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  • Nirkko, Ruusu (2021)
    Climate change is a fundamental phenomenon and challenge of our time and it should be dealt with in all areas of life. However, climate change education is being implemented very limitedly. During recent years there has been increasing amount of research on climate change education, but climate change education in early childhood education has been studied very sparingly. According to previous research, news about climate change can arouse many kinds of emotions and thoughts in children. Based on research, it has been proposed that through art-driven teaching methods it is possible to deal with emotions and thoughts aroused by climate change and strengthen hopefulness and belief in one’s own influence. Of the forms of art education, drama education as a method of climate change education has hardly been studied. The aim of this study was to add knowledge of what climate change education could be in early childhood education. The study investigates early childhood education specialists’ definitions of climate change education and their views on what possibilities drama education methods can offer for implementation of climate change education. I designed and implemented climate drama workshops for early childhood education specialists and collected the research data in the context of the workshops. Participants of the study produced short writings and in addition two of the workshops were videotaped. I analyzed the writing data and the video data qualitatively using the method of theory-based content analysis. Aa a basis for the analysis I used primarily the holistic bicycle model on climate change education (Tolppanen ym. 2017). The early childhood education specialists who participated in the study defined adding knowledge and understanding, encouraging to action, developing values and conceptions of the world and dealing with emotions as contents of climate change education. Specialists’ uncertainty and worries about arousing difficult emotions in children appeared as barriers for implementing climate change education in early childhood education. From the perspective of the study subjects, drama education methods seemed to have possibilities for implementing several parts of climate change education. Drama educations possibilities related to adding knowledge, developing thinking skills, building conceptions of the world, empowering and dealing with emotions were brought up. Methods of drama education offer practical ways for implementing and developing climate change education in early childhood education.
  • Gillberg, Susanna (2016)
    The aim of the study. In preschool, children talk daily with peers and educators. This study examines the children's thinking and communication skills mainly through the concepts that Neil Mercer and his colleagues have defined. In light of earlier studies on the subject, an exploratory talk is especially meaningful in developing children's social and cognitive skills. In an exploratory talk, the children talk together using different methods to find agreement. This kind of discussion means they are thinking together. The aim of the study was to find out how children in early childhood education think together. The earlier study focused mainly on the school context; therefore, this study focuses on the early childhood education context. The main questions in the study are the following: what are the factors that make thinking together possible and what is the role of an educator? Methods. The research material consists of 25 episodes that were chosen from material filmed in two groups of 5-year-olds, with two days per group. In all of these episodes, there is interaction between the children and between an adult and the children. The episodes were categorised in groups depending on the way the children talked during the discussions. The main focus was on the exploratory talk. The main results. Three things made thinking together possible: the conversational culture in the group, the disagreements in conversations and problem solving, and a calm space for playing and immersion in the discussions. The role of the educator was incoherent. Either the educators were not present in the discussion events or they mostly interrupted them. The main problem was the quality of interaction. The questions the educators asked were simple right or wrong kinds of questions. When the children asked more thoughtful and open-ended questions when talking to each other, it led them to think together. These results are important, because transferring them to practice in early childhood education may support children's interaction, discussion and thinking skills, as well as developing a conversational culture in preschools.
  • Jauhiainen, Susanna (2019)
    Aims. Touching is vital for humans. Furthermore touch is a way of communicating in interaction. The aim of this study was to examine touching in kindergarten: what is the nature of touching and what is the interactional organization of touch between an adult and a child when a child is crying. Theoretically, the study draws upon conversational analysis approach of multimodal interaction and conception of corporeality. The research questions were: (1) what is the nature of touching between an adult and a child when a child is crying in kinder-garten, (2) how is a comforting touch organized between an adult and a child when a child is crying in kindergarten, and (3) what are the factors that affect the nature and the organization of touching? Methods. This reasearch was a qualitative study of interaction. The research data were 30 hours of videofootage filmed at 1-4-years old child’s kindergarten groups. Altogether, there were 21 different episodes of crying. These episodes were analysed by multimodal interaction analysis. Results and conclusions. The results illuminate the foundational touching have a important role of touch when child is crying in kindergarten. The study identified four different forms of touching: comforting, controlling, assisting and non-touching. The findings also advance understanding on the temporal organization of touch. Comforting touch appeared directly or with a delay. The reason of crying and how the child responsed to interaction by an adult were significant. These factors created the possibilities to different kind of touching. In conclusion, the study found that touch plays an important role in comforting when a child is cry-ing. Touch was also used to control a crying child action. This study points a different forms and ways of organization of touching in kindergarten. In general this study provides the opportunity for increasing awareness of meanings and possibilities of touch and to improve quality of interaction in early childhood education.
