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  • Sundström, Xenia (2018)
    The aim of the study is to find out how children use language in everyday situations in pre-school and how the educators work with language in daily activities. Language is used on daily basis in various situations and is therefore one of the most important things to work with in kindergarten and pre-school. Because of this there is a large responsibility on the educators to offer children opportunities to develop their language. The theoretical part of the study deals with language and communication, children’s language development, theories about language development, instructions provided by pre-school education curriculum and finally, some previous research done in the area. The study is qualitative and the material was gathered through observations and interviews. A child group of 26 pre-school children were observed for six days and three educators working in the group were interviewed. The interviews with the educators were made after the observations. The interviews were recorded and transcribed for easier analysis. The material was analysed by qualitative content analysis. The observations revealed that children’s conversations are both play and fantasy related as well as reality based. Their conversations also contained dialect and influences from the English language. Approximately one third of the children were bilingual and their language background appeared in some situations. The interviews revealed that all three educators were aware of the importance of working in a purposeful way with language development in daily activities. Language stimulation has to be planned in a way that supports all children, because different needs exist for each individual child. All three informants are aware of the importance of being a linguistic model for the children.
  • Linda, Henriksson (2017)
    The aim with the study are to investigate how kindergarten teacher support and encourages children to be psychically active. I want to inventive what kind of opportunities for exercises children gets in kindergarten. With this study I want to get new ideas of psychical activities that can be of interest to all kindergarten teachers. I have interviewed three kindergarten teachers. All the teachers work in different kinds of kindergartens. It´s based on Steiner pedagogy, another has focus on psychical activate and the third is ordinary communal kindergarten. In all three kindergartens, physical activity is conceived in different ways, which generate divers more view on tropic. The study shows that kindergarten teachers is thinking positively about the psychical activities. They also think that psychical activities are important for children. When kindergarten teachers themselves engage in psychical activities, they also make more things together with children.
  • Keski-Liikala, Toni (2023)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millaista diskurssia yhteiskunnallinen ja poliittinen keskustelu tuottaa työväenluokasta ja duunariammattilaisuudesta. Aihe koskee läheisesti myös toisen asteen ammatillista koulutusta, jossa duunarit pääosin hankkivat osaamisensa. Tutkimuksessa oli oletuksena, että työväenluokkaisuutta ja duunareita koskevaan diskurssiin sisältyisi vähintään jossain määrin sellaisia negatiivisia asenteita ja stigmoja, jotka heijastuvat duunareiden kokemukseen yhteiskunnan jäsenyydestä ja työntekijyydestä. Tutkimuksen aihe kytkeytyi ammattien väliseen tasa-arvoon ja duunariammattien arvostukseen. Tässä kvalitatiivisessa tutkimuksessa painottui duunareita ja työväenluokkaa koskeva osaaminen, sivistys, identiteetti ja ideologia. Niitä koskevia asenteita ja kokemusta selvittävä tutkimus perustui kriittiseen diskurssianalyysiin. Kontekstina toimi luokkaistuminen ja työväenluokkaisuus, ammattien luokittelu sekä poliittiset diskurssit. Tutkimusaineisto koostui kolmesta Suomen eduskunnan täysistuntopöytäkirjasta ja edelleen niihin kirjatuista puheenvuoroista. Täysistunnot koskivat hallituksen esitystä oppivelvollisuusiän pidentämiseksi (HE 173/2020 vp). Diskurssianalyysi osoitti, että ymmärrystä ja jopa kunnioitusta duunariammatteja kohtaan löytyy puoluerajoista riippumatta. Duunarityötä puolustettiinkin puoluepoliittisten jakolinjojen sijaan enemmän omakohtaisuuteen perustuvien kokemusten perusteella. Negatiiviset diskurssit syntyivät usein tahattomasti tai ajattelemattomasti, johon osittaisena syynä oli diskurssien uusintaminen, joka edusti vakiintunutta tapaa puhua duunareista. Ideologiaa koskeva retoriikka oli sen sijaan vahvaa ja värikästä, joka perustui usein työväenluokan historiaan. Lisäksi köyhyyden ja huono-osaisuuden stigmat varjostivat duunarityön ammattilaisista ja työväenluokasta tuotettuja argumentteja. Yhteiskunnan keskiluokkaistumisesta huolimatta ammatteihin ja koulutusasteeseen perustuva luokkaistaminen on edelleen tyypillistä poliittisessa keskustelussa. Tämä toteutuu ääneen lausuttujen diskurssien välityksellä. Työväenluokkaisiin arvoihin ja ideologiaan kohdistuvat diskurssit välittyvät myös heihin, kenellä ei ole duunarityöstä huolimatta yhteyttä työväenluokan poliittiseen ideologiaan ja historiaan.
