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  • Göös, Mari (2019)
    The subject of this thesis is the image of women in children´s literature. The study surveys gender in picture books. The aim of this study was to examine women are described in the Finnish picture books published in the 2010s. The study also wanted to find out what women are professional. According to previous studies women are described most often as mother or in stereotypical occupations of women in literature. Children’s literature transmits the image of society and culture to children. Using literature, a child builds his own identity. It would be important to write and publish children’s books which convey an image about the society that supports the diversity of people, gender equality and human individual-ity. Everyone should have the right to do life choices as an individual, no defined by one’s gender. The study data consists of 13 Finnish picture books which were published in the 2010s. The study de-scribes roles, appearance and agency of women through the descriptions of the texts in the books. The study is a qualitative research and the data is analyzed mainly by applying content analysis. Also content distribution specific to quantitative research was used to support content analysis. The results of research point out that women were described very often as mother in picture books. Mothers act in different operational environment together with their families. A woman as a mother was described making food to family or comforting and cuddling with a child. In picture books women described also working in their own professions. In addition to these, stories of independent women and their life were described in picture books. Overall, women were represented both in lead-ing and minor roles.
  • Pinomäki, Bettina (2023)
  • Paloviita, Miliza (2020)
    Goals. This research try to sort out which factors influencing women’s ethical food consumption. In addition I also want to sort out how to increase ethical consumption. On the grounds of former research, Finnish people trust on domestic food. They also want pure and safe food. Ethical consumers think environment, human and animal rights over when they are doing their choices. Consumers are interested of organic food but they don’t buy it as much. On the grounds of former research, price is important choosing factor. This research tries to find out method, how to increase ethical consumption. Research questions were: 1. which factors influencing women’s ethical food consumption? 2. How to increase ethical consumption? Methods. Research carried out by electronic form in May 2019. There were 22 responders. Analysis was content analyses. Results and conclusions. According to results, price and manner of production affected to women’s ethical consumption. Responders favoured domestic food products. They wanted to support producers and environmentally friendly products. Judging from this research, that consumer education and reasonable prices are good ways to increase ethical consumption.
  • Kilpi, Laura (2019)
    This thesis studies women’s voluntary childless. The focus of the thesis is why some women want to be childless. It is also discussed how other people deal with voluntary childless. Previous studies show that freedom is the most common reason to be voluntary childless. Some people are also uncertain if they can live good life with children, as if they need to compromise some other important things. These important things are, for example, own body, travel, sleep and spontaneity. All participants of the survey of this thesis were obtained through Vapaaehtoisesti Lapsettomat ry. Answers were collected as electrical survey sheet online. Surveys gets 328 answer’s but this studies analysis only 20. From the survey results, it was observed, that voluntary childlessness affects especially own wellbeing and freedom. Own will of being childless also arose from the results meaning that childlessness is intrinsic choice. On the other hand, childlessness is not considered as choice by some people. Instead it is seen as way of living individual’s own life its own way. Preconceptions of other people, typically seen as underrating, also arose from the survey results.
  • Porkka, Tytti (2017)
    The aim of this study was to describe the meanings of women-only networks, and examine why the gender-specific network is regarded as necessary at this time. An increasing amount of female net-works have emerged in Finland, but there has been limited academic research on the necessity of the networks. In this research I try to describe how the actors of a female network explain the signifi-cance of the organization. The theoretical background of this study is based on social capital and its role in the networks. Time, place and people contextually develop the concept of social capital and the meanings linked with it in this particular study. This case study focuses on the implications of the female network Howtomo. This specific network is based on volunteerism and its goal is to promote learning and expertise within females by offering free workshops and lectures. The data was collected by conducting semi- structed theme interviews with six operators at the Howtomo network. The data was analyzed using conventional content anal-ysis. According to the data, the network was argued to be significant for individual rather than collective reasons. Howtomo was regarded as an important platform to learn and share information, and as a meeting point to unite people with similar interests. Apart from the individual benefits, the network was thought to bring support and security in the unstable work life. Howtomo was believed to promote an improved portrayal of females in the work force and their position in it. The network was also regarded as a positive resource, which is needed today and in the future. The results were comparable with other findings on female networks in Finland. Further research is suggested to be conducted about the significance of the network for the participants and members.
  • Nuutinen, Sonja (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten sosiaalisen median käyttäjät hyödyntävät ruokablogeja ruoan valintaa tehdessä. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli kuvata ruokablogeja lukevien näkemyksiä sosiaalisessa mediassa esiintyvistä ruoka-aiheisista blogeista sekä selvittää minkälainen yhteys blogien sisällöillä oli näiden käyttäjien ruoan valintaan. Menetelmät. Lähestymistapa on kvalitatiivinen ja tutkimusmenetelmänä käytin teemahaastattelua. Tutkimuksen otos koostui kolmesta harkinnanvaraisesti valitusta, pääkaupunkiseudulla asuvasta aktiivisesta sosiaalisen median käyttäjästä. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin yksilöhaastatteluja, jotka äänitettiin ja litteroitiin. Aineisto analysoitiin käyttäen aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Ruokablogit ovat vaikuttaneet tutkittavien ruoan valintaan muun muassa antamalla inspiraatiota ja opettamalla uusia tekniikoita ruoanlaitossa, antamalla vaihtelua omaan arkiruokailuun ja tutustuttamalla uusiin ainesosiin ja raaka-aineisiin. Uusia ruokia uskalletaan myös kokeilla rohkeammin. Tutkielma avaa sosiaalisen median ruokablogien sisältöjä ilmiönä ja antaa yleiskuvan siitä, miten sosiaalisen median kuluttajat suhtautuvat niihin. Aiempi tutkimus on keskittynyt sosiaalisen median vaikutukseen ruoan valinnassa. Tämä tutkielma kartoitti erityisesti sitä, minkälainen vaikutus ruokablogeilla nähdään olevan ruoan valintaan ja käytännön ruoanvalmistukseen.