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  • Karhu, Milja (2017)
    Linguistic development is one of the most important things in people’s lives. With language, you can collect and store information and that’s why language is so important of what comes to any learning. The purpose of this study was to find out how kindergarten teachers support children aged 0–3 linguistic development in kindergartens. Material for this study was gathered using a theme interview. I interviewed three kindergarten teachers, who had experience of working in kindergarten with children aged 0–3. The interviews were individual interviews and the material was recorded and transcribed. According to the results of the study kindergarten teachers had many different means for supporting the linguistic development. Kindergarten teachers used pictures, naming, conversations with children, music, rhymes and tales. The most useful and easiest to use was naming and conversations with children. The teachers said that these two means are the easiest to use in everyday basis and they support the development the most.
  • Palonen, Ella (2017)
    Abstract Self-regulation means the ability to control own emotions, behavior and cognitive operations as required by the environment. This research focuses on examining how self-regulation skills of children from 3 to 5 years are supported in the kindergarten. The research question was (1) how is the development of self-regulation skills of children from 3 to 5 years supported in the kindergarten according to kindergarten teachers? The research question had three parts. (1.1) How kindergarten teachers define self-regulation? (1.2) In which ways development of self-regulation is supported in the kindergarten? (1.3) How kindergarten teachers explain these methods? Previous research has shown that child learns self-regulation by interacting with others. Feedback from environment and the way how adult responds to child’s actions have an impact on development of self-regulation. The method of this research was qualitative. The data was collected by using half-structured interview. The data consists of three interviews, which were conducted in three different kindergartens in Vantaa. All three interviewees had kindergarten teacher degree and they all had worked in the field at least five years. The data was analyzed by themes, which were based on research questions and interview questions. The results of this research brought out that the way adult guides and encourages child in the kindergarten activities in the early childhood education were essential. Creating positive atmosphere, presence of an adult, and adult’s own example were seen as important parts of teaching self-regulation skills. It also seemed to be important to use different kind of pictures while guiding child and vary the size of child groups. Kindergarten teachers defined that self-regulation skills include of the way child controls their actions, behaviors and how child concentrates on doing something without the distraction of environment.
  • Hanna, Klemetti (2016)
    Tutkimukseni tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten lastentarhanopettajat tukevat 3-5-vuotiaiden lasten lukivalmiuksia kahden fonologisen tietoisuuden sisällön eli kirjain-äännevastaavuuksien ja äänteiden erottelun harjoittelun kautta. Myös haluan tietää, miten tukemista tapahtuu arjessa keskustelun, lukemisen ja riimittelyn yhteydessä. Lopuksi opettajat saavat kertoa avoimesti, mitä muita tukitapoja he käyttävät työssään. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat, että lasten välillä on suuria eroja lukemistietoisuudessa ja lukutaidossa koulun aloitusvaiheessa ja että lukemaan opettaminen olisi syytä aloittaa jo ennen koulua. Hypoteesini on, että lastentarhanopettajien tukitavat eroavat toisistaan. Tämän kvalitatiivisen tutkimuksen aineistonkeruun toteutin teemahaastatteluilla ja tutkimuksessa on fenomenografinen näkökulma. Haastattelin touko-kesäkuussa 2015 kolmea lastentarhanopettajaa, jotka työskentelivät 3-5-vuotiaiden ryhmissä. Haastattelut nauhoitettiin ja litteroitiin. Tämän jälkeen analysoin ne laadullisen tutkimuksen sisällönanalyysin ja tutkimus-ongelmiin viittaavan teemoittelun kautta. Tutkimustuloksissa ilmeni, että lastentarhanopettajien tukitavoissa on paljon samankaltaisuuksia, ja yleisesti ottaen he tukevat lasten lukivalmiuksia arjen eri tilanteissa, positiivisesti ja lasten kiinnostuskohteiden kautta. Fonologiseen tietoisuuteen liittyvissä vastauksissa ilmeni asioiden nimeämisen harjoittelu, aikuisen esimerkki ja riimiparien sekä kuvakorttien käyttö tuokioissa. Vuorovaikutusta käsittelevissä vastauksissa nousivat esille asioiden nimeämisen ja havainnoinnin tärkeys. Aikuisten tulisi siis seurata lasten kommunikointia ja sopivalla hetkellä osallistua siihen. Opettajat kertoivat, että kirjoja luetaan ryhmissä päivittäin ja tarinasta keskustellaan samalla lukemisen aikana. Lasten riimittelytaitoja opettajat tukevat huumorin, sanojen tutkimisen ja musiikin avulla. Positiivinen ilmapiiri ja lasten kiinnostuskohteiden käyttö nousivat esille keskusteltaessa muista tukemisen tavoista. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että lasten lukivalmiuksia voidaan harjoitella päivähoidossa erittäin monipuolisesti ja lapsia innostavalla tavalla kaikissa päivän tilanteissa. Vastauksissa korostuivat juuri erityisesti arjen pedagogiikan käyttäminen, aikuisen positiivinen asenne ja lasten kiinnostuskohteiden huomioiminen harjoittelussa.
