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  • Huda, Al-Araji (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuoda esille alle kouluikäisten lasten vanhempien ko-kemuksia lapsiinsa kohdistuneesta kiusaamisesta päiväkotiryhmässä. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että alle kouluikäisten välistä kiusaamista on olemassa, ja tutkielman teoriassa määrittelin kiusaamisen hyödyntäen aiempia tutkimuksia. Kuitenkaan vanhempien kokemuksis-ta ei tutkimuksia juurikaan ole, joten sitä suuremmalla syyllä tutkielmani aihe oli ajankohtainen ja tärkeä. Verkkokeskusteluiden luotettavuutta on arvioitava kriittisesti, mutta niillä on merki-tystä lähtökohtansa puolesta – vanhemmat ovat kirjoittaneet kokemuksistaan ilman ulkopuolista painostusta, avoimesti ja rehellisesti. Menetelmät. Olen toteuttanut tutkielmani analyysin aineistolähtöisenä sisällönanalyysinä, jossa vanhempien anonyymisti julkaisemia verkkokeskusteluja lapsensa kohtaamasta kiusaamisesta käytettiin aineistona. Keskustelut päätyivät tutkielman aineistoksi valikoiden ja pyrin löytämään niistä yhteisiä elementtejä. Analysointivaiheessa verkkokirjoituksista poimin toistuvat piirteet ja ne on pelkistetty kolmeen pääluokkaan, jotka vastaavat tutkimuskysymykseen: ”Minkälaiset kokemukset alle kouluikäisten vanhemmilla on lastensa kiusaamisesta?” Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkielmani tulokset osoittavat, että vanhempien kokemukset kiu-saamisesta ovat poikkeuksetta negatiivisia. Kaikista kirjoituksista on havaittavissa kolme toistu-vaa aihealuetta: turhautuminen ratkaisun puuttumista kohtaan, avun ja vertaistuen pyytäminen sekä vastuun perääminen henkilöstöltä. Tutkimustulokset ovat tärkeitä, sillä ne kuvastavat mur-heellista tilannetta kiusaamisen kontekstissa varhaiskasvatuksessa.
  • Radi, Heini (2016)
    The aim of this study is to examine parents' thoughts about their children's hobbies. Intention is to investigate factors that parents think are essential in hobbies. I reflect parents' upbringing perspective with social climate that highlights individuality, efficiency and competitiveness in the spirit of neo-liberal policy. My interest is directed to the potential benefits that parents believe hobbies produce. The capitalistic values of neo-liberal politic seems to have background influence in school and in leisure and I seek to examine indication of these values in parents speech. Previous studies suggest that hobbies serve as one form of cultural and social capital when choosing educational paths. Skills obtained at school alone don’t seem to suffice for the aptitude tests to selective classes, but with suitable hobbies one can acquire necessary capital to pass the tests. The ideal of healthy citizen and wholesome activity has also been sought through hobbies. With proper hobbies there is also the parental desire that their child finds suitable friends. Organized activity has even been considered as a vaccine for social exclusion and behavioural problems, especially during puberty. The study material consists of four interviews. The interviewees were parents of preschoolers in a day care center in the capital regionof Finland. Interviews were conducted as theme interviews and they were transcribed and analysed according to the principles of content analysis. Based on this research, hobbies were thought to bring content and interests into children's lives which would help them find their ”own thing”. Hobby-specific know-how, sport skills and better self-esteem were mentioned as benefits of hobbies too. The most significant advantages were thought to be the health benefits, the development of communication skills and the prevention of social exclusion. Health education was underlined by several interviewees and these parents believed that organized physical activity and sports lifestyle passes into adulthood. There was not significant evidence of neo-liberal policies in parents' speech.
