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Browsing by discipline "Växtproduktionsvetenskap"

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  • Amoah, Samuel (2019)
    Tiivistelmä/Referat – Abstract Biochars, made from biomass heated in limited oxygen, have been suggested as a sustainable means of increasing crop productivity. Two of the most commonly reported benefits of biochars are improved soil water availability and nutrient status, due of which also yield increases have been reported. Most studies so far have focused on subtropical soils that are low in initial carbon content, and cereals have been the main crops studied. There is also lack of knowledge of the effects of biochar in longer term than five years on the yield formation of grain legumes like peas. A long-term field experiment was conducted in Helsinki, Finland to investigate the effects of softwood biochar on the soil properties and on the yield formation of peas. Three levels of biochar rates were used: 0 ton/ha, 5 ton/ha and 10 ton/ha in conjunction with 3 NPK fertilizer levels of 30, 65, and 100 percent of the recommended levels. The addition of biochar was tied to slightly elevated levels of soil moisture at the upper soil layers (0 – 18 cm). This increase was however not significant (p > 0.05). Changes in biochar porosity over the years may have led to decreased water holding capacity of the soil and hence low moisture content. The soil nutrient status was also not significantly affected by biochar additions, except for sulphur levels which recorded a marginal significance of p < 0.1. Changes in biochar properties over time could also be responsible for the lack of effects on soil nutrients. The soil used was relatively fertile (3.5 % C), hence the effects of biochar were insignificant. Fertilizer effects were also not significant, except for significant levels of such nutrient as P, Ca, P and S. The lack of fertilizer effects could be due to the relatively fertile nature of the Luvic Stagnosol soil. The lack of effects of biochar on soil properties resulted in non-significant results for yield components of peas. The relatively dry weather during the growing season could also be responsible for the vast lack of significance recorded.
  • Du, Yajun (2018)
    Narcissus also called daffodil is a popular ornamental plant from Europe. It is known in Finnish gardens since 17th century, but there is no complete study on its genetic diversity. Over hundred years’ cultivation, it could happen the name of some accessions have been lost, localized or incorrectly assigned for a long time. In order to clarify the duplicates and support further genetic resource conservation, breeding program and other potential applications, the genetic diversity analysis of a set of N. poeticus and N. pseudonarcissus accessions was conducted by molecular markers. Genetic distance matrices between accessions were calculated by Dice dissimilarity coefficient and Gower’s dissimilarity coefficient, which was used to do cluster analysis and construct the dendrogram. Dendrograms of microsatellite data and ISSR data were draw by R program and based on unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages (UPGMA) to visualize genetic distance between accessions. We investigated genetic polymorphism of 3 microsatellite loci and 6 inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) loci in 164 accessions of N. poeticus, N. pesudonarcissus, their hybrids and unknown species. Despite 3 microsatellite markers were not specifically developed from N. poeticus or N. pesudonarcissus, they were detected reasonable informativeness with average genetic diversity value (GD) of 0.22 and 36 polymorphic alleles were amplified in this study. As for 6 ISSR markers, we observed more informativeness with higher average GD of 0.3 and 224 polymorphic alleles. According to pairwise similarity of accessions and microsatellite dendrogram, we found 18 groups of samples might be duplicates, 14 pairs of samples might be siblings and 4 pairs of samples could belong to same family. From the analysis of ISSR dendrogram, 51 pairs of samples were considered with close genetic relationship, but only 6 pairs might be duplicates, 44 pairs could be siblings and 1 pair could belong to the same family. Two core collections constructed by CoreFinder software consist of 24 accessions and 18 accessions respectively regarding to microsatellite data and ISSR data.
  • Lu, Yao (2015)
    Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) is one of the major grain legumes grown in the world. It is an important winter and spring crop in subtropical areas and one of the most important vegetable protein sources for human and animals. Phosphorus (P) is the second most essential and the second most frequently limiting element for plant growth following nitrogen (N). It plays an important role in various metabolic processes. There are plenty of P sources in the earth, which should be more than enough for plant growth, but unfortunately much of the P is in plant-unavailable forms. Struvite and apatite are two types of phosphate rock minerals that can be used to provide P for plants. The object is to evaluate the physiological responses of different accessions of faba bean to both soluble phosphate and mineral phosphorus treatments, to investigate the ability of faba bean to make use of struvite and apatite as P sources, and to screen the cultivars and accessions of faba bean with high P-efficiency of struvite and apatite. A condition-controlled greenhouse work was conducted. The experiment comprised 54 treatment combinations of 6 faba bean cultivars chosen world-widely, 3 levels of soluble phosphorus fertilizers (0, 20, 60 kg ha-1 P2O5), and 3 types of growing media (unsupplemented, with struvite, and with apatite) laid out as a factorial in RCBD with 4 replicates. Under P stress, all accessions showed short plant height, slow photosynthetic rate, small leaf area, weight and number, small shoot and root weight, large root:shoot ratio, less shoot and root P concentration, small or few tillers, and delayed flowering time. All accessions can utilize both struvite and apatite in some degree and utilize struvite more efficiently. Thus, struvite could be an alternative possible P source for some faba bean cultivars. Witkiem Manita was the most tolerant to P deficiency. SSNS-1 was the least tolerant to P deficiency and the most efficient at use of struvite. It showed a short stem with other hindered characters, but it recovered easily and quickly when P nutrient either soluble P or struvite was supplied.