  • Lehikoinen, Suvi (2019)
    The purpose of this study is to research views of early childhood teachers about the social skills of 3 to 5-year-old children and how to enhance them in the day care group. It is also interesting to find out how teachers see their role in the development of childrens’ social skills. Previous studies have shown that teachers see the achievement of socio-emotional skills very important. In the past, studies have also shown that consistent teachers’ emotional support contributes to the development of social skills in children with this age. This research is qualitative and the material was collected by interviewing four teachers of early childhood education. The interviews were conducted at agreed times at the teachers' workplaces. The interviews were 14-26 minutes long and the total length of the transcript was 16 pages. The material was analyzed using theory-driven content analysis. As a guiding theory in the analysis phase I used earlier studies, The National Core Curriculum for Early childhood Education and Care 2018 and early childhood education act. Five different themes related to the social skills of children aged 3 to 5 and their promotion came up from the interview material. Consistent themes in teachers' perceptions were the importance of skills, individuality in development and goals. All interviewees felt that promoting skills was an important goal in their work. The skills of being in the group, self-regulating and negotiating skills, and working with others were seen as important goals in the development of social skills. Among the answers to the questions about the promotion of skills were the building of the environment and the role of the adult. Building the environment for social skills development emerged in all interviews. Safety was seen as an important factor in the construction of the environment, and this is created by the presence and, if necessary, interference of the adult in different situations. All interviews emphasized the importance of an adult's presence in the sense of child safety and the resolution of conflict situations. I contrasted the interview material with the Basics of Early Education Plan 2018 and the Early Childhood Education Act. The views that emerged from the interviews were consistent with the content of the documents.
  • Ryynänen, Lilli (2019)
    My Bachelor's thesis is a qualitative study which aims to identify the early childhood education teacher’s ideas of the self-esteem of 3 – 5 years and the importance of a healthy self-esteem. In addition, the study examines the way in which early childhood education contributes to the healthy self-esteem of children, which may possibly be an obstacle to its development and the influence of the home culture on the development of children's self-esteem. A few previous studies have been found in support of self-esteem in early childhood education. In Finland, the most extensive research on this subject is the thesis of Päivi Koivisto from 2007, "Yksilöllistä huomiota arkisissa tilanteissa”: Developing a Kindergarten culture to strengthen the self-esteem of childrens. The data for my thesis was gathered from three Southern Finnish municipalities in late 2018. The Material was collected by interviewing five qualified early childhood teachers. Interviews were conducted through thematic interviews. The Material is analysed by using the phenomenographic analytical method. The Results show that each interviewee knew the basics of self-esteem, and they taught that supporting a healthy self-esteem is an important task in everyday life. They felt that the development of the healthy self-esteem of children was best supported by a bracing meeting, positive interaction and by highlighting the strengths of the children. The importance of cooperation with parents is important. With that we can support parent’s own self-esteem or parenthood, as well as making visible children's strengths. Although the interviewee felt the importance of supporting a healthy self-esteem, they felt that the demanding of educational work effects so that educators couldn’t daily face the children, because of hurry and exhaustion, so that it would support the development of a healthy self-esteem. Every interviewee experienced a major challenge in the work of incompetent or unprofessional educators who may not have the skill or interest to confront and interact with children in order to support children's self-esteem. Due to the parent’s personal problems, children face with more challenges in the foundations of self-esteem. In the case of these children, the interviewns highlighted routines and the need for safe, reliable, sensitive and supportive adults in the everyday life of early childhood education.
