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Browsing by Subject "uusliberalismi"

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  • Fernström, Pinja (2017)
    The point of interest to this thesis is university studies and the impact they have on future employ- ment and societal status. Previous research has shown, that the meaning of education has changed in relation to employment. Nowadays, to be competitive in search of an employment one must educate oneself continuously. In this thesis I analyse the meanings given by university students to their stud- ies and the societal impact they have. I analyse my topic with the concepts of neoliberalism, cognitive capitalism and human capital. I consider neoliberalism as a zeitgeist that affects societal and personal activity. Knowledge and skills (human capital) are being collected for personal benefit. This could be described as a new form of capitalism, otherwise called cognitive capitalism. Four university students have been interviewed for this research. Discourse analysis has been used to examine the material from semi-structured interviews. University studies formed to bare great meaning, but didn’t guarantee an employment. Along with studies, students made all sorts of other activities, with which to prove to be an active citizen. This was often done to the detriment of one’s own wellbeing. It could also be read from the material, that the possibility for the collection of skills and knowledge was not equal in society. Education appeared to have an influence on inequality.
  • Passoja, Jenni (2017)
    The aim of this study was to explore how student selection in higher education construct in discussion in the opinion pieces of Helsingin Sanomat from the perspective of equality of opportunity. The discussion of the reform in student selection of higher education has been active for a long time, but the future reform has caused more discussion. There has been many studies about segregation of the Finnish education system at the level of comprehensive school, but there is not that many studies about student choice in higher education. Therefore, it is necessary to study of the student selection also in higher education from the perspective of equality of opportunity. Theoretical framework of this study is based on equality of opportunity. First I describe the study with the development of the Finnish higher education system and execution of the student selection. I consider equality of opportunity in this study as an equal opportunity for an individual to participate in the student choice of the university. The data has been collected from Helsingin Sanomat and it consists of 57 opinion pieces published between January 2015 and October 2017. The data was analyzed by discourse analysis which is based on tradition of social constructionism. Three different kind of discourse from the perspective of equality of opportunities found in the study were: equal opportunities to make choices, choice creating inequality and responsibility of individual. Education occurred in every discourse as an opportunity to social mobility and it was highly appreciated. The discourse of equal opportunities and the discourse of creating inequality emphasized the welfare state discourse, as in the discourse of responsibility of individual was an emphasize to neoliberalism discourse. Based on the conclusions, a need for a study on the transition from the secondary school to higher education can be presented and also the need for a study on does the equality of opportunity materialize in the transition to higher education.
  • Wiitasalo, Magdalena (2018)
    Aims: The aim of this thesis is to study what kind of attitudes Finnish political actors have towards school choice. The purpose is to find out how different attitudes are reasoned and justified. I’m also interested in the societal structure and how school choice affects the Finnish comprehensive school system and the future of our society. School choice has raised a lot of discussion because it has become more common amongst families. Through this literature review I try to find out different ways to approach school choice. It is necessary to study school choice because it is important to provide equal opportunities for everyone. However, we should also take individual freedom into account. Therefore, it is crucial to understand different attitudes towards school choice and what kind of effects they might have on the society. Methods: This Bachelor’s thesis is a literature review. My research material consists of litera-ture concerning school choice, including studies and articles. Before choosing my research ma-terial I defined the research question and the main concepts. This way I cut the research sub-ject into smaller pieces before starting the research process. It also helped me to find key-words. I tried to choose primary sources and be critical when choosing the research material. However, the extent of Bachelor’s Thesis restricted the amount of research material I could choose. The purpose of this literature review is to analyse school choice and find out different ways to approach this subject. Results and conclusions: According to this literature review there are mainly two kinds of ways to approach school choice. The first one is the neoliberal approach that emphasizes freedom of choice and individual rights. The second approach accentuates equality and equal possibilities. Socioeconomic status has an impact on families’ school choice. High-educated parents are typically more aware of the possible negative effects, but they still use the possibility to choose more than parents that are less educated. Parents with lower education are on average more supportive towards school choice yet in practise use the possibility to choose less. The individual right to promote one’s educational path is one way to justify school choice. Some people recommend the public school nearest home because the people there are often familiar and the way to school is shorter. The same people also emphasize equality and uniformity.
