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  • Dakash, Susanna (2017)
    Recent years have witnessed a polarisation of public discussions on migration and refugee policies in Europe, and the position of immigrants and multiple ethnicities in European nation-states. While most research conducted on the issue takes a majority perspective, this thesis aims to examine the minority voice in public debates. The objective of this thesis is to gain an understanding on how three politicians in Finland with an immigrant background – Abdirahim Hussein, Nasima Razmyar and Ozan Yanar – account for minority and majority relations and immigrant belonging and participation in their blog posts, and what identity positions they construct for themselves, for other immigrants and for majority members. The theoretical framework for this thesis draws from social constructionism and three branches of discursive research: discursive psychology, positioning theory and rhetorical psychology. The data, collected from online blog posts between April 2014 and December 2016, consists of 68 blog posts. The blogs selected deal with immigration and intergroup relations. A thorough analysis revealed five different interpretative repertoires that the poli-ticians use to account for minority-majority relations: the hierarchy, the humanistic, the antagonistic, the collectivistic and the individualistic repertoires. The identity positions the repertoires offered for the politicians were, respectively, those of the success story, the mo-ral human being, the good citizen and the contributor. The positions constructed for other immigrants were those of second-class citizens, the ordinary people, the victims and the diverse community members. The individualistic repertoire casts both groups in the posi-tion of independent choice-makers. Moreover, the analysis pointed out the positions that were constructed for the majority public (the positions of dominant group, the ordinary people, the victims of false politics, the diverse community) and for political opponents (the position of dissidents). The closer examination of these repertoires and the subject positions they made available suggested that they functioned to legitimise immigrant belonging and participation by evoking universal human principles of morality and collectivity, by constructing a more inclusive Finnishness, and by undermining the credibility of those critical of immigration. Moreover, the analysis indicates that politicians of immigrant background have to manage at least three interdependent group relations – the relationship with their own and other ethnic minority groups, with the public consisting mainly of majority members, and with the mainstream or extreme political opponents. The most central references for this thesis were, among others, Verkuyten’s (2005) Ethnic Identity, Billig’s (1995) Banal Nationalism, Billig’s (1987) Arguing and Thinking, Potter and Wetherell’s (1987) Discourse and Social Psychology, Suoninen’s (1992) Perheen kuvakulmat, and Varjonen’s (2013) Osallistuja vai ulkopuolinen?.
  • Haapanen, Iina (2017)
    Objectives. This study examines the way Finnish handcraft blogs approach handcrafting. By exploring handcraft blogs, one can find out how handcrafting is approached in them and how the phenomenon of craft is transmitted through them. It is important to become aware of the ways in which handcrafting is approached, as these ways build and shape our common reality actively. Handcraft blogs are an important part of the Finnish craft culture and they help build handcraft-related phenomena and promote the spread of various ideas and ways of thinking. This study examines what kind of handcrafting discourses could be interpreted in the writings and comments of Finnish craft blogs and what those discourses could tell about the broader representation of handcrafting and being a maker. Methods. The blogs chosen for this study were four popular Finnish craft blogs. The data consisted of a total of 32 blog entries published in October 2016 and their related comments. The data were analysed inductively with discourse analysis. Results and conclusions. Four dominant handcrafting discourses were interpreted from the data. The discourses were related to dreaming, community, success and being a maker. The discourses appeared in the data as their own entities, but overlap and shared attributes could also be found. In the data, handcrafting was approached by discussing completed and unfinished products or processes along with dreaming about doing, especially in the pursuit of finished craft products and the sense of succeeding in something. Based on the set of discourses, handcrafting is a communal activity through which crafters can encounter others and communicate. Handcrafting was approached by both positive and negative ways, but the main thought was the importance of handcrafting and the positive things and experiences that can be achieved with it. Based on the data, the mere fact of dreaming and planning is a significant activity. The discourse-based image of a handcrafter, who has to cope with different expectations and pressures, is complicated and conflicting.
