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  • Saarinen, Sini (2017)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract The aim of this research is to find out what kind of snacks the girls in the primary school choose and what they consider as a healthy snack. It is important to get the ground information about the phenomenon of the snacks since there is very little previous research done in this sector. However the previous research points out that it is important to eat snacks to be able to have enough strength. The other side is that the snacks might contain too much energy and sugar. The methods. The research was carried out as a qualitative semi-structured research. The method was interview and the participants ten girls were at the moment of carrying out the interview in the fourth and the fifth grade. During the interview the girls had to point out from the collage what kinds of snacks they would choose and what kind of snacks they considered to be healthy or unhealthy. The transcription was carried out and after that the results were analyzed using the content analysis. The content analysis included reading the content many times and categorize it. Demonstrating charts and tables were formed. The results showed that the most common snack of the girls was mandarin in the school and at home sandwich. Also apple and yoghourt were common snacks. 90 per cent of girls ate snacks daily. If the girls could choose their snacks themselves they would most willingly eat carelian pie, fruits, vegetables, yoghurt, berry soup and dried fruits. The factors that were having the most impact on choosing the snacks were the girls preferences what they like and what they happened to have at home as well as the amount that they ate at lunch. When they were asked more precisely over the half were thinking that the parents and the healthiness of the food had an impact on the snack choice. The parents were controlling the snacking and they also were the ones that brought the food home. Healthiness affected in two ways to the girls’ snack choices: unhealthy food was not chosen and healthy food was chosen for a snack. The results show that the girls chose their snacks according to what happened to be available and what stayed good for longer time as well as what was easy. Allergies had an impact on two of the participants’ choices. Only thing that did not have so much an impact was friends. The participants considered healthy vegetables and grain products because they contain less sugar and many vitamins. The sweets, ice cream, pastry, crisps, puddings and pizza were considered to be unhealthy since they contain lot of sugars, salt and fats. Study's conclusion is that snacks are an important part of primary school girls’ nutrition. Girls' views on what snacks are healthy or unhealthy, are mostly consistent with the current nutritional recommendations. Girls know very well what kind of snacks are healthy or unhealthy and healthiness also affected their snack choices.
  • Mustonen, Salla (2017)
    Social media is dominating more and more the life of today’s young people. The usage of social media is automated and seamlessly linked to our everyday actions. Since social media is crossing the institutional boarders of the school, the teachers aswell must be alert with this phenomenon. The focus should be especially on how the children are behaving in social media and the effects of that in formal environments such as school. The goal of this study was to explain the behaving models of the youth in social media and the effects of them in their mutual relations, peer popularity and power play. A special interest lays on the social media usage of girls and on social media as a status symbol. The difference between the genders is shown for example in the different purposes of using the media and as different behavioral tendencies in the media. The study results on this field can be seen as valuable and necessary in education for the extent of it. This study was conducted as a descriptive literature review in the spring of 2017 and is focused on the educational point of view. Materials and literature have also been collected from social sciences and sociology. From the study results it was noticeable that peer popularity and peer relations or the lack of them is proven to have a major impact on the wellbeing and the future of an adolescent. Therefore it’s important to ponder what effects the popularity game and forming relationships in the invisible field of media may have. In this work I took a look at cyberbullying aswell, which is relatively new form of bullying but all the more difficult to sever. In addition of discussing the role of social media in today’s adolescents’ lives, I oriented in the responsibility and actions of a teacher in the era of social media. Based on the study, the media educational point of view can be seen as an important addition in the ethical field of teaching and must be reflected to the morally high responsibility of the profession.
  • Vesanen, Maija (2019)
    Objectives. I chose girls in children´s literature as the subject of my study because I was interested in understanding how girls are portrayed in today´s children´s literature. I wanted to study the effect of the literature on the development of a child's identity. The variety of the sex and children literature were selected to be the theoretical reference frame of my study. The objective of my study was to describe girls and their roles in the children´s book series The Five Wild Virtanens. I also wanted to find a means of utilizing the series of books in question in the work of an early childhood education teacher. Methods. My study uses qualitative content analysis. I have chosen for my study only those girls who appear in the series of books as main characters, Veera, Vilma and Kastehelmi and have not included other girls and women who appear in minor roles in the series. First, I simplified the material in my study by separating all essential material. Next, I developed a classification system into which I gathered information about the girls by grouping them according to the chosen concepts. Last, I created concepts based on the groupings and analyzed the results. Results and conclusions. The girls are described personally, just as they are, and there is no attempt to edit their characters. Veera is described as a relaxed, conscientious leader. Vilma is described as delicate, witty and kind. Kastehelmi is described strong-minded and she also feels strongly. She seems to be small in the eyes of the others but views herself as able. By reading the series of books, girls as well as the boys can see that many kinds of girls exist, and each is as good as the others. The series of books can be utilized in many ways through its stories or in handling the various subject matters in early childhood education.