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  • Räsänen, Tiina (2016)
    In Finnish language there is an opposition between long and short phonemes, so changing the duration of the phone changes the meaning of the word. The purpose of this study was to find out how short and long vowels actualize in the speech of a 2-year-old child and in a speech of an adult in the first syllable of the word. The research question was that is the differentiation between short and long vowels in speech of a child regular and similar to the one in the speech of an adult. For the study I recorded the speech of a 2-year and 5-month-old child and his 29-year-old father as they named object shown in the pictures. First vowels of first syllable of the word was separated from the speech-samples and their duration was measured with Praat-software. Durations of vowels was analysed statistically by comparing both speaker's mean values and standard deviations of short and long phones of every vowel. Child seems to pursue the quantity opposition realized in adult speech, although there is a clearer distinction between durations of short and long vowels in the speech of an adult speaker. Especially short vowels are on average longer in child's speech than in adult's speech, and there is significantly more differences between the mean values of different vowel in the speech of a child. Child also has more deviation in the different variations of the same vowel.
  • Suomela Sandra (2016)
    Social requirements affects to individual’s sleep-rhythm together with the biological clock. The study aims to explore the morningness and eveningness peoples’ experiences of their own life satisfaction by qualitative methods. The theoretical starting point with sleep-rhythm is biological research, which is combined with the background of life satisfaction theo-ries. This study focuses on subjects' own experiences and views of their own chronotype and life satisfaction. Morning-ness-eveningness -division is the ground of examine individuals’ experiences of their life satisfaction, chronotype and the importance of sleep. Analysis of the study is done with phenomenographic methods. Despite the quantitative theory-base, data-driven orienta-tion is highlighted in the analysis. Since cultural factors not been previously taken into account because of the neuropsy-chological studies, the aim of this research is to increase the field with phenomenographic perspective. Life satisfaction and sleep-rhythm is constructed by social demands, for example by work-schedule. The material consists of ten examinees with different life situations. The age varies from 20 to 55. They have responded to the survey in October 2016 with anonymous questionnaire, which has been adapted from earlier sleep- and life satis-faction surveys. The results involves three different groups; morningness, eveningness and both. Based on those, the analyze of life satisfac-tion is done. The third group was unable to identify themselves only morningness or eveningness –type of person. This group can be considered as one of the result. In the addition, all of the examinees determined their chronotype through social requirements. This research is lacking the holiday-period-time evaluation, when sleeping habits could be more re-alistic regardless of working hours. Still, one examinee is connected to very high life satisfaction and the same examinee has the possibility to sleep freely during the week with school or work. Also, by the results, the eveningness-people were not as happy with their chronotype as the morningness-people. The importance of the sleep, showed really high im-portance to all examinees. Sleep’s high relevance in well-being, happiness, state of mind, work and in social relations was maintaineid. All these parts builts life satisfaction. Allthough, we can’t ever definitively control the culture factors, more attention should be taken in the future to those with every sleep-study.
  • Viikinkoski, Nanna (2016)