  • Eloranta, Jenni Annika (2020)
    Vuosituhannen alussa Suomessa käytiin laajaa keskustelua perheistä, vanhemmuudesta, pienten lasten parhaasta hoidosta sekä koululaisten yksinäisistä iltapäivistä. Mediassa perheasia näkyi tiuhaan ja äänessä olivat usein kotiäidit sekä perhearvoja puolustavat järjestöt. Tätä ajanjaksoa Riitta Jallinoja on kutsunut familistiseksi käänteeksi. Familistinen perhekäsitys on modernissa maailmassa vuorotellut individualistisen perhekäsityksen kanssa. Jallinojan mukaan familistisen käänteen myötä perheasia, eli familistinen perhekäsitys, politisoitui ja muuttui familistiseksi ideologiaksi. Ideologia näkyi esimerkiksi perhepoliittisissa ohjelmissa ja ulostuloissa sekä konkreettisesti kotihoidon tuen ja kotihoidon kuntalisien kasvussa 2000-luvun alussa. Suomessa on perinteisesti hoidettu alle 3-vuotiaita lapsia kotona päivähoidon sijaan. Tämä jakolinja kotihoidon ja julkisen, usein kokoaikaisen, päivähoidon välillä on sävyttänyt perhepoliittista keskustelua sekä erottanut Suomen muista Pohjoismaista, jossa lapset aloittavat päivähoidon nuorempana. Tutkielmassa Jallinojan teoriaa familistisesta ideologiasta ja sen vahvistumisesta pyritään todentamaan lapsiperhepalveluissa analysoimalla Helsingin kaupungin avoimen varhaiskasvatuksen palveluita. Menetelmänä käytetään teorialähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä ja aineistona on Helsingin varhaiskasvatuksesta vastaavien virastojen tuottamia asiakirjoja vuosilta 2000–2018. Asiakirjat sisältävät toimintakertomuksia, strategioita, talousarvioita ja perhepoliittisia ohjelmia. Modernin familistisen ideologian kulmakiviä; kotiäitiyden korostamista, hyvää vanhemmuutta, lastenhoidon valinnaisuutta ja laadun kehittämistä sekä työn ja perheen yhteensovittamista käytettiin aineiston analyysissä paikantamaan familistisen ideologian ilmentymiä. Tutkielman keskeinen tulos on, että perheen asema on Helsingin kaupungin varhaiskasvatusasiakirjoissa muuttunut niin, että vuosituhannen vaihteen perhekeskeisyydestä on siirrytty lapsikeskeisyyteen. Perhe, joka asiakirjoissa aikaisemmin kuvattiin lasten hyvinvoinnin itsestään selvänä ja keskeisenä edistäjänä, on 2010-luvun loppuun tultaessa häivytetty taustalle. Sen sijaan yksilöllisyys, lasten leikki, oppiminen ja kokemusmaailma on nostettu keskiöön. Vanhemmat nähdään ammattilaisten kumppanina lasten kasvatuksessa, sen sijaan että heihin halutaan vaikuttaa ja vanhemmuutta tukea. Toinen, merkittävä tulos, liittyy kotiäitiyteen. Familistiseen ideologiaan kuuluva kotiäitiyden ihannointi ei näy aineistossa lainkaan, mutta moni varhaiskasvatuksen kehittämistoimi vaikuttaa ohjaavan perheitä kotihoidon pariin. Tällaisia toimia ovat esimerkiksi avoimen varhaiskasvatuksen kerhotoiminnan laajentaminen ja Helsinki-lisä. Helsingin kaupungin varhaispalveluissa familistinen ideologia näkyi varsin lyhyen aikaa ja korvaantui vähitellen yksilöllisyydellä ja lapsikeskeisyydellä. Samaan aikaan varhaiskasvatuspalveluiden laatuun kiinnitettiin enemmän huomiota ja palveluista tuli yhä monimuotoisempia, räätälöidympiä ja yksilöllisiä. Vanhemmille haluttiin myös antaa mahdollisuus valita parhaat palvelut oman elämäntilanteen mukaan. Familistisen ideologian vakiintumisen sijaan individualistinen perhekäsitys näyttää vahvistuneen Helsingin avoimessa varhaiskasvatuksessa 2010-luvulle tultaessa.
