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  • Saarelainen, Hanna (2020)
    The aim of this study is to examine the views and experiences of four early childhood education teachers to understand by which means they try to prevent feelings of unsafety in the pre-school education group, and thereby strengthen the feeling of emotional safety. Emotional safety is a group’s or an individual’s emotional state protected from factors including fear, shame, quilt or worthlessness, that threaten the human self. Awareness of being accepted is also needed. This qualitative study was conducted by interviewing four early childhood education teachers currently working or that had previously worked in a pre-school education group. The interviews were conducted through thematic interviews. The research data was collected from three southern Finnish municipalities in early 2019. The interviews were transcribed and analysed using theoretical content analysis. The results of the study show that all interviewees use their practices to support a safe learning environment. Protection from feelings of unsafety was implemented in different ways: 1) developing acceptance in the group, 2) ensuring experiences of success, 3) open and positive interaction, 4) encouragement, 5) structure, 6) unhurried learning environment, 7) voluntary participation, 8) sensitivity, 9) avoidance of stigmatisation, 10) prevention of the group’s internal cliques and 11) avoiding competition. The importance of the child having a feeling of being heard and seen was emphasized in the answers as well as the importance of nonverbal communication of the teacher. However, the teachers felt that in the busy everyday life, the teacher does not have enough time for a peaceful presence with children, and some children may not be seen and heard throughout the day.
  • Ouni, Amin (2018)
    Objectives. This study examines school experiences of young people with immigrant background. More precisely the feeling of togetherness in school. The theoretical ground of this study is built around the concepts, theories and previous studies that cover immigration in the Finnish school system. Research questions are: Does a young person with immigrant background feel that they are part of their schools community? Which are the factors that have an impact on the feeling of togetherness? Methods. The material of the study was gathered by a half structured interview. There were three interviewees all of them men of legal age with immigrant background. The interviews were analyzed using analysis of the content by searching for comments that fit to certain themes. Analysis of the content originated from the material. The interviews were put together into a summary and by that summary the results were combined to previous research results. Results and conclusions. The results have shown that young people with immigrant background had a strong feeling of togetherness in their schools. Social relationships were a crucial part of feeling of togetherness. The interviewees also emphazised the significance of hobbies and language skills in their speech. The participants of this study had had a positive school experience and they had been prosperous in their studies. Previous research has shown that the feeling of togetherness is connected to being successful in school.
  • Karell, Laura (2016)
    Objectives. The purpose of this thesis was to examine how a class teacher can impact on classroom climate. Specifically, I examined this theme from a view of a class teacher’s actions in elementary school because I wanted to obtain practical benefit for a teacher’s job. Classroom climate and communality sustain development and secure growth of a child and create a basis for learning (Salovaara & Honkonen, 2011, s. 42–43). This is the reason why classroom climate is a significant factor in operation of a class and a class teacher. Methodology. This study was implemented as a systematic literature review. The research material consisted of eleven english peer-reviewed articles. The studies were implemented in the U.S., Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands. These articles were published in 2010–2016. I analyzed the data with thematic analysis. Results and conclusions. The results were classified by the themes I developed. The main results of the theme interaction and practice of a teacher were that sosio-emotional skills of a teacher, the relationships between a teacher and pupils, atmosphere that a teacher had created and the support of pupils autonomy enhanced a good classroom climate. The results of the theme discipline were that nonverbal reminder for disruptive behavior improved and exclusionary discipline strategies impaired the classroom climate. The notable results of the theme support for a practice of social skills were the positive impact of practicing the sosio-emotional skills on the climate. The main result of the fourth theme organizing the classroom was that the teacher-determined classroom seating arrangement influenced on likeability of peers. Teacher’s actions, interaction, discipline and organizing the classroom were significant considering the forming of a classroom climate.