    Äänenlaatu on vahvasti liitetty persoonallisuuspiirteiden havaitsemiseen puheesta. Äänenlaadun havaitseminen on subjektiivista tulkintaa ja sitä tutkitaan auditiivisten havaintojen pohjalta. Se on määritelty osaksi puheen ekstra- ja paralingvistisiä piirteitä. Yleisimmät äänenlaatua kuvaavat termit ovat: käheä, karhea, nasaalinen, henkäyssoinnillinen, vuotoinen, ohut, falsettinen, kuiskattu, narina, tiukka tai rento ääni. Persoonallisuuspiirteet ovat mitattavissa ja määriteltävissä oleva joukko ihmisten suhteellisen vakinaisia käyttäytymismalleja, ajatuksia ja tunteita. Viiden suuren persoonallisuuspiirteen mallista on rajattu keskeisimmiksi tutkittavaksi havaintopiirteiksi ulospäin suuntautuneisuuden tasot ekstroversio ja introversio. Tämä kandidaatintutkielma perustuu kiinnostukseen tutkia puhujien persoonallisuuspiirteiden ja eri äänenlaatujen suhteita, Äänenlaadun tarkemman ymmärryksen on todettu auttavan ihmisten välistä kommunikointia, ja se on siksi mielenkiintoinen tutkimusaihe ja valittu tämän tutkielman tarkastelun lähtökohdaksi. Tutkimuksessa pyritään selvittämään pystyykö kuulija havainnoimaan ja arvioimaan puhujan äänenlaadunpiirteiden ja puheen tuottotavan perusteella puhujan ulospäin suuntautuneisuutta. Tutkimukseen osallistui neljä 23–24-vuotiasta naiskoehenkilöä pääkaupunkiseudulta. Tutkittavilta äänitettiin normaalia spontaania puhetta Helsingin yliopiston Käyttäytymistieteiden laitoksen äänitysstudiossa. Puhenäytteet analysoitiin kuulonvaraisesti kahdessa eri ryhmässä. Ensimmäisen ryhmän muodostivat ääninäytteen antaneet puhujat ja toisen ulkopuoliset kuuntelijat. Puhujat täyttivät äänenlaadun havainnoista itsearviointilomakkeen ja tekivät Myers-Briggsin tyyppi-indikaattoriteoriaan pohjautuvan persoonallisuuspiirretestin. Toisen äänenlaadun havaintoryhmän muodosti 5 fonetiikan alan opiskelijaa, jotka arvioivat puhenäytteistä puhujan äänenlaatua, puheen tuottotapaa, sekä persoonallisuuspiirteitä. Tutkimuksen havaintoarvioiden mukaan 75 % koehenkilöistä kuvasti äänenlaatunsa perusteella ekstroverttiä puhujaa. Kuuntelijoiden havaintoarviot vastasivat persoonallisuuspiirretestin tuloksia. Ekstrovertin äänenlaatu havaittiin vaihtelevasti karheaksi, kirkkaaksi, korkeaksi, falsettiseksi ja täyteläiseksi. Otoksen koehenkilöistä 25 % kuvasti äänenlaatunsa perusteella introverttia puhujaa. Havainnot vastasivat piirretestin tulosta. Introvertin puhujan äänenlaaduksi havaittiin yhtenäisesti ohut, nielusointinen, matala, nariseva, vuotoinen ja henkäyssointinen ääni. Puhujien itsearviot vastasivat kuuntelijoiden havaintoja äänenlaadusta, mikä tuki myös taustateoriaa persoonallisuuden heijastumisesta äänenlaatuun. Tulosten perusteella voidaan päätellä, että persoonallisuus vaikuttaa äänenlaatuun ja sitä pystytään havaitsemaan puhujan auditiivisen signaalin ja erityisesti äänenlaadun havainnoinnin perusteella. Tutkimuksessa on kuitenkin otettava huomioon muiden nonlingvististen piirteiden vaikutus koehenkilöistä tehtyihin persoonan havaintoihin vaikka niitä ei tässä yhteydessä ole huomioitu osaksi havaintotutkimusta.
  • Salmijärvi, Linda (2016)
    This study examines the gender ideology in ABC-books. The purpose of this study is to answer the research question such as how many masculine and feminine characters there are in the ABC-book texts and how is gender disrcriped in those texts. I compare the results of the study to Tarja Palmu’s (1991) research findings and consider whether the gender ideology in the ABC-books has changed during the 25 years. The research material consists of three currently used ABC-books, Pikkumetsän aapinen and Salainen aapinen from SanomaPro and Taikamaan aapinen from Otava. This study is a qualitative study, but i also use quantitative methods. My analysis method is the content analysis and i use Andrée Michel’s (1986) body of analysis in my study. I devided the characters from the ABC-books into a four groups; man/woman, girl/boy, feminine/masculine animal character and feminine/masculine fantasy character. I examine the description of gender through the social reference, action and social and emotional behaviour. Based on the results there is more masculine than feminine characters in every ABC-book and the number of gendered animals has soared over the past 25 years.