  • Ketonen, Tilla (2019)
    Basic motor skills are the base of mobility and learning those skills is a the central aim of physical education targets. The stage of learning basic motor skills is on average from the age of three until the age of seven, when the child adopts most of the basic motor skills. It is important for children to have a lot of physical experience to practice basic motor skills. The aim of this study was to find out how basic motor skills for 3 – 5-year-old children’s basic motor skills can be supported by kindergarten’s organized physical education. The aim was also to find out how the kindergarten teacher motivates and inspires children who are passive movers. The questions in this study were the following: What kind of challenges do 3 – 5-years- olds have in their physical exercise? How can the development of basic motor skills be supported in organized physical exercise and in particular how are the different skills of children supported? How to inspire and motivate 3 – 5-year-olds to move? The study was a qualitative case study which was made in cooperation with a day-care center in Espoo. The material was collected in October 2018 by interviewing the kindergarten teacher and by observing a organized physical exercise. A small group of 3 – 5-year-olds with eight children participated in the observation. The interview was a thematic interview where the interviewee answered to the pre-defined questions. Some of the responses were supplementary questions about the issues raised by the observation. The processing phase of the material started by searching similarities through the themes that were shown in the interview and observation. The study material was processed with by theming. The material of the interview was analyzed by content analysis. The research results found that a kindergarten teacher can motivate and inspire children to move with the teacher own attitude, encouragement, catching children’s interests as well as with imagination and play. Kindergarten teacher sees the challenges of behavior and instructions to be more challenging than problems of child’s motor skills. The results of this study provide guidance and models for the pedagogical work of educators in the field of physical education for kindergartens.
  • Klemelä, Sanni (2017)
    This Bachelor thesis is a research about women’s experinces about the 5:2–diet, how the 5:2-diet affects their life management experience and how they share their experience in different internet forums. My research material was four different internet discussions in which the participiants were only women. The material was collected during the spring of 2014, at a time when the 5:2-diet was at it`s peak popularity in Finland. The 5:2 -diet or fast diet consists of two low calorie consumption days – which should not be consecutive – and of five unmoderated consumption days. In the theoretical framework I analyze a problematic relationship between women and food in Western Culture. Nowadays woman's body and health ideals are very strict which can make woman's eating behaviors very ambiguous, for example when they try to control emotions with food. The women also socialized to eat according to gender roles. When I analyze the results of the study I will define life management as coping-life management. Coping-life management will take into account both the internal- and external -dimension of life management. External life management means that the individual protects herself against unexpected factors which otherwise would disturb her balance. Internal life management means that an individual has the ability to adapt and think positively no matter what happens. In this research I combine the topics I introduce in the theoretical framework, and examine how women experience the 5:2 diet affecting their life management experience. For the analysis I divide factors affecting the management of life into four categories: A) achieving goals B) fulfillment of needs C) work and functional capacity D) maintaining the quality of life. In all the categories women's experience take into account the internal- and external -dimension of life management experience. The results of the study show that when women achieve their goal to lose weight, it increases the positive life management experience. When losing weight was not going according to plan, the internal life management skills needed to deal with emotions and solve problems. The external dimension of life management study will appear in individuals outside the way when the state tries to affect the citizens' health. Among the discussing women nutrition- and healthcare -recommendations are not seen as punishing but rather as invisibly guiding the individuals. Many women continue the 5: 2-diet because they fear that if they stop the lost weight would come back. Hence for many, the experiment had become a way of life.
  • Leskinen, Enni (2017)
    Objectives. Previous studies show that using music and songs in particular is an effective way to teach a new language to a child. Linguistically incompetent child may take part in a music moment and experience the feeling of achievement and belonging to a group. According to research it is also important to support the child's native language in order to make it possible to learn a new language. The objective of this research is to find out how do kindergarten teachers experience the use of songs as a tool in supporting language learning of 5 to 6-year-old children with Finnish as a second language. The research studied the tools used in supporting the learning of songs and mapped out kindergarten teachers' visions of themselves as an implementer of music pedagogy. Methods. This research was executed as a qualitative research. The research method was thematic interview and I interviewed five kindergarten teachers who work in the metropolitan area. Material's analytical method was content analysis. Findings and the conclusion. The kindergarten teachers experienced singing as a daily and significant way to teach language. Songs were appointed as the best method to teach language, for both children speaking Finnish as a native language and for those speaking Finnish as a second language. Each interviewee had experiences and examples of how linguistically incompetent children can express themselves by using songs. Children with Finnish as a second language, whose persuasion forbids music education or some parts of it, are taken into consideration especially during Christmas. Pictures and signs were definitely the most used methods supporting songs. In addition, the kindergarten teachers used methods of drama and physical education. Apart from one respondent the interviewees experienced the use of songs as "their thing" and told that they also have music related hobbies. None of the kindergarten teachers clearly brought out the way the native language of the child is supported. Arguing the use of songs was left at a practical stage. With additional research, it is possible to find out how kindergarten should support the child's own culture and the development of their native language.
