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Närhi, Leena (2018)Aims. Social and emotional learning (SEL) is a process in which you learn and practice the regulation of your own activities and the development and regulation of joint activities. Earlier research shows that social and emotional skills are as important in learning as aca-demic or cognitive skills. Previous studies indicate that social and emotional learning bene-fits students. From the teacher's point of view the impact of SEL has been studied scarcely. The aim of this thesis was to describe, analyse and interpret how social and emotional learning affects the work of a teacher. Research questions are how social and emotional learning affects to the work of a teacher and what factors contribute to SEL implementation in the school environment. Methodology. The systematized literature review of six different databases was performed to find the resent peer-reviewed studies dealing with social and emotional learning from a teacher's point of view in elementary, upper secondary and secondary schools during 2015–2018. As a result of the search was found eleven articles that were analysed by qualitative content analysis method. Results and conclusions. Research on the impact of SEL on the teacher's work is still lim-ited, but it has increased during the 21st century. School level support and SEL training were linked to the proven SEL competency and SEL implementation at school. SEL was in touch with the teacher's experience of stress, job satisfaction, and the atmosphere. School-level support and experienced SEL competence seem to reduce experienced stress and in-crease job satisfaction and improve the atmosphere in classroom work.
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