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Browsing by master's degree program "Englannin kielen ja kirjallisuuden maisteriohjelma"

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  • Lempinen, Juliette (2020)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan lukiolaisten minimipalautteiden (backchannels) käyttöä, joka tapahtuu valtakunnallisen englannin suullisen kielitaidon kokeessa. Tutkimuskysymyksiä on kolme: (1) Minkä tyyppisiä minimipalautteita näiden lukiolaisten puheesta löytyy? (2) Kuinka yleisiä ne ovat suhteessa toisiinsa? (3) Mikä voisi selittää mahdolliset erot minimipalautteiden käytössä eri oppilaiden välillä? Lähestyn kolmatta tutkimuskysymystä kolmen eri näkökulman kautta: selittääkö eron taitotaso, tehtävätyyppi vai onko kyse yksilöllisistä eroista? Tutkielmani tukena on Anni Sivukarin pro gradu -tutkielma vuodelta 2015, jossa hän tutki samaa ilmiötä HY-talk-projektissa kerätyllä aineistolla. Vertaan tuloksiani Sivukarin tuloksiin tutkielmani lopussa. Aloitan teoriaosuuden käsittelyn isommasta kokonaisuudesta vuorovaikutustaidot (interactional competence), minkä jälkeen käyn läpi vuorovaikutustaitoihin kuuluvaa vuorovaikutuksellista kuuntelemista (interactional listening), ja erityisesti minimipalautteita. Käsittelen minimipalautteiden jaotteluperusteita sekä eri kieliyhteisöjen eroja minimipalautteiden käytössä. Kuvaan lyhyesti myös puhutun vieraan kielen arviointia ja eurooppalaisen viitekehyksen taitotasoja (EVK) vuorovaikutuksen näkökulmasta. Käytän aineistona FUSE-korpusta (Finnish upper secondary school corpus of spoken English), joka on kaikille avoin verkossa toimiva korpus. Korpus on toteutettu yhteistyössä Helsingin yliopiston kanssa, ja sen tarkoitus on kehittää puhutun englannin kielen opettamista ja arviointia. Korpus koostuu lukiolaisten valtakunnallisen englannin suullisen kielitaidon koesuorituksista. Analyysissa käytetään 20 kokeeseen osallistuneen parin koesuorituksen äänitettä, litteraattia ja oppilaiden suoriutumisesta tehtyä arviointia. Tuloksista käy ilmi, että kaikki minimipalautteiden eri tyypit (minimal responses, reactive expressions, collaborative finishes, repetitions, ja resumptive openers) löytyvät aineistosta. Näiden lisäksi analyysiin on otettu mukaan suomeksi tuotetut minimipalautteet (Finnish occurrences of backchannels). Minimipalautteiden tyypit yleisimmästä vähiten yleisimpään ovat: reactive expressions, minimal responses, resumptive openers, repetitions, collaborative finishes ja Finnish occurrences of backchannels. Selitettäessä oppilaiden eroja minimipalautteiden käytössä tulokset osoittavat, että suomeksi tuotetut minimipalautteet esiintyvät vain heikoimmiksi arvioiduilla puhujilla. Myös tehtävätyypillä näyttää olevan vaikutus siihen, kuinka paljon kukin puhuja tuottaa minimipalautteita: jos tuotettujen minimipalautteiden määrä puhujalla on 31 tai enemmän, on hän silloin ottanut osaa keskusteluun, jonka tehtävätyyppi on ollut ajatuskartta. Yksilölliset erot osoittavat, että alhaisemman taitotason opiskelijat tuottavat enemmän minimipalautteita kuin ylemmän taitotason opiskelijat, mikä on sekä alustavan hypoteesini että Sivukarin tuloksien vastainen. Tulokset liittyen kolmanteen tutkimuskysymykseen eivät osoita olevan kovin selväpiirteisiä.
  • Yüzlü, Melis Yagmur (2024)
    The aim of this study is to investigate the use of topic management practices of Finnish upper- secondary school students in an English paired speaking test. Their proficiency is at level B according to the CEFR scales. Important keywords in the thesis are interactional competence, topic management, co-constructed fluency, spoken language and FUSE. The data consists of transcribed recordings taken from the FUSE corpus (Finnish upper secondary students corpus of spoken language). The recording are conversations from a paired speaking test for the spoken English course 8 in upper-secondary school. The research questions are how do Finnish upper secondary school students manage topics during a paired speaking test and how are the topic management practices related to the assessed proficiency level of the students? The categories used to analyze the conversations are topic initiation, extending own topic and extending other’s topic, as well as closing a topic. I analyzed the data by marking all instances of topic management practices in an excel document and compared it to Galaczi’s study (2014) on differences between proficiency levels in topic management practices. The findings reveal that higher proficiency-level students demonstrate more extended and coherent conversations, while lower proficiency-level speakers tend to have abrupt and monologic interactions. The study emphasizes the importance of considering the rater's role in testing situations and suggests further exploration of non-verbal markers in topic closings. It aligns with previous research highlighting the complexity of interactional competence and challenges the notion of standardized scales for assessing interactional behavior. The results also point to the need for a more comprehensive understanding of spoken language fluency, urging further research on topic management practices and teaching methods. The study suggests that open-ended tasks are more beneficial for developing interactional skills, emphasizing the importance of incorporating interactional practices in language learning. The assessment of co-constructed fluency is crucial for holistic language learning, promoting effective communication and linguistic knowledge application.