  • Utriainen, Maarit (2018)
    In this Bachelor's Thesis, the effect of the attachment style on the coping strategies of adults in romantic relationships and on the relationship satisfaction is examined. The attachment styles were examined in the framework of the attachment theory developed initially by the British psychiatrist, John Bowlby. The study questions were 1) how individuals of different attachment styles experience relationship satisfaction and what kind of coping strategies they use in emotionally stressful situations and 2) how individuals of different attachment styles experience the dissolution of a relationship. Adult attachment has been studied as an important predictor of romantic relationship quality in many earlier empirical studies which also is a starting point for this study. The Thesis was executed as a descriptive literature review. The research material consisted of 11 peer reviewed articles that were collected from the Academic Search Complete (EBSCO) and the Ovid PsycARTICLES databases of the library of the University of Helsinki. The material collected was limited to the years 2000—2015. All the articles were in English and they were written by international researches. A content analysis was used as an analysis method. The results of all the articles support the view according to which internal working models which are based on the attachment style affect the quality and satisfaction of the relationship. In general, securely attached couples were doing well in their relationships and were able to use many different constructive coping strategies in their relationships. Insecurely attached couples used easily negative coping strategies in emotionally stressful situations which often made relationship conflicts worse and reduced the relationship satisfaction. After the end of the relationships, securely attached individuals tend to have less negative emotions than insecurely attached individuals. It seems that attachment plays also a role in the dissolution of a relationship.
  • Vähäaho, Sanna-Maria; Leino, Sanna (2018)
    The aim of our research was to map how teachers experience their work and their attitude to school development. In addition we were interested in how the teachers perceive the future of their role and that of the school. The material was collected by interviewing two primary and two secondary school teachers. We interviewed at the schools where we found interested teachers, so the divide between the primary and the secondary teachers was incidental. Our method of interviewing was the theme framed interview. This was chosen because it allows the interviewee a freedom to talk widely about the subject, but it still gives a structured framework for the interview. The themes of the research were subdivided into four categories: being a teacher; the teacher’s role; the planning of the curriculum in the school and the attitude of the teachers towards the development of the school. In addition we asked the teachers to write an essay about the future of the teachers’ work and their school. In analysing the material we could use the themes as our framework. The themes springing out of the interviews were being a teacher, the role of the teacher, reforms and the future. Three important issues affecting the work of today’s teachers came up in the interviews. These were the increasing problems of pupils, the lack of training and insufficient time to do one’s work. The raise in pupils’ problems in school can at least partially be blamed on the increasing use of alcohol and drugs amongst the young and socio-economic problems experienced by parents. Pedagogic subjects especially were deemed lacking in the teacher training programme. Too much time is devoted to train student teachers in the subject matters and not enough time is used honing the skills to tackle the pastoral issues. Time management was the problem both when implementing reforms and co-ordinating work with colleagues. Teachers’ attitudes towards the reforms were generally positive. Experience showed that initiatives developed locally by teachers were more meaningful than the nationwide ones, because the results of the changes could be seen more quickly. The increasing socio-economic problems of pupils were seen to change the work of a teacher and the role of the school towards managing pastoral issues. Accordingly, the role of a teacher would become more concerned with raising the young and supporting the parents. The change in society and the increasing amount of information available will change teaching, thus encouraging students to get skills to seek information independently. Cooperation inside school, between school and parents and international cooperation will increase in the future according to the teachers. The results of our research cannot be generalised, but they will help us to understand the teachers’ work and the demands made on them in society both today and in the future.
  • Seppä, Laura (2016)
    The purpose of this study is to find out intangible rewarding ways in Uimahyppyseura Tiirat Ry. In this study I focus on sport clubs intangible rewarding ways which they offer to clubs actors; what different ways of intangible rewarding is used and how those could be developed? My purpose is to offer information about the different ways of intangible rewarding in the club and their developing needs. To consider different aspects and to ensure coverage and scope of the material, I have chosen actors who have been working in the club already for a longer time. The study uses a theory based content analysis and the classification has been made on the basis of earlier research. Based on the results there are different intangible rewarding ways used in the club. There has not been paid particular attention to rewarding and especially intangible rewarding, and intangible rewarding ways have developed among other activities. There hasn’t been systematic invest in intangible rewarding and the ways of intangible rewarding should be developed in different ways. Moreover the club doesn’t have a rewarding strategy. In the future, the club should develop its intangible rewarding especially in tutoring and feedback which were the major lacks in intangible rewarding. This would improve the employees work motivation and commitment and it would help the club distinguish itself from other competitions in the field.