  • Anttila, Linda (2019)
    The subject of this bachelor’s thesis is strengthening prosocial skills of children aged 6-7 with new children’s literature. This study aims to report what kind of prosocial behavior Finnish children’s literature made for children aged 6-7 contains. This study also explores what kind of themes there are with prosocial behavior in the books and how the children’s book separates from each other from view of strengthening prosocial skills. The thesis studies children’s literature that contain four top seller books from the year 2018. The material of this thesis is analysed with theory-based content analysis. Theory-based content analysis is suitable for studying written material and pictures. The material is being studied from the view key element of prosocial behaviour: helping, comforting, taking others into consideration, cooperation and encouraging. The results of this thesis show that key elements of prosocial behaviour are found from the children’s book, that construct the material of this study, Number of elements vary between books. Structure of books has impact on results. Children’s novel has the most of elements. Common themes with prosocial elements in every book are friendliness, friendship and family. Books differ from each other how elements have divided between books. Stories and themes of books explains that. The study shows that new children’s books contains elements of prosocial behaviour. These elements need to be highlighted so that they are in any help of strengthening children’s prosocial skills. Educator needs to be involved and familiar with the issue. Reading times together with children are just not enough.
  • Weckström, Linda (2017)
    Goals. The goal of this bachelor’s thesis is to investigate and describe 9th graders’ eating habits. Previous studies have shown that teenagers eat irregularly and skip important meals. In addition, studies show that especially boys eat less fruits and vegetables than is recommended. On the other hand, girls seem to skip more meals during the day but also consume more delicacies than boys. Based on previous studies, my hypothesis is that teenagers’ eating habits do not follow current recommendations. Many previous studies have been focusing on teenagers’ school time eating and families’ food practices but in my opinion teenagers’ eating overall needs more attention. This thesis concentrates on teenagers’ overall eating on work days: before, during and after the school day. Also, the goal is to define which factors influence teenagers eating habits. Methods. The focus group of this thesis were students on 9th grade and the data was collected using food diaries. The food diaries were collected in two different cities, in two separate schools. Altogether 20 students took part in the study, from which 9 were from Helsinki and 11 from Vantaa. The gathered data was analysed thematically and by using tabulation. Results and conclusion. Meal rhythm was quite irregular among teenagers. From all meals students skipped school lunch most frequently. Also, breakfast was skipped often but dinner instead was eaten quite regularly. Majority of students consumed fruits and vegetables daily. Eating delicacies was not as common as eating fruits and vegetables but every third ate del-icacies on a daily basis. Gender was significant factor influencing on teenagers eating habits: on average girls ate all meals scantier than boys. In addition, weekday also had a slight im-pact on students’ eating, students ate more regularly in the beginning of the week. Location of the schools also somewhat affected on students eating, for students from Helsinki ate most of their daily meals more regularly compared to students from Vantaa, but on the other hand also delicacy consumption was more frequent in Helsinki.
  • Kulovesi, Minttu (2018)
    The purpose of this study is to describe and investigate the use of AAC methods in school-age children and adolescents, and to examine the use of AAC particularly in terms of interaction, social inclusion and peer relationships. Earlier studies have shown many challenges in communication and interaction environments with children using AAC, so this study is made to find out whether the challenges are present in this material also, and whether there are also positive observations in terms of interaction or relationships. I am also interested in searching for what needs to be developed, especially with the school system. Research question is as follows: How does the interactions and peer relationships of children using AAC appear in the research material? The research material was examined using an integrative literature review and a qualitative content analysis method. The research material consists of five peer-reviewed scientific articles from different countries, published in 2012-2017. The articles discuss the social skills, interaction, communication challenges and peer relationships of school-aged children (aged 6-16) using AAC. The results of the research were divided into five themes. The themes are as follow: 1: the number of interaction experiences, 2: the structural factors, 3: the availability of the AAC method, 4: the significance of the interaction partner, and 5: the desire to participate. The main results under each theme are as follows:1: lack of common time, weaker social skills, 2: non-accessibility, timetable problems, lack of co-operation, 3: AAC not available, AAC bans; 4: must know how to use AAC, preferring adults, lack of friends, and 5: little interaction initiatives, and failures affecting motivation.
