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  • Forss, Krista (2024)
    Liikunnanopetuksessa kaikki toiminta on ruumiillista: työskentelyvälineenä toimii oma keho ja arvioinnin kohteena kehon suoritukset. Lisäksi kosketuksella, läsnäololla ja vuorovaikutuksella on merkittävä rooli juuri liikunnanopetuksessa. Liikunnanopetukseen sisältyy myös paljon heteronormatiivisia ja sukupuolistereotypioita vahvistavia käytänteitä ja puhetapoja. Tämä liikunnanopetuksen erityisluonne onkin erityisen mielenkiintoinen juuri seksuaalisuuden ja sukupuolen näkökulmista. Tästä syystä on tärkeää selvittää, minkälaista osaamista ja tietämystä liikuntaa opettavilta opettajilta näiden teemojen sisältä löytyy. Tutkimustehtävänäni oli selvittää, miten liikuntaa opettavat opettajat arvioivat omat intersektionaalisen feministisen pedagogiikan kompetenssinsa. Toisin sanoen selvitin, miten liikuntaa opettavat opettajat mielestään osaavat huomioida sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden moninaisuuden opetuksessaan ja minkälainen tietämyksen taso opettajilla aiheesta on. Hankin tutkielman aineiston webropol-kyselylomakkeen avulla, johon vastasi 123 varhaiskasvatuksessa tai perusopetuksessa työskentelevää liikuntaa opettavaa opettajaa. Keskityin kyselylomakkeen monivalintakysymyksiin, joissa opettajat arvioivat osaamistaan jokaisessa kysymyksessä viisiportaisen Likert-asteikon avulla. Kysymykset kohdentuivat liikuntaa opettavien opettajien pedagogisiin taitoihin, sosiaalisiin taitoihin ja tietoperustaan. Näistä muodostuivat tutkielman kolme pääkompetenssia. Toteutin tutkielman määrällisenä tutkimuksena ja analysoin kyselyn tuloksia kaksisuuntaisen varianssianalyysin avulla. Kompetenssien keskiarvoja vertailin ammatin ja sukupuolen näkökulmasta. Tulosten mukaan liikuntaa opettavat opettajat kokevat omat intersektionaalisen feministisen pedagogiikan kompetenssit hyväksi: kompetenssien yhteiskeskiarvot vaihtelivat 3,89-4,56 välillä. Opettajien arvioimista kompetensseista oli havaittavissa eroja sukupuolten ja ammattien välillä, mutta koska otoskoko jäi melko pieneksi, löytyi tilastollisesti merkitseviä eroja hyvin vähän.
  • Laine, Joakim (2019)
    The purpose of this study is to implement immersive virtual reality (VR) technology as part of an environmental studies project in the actual complex school reality and analyze both the students’ and their teachers’ experiences and observations on the use of VR in learning and teaching. This study focuses on the user experiences and affordances that the appliance of VR technology brings forth in education. There are but few earlier studies on similar topics, most of which have been conducted in clinical settings. Three teachers and 59 students, 5-6th graders, from two different Finnish elementary schools participated in this study. The participants were all volunteers and took part in a nationwide VISIOT-project, coordinated by a nationwide Innokas Network. Its main purpose was to provide opportunities for trying out and developing virtual reality, augmented reality and Internet of things -technologies in education. The three teachers in this study applied a VR system that consisted of HTC Vive -device and Google Earth VR -program. The different ways in which the teachers ended up implementing the VR system turned out to be an important research topic in this study. The project went on for over three months, spanning from December 2017 to April 2018. The students assessed the use of the VR system during and after the project. Their experiences became another key research area in this study. Data was gathered with online questionnaires, pre and post-surveys for students, a test of the students’ spatial reasoning abilities, and with a pre-survey and innovative post interviews for the teachers. This mostly qualitative data was analyzed with clustering content analysis, where I would find similarities and differences in the participants’ answers and place them in schematized categories. The teacher’s encountered technical, spatial and temporal challenges, as well as challenges in orchestrating the implementation of the VR system. It appeared that VR’s implementation in education demanded more innovative scripts and different spatial, temporal and pedagogical arrangements than the two studied schools were used to. Albeit, the students adapted to the use of VR technology rather quickly and had a very positive emotional experience with it. The VR system was mostly used as a motivational addition to learning. Besides the visually enhanced exploration of the Earth and tourist role-play, the VR system’s actualized affordances included enjoyment and interest, realism and mental immersion, and mastery experiences. Students found the device as very comfortable and the program as user-friendly. Their conception of virtual reality was evidently affected by the applied VR system and its uses during the virtual field trip project. Despite of this, the students were able to imagine diverse learning worlds for VR. In addition to typical categories, they imagined high fantasy worlds and time travelling to the future. By and large, the students appeared willing to use VR technology again in the future. Their post-survey measures for self-efficacy and interest to engage with the technology were relatively high. The self-reported self-efficacy of boys was statistically significantly higher than the girls corresponding. The students found the VR program to be a credible source mostly due to the virtual world’s realism or resemblance with their experiences of the real world. Altogether, VR technology appears to be something that these 11-12-year-old students would gladly include in their learning environment, on the other hand, the teachers rightfully felt that the implemented VR system was too complex and demanding for permanent inclusion.