  • Naukkarinen, Jenni (2018)
    Kiinnostus nurmipalkokasvien mahdollisuuksiin vähentää epäorgaanisten lannoitteiden käyttöä sekä lisätä nurmirehujen valkuaisomavaraisuutta on kasvussa. Nurmipalkokasvien lisäys nurmiheinien seokseen kasvattaa sadon määrää ja valkuaispitoisuutta. Sinimailanen (Medicago sativa L.) ja puna-apila (Trifolium pratense L.) yleisesti soveltuvat muita nurmipalkokasveja paremmin seoskasvustoihin kasvutavaltaan ei aggressiivisten nurmiheinien kutein timotein (Phleum pratense L.) kanssa. Timotein eteläisten ja pohjoisten lajikkeiden välillä satoisuudessa ja kasvurytmissä on havaittu eroja, mutta lajikkeen vaikutuksista seoskasvustojen kasvurytmiin tarvitaan lisää tutkimustuloksia. Aineisto kerättiin Luonnonvarakeskuksen Ylistaron koeasemalle perustetulta nurmikokeelta ensimmäiseltä satovuodelta kasvukaudella 2017 osana vuonna 2016 alkanutta VALNURRE -hanketta. Tarkastelussa oli kahdeksan koejäsentä: sinimailasen, puna-apilan sekä timotein eteläisen ja pohjoisen lajikkeen puhdas- ja seoskasvustot, jotka niitettiin kaksi tai kolme kertaa. Kasvukaudella seurattiin kasvuston pituuden, lehtialaindeksin (LAI), kasvuasteen sekä biomassan kehitystä. Tuoresadosta tehtiin botaaninen analyysi sekä proteiinianalyysi. Mittaustulosten perusteella laskettiin kuiva-ainesato, pinta-alavastaavuussuhde (LER) sekä typen peltotase koejäsenittäin. Sinimailanen kärsi jopa 95 % talvituhoista, sen kasvuunlähtö oli hidasta eikä se kyennyt kilpailemaan puhdaskasvustossa rikkoja tai seoskasvustoissa timoteita vastaan. Puna-apila menestyi paremmin ja oli selvästi sinimailasta satoisampi seoskasvustoissa saavuttaen keskimäärin 12,1–13,8 t kg ka/ha kuiva-ainesadon, timotein lajikkeella ei kuitenkaan ollut merkitsevää vaikutusta. Kahden niiton menetelmässä suurimman sadon 14,3 t kg ka/ha tuotti eteläinen timotei, kun kolmen niiton menetelmässä satoisin oli pohjoinen timotei 14,8 t kg ka/ha. Botaanisessa analyysissä nurmipalkokasveja oli keskimäärin enemmän pohjoisen timotein seoksissa. Poikkeuksellisen viileä kasvukausi vaikutti nurmipalkokasvien menestymiseen puhdas ja seoskasvustoissa. Seoskasvustot eivät olleet satoisampia verrattuna timotein puhdaskasvustoihin eikä timotein lajikkeiden välillä ollut merkittävää eroa. Nurmipalkokasvit eivät merkitsevästi parantaneet sadon tai valkuaisen määrää. Seoskasvusto voi kuitenkin parantaa nurmipalkokasvien talvehtimista ja säilymistä kasvustossa. Sinimailasen ja puna-apilan puhdas- ja seoskasvustojen typpitase oli timoteikasvustoja parempi ja ne hyödynsivät typpeä selvästi tehokkaammin.
  • Korhonen, Janne (2018)
    Timothy (Phleum pretense, L.) is the most widely grown grass species in Nordic countries and is well adapted for boreal climate because of its excellent winter hardiness. Adequate cold hardening in autumn is required for successful overwintering. During cold hardening large quantities of soluble sugars and low molecular nitrogenous compounds accumulate in stem bases. Soluble sugars are used during winter for energy and they also act as cryoprotectants. Nitrogenous compounds are involved in protein synthesis during cold acclimation as well as act as N-storage during regrowth. Among grasses, the role of vegetative storage proteins (VSP) as a long-term N-storage is under lesser research. The aim of this study was to investigate how N-fertilization effect growth, the amount of soluble sugars (WSC) and soluble proteins in timothy stem bases during cold hardening in late autumn and before regrowth in spring. Field experiments were conducted in LUKE research stations at Maaninka and Ruukki. Two timothy varieties, Nuutti and Grindstad with four different N-levels, ranging from 150- to 450 kg N/ha, were used. The autumn growth didn’t differ significantly between varieties, however, Nuutti accumulated more soluble sugars mainly due to its larger stem bases. The amount of soluble proteins and total nitrogen were significantly higher in Nuutti. N-fertilizing increased winter damage when more than 250 kg N/ha was applied. The amount of soluble sugars decreased approx. 50 % during winter whereas the amounts of total nitrogen and soluble proteins increased. Nitrogen didn’t have a negative effect on the amount of living stem bases in spring. SDS-PAGE-results showed a few potential polypeptide chains that might be related to VSP- or cold stress protein synthesis in autumn. Nitrogen had a positive effect on the amount of soluble sugars up to application of 350 kg N/ha. Nitrogen had a positive effect on the amount of total nitrogen and soluble proteins especially in spring. Those results might indicate better spring growth. The number of dead stem bases was lower on higher N-levels in spring and the number of living stem bases in spring was insignificant of N-level or variety. The role of VSP as a N-storage could not be clarified in this experiment.