  • Tuoma, Julia (2021)
    Dyskalkulia on vaikea-asteinen laskemiskyvyn häiriö. Dyskalkulia näkyy vaikeutena suoriutua erilaisista peruslaskutoimituksista, kuten yhteen-, vähennys- ja kertolaskuista. Vaikka matemaattiset oppimisvaikeudet ovat hyvin yleisiä, puhdas dyskalkulia on huomattavasti harvinaisempaa. Dyskalkuliaan liittyy usein myös muitakin kognitiivisia puutteita ja liitännäishäiriöitä. Dyskalkulian erottaminen muusta heikosta matemaattisesta osaamisesta ei ole aina yksiselitteistä, sillä käytänteet dyskalkulian määrittelyyn vaihtelevat ja tutkimusalalta puuttuu vakiintunut käsitteistö ja mittaristo. Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kuvata dyskalkulian kognitiivisia erityispiirteitä sekä selvittää sitä, kuinka puhdas häiriö dyskalkulia on. Tutkimuksessa luokitellaan dyskalkulian laaja-alaisia kognitiivisia tekijöitä ja kapea-alaisia kognitiivisia taustatekijöitä. Menetelmät. Tämä tutkielma on tehty kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistoksi valikoitui tieteellisiä vertaisarvioituja artikkeleita, jotka käsittelevät lasten kehityksellistä dyskalkuliaa. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Aineiston perusteella löytyy tekijöitä, joiden perusteella dyskalkuliaa voidaan pitää moni-ilmeisenä ja monisyisenä häiriönä. Dyskalkuliaan kuuluu usein liitännäishäiriöitä kuten dysleksia ja ADHD. Lisäksi dyskalkulialle löytyy erilaisia kognitiivisia profiileja. Aineistoista löytyy myös tutkimuksia, jotka painottavat dyskalkulian monia laaja-alaisia kognitiivisia puutteita muun muassa puutteita työmuistissa ja tarkkavaisuudessa. Dyskalkulian heterogeenisestä luonteesta huolimatta, aineistosta löytyy myös tutkimuksia, joissa dyskalkulialle määriteltiin primäärisiä kapea-alaisia ydinpuutteita. Nämä ydinpuutteet löytyivät joko lukumääräisyydentajusta, täsmällisistä numeerisista representaatioista tai numeerisesta koodauksesta. Tutkimusten kesken on erimielisyyttä siitä mikä puutteista on ensisijaisin. Tutkimusten välistä vertailevuutta hankaloitti tutkimusalan hyvin kirjava käsitteistö ja erilaiset käytänteet määritellä dyskalkulia.
  • Leskinen, Jenni (2017)
    Kielellinen erityisvaikeus on merkittävä riskitekijä lukivaikeuksille. Jopa 50 %:lla kielihäiriöisistä lapsista todetaankin dysleksia ja vielä suuremmalla määrällä on lievempiä kirjoitetun kielen prosessoinnin ongelmia. Dysleksia on pohjimmiltaan fonologisen prosessoinnin häiriö ja myös kielihäiriöön liittyy usein samankaltaisia fonologisia ongelmia, mikä tekee häiriöiden toisistaan erottamisesta usein vaikeaa. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat kuitenkin osoittaneet sen olevan mahdollista fonologista prosessointia tarkemmin analysoimalla. Sekä SLI että dysleksia heikentävät usein merkittävästi koulumenestystä ja häiriöiden esiintyessä yhdessä on negatiivinen vaikutus koulumenestykseen vielä suurempi. Olisikin tärkeää pystyä mahdollisimman varhaisessa vaiheessa erottamaan kielihäiriöisistä lapsista ne, jotka ovat dysleksiariskissä, jotta heidän lukivalmiuksiensa kuntoutus päästäisiin aloittamaan jo ennen koulun alkamista. Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on koota tutkimustietoa kielihäiriöisten lasten dysleksiariskistä ja erityisesti siitä, mitkä piirteet alle kouluikäisten kielihäiriöisten lasten fonologisessa prosessoinnissa ennakoivat dysleksiaa. Tämä kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen muodossa toteutettu tutkielma pohjautuu neljään tutkimusartikkeliin, jossa yhteensä 133:n kielihäiriöisen lapsen fonologista prosessointia arvioitiin 4-6-vuotiaana ja tuloksia verrattiin heidän teknisen lukemisensa sekä lukemisen sujuvuuden taitoihin ensimmäisinä kouluvuosina. Tutkimusten tuloksista kävi ilmi, että lyhytkestoisella kielellisellä muistilla ei ollut yhteyttä SLI-lasten dysleksiariskiin. Merkittäväksi dysleksiaa ennustavaksi tekijäksi osoittautui sen sijaan pulmat nopeassa sarjallisessa nimeämisessä, varsinkin mikäli lapsella oli ongelmia myös fonologisessa tietoisuudessa. Aiempaa tutkimusta aiheesta on tehty vasta vähän, mutta nyt saatujen tulosten perusteella näyttää kuitenkin siltä, että kielihäiriöisten lasten dysleksiariskiä ei voida ennustaa samoin kuin tyypillisesti kehittyneiden lasten dysleksiariskiä.
