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  • Immonen, Waltteri (2018)
    The special education reform, has resulted in major changes in the job description of Finnish special education teachers. Also, distribution of resources to schools have changed. Previous researchers have found lack of resources in special education. Teachers also experience lack of time. To date, there have not been quantitative research about the matter of time specific to special education teachers.  I explored special education teachers experiences about challenges that connect to resources in this research. Opinions of special education teachers are interesting because they not only operate in the field but also have academic education. The aim of the study was to answer two questions: which resource challenges A teachers experience to be (1) most disturbing and (2) least disturbing (2).  The answers collected via electric questionaire, were from previous students from University of Helsinki whose major was special education. The participants were special education teachers in primary school. The questionnaire included many questions about resources. Answering scale were from 0-4. These answers were analysed by using quantitative methods. Also, questionnaire contained open questions. These answers I analysed using quantatative measures by themes related to resources.  According to the study the special education teachers experienced many different challenges.  The teachers often experienced lack of time. They were in hurry which left little time for planning the co-teaching. The teachers also worked after the working hours. Co-operating were also experienced challenging caused by lack of planning time.  Also, great challenge faced the system of special education. Amount of given support to pupils were too little. The teachers also found challenging the lack of special education classes. The size of special education classes was right. Experiences about human resources showed need for special education teachers and assistants. It was also hard to get substitute. The special education teachers didn’t see need for adding more regular teachers.
  • Vainio, Emmi (2019)
    The aim of this Bachelor's thesis was to examine preschool teachers' experiences of implementing emotional education. This research examined how implementing emotional education appears in preschool teachers' profession, what methods preschool teachers have used to implement emotional education and what challenges they have met. The aim of this study is to increase knowledge of the importance of processing emotions with children. Former studies have pointed out that emotional skills have an influence on child's growth and social interaction. The research data consists of three individual interviews. The interviews were conducted in the kindergarten in January of 2019. Preschool teachers worked in the same southern Finnish kindergarten. All the interviewees had at least ten years of work experience as kindergarten teachers. The data was transcribed and analyzed using content analysis. The study found that preschool teachers linked emotional education as a comprehensive part of the workday. They viewed that it is important to notice children as individuals. The teachers experienced that emotional education was connected with recognizing and handling emotions. Emotional education was also seen as a part of supporting the development of child's self-esteem. The study found that being present is a significant part of emotional education and teachers should also be conscious of their own emotions. The preschool teachers viewed their emotional education skills as good and their unit was supporting them. Emotional education was viewed to be more important in teacher's work nowadays than before. Emotional education was included especially in creative activity like drama, music and play. The teachers had also used different tools, like emotional education models but also self-made tools. The challenges that had rised concerning emotional education were in childrens' different needs and family backgrounds, like different home cultures. The preschool teachers also longed for more authenticity in emotional education. The results point out that preschool teachers view emotional education as important and supportive for child's growth.
