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  • Väänänen, Anna; Väänänen, Anna (2019)
    Goals: The reasearch on teachers’ job satisfaction shows that the teachers’ job satisfaction is getting lower. The barometer on work conditions, published in May 2018 by the The Trade Union of Eduaction in Finland, shows that the teachers’ job satisfaction had lessened in the preceding two years. One viewpoint to understand more thoroughly the concept of job satisfaction is to look into the factors that cause job satisfaction in teachers’ work life. In this research, the goal was to widen understanding on the communication that lies behind teachers’ job satisfaction. The answers to this research problem were approached through the experiences of special education teachers. Job satisfaction was defined by the definition of Locke (1976): job satisfaction is "a pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job or job experiences". The recent research literature (e.g. Pepe, Addimando & Veronese 2017) shows that the relational communication is a factor that explains job satisfaction In this research, the interest is in the communication with the pupils, colleagues and pupil’s parents that supports job satisfaction. Methods: In this research, the data consisted of two interviews of special education teatchers. They were conducted in April 2018. The interviews were transcribed and the data consisted of 32 pages. The data was analyzed using qualitative, hermeneutic-phenomenological principles. Resuls: The communication relations with the pupils and the colleagues were seen as strongly meaningful factors explaining special education teachers’ job satisfaction. The communication with the parents was seen as less meaniful when considering job satisfaction. The communication atmosphere and the roles in the different communication relations were common factors when looking into the communication that was considered strenghtening job satisfaction. These factors apporach the transactional factors explaing burnout that Chan (2009) has represented. Openness, honesty and experience of trust seem to be the central common ground on all communication supporting the job satisfaction of the special education teachers.
  • Immonen, Waltteri (2018)
    The special education reform, has resulted in major changes in the job description of Finnish special education teachers. Also, distribution of resources to schools have changed. Previous researchers have found lack of resources in special education. Teachers also experience lack of time. To date, there have not been quantitative research about the matter of time specific to special education teachers.  I explored special education teachers experiences about challenges that connect to resources in this research. Opinions of special education teachers are interesting because they not only operate in the field but also have academic education. The aim of the study was to answer two questions: which resource challenges A teachers experience to be (1) most disturbing and (2) least disturbing (2).  The answers collected via electric questionaire, were from previous students from University of Helsinki whose major was special education. The participants were special education teachers in primary school. The questionnaire included many questions about resources. Answering scale were from 0-4. These answers were analysed by using quantitative methods. Also, questionnaire contained open questions. These answers I analysed using quantatative measures by themes related to resources.  According to the study the special education teachers experienced many different challenges.  The teachers often experienced lack of time. They were in hurry which left little time for planning the co-teaching. The teachers also worked after the working hours. Co-operating were also experienced challenging caused by lack of planning time.  Also, great challenge faced the system of special education. Amount of given support to pupils were too little. The teachers also found challenging the lack of special education classes. The size of special education classes was right. Experiences about human resources showed need for special education teachers and assistants. It was also hard to get substitute. The special education teachers didn’t see need for adding more regular teachers.
  • Laulajainen, Katja (2016)
    This thesis presents a literature review which is conducted on what well-being at work means, what factors contribute to and undermine it and also what work engagement is and how it is connected with well-being. In this thesis the emphasis is on teachers’ well-being from a positive point of view as well as work engagement. When discussing the well-being of teachers, the topics that often arise are tiredness and mental health problems experienced by teachers. The positive aspects of teachers’ well-being are much less researched than the negative ones, such as burn-out and teachers' workload. Work engagement is a positive emotional and motivational state, which is characterized by vigor, dedication and absorption. Work engagement has been studied in the field of positive psychology since 2000’s. Work engagement experiences are connected to the positive aspects of well-being. Work engagement is the best kind of well-being at work. Teachers, who experience work engagement, are motivated and committed to work and like their job. The requirements of work and resources are connected to work engagement and well-being at work. This literature review will be used as a basis for my future Master’s Thesis. In the Master’s Thesis I plan to study to what degree the class teachers experience work engagement and how those experiences occur.
