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Browsing by Subject "kuvataidekasvatus"

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  • Karttunen, Roosa (2020)
    Tutkielman tarkoitus on lisätä ymmärrystä flow-tilan merkityksestä alle kouluikäisille lapsille. Tutkimuksessa eritellään flow-tilan merkitystä nykypäivän yhteiskunnassa eläville lapsille sekä flow-tilaan vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Teoriapohjana käytetään flow-tilaa, luovuutta ja kuvataidekasvatusta käsitteleviä julkaisuja. Csiszentmihalyi on luonut flow-tilan käsitteen. Hän määrittelee flow-tilan tarkoittavan sellaista mielentilaa, jossa tietoisuus on järjestyksessä ja tarkkaavaisuus on täysin suuntautunut tekemiseen. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat, että luovuuden tukemisella ja flow-tilalla on paljon positiivisia vaikutuksia ihmisen elämänlaatuun ja toimintaan. Lisäksi aiemmissa tutkimuksissa ja teorioissa esitetään monia flow-tilan syntymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat luovuuden kehittymiseen. Tutkimuskysymykset olivat: Miten varhaiskasvatuksen ja esiopetuksen kuvataidekasvatuksessa voidaan hyödyntää flow-tilaa? Millaiset tekijät vaikuttavat flow-tilan syntymiseen kuvallisessa ilmaisussa? Millainen merkitys flow-tilalla on lapsen kehitykselle, hyvinvoinnille ja luovuudelle? Tutkielman aineistonhankintamenetelmänä oli puolistrukturoitu teemahaastattelu. Haastattelin kolmea varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa avoimilla haastattelukysymyksillä. Puolistrukturoidun haastattelun mukaisesti kysymykset olivat haastateltaville samat ja teemahaastattelun mukaisesti kysymykset oli jaettu teemoihin, joita olivat kuvataidekasvatus, flow-tilaan vaikuttavat tekijät, luovuuden kehitys sekä flow-tilan ja luovuuden merkitykset. Litteroin haastattelut ja sisällönanalyysin mukaisesti erittelin eri teemoja käsittelevät aiheet kategorioihin. Tulosten perusteella flow-tila vahvistaa lapsen itsetunnon ja rohkean ilmaisun kehittymistä. Lapsen kannustaminen itsensä ilmaisuun ja tämän työn arvostaminen nähtiin tärkeinä lapsen kehityksen ja hyvinvoinnin kannalta. Flow-tilan ajateltiin edistävän lisäksi empatian ja yhteistyötaitojen kehittymistä. Kuvallinen ilmaisu nähtiin väylänä ilmaista tunteita ja saavutetun flow-tilan rentouttavan. syntymiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä olivat rajattu pieni tila, kehon vapaa liikkuminen, pieni ryhmäkoko, päiväkodin puitteet ja riittävä aika, sekä aikataulujen joustavuus. Lisäksi opettajan oman innostuneen asenteen katsottiin vaikuttavan suotuisasti flow-tilan syntymiseen lapsilla. Yksittäiset lapset nähtiin erilaisina flow-tilan saavuttamisen kannalta, joten myös erilaiset aktiviteetit nähtiin tärkeinä varhaiskasvatuksessa, jotta kaikilla lapsilla olisi mahdollisuus saavuttaa flow-tila. Nykyajan haasteiksi flow-tilan kannalta nimettiin riittävän ajan puute ja liian vähäiset mahdollisuudet luoda asioita itse.
  • Berggren, Vilma (2017)
    The aim of the study was to determine the state of art education in Finnish early childhood education from the point of view of art education and the daycare environment. The study is a descriptive literature review and aims to find out the role of art and visual arts in education and how visual arts education is reflected in Finnish early childhood education from the point of view of art education and the day care environment in the 21st century. The study creates an overview of the traditions of art education, the effects of modern and postmodern thinking on arts and art education and the theories developed for helping art education. The study studies the social and educational tasks and goals of art education. The study describes the kindergarten teacher as a visual arts educator and the kindergarten as a learning environment in visual art education. The research used literature sources on arts education and visual arts education and other research literature, Early Childhood Education Act (2015) and the Basics of Early Childhood Education Plan, which came into effect in 2017. The role of art was viewed in the study through the art's intrinsic value and its instru-mental value. The study found that the instrumental role of art is to act as a combiner of the inner and outer world of the child and as a contributor to the development of other areas of learning. The essence of art, it's intrinsic value, lies in the emotions and experiences which can be lived through art. The research showed that the identity of an art educator in early childhood education lies in the personal relationship between the kindergarten teacher and the perception of art and early childhood education. The art educator in early childhood education has a sensitive way to see the child and child's way of being, participating and engaging to the action. A sensitive art educator uses suitable pedagogic models in the right way and at the right moment. As a kin-dergarten teacher, he creates a shared cultural space with children. A kindergarten as a learning environment for visual arts education enables every child to engage in ac-tivities. Materials and tools are available to everyone. In such a learning environment, children act as active providers of knowledge and skills. Through this research, edu-cator in early childhood education becomes familiar with the traditions of art educa-tion, the art education and the kindergarten as a learning environment for visual arts education and gives new perspectives to their own relationship with art.