  • Salmi, Hanna-Kaisa (2018)
    The role of parental language choice and code-switching in early bilingual lexical development
  • Harjola, Aava (2016)
    The purpose of this research is to find out the perceptions of parents about the selection of a bully victim i.e. why some children get bullied in a group of children, and some do not. It must be clarified, that the purpose of the research is not to find any reason for the justification of bullying, but to find information on how and on what account a bully chooses its victim. Earlier theories about bullying insist that the reasons behind bullying can be traced to the bully, not the victim. Even so, it must be brought to light that victims of bullying exist, and that they often resemble each other in some way or another. The main goal of this research is to find these commonalities, this time from the point of view of the parents. It will be interesting to see if these common features are something we can interfere with, in order to prevent being selected as a victim of bullying. The point of view of the parents is crucially important to this research, because attitudes towards bullying and victims of bullying, can be easily forwarded from parents to their children and so on into their peer relationships, without the parents intending to do so. In fact, one goal of the research was to see whether there could be seen a negative approach towards the victims of bullying in the answers of the parents, which could be forwarded to the children through their upbringing. It was as important to find out the parents opinions on the interference of bullying, and how it could be done. The research material was gathered during December 2015 with an online questionnaire. The questionnaire gained 183 answers from the parents of under school aged children, living in Helsinki. Phenomenography was used as the research method. The results of the research could be divided into three types of groups. Based on the results the selection of a victim of bullying happens coincidentally and for any reason. There are ways in which parents can interfere with the selection, but these ways are seen as dubious. Based on the results, the risk of getting bullied is twice as high with a child whose parents have been bullied, compared to a child whose parents have not been bullied.
  • Takamäki, Salla (2019)
    This Bachelor’s Thesis focuses on attachment and self. This is a literature review aiming to build overall picture of the phenomenon chosen and is based on the literature of the subject. The research question is the following: How is the attachment and self and their connection studied and how the subject is presented in the studies and literature? According to the research material self can be understood everything that one experiences to belong to their persona. Crucial part of the self is also the social dimension which means how one sees themselves in relation to others by mirroring others behaviuor to own. Both attachment theory and study focuses on the interaction relationships between people. According to the attachmet theory ones inner working models become answers to the fundamental queastions. In the light of the studies providen, in a safe affectional bond child feels loved just the way they are and is capable to trust their parents whereas in an unsafe affectional bond this is not the case. According to the research there is a connection between self and attachment. Safe affectional bond between parent and a child is an idicator of strong self and its formation and also provides resources for the child to become their unique self. In an unsafe affectional bond child isn’t able to develop their emotional expression and it can reflect to their own self development
  • Seppälä, Tiiu (2018)
    Objectives. The objective of this empirical research was to describe, analyze and interpret the experience of the parents of the children who attend day-care, how and why an active employee instils trust in the parents’. The co-operation between a parent and a day-care worker is essential to early-childhood education. As a mandatory document National Core Curruculum for Early Childhood Education and Care 2016, describes early childhood edu-cation as the all encompassing advancement of upbringing, development and education of a child whilst co-operating with the parents of the children at day-care. Trust between the parents and the day-care workers is a foundational starting point for a working co-operation. Trust can be seen as a habit which is based on feelings. That habit is our natu-ral way to relate to other people. There has not been made a lot of researches about par-ents’ trust towards day-care workers but for example employees’ sensitivity have been seen as a fact that increases the feelings of trust Methodology. The study conducted was qualitative research, and the research assign-ment was defined as one question and was complemented by two clarifying questions. For this research 4 parents were interviewed february of 2018 in a focused interview whose children were in the care of the day-care center. All The interviews had been tran-scribed and the material was analyzed through the theory guiding qualitative content anal-ysis. Results and Conclusion. The parents had taken into account the information the worker provided for their child as strengthening factor of their trust. In addition the parents seeing the day-care workers in action not just with their children also left a remarkable impact on their trust towards the workers. Also the parents mirrored their trust towards the cay-care workers on the basis of how their child enjoyed the day-care and reacted to each day-care employee. Based on the results of this research the methods or practices of the day-care worker was a significant factor that impacted the parents’ trust experience towards the day-care worker.
  • Manninen, Hanna-Mari (2020)
    The purpose of this qualitative study was to describe the experiences of parents with highly sensitive children's schooling and support need. The first research question was to find out in what way parents experience highly sensitivity to be present in the child's school running. Second question of research was how the dialogue and understanding between parents and the school has gone. The third question of research was what kind of support highly sensitive children should receive and the fourth research question was what kind of information should be given to schools on the basis of parental reportedly. The study is empirical, which explores the experiences of the parents of highly sensitive children. They were approached from the Facebook Highly Sensitive group and the dossier was collected from them by email. The survey was answered in the form of a questionnaire and a free-form writing. The purpose of the study was to highlight the experiences and aspirations of parents, how should children's individual differences be reflected in the school's everyday life. After collecting the material, I used method of thematic analysis of research. I highlighted the points of interest in research, encode and theme material through different themes and similarities and differences. As an auxiliary tool for describing the analysis, I used the Matrix table. The results showed that parents were longed for schools to increase their general knowledge about highly sensitivity and related sensory processing sensitivity. Half of respondents hoped for more understanding of schools to see individual differences between their highly sensitive children. In conclusion, it seemed that for example, schools would benefit from leaflets, which describe the main issues of highly sensitivity. Also, increasing emotional education in schools would probably be beneficial. In addition, operating therapy was significant help, especially in sensory processing sensitivity. This supports the idea of schools to increase co-operation with therapy, bringing valuable operational expertise to the the aim of strengthening learning and active participation of children and young people in the everyday life of schoolwork.