  • Koskenranta, Essi (2023)
    Foreign language anxiety (FLA) is a phenomenon affecting language learners on all proficiency levels. FLA can, for instance, cause avoidance behavior, increase unwillingness to communicate, and impede language learning. The purpose of this thesis was to gain information about the prevalence of FLA among Finnish upper secondary school EFL learners and study the connection between FLA and selected variables (gender, age, age of onset of English acquisition, foreign countries visited, living abroad, number of L1s, course grade, and self-perceived proficiency). The aim was also to look for student perceptions on the anxiety-provoking nature of a variety of classroom activities. A questionnaire was created to meet the objectives of this study. The questionnaire included sections on background information and the chosen variables, a Finnish translation of the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) by Horwitz et al. (1986), and finally, a section measuring how often different English classroom activities cause anxiety among the respondents. The sample comprised a total of 304 upper secondary students from seven different schools in Finland. The participants’ FLA scores were calculated from the FLCAS results. The relationship between the students’ FLA levels and chosen variables was analyzed with t-tests and correlation analyses. Student perceptions on how often different classroom activities provoke anxiety were analyzed by comparing the average points given to each activity. The results of this study show that 40% of the students experienced low levels of anxiety in learning English, 40% fell to the medium-anxiety category, and one-fifth experienced high levels of anxiety. In this sample, females experienced considerably more FLA than males. The variables that were shown to have a connection to higher levels of FLA were older age, not having lived abroad, having only one L1, low average school grade, and low self-perceived proficiency. Age of onset of English acquisition and number of foreign countries visited did not have a connection to FLA in this sample. Classroom activities that were considered the most anxiety-provoking were presentations and activities where students need to speak in English in front of the whole group without preparation. Reading aloud was also considered very anxiety-provoking in the high-anxious group. Pair and small group exercises were perceived less anxiety-provoking than teacher-centered whole group activities. Based on the findings of this study it would be recommended for foreign language teachers to take into consideration students’ anxiety in foreign language learning. Even though language learning can be inherently anxiety-provoking, causing unnecessary anxiety can have impeding effects on learning. By utilizing methods that do not contribute to anxiety, teachers can create a relaxed and less threatening classroom atmosphere and consequently, make language learning more enjoyable.
  • Wikström, Ronja (2024)
    This study examines the phenomenon of Foreign Language Anxiety (FLA) in the Finnish lower and upper secondary school EFL classrooms from the teacher’s point of view. The purpose of the study is to find out how current lower secondary and upper secondary school EFL teachers in Finland view the phenomenon and how their possible previous personal experiences with FLA might inform their current teaching strategies. The study simultaneously examines the attitudes and beliefs of the teachers towards the phenomenon in order to answer the research questions it proposes. The study is inherently qualitative in nature as it uses as its primary data interviews of seven English teachers teaching at schools around Finland. The semi-structured interviews conducted for the study probed into the thoughts of the participants in order to gain insight into their beliefs and teaching strategies. By means of a thematic analysis of the data, multiple common themes were identified in relation to the symptoms of FLA as well as strategies to deal with FLA. The opinions the teachers had on these strategies differed somewhat when it came to matters such as accommodation and pushing students dealing with FLA to participate in activities. One out of the seven teachers who took part in the study shared that they had experienced FLA in the past which made possible a contrastive analysis between the practices and attitudes of teachers who had and those who had not had previous personal experiences of FLA. The results of the study concluded that the teacher who had had previous personal experience with FLA was more hesitant to push the students outside of their comfort zone and preferred to be more flexible when it came to their teaching strategies as well as ways of assessment. Next to this, it was clear that the majority of the teachers, even if they had not had previous personal experiences with the phenomenon, were still willing to learn about the topic and how to deal with it. This was evident in the way that all of the teachers agreed that FLA should be taught about more, both to future teachers as well as current teachers. Future studies should investigate this phenomenon from the point of view of the student, as well as in the context of the Finnish EFL classroom at large.
  • Korpela, Marjo (2022)
    In this thesis I look at the evolution of portrayals of English working-class women, more specifically in the north of England by close readings of three novels. First, I discuss the working-class female characters in Elisabeth Gaskell’s North and South from 1854. I then continue the analysis with Miss Nobody by Ethel Carnie from 1913, widely considered the first published woman of a working-class background. Lastly, I look at a more recent novel, Saltwater by Jessica Andrews from 2019. Across different time periods, these novels deal with similar issues of regional, gender and class divide, and provide narratives of working-class women which have been and still are underrepresented in literature. I discuss the novels through three different themes: gender, class, and region, which have been separated into subchapters for clarity of structure. Intersectionality offers the theoretical background for analyzing the three overlapping factors of identity. The historical outlook describes the developments, which have played a part in creating and maintaining these categories of class, gender, and regional divide in England. In this thesis, I show how these novels portray the development of the regional divide and chance of shifting class identity as women, and how despite changes over time in society, there are many similarities in their experiences as northern working-class women. The novels reflect changes in society whereby women gradually become more independent through employment opportunities, and social mobility becomes an achievable goal. Nonetheless, similar issues such as sexual harassment are found in all three narratives. Regionally, North and South and Miss Nobody represent the north of England in its industrial era, whereas Saltwater represents the post-industrial north reeling from the loss of industry. Despite the vast period these novels represent, all of them provide similar descriptions of ‘it’s grim up north’ simultaneously describing but also maintaining a stereotypical image of the northern areas of England. The Covid-19 pandemic revealed how deeply ingrained class structures and regional inequalities still are especially for women in England, demonstrating how important awareness and further research of these issues is.