  • Karttunen, Anni (2016)
    Aphasia is an aquired language disorder that can follow the loss or damage of brain tissue. A lot of methods for speech and language rehabilitation of aphasia have been developed and their efficacy in the chronic stages of aphasia have been studied. In Finland more than 6000 people each year are affected by aphasia as a result of a left-hemisphere stroke or other damage to the language areas of the brain. Most of them are patients of speech and langugage pathologists from the acute stage on, but there aren’t many studies of the methods or efficacy of rehabilitation of acute aphasia. In this study the purpose is to introduce previous research that have looked into the methods used by speech and language pathologists in the acute phase of aphasia, as well as to find information on the effectiveness of these methods. This study is a descriptive literature review. The data was collected using EBSCO-, ProQuest Linguistics - and PubMed databases. The search terms used in this descriptive literature review were aphasia, early, acute, rehabilitation and intervention. Data collection followed the selection criteria set out in the study: 1) the research was peer-reviewed, 2) year of publication from 2000 to 2016, 3) available in English language, 4) full text available, 5) The studied subject was speech and language pathology rehabilitation to people with aphasia following stroke and the rehabilitation began within 2 weeks after lesion and was carried out during 3 months from the starting point. The search returned 113 articles from which the application of selection criteria produced the final data of 7 items. Information retrieval and interpretation of data followed the principles of descriptive literature review. No conclusive evidence of the effectiveness acute aphasia speech therapy rehabilitation came up in my study. However, it would appear that the stroke patients not only tolerated but in many case benefitted from up to daily speech therapy rehabilitation. Methods used in the acute phase rehabilitation are not spesific to early interventions, but identical to those of chronic aphasia rehabilitation and their use often continues seamlessly from the acute stage onwards. Their usability in the acute phase after stroke was good.
  • Suomalainen, Anna-Katri (2016)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko alle kouluikäisten lasten änkytysterapiamenetelmien käytöllä todettu olevan vaikutusta änkytyksen vähenemiseen tai häviämiseen, ja tutkia, minkälainen menetelmien mahdollinen vaikuttavuus on. Änkytys on puheen sujuvuuden häiriö, joka aiheuttaa usein ahdistusta ja huolta lapsessa ja vanhemmissa, ja on tärkeää, että perhe saa siihen halutessaan apua. Puheterapeuttisen kuntoutuksen suunnittelussa erilaisten änkytysterapiamenetelmien tuntemus, sekä tieto niiden vaikuttavuudesta auttavat tekemään parhaat änkytyksen hoitoon liittyvät ratkaisut. Tässä tutkimuksessa kootaan yhteen tietoa erilaisista menetelmistä ja niiden vaikuttavuuksista. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena, ja aineisto koostui kymmenestä vertaisarvioidusta, vuosina 2000-2016 julkaistusta, tutkimusartikkelista, jotka kerättiin Scopus- ja Ebsco-tietokannoista helmikuussa 2016. Molemmissa tietokannoissa hakulausekkeena oli stutter* AND child* AND speech therap* AND (intervent* OR method* OR manag* OR treatment OR rehabilit*). Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että alle kouluikäisten lasten änkytysterapiassa käytetään sekä epäsuoria, että suoria terapiamenetelmiä, ja kaikkien aineistossa esiintyneiden menetelmien kohdalla todettiin, että änkytysterapia vaikuttaa merkitsevästi änkytyksen vähenemiseen ja häviämiseen. Kaikkien menetelmien kohdalla raportoitiin lapsista, joiden änkytys hävisi terapian myötä kokonaan, ja niissä tutkimuksissa, joissa oli tutkittu menetelmän pitkäaikaista vaikuttavuutta, todettiin lasten olevan pitkän ajan seurannassa edelleen sujuvia. Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että alle kouluikäisten lasten änkytysterapialla voidaan saavuttaa hyviä tuloksia, ja näin ehkäistä monia ongelmia, joita pitkäaikainen ja hoitamaton änkytys voi henkilölle aiheuttaa.