  • Savolainen, Katri (2019)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Aims. The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was to investigate which factors are related to teacher’s well-being and coping at work. Coping at work is a multidimensional phenomenon, and in this thesis, it is approached from the perspectives of both the negative and the positive side of occupational well-being. The concepts of stress and burnout are central to the negative side of occupational well-being. As for from the perspective of the positive side of occupational well-being, the key concepts are job satisfaction and work engagement. The purpose of this thesis is to review research results that have been obtained on the subject, and survey what kind of research would be necessary to conduct in the future on teacher’s well-being and coping at work. Methods. This thesis was conducted as a descriptive literature review. For this thesis, a total of 9 studies on the well-being of teachers and principals were considered. The results of the studies were presented from the perspectives of both the negative and the positive side of well-being at work, and these results were compared. Results and conclusions. According to this thesis, the teachers were exposed to burnout by factors related to job strain and basic personality structure as well as different contextual variables. The biggest stress factor in teachers’ job was overwhelming workload. Out of the contextual variables, factors related to the prestige and respect of the profession as well as uncontrolled changes emerged as those factors that expose teachers to burnout. In turn, good school leadership and managerial work, the teacher's professional skills and professional competence, as well as encouraging colleagues, became factors that promote teachers’ well-being. Teachers’ well-being was also related to the subject and teaching level of the teacher. According to this thesis more research is needed in the area of assessing the effectiveness of particular intervention strategies to help teachers reduce stress. It would be necessary to carry out research on those factors of teachers’ well-being on which teachers are able to affect. In particular, attention should be directed to vocational teachers as their well-being was at the lowest level.
  • Koskela, Eveliina (2017)
    In this Bachelor’s Thesis, I present the factors and the means to improve teachers’ well-being at work. A lot of research can be found about teachers’ burnout, and along with discussion in the media, a negative view on teachers’ well-being might be the result. However, majority of teachers enjoy their work. Therefore, the research has begun to pay more attention on teacher well-being. In this literature review, the concept of well-being at work is analyzed based on three theories. According to Karasek’s Job Demand-Control model, well-being at work is experienced in the balance between demands of work and the feeling of control. The second theory, Steps towards well-being at work, is based on Maslow’s motivational theory. The third way on viewing well-being at work is through the concept of work engagement. This theory stresses the contribution and the pleasure experienced at work. Teachers’ well-being at work is analyzed from stress factors’ and contributing factors’ point of view. In addition, I have strived to separate the contributing factors to personal factors and those from the community. Drawing the line between stress factors and contributing factors is partly artificial, because same factor can be viewed as a stress factor or a contributing factor depending on the situation. A typical example of this kind of factor are the students. In my Master’s Thesis, I could expand this theme of teacher well-being to the interaction between the teacher and the students and how it influences teacher’s well-being at work. In addition, inclusion brings its challenges and demands on teacher’s work. Therefore, its influence on teacher well-being should be researched.