  • Seppänen, Ari-Matti (2018)
    Circular economy and nutrient recycling have become central aims of agricultural development domestically and internationally. In Finland the enhancement of nutrient recycling is hindered by the areal dividedness of agricultural production. The high animal densities in West-Finland produce more manure nutrients than the area can sustain whereas in the South-Finland the Uusimaa region is dependent on mineral phosphorus fertilizers as there isn’t enough manures in the region. Also the unutilized grasslands have potential for increasing efficient silage and energy grass production, which enables nutrient recycling through biogas or livestock production. In this thesis the agricultural production structure of Uusimaa is approached from the perspective of the regional feed production and the feed production potential as an enabler of more balanced regional crop-livestock production. Simultaneously the regional nutrient recycling and livestock product self-sufficiency enhances. The method used is MFA (material flow analysis) which is applied to the case study area of the Mäntsälä municipality with results scaled up to the rural areas of Uusimaa County. The materials were based on annual statistics of Finland’s production structure and agricultural production. The Mäntsälä municipality’s nutrient balance of nitrogen and phosphorus, the average yields and self-sufficiency in livestock products were analyzed. Three alternative scenarios were introduced to analyze the possibilities of increasing livestock production, enhancing nutrient recycling and attaining livestock product self-sufficiency. The case area has remarkable potential for livestock production increases. With these increases the cereal dominated region gains the possibility of replacing a majority of mineral fertilizers with the manures. Simultaneously, the municipal production can come close to meeting the municipal consumption. These additions of livestock can be carried out without changes in crop areas, but then the livestock production would depend on imported mineral and protein feeds. Also the increases in protein feed needs can be met by transforming the needed areas from cereal areas. In addition the unutilized grasses provide a potential for enhancing the areal silage production. The case study area can’t meet the areal consumption of livestock produce without using the expanse of the present cereal cultivation areas. The results suggest that Uusimaa and its surrounding rural regions have great potential for increasing livestock production and enhancing the nutrient recirculation, whereas the regional consumption cannot be met with the regional production. To enhance sustainable agroecosystem in Finland changes in production structure, way of production and the consumption patterns of citizens are needed.
  • Dutta, Pinky (2018)
    The trans-replication system of a virus deals with the idea where the viral RNA involved in the translation of replicase protein is separate from the one involved in the replication of the virus. This system has been successfully used to study virus replication complexes and numerous viral and host factors involved in the replication and infection process of Semliki Forest virus, Chikungunya virus and Sindbis virus. We attempted to test for the feasibility of this system with Potato virus X (PVX), an alpha-like virus, in planta. A viral RNA template was designed to produce a non-functional replicase protein, with the coat protein sequence deleted to prevent formation of virions. All other RNA features of the template sequence had been left unaltered, possibly making it recognizable by the replicase. The replicase construct encodes for the replicase protein and its RNA lacks other virus-specific recognition sequences. Both of the constructs were delivered into the mesophyll cells of the Nicotiana benthamiana leaves via Agrobacterium-mediated infiltration. Templates of various lengths, ranging from 2569 to 7562 nucleotides were tested. The longer templates did not replicate at 4 and 6 days post inoculation, when the replicase protein was provided in trans. Further optimization of the system with shorter templates and addition of helper component proteinase (HCPro), a potyviral silencing suppressor, led to effective trans-replication of the templates in plant cells. However, the replication sites were observed to be scattered across the leaf lamina suggesting that further optimization is required for increased efficiency of the trans-replication system. All in all, it has been established that PVX is capable of trans-replicating and the experimental freedom offered by this system can be utilized to delve deeper into understanding the replication mechanism of the virus.
  • Simovaara, Susanna (2017)
    Domestic supply of cranberries in Finland does not meet demand, so the food industry buys cultivated cranberries from abroad. American cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon Ait.) is grown in North America in areas where generally 1800 to 2500 (base 5 °C) growing degree days (GDD) accumulate during the growing season. Cranberry cultivation has been tried in Finland for a few occasions. From the experiments it has been concluded that in Finland winter is too cold and the growing season is too short for the commercial cultivation of American cranberries. However, growing season can be extended, and the conditions of cultivation can be influenced using protective covers. For example, in high tunnels, more GDDs accumulate than under field conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of high tunnel on the growth, development and overwintering of seven V. macrocarpon cultivars in potted cultivation in Viikki (60 °N, 25 °E). More above-ground biomass was accumulated in high tunnel than under field conditions. In general, the runners (stolons) grew faster in the tunnel than in the field. Faster growth was explained mainly by the excess of 200 GDDs accumulated in the tunnel. However, not all cultivars responded similarly to high tunnel conditions. For example, 'Ben Lear' may have suffered from stress caused by the more fluctuating air temperature and consequent difficulties with the automated irrigation settings. Irrigation was adjusted by the needs of more high-growth ‘Howes’ and ‘Prolific’ cultivars. Interestingly, the root growth response to high tunnel treatment was highly different from the above-ground shoot growth. Except for ‘Prolific’, root growth was more extensive under field conditions. All plants overwintered in the open. A total of 95% of the plants survived the winter 2015/2016, although they suffered considerable damage. Only 33% of the terminal buds of uprights (vertical shoots) maintained their viability for regrowth in the spring. Last year's high tunnel treatment improved the winter hardiness of uprights. ‘Pilgrim’s' growth and development in the spring of 2016 were significantly faster than other cultivars. In addition, its yield potential was in a class of its own. When in average only 10% of the uprights had been induced for flowering, up to 81% of the ‘Pilgrim’ uprights were flowering. Yield results from this study should be regarded as indicative information only, as the perennial cranberry reaches its full yield potential only in later years. In 2016, only ‘Pilgrim’ had sufficient potential for harvest and yield analysis. 'Pilgrim' yielded an average of 275 g of berries per plant. Last year's high tunnel treatment increased berry yield significantly.