  • Simola, Saija (2022)
    Päiväkoti on yleisin varhaiskasvatusmuoto Suomessa. Päiväkodin valinta on vanhemmille suuri päätös, johon vaikuttaa niin käytännön asiat kuin tunteet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää millä perusteella vanhemmat valitsevat päiväkodin lapsilleen. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää mitkä taustatekijät vaikuttivat päiväkodin valintaan. Tutkimuksessa haluttiin myös selvittää tavoittaako ja vaikuttaako palveluohjaus vanhempien valintaan. Kuntien velvollisuutena on järjestää vanhemmille varhaiskasvatuksen palveluohjausta. Parhaimmillaan palveluohjaus vastaa vanhempien tarpeita ja toiveita. Niiden ymmärtämisellä voidaan parantaa palveluohjauksen laatua ja tavoittaa vanhemmat entistä paremmin. Tutkimus toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena sähköisellä kyselylomakkeella suomalaisen moni-kansallisen yrityksen työntekijöille ja heidän puolisoilleen. Kysely kohdennettiin sellaisille vanhemmille, joiden lapsi oli joko menossa tai oli jo valitussa päiväkodissa. Kysely toteutettiin suomen- ja englanninkielisenä. Aineiston analysointi tehtiin ristiintaulukoimalla Khiin neliö -testiä käyttäen. Analysointi toteutettiin SPSS-ohjelmalla. Päiväkodin valintaan vaikutti useimmiten päiväkodin sijainti, joka on noussut esiin myös muissa tutkimuksissa. Sijainti koettiin myös erittäin tärkeäksi valintaan vaikuttaneeksi tekijäksi. Lisäksi päiväkodin kieli vaikutti valintaan usein, mutta sitä ei koettu yhtä tärkeäksi tekijäksi. Tärkeimmiksi valintaan vaikuttaneiksi tekijöiksi koettiin sijainnin lisäksi ystävien suositukset, sisarusten saaminen samaan päiväkotiin sekä muut yksilölliset tekijät. Nämä tekijät vaikuttivat kuitenkin harvemman valintaan. Päiväkodin valintaan vaikuttaa niin käytännölliset puolet, kuten sijainti, mutta myös henkilökohtaisesti tärkeät asiat, kuten ystävien suositukset ja yksilölliset tekijät. Vain pieni osa vastaajista oli käyttänyt palveluohjausta ja vain joka neljäs oli siitä edes tietoinen. Kaikki palveluohjausta käyttäneet vanhemmat olivat muun kuin Suomen kansalaisia. Palveluohjauksen tietoisuutta tulisi lisätä, jotta se tavoittaisi vanhemmat paremmin ja voisi tukea vanhempia heidän valinnassaan.