  • Kangasjärvi, Anniina (2017)
    Traditionally psychological theories approach performance orientation as a personal trait or character. This study is based on the question if these traditionally individual considered traits could be consequency of social discourses. I consider neoliberal ethos as a governance by which individuals begin to govern themselves according to political interests. In neoliberal context entrenepreunial self becomes a new model of ideal self and governing themselves according this ideal individuals aim to redeem their proper citizenship and to secure their ”market value” in rising competition. Pursuing ideal self individuals adopt an entrenepreunial and performance oriented mentality and start to direct their actions and govern themself according these rationalities. The data consist of three half-structured interviews by general and adult education students of University of Helsinki. I study how society and its values is discussed by data and what are the individual consequences of neoliberal discourse and how individuals govern themselves by self techonlogies. The data is analyzed in discourse analytical way. The results consists of three chapter. At first chapter I analyzed how interviewees discuss about society and its values. Economical rules, result orientation and individual responsibility were emphasized but it could also be read that social responsibility was rising. At the second chapter I analyzed citizenship in neoliberal context. ”Zero-citizenship” was associated with participation of labor markets while reaching an ideal citizenship was associated with entrepreneurial performance rationalization and self governance. It was interesting that individuals detach themself of neoliberal governace e.g. through depression. This also makes agency possible. At third chapter I analyzed how downshifting and well-being have become an alternative to neoliberal demands althoug they could also be read as a new ways of governing the self. In this study is shown how neoliberal governance can effect harmful to individuals’ well-being. Mental health issues have traditionally been considered as a patological diseases but study’s results questions this view while considering these issues as a way to detach from neoliberal governance. Performance orientation is originated both individual and society and according to my reading some individuals are more sensitive to some ways of governance per se and adopt some subjectivities better than others. In future it would be intetersting to combine psychological and social perspectives when studying the formation of the self.
  • Lisma, Aino (2023)
    Suomen koulutuspolitiikan siirtymä kohti uusliberaalia mallia 1990-luvulta lähtien (Lindberg, 2013) on vaikuttanut myös niihin asenteisiin ja tavoitteisiin, joiden mukaan koulujen toimintakulttuuria muodostetaan. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet poikkeavuuden yhteiskunnallisesta “ideaaliyksilön” normista, voivan johtaa oppilaan käytöksen haastavaksi tai ongelmalliseksi kategorisoimiseen (esim. Brunila & Lanas, 2019, Honkasilta, 2022). Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli rakentaa kuvaa opettaja-oppilas vuorovaikutuksen taustalla vaikuttavista toiseuden tuottamisen mekanismeista ja niiden ilmenemistavoista kou-lun arjessa. Lisäksi tutkielma pyrkii tarjoamaan vaihtoehtoisen, yhteiskuntakriittisen, lähes-tymistavan erilaisuuden kohtaamiseen opettaja-oppilas vuorovaikutuksen tukemiseksi. Tutkimus toteutettiin narratiivisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tarkastelussa ollut aineisto kerättiin ERIC-, EBSCO- ja Google Scholar-tietokannoista helmi-huhtikuussa 2023. Lopullinen aineisto koostuu yhdeksästä vertaisarvioidusta, pohjoismaalaisesta tutkimusartik-kelista, jotka käsittelivät opettaja-oppilas vuorovaikutusta opettajan ja oppilaan, tai oppilaan näkökulmasta. Lisäksi kaikki aineiston artikkelit olivat täysin, tai osin, etnografisin menetelmin tuotettuja. Aineiston analyysi oli narratiivisen tutkimuksen mukaisesti aineistolähtöistä ja isoa kuvaa rakentavaa. Analyyttistä lukemista ohjasi toiseuden tuottamisen prosessin lisäksi La-naksen ja Kiilakosken (2022) kuvaus ”häiritsevästä käytöksestä”, sekä Lanaksen ja Brunilan (2019) esittämä ideaaliyksilön ahdas normi. Tutkielman tulokset osoittivat, että opettaja-oppilas vuorovaiku-tuksen taustalta on mahdollista tunnistaa useampia toiseutta tuottavia mekanismeja. Tutki-muksen artikkeleista esiin nousevia mekanismeja oli heteronormatiivisuus, rodullistaminen, psykiatrisointi, sekä rajoittaminen, joka näkyi myös muiden mekanismien ilmenemistavoissa. Oppilaiden käytöksen ja vapauden rajoittamisen lisäksi toiseuttaminen näkyi käytännössä mm. oppilaisiin kohdistetussa retoriikassa, opettajille vieraiden teemojen välttelynä, oppilas-ryhmien stereotypisointina ja oppilaiden vastuuttamisena.