  • Forss, Krista (2018)
    Aim. In pre-primary education ADHD-diagnosed children can be found in special groups, integrated groups and also in ordinary groups. It is important that teachers, who work in pre-primary education groups, recognize the individual needs of ADHD-diagnosed children and consider them in all teaching situations, including physical education. The purpose of this study was to find out the needs of ADHD-diagnosed children in pre-primary education during physical education and teachers’ ways to consider these needs. Methods. This study was a qualitative study. The material was collected in January 2018 by interviewing four pre-primary teachers working in the Helsinki metropolitan area, whose groups included an ADHD-diagnosed child. The interviewees were all trained as kindergarten teachers and one of the interviewees was also a qualified special kindergarten teacher. All pre-primary education teachers had at least 15 years of teaching experience and two interviewees had also worked as a day-care centre’s manager. The interviews were conducted as theme interviews in the pre-primary teachers’ workplaces. After the interviews, the material was transcribed and analyzed by content analysis. Results. The results showed that some of the ADHD-diagnosed children had difficulties with regulating their behaviour and emotions. Additionally, one ADHD-diagnosed child had weak motor skills and two very low self-esteem. The needs of ADHD-diagnosed children in physical education were, in spite of the common diagnosis, individualised. Pre-primary teachers make sure to consider ADHD-diagnosed children’s needs in physical education making sure that children have various options to move, simplifying the teaching situations, developing routines that add the feeling of safety and strengthening the child’s self-esteem for example giving lots of positive feedback. All pre-primary teachers evaluated the meaning of physical education as very important in their group that includes ADHD-diagnosed child. Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Aim. In pre-primary education ADHD-diagnosed children can be found in special groups, integrated groups and also in ordinary groups. It is important that teachers, who work in pre-primary education groups, recognize the individual needs of ADHD-diagnosed children and consider them in all teaching situations, including physical education. The purpose of this study was to find out the needs of ADHD-diagnosed children in pre-primary education during physical education and teachers’ ways to consider these needs. Methods. This study was a qualitative study. The material was collected in January 2018 by interviewing four pre-primary teachers working in the Helsinki metropolitan area, whose groups included an ADHD-diagnosed child. The interviewees were all trained as kindergarten teachers and one of the interviewees was also a qualified special kindergarten teacher. All pre-primary education teachers had at least 15 years of teaching experience and two interviewees had also worked as a day-care centre’s manager. The interviews were conducted as theme interviews in the pre-primary teachers’ workplaces. After the interviews, the material was transcribed and analyzed by content analysis. Results. The results showed that some of the ADHD-diagnosed children had difficulties with regulating their behaviour and emotions. Additionally, one ADHD-diagnosed child had weak motor skills and two very low self-esteem. The needs of ADHD-diagnosed children in physical education were, in spite of the common diagnosis, individualised. Pre-primary teachers make sure to consider ADHD-diagnosed children’s needs in physical education making sure that children have various options to move, simplifying the teaching situations, developing routines that add the feeling of safety and strengthening the child’s self-esteem for example giving lots of positive feedback. All pre-primary teachers evaluated the meaning of physical education as very important in their group that includes ADHD-diagnosed child.
  • Babitzin Isabel (2018)
    The main purpose of this literature overview is to examine the effects of educating handcrafts to ADHD pupils in terms of their self-esteem and self-image. In addition, in this research paper I will observe what type of learning environments and assignments would suit best for a student with ADHD. The objective of this research paper is to provide information for the handcrafts teachers about pupils having ADHD and instructions on how to process that disorder in handcrafts teaching. I collected my research data on 23 March 2017 by using four different search engines that are Helka, Laurea Finna, Google Scholar and Melinda. Keywords that were used were combinations of different words relating to the subject, such as "handcrafts and special education pupil", "handcrafts and self-esteem" and ADHD. By using the latter keywordI found several results in English. I included one piece of English literature to my research. According to the intake criteria after collecting background material I categorized the material based on both the titel and table of contents. The intake criteria consisted of Finnish and English literature published no later than in 2000. Based on these criteria I selected 15 pieces of pragmatic literature as my research material. The outcome of this literature overview is that the teacher, learning environment and given assignments have significant effect on the self-esteem and self-image of an ADHD pupil. The key findings of the reasons affecting the self-esteem and self-image were the way ADHD pupils were located in the classroom, teacher's understanding attitude and knowledge of the disorder and the way of giving over positive feedback for pupils suffering the disorder. Learning assignments, too, have a significant role in affecting the self-esteem of a pupil, thus the assignments should be challenging enough considering the level of knowledge of a pupil. In almost every classroom there is a pupil with ADHD. Therefore, it is crucial as a teacher to recognize the weaknesses and strenghts of a pupil with ADHD. This thesis summarizes the results of several different pieces of research.
