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  • Hietala, Jenny (2016)
    Goals: The purpose of this study was to find out how to ethically sensitively persons working in the financial business self-evaluate themselves. The study also wanted to find out if there are any differences between men and women in their ethical sensitivity. The theoretical background for the thesis is about four moral components by James Rest, Muriel Bebeau and Darcia Narvaez (1999), of which an ethical sensitivity was studied in this work in more detail. Methods: The study was conducted by quantitative research method, and the data were collected in August 2015 from a metropolitan area banking group. Offices located in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen. The responses were collected through a e-form, which was answered by 183 people. 77.6% of respondents were women (N = 142) and men 22.4% (N = 41). Ethical sensitivity was measured by ESSQ - meter (Tirri, Nokelainen 2007, 2011), which consisted of 28 statements, which were answered by a 5-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree ... 5 = strongly agree). From these 28 ESSQ - meter statements were formed by seven different factors, whose reliability was measured by Cronbach's alpha. The averages of the results were examined with the T-test. Results and conclusions: Bank employees have been assessed by the highest ethical sensitivity areas ESSQ_2 and ESSQ_3, those averages are ESSQ_2 = 4.2199 and ESSQ_3 = 4.1680. The lowest average received ESSQ_7 = 3.4781. Between the sexes, there was in the average differences, but they did not differ from each other statistically significant, as only in the two areas. Generally speaking the ethical sensitivity of the financial business could be slightly higher, although the results are not very disturbing.
  • Vasarainen, Minna (2016)
    Object. Ethical sensitivity is terminologically close to “social intelligence”, which is the new represented form of intelligence. Ethical sensitivity in practice means for example that how well an individual is able to cope with other people and legitimate one’s actions to others. In internet societies it’s a relevant factor when individuals form a new social rules among each other. The goal of the study was to describe the way ethical sensitivity manifests in a one of these societies, which has formed around a game-streaming channel in a streaming service. The subject interested me specially because the channel and streaming environment general involves lot of young people and different kind of information technology takes more and more of our time including youngsters. This study analyzes the streamers actions based on one thematic interview. It also introduces a new work ethic called “hacker ethics” and considers its possibilities among the workers in 21th century in new kinds of environments, which information technology makes possible. Method. The research method was a qualitative case study with a thematic interview. I interviewed one person who streams professionally. In addition, I participated to the channels activity to form a better understanding about the research environment. Conclusions. The streamer has on her/his channel unquestionable power as well as the responsibility of handling the channel. Since the ownership of the channel streamer gives guidelines about the approved behaviour in the channel. The streamer is able to show with her/his own choices one way of coping with different kind of conflict situations despite of biases people might have. Studies have shown that showing an example of approved behaviour might be helpful to decrease bullying via internet.
  • O'Shea, Mia (2019)
    Depression is the most prevalent psychiatric disorder amongst seniors in Finland, with about 5% experiencing major depression at any one time. As the population of Finland is slowly growing older, a large proportion of the nation are in late adulthood or retirement and more effort should be put towards the widespread issues which come with old age. Most cases of geriatric depression are treated with either psychosocial interventions or antidepressant treatments, neither of which guarantee definitive success in eliminating symptoms altogether. Antidepressants especially often come with unwanted side-effects, conflict with other medications and are expensive in long-term treatment. Listening to music could be administered as a standalone treatment or within music therapy as a cost-effective, non-invasive and non-pharmacological treatment for elderly depression. Music acts as a powerful stimulant by altering neural activation in many functional brain areas associated with audition, emotions, memory, and movement. Listening to music has been found to alleviate symptoms of depression by encouraging emotional expression, processing of feelings and by altering negative mental states. The purpose of this review was to explore previous research in order to conclusively draw together findings in the effects of music listening on late-life depression. Google Scholar and PubMed -databases were thoroughly enquired to find the latest meta-analyses, systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials and other information relevant to the subject. Altogether three of the most recent meta-analyses were included, as well as an additional three systematic reviews and three RCTs published outside of these. Drawing together findings from various sources, it is evident that music listening has complex beneficial effects and is an effective method in reducing depressive symptoms in older adults. Music listening can be implemented as a therapeutic tool in stand-alone treatment, as part of an intervention or within a music therapy framework.