  • Latva-Kiskola, Raija; Latva-Kiskola, Raija (2018)
    Tiedekunta - Fakultet – Faculty Kasvatustieteellinen Laitos - Institution – Department Lastentarhanpettajankoulutuslaitos Tekijä - Författare – Author Raija Latva-Kiskola Työn nimi - Arbetets titel Tourette-lasten vanhempien ja varhaiskasvattajien yhteistyö Title Oppiaine - Läroämne – Subject Kasvatustiede Työn laji/ Ohjaaja - Arbetets art/Handledare - Level/Instructor Kandidaatintutkielma / Jaana Pesonen Aika - Datum - Month and year Syksy 2018 Sivumäärä - Sidoantal - Number of pages 45 sivua + 2 liitettä. Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Tässä tapaustutkimuksessa tarkastellaan vanhempien kokemuksia heidän Tourette-lapsensa päiväkodissa saamasta tuesta ja yhteistyöstä päiväkodin työntekijöiden kanssa. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on myös selvittää, onko päiväkodin tuki ja tietämys Tourettesta riittävää. Tutki-muksen tarkoituksena on myös kuvailla ja ymmärtää Touretten oireyhtymää ilmiönä sekä sitä, miten tämä oireyhtymä vaikuttaa lapsessa. Tutkimukseen tutustuminen lisää Tourette-tietoutta ja saattaa auttaa TS-lapsia, heidän vanhempiaan arjessa ja päiväkodin henkilökuntaa työs-sään. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin laadullisin menetelmin sosiaalisen median avulla Tourette-lasten vanhempien Facebook-sivuston kautta lähettämällä yhteydenottopyyntö Tourette-lasten vanhemmille. Tutkimukseen ilmoittautuneille Tourette-lasten vanhemmille lähetettiin haastattelukysymykset sähköpostitse. Tiedonkeruumenetelmänä käytettiin puolistrukturoitua kyselylomaketta, joka sisälsi strukturoituja ja avoimia kysymyksiä. Vastauksia saatiin seitsemältä vanhemmalta. Aineiston analyysissä käytettiin laadullista sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimuksen uskottavuutta pyrittiin parantamaan alkuperäisaineiston sitaateilla. Tämän tutkimuksen mukaan näyttäisi siltä, että päiväkodin henkilökunnalla on yleensä vähäiset tiedot Touretten oireyhtymästä. Vanhempien ja varhaiskasvattajien yhteistyö voi olla haasta-vaa, kun lapsella on erityispiirteitä. Tourette-tietoisuuden lisääminen auttaa vanhempia ja päi-väkodin henkilökuntaa jaksamaan paremmin erityislapsen kasvattajana. Varhainen Tourette-diagnoosi saa tukitoimet alkamaan hyvissä ajoin ja samalla Tourette-lapsen kanssa työskente-leviä voidaan informoida tuen tarpeista ja tukitoimista. Avainsanat – Nyckelord Touretten oireyhtymä, tic-oireet, päiväkodin tuki, vanhemmat, yhteistyö Keywords Säilytyspaikka - Förvaringsställe - Where deposited Helsingin yliopisto Muita tietoja - Övriga uppgifter - Additional information Tiedekunta - Fakultet – Faculty Behavioural Sciences Laitos - Institution – Department Kindergarten Teacher Education Tekijä - Författare – Author Raija Latva-Kiskola Työn nimi - Arbetets titel Title The co-operation between parents of the Tourette-children and kindergarten teachers Oppiaine - Läroämne – Subject Education Työn laji/ Ohjaaja - Arbetets art/Handledare - Level/Instructor Bachelor`s Thesis / Jaana Pesonen Aika - Datum - Month and year October 2018 Sivumäärä - Sidoantal - Number of pages 45 pp. + 2 appendices Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract This case study describes parents´ co-operation with the kindergarten teachers and par-ents´ experiences of the support their Tourette-child receives in kindergarten. In addition, the aim is to find out if the kindergarten staff´s knowledge about Tourette is sufficient; and if the child gets the support needed in kindergarten. This case study aims to describe and comprehend Tourette syndrome as a phenomena and Tourette´s effects on the child. This case study increases awareness of Tourette syndrome and helps Tourette children and their parents in their everyday life and kindergarten teachers in their work. Research data was gathered by qualitative method; the research subjects were contacted by a Facebook message in Facebook group for parents with Tourette children. The inter-view questions were sent by e-mail to the parents who volunteered for the research. The methodology used to collect the data was a semi-structured questionnaire including struc-tured questions and open-ended questions. Seven parents answered the questionnaire. Qualitative method was used in analysis of the data. The credibility of the research was ap-proved by using quotation of the original data. The study revealed that the kindergarten personnel seem to have little knowledge of Tou-rette syndrome. The co-operation between parents and the kindergarten personnel can be challenging when the child has special needs. Increasing the awareness of Tourette syn-drome helps parents and kindergarten personnel in their educational work. The Tourette diagnosis in an early stage connives in getting the proper support for the Tourette child. Avainsanat – Nyckelord Keywords Tourette syndrome, tics, parents, co-operation, support Säilytyspaikka - Förvaringsställe - Where deposited City Centre Campus Library/Behavioural Sciences/Minerva Muita tietoja - Övriga uppgifter - Additional information
  • Vähäkangas, Johanna (2017)
    The objectives. The subject of this study was the digitalisation of teaching in the Finnish school system. The purpose of this thesis was to bring forward what parents perceive as the objective of the digitalisation of teaching and also how parents feel the digitalisation has contributed to teaching and learning. In addition, the challenges the parents recognise in connection with the school digitalisation was also an interest of this study. Methods. Two parents of elementary school students in Vantaa were interviewed for this thesis. The data collection was carried out as semi-structured theme interviews conducted by Helsinki University teacher education students in the spring 2015. This was a qualitative study, and the data was analysed using thematic and content analysis. Results and Conclusions. According to the results, the parents felt that the purpose of the digitalisation of schools was to diversify teaching, learn 21st century skills and to decrease expenditure. Parents saw the new digital learning environments and teaching methods as a means to strenghten the ownership of knowledge of the pupil. The new kind of knowledge ownership was seen to increase the pupils motivation. Digital technology was considered an inherent part of shool routines and the everyday life of pupils. Parents also identified challenges in the adoption of digital teaching practices, namely in pedagogical decisionmaking, establishing ground rules for digital methods and practices, furthering co-operation between school and parents and in ensuring adequate funding. The results of this thesis suggest that digitalisation versifies teaching methods and enhances the pupils motivation to learn more. Even so, in order for digitalisation to reach its full potential in elevating teaching and learning, securing adequate funding is important, but significant efforts from the educational decisionmaking and teachers individually are imperative.