  • Grönfors, Samuli (2022)
    My thesis discusses the use of a fantasy-themed escape room as a learning environment for English as a foreign language classroom. Games, especially roleplaying games, have been the target of many studies and they have been shown to increase motivation, create new language scenarios and contexts as well as promote interaction between students and the gaming environment. However, the digital educational gaming industry in Finland is in its infancy. My study centers around piloting a digital fantasy-themed escape room called “The Mage’s Hut”, and this material package functions as the revision material for the course. I set to answer four research questions. The main goal is to find out how well a fantasy themed escape room functions as a learning environment. Secondly, I examine the attitudes of students and the teacher towards the game. Lastly, the fourth research question intends to answer how students’ previous gaming habits affect the gaming experience. I use relevant contemporary literature to examine gaming trends among Finnish upper secondary school students as well as delve deeper into the benefits of gamification used in formal contexts. This includes literature on roleplaying games as well as escape rooms and their utilization in formal educational contexts. The research design includes a digital fantasy-themed escape room that I have created based on the course material provided by Insights 5 -book by Otava for ENA5 course. The participants of the study included 26 Finnish upper secondary schoolers and their teacher. To gather the data, two questionnaires were constructed – one for students and one for the teacher. Twenty of the students responded to the questionnaire. The method for the study includes both qualitative and quantitative aspects. The questionnaires were analyzed by close-reading and were transformed into numerical values providing an easy way to compare results with each other. The results indicate that the attitudes of the students as well as the teacher towards the game are positive. The teacher and most of the students enjoyed playing the game and would like to see more similar games utilized in education. The game was deemed to be quite challenging, but it did not seem to negatively affect the game’s enjoyability or reported development of skills. These skills included vocabulary, grammar, reading comprehension, teamwork, information retrieval, logical and critical thinking. On the contrary, the students who deemed the game to be quite challenging reported more skills developed overall. The gaming habits of the students influenced the results partly. The students were categorized to non-gamers, casual gamers, active gamers, and hardcore gamers. Casual gamers, those with one to five hours of game time per week, reported developing the most skills out of all other groups. On the other hand, casual gamers reported the game as quite challenging the most. Therefore, it is not certain whether it is the difficulty or the game time that facilitates the development of the skills. Even though the majority of all groups reported enjoying the game, casual gamers reported the highest enjoyment rate. What we can gather from this study is that digital fantasy-themed escape rooms function well as a learning environment. The game corresponds to the learning objectives set by the Finnish curriculum and the teacher. Furthermore, the students felt that learning took place while playing the game. Both aspects of the game, the fantasy theme and the mechanics of an escape room were enjoyed, further reinforcing the previous knowledge on the functionality of roleplaying games in formal educational contexts.
  • Ahonen, Emma (2024)
    This thesis studies the ways C.S. Lewis in The Chronicles of Narnia (1950-1956) and George R.R. Martin in A Game of Thrones (1996) use the theme of monarchy. By examining these works, this thesis argues that while they use the same theme, their character portrayals convey drastically different attitudes and messages about monarchy. The Chronicles portray a highly romanticized picture of an incorruptible institution while A Game of Thrones offers a more realistic representation that suggests thorough corruption in the system. In the analysis, this study uses notions of thematics to determine how the theme of monarchy can be examined and combine this with close reading to analyze how the two works depict monarchy. The primary material for this study includes The Chronicles of Narnia in their entirety, but the focus is on the novels The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian due to the centrality of monarchical elements in their plots. To balance the amount of material, this study only examines the first novel in George R.R. Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire series, A Game of Thrones. While abundantly present in fantasy literature, monarchies have received limited attention in academic examinations of the genre. However, this study shows that monarchy is versatile as a thematic tool, and that it can yield fruitful insights into the analysis of political structures in fantasy literature, displaying how works sharing this theme can have drastic tonal differences. The approach taken in this thesis illustrates that monarchical elements can convey significant meaning even at the level of children’s literature, but that with literature for more adult audiences the theme becomes increasingly nuanced and complex. This study finds that certain qualities and values are associated with monarchs in both worlds. The Chronicles offers clear distinctions between good and evil monarchs, guiding its readers to judge the characters accordingly, whereas A Game of Thrones prompts readers to make judgements for themselves.
  • Koski, Tanja (2021)
    Tämän tutkielman aiheena on sukupuoliolettamukset, joita tehdään anonyymeista sosiaalisen median käyttäjistä. Aihetta tarkasteltiin kyselyn avulla, johon vastasi 106 osallistujaa. Kysely sisälsi 20 näytettä sosiaalisesta mediasta kerätyistä viesteistä. Osallistujien tehtävä oli päättää, uskovatko he kirjoittajan olevan mies, nainen, vai muunsukupuolinen. Osallistujilla oli myös vaihtoehtona olla valitsematta kirjoittajan sukupuolta, jos viestissä ei heidän mielestään ollut selviä merkkejä kirjoittajan sukupuolesta tai jos viestissä oli liikaa eriäviä sukupuolistereotyyppisiä piirteitä antamaan selkeää kuvaa kirjoittajan sukupuolesta. Lisäksi osallistujille annettiin mahdollisuus kirjoittaa omin sanoin, mitkä piirteet viestissä johtivat heidät valitsemaansa vaihtoehtoon. Yksi tutkielman tavoitteista oli selvittää, vaikuttaako se, miltä sivustolta viesti on peräisin, ihmisten olettamuksiin kirjoittajan sukupuolesta. Kyselyssä käytetyt viestit kerättiin neljältä eri sivustolta, jotka olivat Twitter, Reddit, Tumblr ja 4chan. Kysely jaettiin viiteen eri osioon. Ensimmäisessä osiossa viestien lähdettä ei kerrottu osallistujille. Loput neljä osiota sen sijaan oli varattu kullekin aiemmin mainituista sivustoista, ja viestien lähde tuli osallistujille ilmi osion otsikosta ja selitteestä. Jokaisen sivustolle osoitetun osion lopussa osallistujia pyydettiin kertomaan, käyttävätkö he sivustoa ja minkälainen sukupuolijakauma heidän näkemyksensä mukaan sivustolla on. Kyselyn tulosten perusteella