  • Seppänen, Karoliina (2019)
    In my work, I study the child's transition from home to early childhood education. The transition from home care to early childhood education has previously been studied in Finland only little and with different qualitative material. Transitions are turning points in life and are very significant to the individual. Knowledge of the transition to early childhood education is important for professionals in early childhood education so that they can reflect and improve their work practices and thus facilitate the transition of children, especially when the child first comes to early childhood education. My research practice was narrative and it was carried out by analyzing ten blog posts written by parents on the topic of “starting child's early childhood education”, or in more native language “start day care”. Parents' stories were synthesized together and became a model story of the transition to early childhood education. In the model story, the parent was a clear protagonist, a child and an early childhood education staff were sidecharacters. The story began with a description of the parents' feelings and expectations, after which the story moved to describe the place of early childhood education and the reactions of the child to the palce. The story continues with the description of the separation between the child and the parent and coping with the new life situation. At the end, the parent is pleased with the solution to start a child's early childhood education.
  • Biri, Ylva (2017)
    The purpose of this study is to analyse the use of metadiscourse in English speaking opinion writing on blogs, news sites and the websites of newspapers. Metadiscourse is a theoretical framework for describing linguistic constructions used to structure or comment on the discourse of a text. How metadiscourse is used depends on the genre and the audience of the text. Previous research, much of which has been qualitative, has shown that metadiscourse is used in opinion writing partly to make the author’s viewpoint more organised and understandable, partly to appeal to the audience in a more direct manner. The aim of this study is to describe how different types of metadiscourse correlate with each other, that is, which types of metadiscourse often occur in the same text. The method used is Multi-Dimensional Analysis, a corpus-driven quantitative method based on Factor Analysis. The data used is a collection of blogposts and opinion articles; the corpus of 285,000 words has been annotated with 13 metadiscourse marker categories. The Multi-dimensional analysis yields four statistically significant factors that describe the rhetorical strategies used to acknowledge the elements in the text and the presence of the author and the reader. The four factors are named according to their functions as (1) Writer-oriented text, (2) Solidarity, (3) Reader-oriented text, and (4) Intertextuality. The analysis compares blogs, news sites and the websites of newspapers from the perspective of genre analysis. The results show a range of variation between writers of the same genre, but in general opinion writing from the websites of newspapers is low on metadiscourse and it is used mainly to refer to cited sources. Meanwhile, news sites tend to refer to the reader through the pronoun “you” or the pronoun “we”, which in context can be understood to include the reader. Bloggers refer more often to themselves than to their readers and rarely use the inclusive “we”. The genres blogs and news sites also contain the least explicit references to sources. This study is an example of how metadiscourse can be analysed using a Multi-dimensional method. Even a study based on a smaller dataset can yield information that can be used to develop the theoretical framework of metadiscourse.
  • Biri, Ylva (2017)
    The purpose of this study is to analyse the use of metadiscourse in English speaking opinion writing on blogs, news sites and the websites of newspapers. Metadiscourse is a theoretical framework for describing linguistic constructions used to structure or comment on the discourse of a text. How metadiscourse is used depends on the genre and the audience of the text. Previous research, much of which has been qualitative, has shown that metadiscourse is used in opinion writing partly to make the author’s viewpoint more organised and understandable, partly to appeal to the audience in a more direct manner. The aim of this study is to describe how different types of metadiscourse correlate with each other, that is, which types of metadiscourse often occur in the same text. The method used is Multi-Dimensional Analysis, a corpus-driven quantitative method based on Factor Analysis. The data used is a collection of blogposts and opinion articles; the corpus of 285,000 words has been annotated with 13 metadiscourse marker categories. The Multi-dimensional analysis yields four statistically significant factors that describe the rhetorical strategies used to acknowledge the elements in the text and the presence of the author and the reader. The four factors are named according to their functions as (1) Writer-oriented text, (2) Solidarity, (3) Reader-oriented text, and (4) Intertextuality. The analysis compares blogs, news sites and the websites of newspapers from the perspective of genre analysis. The results show a range of variation between writers of the same genre, but in general opinion writing from the websites of newspapers is low on metadiscourse and it is used mainly to refer to cited sources. Meanwhile, news sites tend to refer to the reader through the pronoun “you” or the pronoun “we”, which in context can be understood to include the reader. Bloggers refer more often to themselves than to their readers and rarely use the inclusive “we”. The genres blogs and news sites also contain the least explicit references to sources. This study is an example of how metadiscourse can be analysed using a Multi-dimensional method. Even a study based on a smaller dataset can yield information that can be used to develop the theoretical framework of metadiscourse.