  • Koivuneva, Katri (2018)
    The purpose of this study has been to assess exercise activity and self-experienced motivation to study among students in University of Applied Sciences. Study has been part of the project carried out by Metropolia UAS and Haaga-Helia UAS. The project aims to improve the exercise possibilities among the students studying in UAS in metropolitan area. The project is funded by the ministry of education and culture. The sports services in metropolitan area among students of UAS are much weaker than the given recommendations. This is considered a great problem in the field. Especially, among the male students. The aim of this study has been, adding the things mentioned above, to find out whether there really is a difference in the exercise activity between male and female students. To add, the interest has been to find out if exercise activity is linked with self-experienced motivation to study. The hypothesis has been that the students that exercise more active also experience their studies to be more motivational. Data was collected by using e-format that was sent to the students, teachers and other staff of the UAS. Number of the answers was N=221. The quantitative analysis was made by using SPSS statistics. Based on this study there was no scientific significance between male and female, considering exercise activity. The students exercised approximately 1-3 times per week. The connection between exercise activity and self-experienced motivation to study was neither to be found.
  • Pennanen, Laura (2019)
    The nature and way of working have changed due to changes in society. As result, perceptions of learning and the skills needed in the work are changing. Well-functioning cooperation between educational institutions and working life is seen as integral in competence development. Working life orientation is a term, which refers to the above-mentioned co-operation. Firstly, the aim of this literature review is to focus on the definitions of working life orientation in context of higher vocational education. Secondly, the objective is to describe the real-life cooperation between higher education and professional life and what the future outlook looks like. The study material consists of Finnish academic studies prepared in the 21st century. Based on the literature review, the concept of working life orientation is used in many ways in different contexts. In general, the concept is used in describing the university of applied science, in the justification for its necessity and in the definition of its function in society. Concretely, the concept is used to describe the cooperation and various forms of education and working life. The working life orientation describes the activities of the university of applied science, such as the design and implementation of the curriculum and the content of teaching. At the individual level, the working life orientation is examined from the perspective of the number and quality of the personal working contacts of teachers and students. This also relates to the success of recruiting and employing students. In addition, the working life orientation was also accompanied with the activity of employer representatives in the planning, evaluation and involvement in education. Cooperation between education and working life appears to be useful according to many studies. However, in practice the targets of the co-operation seem not to materialise. The co-operation seems to lack planning, uniform practices and continuity. The solution to this could be to increase the orientation of all parties involved in education and in student and working life to focus on new knowledge-creation. On the other hand, the studies criticize that the economic growth and competitive advantage targets have an adverse effect on the educational politics.
  • Nyman, Arnella (2016)
    Mental imagery is considered as an effective method in teaching sports because of the neuromuscular activity that occurs. Recent research shows that mental imagery enhances body awareness and concentration. The purpose of this thesis is to study how the riding instructor can use mental imagery as a method in teaching to support the pupil's physical performance and consequently his or her learning. Five semistructured in-depth interviews were done to reach the riders experiences of mental imagery. Afterwards the results were analysed deductively. Earlier research done in the field of teaching dance and Raimo Lindh's theory of learning through mental imagery were used as a theoretical framework. The results indicate that clearly presented mental imagery supports pupil's learning and improves the physical performance. The communication between the teacher and the pupil is highly significant when using mental imagery in teaching horseback riding.
  • Sihvonen, Lina (2017)
    Our learning environment has become more and more digitalised and thus our society is trying its best to keep up with the technical development. The digitalisation of education is a trending topic as the new Finnish curriculum took effect on August 1st 2016. The question is whether the digitalisation really affects learning and motivation. Previous studies have shown that the use of IT in education can tribute to increased student engagement and higher study motivation. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to find out if there is a connection between the use of IT in education and the study motivation among matriculation candidates. The field study has been conducted using six semistructured depth interviews with matriculation candidates. The results have been analysed deductively. As a theoretical framework I have used Ryan and Deci’s Self Determination Theory. The results of this thesis indicates that IT has a positive impact on the matriculation candidates study motivation as the use of IT makes learning more fun, more versatile and facilitates schoolwork.
  • Paro, Anni (2017)
    The aim of this study was to investigate to what extent nurses are feeling work engagement in a rehabilitation hospital in Southern Finland, and which factors are tied to it. Work engagement focuses on the positive experiences that the coming workday brings. It can be described by three different aspects; vigor, dedication and absorption. A total of 46 nurses participated in the research (N= 46). UWES-9 form (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale) were used to measure work engagement. Influence, work atmosphere and organization-based self- esteem were also measured and how they are tied to work engagement. The result show that nurses are feeling a high level of work engagement. Influence, work atmosphere and organization-based self-esteem are connected with the level of work engagement.