  • Hytönen, Heidi (2016)
    Aims. Aggressive behaviour should not be allowed to children. At the day care, it is important to intervene every situation when child behaves aggressively and guide him to find better ways to behave. The aim of the research was to find out how kindergarten special education teacher and kindergarten teacher understand child’s aggression behaviour, what kind of experience they have about it and how they support a child who behaves aggressively at day care. In my research, I focus on children who are over 3 years old. Methods. Research method was qualitative, phenomenographic research. As a data collection method, I used theme interview and as a method of analysis, I used content analysis. I interviewed one kindergarten teacher, one special education kindergarten teacher and one kindergarten resource special education teacher. All of them work for the city of Helsinki and they have between 20 to 40 years of work experience. Results and conclusions. According to the research results, the interviewees thought that child’s aggressive behaviour was both physical and verbal. All of the interviewees told that they encounter child’s aggressive behaviour almost daily at their work. There were similarities and differences in the way kindergarten special education teachers and kindergarten teachers support a child who behaves aggressively. Different educational backgrounds might be explanatory factor. All of the interviewees brought up that it is important that adults remain calm when a child acts aggressively. Due to the safety reasons, they sometimes had to hold the child until the child can be calmed down. The kindergarten special education teachers brought up teaching the child the skill to recognize and name feelings.
  • Åsvik, Miranda (2019)
    The purpose of my bachelor’s thesis was to describe the thoughts of children who speak both Finnish and Swedish as their first languages. I investigated how bilingual children make a language choice when interacting with peers. I also observed how code-switching from Finnish to Swedish appeared in children’s talk. My intent was to expand the understanding of language development of a bilingual child from an early education teacher’s view. The questions of my study were: 1. What thoughts do children who speak Finnish and Swedish as their first languages have about bilingualism? 2. How do bilingual children make a language choice when interacting with peers? 3. How does code-switching appear in children’s talk? My thesis was a qualitative study and as the study method I used a theme interview. I gathered the material by interviewing four simultaneously bilingual children aged six to eight who speak both Finnish and Swedish as their first languages. I analysed the material with content analysis. The study shows that children think their bilingualism is a natural part of their lives. They had thoughts about languages transferring from one generation to next. When interacting with peers children followed their joint language history and also negotiated what languages to use together. Appearance of code-switching was variable. Code-switching worked as a part of children’s language strategy to make discussion more fluent. The conclusion of the study is that bilingualism generally does not affect child’s language development. Children mainly do not feel that their bilingualism is a negative thing. Code-switching is a conscious language skill and strategy. In an interaction between bilingual children it is natural to speak both languages and negotiate together which languages to use.