  • Dunkel, Elias (2016)
    Children and adolescents have a high rate of participation in organized sports and physical activities. Participation in contact sports has been shown to be related to an elevated risk of suffering a concussion, which makes the management of concussions in child and adolescent athletes an important public health concern. Most of the research on concussion has been conducted on adults and the management protocols of concussions in both adult and youth athletes is based on this research. In this thesis I aim to provide an overview of the common symptoms and consequences of sports-related concussions, the effect of recurring concussions, and the special concerns relating to sports-related concussions in child and adolescent athletes. Research suggests that despite significant overlap, clinical and neuropsychological symptoms of a concussion may resolve at a different rate. In addition, neurophysiological functions appear to be altered for a far longer period than either clinical or neuropsychological symptoms. This is a cause for concern, as return-to-play (RTP) policy of concussed athletes is often based on clinical symptoms alone. A conservative RTP policy should be considered especially in concussed child and adolescent athletes, as they seem to recover slower than adults. Supervision is essential in concussion management, as youth athletes are often unaware of previously sustained concussions, premature RTP may expose the athlete to an elevated risk of suffering a second injury, and recurring concussions have been shown to have accumulating effects on neurocognitive functions.
  • Grönblom, Vivian (2020)
    Mitt syfte med studien är att undersöka hur diversitet i gruppmedlemmars perspektiv och mentala analytiska verktyg både direkt och eller indirekt kan bidra till optimalt beslutsfattande på högre nivå, t.ex. i toppledargrupper. Studien är en litteraturöversikt av kvantitativ forskning inom beslutsfattande i grupp. Forskning som denna avhandling bygger på strävar efter att belysa olika aspekter av beslutsfattande och problemlösning. Forskning visar att kognitiv diversitet kan förbättra beslutsfattande direkt genom att det erbjuder en större informationspotential och eller indirekt genom kognitiv konflikt, som kan leda till att information inom gruppen delas i högre grad. De affektiva aspekterna i gruppen kan däremot påverkas negativt som en följd av kognitiva konflikter, medan ömsesidig förståelse får stöd för att vara ett effektivt verktyg för att motarbeta dessa mellanmänskliga konflikter. Forskning som denna studie presenterar visar vidare att intelligens och intelligensmätning kan utgöra ett verktyg för att mäta kognitiv diversitet. Tidigare forskning har fokuserat på demografiska och andra identitetsvariabler som mått på diversitet vid beslutsfattande. Forskning visar att det finns belägg för att rikta framtida forskning mot de mera fundamentala kognitiva aspekterna av individuella egenskaper om man vill optimera beslutsfattande i grupp. Tidigare forskning har i högre grad även fokuserat på de negativa följderna av diversitet i beslutsfattande. Forskning som tagits upp i denna studie visar att diversitet också kan ha positiva effekter för beslutsfattande. Förmågan att effektivt kunna lösa komplexa ostrukturerade problem blir allt viktigare ju mera samhället utvecklas i riktning mot ett informationssamhälle. Denna avhandling presenterar en uppsättning lösningar och tekniker för att nå detta mål.
  • Sandström, Daniela (2019)
    According to the Finnish curriculum, Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet 2014, the teaching should be permeated by a comprehensive assessment. The comprehensive assessment includes self- and peer assessment. Based on my experiences from the actuality of school, self- and peer assessments are not used in the classrooms. Therefore, I want to clarify which effects a formative self- and peer assessment have on the students learning, motivation and self-efficacy through my bachelor thesis. The goal is to clarify the effects of self- and peer assessment to the people working in schools to increase the use, and knowledge of these assessment methods. This study was conducted as a systematic literature review, where the chosen studies were reviewed through a content analysis. The content analysis generated in following categories: Effects of self- and peer assessment on student’s learning, effects of self- and peer assessment on student’s motivation and effects of self- and peer assessment on student’s self-efficacy. The results indicate that the formative self- and peer assessment improves the student’s achievements and capabilities to see strengths, and weaknesses in their own achievements. Self- and peer assessments gives the students increased motivation, self- confidence, reduced anxiety and partly enhanced self-efficacy. By that means, self- and peer assessments have a positive effect on students learning, motivation and self-efficacy.
