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Browsing by Subject "yhteisöllisyys"

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  • Vähämartti, Anna-Maija (2016)
    The aim of this study was to find reasons, why senior citizens have chosen the senior house Kotisatama as their primary residential area and in addition, the study also focused on outlining good- and bad points about communal living. In the theory part of this study, different stages of aging, third age and finally who the seniors are and what are the conditions for a good life in old age, are discussed. The approach to the study was qualitative and it was conducted in the form of a group interview in June 2016. Six residents of the senior house attended the study of which five were senior women and one was a senior man. The interview was recorded and then transcribed afterwards. The material was then analyzed by using material based content analysis. According to the results of the study, the interviewees had experiences of their own parents’ aging, sense of loneliness and their gradual loss of mobility. Many have found it hard to take care of their aging parents while at the same time attending to one’s own working life and they did not want it for their children. Almost all the interviewees thought that community was one of the most important things in Kotisatama and it brought a sense of security. Functionality, doing something meaningful and dining together, were all very positive factors for living. Negative factors of living included the complicated bureaucracy of the senior house. Kotisatama did not have a leader to speak of and the residents found this sometimes challenging when faced with making decisions. The fact that the building itself was still not completed didn’t sit well with the residents and they felt that repairs would have had to completed earlier. It would be interesting to return to these same questions after a few years.
  • Arvonen, Annika (2021)
    Tutkimukseni tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten Instagramia käytetään inspiraation lähteenä käsityössä tai käsitöiden tekemisessä. Lisäksi luokiteltiin inspiroivia piirteitä eli selvitettiin, millaiset asiat koettiin inspiroivaksi. Ashby ja Johnson (2010) ovat listanneet viisi eri kategoriaa kohteen tulkintaan vaikuttavista piirteistä. Tässä tutkimuksessa aineistosta löytyviä piirteitä luokiteltiin näiden viiden eri kategorian mukaan. Kohteen tulkintaan vaikuttavia piirteitä ovat esteettiset, assosiaatioon perustuvat, havaitut, emotionaaliset ja tyylipiirteet (Ashby & Johnson 2010, s. 48). Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin Instagramista kyselyn avulla. Linkki kyselyyn julkaistiin käsityö -aiheisella Instagram -tilillä, jotta kohderyhmä käsitöistä kiinnostuneita Instagramin käyttäjiä saavutettiin. Kysely oli kvalitatiivinen ja sen tuottama aineisto analysoitiin laadullisella sisällönanalyysillä. Analyysissa oli mukana yhteensä 52 vastausta. Kyselyssä oli sekä avoimia- että monivalintakysymyksiä. Tutkimuksen tuloksissa korostui kuvan merkitys inspiraation synnyssä. Kaikki vastaajista kuvasivat inspiroituneensa Instagramissa nähdystä materiaalista. Samaistumisen tunne tai materiaalin tuottaman assosiaation yhteensopivuus oman elämäntilanteen kanssa koettiin inspiroivaksi. Myös materiaalissa esiintyvät värit sekä visuaalisuus olivat merkittävässä osassa inspiraation synnyssä. Toisaalta vastauksissa korostui persoonallisuus sekä yksilölliset erot myös inspiroivan materiaalin suhteen. Voidaan kuitenkin todeta, että Instagramia käytetään käsityön inspiraation lähteenä ja Instagramissa olevat kuvat toimivat olennaisena välineenä inspiraation syntymiselle.
