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  • Nurminen, Kirsikka (2020)
    Ensimmäiset virtuaalitodellisuutta hyödyntävät lasit patentoitiin 1960-luvulla, jonka jälkeen virtuaalitodellisuus on ottanut suuria teknologisia harppauksia eteenpäin. Nykypäivänä virtuaalitodellisuus tarjoaa jo todella immersiivisen kokemuksen ja virtuaalitodellisuutta hyödynnetään eri aloilla aina lääketieteestä opetuskäyttöön. Virtuaalitodellisuuden hyödyntämistä opetuskäytössä on tutkittu maailmanlaajuisesti etenevissä määrin, mutta kuvataiteen opetukseen liittyvä virtuaalitodellisuuslaitteiden tutkimus on verrattain vähäistä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, millä eri tavoin nykyteknologian mukaisia virtuaalitodellisuuslaitteita on hyödynnetty opetuksessa. Tavoitteena on selvittää myös sitä, millä perusteella virtuaalitodellisuuslaitteita voisi hyödyntää nimenomaan kuvataiteen opetuksessa ja mitä lisäarvoa nämä laitteet voivat kuvataiteen opetukseen tuoda. Valitsin tutkielmani toteutustavaksi systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen, jonka avulla pystyin käymään läpi paljon virtuaalitodellisuuksiin liittyviä aineistoja, rajaten lopullisen aineistoni kuitenkin hyvin tarkkaan. Systemaattiselle kirjallisuuskatsaukselle tyypillisesti pyrin myös asettamaan oman tutkimukseni historialliseen kontekstiin virtuaalitodellisuuslaitteiden kehityksen suhteen. Rajasin aineistoni koskemaan ainoastaan 2010-luvulla julkaistuja tutkimuksia, jotta pystyin helpommin varmistumaan, että tutkimuksissa on käytetty tarkoittamaani virtuaalitodellisuutta nykyaikaisilla virtuaalitodellisuuslaitteilla. Aineistoni koostuu kuudesta opetuskäyttöön liittyvästä virtuaalitodellisuuden tutkimuksesta. Kirjallisuuskatsaus osoitti, että virtuaalitodellisuus toi oppitunneille lisää mahdollisuuksia ja uusia oppimiskokemuksia, joita ei olisi ollut mahdollista saavuttaa ilman virtuaalitodellisuuslaitteita. Virtuaalitodellisuuslaitteiden koettiin lisäävän motivaatiota oppimistehtävää kohtaan, parantavan oppilaiden avaruudellista hahmottamista ja keskittymistä tehtävän tekemiseen. Virtuaalitodellisuuslaitteiden avulla myös kuvataiteen oppitunneilla voi saavuttaa kokemuksia, joita perinteiset menetelmät tai välineet eivät pysty tarjoamaan. Virtuaalitodellisuuslaitteet voivat mahdollistaa oppilaille myös uusia ilmaisutapoja, jotka ovat oleellisia kuvataiteen opetuksessa.
  • Lindgård, Linnea (2018)
    The purpose of this study was to investigate how the communication takes form in virtual teams, to see how the members of these teams experience the communication to work, and to compare the group development with non-virtual teams.The theoretical framework was based onTuckman’s group development model. The approach of the study was qualitative and the data collected by e-questionnaires. In the study participated nine individuals that work in virtual teams. Some of the participants worked in the same team, and the rest in different teams. The result showed that ways to communicate in virtual teams are very varying and that the members of the teams were satisfied with how the teams work. The negative parts of working in virtual teams were the lack of face-to-face communication and moments when the technology did not work. Similar processes that defines Tuckman’s group development model were found in the virtual teams.
  • Läckström, Fanny (2021)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Målet för denna avhandling var att ta reda på ifall det finns en specifik ledarstil som fungerar för att förmedla ett lugn och en känsla av trygghet till eleverna inom den grundläggande utbildningen. Därtill ville jag ta reda på vilka metoder verksamma lärare använder för att samla gruppen, metoder som inte innefattar att skrika eller på annat sätt skrämma eleverna att lyda. Denna studie är en kvalitativ studie. Forskningsansatsen som används i denna studie är fenomenografisk. En fenomenografisk studie strävar efter att förstå individuella uppfattningar om olika fenomen. Sammanlagt intervjuades fem lärare från två olika skolor för att ta reda på deras uppfattning om sin egen ledarstil och metoder. Informanterna undervisar i två olika skolor inom samma kommun och årskurserna de undervisar i omfattar årskurs 1–9. Som intervjumetod används halvstrukturerade intervjuer som sedan transkriberades och analyserades genom en tematisk analys. Forskningens resultat påvisar att teori och verklighet verkar stämma överens. Tidigare forskning betonar strukturen och ett tydligt ledarskap som viktiga för hanterigen av klassrumssituationer. De lärare som intervjuades verkade i stor utsträckning använda sig av de metoder som enligt litteraturen bör hjälpa läraren samla gruppen och upprätthålla ett lugn i klassrumme, vilket enligt lärarna verkade ge det önskade resultatet nämligen ett lugn i klassrummet.