  • Mikkola, Heidi (2016)
    This thesis presents parents’ thoughts about software solution for communication, Wilma, as a collaboration tool between home and school. The research question is: What do parents think about Wilma as a collaboration tool between home and school and what kind of expectations and development proposals parents have to improve Wilma and it’s use? This thesis presents a qualitative research which was conducted using an open-ended survey. 15 parents who were using Wilma took part in the e-survey. The data was collected in January 2016. The analysis was conducted using theory-guided content analysis that contained seven categories. The gategories were 1) communication and interaction, 2) support for learning and growth 3) behavior and practices 4) usability 5) cooperation and community 6) guidance and training and 7) the student’s active role. The parents were generally satisfied with communication and interaction via Wilma. They experienced increased interaction between home and school. Parents wanted to get a variety of information of their child and school. They experienced different types of practices how teachers used Wilma and they hoped mutual practices in schools. In the future it would be interesting to study what teachers and students think about wilma and how would they develop Wilma as a collaboration tool and it’s use between home and school.
  • Ruuska, Johanna (2016)
    A small childs life is effected mostly by the most important microsystems in his life which are family and day care and their collaboration. Parental activity enables collaboration, educational partnership and having an influence on the affairs of children in day care between parents and day care personnel. It also allowes peer support for parents and strengthens the sense of community. Community is defined by interaction and the relationships between its members, a sense of belonging, functionality, taking part in and striving for a shared goal and an enduring organisation. Parental collaboration can have a function as such enduring organisation. The purpose of this research is to describe what parental collaboration is like from the parents perspective. This research also aims to describe, analyse and interpret the wishes and hopes the parents have for this collaboration and the meanings it gets. The research was partisipated in by 29 parents of children in day care from three day care centers. The material was gathered by an enquiry. The analyse of the material was directed by theory and it was approached by classification and through making themes both via the means of qualitative content analysis and in parts quantifying. The results of the research tell that the answerers thought that parental collaboration was sensible and its central actions were having an influence on the everyday life in day care, arranging occasions, fund raising and advertising, informing and getting new members. The parents saw activities aimed for the children as most valuable functions arranged through parental collaboration. Parents wishes for the action concerned the activity of both the parents and the association, timetables, events, enabling resources, informing and getting children heard. When the meanings that the parents gave to the functions of parental collaboration were examined four themes were found. They were communality, working for childrens benefits, collaboration between parents and day care personnel and the collaboration on city level. The parents experienced that they could make an effect on their childrens early childhood education moderately. They experienced their own activity as an important factor. The parental collaboration in day care context did not get great meaning in parents making relationships between each other or making them deeper.