  • Jansson, Linda (2017)
    Dyslexia is a specific learning disability with a neurobiological origin. Structural and functional abnormalities have been identified in the brains of people with dyslexia. These abnormalities, which are believed to arise early during fetal development, are thought to underlie the deficits in phonological skills primarily associated with dyslexia. Therefore, early identification of children at risk and detailed insight into the linguistic processes affected are important to offer personalized support measures. The aim of this thesis was to study current structural and functional findings associated with the neurobiology of dyslexia. Specifically, the study focused on how brain areas and neurobiological processes involved in reading are different in people with dyslexia compared to normal readers, and whether the same structural and functional differences can be identified in all persons with dyslexia. This work was performed as a descriptive review article, where relevant scientific original articles were screened for using search databases and a defined search phrase. The material was restricted to include articles from the last five years. The material included research on developmental dyslexia where the results had been obtained using MRI, fMRI, or MRI-based methods to obtain results with good spatial resolution. The results demonstrated structural anomalies in gray and white matter in people with dyslexia. In addition, locally abnormal brain activation patterns as well as local and global abnormalities in functional connections within and between brain areas associated with various linguistic components were demonstrated in people with dyslexia. Different subtypes of dyslexia could be differentiated based on differences in brain activity. Taken together, the results presented in this thesis show that atypical local and global patterns of gray matter and local differences in white matter characterize dyslexia. Furthermore, it is shown, that several different linguistic components are affected by dyslexia. Whether different subtypes of dyslexia can be distinguished based on structural differences remains unclear, but differentiation between subtypes of dyslexia based on differences in brain activity is possible.
  • Pöllä, Satu (2017)
    Body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) is a disorder that consists of a distressing and impairing preoccupation with a nonexistent or slight defect in appearance. Patients often seek surgical, dermatologic and other nonpsychiatric medical treatment for their perceived appearance flaws. Psychological and pharmacological interventions are suggested format for the treatment. The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the treatments of body dysmorphic disorder. The main interest is in the effectiveness of psychotherapy and which therapeutic techniques or strategies are effective in the treatment of body dysmorphic disorder. Although research on treatment is still limited, findings support the effectiveness of psychotherapy suggesting that cognitive-behavioral therapy is effective in treating patients with body dysmorphic disorder. Effective therapy may consist of both cognitive and/or behavioral elements, but use of exposure and response prevention is reported in many studies. Findings also suggest that serotonin reuptake inhibitors may be useful in treating patients with body dysmorphic disorder but nonpsychiatric medical treatment usually does not improve BDD symptoms. Although treatments improved the appearance of the treated body part, it led not to improvement in BDD symptoms.
  • Kivijärvi, Alpo (2019)
    Objectives. The aim of this study is to examine dumpster diving as a phenomenon and its part of every day life’s actions. The study examines also how dumpster divers reason their targets when acquiring abandoned goods. Society produces countless amounts of waste annually and dumpster diving is a way to re-use food or other commodities which are thrown away. Dumpster diving has often considered to be a way for poor and marginalised people to attain necessities, but previous studies have also presented that critical approach to consumer society, ecological and ethical values are linked to dumpster diving. This study approaches dumpster diving from every day life’s point of view. Methods. Five people around Finland attended to this qualitative study via Facebook, yet one of them cancelled her participation during interviews. Data was collected by organising a se-mi-structured theme interview which was conducted via phone conversation. I used abductive reasoning and other basic methods of qualitative research as analythical methods. Results and conclusions. For most of my subjects dumpster diving was occasional hobby and their goals were mostly hedonistic. For 75% of subjects reason for dumpster diving was to save money. Only one of four subjects reasoned his actions from ethical and ecological view. Based on this study’s results, dumpster diving seems to be only a way to consume among the other every day life’s actions instead of being an ethical objection.
