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Browsing by Subject "gender"

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  • Pihlaja, Henrietta (2016)
    Gender roles have an effect on relationships, identity, society and habits. Adolescents might experience conflict with their gender identity and the expectations of society. Youth literature probably effects adolescents’ ideas of gender and gives them a model of how to be a “woman”, a “man” or a transgendered and how to act accordingly in relationships and society. The Finnish grade school curriculum instructs that there must be gender equality in education. Teachers of literature and Finnish language should encourage students to read literature that offers a view to the lives of gender- and sexual minorities. This kind of literature should make students think about their own manner of speech and behavior and give them a way to notice gendered issues in society. The function of this thesis was to research the means in which Marja Björk`s novel Poika represents gender roles and transgenderness. The target of this thesis is to assess how the novel fits the decrees of the curriculum and how it might affect adolescents’ thoughts of gender and impact their habits as a gendered subject.The research questions are: 1) In which ways does Marja Björk’s novel Poika represent transgenderness? 2) How are gender roles present in its’ transgender representations? The source material of this thesis was Marja Björk`s novel Poika which has been published by Like-kustannus in 2013. Poika has been the candidate of Finlandia Junior –price 2013. The material was categorized and discourse analysis was used to observe its’ representations of gender. There were two opposite discourses of source material. They were the discourse of dichotomic transgender and the discourse of gender diversity. The results were that representations of gender roles were mostly stereotypic and heteronormative. Also gender diversity was always represented inferior to dichotomic gender. Even though representations of gender were mostly stereotypic the story can offer a feeling of idenfication in gender minorities’ lives. In this point of view adolescents might start to think about their own behaviour after reading the book. The problem is that the book loses the humanity of the persons who identify themselves outside of the dichotomic gender. In this point of view Poika is not on the line with the curriculum’s instructions of gender equality. On the other hand Poika is still one of the only books with a transgendered protagonist.
  • Cornér, Timo (2017)
    Research’s (Eldar 2006) have shown that social skills are connected to physical activity and involving in sports maintains close relationships between people and offers opportunities to create new relationships. Being involved in organized team sports has shown to have positive effects in children’s peer relations. Social skills are a major factor when making friends. This study tries to solve the connection between 5th and 6th graders hobbies and social skills in Viikki, Teacher´s Training School. The research problems were: - Is there a connection between being engaged in team sports and having good social skills? - Does girls rate themselves higher in social skills than boys? The survey was held in Helsinki, Viikki’s Teacher Training school and the answers were collected from 5th and 6th graders. The survey had two sections: Social Skills self-evaluation and hobbies. An-swers were collected from total of 109 students which includes 39,4 % (n=43) fifth graders and 60,6 % (n=66) sixth graders. 51,4 % (n=56) were girls and 48,6 % (n=53) boys. Collected answers were uploaded in SPSS – statistics program which was also used to get results with different methods. The study showed that engaging in team sports does not have a statistical connection to social skills. However it was shown that gender played a part in social skills. Girls got higher scores in social skills than boys.
  • Eskola, Elina (2023)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Objectives. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of activity and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) gender differences in order to better understand the complexity and origins of these differences. I will focus on the gender differences in ADHD, and secondly, I will examine the emergence of gender differences; whether these differences arise from biology, or whether they are socially or culturally produced. The study will analyse the experiences of different genders in relation to their own symptoms, and whether these differences in symptoms are biologically or socially generated. The aim of the study is to gain a deeper understanding of the gender differences in the syndrome. processes of syndrome gender production and existing differences in syndrome between the sexes. Methods. The study used an umbrella review method to analyse and summarise existing literature reviews on ADHD and gender differences. Research material was systematically collected from two databases, Web of Science and ERIC, using predefined search terms. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to the relevant literature reviews. Results and conclusions. Based on the survey data, I found clear gender differences in ADHD symptoms. Boys are diagnosed with ADHD more often in childhood compared to girls, and they hyperactive and impulsive symptoms, while girls and women with ADHD show more hyperactive and impulsive symptoms. ADHD symptoms tend to show more inattentive symptoms. This gender gap variance in symptom expression may predispose girls and women to underdiagnosis or misdiagnosis of ADHD. In the research data, I also paid attention to biological factors such as the influence of neurotransmitter activity on these gender differences. It is also important to note, that social and cultural factors have a significant impact on the gendered nature of ADHD. In understanding of ADHD and the emergence of differences in social expectations and norms, how individuals of different genders express their ADHD symptoms and how they are interpreted by the surrounding community. This can contribute to how a diagnosis is made and how individuals are supported.