  • Tuominen, Riikka (2019)
    In my thesis I study everyday life in families with small children, especially from the mother´s point of view, with three different themes: intimate relationships, physical well-being and social networks. Research question in my thesis is: how everyday life in families with small children is. I am interested in what we really know about life in families with small children and how it is discussed in scientific literature. I examine how intimate relationship, physical well-being and social networks change when a child is born, or do they change. I wonder if mothers themselves can influence the fluency of their everyday life and does the expectations and pressures created by culture affect them. I also examine what are the ways of responding to possible challenges in every-day life and does the child really change everything. I achieve my thesis as a literature review and it is based on versatile sources from many different sciences. There is much comprehensive research from this subject, for example in education theory, social science and in women´s studies. Perceptions about motherhood, intimate relationships and physical well-being has changed a lot during the last decades and IT development has brought new forms of social support. However, the traditional roles, for example in relationships, are also very alive. The key concepts in my thesis are motherhood, everyday life, intimate relation-ship, physical well-being and social networks. With themes I chose I can examine everyday life on families with small children in a versatile and comprehensive way. My the-sis confirmed my belief that even though the everyday life in family with small children can sometimes be challenging and tiring, there can also be many factors that help to maintain well-being. Because everyday life with children is regular, it is easier to place regular exercise and healthy eating moments. In the middle of chaotic child family, it is possible to build new healthier lifestyles for the whole family. Also, the relationship can be strengthened when parenthood unites spouses and brings a new sense of belonging. It is important to note that in everyday life in families with small children, the change is often seen as an opportunity in some positive aspects of life.
  • Hanski, Atte (2016)
    Aims The goal of this paper is to examine the peripheral factors of stimuli in Samuel Tuhkanen's pro gradu thesis experiment and evaluate the possibility of improving the experiment by manipulating the peripheral factors. Methods The peripheral factors of stimuli in Tuhkanen's experiment have been explored in light of earlier literature on peripheral vision. The different factors have been evaluated on how they affect the results of the experiment as well as how the experiment could be changed depending on these factors. Results and conclusions Motion, salience, color, shape, brightness, crowding and placement factors were identified as irrelevant because they are constant in the experiment. Size, complexity, contrast and orientation were identified as being useful for manipulating the results of the experiment. Of these factors size and contrast were found the best ways of manipulating the difficulty of the experiment.
  • Westman, Anna (2017)
    The study deals with factors that aim to address HIV-related stigma on the basis of analysis of publications by the HIV Center in 2016. Previous studies have shown that HIV can lead to social isolation and often stigmatizes the carrier. The basis of the study therefore lies in the fears and prejudices that HIV positive people are subject to. The purpose of this study was to analyze the image of the infection presented in the HIV Center’s materials as well as the importance of that image in overcoming the stigma-generating factors. The subject was approached from the perspective of social stigma. The study perceived three HIV-associated stigma-producing factors: deviation from societal norms, fears of easy transmissibility, and assumptions of morbidity and poor prognosis. The research material consists of the HIV Center’s brochures for public use and its 30-year-anniversary publication from 2016. The research method was theory-oriented content analysis. The material was examined in relation to stigma-generating factors in order to find content related to reducing the stigma associated with infection with HIV. The study showed that the HIV infection is a rather well-managed disease in Finland. Manageability manifested itself through two themes: the maintenance of functional capacity, and of an independent lifestyle. Negative attitudes occurred in the effects that restrict the life of the HIV positive. A change in attitudes on a general level will help HIV positive people maintain their functional capacity and an independent lifestyle. Hence, this study considers it important to spread knowledge among the wider population through academic research and open discussion.
