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Browsing by Subject "työmotivaatio"

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  • Stucki, Ella (2022)
    Työelämän jatkuvien vaatimusten kasvun myötä tulee etsiä keinoja, jotka auttavat työntekijöitä motivoitumaan työnteossa ja yritystä pysymään kilpailukykyisenä. Osallistaminen on tapa, joka yhdistää työntekijöitä ja heidän tietotaitojansa yhteen, kun kehitellään yhdessä parempia toimintoja ja ympäristöjä töihin. Osallistamista on aikaisemmin tutkittu esimerkiksi työhyvinvoinnin, tunteiden ja yrityksen kannattavuuden kautta. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, mitkä tekijät nousevat työntekijöiden kokemuksen mukaan merkittäviksi osallistamisessa sekä vaikuttaako osallistaminen heidän työmotivaatioonsa. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat 1) Mitkä tekijät koetaan merkittävinä osallistamisessa? ja 2) Miten osallistava muutostoiminta vaikuttaa henkilöstön työmotivaatioon? Tutkimusstrategiaksi valikoitui laadullinen tutkimus ja aineisto koostui neljästä haastattelusta, jotka toteutettiin puolistrukturoidun haastattelurungon avulla. Näin saatiin kohdeyrityksen työntekijöiden kokemuksia esille osallistavasta muutosprosessista. Aineisto analysoitiin sekä aineisto-, että teorialähtöisen sisällönanalyysin avulla, muodostamalla samoista merkityksistä ylä- ja alaluokkia. Lisäksi tukena hyödynnettiin sisällön erittelyanalyysiä. Osallistamisen merkittäviä löydöksiä käsiteltiin luotujen yläluokkien kautta, jotka olivat avoin dialogi, yhteisöllisyys ja toiminta. Työmotivaation tuloksia avattiin mielekkyyden, yhteenkuuluvuuden ja kyvykkyyden luokkien, eli Ryanin ja Decin itseohjautuvuusteorian kautta. Merkittävänä osallistamisessa koettiin työntekijöiden mielipiteiden kysyminen ja niistä kertominen, jotka herättivät uusia keskusteluja, sekä toivat ongelmakohtia esille. Lisäksi kaikkien osallistuminen sekä oman toiminnan miettiminen ja implementointi nähtiin merkittävinä osallistamisessa. Työmotivaatioon vaikuttivat muun muassa osallistamisen kautta tehdyt muutokset roolituksissa, työnkuvissa ja yhteishengessä. Osallistamista hyödyntämällä yritys voi luoda työntekijöille tilan ajatella, tulla kuulluksi, parantaa yhteisöllisyyttä, sekä nostaa esille ongelmakohtia ja luoda muutosta. Tulee kuitenkin muistaa, että jokaisen yksilölliset tarpeet ja kokemukset vaikuttavat osallistamisprosessissa.
  • Kokkonen, Heini; Kokkonen, Heini (2017)
    The purpose of this research was to find out what factors affect kindergarten teachers’ work motivation during a long career. I wanted to find the factors that affect on work motivation, how does motivation last when doing a mentally and physically burdening job and does work motivation alter during different stages of working career. The goal of this research is to supply information for fresh kindergarten teachers on the things that have an effect on work motivation in the profession. This might help them recognize and think of their own motivational factors, notice them in the early stages of their career and help modify their working environment in a way that supports their own motivation to stay high throughout their career and would rather act as a supporting factor for their motivation than as a debilitating one. The research was done as a qualitative research and the answers were acquired with a half-structured interview, a small presurvey and a multichoice questionnaire. ¬Four kindergarten teachers with at least fifteen years of working experience and were between the ages of 40 and 60 were interviewed. Work motivation in different stages of their careers was discussed with the fore mentioned teachers and was mirrored with the experience given by the lenght of their careers. Presurvey and multichoices reflect Edward Deci’s and Richard Ryan’s self determination theorys three main principles: relatedness, autonomy and competence. Interviews answered the preset research questions. The interviewed teachers gave a lot of information of their work motivation and –experiences. The interviews presented a lot of new motivational factors some of which one would not have thought of at first. Motivation is important but we’re all individuals and the things affecting our motivation are unique. Biggest factors for work motivation were the team’s functionality, autonomy, workload growth and available resources. Disfunction of the team had a negative effect on work motivation and vice versa. Autonomy was considered really important. Workload was felt to have grown over the years and was decreasing one’s strenghts in the job. Available resources also affect ones work motivation. More resources equaled more motivation.
  • Niiranen, Miikka (2017)
    The purpose of this study was to find out the causes and factors that make a newly graduated kindergarten teacher change the line of work. I started to look at the issue based on previous research in the context of well-being at work and work motivation. There is a continuing shortage of qualified nursery teachers in the Helsinki metropolitan area. Against this background, I found the research topic current and interesting. The study aims to give a voice for two early-stage early childhood education professionals who have settled upon other jobs or towards new studies soon after graduation. The research approach was qualitative. The study material was collected by theme interviews. Two graduated kindergarten teachers from the University of Helsinki were interviewed for research, both of which no longer work in the kindergarten teacher's profession. The interviews were analyzed using data-driven content analysis. The results of the research showed that the most disadvantaged features of kindergarten teacher's profession are low appreciation of the society and the low pay which, in the opinion of the interviewees, is insufficient in relation to the demands of the work. Both interviewees considered the profession to be socially valuable. They also felt that the working life did not meet their personal expectations. They felt that they did not get to put their teaching into practice strongly enough, because the focus of the work seemed too often to be elsewhere, such as in helping the colleagues in their mental support or solving everyday problems. They felt that the human resources were inadequate and the treatment of employees was unfair at times. The work of the kindergarten teacher is, in their opinion, versatile and valuable. It's appeal could be enhanced by structural changes and with a more motivating pay system. From the results of the study it can be concluded that it is possible to increase the attractiveness of the profession, for example by raising the value of work and raising the salary level.