  • Alapeteri-Ojanperä, TIina (2024)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on lisätä ymmärrystä siitä tunneskaalasta, joita vanhemmilla ilmenee lapsen aloittaessa varhaiskasvatuksen. Aiemmat tutkimukset vanhempien tunteista varhaiskasvatuksen aloituksen yhteydessä ovat osoittaneet, että vanhemmat kokevat tilanteessa jonkinasteista ahdistusta etenkin, jos kyseessä on ensimmäinen lapsi tai jos vanhempien ja opettajien odotukset eivät kohtaa (White, Rutanen, Marwick, Amorim, Ka-ragiannidou, Herold, 2020; Dalli, 1999). On todettu, että opettajien ja vanhempien luottamuksellinen avoin keskusteluyhteys ehkäisee vanhempien epävarmuutta ja helpottaa aloitukseen liittyvää ahdistusta (White et al, 2020). Tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää kehitettäessä varhaiskasvatuksen aloituksen käytäntöjä ja prosessia. Menetelmät. Tämä tutkimus on laadullinen tutkimus. Tutkimus toteutettiin puolistrukturoituna haastattelututkimuksena ja haastateltavat etsittiin sosiaalisen median kanavia käyttäen. Haastateltavia oli yhteensä 7. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että vanhempien kokemukset lap-sen päiväkodin aloituksessa vaihtelivat paljon. Vanhempien positiivisiin lapsen varhaiskasvatuksen aloituksen yhteydessä koettuihin tunteisiin vaikuttivat varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön pysyvyys ja ammatillisuus sekä tapa kohdata lapset. Sitä vastoin informaation puute ja viestinnän epäselvyys aiheuttivat vanhemmissa turhautumista. Tutkimustulosten johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että toimiva ja avoin vuorovaikutus vanhempien ja henkilöstön sekä vanhempien ja johtajan välillä lapsen varhaiskasvatuksen aloituksessa on olennainen osa vanhempien myönteisen kokemuksen muodostumisessa.
  • Lahti, Mirka (2018)
    Tavoitteet. Puhetta tukeva ja korvaava kommunikointi (AAC) on kehitetty mahdollistamaan niiden ihmisten kommunikointi, joilla puheella ilmaisu on joko puutteellista tai puuttuu kokonaan. Tyypillisimpiä diagnooseja, joiden yhteydessä lapsilla esiintyy vaikeita kommunikoinnin häiriöitä, ovat vaikea älyllinen kehitysvamma, CP-vamma, autisminkirjon häiriö ja kehityksellinen puheen dyspraksia. Kommunikointilaitteet ovat avusteisia AAC-apuvälineitä, jotka antavat käyttäjälleen äänen. Kommunikointilaitteet ovat kuitenkin keskenään hyvin erilaisia ja eritasoisia. Kommunikointilaitteet ovat myös kehittyneet merkittävästi viime vuosina älylaitteiden tultua markkinoille, joten uutta kokoavaa tutkimusta tarvitaan. Tutkielmassa haluttiin selvittää, minkälaisia positiivisia ja negatiivisia kokemuksia lasten vanhemmilla on kommunikointilaitteista ja niiden käytöstä. Vanhempien näkökulman tutkiminen on perusteltua, sillä vanhemmat ovat tyypillisesti lapsen tärkeimpiä kommunikointikumppaneita ja heidän suhtautumisellaan lapsen AAC-apuvälineeseen on merkitystä sen käytön onnistumiseen. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin integroivana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimusaineisto haettiin neljästä eri tietokannasta. Hakusanoiksi valittiin englanninkieliset termit, jotka viittasivat kommunikointilaitteisiin, vanhempiin ja heidän kokemuksiinsa. Lopulliseen tutkimusaineistoon valikoitui seitsemän vuosina 2008−2018 julkaistua tutkimusartikkelia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Vanhempien (n=53) kokemukset kommunikointilaitteista vaihtelivat. Vanhemmat kokivat yleisesti kommunikointilaitteen käytön lisänneen ja edistäneen lapsensa kommunikointia. Kommunikointilaitteissa vanhemmat arvostivat ääniominaisuutta, pientä kokoa ja keveyttä. Vanhemmat kokivat ammattihenkilöiden (puheterapeutit, koulun henkilökunta) antaman tuen ja ohjauksen tärkeäksi laitteen käytössä. Ammattihenkilöiden tuki ja ohjaus eivät kuitenkaan toteutuneet tai vastanneet laadultaan kaikkien vanhempien tarpeita ja vanhemmilla ilmeni myös huolia kommunikointilaitteiden rahoitukseen ja muihin kustannuksiin liittyen. Lisäksi vanhemmat kokivat ammattihenkilöiden AAC-keinoihin liittyvässä tietotaidossa ilmenevän vaihtelua ja puutteita. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella kommunikointilaitteen käytöllä näyttää olevan mahdollista edistää eri diagnooseilla olevien lasten kommunikointitaitoja, jos perhe saa tarpeidensa mukaista ohjausta laitteen käyttöön. Lasten käyttämien kommunikointilaitteiden, iän ja diagnoosien heterogeenisyyden ja toisaalta vastanneiden vanhempien homogeenisyyden ja pienen kokonaismäärän vuoksi tulokset eivät välttämättä ole laajasti yleistettävissä. Tulokset ovat kuitenkin linjassa kentän aiemman tutkimuksen kanssa, mikä lisää osaltaan tulosten luotettavuutta ja yleistettävyyttä. Lisää tutkimusta aiheesta kuitenkin tarvitaan.