ihmiset tekevät sukupuoliolettamuksia anonyymeista kirjoittajista perustuen stereotyyppisiin näkemyksiin sukupuolten erilaisesta käyttäytymisestä. Vahvimpia kielellisiä merkkejä, jotka johtivat osallistujat uskomaan viestin kirjoittajan olevan nainen, olivat emojien käyttö, tunneilmaisut (esim. ”I love”, ”it’s sad”) ja kohteliaisuus. Sen sijaan pilkkaava kielenkäyttö ja aggressio nähtiin merkkeinä mieskirjoittajasta. Vaikka kiroilu nähtiin pääasiassa maskuliinisena piirteenä, myös moni viesti, jonka uskottiin olevan naisen kirjoittama, sisälsi kiroilua. Viestien aiheella oli usein jopa suurempi merkitys osallistujien mielikuvaan kirjoittajan sukupuolesta kuin lingvistisillä piirteillä. Tulokset antoivat myös viitteitä ihmisten käsityksistä siitä, miten muunsukupuolisuus voi ilmetä tekstistä. Viestit, joissa puhuttiin avoimesti sukupuoli-identiteeteistä ja niiden moninaisuudesta, osoittautuivat merkittävimmiksi indikaattoreiksi muunsukupuolisesta kirjoittajasta. Kuitenkin myös tarkoitukselliseksi koettu sukupuolellisten viitteiden puuttuminen, tai sekoitus eri sukupuolistereotyyppisiä piirteitä (esimerkiksi maskuliiniseksi koettu tyyli puhua feminiinisestä aiheesta) saattoi johtaa osallistujat arvelemaan, että kirjoittaja on muunsukupuolinen. Viestien lähteellä ei ollut suurta merkitystä, kun katsoo tuloksia kokonaisuudessaan. Osallistujien kommenteista kävi kuitenkin ilmi, että yksilöllisellä tasolla mielikuvat sivustojen käyttäjäkunnista vaikuttivat joidenkin osallistujien näkemyksiin kirjoittajan sukupuolesta. Erityisesti 4chanin käyttäjät oletettiin valtaosin miespuolisiksi. Reddit ja Tumblr lähteinä vaikuttivat myös jonkin verran osallistujien olettamuksiin, ellei viestin sisältö poikennut huomattavasti siitä, mitä kyseisten sivustojen käyttäjiltä odotetaan. Lisäksi jotkin viestit, joiden lähdettä ei paljastettu, olivat osalle osallistujista tunnistettavissa tietyn sivuston tyyliseksi, mikä vuorostaan vaikutti heidän olettamuksiinsa kirjoittajan sukupuolesta.
  • Gröhn, Heljä (2024)
    The subject of this study is gender-awareness in two, 9th grade English as a foreign language, (EFL), textbooks in Finnish secondary schools: SanomaPro publisher’s On the Go 3 and Otava publisher’s Scene 3. As 9th graders face the decision of what study track to take after secondary school, the gender representations in school textbooks can have a significant effect on how they perceive their possibilities in higher education and working life. Also, the Finnish National Agency for Education and the National Core Curriculum both call for a gender-aware approach to teaching, and this study aimed to find out if the goal of gender-aware teaching is supported by the textbooks in use. The main analytical framework used in this study was critical discourse analysis (CDA) and particularly Norman Fairclough’s three-dimensional framework of CDA. The aim was to find out how and in what roles different genders are portrayed in the books and if any other genders than female and male were represented. In addition to the qualitative method of CDA, a quantitative method of counting the instances of different genders in both the texts and the visuals in the books was employed. The study material consisted of two 9th grade EFL books and the core study texts and supplementary optional texts of both books. The main findings of the study were that male characters appeared in the texts and visuals considerably more often than females and neither of the books mentioned other genders than female and male. In both books, males were portrayed in more socially significant roles, such as politicians, historical figures, and sports heroes when females were most often referred to with kinship terms and less socially significant professions. The conclusions of this study were that these textbooks do not seem to support the goal of gender-aware teaching in secondary schools, as the representation of males significantly outweighs the representation of females, both in numbers and their social significance, potential and contribution to society. The contents of both books seem to reinforce traditional gender roles and portray female’s opportunities and roles in society in a much narrower sense and assigns decision making roles and roles with societal power to males. In addition, there is no mention or acknowledgement of the diversity of gender in either of these books. Although some attempt was made to consider the visibility of females, this can’t be deemed sufficient to ensure equal representation of genders. When creating future textbooks, authors should pay more attention to the equal representation of genders and the inclusion of other gender representations than female and male. Also, more rigorous analytics should be employed when planning the content of the textbooks to ensure equal representation of different genders.
  • Hallapaju, Routa (2024)
    With gender being omnipresent and an inseparable aspect of our identity, misunderstandings and incorrect assumptions about gender are bound to occur in the anonymous settings of social media, where we spend an increasing amount of time. This thesis investigates how misinterpretations of gender are made on Reddit, as well as the (implicit) attitudes redditors communicate having about gender and its expression. In doing so, this research contributes to an unexplored area of language and gender. The data used consists of a selection of comment threads posted in late 2023, where a misinterpretation of a redditor’s gender occurs. A mixed methods approach with an emphasis on qualitative analysis is adopted through approaching the data with corpus-assisted discourse studies. A sample of the original posts, comments, or a combination of the two were analyzed for such linguistic features which in earlier research have been found to be indicative of either binary gender; the purpose is to see how gendered features are used on Reddit. Further, the distribution of the incorrect assumptions was calculated and the discourse following them analyzed to gain an understanding of how gender and its explicit expression is received on the platform. This thesis also investigates how the assumptions were made in terms of use of gendered words. All threads contained gendered features, and all contained both feminine and masculine features, except for one thread, which only contained masculine features. Most often redditors were incorrectly thought to be male, which reflects the general (jocular) understanding that “there are no women on Reddit.” When a correction of a misinterpretation received a response, it was more likely to be accepting than negative. Even so, it was more common not to see any discourse after a correction had been posted, rather than finding it receive either a positive or a negative response. Assumptions were most often gendered nouns (e.g., ‘man,’ ‘girl’) serving a vocative function. The findings show that while redditors generally are at least not unreceptive to being corrected on misgendering others, they do rely on fairly traditional ideas of what constitutes a man or a woman when making their assumptions. Further research is needed for instance to address a greater number of threads or gendered features, or the effect a user’s L1 may have on how gender is approached in anonymous CMC settings.
