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Browsing by Subject "Kuvataide"

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  • Pimiä, Hilla (2018)
    Goal. The most important subject in this study is integration. Integration is very current issue, which is why I think it is very important to study this topic. More and more special needs stu-dents are integrated into mainstream education, especially into the visual arts and therefore I wanted to address this topic in this study. Integration has seen in a very different light from different positions and that is why I was also personally interested in this topic. In this study, I looked at visual arts education from the point of view of special needs students and their teachers. This study researched special needs students’ visual art education integrated into the mainstream education. My literature review researches studies done from teachers’ point of view and analyses what kind of visual art education is in the class with integrated special needs students. The study also analyses the teachers’ capabilities to meet and teach special needs students in the mainstream classroom. Methods. This study has been made descriptive literature review. The literature of this study is articles and studies about the visual arts education of special needs students in general education, integration and the ability of teachers to differentiate their teaching. The literature I used in this study is Finnish studies and articles. Results and conclusion. In the results of the research, the focus was on the integration of special students into visual arts in positive aspects but also on the negative aspects. Visual art was seen as a place to grow as a person, an opportunity for peer learning and to increase the appreciation of diversity. Challenges were seen, for example, in the great differences be-tween pupils in skills. The teachers had several different ways to meet and teach special needs students. The most important thing was knowing the students as individuals, and the teachers had several concrete ways of differentiating. The results of the research also high-lighted the great differences in the skills of teacher students and the working teachers to face special needs students. Unlike students, teachers were able to describe many concrete ways.
  • Tjäder, Sebastian (2016)
    This study handles with visual arts education. Studies dealing with visual arts education in early childhood suggest that the objectives of activities are obscure. Because of this the purpose of this study was to describe the objectives and methods of visual arts education in early childhood education and preschool. Data of this qualitative research consists of three early childhood curriculums from kindergartens and of three semi-structured interviews of kindergarten teachers from the same kindergartens. The study also observes the operating environments of these kindergartens trough 13 photos. Content analysis was the data analysis method of this research. This study shows that implemented objectives of visual arts education are mostly general objectives of growth and development that were implemented through visual arts education. Objectives that were set by kindergarten teachers and in the curriculums highlighted operating with different mediums and techniques which also helps the development of motoric skills. For teachers it was important that art activities were joyful for children and that all the required art materials were at hand for children to use during free play. Operating environments of the kindergartens have many duties as also through them teachers are showing their respect for childrens artwork and collaborating with parents. Only one of the kindergarten teachers in this study was setting objectives that also guided children to understand art. The same teacher was also only one who had been studying visual arts education and also working as kindergarten teacher for more than a year. This study suggests that directive documents such as Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet (2005), Esiopetussuunnitelman perusteet (2011) and both education plans from the city of Helsinki (Helsingin kaupungin varhaiskasvatussuunnitelma, 2013 and Helsingin kaupungin esiopetuksen opeussuunnitelma, 2011) are not providing objectives for visual arts education that are originating from the visual arts itself.
  • Pitkäranta, Anniina (2022)
    Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli tutkia kuvataiteen ja luovan ajattelun yhteyttä. Tätä yhteyttä tarkasteltiin syvemmin kuvataiteen myötä kehittyvien luovan ajattelun osa-alueiden kautta sekä niiden keinojen kautta, joilla kuvataidetta toteutettiin tutkimusaineistossa. Katsauksen tutkimustarpeet nousivat esille esimerkiksi maailmanlaajuisesti ilmenevistä ongelmista, kuten ilmastonmuutoksesta, joiden ratkaisemiseksi tullaan tarvitsemaan innovatiivisuutta ja ongelmanratkaisukykyä, jotka kuuluvat luovan ajattelun ominaisuuksiin. Tämä kirjallisuuskatsaus kokoaa yhteen tutkimuksia, joista on mahdollista tarkastella kuvataiteen ja luovan ajattelun yhteyttä. Tämä tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jonka tarkoituksena on luoda yleiskatsaus tutkittavasta ilmiöistä. Kirjallisuuskatsaus mukaili systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen vaiheita. Aineiston keruussa käytettiin kolmea Helsingin yliopiston kirjaston tukemaa tietokantaa, joista aineisto seulottiin yhtenevillä sisäänottokriteereillä. Tutkimusaineistoa seulottaessa käytettiin yhteneviä sisäänottokriteereitä. Katsauksen tutkimusaineisto luokiteltiin ja raportoitiin tutkimuskysymysten mukaan. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella todettiin, että kuvataiteella ja luovalla ajattelulla on vahva yhteys toisiinsa. Luova ajattelu myös lisääntyi tai kehittyi kuvataiteen parissa työskenneltäessä muun muassa ongelman etsimisen, ideoiden luomisen ja niiden kokeilemisen sekä avoimemman ajattelun suhteen. Kuvataidetta toteutettiin tulosten mukaan havainnoimalla, arvioimalla, analysoimalla ja yhdessä keskustelemalla sekä perinteisten kuvataiteen teknisten työtapojen kautta. Tuloksista on pääteltävissä, että kuvataiteen avulla voidaan kehittää luovaa ajattelua.