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Browsing by Subject "osallisuuden tukeminen"

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  • Hirvonen, Emilia (2016)
    The purpose of this research is to find out how children’s participation comes about in local pre-school curriculums. Secondly I want to find out how educators’ role to support children’s participation comes about in the local pre-school curriculums. Children’s participation is important from several points of views – from individual to the whole community’s viewpoint. This is why it’s important to make children’s participation visual also in pre-school, so that children can grow and be supported to become influencing adults. The new local pre-school curriculums and the rising culture of participation makes children’s participation a topical and interesting phenomena to research about. As research material were seven local pre-school curriculums from large Finnish cities. All of these curriculums are based on National Pre-school Curriculum (2014). Material was ana-lized with theoretical content analysis and quantification. Results show that it is clear that in pre-school children’s participation is an important empha-sis. From the material there was found plenty of mentions about children’s participation and the role of an educator to it. Children’s participation was emphasized in the execution of ac-tivity. However, these mentions were really general, and the more specific forms and ways concerning children’s participation were left to be planned by the units where pre-school is organized. When the different roles of educator’s and the phases and qualities of participation are made visible enable its use in daily activities. This supports the progress of the participation’s cul-ture. As a follow-up research it would be worthwhile to research children’s participation through observing.
  • Maisa, Junkkari (2018)
    This Bachelor's Thesis examines how kindergarten teachers understand the concept of participation and how they support children's participation in early childhood education. The aim was to find out the views and notions of kindergarten teachers as well as practical experiences about supporting children's participation. An inspiration for the study was the new Early Childhood Education and Care Act, which for the first time mentions child´s right to participate in the planning and implementation of early childhood education. This can be seen as a part of a bigger development in which the child's participation and the right to decide on matters concerning himself is considered increasingly important. Therefore, the study also examined whether the kindergarten teachers have noticed a change in a way child´s participation is taken into account. The research material consisted of five interviews with teachers working in kindergarten in Helsinki. The interviews were conducted as semi-structured theme interviews which lasted about a half an hour. The interviews were recorded and transcribed for analysis. Responses to the interviews were sought by conceptualizing and typing similar views and approaches. The types found in the material were compared to the theoretical framework of the study. The research revealed that even though the concept of participation was very familiar to all interviewees, they felt that it was challenging to define it. However, the responses were very similar and in all of them the participation was defined to mean children´s ability to influence his or her own life. The most important methods for supporting participation were consulting children, taking account of their needs and giving the opportunity to influence. All interviews revealed that the participation of children in early childhood education has increased steadily over the years. Therefore, the entry into force of the new Early Childhood Education and Care Act has not caused a radical change in the practices. The law can therefore be seen as a development product rather than its launcher.
  • Alopaeus, Elisa (2019)
    This qualitative study examines kindergarten teacher’s views on how they support participation. The subject is linked to early childhood education’s everyday life and how participation can be supported in children’s everyday life. This study is focused on Harry Shier’s (2001) participation theory, which offers different levels to achieve participation. By achieving these levels, participation can be supported. In this theory participation support can lead to situation where adults share their power on activities together with children. The study was implemented by data-based content analysis. Research data was gathered from the website of Finnish National Agency for Education. Research data was an internet annotation. Data collection was obtained by cropping kindergarten teacher’s answers from original data. The goal for this study was to examine kindergarten teacher’s answers and sort them in different groups. The results of this study are the main groups which were formed by analysis and there is four of these main groups. In this this study these main groups were compared to Harry Shier’s (2001) participation theory and purpose was to find some similarities between the results and theory. The main results of this study are linked to the resources that are available for teachers to use while supporting participation. For example, the most functional way to support participation was that children are listened to, but too big groups were seen as the reason that makes it difficult to listen children. Previous researchers have said that there is a huge meaning for children that they are listened to. Also making children’s views visible has a big meaning for children. These are the ways when they can experience that they can influence in their lives. (Gellin, 2011). Resources were also mentioned in Shier’s (2001) theory by as one of the ways how adults can be engaged for supporting children’s participation. In the results educational companionship between staff and parents was also highlighted and also that through shared activities children get a chance to influence to the things which have effect on them. Educational companionship was seen as a good and functional interaction between kindergarten staff and the parents. Children’s chances to affect on the activities was included in the idea that the staff is in the key position to make children seen and heard. According to kindergarten teachers, by listening children, teacher enable children to bring their views to the attention and by that make children’s participation possible in planning activities.