  • Rousku, Essi-Maria (2021)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus on tutkia, miten COVID-19 on vaikuttanut varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien ja varhaiskasvatuksen lastenhoitajien arkeen keväällä 2020. Tarkoitus on hahmottaa heidän työnkuvansa muutoksia sekä niitä haasteita, mitä opettajat ja hoitajat ovat kohdanneet kun ”normaali” arki muuttui. Lisäksi tavoitteena on saada käsitys siitä, että millaisia tunteita he ovat käyneet läpi kevään aikana ja onko vallitseva tilanne vaikuttanut heidän henkiseen jaksamiseensa. Tutkimustehtävänä on pohtia, miten varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan ja lastenhoitajan työ muuttui pandemian seurauksena keväällä 2020. Tutkimuskysymykset ovat 1. Mitkä olivat suurimmat käytännön muutokset varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan ja lastenhoitajan työssä ja 2. Millä tavoin käytännön muutokset vaikuttivat varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien ja lastenhoitajien jaksamiseen ja hyvinvointiin? Tutkimus on erittäin ajankohtainen vielä tänäkin (2021) keväänä. COVID-19:n vaikutuksia varhaiskasvatukseen ei ole vielä paljoakaan tutkittu. Teoriaosuudessa käsiteltäviä teemoja ovat varhaiskasvatus, varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan ja lastenhoitajan työnkuvat, COVID-19 tuomat muutokset varhaiskasvatuksen kentälle sekä työhyvinvointi. Tässä laadullisessa tutkimuksessa käytetiin tiedonkeruumenetelmänä puolistrukturoitua kyselyä hyödyntäen Helsingin yliopiston e-lomaketta. Aineisto kerättiin sosiaalisen median alustalta, joten sosiaalinen media oli tutkimuksen väline. Kyselyssä vastaajia oli yhteensä 68, joista varhaiskasvatuksen opettajia oli 51 ja varhaiskasvatuksen lastenhoitajia 18. Analysointi tapahtui induktiivisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmin Milesin ja Hubermannin (1994) jaottelua seuraten. Vastauksista nousi esille kolme pääluokkaa: muutokset työtehtävissä, ammatilliset vahvuudet sekä työssäjaksaminen. Pääluokat vaikuttivat toinen toisiinsa, esimerkiksi muutokset työtehtävissä vaikuttivat työssäjaksamiseen. Vastaukset olivat kuitenkin myös hyvin vaihtelevia, sillä siinä missä toinen vastaaja koki viime kevään varhaiskasvatuksessa olleen ihanaa aikaa saadessaan vihdoin tehdä rästiin jääneitä kirjallisia töitä, toinen vastaaja joutui pelkäämään sekä työpaikkansa että terveytensä puolesta. Ammatillisissa vahvuuksissa huomionarvoista oli tieto- ja viestintäteknologian osaamisen merkitys. Sitä taitoa tulisi kuitenkin osata hyödyntää niin, että se palvelisi mahdollisimman hyvin perheitä ja ennen kaikkea varhaiskasvatukseen osallistuvia lapsia.
  • Varjonen, Pauliina (2021)
    Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää yhteisopettajuuden hyötyjä opettajan työssä. Tutkielmalla selvitettiin, mitä hyötyjä toimivalla yhteisopettajuudella on opettajan näkökulmasta sekä miten yhteisopettajuus vaikuttaa opettajan ammatilliseen kehittymiseen. Tutkielman avulla tarkastellaan yhteisopetuksen soveltuvuutta keinoksi edistää opettajien työssäjaksamista. Yhdessä opettamista on Suomessa kokeiltu jo 1960-luvulta lähtien. Sen tarkoitus on ollut hyödyntää opettajaresurssia tehokkaammin sekä tarjota opettajille mahdollisuus ammatilliseen kehittymiseen. Yleisin tapa toteuttaa yhteisopetusta on erityisopettajan ja luokanopettajan välinen yhteistyö. Tällöin yhdessä opettamisella voidaan edistää inkluusion toteutumista peruskoulussa. Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan yhteisopettamisesta on havaittu runsaasti hyötyjä niin opettajan kuin oppilaidenkin näkökulmasta. Yhdessä opettamisen suosio on siitä huolimatta jäänyt vähäiseksi. Opettajan työn ja sen kehittymisvaatimusten ymmärtämiseksi tutkielmassa kuvailtiin opettajaprofessiota, opettajan ammatillista identiteettiä sekä roolia toimijana työyhteisössä. Tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineisto muodostui 10 vertaisarvioidusta tieteellisestä julkaisusta. Aineiston analyysiin käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä, jonka avulla aineistosta nostettiin esiin tutkimuskysymysten näkökulmasta merkitykselliset tulokset. Tutkielma osoitti, että onnistuessaan yhteisopetus tarjoaa merkittäviä hyötyjä opettajalle niin mielekkäämmän ja merkityksellisemmän työn kuin työssä jaksamisenkin näkökulmasta. Tulokset osoittivat, että yhteisopetus vähentää opettajien kiireen tuntua ja mahdollistaa runsaamman ja rakentavamman vuorovaikutuksen oppilaiden kanssa. Yhdessä opettaminen vaatii koulukulttuurilta tukea ja hyväksyntää, eikä kehitys yhteisöllisempään suuntaan ole kaikissa kouluissa vielä riittävällä tasolla. Yhteisopetuksen suosion lisäämiseksi saatetaan tarvita opettajien täydennyskoulutusta.