  • Karanko, Heidi (2021)
    Tässä opinnäytetyössä tavoitteena oli tarkastella ryhmäytymistä peruskoulukontekstissa. Ryhmät ovat olennainen osa kouluarkea ja opetussuunnitelman perusteissa (2014, 98, 280) korostetaan siirtymäkohdissa uuteen ryhmään liittymistä. Tieteellistä tutkimusta ryhmäytymisestä peruskoulussa ei juurikaan löytynyt, mutta ryhmien ohjaamiseen on monia opastusta antavia julkaisuja. Tässä tutkielmassa pyritään selvittämään, miten ryhmäytyminen määritellään tai käsitetään julkaisuissa, joita voidaan käyttää oppaina ryhmäytymiseen. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jonka analyysin kohteina oli 11 ryhmäytymisessä tukea ja opastusta antavaa julkaisua. Tavoitteena oli kartoittaa ja vertailla näiden julkaisujen käsityksiä ryhmäytymisestä. Päätutkimuskysymyksenä on, mitä ryhmäytymisellä tarkoitetaan ryhmäytymistä käsittelevien ja siihen opastavien julkaisujen mukaan. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin, milloin ryhmäytymistä tapahtuu ja mitä sillä tavoitellaan aineistona olevien oppaiden mukaan. Tuloksina todettiin, ettei oppaista löydy yhtä käsitystä ryhmäytymisestä. Oppaista kuitenkin piirtyi kuva ryhmäytymisen määritelmästä. Siihen liittyy ryhmän tutustuminen, kiinteytyminen, toimintakyky sekä vuorovaikutus, turvallisuus, luottamus ja ryhmässä viihtyminen. Aineistolähteestä riippuen ryhmäytyminen miellettiin kuuluvan ryhmän alkuun, koko ryhmän olemassaolon ajalle tai siihen jätettiin ottamatta kantaa. Ryhmäytymisellä tavoitellaan ryhmän toimintakykyä, kiinteyttä, yhteishenkeä, yhteenkuuluvuutta ja turvallisuutta. Nämä asiat ovat tärkeitä ryhmän toimivuuden kannalta ja ryhmät ovat olennainen osa ihmiselämää, joten ryhmäytyminen ja sen ymmärtäminen on tärkeää.
  • Nyman, Aapo (2023)
    Tässä kandidaatin tutkielmassa käsitellään ryhmädynamiikan vaikutuksia peruskoulu oppilaiden kouluhyvinvointiin sekä sitä, miten opettaja voi omalla toiminnallaan edistää toimivan ryhmädynamiikan positiivisia vaikutuksia oppilaiden kouluhyvinvointiin. Tutkielmassa lähestytään aihetta niin oppilaan kuin opettajankin silmin. Teoreettinen tausta nojaa vahvasti Wilfred Bionin ja Bruce Tuckmanin teorioihin ryhmän käyttäytymisestä ja kehityksestä. Lisäksi taustoitetaan tarkemmin koululuokkaa ryhmänä, ryhmädynamiikkaa, kouluhyvinvointia ja sitä, miten ryhmätoimintaa perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmassa painotetaan. Ryhmätyötaitoja painotetaan opetussuunnitelmassa paljon ja ryhmää kuuluvuuden tunne on tärkeä osa psyykkistä hyvinvointia. Ryhmä kehittyy pikkuhiljaa ja alun tutustumisvaiheen jälkeen ryhmän jäsenet alkavat löytää oman paikkansa ryhmässä ja ryhmän dynamiikka alkaa muodostumaan. Ryhmän ohjaajan tehtävä on ohjata ryhmää oikeaan suuntaan ja auttaa ristiriitatilanteissa. Tämä tutkielma on kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus, jonka tarkoituksena on tarkastella jo olemassa olevaa tieteellistä tutkimusta aiheesta. Katsaukseen sisältyvien artikkeleiden valintakriteerit kohistuivat koululuokan ryhmädynamiikkaan ja sen vaikutukseen oppilaiden kouluhyvinvointiin ja miten opettaja voi omalla toiminnallaan vaikuttaa oppilaiden ryhmäkäyttäytymiseen. Artikkeleiden tuli käsitellä peruskoulua aikavälillä 2010–2022. Valtaosa aineistosta käsittelee suomalaisia kouluja. Aineistoista on erikseen valittu ne osa-alueet, jotka käsittelevät tähän kirjallisuuskatsaukseen sopivia teemoja. Artikkeleista saatujen tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että oppilaat kaipaavat ryhmään kuuluvuuden tunnetta ja haluavat olla osa luokkaa, kukin omalla tavallaan. Opettajan tehtävänä on luoda luokkaan sellainen ilmapiiri, ettei kukaan tuntisi oloaan ulkopuoliseksi ja kaikki voivat työskennellä keskenään ja ottavat muut huomioon. Ilmapiirin tulisi olla sellainen, että kaikki voivat olla omia itsejään ilman, että joutuvat kiusatuksi tai ryhmän ulkopuolisiksi. Opettaja asettaa mallin, miten muita ihmisiä kohdellaan ja miten ryhmässä toimitaan. Oppilaille tulee järjestää tilanteita, joissa he pääsevät harjoittelemaan ryhmässä oloa ja vuorovaikutustaitoja. Tällöin oppilaat osaavat myös toimia ryhmässä silloin, kun opettaja tai aikuinen ei ole paikalla. Ongelmatilanteilta ja ristiriidoilta ei voi välttyä, mutta niiden asiaankuuluva selvittäminen opettajan johdolla antaa oppilaille avaimet niiden omatoimiseen ratkaisemiseen. Toimiva ryhmä luo pohjan turvalliselle oppimisympäristölle, missä oppilaan on hyvä olla, mutta se vaatii opettajalta päivittäistä työstämistä ja huomiota. Turvallisen luokkahengen luominen on oppilaiden ja opettajan välistä yhteistyötä.