  • Järvimäki, Soile (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on kuvata, miten pienen lapsen yksilöllistä ja yhdenvertaista osallisuutta voidaan tukea varhaiskasvatuksessa. Tämän lisäksi tavoitteena on syventää ymmärrystä ja tuoda esille, minkälaisia haasteita ja ilmiöitä osallisuuden toteutumiseen liittyy ja millaisia pedagogisia keinoja varhaiskasvatuksessa voidaan tietoisesti hyödyntää pienen lapsen osallisuuden tueksi ja vahvistamiseksi. Mielenkiinto lapsen osallisuutta kohtaan on noussut käytännön havaintojen sekä opintojen myötä vahvistuneen Menetelmät. Tutkielma toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena narratiivisen kirjallisuuskatsaus menetelmän ja teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tutkielman aineisto on kerätty tutkimussuunnitelman ja ohjeistuksen mukaisesti Google scholaria ja Helsingin yliopiston hakupalvelu Heldan tietokantojen avulla. Kysymysten asettelu toteutui ja vahvistui aikaisemman osallisuuteen liittyvän kirjallisuuden ja tutkimustiedon lähiluvun myötä. Tutkielman aihetta pohjustetaan teoria- ja tutkimuskirjallisuuden avulla käymällä läpi osallisuuden käsitettä ja määritelmää, henkilöstön pedagogista toimintaa ja sen roolia osana lapsen osallisuutta sekä lapsen sosiaalista vuorovaikutusta ja oppimista. Tutkielman aineistona käytettiin yhden väitöskirjan kahta lukua ja kahta tutkimusartikkelia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimustulosten perusteella osallisuus on monimuotoista ja sille on vaikeaa antaa selkeää yhteistä määritelmää. Koska lapsen osallisuus vaihtelee päivittäin erilaisten henkilöiden ja ryhmien sekä yksilön vuorovaikutuksessa. Pienen lapsen osallisuutta on mahdollista tukea varhaiskasvatuksessa pedagogisin keinoin henkilöstön tietoisuudesta, herkkyydestä ja ymmärryksestä syntyvän toiminnan avulla.
  • Ojala, Aada (2024)
    Tämä tutkielma käsittelee varhaiskasvatusikäisten lasten yksinäisyyttä varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli vastata tutkimuskysymyksiin siitä, millaisia näkemyksiä varhaiskasvatuksen opettajilla on lasten yksinäisyydestä, millaisissa tilanteissa yksinäisyyttä esiintyy opettajien näkökulmasta ja miten yksinäisen lapsen osallisuutta tuetaan. Tutkimusta varhaiskasvatusikäisten lasten yksinäisyydestä on tehty vähän, jonka vuoksi tutkielman aiheen merkitys korostuu. Aiheesta on tehty enemmän tutkimusta esimerkiksi isompien lasten ja nuorten yksinäisyyden ehkäisemisestä ja osallisuuden vaikutuksesta ehkäisemiseen. Tutkielma toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, keräämällä tietoa varhaiskasvatuksen opettajilta. Aineisto kerättiin helmikuun 2024 aikana kyselylomakkeen avulla. Kyselylomakkeeseen vastasi viisitoista varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa, joiden työkokemus vaihteli 3–11 vuoden välillä. Tutkimustulosten perusteella yksinäisyyttä esiintyi varsinkin silloin, kun lapsen sosiaaliset taidot eivät olleet kehittyneet ikätason mukaisesti. Yksinäisyyttä esiintyi eniten vapaan leikin aikana. Yksinäisyys näkyi lapsen kaveritaitojen puutteena sekä leikkiin sitoutumisen vaikeutena. Yksinäisen lapsen osallisuutta tuettiin vaihtelevasti. Osallisuutta tuettiin muun muassa aikuisen tuella ja läsnäololla leikkitilanteissa.