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Browsing by Subject "maker-kulttuuri"

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  • Cornér, Tuija (2017)
    Objectives. The objective of this research was to form an overall picture of maker-culture and particularly from it’s expressions in the field of education. The research tries to clarify, how parts of maker-culture (community and learning together, digital tools, maker-spaces, sharing of expertise and products and maker mindset) comes together in schools or fits in the hands of experts in the field of education. Earlier studies have shown that especially in education, maker-culture links with constructivism, problem focused learning, discovery learning and phenomenal based learning. Methods. The thesis method was a descriptive literature review and sources consisted of English literature about maker culture. Reseach questions were formed as following: 1. Which are the relevant features in maker culture in educations perspective? 2. How do the features of maker culture present themselves in 21st century school-context? Results and concusions. In this research it was discovered that maker culture is finding it’s way to be a part of the field of education and especially among educational experts. Maker culture’s parts, such as learning together, problem focused learning and usage of digital tools, appeared also in schools as part of phenomenal based learning and entrepreneurship education.
  • Volotinen, Iina (2017)
    This Bachelor’s thesis reviews the current state of the so-called ‘maker culture’, which originated in the United States, within the field of Finnish design and technology education. In particular, I focus on the physical and social constructs of learning environments within the maker culture. The ‘makerspaces’ emerging from this movement represent an up-and-coming trend in learning environments at all levels of education. I used qualitative research methods to answer two research questions: (1) how to equip makerspaces based on the latest research, and (2) what kinds of learning do makerspaces support? The research undertaken in this thesis emerges from the practical need to acquire more knowledge for building new types of learning environments and cultures. At the moment, no extensive research on the maker culture exists in Finnish, but English-language materials are readily available. The theoretical part of the thesis consists of three chapters, which describe the maker culture and the makerspace phenomenon in general, while paying specific attention to the learning environments and their educational context. The qualitative research method selected for the study involved conducting a systematic literature review to evaluate the available material and its contents. The contents were analyzed from four perspectives: space, instruments, services, and activity culture. The analysis revealed that makerspaces can be equipped with modern technology, such as 3D printers and laser cutters, but they also feature traditional and recycled tools and materials. The results show that to ensure the functionality and accessibility of makerspaces as learning environments, the stakeholders and the culture of the respective subject must be taken into account in the design and construction of makerspaces. The pedagogy of the learning environment emphasizes the sharing of competence, thus reflecting the concept of collective competence. Finally, community makerspace learning environments were found to support phenomenal and exploratory learning, which may stimulate an entrepreneurial attitude. The results of the thesis can be used to design new, more diversified learning environments, and to inform decision-making when planning the pedagogy and architecture of new learning environments.
  • Lappalainen, Ilmari (2019)
    During the last decade makerspace has gained popularity as a new way of learning. So far makerspaces have mainly focused on youth and adults instead of young children. Academic research on the subject is still fairly rare but makerspaces have been seen to support the goals of early childhood education. The goal of this research is to survey the realization of early childhood education in Finnish makerspaces. Makerspaces of the public libraries of the city of Espoo have been chosen as the subjects of material collecting due to their gratuitousness and quantity. One of the tasks of public libraries is organizing education with the cooperation of educational establishments. Due to it library makerspaces are favorable place to put early childhood education into practice. This research was carried out with semi-structured interviews. In total six makerspace staff members were interviewed. The study found that the library makerspace staff have a positive attitude towards early childhood education. All interviewed experts felt they are capable of planning and implementing activities for young children. Daycare groups have already visited some of the Espoo city library makerspaces. However, more information about the needs of early childhood education groups was desired. Daycare group participation in makerspaces has been dependent on the personal activity and knowledge of early childhood educators as the library makerspaces haven’t been marketed to kindergartens but are available on request. The library staff felt that they had ready-made lesson plans suitable for early childhood education groups but are afraid their resources are not sufficient if demand for their services rises. In early childhood education, the amount and importance of handicrafts have declined over the decades, and early childhood educators’ know-how of crafts and technology education is often seen as inadequate. Makerspaces can be used to increase the digital literacy skills of both children and educators, as well as the pedagogical skills of educators. In order to achieve this, the awareness of early childhood educators must be increased.
  • Lankinen, Elina (2021)
    Teknologia on soluttautunut nykyisin yhä moninaisempiin konteksteihin, kuten perinteisiin tekstiilitöihin. Maker-kulttuurin kautta teknologian luova käyttö yhdistyy perinteisiin materiaa-leihin ja menetelmiin. Elektroniset tekstiilit (e-tekstiilit), jotka voidaan lukea osaksi maker-kulttuuria, yhdistävät elektroniikkaa ja ohjelmointia pehmeisiin tekstiilimateriaaleihin. Maker-kulttuuri ja e-tekstiilit tarjoavat uudenlaisen, kokeiluun ja tekemällä oppimiseen pohjautuvan tavan elektroniikan ja ohjelmoinnin opetukseen. Suomalaisissa peruskouluissa teknologia on osa laaja-alaisia osaamiskokonaisuuksia, joita harjoitellaan kaikkien oppiaineiden yhteydessä. E-tekstiilien kautta teknologian ja ohjelmoinnin opetusta voitaisiin integroida käsityön opetuk-seen. Tässä tutkimuksessa tutustuttiin Internetin maker-sivustoilta löytyviin projekteihin, joissa teknologiaa yhdistetään tekstiilityön materiaaleihin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella teknologian käyttöä tekstiilityön projekteissa, ja miten eri tavoin elektroniikkaa ja ohjelmointia voidaan hyödyntää tekstiiliprojektien toteutuksessa. Tutkimuksen avulla pyritään tuottamaan lisää tietoa siitä, miten teknologiaa voidaan yhdistää peruskoulun käsityön pehmeisiin materi-aaleihin. Tutkimusaineisto koostui, kolmelta Internet-sivustolta valituista, 25 teknologiaa ja tekstiiliä yh-distävästä projektista. Aineistona toimivia projekteja luokiteltiin ja analysoitiin teorialähtöistä si-sällönanalyysiä hyödyntäen. Teoreettisina viitekehyksinä toimivat Buechley ym. (2006) tekno-logiset lähestymistavat (elektroniikka, kangas ja ohjelmointi) sekä Korhosen ym. (2020b) tek-nologiaulottuvuudet (toiminta, äly, tekniikka ja materiaalit). Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettyjen teoriaviitekehysten kautta tutkituista projekteista nousi esille erilaisia teknologiaan liittyviä näkökulmia. Teknologisten lähestymistapojen kautta ilmeni erilai-sia tapoja hyödyntää teknologiaa tekstiiliprojekteissa. Tutkituissa projekteissa esiintyi kaikkia eri teknologisia lähestymistapoja: elektroniikka-, kangas- ja ohjelmointipainotteisia käsitöitä. Projektit vaihtelivat yksinkertaisista elektroniikan liittämisestä huopa-alustalle, vaikeampiin monisensorisiin ja useampia lähestymistapoja yhdisteleviin projekteihin. Teknologiaulottuvuuk-sien tarkastelu antoi tarkempaa tietoa projekteissa käytettävän elektroniikan toiminnasta, oh-jelmoinnilla aikaan-saadusta älystä sekä materiaaleista ja tekniikoista. Eri lähestymistapoja voidaan käyttää eri tasoisten projektien toteuttamiseen. Yhdistämällä eri teknologisia lähesty-mistapoja ja lisäämällä haastavampia teknologisia ulottuvuuksia, komponentteja tai tekniikoita, voidaan toteuttaa yhä monimutkaisempia tekstiilejä ja teknologiaa yhdistäviä projekteja.