  • Stenberg, Kristina (2019)
    Englannin kieli on levinnyt tasaista tahtia maailmalla johtaen siihen, että äidinkielenään kieltä puhuvia on vähemmän kuin toisena tai vieraana kielenä englantia puhuvia. Tämä heijastuu Suomessa niin vuoden 2015 Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteissa kuin myös vuoden 2015 Lukion opetussuunnitelman perusteissa, joissa molemmissa korostetaan englannin kielen globaalia asemaa. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää mihin suomalaisten englannin oppikirjojen tekstit sijoittuvat maantieteellisesti, sekä millaisia eroja yläkoulun ja lukion kirjasarjojen välillä on. Havaintoja peilataan opetussuunnitelman perusteissa annettuihin tavoitteisiin. Tutkielmassa tutkitaan kahden Sanoma Pron julkaiseman kirjasarjan kirjoja, yläkouluun tarkoitetun On the Go –sarjan kolmea tekstikirjaa sekä kuutta ensimmäistä kirjaa lukion On Track –sarjasta. Analyysimetodina käytetään sisällönanalyysia, jonka avulla tekstit luokitellaan ja ryhmitellään maanosien sekä maiden mukaisesti. Kriteeristö sisällönanalyysiin on kehitetty varta vasten tätä tutkielmaa varten, sillä aikaisempaa tutkimusta samasta aiheesta ei ole tehty. Kummankin kirjasarjan kirjojen tulokset kategorisoidaan lisäksi noudattaen Kachrun (1985) mallia englannin käytön kolmesta piiristä: sisä-, ulko- sekä laajeneva piiri. Tulokset esitetään kvantitatiivisesti, mutta joitakin ongelmallisempia tekstejä käsitellään kvalitatiivisesti kunkin kirjan kohdalla. Tulokset osoittavat, että maanosista Euroopalla ja Pohjois-Amerikalla on suurin näkyvyys molemmissa kirjasarjoissa Iso-Britannian sekä Yhdysvaltojen ollessa kaksi selkeimmin esillä olevaa valtiota. On the Go keskittyy hieman enemmän Pohjois-Amerikkaan sekä esittelee myös Aasiaa ja Oseaniaa melko lailla, kun taas On Track –sarjassa keskitytään eniten Eurooppaan. Englannin kolmesta piiristä sisäpiiri on eniten esillä kummassakin kirjasarjassa. Molemmissa kirjasarjoissa on kuitenkin paljon tekstejä, joilla ei ole selkeää maantieteellistä sijaintia, mutta etenkin lukion kirjasarjassa tämä on erittäin yleistä. Maantieteellisen sijainnin puuttuminen saattaa heijastella opetussuunnitelman perusteissakin mainittua englannin kansainvälistä roolia, sekä sitä, että englannin kieli ei ole enää sidottu pelkästään sisäpiirin maihin.
  • Heikkilä, Pia-Leena (2022)
    This thesis investigates adult students’ views on Business English as Lingua Franca (BELF), a topic that has received limited attention in previous research. The theoretical framework explains the concepts of English as Lingua Franca (ELF) and BELF. In addition, BELF is discussed in the context of cross-cultural communication, BELF skills and BELF teaching. The data for this study were collected from adult learners taking part in BELF courses around Finland, either in a higher education organization or in an extracurricular course in a continuous learning institution. The research questions set to find out: 1) how much do the participants use BELF at work, for what purposes and with whom, 2) what do the BELF students consider as their most important reasons to participate in BELF courses, 3) which skills do the participants view as the most essential BELF skills and why, and 4) are there any recurring differences in the participants’ views of the most important BELF skills among the students that took a BELF course on a voluntary versus mandatory basis? The data consists of 63 anonymous online questionnaire responses, including both numerical and open-text data. The numerical data was analysed by using descriptive statistics, whereas analysis triangulation was used for the open-text data by combining qualitative content analysis and descriptive statistics. The results show that almost all adult students (92%) use English at work to some extent. Many participants report that they use English orally (49%), while 25% use it both orally and in written form and 17% use it for writing only. The most common purposes for English usage include 1) searching for information, 2) oral communication (especially with customers) and 3) reading instructions and/or manuals. Mostly, the participants reported to use English either with other English as a foreign language (L2) speakers (41%) or with both L2 speakers and native speakers of English (40%). The most important reasons for participating in a BELF course were: 1) the wish to improve general confidence in English communication situations, 2) obligation, 3) improving oral communication and 4) enhancing professional vocabulary. The BELF skills that were perceived as most important were: 1) achieving mutual comprehension both in oral and written form, 2) understanding different English varieties, 3) the ability to socialize in English, 4) professional vocabulary skills and 5) goal-oriented operational skills (such as asking questions and giving instructions). The participants saw these skills as tools that enable them to communicate effectively with others. Furthermore, the most important BELF skills were considered to be a basic professional skill requirement in the job market. The voluntary course-goers perceived operational, social and written communication skills as the most important BELF skills. In contrast, the mandatory course-goers perceived the skills related to comprehension as the most important. Both groups gave their lowest ratings to the skill of sounding as close to a native speaker as possible in oral communication as well as to negotiation and sales skills. The findings suggest that the most important goal in BELF situations, at least for the study participants, is to achieve mutual comprehension and communicate meaning successfully. This is enabled by having specific types of oral and written communication skills, professional vocabulary and operational skills. Linguistic errors are tolerated and accepted, since BELF is seen primarily as a communication language. This observation is in line with previous literature. Furthermore, BELF skills are considered as success factors in individual BELF communication situations and one of the basic skill competence requirements of modern working life. The findings implicate that BELF is seen as a goal-oriented communication language and successful BELF communication requires both specific and adaptation skills.