  • Elomaa, Sanna (2020)
    Sosiaalinen media on isossa roolissa nuorten elämässä. Mediakasvatuksen yhtenä tärkeänä tehtävänä on opettaa nuori tarkastelemaan erilaisia mediasisältöjä kriittisesti. Tämän kandidaatin tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia erään hyvinvointi-, terveys- ja kauneustuotteita myyvän verkostomarkkinointiyrityksen jälleenmyyjien Instagram-profiilien sisältöjä narratiivisen tapaustutkimuksen keinoin. Myös nuoret törmäävät verkostomarkkinointiin sosiaalisessa mediassa, joten tämä tutkimus antaa arvokasta tietoa siitä, mitä heidän tulisi verkostomarkkinoinnista tietää. Tutkimuksessa haetaan vastauksia siihen, miten jälleemyyjät kasvattavat uskottavuuttaan sosiaalisessa mediassa, ilmeneekö heidän Instagram-julkaisuissaan verkostomarkkinointiin liitettyjä eettisiä ongelmia ja näyttääkö siltä, että jälleenmyyjiä motivoivat samanlaiset tekijät kuin muita sisällöntuottajia. Tutkimuskysymyksiin etsittiin vastauksia narratiivisen tapaustutkimuksen avulla. Tutkimuksen aineisto muodostui yhteensä viidestäkymmenestä Instagram julkaisusta, jotka kerättiin kymmenestä eri profiilista. Aineisto kerättiin Instagramista aihetunnisteiden avulla selailemalla. Tutkimusta tehdessä Instagramista käytettiin selainversiota. Teoreettisen viitekehyksen perusteella sisällöntuottajia motivoivat tekijät voidaan jakaa yksilöllisiin ja yhteisöllisiin tekijöihin. Myös aineiston analyysi on jaettu yksilöllisyyttä ja yhteisöllisyyttä ilmentäviin narratiiveihin. Tulosten perusteella jälleenmyyjiä motivoivat samat tekijät kuin sisällöntuottajia, kuten esimerkiksi yhteisöllisyys. Nämä tekijät ilmenivät aineistossa tavalla, josta on mahdollista löytää yhtäläisyyksiä myös verkostomarkkinointiin liitettyjen eettisten ongelmien kanssa. Motivaatiotekijät ja eettiset ongelmat kulkevat näin ollen pitkälti käsikädessä. Lisäksi tulokset paljastivat, että ainakin sosiaalisessa mediassa jälleenmyyjät tuntuvat markkinoivan tuotteiden sijaan jotain muuta, kuten yhteisöllisyyttä tai ystävyyttä.
  • Munck, Lilli (2019)
    Objectives. The purpose of this study was to clarify the expectations related to communal living. Previous studies suggest that the main reasons to live in a community are social. Willingness to live among others and to prevent solitude are common reasons according to previous studies. Former studies have focused on communal living based on owner-occupied living, such as eco-villages and co-housing. This study centres on more tight communal living and observes it´s features and the expectations related to it. The study question is: what kind of expectations are related to communal living by the people who intend to live in a community? The results are explored in the context of sociological discourse. Methods. This thesis was carried out as a qualitative study. The research material consisted of announcements that were published in a Facebook group called Kommuunit koolle – Yhteisöllinen asuminen. Content analysis and theming were used to analyze the research material. The analyses was inductive. Results. Spending time together with roommates was one of the central expectations related to communal living. Both spontaneous and organized meetings with roommates were expected. Shared values and similar ideological views with roommates was expected. Most common values expected from others were ecological values and tolerance. This study supports previous research findings, that people who lives in communities share ecological values. A strong wish of balance between community and privacy was found. The results show that in the communities the sense of togetherness is both operational and symbolic. The symbolic togetherness is built up by shared values and the operational togetherness by spending time together. Based on the results the people who intent to live in communities possibly build their identity by the means of communal living.
  • Auvinen, Vilma (2018)
    The purpose of this study was to find out how children´s participation appear in early childhood education´s visual art education. This study was done as a systematic literature review using data from literature that addresses visual arts in early childhood education. The goal of this study was to find out how the different qualifications of participation and sense of community are valued in the used data. References of participation and sense of community in the used data are viewed in this study. In this study children´s participation was viewed with seven different qualifications. These seven different qualifications are suitable to be used in a study of early childhood education. Viewing references of sense of community in the used data was also part of this study. This study was done by using six different bibliographies that address visual arts in early childhood education. These six different bibliographies were articles, literature and one doctoral thesis. The collected data was then studied with a perspective of participation and sense of community. Then references to the seven different qualifications of participation were looked for in the used data. Different references of sense of community were also looked for in this study. All the findings in the used data were documented and collected. In this study the seven different qualifications of participation are addressed one qualification at a time. Sense of community is addressed as individual chapter. This study was done as a systematic literature review, but this study has also some indicates of a use of grounded theory. References of the seven different qualifications of participation were found in the used data. Only one of the seven different qualifications were not found in all used bibliographies. Sense of community however was found in all bibliographies. This study shows that correctly done visual art education in early childhood education can support children´s participation and sense of community.