  • Perkkiö, Sara (2023)
    As whistleblowing becomes an increasingly global phenomenon, states rally to gather a coherent set of whistleblower legislation and to put guardrails in place and protect those involved in the process. Being a whistleblower requires immense courage, and the people who decide to blow the whistle, are often the target of some measure of repercussion, either from their organization or colleagues. A lot of research has been conducted into whistleblowing from different angles, but this is often limited to countries where whistleblowing has been a culturally established phenomenon for longer periods of time. This text explores the situation within Swedish governmental branches by analyzing the results of the study TYST STAT (silent state). The emphasis here will be on the overarching holistic attitude for and towards whistleblowing within the government branches, as well as the perceived acceptance of directing criticism towards organization operations. In the frame of this text, results will be viewed and woven into the theoretical concepts of loyalty and previously established research. The results showed that there are many indeed within governmental organizations that feel like reporting irregularities or directing criticism towards their organization is not acceptable, and from a loyalty perspective the causes showed proof of voluntary and involuntary relations, moving vertical as well as horizontal.
  • Annala, Ville (2016)
    Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena on selvittää olemassa olevan tutkitun tiedon perusteella visuaalisen hahmottamisen häiriöitä yhtenä oppimisvaikeutena sekä siihen liittyviä interventiota. Tavoitteena oli ensinnäkin pyrkiä luomaan mahdollisimman tiivis ja teoreettinen kokonaiskäsitys visuaalisesta hahmottamisesta itsestään sekä siihen liittyvistä hahmottamis-vaikeuksista, toiseksi tavoitteena oli muodostaa katsaus olemassa oleviin interventiomateri-aaleihin, sekä esitellä VENNY-materiaali kirjallisuuskatsaukseen sisällytetyn teoriaosuuden pohjalta. Tutkielman alussa oletettiin, että hahmotusvaikeuksilla on yhteyttä muihin oppimis-vaikeuksiin, ja tavoitteena oli löytää näkemystä tukevaa tutkimustulosta. Kirjallisuuskatsauk-sessa painotettiin suomalaisen tutkimustiedon käsitystä visuaalisesta hahmottamisesta, ja hahmotushäiriöiden ja interventioiden osalta katsaus rajautui peruskouluun. Tutkielmassa perehdyttiin saatavilla olevaan suomalaiseen visuaalisen hahmottamisen ja hahmottamishäiriöiden tutkimustietoon sekä niitä yhdistäviin ulkomaalaisiin lähteisiin. Tieto interventioista koottiin samalla tavalla ja esitelty interventiomateriaali valittiin ajankohtaisuu-den perusteella. Tutkielmassa painotettiin ajankohtaisuutta myös viittaamalla meneillään ole-viin hankkeisiin sekä saatavilla oleviin ajankohtaisiin luentomateriaaleihin. Tietoa hakiessa käytettiin mahdollisimman tarkasti valittuja hakutermejä, jotta tutkielmaan valikoituisi mahdol-lisimman oleellinen aineisto. Aineiston perusteella saadun tiedon pohjalta muodostettiin teo-riaosuus, jonka pohjalta luotiin yhteenveto sekä arvioitiin tarvetta lisätutkimukselle. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tutkimustulokset painottivat visuaalisen hahmottamisen sekä hahmo-tusvaikeuksien käsitteellistä, teoreettista ja käytännöllistä moniulotteisuutta. Hahmotusvai-keudet käsitteenä pitää sisällään moninaisen kirjon erilaisia hahmottamiseen liittyviä häiriöitä ja ongelmia. Saatavilla oleva niukka lähdeaineisto ja siihen perehtyminen osoitti, että visuaa-lista hahmottamista ja hahmotushäiriötä on Suomessa tutkittu suhteellisen vähän, mutta aihe on meneillä olevien hankkeiden ja interventiomateriaalien perusteella ajankohtainen. Yhteys muihin oppimisvaikeuksiin jäi edelleen hypoteesiksi, joka vaatii lisätutkimusta.
