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Browsing by Subject "vahvuusperustainen opetus"

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  • Tarkamo, Iida (2019)
    Goals. Positive education aims to increase students’ well-being and overall happiness. It is also used in order to find out their individual strengths. These character strengths can then be used for the benefit of themselves and other students. Positive education seeks to help students flourish in all of their doing. The purpose of my study was to do an overview of positive education. My research task was to bring an understanding about the concept of positive education and to showcase arguments that support the use of positive education. I examined the methods of positive education that are being used or have been used in elementary schools and the results of these methods. In the study I highlighted what positive education actually means in practical work and what kind of results you are able to obtain using different methods. I displayed methods that are based on the PERMA model and introduced strength-based teaching. I also introduced a smaller set of other methods and an overview of teaching of well-being in elementary schools in order to explain more extensively the research field of positive education in elementary schools. Methods. I used a descriptive literature review research method in my study in which I aimed to introduce the subject as comprehensively as possible with the research material I used. I also sought out to analyze and amplify the concept of positive education with the research material. I collected the research data implicitly. The research material consists of seven sources, six of which are previous studies and one is a literary work. In the analysis I examine the methods of positive education that have been used previously and the results of using these methods. Results and conclusions. Based on the research material there are grounds for using positive education. The research shows that it has an influence on students’ well-being. Positive education increased students’ enthusiasm and positivity towards education. It also reduced symptoms of depression and stress as well as improved the relationships between the students. Positive education could be applied in many ways such as separate lectures or using different methods as part of the teaching. It could also be used as the sole basis of schools’ principles and culture. However, implementation of positive education faced challenges, one of which was that the students and teachers had negative attitudes towards the method. The subject has not been studied sufficiently at this point so further research would need to be carried out.
  • Ketonen, Jessica (2018)
    Objectives. Positive pedagogy in the last three years has become increasingly common practice in pedagogy, both in schools and in early childhood education. Strength-based teaching has been found to promote the feeling of self-perception of children, the identification of their own strengths and their use, and the strengthening of self-regulation skills. The aim of this study was to find out more about the effects of positive pedagogy in promoting child self-discipline. Positive pedagogy and self-regulation are practiced through interaction, so the theory and research questions also take into account the impact of interaction on solving the main question. Methods. The research was carried out as a literature review using three Master's theses in behavioral science and one dissertation research. The method of analyzing the material was based on material-based content analysis that made it possible to raise material from the point of view of research questions. The research problems were as follows: How does strength-based interaction appear in the behavior of a child and how self-regulation is supported through interaction between an adult and a child? Results and conclusions. From the studies, it was found that strength-based interaction and systematic teaching of strengths increased the faith of children and contributed to the child's perseverance and enterprise. The strength-based intervention of positive pedagogy increased the student's positive speech and thinking about himself and his own skills. The change was especially apparent for those students who had a poor self-image and who had experienced weak or uninhabitable status in a family or school community. In addition, the studies revealed that the teacher's extensive dialogic interaction, systematic practice of skills and interaction rules strengthened the child's own enterprise resource planning. The teacher also has a great influence on the children's role model.
  • Huttunen, Anette (2019)
    This study examines positive pedagogy, the underlying ideas, and the position in today's school. The aim of the study was to describe positive pedagogy as a phenomenon and the related strength-based teaching and to find out what methods it involves. Positive pedagogy is a growing trend and its background theory is positive psychology. Positive pedagogy strives to promote well-being in the school context and considers the promotion of well-being as a school task alongside the teaching of traditional cognitive skills. The purpose of teaching is to find the strengths of each student and to develop and utilize them, and to focus on positive emotions and the challenges students may face. The research seeks to find answers to how positive pedagogy appears in the school and what its strenght-based teaching means. The research was conducted as a qualitative descriptive literature review. The source material was collected from different databases and the scientific articles and textbooks related to positive psychology and pedagogy were selected as the source material. The source material of the literature review was analyzed in accordance with content analysis and assembled into descriptive synthesis. In the teaching of positive pedagogy, it is important that the child participates and expresses himself. It is also essential in the teaching that the child is supported to observe and document his or her own life and that he has the opportunity to share and process his observations in interaction with others. Strength-based teaching utilizes virtues based on the division of Peterson and Seligman (2004). Research has shown that the use of positive pedagogy and strength-based teaching at school has been found to be of great benefit. Positive effects on well-being have been noticed as an improvement in self-esteem and self-worth and a more positive anticipation of the future. Effects have also been noticed in motivation, performance, achievement of goals, stress reduction and social relationships. Positive pedagogy is a current topic in Finland and many of its goals correspond to the objectives of the Basic Education Curriculum that came into force in 2016.