  • Kuisma, Amanda (2023)
    TAVOITTEET. Tunnesäätelyn ja niiden ongelmien on todettu olevan merkittäviä psykopatologian synnyssä ja pysyvyydessä sekä yleisesti hyvinvoinnissa. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastelen, mitä tunnesäätely ja sen ongelmat ovat ja miten ne vaikuttavat ihmisen elämään. Perehdyn erityisesti siihen, miten tunne-elämän ongelmat vaikuttavat masennuksen syntyyn ja pysyvyyteen. Masennus on tunnehäiriö, jossa tunne-elämän haasteet ovat yleensä keskiössä. Masennuksen ennuste on molemmilla sukupuolilla sama, mutta masennusta diagnosoidaan naisilla kaksinkertaisesti miehiin verrattuna. Viime vuosikymmeninä on kuitenkin alettu puhua ”miesten masennuksesta” ilmiönä, sillä joidenkin tutkimusten mukaan miehillä masennukselle epätyypillinen eksternalisoiva oireilu on naisia yleisempää. Tämä voi tilastojen valossa tarkoittaa sitä, että miehillä masennusta jopa alidiagnosoidaan tai diagnosoidaan väärin. Tässä tutkielmassa tutkin, miten naisten ja miesten masennusoireilu eroaa toisistaan ja mikä rooli tunnesäätelyllä voi olla sukupuolieroissa. Perehdyn monipuolisesti masennusoireilun eroihin liittyviin syihin, kuten erilaisiin psykologisiin, biologisiin ja sosiokulttuurisiin tekijöihin. MENETELMÄT. Lähdekirjallisuus etsittiin PubMed-tietokannasta hakusanoilla ”emotion regulation”, ”emotion dysregulation”, ”depression”, ”affect regulation”, ”sex”, ”gender” ja ”men”. Haku rajatiin katsauksiin, systemaattisiin katsauksiin ja meta-analyyseihin. TULOKSET JA JOHTOPÄÄTÖKSET. Tunnesäätelyn ongelmat ovat keskeisiä masennuksen synnyssä ja pysyvyydessä. Erot masennuksen diagnoosien määrässä ja masennusoireilussa voivat johtua biologisista, psykologisista ja sosiokulttuurisista tekijöistä. Sosiokulttuuriset tekijät ja tunnekasvatus voivat vaikuttaa olennaisesti tunnesäätelyn ongelmien syntyyn sekä tytöillä että pojilla. Naisilla ilmenee enemmän perinteistä, internalisoivaa masennusoireilua ja miehillä enemmän eksternalisoivia oireita, joista merkittävimpiä ovat impulssikontrollin puute, riskien ottaminen ja päihteiden väärinkäyttö. Eksternalisoiva oireilu voi peittää masennusoireilua ja itsemurhariskiä, sekä pahentaa masennusta, vaikeuttaa avun hakemista, heikentää masennushoidon tehoa ja lisätä itsemurhan riskiä, joten sen ilmeneminen tulisi huomioida kliinisessä käytännössä.
  • Maskulin, Viivi (2018)
    The study examines women´s positive experiences of self-eating. The aim of the study was to find out the experiences of eating alone as part of the structure of eating and the food culture. Eating experiences and related factors are considered in the theoretical framework of gender, food status, and social interaction. This study is based on the theoretical approach to eating and food behavior used in research literature, derived from Nobert's Elias's Food Space theory (1978) and Claude Lévi-Strauss's Culinary Triangle Theory (1966). The survey was conducted through a questionnaire asking open questions about the positive experiences and factors associated with self-deception. In addition, respondents were asked to name the foods that are eaten alone. The study was conducted as a link to the HY e-form ques-tionnaire in the social media Facebook group Geek Women Unite! (Finland). In response to the e-form, 616 responses were received, of which 93.67% (n = 577) were identified as female identifiers. Most of the respondents (99.3%) feel self-eating at home as positive. In other environments, such as restaurants and workplaces, the experiences were described as positive. The enjoyment was related to experiences of their own peace and decision-making, that is, the definition of where and what women ate. The food and food products that were consumed alone represent-ed both meals and snacks. The conclusion of the thesis is that the significance of self-eating came out as stories of high-status foods, and the significance of the women´s own time.