  • Meneghin, Anna (2020)
    The present thesis focuses on the analysis of Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House (1959) and of Amy Tan’s The Hundred Secret Senses (1995). Hans Robert Jauss’ theory of the “horizon of expectations” is used as theoretical background to support the analysis. A socio-historical and cultural approach is adopted when considering how the authors engage with the device of ghosts in their novels. In particular, it is argued that the ghosts are used to deliver messages on the topics of mental illness and of the process of identity-building, respectively. Following Jauss’ theory, it is also argued that the contemporary reader is facilitated in the identification of such messages due to the differences in the socio-historical and cultural conditions when compared with the time of publication of the novels. The thesis also provides background information that helps creating a contextual frame for a better understanding and identification of the above-mentioned issues in the novels. The Secondary Sources section includes material on the following topics: the cultural and literary evolution of ghosts in both Western and Chinese frameworks, the development of the haunted house narrative, social stigmatisation of mental illness in American society, and the formation of identity in mixed-background individuals. The findings of this thesis strengthen the validity of reader-oriented criticism and of the importance of the role of readers in the reception and assimilation of literary works. Moreover, the results of the analysis of the two novels suggest that Jauss’ theory involves a wide scope of experiences that contribute to the formation of the different “horizons of expectations.” These experiences involve both the public and the private spheres of life. Thus, in addition to the socio-historical dimension as already highlighted by Jauss, cultural knowledge and subjective approach to a certain topic concur with the formation of the “horizons” and with the consequent reception of a literary work. This finding not only validates Jauss’ theory on the mutability of the significance of a literary work through decades, but it also shows that an informed approach to a literary work necessitates more than taking into consideration historical distance alone. This also clarifies the importance of reading both novels not only in their socio-historical framework, but also in their cultural and literary context. This process contributes to a better reception of the meanings of a literary work and to the supplementary possibility of identifying issues that might otherwise be misplaced and overlooked.
  • Meyer, Axel Armas (2024)
    This thesis examines the connotations of the adjectives ‘international’ and ‘global’ in English textbooks for upper secondary level Swedish speakers in Finland. The goal is to investigate which kind of ideologically constructed entity does ‘English’ refer to in the textbooks. To narrow down the scope of the thesis, two subservient research questions are addressed: Which kind of internationalism and globalization is ‘English’ associated with in English textbooks, and how is the English language portrayed in English textbooks as part of the internationalization of Finland? The study is situated within the field of language ideologies. To answer the questions, multiple methods are used. A quantitative analysis shows that English is mainly connected to the inner circle and the expanding circle in Braj Bihari Kachru’s model of World Englishes. This means that English is constructed as a national language, the ownership of which belongs to Anglo-American countries (circle one). Moreover, English is also often portrayed as a lingua franca (circle three). Kachru’s circle two, comprised of countries formerly colonized by the United Kingdom, are seldom mentioned. This contributes to the mythification of the English language as naturally spread. Methods developed within cognitive semantics are applied and developed when scrutinizing the connotations of ‘global’ and ‘international’. The meaning of ‘international’ can be depicted as three different schemata: one reflecting the denotation of the word (‘inter’ + ‘national’), another reflecting inbound ‘international’ and a third reflecting outbound ‘international’. Outbound ‘international’ is connected to Finnish businesses, showing them as successful. Inbound ‘international’ forms an anonymous international domain, within which backgrounds of those joining international communities can be faded away. The study shows that English is mostly presented as a natural, neutral and beneficial language of globalization, as criticized by Alastair Pennycook. For their part, the textbooks can be seen as contributing to the mythification of the English language. Because the textbooks are significant agents in so-called Language Making, their scrutinization through an ideological lens is important.
  • Raiski, Ilari (2021)
    Tämä sosiolingvistinen tutkielma pyrkii selvittämään Lontoossa kehittyneen kielivarieteetin, Multicultural London Englishin (MLE), käyttöä kirjoitetussa muodossa. Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, käytetäänkö tämän niin kutsutun multietnolektin piirteitä myös kirjallisessa ilmaisussa. Multietnolektit sekoittavat monia eri kieliä ja yksinkertaistavat valtakieltä. Multietnolekteja on syntynyt moniin Euroopan monietnisiin kaupunkeihin vuosituhannen vaihteessa, ja ne ovat olleet sosiolingvistiikan tutkijoiden mielenkiinnon kohteita jo pitkään. Tämä tutkielma keskittyy kolmeen MLE:n piirteeseen: slangisanojen käyttöön, fonologisten piirteiden toteutumiseen kirjoitetussa muodossa sekä man-sanan käyttöön pronominina. Aineistona tutkimuksessa käytettiin grime-artistien twiittejä. Twitter-aineistot ovat tulleet viime vuosina yhä suositummiksi kielentutkijoiden parissa. Tähän tutkimukseen se valikoitui, koska epästandardeja varieteetetteja esiintyy sosiaalisessa mediassa verrattain paljon. Aineisto kerättiin 20 grime-artistin twiiteistä, ja kokonaisuudessaan aineistoon kuuluu noin 60 000 twiittiä ja noin 600 000 tuhatta sanaa. Aineistoa käsiteltiin käyttäen SketchEngine-nimistä korpustyökalua. Löydöksiä verrattiin MLE korpukseen, joka koostuu puhutusta MLE-aineistosta. Suurin osa analyysista oli määrällistä, mutta kielenpiirteitä käsiteltiin esimerkkien avulla myös laadullisesti. Aineistosta etsittiin avainsanoja, sanojen yleisyyttä sekä niiden kollokaatiota (sanoja, jotka esiintyvät yhdessä). Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että monet MLE:n piirteet ovat siirtyneet puhutusta kielestä myös kirjallisen ilmaisun piiriin. MLE:n fonologisia piirteitä sisältäviä ilmaisuja löytyi aineistosta jonkin verran. Ilmaisut, kuten dem, dat, da ja ting, olivat yleisiä suurimmalla osalla artisteista, mutta monissa tapauksissa fonologisten ilmaisujen käyttö rajoittui muutamaan ihmiseen. MLE:n slangisanoja käytettiin aineistossa hyvin runsaasti, joten voidaan todeta, että niiden käyttö on vakiintunutta myös kirjallisessa muodossa. Myös man-pronominin käyttö oli hyvin yleistä tutkimusaineistossa. Sekä slangisanojen että man-pronominin käyttö oli yleisempää Twitter-ainestossa kuin puhutun kielen korpuksessa. Vertailu puhutun kielen korpuksen kanssa oli kuitenkin haastavaa, sillä se oli vanhempi kuin Twitter-korpus ja koostui nuorempien ihmisten haastatteluista. Tästä syystä jatkotutkimusta vaaditaan, jotta puhutun ja kirjallisen muodon välisiä eroja voidaan tutkia tarkemmin MLE-puhujien keskuudessa.