  • Luostarinen, Maaria (2017)
    Visual working memory is a cognitive system that is responsible of short term storage and manipulation of visual information. Working memory is divided to memorising, storage and recalling of the stimulus. This review concentrates in visual working memory studies that used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). FMRI is a spatially accurate and is based on changes in the brains blood circulation. The data from fMRI can be analysed with univariate or multivariate methods. These methods answer different research problems because of their different premises. The premise of univariate analysis is that the neural activation in one part of the brain is directly related to its function. In multivariate analysis, the neural activation is approached by observing the activations distribution, which means that different activation distributions in same parts of the brain can be related to different processes. The visual areas of the brain are located in the occipital lobe but, before multivariate analysis, the visual working memory has been associated with prefrontal cortex. After multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA) has increased in popularity the hypothesis, that visual areas have a part in visual working memory, has also generalised. Because of the activation distribution premise, the MVPA is a more sensitive method to analyse fMRI data. Still there have been different results in different MVPA using studies. Different memory tasks might also be partly responsible of different results. A visual working memory task always activates prefrontal and parietal cortices in addition to sensory cortex. Visual cortex seems to have the principal part and prefrontal and parietal cortices take part most likely in executive functions but they can’t be ruled out from storage either.
  • Krogius, Marie (2022)
    I denna avhandling undersöks två finländska partiers, De Grönas och Sannfinländarnas, användning av bilddelningstjänsten Instagram. Skillnader och likheter i bland annat visuella retorik, bildtyper och personifiering behandlas kvalitativt genom analys av ett urval bilder från partiernas officiella Instagram-konton. Medialisering, nya kommunikationsverktyg och avtagande partitillhörighet är fenomen som får partier att fokusera på alternativa kampanjverktyg för att nå sina målgrupper på ett effektivt sätt. De Gröna och Sannfinländarna har haft en status som icke-etablerade partier och de är varandras ideologiska motsatser i många politiska frågor. Partiernas målgrupper är också väldigt olika, vilket förklarar de strategiska skillnader i den visuella retoriken som partierna använder sig av. Resultaten visar att De Gröna och Sannfinländarna använder bilddelningstjänsten Instagram på liknande sätt som andra nordiska partier (enligt en undersökning av Russman m.fl. 2019) för att nå ut till sina väljare, men det finns stora skillnader i vilken visuell retorik som används. Båda partierna använder Instagram främst för broadcasting av politiska frågor. Sannfinländarna använder sig av skarpa, uppseendeväckande populistiska budskap och bäddar ofta in informationen i kvasivetenskapliga diagram medan De Gröna sänder ut sina politiska budskap genom behagligt bildspråk, och använder många foton på natur, djur och barn.
  • Mylläri, Sanna (2018)
    Although there are many effective ways to treat major depressive disorder, its prevalence is not decreasing. Active research is needed to find more ways to treat and prevent depressive episodes. Observational studies have shown that unhealthy diet is associated with increased risk of depression. The aim of this review is to examine current evidence concerning dietary intervention as a treatment for depression. Furthermore, the effect of dietary intervention to depressive symptoms among people without clinical depression is examined. For time being, three randomized controlled trials of dietary treatment for depression have been made in Australia. In two of these studies diet intervention group had significantly greater decrease in depressive symptoms compared to control group. One study did not find difference between intervention and control groups. In this study, however, both of the groups improved their diet during the intervention period which can distract the interpretation of the result. In studies among people with non-clinical depressive symptoms dietary improvements had positive outcomes in two intervention studies. Lack of control group distracts the interpretation of results in these studies. Finnish intervention study did not find decrease in depressive symptoms after dietary intervention, but in this study the symptoms were quite mild in the beginning. Depressive symptoms have also been used as a secondary outcome in studies concerning dietary treatment of lifestyle diseases. Meta-analysis of these studies shows that about half of the studies found decreasing in depressive symptoms after intervention period. So far there is not much research done about the effectiveness of dietary intervention as a treatment for depression. However, the current evidence seems promising and no negative effects have been found. More research is needed to ensure if dietary intervention could be an effective treatment for depression either as a separate intervention or together with other treatment.