  • Pinomaa, Anni (2016)
    Protected cultivation of raspberries (Rubus idaeus L.) has increased its popularity in Finland. One reason is that the fruit is extremely sensitive to rainy weather during its development. The raspberry plant itself is sensitive to wind and low temperatures, which can reduce growth. In Europe most of the raspberry is grown in protected cultivation, and this technology is now becoming popular in Finland. A high tunnel is a cost-efficient way to protect the plants against rainy weather and extend the harvest season. The protected cultivation has been shown to increase the yield and cropping potential of raspberry and reduce the gray mold in the berries. In human diet, berries are among the richest sources of antioxidants. In raspberry, the most important antioxidants are vitamin C (20 %) and phenolic compounds (80 %). Among phenolic compounds, ellagitannins and anthocyanins give the greatest contribution to antioxidant activity. The aim of this thesis was to study the yield, sensory quality, nutritional quality and shelf life of three floricane fruiting raspberry cultivars grown in high tunnel and open field. Cultivars ’Glen Ample, ’Glen Dee’ and ’Maurin Makea’ were used in the study. Sugar and acid content of raspberry were examined to get an overview of sensory quality. The nutritional quality was studied with an antioxidant activity assay (using FRAP method) and total phenolics assay (using Fast Blue BB method). The shelf life was tested both in +5 °C and in room temperature. The average total yield per cane was 99 % greater in tunnel than in the open field, whereas both sugar and acid content of the berry were greater in open field. Berry weight and total phenolics content were strongly cultivar dependent characteristics. The results of the antioxidant activity assay did not show significant differences between either growing conditions or the cultivars. The shelf life in room temperature was equally weak for all samples, but in +5 °C storage the open field raspberries developed symptoms of gray mold earlier than those picked from the tunnel. The conclusion is that contents of health beneficial compounds in berries were not affected in tunnel cultivation, but berry taste may be affected, as differences in sugar and acid contents were observed.
  • Ravander, Jaana (2020)
    Pensasmustikan heikko talvenkestävyys rajoittaa sen ammattimaista viljelyä Suomessa. Monivuotisen pensasmustikan silmut ja versot vaurioituvat talven ja alkukevään vaihtelevassa säässä, ja sadontuotto on epävarmaa. Talvenkestävyyttä on pyritty edistämään lajikejalostuksella. Myös viljelymenetelmien kehittäminen voi lisätä tuotannon varmuutta. Tunneliviljelyä on tutkittu vasta vähän pensasmustikan tuotantoa edistävänä tekijänä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, lisääkö tunnelikasvatus pensasmustikan talvenkestävyyttä. Talvenkestävyyttä mitattiin tunnelissa ja avomaalla kasvaneista pensasmustikan (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) hybridilajikkeen ’Arto’ satoikäisistä pensaista. Pensaat kasvoivat Piikkiössä Varsinais-Suomessa, ja kasvupaikalta kerätyt näytteet tutkittiin Helsingissä. Tutkittavana oli silmujen lepotilan syvyys, versojen ja silmujen kylmänkestävyys, sekä verson liukoisten hiilihydraattien määrä talven aikana. Tutkimus toteutettiin marras-maaliskuussa talvella 2015-16. Talvikaudella tunnelissa ei ollut katemuoveja, joten olosuhteet olivat samat molemmilla käsittelyillä. Näin ollen havaitut erot käsittelyiden välillä johtuivat kasvukauden aikaisista eroista. Tunnelikasvatetun pensasmustikan lepotila syveni avomaalla kasvaneita myöhemmin, mutta pysyi yllä pidemmälle kohti kevättä. Versojen kylmänkestävyys oli tunnelissa kasvaneilla pensasmustikoilla avomaan verrokkeja tasaisempi. Avomaalla kasvaneiden pensaiden kylmänkestävyys ylsi keskitalvella tunnelimustikoiden tasolle, mutta oli heikompi alku- ja loppukaudesta. Silmujen kylmänkestävyyden tuloksia heikensi talven säiden vaihtelu, joka johti tutkittavien silmujen vaurioitumiseen jo kasvupaikalla. Pensasmustikan talvenkestävyyttä voidaan edistää tunnelikasvatuksella. Kasvukauden aikana tunnelissa vallinneet kasvua edistävät olosuhteet parantavat pensaiden selviytymistä vaihtelevista talviolosuhteista.