  • Tjäder, Sebastian (2016)
    This study handles with visual arts education. Studies dealing with visual arts education in early childhood suggest that the objectives of activities are obscure. Because of this the purpose of this study was to describe the objectives and methods of visual arts education in early childhood education and preschool. Data of this qualitative research consists of three early childhood curriculums from kindergartens and of three semi-structured interviews of kindergarten teachers from the same kindergartens. The study also observes the operating environments of these kindergartens trough 13 photos. Content analysis was the data analysis method of this research. This study shows that implemented objectives of visual arts education are mostly general objectives of growth and development that were implemented through visual arts education. Objectives that were set by kindergarten teachers and in the curriculums highlighted operating with different mediums and techniques which also helps the development of motoric skills. For teachers it was important that art activities were joyful for children and that all the required art materials were at hand for children to use during free play. Operating environments of the kindergartens have many duties as also through them teachers are showing their respect for childrens artwork and collaborating with parents. Only one of the kindergarten teachers in this study was setting objectives that also guided children to understand art. The same teacher was also only one who had been studying visual arts education and also working as kindergarten teacher for more than a year. This study suggests that directive documents such as Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteet (2005), Esiopetussuunnitelman perusteet (2011) and both education plans from the city of Helsinki (Helsingin kaupungin varhaiskasvatussuunnitelma, 2013 and Helsingin kaupungin esiopetuksen opeussuunnitelma, 2011) are not providing objectives for visual arts education that are originating from the visual arts itself.
  • Hulmi, Pirjo (2016)
    Objectives. According to previous research people construct life stories to achieve an identity. We tell stories about ourselves and our personal experiences to each other, and those stories become part of me. The perception of one´s life story and past evolves when one grows older. Identity achievement refers to a sense of who one is as a person, continuity and sameness and direction in one´s life. We can observe identity development in life choices. Individuals also come to terms with their culture and vice versa through life narrative. The research guestions were: how did different art education books that relate to youth arts projects deal with identity and how did they aim to support identity development through artistic expression. My goal is to construct an overall picture of this theme in the shape of a literature review because I am convinced that it is possible to support identity formation and the well-being of a pupil through art in ways that are worth acknowledging and beneficial to a class teacher. Methods. This thesis is a systematic and discretionary review. I selected suitable youth arts projects and literature related to them that were published during last ten years. The book material was analysed by content analysis. I also considered how the results of the content analysis could be applied pedagogically. Results and conclusions. The books that were selected to this literature review emphasized different parts of identity. They aimed to support identity development through arts education and artistic expression, group meetings and through exploring life stories and considering the factors that relate to cultural identity. The objective of the education was e.g. to increase cultural knowledge. The processing of emotions related to gender and sexual identity supported identity formation in those areas. According to the results it was possible to strengthen identity through life stories, shared cultural experiences, cultural heritage and recognition. In youth it is important that one is recognized as a unique individual. Recognition, feedback, improving self-esteem, sharing experiences and telling one´s life story have a significant influence on identity formation. Autobiographical and artistic expression help to clarify who one is, where one is going and where does one belong.
  • Auvinen, Vilma (2018)
    The purpose of this study was to find out how children´s participation appear in early childhood education´s visual art education. This study was done as a systematic literature review using data from literature that addresses visual arts in early childhood education. The goal of this study was to find out how the different qualifications of participation and sense of community are valued in the used data. References of participation and sense of community in the used data are viewed in this study. In this study children´s participation was viewed with seven different qualifications. These seven different qualifications are suitable to be used in a study of early childhood education. Viewing references of sense of community in the used data was also part of this study. This study was done by using six different bibliographies that address visual arts in early childhood education. These six different bibliographies were articles, literature and one doctoral thesis. The collected data was then studied with a perspective of participation and sense of community. Then references to the seven different qualifications of participation were looked for in the used data. Different references of sense of community were also looked for in this study. All the findings in the used data were documented and collected. In this study the seven different qualifications of participation are addressed one qualification at a time. Sense of community is addressed as individual chapter. This study was done as a systematic literature review, but this study has also some indicates of a use of grounded theory. References of the seven different qualifications of participation were found in the used data. Only one of the seven different qualifications were not found in all used bibliographies. Sense of community however was found in all bibliographies. This study shows that correctly done visual art education in early childhood education can support children´s participation and sense of community.