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Browsing by Subject "Päätöksenteko"

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  • Koskelo, Anna (2024)
    Aim. Intuition is known to often develop with expertise. The review inspected how recruitment professionals use their intuition when making recruitment decisions, how they perceive their use of intuition and what recruiter-related factors predict intuition use. In addition, the aim was to determine whether experts differ from laypeople in recruitment decision making based on intuition. Methods. The literature was searched in Web of Science and Google Scholar databases using the keywords "intuition AND hiring" and "intuition AND recruitment". Articles published since 2010 were selected. The papers selected for the review were all studies in which the participants were individuals making recruitment decisions in their jobs, or studies comparing recruitment professionals to laypeople. Conclusions. Intuition is used in particular to assess the organizational fit. In addition, it is used to predict the personality or the competence of the candidate. Even though the possible drawbacks of intuitive thinking are recognised, it is also viewed to be a good tool in decision-making processes in some situations. There are indications that people who tend to base their decisions on experimentality in general, are also more likely to use their intuition in recruitment decisions. Evidence on the differences between professionals and laypeople in the accuracy of intuitive decision-making varies. On the whole, there is a lack of quantitative research on the subject.
  • Pölönen, Pasi (2016)
    Tavoitteet. Kirjoitelman tavoitteena oli luoda katsaus somaattisten merkkitilojen hypoteesiin: hypoteesin neuraalisiin mekanismeihin, hypoteesia tukeviin tutkimustuloksiin, siihen kohdistuneeseen kritiikkiin ja kritiikin vastineeseen, hypoteesin vertailua muihin vastaaviin emootio- ja päätöksentekoteorioihin sekä pohtia hypoteesia laajemmassa tieteellisessä ja filosofisessa kontekstissa. Menetelmät. Kirjoitelmassa tuotiin esiin keskeisiä tutkimustuloksia, joita Damasio ym. ovat saaneet verrattaessa ventromediaalisen etuotsalohkon vauriosta kärsivien potilaiden ja verrokkiryhmäläisten välisiä eroavaisuuksia erilaisissa päätöksentekotilanteissa. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Somaattisten merkkitilojen hypoteesi oli iästään huolimatta edelleen relevantti eikä sitä korvaavaa uutta neurologista emootio- ja päätöksentekoteoriaa ole ilmaantunut eikä sen keskeisiä olettamuksia ole kumottu.