  • Lasarenko, Matja (2024)
    Koulutus on Suomessa nähty pitkään tärkeänä, ja sen merkitystä on korostettu yli puoluerajojen ja koulutuspolitiikasta on tehty juhlapuheiden avulla arvovapaata aluetta (Tervasmäki & Tomperi, 2018). Todellisuudessa koulutuspolitiikkaa ohjaavat uusliberaalit finanssi- ja tietokykykapitalismin vaateet, hyödyn ja tuottavuuden tavoittelu sekä muut elinkeinoelämän intressit (Tervasmäki & Tomperi, 2018; Värri, 2018). Uusliberalismilla tarkoitetaan ideologiaa, jossa korostuvat markkinoiden vapaus, kilpailutus, tehostaminen, yksityistäminen, sekä individualistinen vapaus (mm. Koskiaho, 2021; Tervasmäki & Tomperi, 2018; Värri, 2018). Vaikka uusliberalismin vaikutus koulutuspolitiikkaan on vain lisääntynyt 1990-luvun jälkeen, sen periaatteita ei ole Suomessa tarkasteltu laajasti (Pesonen & Valkonen, 2023; Värri, 2018). Tässä tutkielmassa pyritään avaamaan sitä, mitä uusliberalistinen koulutuspolitiikka Suomessa on, ja miten varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat kokevat sen käytäntöjen vaikuttavan työnsä toteuttamiseen. Tutkimus on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus. Koska teemaa ei ole tutkittu Suomessa laajasti, ennen haastatteluita teoriaosuudessa muodostettiin neljän artikkelin sisällönanalyysin pohjalta uusliberalistisen koulutuspolitiikan tasot: yksilö, kenttä ja hallinto. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoiduilla yksilöhaastatteluilla etäyhteyksin. Haastattelussa kysyttiin kysymyksiä esimerkiksi työn tehostamisesta, lapsiryhmien koosta, työympäristöstä ja esihenkilön toiminnasta. Tutkimukseen osallistui kolme varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa, jotka ovat tai ovat olleet viimeisen viiden vuoden aikana töissä Helsingin kaupungin päiväkodeissa. Aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä, jonka jälkeen tuloksia tarkasteltiin uusliberalistisen koulutuspolitiikan tasojen valossa. Tutkimuksen mukaan varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat eivät kokeneet mitään uusliberalistisen koulutuspolitiikan käytäntöjä työtään tukeviksi tekijöiksi. Työtä heikentävistä tekijöistä muodostettiin yläluokka: vaatimusten ristiriitaisuus suhteessa mahdollisuuksiin. Tämän vaikutuspiiriin muodostettiin kaksi alaluokkaa: ajan puute sekä arvostuksen puute. Kun haastatteluista saatuja luokkia tarkasteltiin uusliberalistisen koulutuspolitiikan tasojen valossa, huomattiin, että tämän kaltainen politiikka lävistää kaikki tässä tutkimuksessa esille saadut varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien työtä heikentävät tekijät, ja varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat tunnistavat ne. Tässä tutkimuksessa saadut tulokset varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien työtä heikentävistä tekijöistä, ovat linjassa aikaisempien tutkimuksien kanssa. Näiden suhdetta on pohdittu koulutuspoliittisten linjausten kanssa, mutta nimeämättä tämänkaltaista politiikkaa uusliberalistiseksi. Tämä tutkimus tarjoaa siten uutta tietoa kokoamalla yhteen suomalaista uusliberalistista koulutuspolitiikkaa ja tarkastelemalla varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien kokemuksia työn toteuttamisesta sen valossa.
