conducted as descriptive literature review. Research sources included printed literature, scientific journals, and research results about emotional- and interaction skill together with functionality of a team. Results and conclusions. Coach’s leadership behaviour had a correlation to multiple factors that effects the functionality of a team, such as; cohesion, psychological safety, motivational climate, and collective efficacy. The needs of athletes and hearing their thoughts with the help of democratic decision making were positive correlated to a team’s atmosphere. Coach’s social and emotional skills were connected to the increase of openness and trust within a team.
  • Lappi, Pauliina (2016)
    Goal. Current discussion about insecure attachments adheres to the relationship between the child and the parent. The researches commonly focuses on how attachment affects the child and how to support parents towards a secure attachment. The purpose of my research is to develop discussion on how insecure attachment affects at school. In my research I consider what kind of subjectivity the Finnish curriculum strives to produce and how an avoidantly attached child relates to the curriculums goals. Methods. My research method is an integrative literature review, where I bring two separate discussions together about insecure attachments and the curriculums produced subjectivity and I examine how they relate to each other. By researching different sources I encapsulated scientific discussion how avoidant attachment and an avoidantly attached child are understood at the moment. In my literature review I utilized discourse analysis, which made possible to clarify the Finnish curriculums representations. In integrative analysis I examined attachment-representations related to curriculums subjectivity-representations clarifying their resemblances, differences and possible incoherences. As a result I got answers on how insecure attachment relates to the curriculums subjectivity. Results and conclusion. The results indicate that the Finnish curriculum aspires on getting rid of these teaching methods, where student receives the information from the teacher passively without critical examination or his own consideration. Current curriculum emphasizes on a student taking an active role and the importance of interaction in learning. However, curriculum does not consider that children enroll school from different baselines. The problem that arises for the avoidantly attached child is that they have already taken an active, independent role. The child is used to having no support from anyone, so they will not trust on getting support from adults, nor will they not ask for such. Schools encourage on increasingly independent and active roles, which might verify the childs perception that he has to fend on his own without an adults support. In the future research is needed on how schools can pay attention how to support a child who is insecurely attached.
  • Nissinen, Venla (2019)
    Goals. The goal of this study is to figure out the relationships between early attachment and emotion regulation based on prior research. Emotion regulation is a subset of emotional skills, which can be described as child’s capabilities to regulate and control his or her emotions. Therefore, children use their emotion regulation skills every day. I aim to discover how the quality of early attachment between the infant and caregiver impact child’s emotion regulation skills later in life. Methods. This study is a descriptive literature review. Research data consisted of seven academic articles, which research the relationship between attachment theory and emotion regulation. To get the most relevant information, all articles were published in or after 2010. The data was analysed by thematizing the articles by common affiliations and then compared intra-category. Results and conclusions. The results show us, that the quality of early attachment between the infant and caregiver impacted child’s emotion regulation in multiple ways, e.g., in the way child recognized and expressed own emotions. Furthermore, results indicated that the quality of attachment affected child’s emotion regulation strategies and that it made a difference in biological reactions the human body had in stressful situations. A secure early attachment was associated with child’s ability to better regulate emotions.
  • Konu, Santeri (2020)
    Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaiseksi vastavalmistuneet opettajat kokevat työhyvinvointinsa sekä mitkä tekijät lisäävät työuupumusta tai työn imua heidän kohdallaan. Tutkielmassa tuotetaan pohjatietoa tuleville opettajille, jotta he osaavat suhtautua ja varautua tilanteisiin, jotka ovat tyypillisiä heidän uransa alkuvaiheelle. Opettajien työhyvinvointia on tutkittu runsaasti sekä Suomessa että muissa maissa ja siihen liittyvät ongelmat tulevat myös tässä katsauksessa esille. Sen sijaan vastavalmistuneiden opettajien työhyvinvointia ei ole tutkittu lähellekään niin paljoa. Tämä tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistona käytettiin sekä suomalaista- että ulkomaalaista kirjallisuutta, tutkimuskirjallisuutta ja muita aineistoja. Aineiston hakemiseen käytettiin erityisesti hakusanoja työhyvinvointi, työuupumus, työn imu, vastavalmistunut opettaja sekä newly qualified teacher. Tutkielman tulososiossa käytettiin mahdollisimman tuoretta aineistoa, mutta teoreettisia käsitteitä selittävässä osiossa otettiin mukaan myös vanhempia perusteoksia auttamaan käsitteiden määrittelyssä. Lähdeaineistoon pohjautuvat tulokset osoittavat, että vastavalmistuneiden opettajien työhyvinvoinnin tila ei ole hyvä, mutta tulosten joukosta löytyy myös jonkin verran positiivisia kokemuksia. Vastavalmistuneiden opettajien työuupumusta lisääviä tekijöitä olivat kollegoilta ja rehtoreilta saadun avun ja ohjeistuksen puutteellisuus, työsuhteiden pätkittäisyys ja epävarmuus, liian haastavat oppilaat sekä itse opetustyön haasteellisuus. Työn imua lisääviä tekijöitä olivat kollegoilta ja rehtoreilta saatu tuki ja ohjeistus, oppilaiden kanssa tapahtuneet onnistuneet vuorovaikutustilanteet sekä omien tunteiden tunnistaminen ja realiteettien hahmottaminen. Tulokset viittaavat siihen, että vastavalmistuneiden opettajien tukemiseen ja ohjeistamiseen tulisi keskittyä nykyistä enemmän ja että opettajankoulutukseen olisi ehkä tarpeellista sisällyttää enemmän harjoittelujaksoja.