  • Vikstén, Heli (2022)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan opettajuuden diskursseja ja opettajan ammatillista identiteettiä luokanopettajan blogiteksteissä. Tavoitteena on selvittää, millaista kuvaa blogitekstit välittävät opettajuudesta, mitä opettajuuteen liittyviä diskursseja blogikirjoituksista on löydettävissä, ja millaiseksi kirjoittajan ammatillinen identiteetti opettajana niissä rakentuu. Aihetta lähestytään diskurssintutkimuksen näkökulmasta: tutkitaan todellista kielenkäyttöä kontekstissaan ja kieltä sosiaalisena toimintana. Blogia ilmiönä tarkastellaan erityisesti genren käsitteen kautta. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu Luokanopettajan arki -blogin vuoden 2021 niistä teksteistä, jotka käsittelevät opettajuutta (32 postausta). Aineistoa tarkastellaan kolmesta näkökulmasta, jotka ovat kielellinen (kielioppi, rakenteet, sanasto), diskursiivinen (diskurssit ja genret) ja sosiaalinen (identiteetit ja valtakysymykset). Tutkielmassa selvitetään, miten ja millaista kuvaa teksti rakentaa opettajuudesta ja kirjoittajan ammatillisesta identiteetistä. Aineistosta nousee esiin sekä itse opettajaan, että yleisemmin opettajan työhön liittyviä diskursseja. Opettajaan liittyvät diskurssit on nimetty seuraavasti: ylikuormitettu opettaja, ankara opettaja, laiska miesopettaja ja hyvä opettaja. Opettajan työhön liittyvät diskurssit ovat järjetön koulumaailma, surkea palkka, tärkeää työtä ja oppilaan puolella. Diskurssit rakentuvat kirjoittajan kielellisistä valinnoista ja hänen monipuolisesti käyttämistään kielen keinoista, joita ovat mm. kiireen korostaminen, opettajan representoiminen aktiivisen toimijan sijasta toiminnan kohteena, tekstin tiheä affektiivisuus, modaalisuus, direktiivit, toisto viestiä vahvistavana elementtinä, ironia, poleemisuus, metaforat ja retoriset kysymykset. Aineiston blogitekstit välittävät pääosin kriittistä ja negatiivista kuvaa koulumaailmasta ja opettajan työn arjesta. Representaatio hyvästä opettajasta on läsnä implisiittisesti sekä muutamissa teksteissä. Blogitekstien oppilasdiskurssi on selkeän positiivinen ja johdonmukainen. Kirjoittajan ammatillinen identiteetti rakentuu kielen ja muiden semioottisten resurssien käytössä kietoutuen aineiston diskursseihin. Opettajaidentiteetti on useimmiten pohdinnan ja kyseenalaistamisen kohteena, ja siitä piirtyy jossain määrin epävakaa ja ristiriitainen kuva.