  • Kiiskinen, Jenna (2019)
    The aim of the thesis was to describe findings from previous studies, and what kind of neoliberal features have been found in Nordic education policies after the 1990s. The aim was also to analyze how changes towards neoliberalism in education policies affect at the society level. In this thesis, the features of neoliberalism have been described through David Harvey’s view of neoliberalism. Harvey’s theory has been defined through the roles of individual, the state, and market. According to previous studies there are several neoliberal features in Nordic education policies, which are for example marketization, competitiveness, accountability, decentralisation, deregulation and individualisation. Research questions in this thesis are: 1. What kind of neoliberal features have been found in Nordic education policies after the 1990s? 2. How the roles of individual, the state and market have changed in education? 3. How have these changes impacted at the society level? The qualitative thesis was conducted as a systematic review. The contents and findings of five scientific articles were analyzed in the light of Harvey’s neoliberal theory. The literature was collected systematically from Helka- and Google Scholar -databases and it was found by using proper keywords during the finding process. Five peer reviewed, Nordic articles were selected as research data, which all were written in the 21st century. They all cover the neoliberalism, or features of neoliberalism, together with Nordic education policies. The articles were picked from four online journals. The subjects of the journals were sociology, Nordic education studies, and education in general. Four themes were formed from the database and each theme was analyzed in the light of neoliberal theory. Results show that there are neoliberal characters in Nordic education policies . They are demonstrated on the grounds of four main themes. The themes are decentralization, accountability, marketization and privatization. The roles of individual, the state and market in accordance with the theory of neoliberalism varied between the themes. The existence of neoliberal features in Nordic education policies has several impacts at the society level.
  • Pousi, Matias (2022)
    Tutkielman tarkoitus oli selvittää, millä tavalla uusliberalismi ilmenee yliopistopolitiikassa. Koulutuspolitiikan kontekstissa uusliberalismilla viitataan etenkin kansainvälisen kilpailukyvyn ja valinnanvapauden lisääntymiseen sekä toiminnan tehostamiseen. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli kahta asiakirjaa tarkastelemalla kuvata, missä määrin ja millä tavalla yliopistopolitiikka heijastelee uusliberalistisia piirteitä sekä myös näiden dokumenttien mahdollisia eroavaisuuksia. Tarkastelun kohteeksi valikoitui yleisemmän tason koulutuspolitiikan suuntaviivoja hahmottava opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön kehittämissuunnitelma sekä toisena asiakirjana Helsingin yliopiston strategia. Aineistonkeruumenetelmänä käytin teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysiä. Teoreettinen viitekehys toimi aineiston analyysiä raamittaen ja ohjaten. Teoreettisen viitekehykseen peilaten aineistoista valikoitui uusliberalistisiksi määrittyviä ilmauksia, joiden tulkinnoille hain selitysvoimaa ja tukea teoreettisten käsitteiden avulla. Koontivaiheessa keräsin ilmaukset uusliberalistista koulutuspolitiikkaa kuvaavien yläkäsitteiden alle. Aineistosta erottui kolme kategoriaa, joista edustivat uusliberalistiselle koulutuspolitiikalle tyypillisiä piirteitä. Ensimmäinen kategoria liittyi tehokkuuteen, toinen kilpailukyvyn vaalimiseen ja kolmas, välineellinen kategoria piti sisällään erityisesti työelämää kansainvälisyyttä palvelevan roolin. Löydösten pohjalta voidaan esittää, että uusliberalistia vaikutteita on nähtävissä osana suomalaista yliopistopolitiikkaa.
  • Ralli, Silja (2018)
    Purpose. The aim of this study is to describe the factors that determine whether entrepreneurship education in basic education is equal and consistent with objectives, as well as the impacts of these factors. Outside Finland, the research on the topic has been conducted mostly in the field of economics. In Finland the research has been interdisciplinary. Hence this study approaches the topic through research done in pedagogics, sociology and economics. Methods. This study was conducted as a literature review, more specifically as a narrative overview with critical analysis. The method enables description of a broad, interdisciplinary phenomenon. Results and conclusions. The research concluded that whether entrepreneurship education is equal and consistent with the objectives, or not, is determined by social stock of stories and an individual’s opportunities to find their inner narrative constituents to support entrepreneurship. Other determining factors are schools, teachers, parents and their attitudes and educability on entrepreneurship education. The social stock of stories and the interpretation of various instances portrayed mainly two types of entrepreneurships, both of which are masculine: the virtuous working man and the prosperous middle-class male. The political premise of entrepreneurship education adheres to the talent profile of the prosperous middle class male. This entrepreneurship profile that has become the norm in the western society is characterized by power, independence, prosperity, rivalry, risk-taking and heroism. The teachers’ perceptions created a portrayal of a new kind of prowess specifically related to entrepreneurship that the school is not able to enhance. This was considered as having specific significance on equality since the school has the authority to make interpretations regarding educability. In addition, the research focused on the ambiguity of entrepreneurship education in the name of objectives and equality. There is a struggle over broad themes related to the definition of citizenship, economic policies, learning theories and theories of childhood. However, public discourse and discourse among the educators over values is minimal.