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(2022)Aims. The goal of my thesis is to find out how teachers teaching in vocational education and training (VET) understand inclusion in their own practices and how, according to their under- standing, inclusion is realized in different learning environments. For a long time, efforts have been made to introduce the principle of inclusivity into the education system, which is used to try to dismantle the paradigm of special education. However, inclusion is most often studied in the context of basic education, and the discussion about inclusion in the context of VET is not as lively. However, the same international and national obligations also apply to VET, so research would be equally needed in this context as well. Methods. The research data is part of the Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence (GIVE) project. The target group of this partial study consisted of 13 teachers from VET, whose thematic interviews formed the data. The themes of the interviews included the definition of inclusion, its appearance in practices and as an object of evaluation, as well as in documents and strategies. The data was analysed using phenomenography and abductive analysis. Results and Conclusions. Teachers understood inclusion through the ideals presented in official documents and through the implementation of laws and degree structures. However, many inclusive practices were found in the teachers' descriptions, especially through the preparation of personal competence development plan (PCDP) and the provision of support. For the most part, the teachers did not know how to verbalize these practices as part of inclusion. This could possibly be because there is not enough discussion about inclusion in VET, or that inclusion is spoken of under some other name, such as personalisation, participation, accessibility or support and guidance. The teachers hoped for a joint time to develop and unify various inclusive practices in both educational institutions and workplaces in order to create a common operating culture and develop inclusive structures. This is also strongly related to the development of the teachers' own competence, for which more support and sharing of competence was hoped for, as well as a stronger link to practical work.
(2020)Yhteiskunta muuttuu jatkuvasti ja tämä tarkoittaa muutoksia myös koulumaailmassa. Perusopetuksen uudet opetussuunnitelmat astuivat voimaan vuonna 2016, mikä on tuonut mukanaan uusia vaatimuksia ja näkökulmia myös oppimiseen. Opetusmenetelmät, jotka aikaisemmin ovat olleet ehkä enemmän opettajakeskeisiä, vaihdetaan vähitellen enemmän oppilaskeskeisempiin menetelmiin, joissa oppilailla on suurempi ja aktiivisempi rooli koko oppimisprosessissa. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää kuinka challenging learning – haastava opetus – toimii käytännössä sekä minkälaisia mielipiteitä ja käsityksiä oppilailla ja opettajalla on menetelmästä filosofinen dialogi (Philosophy For Children, PC4) ruotsin kielen ja kirjallisuuden opettamisessa perusopetuksessa. Tavoitteena on myös tutkia kokevatko oppilaat ja opettaja menetelmän antavan oppilaille enemmän haasteita kuin mitä tavallisemmin käytetyt opetusmenetelmät antavat. Haastava opetus, joka on alun perin lähtöisin Englannista, on kasvatustieteellinen suuntaus, jossa oppilaille ei tarjota valmiita vastauksia vaan jossa heidän täytyy oppia ajattelemaan itse. Tämä toteutetaan tarjoamalla oppilaille erilaisia haasteita ja rohkaisemalla heitä monipuolisesti. Tutkimuksen aineisto käsittää oppilaille suunnatun lomakekyselyn, johon on vastannut 26 yhdeksännen luokan oppilasta sekä kaksi heidän opettajalleen tehtyä haastattelua. Materiaali on kerätty Etelä-Suomessa yhdestä suomenruotsalaisesta koulusta. Analyysimenetelmänä käytetään pääasiassa laadullisesti suuntautunutta fenomenografista analyysia, jota täydennetään määrällisillä kuvioilla ja taulukoilla Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että oppilaiden mielipiteet filosofisesta dialogista menetelmänä ovat melko positiivisia ja suurin osa oppilaista on sitä mieltä, että menetelmä kokonaisuutena on hyvä. Suurin osa oppilaista kokee, että menetelmä tarjoaa heille osittain enemmän haasteita. Oppilaat eivät koe menetelmää erityisen tehokkaaksi oppimista ajatellen, koska suurin osa on sitä mieltä, että he oppivat ainoastaan jotakin tai eivät kovinkaan paljon kun menetelmää käytetään oppitunnilla. Oppilaat suhtautuvat kuitenkin positiivisesti ajatukseen, että menetelmää käytettäisiin opetuksessa useammin. Opettaja kokee filosofisen dialogin menetelmänä, joka saa oppilaat osallistumaan opetukseen melko hyvin. Erityisen hyvin menetelmä aktivoi oppilaita, jotka normaalisti eivät osallistu erityisen aktiivisesti ruotsin kielen ja kirjallisuuden opetukseen tai jotka ovat muuten hieman heikompia. Menetelmää voidaan opettajan mukaan käyttää sekä oppilas- että opettajakeskeisesti. Sitä voidaan myös käyttää monella eri tavalla, mikä tekee erilaisten oppimisstrategioiden käytön sekä opetuksen yksilöllistämisen helpommaksi. Sekä oppilaiden että opettajan rooli tässä menetelmässä on hyvin toisenlainen normaaliin verrattuna ja siksi menetelmä vaatii osittain erilaisia valmisteluja opettajalta ennen oppituntia.