  • Alho, Erika (2019)
    Tunnekasvatuksella voidaan vaikuttaa oppilaan kokonaisvaltaiseen hyvinvointiin, akateemiseen menestykseen sekä koulun sosiaaliseen ilmapiiriin. Tunnetaitojen heikkous puolestaan altistaa käytöshäiriöille ja syrjäytymiselle. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on kuvata, millaisia mahdollisuuksia tunnetaitojen opetuksen integroimisella äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden oppiaineeseen voi olla. Tunnekasvatuksen tarve on huomioitu uudessa opetussuunnitelmassa, mutta käytännössä opetus ei ole vielä systemaattista ja ennaltaehkäisevää, oppilaiden tasapainoisen tunne-elämän kehitystä tukevaa. Tutkielmassa kuvataan tunnekasvatuksen asemaa suomalaisessa alakoulussa opetussuunnitelman velvoittamana, oppiaineeseen sitoutumattomana sisältönä. Tutkielmassa selvitetään, miten äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden oppiaineessa voidaan tukea tunnekasvatuksen tavoitteita ja mikä merkitys lastenkirjallisuudella voi olla oppilaan tunnetaitojen ja kokonaisvaltaisen hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistona käytettiin kotimaista ja ulkomaalaista teoriakirjallisuutta, tutkimuksia ja muita tieteellisiä artikkeleita, sekä muutamia opinnäytteitä. Aineisto on rajattu harkinnanvaraisesti suhteessa tutkittavaan ilmiöön. Tunnekasvatuksen asema alakoulussa on yhä hajanainen, vaikka opettajat tunnustavat tunnetaitojen merkityksen oppimisen edellytyksenä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella tunnekasvatuksen integrointi äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden oppiaineeseen näyttäytyy tarkoituksenmukaisena ja tehokkaana. Tunnekasvatuksen tavoitteita on mahdollista tukea äidinkielen ja kirjallisuuden opetuksen osana, kun toiminta on tavoitteellista ja opettajat tietoisia vaikutusmahdollisuuksistaan. Lasten- ja nuortenkirjallisuuden lukemisella ja käsittelyllä voi alakoulussa olla tunnetaitojen tukemisen kautta rooli oppilaan kokonaisvaltaisen hyvinvoinnin edistäjänä.
  • Ruohonen, Anni (2019)
    Objectives. The purpose of this study was to find out the experiences of pre-school children on how to deal with bullying situations. The aim was to get the children to have their own voice in an issue that touches their world of experience. The study also sought to find out how children define bullying and whether they feel some ways of resolving bullying situations as negative. Earlier studies have shown that bullying also occurs with early childhood education. Studies have also found that intervention methods classified as sensitive produce better results from both victim and bullying perspectives than non-sensitive methods. This research provides an important child perspective on how to deal with bullying situations. Methods. This research is qualitative research and research perspective is phenomenology. The research material was collected from two kindergartens in Espoo, where a total of five pre-school children were interviewed. A total of three children were interviewed in the first nursery and two children in the other. The interviews were carried out in thematic interviews at the nursery premises in November 2018. Individual interviews were recorded and transcribed. The material was analyzed by material-based and theory-driven content analysis. Results and conclusions. From the results of the research it can be stated that children could name different forms of bullying: psychological, physical and verbal. The easiest thing is to name physical forms of bullying, such as hitting, kicking and throwing goods. The solutions to bullying situations in children's experiences varied between sensitive and non-sensitive methods, and it was not possible to name very in-depth solutions - for some, simply telling the adult was enough. From children’s point of view it seems to be important either to learn something or move forward from the bullying situations. Adult’s role didn’t always seem to be central in solving the bullying situations, but children also named the victim, the bully and a defender. On the other hand, in the case of negative solutions, the adult was always a key factor. Negative solutions are, according to the investigator's interpretation, mostly those in which the situation is not actually solved, only suspended. This research can be used as a tool to develop activities to prevent and tackle day-to-day bullying.
  • Ämmälä, Sanni (2019)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia käsityöntekijä Julia Latva-Panttilan elämäkertaa hänen käsitöistä käsin. Julia Latva-Panttilalta jäi valtava kokoelma käsitöitä hänen elämänsä varrelta ja hänet muistetaan tarkkana ja ahkerana käsityöntekijänä sekä erittäin aktiivisena Kurikan kansalaisopiston opiskelijana. Tutkimuksessa selvitetään, miten käsityöt ovat kulkeneet Julian mukana läpi hänen elämänsä sekä miten kansalaisopisto on vaikuttanut yksittäisen opiskelijan elämään. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin elämäkerrallista tapaustutkimusta. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla Julian vanhinta lasta Liisa Kirvestä. Aineistona toimi myös Liisa Kirveen Kurikan kansalaisopistossa keräämä haastatteluaineisto, johon osallistui neljä Julian tuntenutta henkilöä. Tutkimuksessa esiintyvät tapahtumat ovat ajoitettu aikajärjestykseen, mutta tarkkoja vuosilukuja kaikille tapahtumille ei ole. Huomioitavaa myös on, että haastattelu on toteutettu toisen ihmisen kertomana eli itse asianomainen Julia Latva-Panttila ei ole asioita kertonut ja muistellut. Julia Latva-Panttilan elämässä käsityöt olivat hyvin suuressa roolissa. Kudonta oli Julialle ehdottomasti tärkein käsityötekniikka. Julia oli käsitöitä tehdessään hyvin tarkka ja täsmällinen eikä sallinut epäsiistiä jälkeä. Käsityöt kulkivat Julian elämässä läpi eri elämänvaiheiden ja asutettujen kaupunkien. Tutkimuksessa selviää, että vapaalla sivistystyöllä oli erittäin suuri rooli Julian elämässä. Kansalaisopisto toi hänen eläkepäiviinsä rytmiä, ohjelmaa, seuraa ja uuden oppimista. Julia oli nopea ja innokas oppija, joka muistetaan kansalaisopistolla ahkerana opiskelijana. Kansalaisopisto ylläpiti Julian käsityöharrastusta ja toi siihen uusia ulottuvuuksia uusien käsityötekniikoiden avulla. Kansalaisopiston avulla Julia oppi sellaisia tekniikoita, joita hän tuskin olisi opetellut yksinään ilman seuraa ja opettajaa. Vapaa sivistystyö ylläpiti Julian kohdalla elämän mittaista harrastusta ja toteutti elinikäisen oppimisen periaatetta.