  • Kauppila, Olli Sakari (2020)
    Metallimusiikin ympärille on kerääntynyt maailmanlaajuinen yhteisö, jonka sisällä vallitsee vahva identiteetin tunne. Tutkielmani pyrkii selvittämään, millainen tämä identiteetti on sekä miten se rakennetaan ja välitetään kuulijalle metallikappaleiden sanoituksien välityksellä. Tutkimus käsittelee ”metallista kertovia metallikappaleita” (Metal Songs about Metal), joiden sanoitusten aiheena on metallimusiikki tai -kulttuuri itse ja joissa metalliyhteisön arvot ja identiteetti ovat selkeämmin esillä kuin muissa kappaleissa. Tutkielman analyysi jakautuu genreanalyyttiseen ja diskurssianalyyttiseen osaan. Genreanalyysin tarkoituksena on määrittää metallista kertovat metallikappaleet omaksi diskurssigenrekseen Swalesin (1990) määrittelyn mukaan. Osana tätä prosessia myös metalliyhteisön todetaan täyttävän diskurssiyhteisön kriteerit, koska Swalesin teorian mukaan diskurssigenren taustalla on aina jokin sitä keskinäisessä viestinnässään käyttävä yhteisö. Tutkimuksen diskurssianalyyttinen puolisko analysoi kappaleiden sanoituksia ideologisen diskurssianalyysin ja asenneanalyysin keinoin. Se pohjautuu pääasiassa van Dijkin (1995) kuvaukseen piilevistä ideologioista (underlying ideologies) ja Englebretsonin (2007) esittämiin ajatuksiin asenteellisen kielenkäytön (stancetaking) esiintymismuodoista. Aineistonani toimivat viidenkymmenen metallikappaleen sanoitukset, joita analysoidaan kvalitatiivisen lähilukumetodin kautta tarkastelemalla tiettyjä kielellisiä elementtejä. Genremääritys tapahtuu vertaamalla aineiston ja metalliyhteisön yleisiä piirteitä Swalesin genremalliin. Aineistoa tarkastellaan pääasiassa sanoitusten toimijoiden, sisä- ja ulkoryhmien asemoinnin sekä kappaleissa esitettyjen asenteiden ja ideologioiden näkökulmista. Tutkimus osoittaa, että metallista kertovat metallikappaleet voidaan luokitella omaksi diskurssigenrekseen, jonka pääasiallinen viestinnällinen tarkoitus on rakentaa metalli-identiteettiä ja välittää sitä kappaleen kuulijalle. Sanoituksissa tämä ilmenee on metallimusiikin ja -yhteisön ylistävänä kuvailuna sekä ulkoryhmien eli ”toisten” (Others) asemointina metallin vastustajiksi ja vihollisiksi. Sanoituksissa esiintyy tyypillisesti asetelma, jossa kappaleen puhuja on esittävän yhtyeen laulaja, joka puhuttelee yleisöään kannustavasti tai kuvitteellista ”toista” vihamielisesti. Nämä kielelliset keinot paitsi luovat kuvaa metalliyhteisöstä ja sen identiteetistä, myös ottavat kuulijan osaksi yhteisöä. Metalliyhteisöä määrittäviksi piirteiksi esitetään ylpeys ja periksiantamattomuus, yhteisöllisyys, metallimusiikin ja sen historian arvostaminen, hedonistinen elämäntapa sekä autenttisuus. Tätä identiteettiä välitetään kuulijalle inklusiivisella kielenkäytöllä, samastuttavalla kerronnalla ja suoralla puhuttelulla.
  • Vogiatzi, Athina (2021)
    This thesis studies whether reappropriation of the term “bitch” occurs in American TV shows and movies based on corpus data retrieved from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (2021) for the period 2010-2019. The thesis combines methods from corpus linguistics and sociolinguistics. The subcorpus of TV and movies in COCA (2021) for the selected time frame contained 128 013 334 tokens. The research was performed in two stages: first, through a general collocation analysis of the most frequent words paired with the term “bitch”, and then through a concordance analysis of 100 random samples of concordance lines for each five-year period. Reappropriation was explored through lens of the reappropriation theory of derogatory terms by looking at the meaning of the collocates during the collocation analysis and at the meaning of the words occurring in proximity of the term “bitch” during the concordance analysis. The results revealed that there are very few instances of reappropriation, in which the speakers self-labelled with the term, thus the term appeared to maintain its pejorative nature in the majority of the cases. Swear words and insults were observed in most of the results in both analyses, with the idiomatic phrase son of a bitch having the highest frequency per million tokens. Corpus linguistics methods are applicable to study language use and reveal linguistic patterns that can reflect people’s ideologies.