  • Raitakari, Jasmin (2016)
    Goals. The goal of this thesis is to find out the motives for following three different food blogs. The research focuses on readers of the blogs 52 weeks of deliciousness, Lunni leipoo and Perinneruokaa prkl, all of which are located at the website The selection of the research subject was influenced partly by the fact that blog readers and their following motives have yet been researched only little. Blogs are associated with communality and therefore it's interesting to know whether readers participate in commenting the blog posts and how do they do it. Methods. The data was acquired with an online questionnaire that contained open and multiple-choice questions. The online questionnaire was an appropriate method for reaching the target group. The theoretic focus was on qualitative methods, but quantitative methods were utilized as well. The results of the questionnaire were processed using both qualitative and quantitative methods. Multiple-choice questions were presented graphically, open questions in turn were analysed by defining types and themes. At first every blog was examined individually, after which the whole material was subjected to analysis in order to define different reader types. Results and conclusions. The questionnaire gathered answers from 132 readers. Blog 52 weeks of deliciousness was interesting due to recipes, food ideas and the atmosphere created by the blogger. The blog was also a source for daily inspiration and restaurant tips. Blog Lunni leipoo was followed particularly for its visuality, but the entirety, recipes and stories were also felt important. The readers of blog Perinneruokaa prkl were interested in the blog's theme of traditional food. Although the blog was mainly a source for recipes, the funny and narrative writing style was part of the blog's charm. The reader types defined from the material were information seekers, inspiration hunters and self-entertainers. These types were divided into two types by purposes of use: blogs are either idea banks or entertainment platforms. As an idea bank the blog functions as a source for ideas and information. The information seeker values accessibility and searches the blog for recipes or cooking-related information. The inspiration hunter seeks inspiration, which is basically related to all aspects of the blog, such as the recipes, pictures and the blogger's persona. Both inspiration hunter and self-entertainer use the food blog as an entertainment platform. The self-entertainer is after the blog's atmosphere, looking for fun or just passing time. The blog's visuality, stories and attitude gratify the reader. Commenting in the blogs was scarce. The readers didn't comment, because they didn't find their own thoughts important enough, they didn't feel commenting was appropriate for their behaviour, they felt comments had to have value to other readers and the blogger or they wanted to preserve their anonymity. The readers felt that reasons good enough for commenting were asking a question, sharing an own experience, praising, a particularly interesting or emotive post, testing the recipe at hand and asking for advice.
  • Nummelin, Pilvi (2018)
    Tässä pro gradu-tutkielmassa analysoidaan ihmisten motiiveja ostaa suoraan kuluttajille suunnattuja geenitestejä ja tarkastellaan heidän tapojaan hyödyntää saamiaan tuloksia. Perinnöllisyystiede on kehittynyt huimasti viime vuosina. Erilaisia suoraan kuluttajille tarjottavia geenitestejä voi tilata internetistä ilman lääkärin lähetettä tai hyväksyntää. Tässä tutkielmassa on keskitytty suoraan kuluttajille tarjottaviin sairastumisriskejä arvioiviin geenitesteihin. Kuluttajille tarjottavien testien hyödyt ja luotettavuus ovat herättäneet paljon väittelyä. Testien arvostelijoiden mielestä testit voivat