  • Savisaari, Olli (2016)
    Human perception is seriously limited in relation to the countless stimuli of one’s surroundings. It is guided by attention, which can be directed only at a fraction of all available stimuli at a given moment. The topic of this thesis is a phenomenon illustrating the constrained nature of attention called the attentional blink. One of the goals is to consider the origin and mechanisms behind the phenomenon as well as the current applications of 1) the phenomenon itself and 2) the methods used in attentional blink research. The attentional blink occurs in a rapid succession of stimuli, which unveils the limits of temporal capacity of attention. As a consequence of the blink, some of the target stimuli do not reach conscious processing. The phenomenon has sparked wide interest since the 1980’s, but the mechanisms, operating principle and especially the neural correlates of attentional blink are still under debate, which makes the topic relevant even today. Attentional blink is most commonly studied with the rapid serial visual presentation –method (RSVP). This method, however, can be applied to many more contexts as well, some of which are addressed here. The thesis is a review covering 32 articles and publications of the attentional blink or topics directly related to it. They include only reports of studies done on healthy individuals and reviews of such experiments. Although there is much more literature on the topic besides the ones chosen here, these 32 provide a critical, yet comprehensive review of an attentional limit called the attentional blink. Attentional blink is commonly known as a consistent and universally occurring phenomenon, during which attentional resources are temporarily suppressed. According to most theories it occurs due to choosing specific target items to be processed in working memory, though contradicting evidence exists. Somewhat surprisingly, there are individual differences in the duration and magnitude of the blink, which are affected by the processing speed of working memory and the ability to update its contents. Thus the blink does not appear exactly the same way for everyone. Actual applications of the blink seem to be very few in number, possibly due to limited benefits of application or the specificity of the phenomenon. The RSVP-method used in attentional blink research is more widely applied in modern technology, for example in text presentation. For any application to be useful, it needs to reduce the overload on attentional and working memory systems in order to heighten perception. However, to be able to utilize attentional blink and RSVP maximally, more research is needed.
  • Sundelin, Cecilia (2016)
    Tiivistelmä – Abstrakt – Abstract The purpose of this study is to examine documentation and its role in kindergartens and preschools. This means that I’m going to examine how often documentation is used in kindergartens and preschools, what forms of documentation appear and for what purposes. An important basis for this study is also to find out whether or not documentation is used as a pedagogical tool in kindergartens and preschools. The approach of this study is quantitative and was carried out as a survey. The survey was sent out by email to kindergartens and preschools in Helsinki and Espoo. The spreadsheet software Google Forms was used to collect the samples. Thereafter both Google forms and the spreadsheet of Excel was used to compile and analyze the results. The result shows that documentation is a familiar working procedure for most kindergartens- and preschools teachers. The teachers in kindergartens and preschools document in a wide variety of ways and often have several purposes for it. Documentation is used both as a tool to control and assess children’s skills and knowledge, as well as to follow and influence children’s learning processes and learning. The study also suggests that there is a pedagogical approach behind most used documentation and that there is a positive ambition to use documentation as more than just a “final product”.
  • Lillqvist, Miranda (2019)
    Aims. Previous research shows that attitudes towards mental illness are to some extent negative and that stigmatization and discrimination exist, therefore a majority of the one´s who suffer from mental illness choose not to reveal their condition. Employees suffering from mental illness have a greater risk of losing their jobs, have worse career opportunities and are in the risk zone of being bullied or even left as an outcast. The aim of this study was to identify different attitudes towards mentally ill employees in Finland and Sweden, how these attitudes affect their everyday working life and if research indicates a change of attitudes over time. Methods. I chose to demarcate this thesis on studies on attitudes towards mental illnesses among employees in Finland and Sweden, published between 2012 and 2017. The material was retrieved from various databases including Google Scholar, Helda, Helka and Julkari and the searches were made in Swedish, Finnish and English. The keywords I used were: mental illness, mental health, attitudes, working life, stigma, psykisk ohälsa, psykisk hälsa, attityder, arbetsliv, mielenterveys, asenteet and työelämä. Results and conclusions. The results of this study show that stigmatization and negative attitudes towards mental illness within the working life are prevalent both in Finland and Sweden. Yet, the general awareness of mental illness is relatively high and the supportive discussion about the subject is improving in organizations. However, the majority of mentally ill employees in rehab, executives and the general population considered that in situations where an employee is mentally ill, and the employer knows about it, there might be a risk of a lower status or maybe even a loss of an employment. The career prospects for employees with mental illness are limited, because of an unwillingness to hire or keep an employee suffering from mental illness. Employers who have previous experience of employees with mental illnesses are more willing to hire people who have or have had a mental illness. The attitudes of the employers and colleagues turned out to have a major impact on the affected person, and the support was considered extremely important. The fear of stigmatization, special treatment and the potential loss of employment leads to a concealment of the condition for the majority of the affected. Although the results show that the attitudes towards mental illness in the working life have improved over time, unfortunately negative attitudes and stigmatization still exists.