  • Nippala, Emma (2017)
    Statsminister Juha Sipiläs regering, som utnämndes i slutet av maj 2015, beslöt att från och med 2016 utföra årliga nedskärningar i utvecklingsbiståndet. Den här uppsatsens syfte är att utreda hur nedskärningspolitiken behandlas och legitimeras, vilka/vems intressen ges störst vikt i den finländska utvecklingspolitiska debatten och hur regeringen hanterar konflikten mellan developmentalism och nedskärningspolitik. Det andra syftet med den här uppsatsen är att synliggöra eventuella förändringar i mediernas förhållningssätt till utvecklingssamarbete efter att utvecklingspolitiken förändrats. Uppsatsen behandlar utvecklingspolitikens historia och den utvecklingspolitiska debattens huvuddrag och strävar efter att synliggöra eventuella likheter och skillnader i nedskärningsdebatten och debatten som först tidigare. Centrala begrepp är developmentalism och instrumentalism som sätt att argumentera för utvecklingspolitik. Nyhetstexter och opinionstexter (n=55) som publicerats i Helsingin Sanomat efter att regeringen Sipilä utnämndes analyseras med kvantitativ innehållsanalys. Studiens centrala slutsatser är att utvecklingspolitik fortfarande motiveras med developmentalism, om än instrumentalistiska argument också är viktiga i synnerhet i nyhetstexter. Det vanligaste argumentet i nedskärningsdebatten är att nedskärningarna leder till mänskligt lidande. Det logiska glappet mellan developmentalism och nedskärningspolitik lappas med effektivitetsargument: nedskärningarna leder till innovationer och effektivitet inom det utvecklingspolitiska fältet.
  • Närvänen, Eija (2019)
    Objective. Transdiagnostic models of psychopathology assume that the commonalities across disorders may outweigh their differences. While these models acknowledge that disorder-specific symptoms and features undoubtedly exist, the same underlying factors are perceived to cause and maintain various disorders. In recent years, this approach has received growing attention and several new forms of therapy have been developed based on it. These may be well-suited for the treatment of mixed-diagnosis groups or individuals with comorbid disorders, and as such, they hold the promise of being very cost-effective. One of the most established transdiagnostic treatments is the Unified Protocol (UP), designed to help patients suffering from depression and the full range of anxiety disorders. The purpose of the present study is to review the evidence regarding the efficacy and effectiveness of the UP for the transdiagnostic treatment of adult anxiety and depression. Methods. For this review, systematic literature searches were performed using the PsychInfo and PubMed online databases in October 2018. The search term used was “Unified Protocol”. The search yielded 114 results in PsychInfo and 138 in PubMed. Ten of these matched the following study selection criteria and were included in the current review: a) the study measured either the efficacy or effectiveness of the cognitive-behavioral UP therapy developed by Barlow (2011), b) treatment was delivered face-to-face in either individual or group setting, c) treatment followed the UP therapist guide without major modifications, d) participants suffered from an anxiety disorder or depression, e) participants were over 18 years of age, d) the study was published in 2015 or later, and f) the study was published in English in a peer-reviewed journal. Results and conclusions. The UP appeared both efficacious and efficient in reducing the severity of adult anxiety and depression as well as the number of comorbid diagnoses; however, there were some conflicting findings regarding recovery rates and effect sizes. The results achieved were comparable to those achieved using diagnosis-specific cognitive-behavioral therapy. The UP treatment had a positive impact on the patients’ functioning and quality of life and the amount of positive and negative affect they experienced. Treatment retention was generally high, particularly when treatment was delivered individually, and the UP received high ratings from those who participated in the studies. All in all, the current empiric evidence regarding the UP appears fairly promising. However, these results must be interpreted with caution, as the research concerning the UP is still in its infancy and a large part of it has been conducted by researchers affiliated with the treatment.