  • Alapelto, Oona (2017)
    Positive pedagogy has grown as an area of interest in the educational field during the last few years. Enthusiasm towards the topic comes from the urge to improve pedagogical methods in which a child’s involvement and experience of well-being could be increased within the whirlpool of a constantly more diverse and hectic society. Positive pedagogy has been examined in daycare and schools as well as in working life in Finland and new intervention models to increase well-being are being developed constantly. The topic has provoked discussion and interest widely, also in the field of special education but research within the field has so far been scarce. This research directs towards early childhood special education. By interviewing early childhood special education teachers I found out how significant they thought positive pedagogy was in the early childhood education of children with special needs. I chose five early childhood special education teachers from the Helsinki metropolitan area to participate in the research based on recommendations. The special education teachers worked either as the teacher of an integrated special needs group or as a special education teacher in a normal group of children co-operating with a preschool or kindergarten teacher. The material was collected during November and December of 2016 by using themed inter-views. Material based content analysis was used to construe the interviews. Based on the results, the participating teachers believed positive pedagogy to be a highly significant pedagogical procedure for supporting the development and education of children with special needs. Pedagogy concentrating on positivity and a child’s specialties was seen to have a positive impact on the self-esteem of a child and the formation of peer relation-ships. It was also seen to help an already starting social exclusion from turning into a nega-tive spiral and enable positive progression instead. Positive pedagogy appeared more as a perception of humanity and a view on education or an attitude than as a separate pedagogi-cal method or model.
  • Juvonen, Erica (2019)
    Aims. Today progressively, the aiming is noticing the good and focusing individual strengths. Usually children’s well-being is reviewed lack of well-being and the factors that weakening well-being. '' What you focus on, will grow''- Buddha, citation recap well the core of positive psychology and -pedagogy. Positive pedagogy is still quite young pedagogical trend and influencer for it, is positive psychology. At the heart of positive pedagogy, action is with strengths support and guide pupils to recognize their own core strengths and using them to develop. My bachelor's thesis intention is to view positive psychology and -pedagogy researches and literatures in the light of pupils mental well-being. The research question is: What role does positive psychology and positive pedagogy play in the pupils mental well-being? Methods. The study method is literature review and it obey systematic review, it also has features of a descriptive literature review. My six study material was selected from positive psychology and- pedagogy researches. Outcome from the researches I have analyzed in light of my set research question Results and conclusions. In this study based on the research result positive psychology and - pedagogy methods appeared to be connected to the pupils mental well-being. Particularly strengths based interventions supported the construction of subjective well-being and seemed to have long-lasting effects on pupil live.
  • Partanen, Sara (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli esitellä vahvuusperustaisen opetuksen teoreettiset pääpiirteet nojautuen positiiviseen psykologiaan ja ennen kaikkea positiiviseen pedagogiikkaan, joihin kyseinen pedagoginen suuntaus kytkeytyy. Tutkin varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien järjestämää vahvuusperustaisen opetuksen suunnittelua, toteutusta ja arviointia ja siihen liittyviä pedagogisia toimintapoja. Lisäksi tutkin heidän näkemyksiään vahvuusperustaisen opetuksen vaikutuksista alle kolmevuotiaan lapsen kehitykseen. Tähän päivään asti positiivista pedagogiikkaa on tutkittu pitkälti koulumaailmassa, mutta varhaiskasvatuksen kentällä etenkin pienten lasten kohdalla tutkimustyö on jäänyt vähäisemmäksi. Tutkimustehtäväksi olenkin asettanut kysymykset: Minkälaista vahvuusperustaisen opetuksen suunnittelua, toteutusta ja arviointia varhaiskasvatuksen kuvaavat järjestävänsä alle kolmevuotiaiden lasten päiväkotiryhmissä? Millä tavoin varhainen vahvuusperustainen opetus vaikuttaa alle kolmevuotiaan lapsen kehitykseen varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien näkemysten mukaan? Menetelmät. Tutkimukseni oli luonteeltaan laadullinen, johon kokosin aineiston kyselylomakkeen avulla. Lomakkeeseen vastanneita oli yhteensä kahdeksan ja he kaikki toimivat varhaiskasvatuksen opettajina alle kolmevuotiaiden lasten ryhmissä. Aineistoa tarkastelin teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin keinoin, jossa tarkastelun pääkohteena olivat vahvuusperustaisen opetuksen suunnittelu, toteutus ja arviointi sekä varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien näkemykset vahvuusperustaisen opetuksen vaikutuksista alle kolmevuotian lapsen kehitykseen. Jokainen tarkastelun kohde luokiteltiin ala- ja yläluokkiin ja yhteen kokoavaan pääluokkaan. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tämän tutkimustulosten perusteella alle kolmevuotiaiden lasten ryhmissä työskentelevien varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien järjestämän vahvuusperustaisen opetuksen lähtökohtana oli lapsen hyvinvointi. Lasten vahvuudet huomiotiin suunnittelussa muun muassa pienryhmäjakoa ja mallioppimisen hyödyntämistä varten. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat käyttivät erilaisia pedagogisia toimintatapoja edistääkseen lapsen tietoisuutta omista vahvuuksistaan, kuten sanoittamista. Lapsiryhmässä esiintyviä vahvuuksia huomioitiin yhteisesti, mikä loi myönteistä ilmapiiriä ryhmissä. Vahvuusperustaisen opetuksen arviointia tehtiin yhteistyössä oman tiimin ja lasten vanhempien kanssa. Osassa ryhmistä vahvuusperustaista arviointia ei tehty ollenkaan tai vain tarvittaessa. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat näkivät vahvuusperustaisen opetuksen olevan yhteydessä sekä varhaisen minäkehityksen että positiivisen elämänsuunnan rakentumiseen.