  • Wikström, Ulrika (2020)
    Nykymuotoiseen maatalouteen liittyy useita ympäristökestävyyden haasteita niin globaalilla kuin kansallisellakin tasolla. Nykyiselle ruoantuotannolle tyypillistä piirteitä ovat muun muassa riippuvuus kemianteollisista tuotantopanoksista, maatalousekosysteemien heikentynyt biodiver- siteetti sekä kasvintuotannon ja kotieläintuotannon eriytyminen toisistaan. Ruoan alkutuotanto aiheuttaa myös suurimman osan koko ruokajärjestelmän kasvihuonekaasupäästöistä, jotka puo- lestaan ovat merkittävä osa globaaleja ja kansallisia kokonaispäästöjä. Ruoantuotannossa kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä aiheutuu erityisesti maankäytöstä ja sen muu- toksista, kotieläinten ruoansulatuksesta ja lannankäsittelystä, typpilannoituksesta sekä suorasta ja epäsuorasta fossiilisten polttoaineiden käytöstä. Päästöjä on kuitenkin mahdollista kompensoida varastoimalla ilmakehän hiilidioksidin hiiltä viljelymaiden hiilivarastoihin viljelykäytäntöjen avulla sekä tehostamalla kasvien yhteyttämän energian hyötykäyttöä maataloudessa. Agroekologisen symbioosin (AES) toimintamalli lisää maatalouden energia- ja ravin- neomavaraisuutta vähentäen tuotannon riippuvuutta ulkoisista energia- ja ravinnepanoksista. Toimintamallin keskiössä ovat biokaasun tuotanto ja typensitojanurmien viljely. Typensitojanur- met sopivat myös rehunurmiksi maitokarjalle ja maitokarjatuotannon lisääminen on keino lisätä typensitojanurmien viljelyä ja paikallista ruoantuotantoa kasviviljelyvaltaisella alueella. Tämän tutkimuksen taustana oli agroekologisten symbioosien teoria, ja tavoitteena oli sel- vittää biokaasun tuotannon ja maitokarjatalouden lisäämisen vaikutukset kasvintuotantovaltaisen maatalousalueen tuotos- ja hehtaarikohtaisiin kasvihuonekaasupäästöihin. Tutkimus toteutettiin päästökertoimiin ja viljelymaiden hiilitasearvioihin perustuvana päästölaskelmana kahdelle mal- linnetulle tuotantosysteemille. Toinen systeemeistä edusti tyypillistä kasvinviljelyvaltaista Etelä- Suomalaista maatalousaluetta ja toinen oli skenaario, jossa samalle alueelle sovellettaisiin ag- roekologisen symbioosin toimintamallia ja lisättäisiin maitokarjataloutta. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että skenaarion mukainen tuotantosysteemi vähentäisi tut- kitun alueen proteiinimääräisen ruokatuotoksen kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä 57 % ja energiamää- räisen 41 %. Skenaarioitu tuotantosysteemi ei vähentäisi hehtaarikohtaisia kasvihuonekaasupääs- töjä. Hehtaarikohtaiset päästöt kasvaisivat kuitenkin vain 4 % nykysysteemiin verrattuna.
  • Kinnunen, Ossi (2019)
    Current food system produces significant share of global greenhouse gas emissions, in addition to causing other negative environmental impacts. One option for reducing these negative impacts is to use recycled fertilizers: however, the vastly varying properties of different recycled fertilizers affect the utilization of nutrients by plants, as well as the nutrients’ behaviour in soil. The proper use of recycled fertilizers requires understanding about the functioning of nutrients - especially nitrogen - in soil, in addition to knowledge about the properties of the fertilizer. The aim of this thesis was to study how different kinds of recycled fertilizers affect the flows of ni- trogen and nitrogen field balance in oat cultivation. The data was collected from HYKERRYS- project’s (2016-2019) field experiment in growing season 2017. Fertilizer treatments included in the study were ammonium sulphate (AS), meat and bone meal pellet (MB), vermicompost (VC) and biogas digestate (BD), while unfertilized (NF) and chemically fertilized (CF) treatments served as controls. Nitrogen contents of the grain yield and straw were determined from samples collected from the field experiment. Other nitrogen flows were estimated based on literature and existing models. Based on the results, nitrogen flow models and field balances were developed for each treatment. The oat grain yield contained between 78 and 143 kg N/ha. The nitrogen yield in the CF treatment was significantly greater than in NF or VC treatment, but other treatments did not differ significantly from the CF treatment. The nitrogen content of the whole oat crop (including straw and roots) was between 121 and 361 kg N/ha: the N contents of NF and VC treatments were significantly smaller than in the CF treatment. The nitrogen field balance was -73 for NF, 7 for AS, -59 for MB, -48 for VC, -30 for BD and -18 kg N/ha/a for CF treatment. The field balance of the NF treatment was sig- nificantly lower than in CF treatment, but the field balances of the recycled fertilizer treatments did not differ significantly from the CF treatment. The nitrogen flows in soil-plant system do not only depend on the amount of nitrogen fertilization, but also differ depending on the type and properties of the fertilizer. There are differences between the chemical and recycled fertilizers, but also amongst the recycled fertilizers. In this study, the use of recycled fertilizers did not increase the nitrogen field balance.