  • Voutilainen, Ilona (2023)
    Koira-avusteista pedagogiikkaa on viimeisten vuosien ajan tutkittu lähinnä sen positiivisten vaikutusten ja työskentelytapojen näkökulmasta. Tutkimustyön ulkopuolelle ovat suurelta osin jääneet koira-avusteisen pedagogiikan kohtaamat haasteet kouluyhteisössä. Tutkimuksia siitä, millaisia haasteita koulukoira alakoulussa kohtaa ja mistä nämä haasteet mahdollisesti aiheutuvat on suomen tutkimuskentällä vähän. Erilaisia haasteita on kuvattu lähinnä ripotellen muun informaation lomaan. Koira-avusteisesta pedagogiikasta kirjoitettujen kandien ja maisterintutkielmien määrästä viime vuosina voi kuitenkin päätellä kiinnostuksen koulukoiria kohtaan olevan kasvussa. Kirjalli-suuskatsaukseni tavoitteena on koostaa yhteen koira-avusteisen pedagogiikan kohtaamia haasteista alakoulussa. Lisäksi esittelen niihin kehitettyjä ratkaisuja sekä toimintamalleja. Tavoitteena on, että kirjallisuuskatsaukseni luettuaan opettajalla olisi paremmat lähtökohdat koira-avusteisen pedagogiikan toteuttamiseen ja yhä useampi oppilas pääsisi hyötymään koira-avusteisuudesta koulupolullaan. Päädyin kirjoittamaan kuvailevan narratiivisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen, sillä se tuki laajaa tutkimuskysymystäni. Lähdin aluksi liikkeelle tutkimuskysymysten asettamisesta sekä aiheesta kirjoitettujen tutkimusten suurpiirteisestä läpikäymisestä. Seuraavaksi valitsin sisäänottokriteerit, joilla lähdin suorittamaan tarkempaa aineiston hakua päätyen lopulta kymmenen teoksen aineistoon. Tutkimusaineistoni koostuu useammasta tutkimuksesta, mutta mukana on myös oppaita sekä yksi pro gradu -tutkielma. Aineistostani ilmeni, että koira-avusteinen pedagogiikka tosiaan kohtasi monenlaisia haasteita kouluympäristössä. Haasteita aiheutui niin koulun sisäisistä kuin ulkoisistakin tekijöitä. Voidaan kuitenkin todeta, että näihin haasteisiin on löydetty myös huomattava määrä ratkaisuja, joita opettajat ja koulut ovat kehittäneet yhdessä koiraavusteisen pedagogiikan mahdollistamiseksi.
  • Ruohonen, Veera (2019)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää millaisia haasteita lastentarhanopettajat ovat kohdanneet työskennellessään erityistä tukea tarvitsevien lasten kanssa sekä millaista apua he toivovat saavansa siihen. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että suuret lapsiryhmät ja lasten tuen tarpeiden monimuotoisuus ovat koettu suurimpina ongelmina. Sen lisäksi lasten haastava, esimerkiksi aggressiivisuus, on koettu kuormittavimpana tekijänä. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on myös osoitettu, että osa aikuisista tuntee riittämättömyyttä ja osaamattomuutta uusien haasteiden edessä, eikä välttämättä aina ole mahdollisuutta erityislastentarhanopettajan apuun tai tukeen. Tutkimustehtävänä on selvittää lastentarhanopettajien kokemuksia avuntarpeesta, heidän työskennellessä erityistä tukea tarvitsevien lasten kanssa. Tutkimukseen osallistui kahdeksan lastentarhanopettajaa Suomesta. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä oli kysely, joka julkaistiin verkkokyselynä kahdessa eri lastentarhanopettajien facebook-ryhmässä. Verkkokysely oli puolistrukturoitu. Tutkimuksessa käytettiin teoriasidonnaista aineiston analyysia. Tutkittavien vastaukset kerättiin ensin yhteen, jonka jälkeen vastaukset luokiteltiin koettuihin haasteisiin sekä avun tarpeeseen. Tämän jälkeen teoria nostettiin aineiston tueksi. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa nousi esiin lastentarhanopettajien kokemista haasteista resurssipula, liian vähän aikuisia, liikaa lapsia sekä sopimattomat tilat. Sen lisäksi nousi esiin ryhmän ominaisuuksista suuret ryhmäkoot, joissa liikaa erityistä tukea tarvitsevia lapsia. Lastentarhanopettajat kokivat myös haasteiksi esimerkiksi lasten aggressiivisen käytöksen ja erityislastentarhanopettajien tuen vähäisyyden. Tutkimustuloksissa lastentarhanopettajien avuntarpeesta näkyi konkreettinen apu, joka näkyisi resurssien lisäämisessä. Sen lisäksi lastentarhanopettajat toivoivat tukea ja osaamista opettajan työhönsä, joka näkyisi esimerkiksi työnohjauksena, johtajan tai erityislastentarhanopettajan tukena. Lastentarhanopettajat toivovat selkeästi muutosta lakeihin, jotka säätelevät resursseja. Henkisen tuen ja konkreettisen avun tarve näkyi vastauksissa. Jatkotutkimuksissa olisi mielenkiintoista nähdä, miten saatu apu vaikuttaisi lastentarhanopettajien kokemiin haasteisiin tai tarkemmin määriteltynä heidän toivoma apu johtajalta tai erityislastentarhanopettajalta.