lisätä aiheettomasti huolta, kuluttajien yksityisyyden suoja on vaarassa ja geenitestin tulokset voivat johtaa kuluttajia harhaan. Testien puolustajien mukaan geneettisen sairastumisalttiuden toteaminen voi kannustaa terveellisempiin elämäntapoihin ja sairauksien ennaltaehkäisyyn. Aineistona tässä tutkielmassa on 12 suomenkielistä internetin foorumeilla geenitesteistä käytyä keskustelua ja 16 blogimerkintää, joissa aiheena on suoraan kuluttajille tarjottavat geenitestit. Tutkielman tutkimuskysymys on: Miten nettikeskusteluissa ja blogeissa kuvataan motivaatioita kuluttajille tarjottavien geenitestien hankkimiselle ja minkälaisia merkityksiä testien tilaajat antavat niiden tuloksille? Minkälaisia tyyppitarinoita kuluttajille suunnattujen geenitestien käytöstä muodostuu esitettyjen motivaatioiden ja testituloksille annettujen merkitysten kautta? Teoreettisena lähtökohtana tutkielmassa on foucault’laisesta perinteestä ammentavat kehon hallinnan, biovallan ja somaattisen yksilöllisyyden käsitteet. Kvalitatiivisen sisällönanalyysin metodologian avulla luokittelin puheenvuoroja ja loin ryhmiä keskustelijoiden motivaatioista ja tavoista tulkita tuloksia. Geenitestien käyttäjistä ei voida puhua yhtenä ryhmänä, vaan geenitestien äärelle päädytään hyvin erilaisista syistä. Luokittelujen pohjalta loin tyyppitarinoita geenitesteistä aineistossa nousseiden elementtien pohjalta ja analysoin niitä teoreettista viitekehystä vasten. Jaottelin aineistoni aluksi karkeasti kahteen laajempaan ryhmään: uteliaisiin kuluttajiin ja sairauden kohdanneisiin. Näiden alle kuvailin yhteensä viisi erilaista tyyppitarinaa. Uteliaat kuluttajat ja urheilijat: Geenitesti tehdään, koska sairastumisalttiuksien selvittäminen kiinnostaa, mutta myös koska geenitestit herättävät uteliaisuutta ja uudessa teknologian kehityksessä halutaan olla mukana. Tuloksista saatavat terveystiedot eivät herätä tarvetta suurille elämänmuutoksille, eivätkä testin tulokset tuo hyvin sukutaustaansa tunteville henkilöille useinkaan uutta tietoa. Geneettisen tiedon parissa harrastamista saatetaan jatkaa kuitenkin muilla tavoin. Uteliaiden kuluttajien alle luokiteltiin myös toisena käyttäjäryhmänä urheilua aktiivisesti harrastavat ihmiset, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita terveystiedoistaan ja sen soveltamisesta omien elintapojensa parantamiseen. Sairauden kohdanneet henkilöt: Tämän ryhmän alla oli kolmenlaisia tyyppitarinoita: 1) Geenitestejä käytetään välineenä omien epäselvien oireiden selvittämiseen tai sairauden hoitojen suunnitteluun. 2) Geenitestillä halutaan selvittää oma sairastumisriski tilanteessa, jossa suvussa kulkee mahdollisesti perinnöllinen sairaus. 3) Jo sairastuneet ja diagnoosin saaneet henkilöt päätyivät geenitestien pariin kiinnostuessaan siitä, onko sairauden alkuperä perinnöllinen. Aineiston analyysin kuluessa muotoutuivat kaksi tarkentavaa tutkimuskysymystä: 1) Miten “uteliaiksi kuluttajiksi” nimittämäni geenitestien tilaajat hyödynsivät tuloksiaan ja tarkastelivat niitä suhteessa aikaisempaan tietoonsa? Tarkastelen aineistoa peilaten sitä aikaisempiin tutkimustuloksiin geenitestien käytön viihteellisyydestä. Lisäksi tarkentavana kysymyksenä oli: 2) Kuinka jo sairastuneet henkilöt käsittelivät geenitestiensä tuloksia oman sairautensa ymmärtämiseksi? Tarkastelen aineistoa somaattisen yksilön, biologisen keskeytyksen, diagnostisen epävarmuuden, potilaaksi tulemisen odottamisen, maallikkoasiantuntijan ja biososiaalisten suhteiden käsitteiden kautta. Tutkielmani vahvistaa käsitystä siitä, että geenitestejä tehdään monista eri syistä ja niiden tuloksiin suhtaudutaan hyvin moninaisilla tavoilla. Vähemmän tutkittu ilmiö, joka nousi tutkielmassani esille, on kuluttajille suunnattujen geenitestien käyttö jo sairastuneiden välineenä diagnoosien tai hoitomuotojen etsimisessä.