  • Pulkkinen, Mirja (2016)
    Aims. The aim of this descriptive review was to examine the challenges parents of children who need augmentative and alternative communication have experienced in the rehabilitation process. Augmentative and alternative communication can support the communicative skills of individuals with moderate and severe disabilities. Even though the parents’ role in the rehabilitation process is very crucial and has been emphasized during the past decades, relatively few studies has examined this in the AAC rehabilitation which is why further research is much needed. Methods. A systematic search was conducted in four scientific databases. Six studies where parents’ experiences were researched via interviews and questionnaires were chosen to be examined in this study. Results and conclusions. Parents experienced various challenges in the AAC rehabilitation process. These challenges were experienced in different aspects of the process: from device selection to expanding the skills of the individual to different situations. Acknowledgement of the challenges is an important part of planning and enhancing effective rehabilitation.
  • Virolainen, Hanna (2019)
    Most of the clothes we use today are ready-made garments. A few more generations ago, almost all the clothes were made by hand. Changing the importance of hand-made clothes at the social and everyday level has also influenced our appreciation for crafts. It is known that personal experiences have great significance in the formation of individual values. Our culture and our social environment also affect our values. In this qualitative study, the subject of the study was the appreciations of handmade children's clothing. My starting point for the research was my experience that handmade children's clothes are less appreciated than ready-made clothes. This study examines the views and appreciations of parents of children under school age in handmade children's clothing. The study examines also which handmade children's clothes are still used in families. The research material was collected with a semi-structured questionnaire containing both open and multiple choice questions. The questionnaire was distributed to one of the municipal nursery parents. Of the 45 questionnaires, 16 replies were received and the response rate was 35%. The research material was qualitatively analyzed using content analysis. According to research, parental appreciations for handmade children's clothing was varied. However, expressive, aesthetic, tradition and craftsmanship aspects were most appreciated in handmade children's clothing. The parents' positive experiences had an impact on their views on handmade clothing. The more positive the experiences of the parents were, the more appreciated were the aspects of craftsmanship, tradition and quality of work. If the parents' experiences of handmade clothing were relatively neutral, the aesthetic and expressive views were more pronounced in the valuations. Based on the responses, handmade garments currently used by families with children were mostly knitted woolen garments such as socks, hats, and vases. The most important feature of the clothes currently used by children is comfort. There was no clear link between the appreciation of parents' handmade garments and their handmade clothes for their children. In addition to parental valuations, other factors, such as the availability, price and availability of clothing, also affect decision-making related to the acquisition and introduction of garments.
  • Eronen, Tuomas (2016)
    Goals. The purpose of this study was to research parent's thoughts and impres-sions on children's gender roles. A special inspection of the research was chil-dren's hobbies, colors and plays. I also wanted to look into what the concepts of equality and gender neutral education mean to parents. Methods. The base of the study was 33 parents /guardians. Respondents were males and females. The data was collected by a questionnaire that was carried out by an e-form on the internet. Links to the e-form were shared to three kindergartens that are located in Vantaa. The research is a multimethod research that includes qualitative and quantitative elements. The material from the research was analysed by two different methods quantitative and qualitative. The quantitative data examines differences in hobbies, colors or plays between girls and boys. The differences were examined by analysing average values and standard deviation. The qualitative data was analysed by content analyse. Results and conclusions. Gender and the differences between the genders are a debated issue based on the parents' answers. Parents reverence equality but there are differences in what equality means to them. Parents hope that their children can be him/herself in the kindergarten without any expectations of the gender. Based on average values there are still many differences between boys and girls for example what kind of colors are used in the children's clothes and his / her bedroom. The color pink got remarkable dispersion comparing the results between boys and girls