  • Pöntinen, Juho Sakari Joonatan (2023)
  • Huuskonen, Olga (2017)
    Depression during adolescence is a significant problem. Depression causes harm to adolescents and it is associated with many negative outcomes, including academic problems, impaired social relationships, substance abuse, mental health problems and suicide. Thus, prevention of adolescent depression is extremely important and many prevention programs have been developed to do so. The purpose of current thesis is to examine the effectiveness and applicability of cognitive-behavioral prevention programs for adolescent depression. Prevention programs are classified into three categories on basis of the populations to whom the interventions are directed. Universal programs are provided to all members of a target population, selective programs are targeted to individuals at elevated risk for depression, and indicative programs are provided to individuals who manifest subclinical depression symptoms. These programs differ in their effectiveness in depression prevention and in their applicability. Universal programs are more applicable and more inexpensive than selective or indicative programs. According to the existing findings, selective and indicative programs seem to be more effective in preventing depression in adolescence than universal programs and selective and indicative programs seem to be as effective. Longer programs and programs that have older adolescents and more female participants, seem to be more effective in preventing depression. The most common limitations of studies so far are the relatively short follow-ups. In future there is a need for longer follow-ups and more longitudinal studies.
  • Patrikka, Marikki (2016)
    Background. Drug addiction is a worldwide health issue. Criminalization of drug use and scare tactics do not help addicts. Previous studies suggest that negative life experiences increase the risk of addiction while positive life experiences reduce it. In a laboratory environment, environmental enrichment is one way to model positive life experiences. It provides social stimulation and exercise for animal subjects Methods. This thesis is based on a review article from 2010 which suggested that environmental enrichment acts as a neurobiological and functional opposite to stress. I reviewed 17 articles that were published after said article from 2011 to 2015 which researched the effects of environmental enrichment to prevention and cure of drug addiction and compared their results to the 2010 review article. I also hypothesized reasons for contradictory results. Results. Environmental enrichment prevented drug addiction and eased withdrawal. It also prevented drug sensitization and cross-sensitization in some of the reviewed articles. Losing the enriched environment acts as an independent stressor which increases cravings and risk of relapse. Short-term environmental exposure did not have a lasting protective effect. Longer exposures did seem to have a longer-lasting protective effect especially animal subjects had free use of a running wheel. Without the possibility to exercise the effect of environmental enrichment was modest.
  • Korhonen, Konstamikko (2020)
    Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten viisauden käsite suhteutuu kouluopetukseen ja tarkemmin, onko viisautta mahdollista opettaa peruskoulussa. Viisautta on alettu tutkia tarkemmin psykologisena ilmiönä vasta 1900-luvulla. Tarkastelen kahta merkittävää psykologista viisauden teoriaa. Paul Baltesin ja kumppaneiden uraa uurtava The Berlin Wisdom -projektin teoria viisaudesta on merkittävä teoria koko nykyisen psykolgoisen viisauden tutkimuksen kannalta. Sternbergin The Balance Theory of Wisdom teoria puolestaan ottaa kantaa myös viisauden kehittymiseen lapsuudessa ja nuoruudessa. Edellämainittujen teorioiden pohjalta tein käsitteellisen vertailun tämän hetkiseen perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteisiin. Pyrin tällä vertailulla selvittämään, missä määrin opetussuunnitelma rajoittaa, mahdollistaa tai jopa kannustaa viisauteen johtavien taitojen opettamista koulussa. Vertailun lopputuloksena perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteet mahdollistivat viisauteen johtavien taitojen opettamisen ja oppimisen sekä viisauden kaltaisen toiminnan vaalimisen. Opetussuunnitelma myös korosti tiettyjen sellaisten taitojen tai ominaisuuksien kehittämistä, jotka tarkasteltujen viisauden teorioiden mukaan ovat osatekijöitä viisaudelle. Suoranaisia ristiriitoja opetussuunnitelman ja viisauden teorioiden välillä ei löytynyt. Viisauden teorioita on siis perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteiden perusteella mahdollista jopa pitää eräänlaisena ohjenuorana opetukselle.