  • Töttölä, Henni (2018)
    Timoteitä (Phleum pratense L.) viljellään Suomessa karjalle rehuksi. Sen kasvuston rakenne vaikuttaa satoon ja sadon ominaisuuksiin. Typpilannoituksen, vernalisaation ja genotyypin kaikkia vaikutuksia näihin ominaisuuksiin ei vielä tiedetä tarkkaan. Tietoa tarvitaan uusien lajikkeiden typpilannoitussuositusten kehittämiseen sekä avuksi timotein lajikejalostuksessa sopeuduttaessa ilmastonmuutokseen ja maataloustuotannon kestävään tehostamiseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää miten typpilannoitus, vernalisaatio ja kasvin perimä vaikuttavat timotein kasvustorakenteeseen ja miten typpi vaikuttaa vernlaisaatio geeneihin ja kukintaan. Kokeessa oli mukana kaksi timotein genotyyppiä, eteläinen (BorE) ja pohjoinen (BorP), jotka eroavat toisistaan vernalisaatiovaatimukseltaan. Typpitasoja oli kolme, jotka vastasivat peltolannoituksen tasoja 11,6 kg N/ha (N1), 278,3 kg N/ha (N2) ja 545,0 kg N/ha (N3). Kasvit joko vernalisoitiin 10 viikon ajan tai niitä ei vernalisoitu ennen siirtoa kasvihuoneelle pitkään päivään. Kasveista mitattiin viikottain korren pituus, versojen lukumäärä ja lehtien lukumäärä, sekä kokeen lopussa kuiva-aineen kertyminen sekä versotyyppien lukumäärä (GEN, ELONG, VEG). Kasveista kerättiin näytteitä ennen pitkään päivään tai vernalisaatioon siirtämistä sekä 1-4 vk kasvihuoneelle siirron jälkeen RNA näytteet, joista analysoitiin PpVRN1 ja PpVRN3 geenien ilmeneminen qPCR analyysillä. Typpilannoitus vaikutti tilastollisesti merkittävästi kaikkiin mitattuihin tekijöihin kasvustorakenteessa. Typpi lisäsi erityisesti versojen lukumäärää ja se alensi tai viivästytti erityisesti PpVRN3 geenin ilmenemistä. Vernalisoimattomassa BorE kasveissa typpi lisäsi myös GEN versojen lukumäärää. Typellä oli kaiken kaikkiaan tilastollisesti merkittävä vaikutus VRN geenien ilmenemiseen. Lisäksi genotyyppi vaikutti kasvustorakenteen siten, että BorE olivat keskimäärin korkeampia. Timotein genotyyppi vaikutti typen vasteeseen ainoastaan korsijakauman kautta. Typpilannoituksella ja sen määrällä havaittiin olevan vaikutusta timotein kasvustorakenteeseen, kukkivien versojen lukumäärään sekä vernalisaatiogeenien ilmenemiseen. Typen vaikutukset eivät kuitenkaan olleet yksiselitteisiä vaan yhdysvaikutuksia esiintyi runsaasti. Typen vaikutukset kukintaan oli selkeämpi BorE kasveissa, mikä voi viitata siihen, että vernalisaatiolla ja sen vaatimuksella voi olla merkitystä genotyypin typpivasteeseen.
  • Lehtoaho, Jenni (2019)
    The utilisation efficiency of nitrogen fertilizer in head cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) ’Lennox’ has become a topic of interest since the environmental compensation bond for agricultural products allows the highest nitrogen fertilizer levels for cabbage production. Nitrogen is an important limiting factor for cabbage yield, second only to water availability. Lack of available nitrogen causes yield loss, but excess nitrogen increases risks for fertilizer runoff to the environment. The nitrogen cycle is rapid in the soil environment which is why the timing of application and amount of available nitrogen should coincide with the nitrogen demands of the plant. This study focused on what effects the timing of application of N has on the yield. Previous studies have focused mainly on the nitrogen fertilization rates rather than the timing of application. The second goal was to study the combined effects of nitrogen rates and the timing of application on the cabbage yield. The experiment was based on nitrogen levels ranging from N 0 kg/ha to N 230 kg/ha, two timing treatments and an organic fertilizer treatment. The initial fertilizer requirements of the soil were determined by soil N analysis and the supplemental N rates with a handheld GreenSeeker® device. The soil samples were taken from the plough layer, while the GreenSeeker® device measures NDVI values from above the cabbage rows. The device quantified differences between treatments better in the late growing season whereas the soil N analysis is more reliable in the early season. Yields varied from 37 000 kg/ha to 101 000 kg/ha. All treatments with a minimum 200 N kg/ha produced a good yield >92 000 kg/ha, regardless of the timing of application. The nitrogen balance was moderate for all treatments. The nitrogen utilisation efficiency brought additional insight into the effects of nitrogen fertilization. PE (Physiological Efficiency of applied Nitrogen) and PBE (Plant above-ground Biomass production Efficiency) indicated the higher nitrogen levels in the plant. It was found that after a level of 1.7 % N in the plant the yield growth rate began to slow down. The results indicated that a 200 kg N/ha fertilization level is sufficient for good yield. However, the timing effects of nitrogen application requires more research.
  • Lehtoranta, Markku (2020)
    Global population growth and the loss of arable land cause pressure for improving the effectiveness of crop cultivation. Meanwhile, from an environmental perspective, there are good grounds for determining the use of fertilizer and pesticides based on crop yield potential. While radiometric measurements have been used for long in remote sensing, the approach is also suitable for carrying out smaller-scale investigations. A measurement approach based on the differences in two light wavelength reflections could provide a means to acquire current data on the state of canopy development. The measurements could be used as the basis for allocating cultivation investments to enable optimal yield response. The aim of this study was to examine whether Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) measurements conducted during the growing season could be used to assess spatial variation in vegetation and protein content in the crop yield. The field test was implemented as a strip-plot test in Eastern Uusimaa, Finland, during the growing season 2011. The used cultivated plant was spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L. ‘Amaretto’) and the test comprised four nitrogen fertilizer and three seed density test plots. The NDVI values of the plots were measured once per week using a measurement device attached to a tractor. In total, the measurements were conducted nine times. SPAD values were also determined once during the growing season. The growing season was initially unseasonably warm with little precipitation. Spray irrigation was used to ensure that the test would not be impaired by stress caused by drought. Three square-shaped areas from the test plots were threshed, and their crop amount, protein content, standard mass and weight of one thousand kernels was determined. A positive correlation between the NDVI value of the fertilizer test plots and harvested grain increased as the wheat canopy grew and was highest during the flag leaf stage. There was no equally clear correlation between crop quality characteristics and the NDVI values. NDVI has potential use in precision agriculture in assessing spatial variation in wheat canopy during the growing season, and targeting additional fertilizer and plant protection measures based on the obtained data.