  • Ahonen, Jonna (2016)
    The ability to reason and to write argumentative texts are part of multiliteracies and genre skills, without which it is difficult to get along in the society. Teaching and development of the argumentation and genre skills form a continuum, in which the argumentative writing in primary school is typically practiced in the form of an argumentative text. At the end of the comprehensive school students are expected to have many kind of expertise related to the mentioned skills, so it is reasonable to find out how does the sense of genre appear at the beginning of the mother tongue teaching. Despite this and the concern about the students’ argumentation and writing skills, the research related to argumentative texts in the context of primary school is still narrow. The purpose of this study was to determine what kind of sense of genre the argumentative texts written by fifth graders reflect. I approached the subject from the perspective of the overall structure. I studied the general structure of the texts in respect of the formal and the functional parts and also how the functional parts are realized. The thesis was a qualitative case study. Research material consisted of 44 argumentative texts written by students on fifth grade. The material was analysed using structural analysis. The analysis of the structure within these texts was carried out for the part of formal and functional structure analysing the typography of the texts and the functions of the text parts. The analysis indicated that the fifth graders construct their texts on the general structure known from the traditional school essay, the main claim and the arguments. Heading and 1– 4 text paragraphs were separable as formal parts of the fifth graders’ argumentative texts. Most students constructed their text of one text paragraph in addition to the heading. Based on the analysis the texts consisted of functional parts that were referred to as heading, the start, the main claim, arguments and the end. From fifth graders’ perspective these parts appeared to be essential components of the genre, as they were found in almost every text. It is how these functional parts were carried out varied greatly. Prototypically the heading described the subject, the start contained an opinion, the main claim was found easily, the argument was based on comparison and the text ended with an advice or a request. The texts expressed sense of genre, but the overall structure of the texts was not fully established.
  • Korhonen, Konstamikko (2020)
    Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten viisauden käsite suhteutuu kouluopetukseen ja tarkemmin, onko viisautta mahdollista opettaa peruskoulussa. Viisautta on alettu tutkia tarkemmin psykologisena ilmiönä vasta 1900-luvulla. Tarkastelen kahta merkittävää psykologista viisauden teoriaa. Paul Baltesin ja kumppaneiden uraa uurtava The Berlin Wisdom -projektin teoria viisaudesta on merkittävä teoria koko nykyisen psykolgoisen viisauden tutkimuksen kannalta. Sternbergin The Balance Theory of Wisdom teoria puolestaan ottaa kantaa myös viisauden kehittymiseen lapsuudessa ja nuoruudessa. Edellämainittujen teorioiden pohjalta tein käsitteellisen vertailun tämän hetkiseen perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteisiin. Pyrin tällä vertailulla selvittämään, missä määrin opetussuunnitelma rajoittaa, mahdollistaa tai jopa kannustaa viisauteen johtavien taitojen opettamista koulussa. Vertailun lopputuloksena perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet mahdollistivat viisauteen johtavien taitojen opettamisen ja oppimisen sekä viisauden kaltaisen toiminnan vaalimisen. Opetussuunnitelma myös korosti tiettyjen sellaisten taitojen tai ominaisuuksien kehittämistä, jotka tarkasteltujen viisauden teorioiden mukaan ovat osatekijöitä viisaudelle. Suoranaisia ristiriitoja opetussuunnitelman ja viisauden teorioiden välillä ei löytynyt. Viisauden teorioita on siis perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteiden perusteella mahdollista jopa pitää eräänlaisena ohjenuorana opetukselle.