  • Hietala, Jenny (2016)
    Goals: The purpose of this study was to find out how to ethically sensitively persons working in the financial business self-evaluate themselves. The study also wanted to find out if there are any differences between men and women in their ethical sensitivity. The theoretical background for the thesis is about four moral components by James Rest, Muriel Bebeau and Darcia Narvaez (1999), of which an ethical sensitivity was studied in this work in more detail. Methods: The study was conducted by quantitative research method, and the data were collected in August 2015 from a metropolitan area banking group. Offices located in Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa and Kauniainen. The responses were collected through a e-form, which was answered by 183 people. 77.6% of respondents were women (N = 142) and men 22.4% (N = 41). Ethical sensitivity was measured by ESSQ - meter (Tirri, Nokelainen 2007, 2011), which consisted of 28 statements, which were answered by a 5-point Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree ... 5 = strongly agree). From these 28 ESSQ - meter statements were formed by seven different factors, whose reliability was measured by Cronbach's alpha. The averages of the results were examined with the T-test. Results and conclusions: Bank employees have been assessed by the highest ethical sensitivity areas ESSQ_2 and ESSQ_3, those averages are ESSQ_2 = 4.2199 and ESSQ_3 = 4.1680. The lowest average received ESSQ_7 = 3.4781. Between the sexes, there was in the average differences, but they did not differ from each other statistically significant, as only in the two areas. Generally speaking the ethical sensitivity of the financial business could be slightly higher, although the results are not very disturbing.
  • Vasarainen, Minna (2016)
    Object. Ethical sensitivity is terminologically close to “social intelligence”, which is the new represented form of intelligence. Ethical sensitivity in practice means for example that how well an individual is able to cope with other people and legitimate one’s actions to others. In internet societies it’s a relevant factor when individuals form a new social rules among each other. The goal of the study was to describe the way ethical sensitivity manifests in a one of these societies, which has formed around a game-streaming channel in a streaming service. The subject interested me specially because the channel and streaming environment general involves lot of young people and different kind of information technology takes more and more of our time including youngsters. This study analyzes the streamers actions based on one thematic interview. It also introduces a new work ethic called “hacker ethics” and considers its possibilities among the workers in 21th century in new kinds of environments, which information technology makes possible. Method. The research method was a qualitative case study with a thematic interview. I interviewed one person who streams professionally. In addition, I participated to the channels activity to form a better understanding about the research environment. Conclusions. The streamer has on her/his channel unquestionable power as well as the responsibility of handling the channel. Since the ownership of the channel streamer gives guidelines about the approved behaviour in the channel. The streamer is able to show with her/his own choices one way of coping with different kind of conflict situations despite of biases people might have. Studies have shown that showing an example of approved behaviour might be helpful to decrease bullying via internet.
  • O'Shea, Mia (2019)
    Depression is the most prevalent psychiatric disorder amongst seniors in Finland, with about 5% experiencing major depression at any one time. As the population of Finland is slowly growing older, a large proportion of the nation are in late adulthood or retirement and more effort should be put towards the widespread issues which come with old age. Most cases of geriatric depression are treated with either psychosocial interventions or antidepressant treatments, neither of which guarantee definitive success in eliminating symptoms altogether. Antidepressants especially often come with unwanted side-effects, conflict with other medications and are expensive in long-term treatment. Listening to music could be administered as a standalone treatment or within music therapy as a cost-effective, non-invasive and non-pharmacological treatment for elderly depression. Music acts as a powerful stimulant by altering neural activation in many functional brain areas associated with audition, emotions, memory, and movement. Listening to music has been found to alleviate symptoms of depression by encouraging emotional expression, processing of feelings and by altering negative mental states. The purpose of this review was to explore previous research in order to conclusively draw together findings in the effects of music listening on late-life depression. Google Scholar and PubMed -databases were thoroughly enquired to find the latest meta-analyses, systematic reviews, randomized controlled trials and other information relevant to the subject. Altogether three of the most recent meta-analyses were included, as well as an additional three systematic reviews and three RCTs published outside of these. Drawing together findings from various sources, it is evident that music listening has complex beneficial effects and is an effective method in reducing depressive symptoms in older adults. Music listening can be implemented as a therapeutic tool in stand-alone treatment, as part of an intervention or within a music therapy framework.