  • Mackay, Claire Louise (2021)
    The language of evaluation enables us to share opinions, cement values, and create interpersonal meaning. It is a fundamental aspect of both social media communication and political discourse. This study uses Martin and White’s (2005) Appraisal Framework to investigate how political actors use evaluation to express emotions and confer judgement in their attempts to increase support on social media. Drawing on a corpus of 1,212 tweets from Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn during the 2019 British General Election campaign, this study focuses on how the individual politicians use ATTITUDE to build positive-self and negative-other evaluations. The analysis then considers the wider performance of populism in political discourse by examining positive appraisals of the people, presented against negative judgements of a corrupt elite. Finally, the thesis explores how specific Twitter features can be incorporated into the Appraisal Framework to better capture evaluation in tweets as complete objects. Contrary to expectations about the prevalence of negative messaging in electoral campaigns, the findings show that both candidates preferred to post positive evaluations on Twitter. Corbyn favoured judgements of his party that empathised their moral superiority (PROPRIETY), and Johnson praised his party for their ability to negotiate a departure from the EU (CAPACITY). Both candidates performed elements of populism, but the presentation and evaluation of the people was very different, with Johnson performing an exclusionary form of populism and Corbyn presenting a more inclusionary form. Whilst there are challenges in applying the Appraisal Framework to online campaigning, the results give a much more nuanced understanding of the evaluation inherent to this discourse than automated sentiment analysis is able to, particularly in identifying the interplay of positive-self and negative-other evaluation. However, Appraisal reaches beyond the text, and many features were present in the media attached to the tweets, and future studies would benefit from incorporating these aspects into the analysis. The evaluative force of other resources, such as emoji and hashtags, and Twitter practices, such as retweeting, should similarly not be underestimated, and this study concludes by suggesting how these aspects can be brought into the Appraisal Framework.
  • Hazrat, Sara (2023)
    Immigration, displacement, refugees, and migrants are all terms we use interchangeably, while often forgetting the people affected by it all and the stories they carry. We are used to media representation of catastrophic events such as war and terror but this too usually lacks depth and nuance, which leads to an essential part of the story getting overlooked. Fictions are different in this regard because they are able to present the human experience in a way that resonates with readers deeply. In this thesis, I analyze Christy Lefteri's work "The Beekeeper of Aleppo" (2019), with an aim to reveal the many ways that trauma is depicted in the novel. For my theoretical framework, I primarily use narratological methods introduced by Suzanne Keen (2007, 2008, 2015), Cathy Caruth’s work (1996) on literary trauma, and the findings of psychologist Judith Herman (2015) to form a comprehensive analysis. With these as well as other literature-related theories concerning trauma and narratology, the main objective of this paper is to illustrate how fiction is well suited for narrating trauma and then illustrate how trauma is depicted in Lefteri’s novel. Lefteri's work is about the Syrian immigration crisis and the destruction it causes in society and to individuals. The book follows a young couple's escape from the war-torn city of Aleppo, across Europe all the way to London. Lefteri's novel deals with the trauma that arises in connection with immigration and is a socially significant work as it illustrates the suffering caused by war and displacement. This paper is structured around two chapters. In the first one, I begin with defining trauma in literature and then move on to show representations of trauma in textual form with the help of narratological methods such as plot, order, and point of view. In the second chapter, I explore the importance of trauma literature from a societal point of view and discuss the importance of representation as well as the role of trauma narratives in eliciting compassion and forming connections between communities. My analysis has led to the following conclusions: narrative techniques can be used to influence readers’ emotions and this can be seen in Lefteri’s work with the use of “strategic empathizing”. By using narrative techniques such as this among others to depict trauma experienced by the characters, Lefteri's novel aims to humanize a group of people who are all too often subject to discrimination.
  • Poursadigh, Maxim (2022)
    Tiivistelmä – Referat – Abstract This thesis examines Ta-Nehisi Coates’s autobiographical book Between the World and Me. I investigate the various ways racial hierarchies crush individuals and erode societies. Coates provides a rich and extensive overview of the all-encompassing nature of racism and its devastating impact on the psyche of the victims. The act of resistance is a central theme – the only way to reclaim one’s basic humanity is to resist the forces of white supremacy. This thesis analyzes the various ways oppression and resistance are represented in Coates’s writing. I combine a close reading of Coates’s work with various theories and ideas sampled from different disciplines. Since Between the World and Me is a male-centered text exploring the father-son relationship, I investigate structural racism and systemic violence through the lens of the criminal justice system. Black men are especially victimized by this form of oppression. I investigate police brutality using critical race theory, and I examine how Black men have been criminalized for centuries. This supposed “criminality” and “danger” has been the primary justification for oppressive social control in the form of draconian laws and extra-judicial punishments. Khalil Gibran Muhammad’s work in this sphere was particularly useful. I also rely on many primary sources ranging from newspaper articles stretching back to 1914, and first-hand accounts of prison labor. In addition, I examine the destructive effects of racism on the human psyche through studies published in journals of psychology. This thesis also explores questions of “othering” and cultural imperialism through postcolonial theory. My analysis demonstrates that oppression appears in various forms in Between the World and Me. However, I claim that Coates’s resistance is highly personal and particularized. There is no collective call to action. The struggle is not political, but rather existential and metaphysical in nature. Coates reclaims a sense of identity separate from the narratives imposed by a racist society. It is through this struggle that Coates finds meaning and agency in his life. Coates cannot control the color of his skin or the social/historical circumstances of his birth, but he can control how he responds to them. And for Coates, the only appropriate response is resistance. It is a precondition for maintaining one’s sanity in the face of overwhelming oppression.