  • Rousu, Kaisa-Leena (2017)
    The purpose of this research is to to study the ways kindergarten teachers are able to support children’s participation in preschool and also to find out how supporting participation influences the group as a whole. My preconception is that increasing children’s participation has a positive influence on group dynamics, children’s sense of belonging and it provides a more calm working environment. I have limited my reserach to preschool children because of the benefit of the more defined age groups. Furthermore, the childrens’ possibilities to influence the results increase as they get older. The concept behind children’s participation is based on nursing a child using the individual child him/herslef as the starting point. The child is viewd as an active participant and builder of his/her own education. The child’s own views and his/her natural behaviour and play are considered the conrnerstones of child rearing. The corner stones of participating activities are playing, experimenting and taking into account the childs own views of the world. Listening to children’s opinions and increasing his/her ways of participating in a group environment can be seen as main elements of quality teaching. I acquired the material for my research by interviewing three kindergarten teachers working in the Helsinki area in September 2016. I designed the interviews around the theme, and I litterated and analysed the data following the steps/rules of contents analysis. Whilist analysing the interview materials I conseptualized the materials, and I also combined some of the concepts to create ’main categories’ that describe the material, which were compiled according to the interview questions. In all three preschool classes children’s participation was supported in many ways. Circles were held daily and project work and small group activities were part of the curriculum. Other ways of supporting participation was encouraging children’s own story telling and encouraging pro social behaviour. Supporting children’s participation had a positive influence on atmosphere. Children’s motivation grew and their skills on influencing increased. Teachers felt that the classes sense of community got stronger and there was less bullying among children.
  • Karell, Laura (2016)
    Objectives. The purpose of this thesis was to examine how a class teacher can impact on classroom climate. Specifically, I examined this theme from a view of a class teacher’s actions in elementary school because I wanted to obtain practical benefit for a teacher’s job. Classroom climate and communality sustain development and secure growth of a child and create a basis for learning (Salovaara & Honkonen, 2011, s. 42–43). This is the reason why classroom climate is a significant factor in operation of a class and a class teacher. Methodology. This study was implemented as a systematic literature review. The research material consisted of eleven english peer-reviewed articles. The studies were implemented in the U.S., Norway, Belgium and the Netherlands. These articles were published in 2010–2016. I analyzed the data with thematic analysis. Results and conclusions. The results were classified by the themes I developed. The main results of the theme interaction and practice of a teacher were that sosio-emotional skills of a teacher, the relationships between a teacher and pupils, atmosphere that a teacher had created and the support of pupils autonomy enhanced a good classroom climate. The results of the theme discipline were that nonverbal reminder for disruptive behavior improved and exclusionary discipline strategies impaired the classroom climate. The notable results of the theme support for a practice of social skills were the positive impact of practicing the sosio-emotional skills on the climate. The main result of the fourth theme organizing the classroom was that the teacher-determined classroom seating arrangement influenced on likeability of peers. Teacher’s actions, interaction, discipline and organizing the classroom were significant considering the forming of a classroom climate.
  • Lohenoja, Tinja-Tuulia (2018)
    The study was conducted to research the significance of a handicrafting hobby to young people. More specifically, the study looked at handicraft workshop Värkkäämö that operates under Helsinki City youth services. The subject has been researched a lot from the perspective of the attendees but only a little from the perspective of the instructor. There were three research questions: What kinds of meanings does the handicrafting hobby have? What visible effects does the free-of-charge nature of the service have? How is the communality of the activity experienced? The first question acts as the base for the study. The study was qualitative in nature and its material was gathered from a focused interview with one person. The interviewee was Värkkäämö handicraft workshop’s Director of Operations, and the research approach was a case study. The material from the interview was transcribed, themed and analysed using content analysis as the method. From the interview material it was concluded that multiple different meanings can be seen in young people’s handicrafting hobby. It was also clear that these meanings are interwoven with each other and are not always separable from each other. The interviewee felt that young people’s well-being was the most important of these meanings. In addition, according to the interviewee the free-of-charge nature of the service had visible effects. Everyone was free to join the activity, which for its part increased the activity of the young people. Communality was most apparent in the use of instruments and materials, as they were all shared in the activity. In addition, communality was also apparent in the events that were organised with different organisations.