  • Lahtinen, Vilma (2017)
    In the recent years, digital learning material has been a topic of discussion in media, both for it to be used and against it. The interest to do this thesis began from my personal need to clear up whether I should use digital learning material in my teaching work. The aim of this thesis was to find out what sort of effects digital learning materials might have on motivation and learning outcomes. The aim of this study is to provide information which might be useful to those teachers who are thinking about using digital learning materials in teaching mathematics. The type of this research is a descriptive literature review. The literature of this thesis is based on studies made mainly in the 2010’s. These studies are focused on the effects of the use of digital learning materials on motivation and learning outcomes. Based on my literature review, most of the studies showed digital learning materials to have positive effects on the motivation and learning outcomes of students. For example, digital learning materials can satisfy basic psychological needs and provide flow-experiences. Also these studies found that students’ motivation increased during the use of digital learning materials. The improvement in learning outcomes was influenced by, for example, the elements of game-based-learning and receiving immediate feedback. However, certain studies conflicted with these results and showed that the use of digital learning materials had no effect on motivation or did not cause better learning outcomes.
  • Kärkäs, Suvi (2018)
    Goals. Communality in schools has increased as a consequence of the attitudinal change in the school system. The achievement of co-teaching has become popular in the school world as a result. There are incentives for the shearing of teaching work from different parties, and also the Curriculum of 2016 encourages the teaching method. Studies have been conducted from a variety of perspectives. The aim of this study was to make a synthesis of the prior research and to find out which factors in the co-teaching lead to the teacher's professional development. The information provided by the study is relevant to both teachers and students, as it provides understanding of the importance of co-teaching in the perspective of professional development and may therefore encourage to experiment the teaching method. The theoretical basis of the study is Cook's and Friend's (1995) definition of co-education and Ruohotie's (1999) definition of professional development. Method. The research material was selected from six research articles highlighting co-teaching and the experiences of professional development of teachers. The acquisition of the material took place in electronic databases. The research was carried out in accordance with the principles of the Integrative Literature Review, by synthesizing the earlier studies. The analysis of the research material was carried out by data based thematization on the results of the studies. The Results and discussion. The results of this study showed that there is a connection between the co-teaching and the professional development of the teacher. The results showed that the use of the teaching method generated professional development through the observation of another teacher and collaborative reflection. In addition, the shared knowledge of co-teachers and jointly constructed knowledge became relevant to the professional development. The results also showed that a favorable atmosphere for professional development was allowed in co-teaching when teachers were encouraging each other. There is already research of the benefits of co-teaching in teacher’s professional development. This literary survey brought the results of research studies together and so provides the teachers and the students with a wide-ranging perspective on the benefits of co-teaching with regard to professional development.
  • Ralli, Silja (2018)
    Purpose. The aim of this study is to describe the factors that determine whether entrepreneurship education in basic education is equal and consistent with objectives, as well as the impacts of these factors. Outside Finland, the research on the topic has been conducted mostly in the field of economics. In Finland the research has been interdisciplinary. Hence this study approaches the topic through research done in pedagogics, sociology and economics. Methods. This study was conducted as a literature review, more specifically as a narrative overview with critical analysis. The method enables description of a broad, interdisciplinary phenomenon. Results and conclusions. The research concluded that whether entrepreneurship education is equal and consistent with the objectives, or not, is determined by social stock of stories and an individual’s opportunities to find their inner narrative constituents to support entrepreneurship. Other determining factors are schools, teachers, parents and their attitudes and educability on entrepreneurship education. The social stock of stories and the interpretation of various instances portrayed mainly two types of entrepreneurships, both of which are masculine: the virtuous working man and the prosperous middle-class male. The political premise of entrepreneurship education adheres to the talent profile of the prosperous middle class male. This entrepreneurship profile that has become the norm in the western society is characterized by power, independence, prosperity, rivalry, risk-taking and heroism. The teachers’ perceptions created a portrayal of a new kind of prowess specifically related to entrepreneurship that the school is not able to enhance. This was considered as having specific significance on equality since the school has the authority to make interpretations regarding educability. In addition, the research focused on the ambiguity of entrepreneurship education in the name of objectives and equality. There is a struggle over broad themes related to the definition of citizenship, economic policies, learning theories and theories of childhood. However, public discourse and discourse among the educators over values is minimal.