  • Kotilainen, Aija Elina (2016)
    Aims. The purpose of this thesis is to study subject teachers’ conception of the special support given in schools. The special education system in Finland has been renewed in recent years. The special support given in schools is divided into three steps (general support, intensified support and special support) and it is called the tripartite support system. The idea behind this division is that the measure of support is planned individually according to the need for support (Basic Education Act, 1998/642). Previous studies have shown that the reform of the special education system has expanded the job description especially when it comes to elementary school teachers and subject teachers and this is experienced as add to the work load (OAJ, 2012). First, the intension of this thesis is to analyze how subject teachers emphasize the heterogeneity of the groups they teach. Furthermore, it is also reflected if there is a certain trend subject teachers discuss about their skills to support pupils with special needs. Finally, it is studied how subject teachers see their capacity and possibilities to provide sufficient support for learning and school attendance. Methodology. The thesis was a qualitative case study and the analyzing methods were discourse analysis and thematic analysis. Research material consisted of four semi-structured interviews of subject teachers. Results and conclusions. The study revealed that the teachers have positive attitudes towards students with special needs, although they had not received supplementary training to carry out the tripartite support system. The teachers had not participated in multiprofessional cooperation and they considered not having sufficient resources to support their students as the law and the Finnish National Core Curriculum demand. However, subject teachers judged that the special education support and the right for student counseling occurs in their school. According to these findings, subject teachers’ continuing education should still be increased. In addition, subject teachers should also become a solid part of the multiprofessional team planning the support for the students with special needs. Besides, it should be taken into account that teachers have sufficient resources to provide the support as required in the National Core Curriculum and Basic Education Act.
  • Lindh, Aino (2018)
    The purposes. Aino (1894 – 1949) and Alvar Aalto (1898 – 1976) were architects and designers whose work is well known around the world. Aalto had a holistic way of thinking about architectural work, which meant creating detailed compilations, including designing textiles also. Artek used other textile producers too, but this paper focuses on the textiles Aino and Alvar Aalto designed themselves for their interior designs, furniture and world exhibitions. The purpose of this research is to figure out what textiles Aino Aalto designed at the time when Artek was founded in the 30´s and what textiles Alvar Aalto designed later, in the 50’s. Aino and especially Alvar Aalto’s architectural work and furniture design has been researched extensively, but less has been written of their textiles. Therefore, one purpose of this research is to lighten this less known area of the Aalto’s work. The methods. For the artefact study in this research I photographed every fabric sample (over 100pcs) in the Alvar Aalto Archives in Jyväskylä and sorted them by the models/prints, colours and designers. The following steps in the research were done based on the photographs. There were five different models designed by Aino Aalto among the samples, four of them were screen printed fabrics and one was a woven textile. There were five different prints designed by Alvar Aalto. For closer examination, four of Aino Aalto’s and four of Alvar Aalto’s textiles were chosen for this research. The research work analyses the textile design careers of the Aalto’s and how their fabric designs have been in use. The conclusions. Many different colour variations exist of these print designs and they have been printed on various fabrics, for example same print were printed on upholstery and curtain materials. Aino Aalto’s fabric designs have stayed as part of design history and have not been manufactured ever since. She ended up designing fabrics when she worked as Artistic Director in Artek. Alvar Aalto’s ”Siena”-fabric is still in production by Artek, perhaps because of its timeless design.