(2022)Goal. The aim of this thesis is to study multilingualism and the role of linguistic diversity in teaching in a Finnish-Swedish school context. Previous research has emphasized that multilingualism should be considered as the normal starting point in teaching and seen as a resource. In order to achieve the purpose of the thesis, I have formulated the following research questions. What influences classroom teachers' perception of multilingualism in school? What is the perception of multilingualism as part of teaching by teachers? Methods. The thesis used a qualitative research method with a phenomenographic approach. As a material collection method, semi-structured interviews were used. Five class teachers from three different Swedish-language schools, in two different medium-sized municipalities in southern Finland, participated in the research. During the interviews, the informants worked with grades one to two and five to six. The material was analyzed using qualitative analysis. With the help of the qualitative analysis, the class teachers' voice was highlighted on how multilingualism is perceived in today's school and as part of the teaching. Results and conclusions. The teachers who participated in the thesis perceived multilingualism in school, as something that is influenced by society and the operating culture. Multilingualism was perceived as a positive resource, which increases openness between different actors in the school, and which increases tolerance for differences and diversity. That multilingualism was perceived as a positive resource reduced prejudice in school. Multilingualism as part of teaching was perceived to be related to teacher identity, learning and language awareness. The teachers described that multilingualism can be a source of knowledge and function as a support for learning. The results showed that it is important to support students' multilingual background in order to strengthen students' self-esteem and cultural identity. The teachers' language awareness was described as a relevant factor, which influenced how multilingualism is perceived in connection with teaching. This shows a broad phenomenon that needs to be examined and made more aware of in the future.
(2020)The aim of this thesis is to describe, analyze and interpret the meanings that the administrative representatives of the City of Jämsä Education and Culture Department give to the Music Institute as part of the Education and Cultural Services. The study is a qualitative case study and the data is analyzed according to phenomenographic analysis. The research is motivated not only by the researcher's personal interests in music and musical hobbies, but also by the interest in decision-making and its preparation. The research questions are based on the history of the national music school system and the local music institute, research on folk and music school and their social significance, research on Finnish leisure music hobbies, documents and regulations governing the activities of the city and the Music School, their organization and strategy. Three administrative representatives of the Education and Cultural Services in the City of Jämsä were interviewed for the study. The theme interviews were recorded and transcribed. The analysis of the material proceeded according to the phenomenographic analysis. The results of the study show that the Music School has also cultural, service and collaborative responsibilities in addition to its educational duties. The music school’s strengths include competent, long-term and motivated staff, content and collaboration. Weaknesses are related to financial aspects. The life-cycle perspective of the Quality-of-life Services is comprehensively realized in the Music School. According to representatives of the educational administration, the Music School is an actor to prevent inequality and exclusion, although fees and entrance examinations limit the opportunities for participation. From a communal point of view, the Music School creates a community in itself and it has many successful partners. Related to health improving aspect, the Music School first and foremost improves mental health. According to the interviewees, the Music School strengthens both local music culture and cultural activities. Through its activities, the Music School has been a part of the nationwide history of music schools, for example, by training experts in important musical positions. There have been structural, operational, economic, political and cultural changes in the administration and services of the City of Jämsä. In particular, the Music School supports the fields of well-being and vitality of the “Jämsä 2025” strategy. Economic, cultural and operational challenges are mentioned for the future.
(2020)The aim of this research is to reveal elements of contents and choices made in craft science doctoral dissertations. Total 27 dissertations have been published between 1994-2019 during the nearly 40-year history of craft science. The research theory focuses on the phenomenon itself revealing how and when the branch of science was founded and what it was based on. Theory section continues by introducing the central craft science models and theories focusing on those that are essential for the creation and objective of this thesis. The main question leading the research was: how the conceptions on craft science research content appear in craft science doctoral dissertations? The research is qualitative and inductive as it is based on analysing documents. It investigates conceptions on craft science through the dissertations. The research strategy and method is phenomenography, used also in the analysis of the data. Computerized coding was executed with ATLAS.ti coding programme and fulfilled with the help of NCT analysis model. The focus is on the dissertation abstracts. They sum up the most important information the craft scientists have chosen to share and reveal about their researches. The research aims to form an outcome space that summarises and offers an informative visual presentation of the data collected, coded and contemplated. The result of the analysis is a selection of categories of description that form an outcome space, which is common for phenomenographic research. The categories of description are: craft maker, role of craft, holistic craft, craft context and choices considering craft science researches. The outcome of the analysis is compared to craft science theories introduced in the theory section. Research findings also include a number of additional research suggestions and ideas.
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