  • Sarkkinen, Tuomas (2018)
    Objectives. Progressive Feedback in Early Childhood Education is a project for development of early childhood education in 12 Finnish municipalities. The data in the project is collected through child observation and staff and manager self-evaluation. The objective of this study was to assess the inter-rater agreement of the project’s observation method. Inter-rater agreement is a common way of assessing the reliability and validity of a method that is based on observational data collection. Methods. This study used paired observation data that was collected through the project. The data consisted of observations conducted by 9 different pairs of observers, generating 411 paired observations in total. The data was coded as quantitative data and quantitative methods were used for the reliability analysis. Cohen’s kappa was used to calculate the level of agreement for the rating system scales and for all the paired observers using the rating system. Cohen’s kappa calculates the level of agreement among raters and accounts for agreement based on chance. Cross-tabulation was used to examine the distribution of agreement and disagreement of the observational data on the rating scales. Results. Based on labels assigned by Landis and Koch (1977) the level of agreement for one rating scale was almost perfect, for two rating scales substantial, for three rating scales moderate and for three rating scales fair. The disagreement was notable on certain scales and there were clear differences between scales and raters. Based on the results and sources the reliability of the observational method should be improved in the future. The improvement should focus on increasing the training of the observers, evaluating the objectives of the observation and calibrating the observation rating scales. Using Cohen’s kappa was not problem-free, so in future research multiple methods should be used to ensure balanced results. Further studies include ways to follow up on the reliability of the project’s observation method and the possibilities of generalizability theory and argument based validity as part of the research on reliability and validity of observation based quality assessment methods.
  • Mollgren-Gustavsson, Ingela (2020)
    HELSINGIN YLIOPISTO – HELSINGFORS UNIVERSITET – UNIVERSITY OF HELSINKI Tiedekunta/Osasto  Fakultet/Sektion  Faculty Kasvatustieteiden maisteriohjelma Laitos  Institution  Department Kasvatustiede Tekijä  Författare  Author Ingela Mollgren-Gustavsson Työn nimi  Arbetets titel  Title Kielelliset virikkeet varhaiskasvatuksessa ja esiopetuksessa Oppiaine Läroämne  Subject Varhaiskasvatus (VAKA) Työn laji  Arbetets art  Level Aika  Datum  Month and year Sivumäärä  Sidoantal  Number of pages Pro gradu-tutkielma Joulukuu 2020 70+14 Tiivistelmä  Referat  Abstract Tavoitteet. Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteiden mukaan toiminnassa on tuettava lasten kiinnostusta kieliin. Esiopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteissa korostetaan, että kieli on yhä enemmän oppimisen väline, jota käytetään viestinnässä ja ajattelussa. Tutkimukset ja kansallinen koulutuksen arviointikeskus ovat nostaneet esiin varhaiskasvatuksen ja esiopetuksen epätasaisen laadun. Puutteita on esimerkiksi lasten kielellisen kehityksen tukemisessa. Tässä tutkimuksessa halutaan siksi tuoda esiin sitä, kuinka kielelliset virikkeet toteutuvat varhaiskasvatuksessa ja esiopetuksessa. Tutkimuksessa halutaan myös selvittää, onko ”kielellistä kehitystä tukevasta toimintasuunnitelmasta” ollut konkreettista hyötyä yksiköiden kielellisessä työssä tutkimuksen kohteena olevassa kunnassa. Menetelmät. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin kyselyillä. Kyselyt lähetettiin N=47 henkilölle, jotka työskentelivät erään Turunmaan kunnan varhaiskasvatuksessa ja esiopetuksessa. Vastausprosentti oli 70 %, N=33. Kysymyksien vastauksia analysoitiin kvantitatiivisesti sekä kvalitatiivisen sisällönanalyysin avulla. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimuksesta saadut tulokset havainnollistavat, että henkilöstön työskentely kielellisten virikkeiden parissa on monipuolista ja vaihtelevaa. Enemmistö henkilöstöstä tietää, että kirjat ovat erittäin tärkeitä lasten kielellisen kehityksen kannalta ja panostaa kirjojen sisällöstä keskustelemiseen. Yli puolet laulaa lauluja useita kertoja päivässä, kun taas loruja hyödynnetään vähemmän. Yli puolet henkilöstöstä hyödyntää työssään tablettia, pääasiassa kielellisen kehityksen edistämiseen. Suurin osa työntekijöistä on hyvin tietoisia omasta roolistaan kielellisenä esikuvana lapsille. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että ympäristössä voitaisiin panostaa enemmän teksteihin ja kirjaimiin, jotta lapset ymmärtäisivät niiden merkityksen. Lasten kielellisten taitojen dokumentointia tulisi tehostaa. Yli puolet raportoi, että ”kielellistä kehitystä tukeva toimintasuunnitelma” on vaikuttanut yksiköiden konkreettiseen työskentelyyn ja kertoo muuttaneensa laulujen, lorujen ja kirjojen parissa työskentelyä suunnitelman käyttöönoton jälkeen. Avainsanat  Nyckelord  Keywords varhaiskasvatus, esiopetus, kielelliset virikkeet, kieliympäristö, kieltä tukeva toiminta Säilytyspaikka  Förvaringsställe  Where deposited Helsingin yliopisto – Helda / E-thesis (opinnäytteet) Muita tietoja  Övriga uppgifter  Further information Ohjaaja: Solveig Cornèr
  • Yli-Koski-Mustonen, Sanna (2018)
    The purpose of this research is to study (1) how early childhood educators co-operate with evangelic-lutheran parishes and other religious communities when organizing worldview education in kindergartens and (2) what kind of practices and new ideas do early childhood educators have concerning worldview education and (3) what kind of recommendations do early childhood educators have for in-service training of worldview education. This is a qualitative research. The data is based on a survey conducted in the winter of 2018 in selected social media discussion groups of early childhood educators. The questionnaire contained mainly open-ended questions. The answers (N=60) were analysed by using content analysis. As a result of the research, it was found that co-operation concerning worldview education is generally made only with evangelic-lutheran parish in most of the work communities of the survey participants. Co-operation was categorized into different categories: (1) minor co-operation, (2) more plentiful co-operation which maintains traditional practices and (3) dialogical and innovative co-operation. Those practices and ideas which included co-operation with religious communities were divided into five themes: general worldview education, religious events, support of wellbeing, mentoring and more general co-operation with none specific theme. Those practices and ideas which did not include co-operation were divided into six themes: general worldview education, festivals of the kindergarten community, moral education, organizing optional activities during religious events, dialogue with parents, and the lack of the practices. It was also found that recommendations for in-service training contents were divided into six themes: opening The National Core Curriculum for Early Childhood Education, clarifying the concepts of worldview education, giving information about different religions and non-religious worldviews, introducing methods for worldview education, and for the moral education, and developing sensitivity towards religions and other worldviews. Based on the study, it can be concluded that organizing in-service training to early childhood educators is very necessary and more discussion is currently needed about practices concerning worldview education, both in work communities, with parents and with co-operating religious communities.