  • Kuuskoski, Fredrika (2017)
    Det här är en studie där jag har haft som avsikt att klargöra hurdan psykosocialt stöd som står till förfogande för unga inom eftervården. Vidare har jag velat se huruvida detta stöd motsvara det behov de unga haft i fråga om psykosocialt stöd. Mina forskningsfrågor var: hurdant psykosocialt stöd har de unga fått i eftervården? samt vilken roll har det psykosociala stödet haft för ungdomarna och har det motsvarat deras behov? Min teoretiska utgångspunkt har legat i ungdomsforskning och ungdomar som aktörer i socialservice. Materialet består av tre kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer som jag transkriberats och sedan analyserats med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Jag har närmat mig materialet ut ett fenomenologisk perspektiv. Mina teoretiska utgångspunkter har varit psykosocialt arbetet och ungdomar som aktörer. Alla tre informanter hade mycket olika historier och livsberättelser. Det framgick klart att ungdomarna reflektera kring sin situation genom tidigare livshändelser . De unga hade instabila anknytningar till föräldrar, fosterföräldrar och andra viktiga personer. Mångas föräldrar hade avlidit, en del hade föräldrar som stundvis är aktiva, men också tidvis frånvarande. Alla tre hade något slags professionellt närverk kring sig, men det garanterade inte att ungdomarnas behov av psykosocialt stöd skulle vara uppfyllt. Tidiga interventioner och skillnad på placeringsform var faktorer som påverkar huruvida väl eftervårdsbehovet blir tillgodosett. Mina intervjuer ger ändå vid handen att ungdomarna upplevde att det är svårt att få tag på socialarbetarna. De upplevde också att träffarna med socialarbetarna var alltför få .Dessutom kände de sällan att socialarbetare verkligen kände dem eller förstod deras behov. Eftervårdsplanen verkade ha en obetydlig roll för de unga. I eftervårdssituationen hade ungdomarna ett behov av en rådgivande stödfunktion, både avseende rent praktiska hjälpåtgärder och avseende emotionella stödåtgärder. Utifrån det här materialet så tillgodoser eftervården endast delvis ungdomarnas behov, skillnaderna varierar stort på individnivå. Skillnaderna verkar i stor utsträckning vara avhängiga av ungdomens egen förmåga att igenkänna sina behov. Den som inte kan identifiera sitt behov förmår inte heller använda sig av den hjälp som finns tillgänglig eller erbjuds. Härvidlag anser jag att eftervårdsplanen fyller en viktig funktion för att synliggöra möjligheter och stödåtgärder för ungdomen. Och initiera en tankeprocess hos ungdomen om sina egna behov av stöd och hjälp i processen mot självständighet och stabilt vuxenliv.
  • Kalske, Kreetta (2019)
    Aims. The new national core curriculum for basic education that defines aims for learning came into effect on 2016. That curriculum directs schools to use integrative teaching methods by foregrounding multidisciplinary themes. Though curriculum binds schools to use integrative approaches, the ways of implementation are left for every school to decide. Phenomena of integrative teaching have been described in the research literature with several terms depending on the era of research. Terms are not equivalent with each other that makes it difficult to compare researches of different times. In this thesis, the problem is solved by using the term phenomena of integrative teaching. It is used to describe all such methods of organizing teaching that lowers the borders between traditional school subjects. The aim of this study is to investigate how the phenomena of integrative teaching have been presented in Finnish national curriculums for basic education and how it is treated in research from the 1980s to the 2010s. Methods. This thesis is descriptive review and chosen articles are published either by the peer reviewed journals, the compilations of articles or state’s bureau of education. Most of the articles used were research reports on pedagogical experiments where researchers implemented the integrative methods of teaching between different school subjects or themes. Those articles were sorted by their topic when it was possible to compare them with different theories of integrative teaching methods. Results and conclusions. When gathering data for the thesis, it was noticed that it was difficult to find articles from the 1994 curriculum and it was also noticed that it didn’t have on chapter for integrative teaching methods. By the articles used, it can be observed that the most common way of implementing integrative teaching methods is to handle the same theme in two or more school subjects at the same time. However, the curriculum in use encourages teachers to take the integrative teaching even deeper and lower the barriers between different school subjects. Nevertheless, there is not yet research to be found on that kind of teaching and especially teachers experience, and conceptions should be studied more.