  • Pekola, Jenni (2017)
    The purpose of the thesis is to find out what kind of empowerment, that is, the experiences of strengthening individual resources have been experienced by clients in mental health and substance abuse. Moreover, I am interested in what factors have contributed to the empowerment of the customer experience. The study was conducted at the Heinola City Health Center mental health and substance abuse work unit. The study interviewed five mental health and substance abuse clients in March 2017. The interview was conducted in accordance with the principles of semi-structured thematic interviewing. The method of analyzing the material was theoretical content analysis. The central background of the thesis is the theory of empowerment, especially the formal empowerment theory created by Juha Siitonen (1999). Based on the results of the research, it is possible to find experiences of empowerment for all customers who have experienced the resources and have promoted well-being. The research material shows that customer relationships have had a positive impact on customer rehabilitation and life. Factors promoting empowerment brought customers success in social situations as well as a friendly, supportive and encouraging atmosphere. In reflective discussions with the social and health care professional, customers describe that they have gained clarity in their life situation and a new way of life. Waking up the feeling of hopelessness in a previously hopeless situation was also felt to be important for starting the empowerment process. The results of my thesis support the previously obtained research data on the positive impact of the resources invested in mental health and substance abuse work on customers' lives. The clients of the mental health and substance abuse work unit clearly experience their strength and increase their well-being and their resources in health care mental health and substance abuse services. In previous studies on mental health and substance abuse clients, the importance of success and the atmosphere of rehabilitation has been emphasized. In addition to the above, the interviewees emphasized the importance of waking the feeling of hopelessness in launching the empowerment process that has not been given more attention in previous studies. However, the absence of a sense of hope may, in fact, prevent the start of the whole empowerment process, which makes sense of hopelessness for the empowerment of a noteworthy factor. This study focused on five interviewees, but it would be interesting to extend the scope of further research, for example by increasing the sample and extending the research also to social work clients. The study could also combine quantitative methods. Hopefully, this research data and customers' experience in the relationship between mental health and substance abuse can be used to further develop social and health services.
  • Virta, Henna (2017)
    Majority of Finnish youth use social media several hours every day. Because social media usage is common among students, teachers should be aware of the positive and negative effects it may have. The purpose of this study is to address these effects from the aspect of mental health by considering positive effects that using social media has on mental health. Additionally, this study aims to clarify the role teachers have as a part of mental health promotion conducted at schools in Finland. The aspect of mental health is valuable in school context, as about 15 to 25 percent of Finnish youth aged 12 to 22 show symptoms of mental disorders. Promoting the well being of all students is also an important part of Finnish education system. This study was conducted as a descriptive literature review in a time period from January to March 2017. Databases concerning behavioral sciences, health sciences and medical sciences were used to conduct the study. The literacy which was chosen to be part of this study was grouped in themes according to the protective factors of mental health. Teachers’ role in mental health promotion formed its own theme group. In addition, important part of this literature re-view is defining social media and mental health precisely. These definitions were used while screening the literature. As a result of this literature review it can be said that social media has various positive effects on mental health. Using social media effected positively on how accepted individuals felt themselves, how well they were able to build, maintain and terminate relationships, how much opportunities of self-expression they had and how their self-esteem was developing. The positive effects of using social media also included social support, experiencing equality and experiencing possibilities to be heard and to have an influence on their own surroundings. On teachers’ role in mental health promotion it was stated that teachers’ most important function is to enable learning for all students. Also their role in noticing and interfering in alarming situations, teaching socio-emotional skills and acting as a part of multi-professional workgroup is significant in the aspect of mental health promotion in schools.
  • Mehtäläinen, Mette (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to examine and analyze gymnast girls’ meal rhythms. Previous studies show that most suitable meal rhythm for athletes is to eat 5−7 times a day. The time between meals shouldn’t be more than four hours and post-exercise meal should be eaten within an hour from the end of the practice. The meal rhythm of rest days should be similar to the training days meal timing and weekends’ meal rhythms shouldn’t differ from weekdays’ meal rhythms. By eating together with children, parents can teach the importance of regular eating. This study aims to find out what kind of meal rhythms the gymnasts have and how their meal rhythms differ from recommendations. The research questions are 1) What kind of meal rhythm the gymnasts have on weekday training days? 2) What kind of meal rhythm the gymnasts have on weekend training days? 3) What kind of meal rhythm the gymnasts have on rest days? The data consists of six food diaries. The persons who participated in the study are 11−13 year-old girls, who practice aerobic gymnastics four times a week. The gymnasts kept a food diary for five days. The subjects wrote down when they ate the meal, what they ate, as well as who they ate the meal with. The data was analyzed by using content analyzes. The results show that more meals were eaten on weekday training days than on weekend training day. On weekday training days the gymnasts ate mainly 5−6 meals, on weekend training days’ 4−5 meals and on rest days’ 3−6 meals. Over 4 hour break between meals appeared less on rest days. The gymnasts ate with their parents 1−2 times a day on the weekdays and more on the weekends. The results indicate that eating with parents on weekdays is focused in the late evening and on weekends they tend to eat together in the morning and afternoon.