  • Mc Clellan, Elina-Maria (2019)
    The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of the challenges facing Puntland’s and Somaliland’s primary education in Somalia and of the ways to tackle these challenges. Both Puntland and Somaliland have been affected by the civil war in Somalia, that collapsed the already fragile education system, and are slowly recovering. Puntland and Somaliland face many challenges that affect the primary education, like the fragile economy. This study is based on the idea of education having positive impacts on households and the society as a whole. By recognizing challenges and ways to intervene, can development happen, further improving the lives of households and promoting the development of society. This study was executed as a narrative literature review. The final data consisted of seven (N=7) scientific studies and surveys. The data was analyzed by inductive content analysis. Three main results were found concerning the challenges facing Puntland’s and Somaliland’s primary education. Firstly, issues related to the society, such as major governing problems, poverty and children left out of primary education. Secondly, challenges related to the education system, such as weak professionalism of teachers, lack of a uniform education system and lack of proper school structure and materials. Thirdly, children’s inequality was also a major challenge; girls, rural children and nomads being the most disadvantaged. Two main results were found concerning how to face these challenges. Firstly, the development of the core fabric of the society, such as the political system, and advancing in both national and international cooperation to improve the primary education. Secondly, the development of the institutions, such as teacher training and Koranic schools, and the unification of the primary educaton as a whole, were suggested. The results of this study are not to be generalized and do not provide an exhausting answer to the challenges facing primary education or to the ways to develop it in Puntland and Somaliland. Nevertheless, the results provide an overview and general information about the challenges and development opportunities both in Puntland and Somaliland. Further studies could tackle the issues of teacher training system and it is implemented. Also, the functioning of the existing schools should be researched
  • Siitonen, Emma (2019)
    Goal. The induction phase in teacher’s career is extremely important when it comes to whether they decide to continue teaching or not. New teachers have the same responsibility of their students as teachers with more experience, but they don’t have all the skills they need yet. The induction at schools is often inadequate and varies between schools. The aim of this study was to find out the major challenges beginning teachers face in their early career. Also, similarities and differences between this study and Veenman’s (1984) study are analyzed. Methods. The type of this study is a descriptive literature review. The data consisted of 11 research articles published in 2007–2018. Thematizing was used as a method to analyze the data. The results of this study were then compared to Veenman’s (1984) results. Results and conclusion. The teachers perceived most challenges with issues related to teaching, handling heavy work load and stress organizational issues, collaboration with parents and school staff and assessment of students learning.The most challenging for beginning teachers were teaching related issues such as discipline, teaching methods, working with students with special needs and implementing the curriculum. Issues related to teaching, contacting with parents and assessment of students learning were highlighted in both this and Veenman’s (1984) studies. However, as opposed to this study, heavy workload wasn’t perceived a significant challenge in Veenman’s study.
  • Pulkkinen, Mirja (2016)
    Aims. The aim of this descriptive review was to examine the challenges parents of children who need augmentative and alternative communication have experienced in the rehabilitation process. Augmentative and alternative communication can support the communicative skills of individuals with moderate and severe disabilities. Even though the parents’ role in the rehabilitation process is very crucial and has been emphasized during the past decades, relatively few studies has examined this in the AAC rehabilitation which is why further research is much needed. Methods. A systematic search was conducted in four scientific databases. Six studies where parents’ experiences were researched via interviews and questionnaires were chosen to be examined in this study. Results and conclusions. Parents experienced various challenges in the AAC rehabilitation process. These challenges were experienced in different aspects of the process: from device selection to expanding the skills of the individual to different situations. Acknowledgement of the challenges is an important part of planning and enhancing effective rehabilitation.