  • Ding, Tapio (2016)
    Objectives: There is vast literature on the association between personality traits and individuals performance. In addition to individual it is important to focus also on groups. By only focusing on individuals the effect of interactive nature of groups is omitted. Overall the factors that might be affected by performance in a way synergistic nature or by tapping into the social dimension of group work are missed when only examining the individuals. The aim of this thesis was to conduct a literature review on the effect of personality traits on group performance. Methods: Based on the literature review the current state of the research was analysed. Based on the articles and perception of the current situation the final conclusions were done. Results and Conclusions: Based on the literature review, conscientiousness was mostly positively related to the performance of groups. The higher the level of conscientiousness of the group, the better they performed. In terms of extraversion the results were not as straight forward as with conscientiousness but indicated a possibility of also having a positive relation to performance. In addition, the literature indicated that the association between extraversion and group performance might be non-linear. For the other three traits, agreeableness, neuroticism and openness to experience, there is no conclusive evidence towards one way or another. To conclude, it is still unclear what the effects of a group’s personality traits are on the overall performance of the group. More research is needed to make more accurate conclusions.
  • Ellonen, Eetu (2018)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Goals. Emotions and emotional skills have been found to be an important part of our everyday life. This was also taken into account in the new curriculum, which emphasizes the importance of social skills (POPS, 2014). Emotional skills are generally considered to be broad-based, and incorporating concepts that include, for example, emotional competence and emotional intelligence. This study examines the concept of emotional intelligence more closely. A lot of positive research results have been gained from the emotional intelligence of individuals. The study of the group in terms of emotional intelligence has remained secondary, although emotions have been found to have multiple meanings for group activity. The purpose of this study was to find out what kind of connections have been found between emotional intelligence and group work or teamwork. Group work and teamwork means in this study the work of a group of people in primary or secondary groups. The definition of emotional intelligence in this study is based on the theoretic theory of Goleman (1997), Mayer and Salovey (1997) and Bar-On (2000). Method. The study material consisted of nine international research papers that examined the relationship between emotional intelligence and group work. The material was obtained using electronic databases. The study is an integrative literature review, which allows a methodological examination of various studies. The material was analyzed using material-based content analysis. The result and discussion. In this study, emotional intelligence was associated with teamwork. The connection was found to group processes, teamwork and group cohesion. Other results were that emotional intelligence influences the ability to be a team worker and the group's mental health experience while working. However, all aspects of the intelligence did not rise individually when considering the importance of group work. The results highlighted the personal and social dimensions of an individual's emotional intelligence, such as the ability to understand their own feelings and to be aware of other feelings. The results of this study are supported by Druskat and Wolf (2001) hypothesis that emotional intelligence influences the effectiveness of teamwork. However, further research is needed to expand and broaden our understanding. Children and young people would also be particularly important.
  • Nikula, Venla (2019)
    The aim of this study was to investigate, based on previous studies, the togetherness of the day care group from children’s perspective. The only research problem is ”How do children create and express togetherness according to previous studies in a day care group?” The togetherness was, in this study, referred to the interrelationship between group members. There is often a lot of talk about a good class spirit, but less often about the good spirit in day care group. However, togetherness and its consideration in day care is very important for the well-being of the child. A day care group is most often the first experience of a community for a child, so feeling of togetherness is important to make the child’s first experience of the own community as positive as possible. This promotes community action in later life. I executed my research as a descriptive literature review. There were five different articles in the review that treated my topic from the point of view of children, but focusing on the subject from a slightly different perspective. As one of the ways of conducting a literature review, I ended up classifying the articles that rose from my articles. In my research, it turned out that children use many different ways to create and express togetherness in a day care group. I composed these ways into eight separate themes, which then were classified into two classes according to the themes’ main way of expressing togetherness. These two classes were functional way of creating and expressing togetherness and verbal way of creating and expressing togetherness. One of these themes was left the division because it was so strongly in both upper classes. Togetherness seems to be a broad and diverse factor in the peer culture of children. Future research should also pay attention to the adults’ perspective of togetherness in a day care group, do expressions of the togetherness focus to them at all, how do they affect togetherness, or do they take it into account at all and how they can contribute to the togetherness of their group.