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Browsing by Subject "bullying"

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  • Kataja, Leena (2020)
    The aim of this study is to collect together the theoretical and pedagogical aspects of bullying and its prevention among early childhood education. The target is to create and see the big picture of the hole phenomenon, based both on the crucial and on the latest research works on the field. In addition, one aim of the study is to collect together the information of existing pedagogical operating models, which can be used to prevent and intervene bullying. The study was carried out by reading and analysing through already existing and published researches, articles, books, e-publications and websites. The work was marked out by two Finnish dissertation researches of bullying among early childhood education (Laaksonen, 2014; Repo, 2015a). Interest was also directed to that material, which has been published after these dissertation researches. The research is a theoretical research. That means that the subject has been studied by using existing research literature. Because bullying is strongly a group phenomenon, the subject was studied by using the sociocultural framework. The complexity of bullying phenomenon appears clearly in this study. To be able to prevent bullying, it is essential to understand the diversity of phenomenon. In early childhood education the work against bullying is based on prevention. That means that it is present strongly in everyday life in the kindergartens. Significant factors in bullying prevention work can be found in the levels of operational culture and socioemotional skills. Significant factors on the operational cultural level are for example the sensitive presence of the adults in the group and utilization of diverse pedagogy. On socioemotional level the significant factors in prevention of bullying are in turn for example interaction- and emotional skills and self regulation skills. When the group is healthy, the risk for bullying in the group decreases.
  • Määttälä, Sami (2022)
    Tutkimukseni hypoteesina oli, että kiusaamista tapahtuu koulupäivän sisäisissä liikuntatilanteissa. Tutkimuskysymyksinä olivat 1. Millaisia kiusaamisen muotoja esiintyy liikuntatilanteissa peruskoulussa? 2. Millaisia keinoja opettajalla on puuttua kiusaamiseen? Tutkimuksen tulokset auttavat opettajia, myös muita aikuisia, tunnistamaan erilaiset kiusaamisen muodot ja sitä kautta ennaltaehkäisemään tai puuttumaan kiusaamiseen. Toteutin tutkielmani kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistoni koostui seitsemästä vertaisarvioidusta artikkelista ja yhdestä väitöskirjasta. Tutkimusaineisto analysoitiin teorialähtöisesti muodostettujen kiusaamismuotojen mukaisesti. Keskeisimpiä kiusaamisen muotoja olivat fyysinen, sanallinen ja sosiaalinen kiusaaminen. Sosiaalinen kiusaaminen on määritelty myös epäsuoraksi fyysiseksi ja epäsuoraksi sanalliseksi kiusaamiseksi. Henkinen kiusaaminen pitää sisällään sekä sosiaalisen että sanallisen kiusaamisen. Tutkielmassani nousi esille, että kiusaamista tapahtui koulussa sekä liikuntatilanteissa, että muissakin koulupäivän sisäisissä tilanteissa. Yleisin kiusaamisen muoto oli sanallinen kiusaaminen, mutta myös fyysistä ja sosiaalista kiusaamista esiintyi. Sanallisessa kiusaamisessa kiusattua nimiteltiin, haukuttiin, puhuttiin pahaa selän takana tai ärsytettiin. Liikuntatilanteissa esiintyi yhtä paljon kiusaamista kuin muillakin oppitunneilla, eli liikuntatilanteet eivät itsessään ole kiusaamista edistäviä tilanteita. Opettajan rooli nousi yhdeksi isoimmaksi tekijäksi kiusaamisen puuttumiseen ja ennaltaehkäisyyn. Keinot ennaltaehkäistä tai puuttua olivat terävöittää tarkkailua sellaisissa tilanteissa, joissa kiusaamista esiintyi eniten. Lisäksi liikuntatilanteiden suunnittelulla oli oma merkittävä rooli kiusaamiseen ennaltaehkäisyssä. Tästä tutkielmasta on hyötyä opettajille sekä muille aikuisille, jotka ovat osana koulupäivän sisäisissä liikuntatilanteissa. Jatkotutkimuksena voisi tutkia miten liikuntatilannekiusaaminen vaikuttaa oppilaiden liikuntakäyttäytymiseen.
  • Rössi, Johanna (2017)
    Studies concerning bullying have typically focused on peer bullying, whilst cross-peer abuse has not received as much attention. This literature review concentrates on investigating cross-peer abuse in a school context. This study examines what sort of violence or bullying teachers face from students and parents and ponders which factors effect bullying and how it could be prevented. Both systematic and coincidental bullying are included in this study. Previous studies of this subject are scarce and mostly all but one is over ten years old. The target of this study is to increase knowledge of cross-peer abuse in school context, to bring forth the importance of the subject and to provide new subjects for studying. This study investigated bullying and violence that teachers face from pupils and parents. The literature review was based on central, high-quality and original papers of the area of research. The review concluded and summarized central results of national studies and compared them with international studies. Teachers faced some bullying and violence from both students and parents. Students dis-ruptive behavior was more typical than parents. Most of the time harassing was verbal but some of the teachers have also faced sexual harassment and physical violence. Physi-cal violence in primary schools seemed to be qualitatively different than physical violence in secondary schools. Coincidental bullying appeared more than systematic bullying. In a wider context, a teachers gender didn’t matter in victimization but there were differences in single forms of violence. Usually students who bullied teachers were boys. Teachers sug-gested that as a solution for bullying problem solving skills and negotiation skills should be improved among students and parents should have support for parenting. Also, school management seemed to have a significant role in preventing bulling.