  • Jämsen, Juho (2017)
    Suomessa uhanalaisiksi luokitellaan kasvilajit, jotka ovat vaarassa kadota maastamme. Pienen populaatiokokonsa vuoksi uhanalaisilla lajeilla esiintyy tyypillisesti varsin vähän geneettistä vaihtelua, mikä altistaa ne erilaisille uhkatekijöille. Eräs näistä on sisäsiitos-depressio, jonka aiheuttajia ovat kasviin haitallisesti vaikuttavat resessiiviset geenit. Lisäksi kapea perimä heikentää kasvilajien sopeutumiskykyä ja voi vaikeuttaa pölytyksen onnistumista ristipölytteisillä lajeilla. Uhanalaisten kasvien käytöstä viheralalla voi olla luonnonpopulaatioille sekä hyötyä, että haittaa riippuen osin viljelykannan alkuperästä. Geenivirta mahdollisesti hyvin kaukaista alkuperää olevasta viljelypopulaatiosta luonnonpopulaatioon voi johtaa ympäristöönsä huonosti sopeutuneisiin jälkeläisiin. Toisaalta vierasperäisestä viljelykan-nasta leviävät geenit lisäävät luonnonpopulaation geneettistä monimuotoisuutta. Erittäin uhanalaisella vanakeltolla (Crepis praemorsa) on Suomessa tiettävästi vain kaksi pientä populaatiota. Niiden tuottamien siementen itävyyttä testattiin ja verrattiin Virosta tuotuihin vanakelton siemeniin. Laji on Virossa yleinen joten näitä kahta alkuperää vertailemalla oletettiin selviävän onko lajin suomalaisilla populaatioilla siementen itävyyteen vaikuttavaa sisäsiitosdepressiota. Tällaisesta ei löytynyt merkkejä vaan siementen itävyys oli molemmilla alkuperillä lähes täydellistä ja taimien varhais-kehitys normaalia. Vanakelton suomalaiset populaatiot eivät tämän tutkimuksen perusteella kärsi ainakaan siementen laatuun tai taimien kehityksen alkuvaiheisiin vaikuttavasta sisäsiitos-depressiosta. Tämä ei kuitenkaan sulje pois sisäsiitosdepression ilmenemistä muissa kehitysvaiheissa.
  • Vottonen, Laura (2018)
    Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) also known as broad bean is an ancient pulse, grown since Neolithic times. It is an excellent source of protein, energy and fibre to humans and animals. Recently in Finland, faba bean has featured heavily in meat replacements, meant for vegan consumers. Faba bean can also be grown further north, than soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), making it a possible domestic plant protein source for Finns. The problem with faba bean is that the beans contain various anti-nutritional compounds. The major ones are vicine and convicine (v-c), located in the cotyledons of the beans, which means that dehulling the seeds does not remove them. V-c can cause favism in humans with G6PD gene mutation this is a disease where red blood cells are destroyed, in worst cases resulting in blood transfusions and death. V-c is also an anti-feedant to livestock and can among other things cause increase in mortality in poultry. Normal v-c content of faba bean is around 1%. There are low v-c faba beans that contain only 5-15% of the original v-c. Markers for this trait have been found, but gene controlling for this trait is not known yet. The synthesis pathway of the v-c is not known. There is a new hypothesis by Dr Fernando Geu Flores of The University of Copenhagen, where the v-c synthesis is an off shoot of another biosynthetic pathway. An experiment was done where RNA of two populations (one low v-c and other high) were compared to each other. The samples were taken during the seed filling period, which is thought to be when v-c is synthesized. Kernel, testa, pod and leaf tissues were collected and RNA of those extracted. Only kernel and testa samples were sequenced. This thesis focuses on the testa results. Results showed differences between the populations. Considering the new hypothesis, the results showed some differences in the beginning of the suspected pathway, with the high v-c population having a 4.97 fold increase compared to the low v-c population. Other differences were also noted, which may cast light on other steps in the pathway.