  • Hiltunen, Aino (2017)
    In this thesis, I give a critical look for discourse and the ideals of community in Finnish national core curriculum for basic education 2014. I compare the results with students’ reported experiences of peer community. Communal learning, the active role of a student and practices that highlight peer learning have been the latest trends in Finnish education. In earlier studies these learning theories have been addressed separately with the study of peer relations and dynamics. As there has been a swift change in the nature of education from teacher centered towards communal learning practices, it is important to understand the circumstances where the communal learning takes place. Previous research has shown that for the children gaining popularity among the peers is often more important than succeeding academically. That emphasizes the need to study the relationship between school’s social aims and peer relationship power dynamics in order to adjust the goals and pay attention to possible challenges to them as well as social equality in social learning practices. This study was a critical discourse analysis. The general parts of the Finnish national core curriculum for basic education served as data for the analysis. The focus of the analysis was on the themes of communality and students’ engagement and participation in it. The themes were created based on theory and previous studies. The analysis was executed through careful reading, utilizing methods of rhetoric discourse analysis. The research tradition used was critical so the focus was on the power dynamics and revealing inequalities. The results showed that the Finnish national core curriculum has set up high expectations for communal practices. However, they were idealistic when comparing the dynamics in peer relationships. They did not pay attention to the effect of pupil’s social status which affects pupil’s possibilities to participate. That creates a change of inequality in communal practices as the curriculum favors pupils that already have strong social skills, high status and ability to affect others. The results are not applicable to represent the reality but give an idea and critic to the challenges of the nature of curriculum in this social context of peer relationships. Further research is needed to test these hypothesis.
  • Hyväri, Kirsi (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Positiivinen pedagogiikka perustuu positiivisen psykologiaan, jossa tarkoituksena on keskittyä ihmisen hyvinvointiin. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että positiivista pedagogiikkaa käytetään varhaiskasvatuksessa, mutta sen sisältöjä toteutetaan vaihtelevasti. Tämä kandidaatin tutkielma kuvaa positiivisen pedagogiikan käyttöä varhaiskasvatuksessa ja sitä, miten sen avulla voidaan tukea lasten kaverisuhteita ja varhaiskasvatusryhmän yhteisöllisyyttä. Tutkimustehtävänäni on ”Miten positiivisella pedagogiikalla voidaan tukea lasten yhteisöllisyyttä varhaiskasvatuksessa?”. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena kyselytutkimuksena. Aineisto kerättiin kahdesta varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstölle suunnatusta sosiaalisen median ryhmästä. Kysely koostui taustatiedoista ja avoimista kysymyksistä, jotka käsittelivät positiivista pedagogiikkaa ja sen käyttöä kaverisuhteiden ja ryhmän yhteisöllisyyden tukemisessa. Kyselyyn vastasi 22 varhaiskasvatuksen työntekijää. Aineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin keinoin keskittyen ensin aineiston tarjoamiin näkökulmiin ja luomalla sitten pääluokat osittain aiemman tutkimuksen teoreettisten käsitteiden avulla. Sisällönanalyysi toteutettiin erikseen kahdelle tutkimuskysymykselle, joista ensimmäinen kuvasi, miten positiivista pedagogiikkaa toteutetaan varhaiskasvatuksessa ja toinen, miten positiivista pedagogiikkaa voidaan käyttää kaverisuhteiden ja ryhmän yhteisöllisyyden tukijana. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Sisällönanalyysin tuloksena syntyi pääluokat. Varhaiskasvatuksessa toteutettavasta positiivisesta pedagogiikasta pääluokkia olivat varhaiskasvattajan suhde lapseen ja positiiviset oppimiskokemukset. Ryhmän yhteisöllisyyteen ja kaverisuhteisiin liittyen pääluokiksi syntyi varhaiskasvattajan pedagogiset toimet, ryhmän identiteetin vahvistaminen, leikin tukeminen ja lasten myönteinen käsitys itsestä ja toisista. Tulosten mukaan positiivista pedagogiikkaa toteutetaan hyvin monipuolisesti valmiiden materiaalien sekä itse toteutetun materiaalin avulla. Pääasiassa positiivinen pedagogiikka näkyy osana arkea vuorovaikutuksessa, myönteisenä puhetapana, kiittämisenä, kehumisena, oppimisympäristön muokkaamisena, lapsen myönteisten käsitysten ja toiminnan tukemisena sekä positiivisten oppimiskokemusten tuottamisena. Ryhmän yhteisöllisyyteen ja kaverisuhteiden vahvistamiseen positiivisen pedagogiikan avulla pyritään luomaan hyvä yhteishenki, tuetaan lasten leikkiä sekä käytetään vahvuuksia ja hyvän huomioimista.