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  • Silvasti, Katja (2020)
    Vuorovaikutus on olennainen osa kampaajan työtä ja kampaajalla käydessään asiakkaat kertovat itsestään, vaikka varsinaisesti ei tarvitsisikaan. Kampaamo on siis kontekstina sellainen, jossa itsestäkertomista tapahtuu. Tutkielmani tavoitteena onkin tarkastella kampaajan ja asiakkaan välistä vuorovaikutusta kampaamossa kampaajan näkökulmasta sekä kampaajien käsityksiä ja kokemuksia itsestäkertomisesta kampaamon vuorovaikutuskontekstissa. Erityisesti olen kiinnostunut kampaajien asiakkaan itsestäkertomiselle antamista merkityksistä. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu yhdeksästä kampaajan teemahaastattelusta. Aineisto analysoitiin laadullisella, teoriaohjaavalla sisällönanalyysillä ja analyysissä muodostettiin kaksi pääluokkaa: Vuorovaikutus kampaajan ammatissa ja Itsestäkertomisen merkitykset. Kampaajan työ on haastavaa vuorovaikutustyötä, jossa asiakkaan kanssa keskusteleminen on keskeinen osa työtä. Työn sosiaalinen luonne luo myös tarvetta hiljaisuuteen ja rauhoittumiseen. Kampaajan rooli asiakkaalle voi olla muutakin kuin hiustenmuotoilija. Kampaajat pyrkivät auttamaan esimerkiksi kuuntelemalla asiakkaitaan, joilla on tarve puhua. Asiakkaat kertovat itsestään sekä laajasti että syvällisesti ja kampaajat kertovat, ettei ole aihetta, josta he eivät olisi kuulleet. Kampaamokäynti nähdäänkin asiakkaan aikana, jolloin asiakas saa kertoa itsestään tai olla hiljaa, jos haluaa. Varsinkin pitkäaikaisten asiakkaiden ja kampaajan välille voi muodostua kaupallinen ystävyyssuhde. Itsestäkertominen on kampaamossa niin yleistä, että se on jopa sosiaalinen normi. Haastattelut siis tukevat tätä arkihavaintoa. Koska asiakkaat kertovat itsestään paljon, ja oikeastaan mistä tahansa aiheesta, tunteet ovat esillä kampaamossa ja kampaajat tekevät emotionaalista työtä. Kampaaja toimiikin asiakkaan luotettuna, ja itsestäkertominen voidaan nähdä luottamuksen osoituksena.
  • Jauhiainen, Susanna (2019)
    Aims. Touching is vital for humans. Furthermore touch is a way of communicating in interaction. The aim of this study was to examine touching in kindergarten: what is the nature of touching and what is the interactional organization of touch between an adult and a child when a child is crying. Theoretically, the study draws upon conversational analysis approach of multimodal interaction and conception of corporeality. The research questions were: (1) what is the nature of touching between an adult and a child when a child is crying in kinder-garten, (2) how is a comforting touch organized between an adult and a child when a child is crying in kindergarten, and (3) what are the factors that affect the nature and the organization of touching? Methods. This reasearch was a qualitative study of interaction. The research data were 30 hours of videofootage filmed at 1-4-years old child’s kindergarten groups. Altogether, there were 21 different episodes of crying. These episodes were analysed by multimodal interaction analysis. Results and conclusions. The results illuminate the foundational touching have a important role of touch when child is crying in kindergarten. The study identified four different forms of touching: comforting, controlling, assisting and non-touching. The findings also advance understanding on the temporal organization of touch. Comforting touch appeared directly or with a delay. The reason of crying and how the child responsed to interaction by an adult were significant. These factors created the possibilities to different kind of touching. In conclusion, the study found that touch plays an important role in comforting when a child is cry-ing. Touch was also used to control a crying child action. This study points a different forms and ways of organization of touching in kindergarten. In general this study provides the opportunity for increasing awareness of meanings and possibilities of touch and to improve quality of interaction in early childhood education.
  • Brandt, Viivi (2019)
    Aims. Information and communication technologies are defined as important civics in the new curriculum and every student should have the opportunity to improve these skills. They are seen both as an instrument and as a target of learning. The increasing importance of social media in society has also remarkably increased the social media discourse. It is seen as an opportunity although it simultaneously raises fears and concerns. The previous research has focused on examining social media as a tool for learning. Less attention has been given to the opportunities it offers to building interaction between pupils and teachers. This study examines the collective interaction of a school class in WhatsApp application. The aim of the study is to find out how the role of the teacher is formed in the conversation and to approach the interaction from the third space viewpoint. In addition this research aims to locate the dissonance experienced by the researcher as a class teacher taking part in the informal interaction in social media. Methods. The data in this study is a WhatsApp discussion from the spring semester of 2016. It was not originally collected for research purposes but was selected for research at the end of the academic year. The study was attended by all 22 pupils of the class and the class teacher who later assumed the role of the researcher. The data is approached through discourse analysis with autoethnographic features that are based on the teacher’s experience in researching her own practice. This analysis utilized both data-driven and theory-driven analysis. The framework of the analysis is based on Gutiérres et al. (1995) theory of a third space by means of building the conditions of a third space. This concept worked as a middle level analytical tool. The experienced dissonance was located using the concepts of agency and especially the contradiction of control – agency as well as through the dialectics of the epistemic and the existential dimensions of being a teacher. Results and conclusions. Pupils were active agents in the interaction. They were more active in initiating and participating in discussions than the class teacher whose role was emphasized by the existential dimension of being a teacher. The teacher appeared as an equal participant in the conversation. The WhatsApp conversation acted as a third space and building this space required the abandonment of traditional institutional interaction. WhatsApp application worked as an interesting mediator that enabled the subjects of the study to build their interaction in a new way. The dissonance was placed in the dialectics of control - agency and balancing between the existential and epistemic dimensions of teaching. This study helps to see the opportunities of interaction in social media and reveals the challenges it brings from the teachers point of view. It also points out the importance of the teachers presence.