  • Jansson, Kristina (2018)
    The Finnish food security is currently good, but Finland must respond to threats linked to natural or man-made disasters, climate change and reliance on imported resources. This master’s thesis examines the potential of urban agriculture (UA) as part of the urban food system. Rooftop data, crop yield statistics and the Finnish Nutrition Recommendations 2014 are used to build a case study in which self-sufficiency percentages, nutritional factors and shading are calculated for the Pasila area in central Helsinki. Calculations based on the total potential green rooftop area and open rooftop farming in Pasila show that 4,51 % of the resident population’s energy needs could be supplied with the potato, or 3,87 % of their protein needs with the green pea. Allocating half of the area to the potato and half to the green pea decreases the self-sufficiency percentages, but results in a more even ratio between energy and protein. Adding kale increases the number of essential vitamins and minerals which can be supplied: 500 g of each of the three plants covers the daily recommended intake for 12 of the 19 vitamins and minerals listed in the Finnish Nutrition Recommendations 2014, compared to zero for the potato only and seven for the combination of the potato and the green pea. In addition to the available area, at least farming methods (e.g. open field, aquaponics and greenhouses), crop yield potential, food choices and food wastage influence the food self-sufficiency potential. In central Helsinki shading may affect as much as half of the rooftop area, which needs to be considered in the choice of plants and architecture; strategies such as placing the tallest building on the northern edge of the area may be beneficial. Though the total self-sufficiency based on open rooftop farming is low, Pasila could be a net producer of potatoes or peas, or grow 46 % of its fresh vegetables measured in weight (kale). Whether UA can contribute to local food security, or food system resilience, may therefore depend on how its objectives are defined: maximum energy and nutrient content, alternative food sources, new opportunities for farmers, wealth retention, or some other indirect mechanism. With the right policies, UA could advance the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry’s Climate Program by increasing carbon sequestration, reducing food waste and promoting a more plants-based diet. It may also serve the objectives of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), including a healthier environment, preserving and creating jobs, protecting local financial interests and contributing to a sound development of our areas
  • Lehto, Anniina (2019)
    Peat is currently the most important raw material for growing media in horticulture. For a while now, alternative raw materials have been tested since there is a demand for more sustainable substrates for horticultural production. The aim of this research was to determine the effects of different Sphagnum L. biomass containing growing media on the vegetative and generative growth on Pelargonium L´Hér and Begonia L., and to determine how the different growing media affect the longevity of the plant in water deficit. There were two types of Sphagnum biomass used for the study and there were eight different compositions of Sphagnum based growing media in total. The growing media consisted of varying amounts of Sphagnum fibre and peat. Peat was amended with either 100%, 75%, 25% or 0% of Sphagnum fibre. 47 days from the beginning of the experiment some of the Begonias and Pelargoniums were transferred to a water deficit treatment in national plant phenotyping infrastructure (NaPPI) for non-destructive imaging. The results showed that the Pelargoniums cultivated in Sphagnum-based growing media had higher fresh and dry weights than the ones cultivated in 100% peat. With Begonia, there were no differences in fresh or dry weights of the plants between the treatments. The leaf areas were in trend with the fresh and dry weights. The higher the fresh and dry weights, the higher was the leaf area. There were no differences in the onset of flowering or the number of flowers in the plants between the different growing media for Pelargonium or Begonia. There were no notable morphological differences in the plants between the treatments either, which indicates that the Sphagnum fibre did not affect the ornamental value of Pelargonium and Begonia. In the water deficit treatment, there were no differences between the growing media in any of the values measured. The results indicate that the vegetative and generative growth of Pelargonium and Begonia on Sphagnum-based growing media was on acceptable level for production. Considering these results, Sphagnum biomass could be used in the growing media to replace peat, either partially or completely, for at least certain ornamentals.
  • Laine, Kalle (2019)
    Herukan tuoremarkkinoiden kasvaessa maailmalla on kehitetty kasvatustapa, jonka avulla herukan tertuista ja marjoista yritetään saada mahdollisimman houkuttelevia. Cordon-menetelmässä herukkapensaassa kasvatetaan vain 2-4 pääversoa, jotka tuetaan rivin suuntaisiin tukivaijereihin. Pensaita uudistetaan vuosittain leikkaamalla satoa tuottaneet sivuversot pois jättäen vain uudet satoa tuottavat versot jäljelle. Menetelmän sopivuutta Suomen oloihin tutkittiin valkoherukalla Piikkiössä vuosina 2014-15. Cordon-leikkaus tehtiin varttuneille herukkapensaille keväällä 2014. Kokeeseen valittiin neljä lajiketta ja yksi numerojaloste. Käsittelyinä kokeessa oli perinteinen- ja cordon-leikkaus sekä avomaalla ja tunnelissa kasvatus. Kokeessa seurattiin pensaiden kasvua, terttujen ominaisuuksia, sadon määrää ja laatua sekä varastosäilyvyyttä. Cordon-pensaat kasvattivat tukevampia versoja, mikä saattoi vaikuttaa suurempaan versokohtaiseen satoon. Pensaskohtainen kokonaissato jäi cordon-pensailla kuitenkin pienemmäksi kuin perinteisillä pensailla. Cordon-pensailla marjat olivat suurempia ja tertut täyteläisempiä, pidempiä sekä marjamäärältään suurempia kuin perinteillä pensailla. Kasvutunneli lisäsi marjojen varastokestävyyttä ja saattoi myös lisätä joidenkin lajikkeiden versojen pituuskasvua. Käsittelyt eivät vaikuttaneet marjojen sokeri- tai happopitoisuuksiin. Lajikkeiden väliset erot olivat yleisesti ottaen suurempia kuin käsittelyjen väliset erot. Cordon-menetelmällä voidaan kasvattaa näyttäviä suurimarjaisia terttuja tuoremyyntiin. Menetelmä sopii hyvin osaksi monipuolistuvan marjatilan tuotantoa, mutta suuren työmäärän ja rajallisten markkinoiden vuoksi kasvatusalat voivat jäädä vähäisiksi.