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  • Kotamäki, Eeva-Liisa (2016)
    The purpose of this study is to determine the benovelent social initiatives under three years of kindergarten children in different play situations. Previous studies show that the play has a big role in the interaction of children. It is often thought that the interaction of children under three years is low. However, the growing body of research evidence has pointed in direction that the toddler has a lot of both verbal and bodily initiatives. The purpose of this study is to find out whether toddlers' initiatives difference between the different play situations in kindergarten. The focus is children's mutual operational. The study paid particular attention to the toddlers' benovelent social initiatives. The study video material has been collected in connection with Lasso Project 2013. Video from the data has been analyzed in two early childhood education professionals in the metropolitan area of one of the kindergarten videos. They have picked the play situations where there is an adult in addition to two or more of the players. I made observations of the videos, and the data were analyzed by doing themes in three different situations in the play category. All involved in the video recordings were children under three years old and in this study we use the word toddler. The study results showed that the children did benevolent social initiatives each other the most during the role play. Initiatives were both verbal and bodily. The children were motivated to work even during other types of play activities and take initiatives sociability even if the rules do not allow an adult as defined by all its current functionality of the game each. Although children are less than three years of age, the play was not only parallel play, but children tend to naturally interact with each other. Between the benevolent social initiative did not respond to the same age and adult, but it did not discourage children from doing the same initiative again. The results showed also an important adult role-play as an enabler, a modeller and the defendant benevolent social initiatives of tasks.
  • Korte, Helena (2016)
    Objectives. The research of prosocial behavior indicates that toddlers are able to engage in prosocial behavior and acts of compassion, which are one form of prosocial behavior. Children's compassionate acts have been touched upon in the field of prosocial behavior research. However, the research consists mainly of relatively small samples and has often been conducted in laboratory playrooms. Therefore the research of children's compassion in their naturalistic settings is still missing. The aim of this study is to find out what are the 1.5 to 2-year-old children's acts of compassion and how acts of compassion are structured in a kindergarten setting. This study is part of a research project "Constituting Cultures of Compassion in Early Childhood Education" (CoCuCo). Theoretical framework. The theoretical framework of the study is based on two traditions of compassion research. The psychological tradition sees compassion as an individual trait, and the tradition ponders in which age are children capable of acts of compassion. The interaction tradition considers compassion as a collective activity that is produced in interaction. Methods. The data of the current study was gathered by observing a group of toddlers in a kindergarten setting over ten days, three to four hours a day. The acts of compassion and the context were recorded by using a semi-structured observation form. Eight 1.5 to 2-year-old children participated in the study. The data consisted of 47 episodes that contained acts of helping, sharing and comforting. The data was analyzed by using qualitative research methods. Findings. Comforting, helping and sharing were the 1.5 to 2-year-old children's acts of compassion. Compassion was expressed mostly in physical forms, such as hugging, stroking and physical helping. In some acts also verbal aspect was used. Adults had an impact on children's compassion and they could either nurture or hinder the compassionate acts.
  • Pitko, Tiina-Liisa (2012)
    This case study took place in Southern Finland at the municipal day care center. The focus was to investigate toddlers' possibilities to play and explore different situations from the perspective of play and playfulness. Also the role of adults in promoting play and playfulness was examined. According to previous studies play and playfulness are important concepts to children's development and learning. However play and playfulness don't take place only in the playing situations. Connection to other activities alongside playing situations is obvious. This study tries to depict children's play on daily basis in all kinds of situations. The study focuses on the pedagogical factors that have an influence on play possibilities. The case study group included 12 toddlers and 4 adults. The data was collected by many methods, including play observation, interview and play environment observation. The analysis was undertaken by content analyses and interpreting the results of numeric indicators (AES and ITERS). The result was that children play in all kinds of situations but the features of play differ according to different activities. Additionally the exploiting of play differs in different situations: at some point play and playfulness was repetitive but in the others the usefulness of play wasn't recognized or it wasn't considered appropriate for a particular situation. This leads to the question: is the usefulness of play and playfulness pedagogically recognized? Further the results confirm that the conditions and elements of play are important when supporting the play. Especially the adults' involvement and interaction in play are significant. The implication of the study is that it is important to talk about the factors that influence play and playfulness. Conversation between adults helps to develop play and playful interaction.
  • Roos, Julia (2024)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan taas-partikkelin käytön ominaisuuksia sen erilaisissa käyttöympäristöissä dialogeissa. Tarkastelun kohteena ovat sekä oman puheenvuoron sisäiset että responsiivisten vuorojen sisäiset taas-partikkelit. Partikkelin nykyistä käyttöä tarkastellaan sen etymologian ja kieliopillistumisen näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa otetaan huomioon partikkelin alkuperä ja sen alkuperäinen merkitys suuntaa merkitsevänä latiivimuotona. Tutkimus pohjautuu kognitiiviseen kielitieteeseen ja keskustelunanalyysiin sekä näiden tutkimussuuntausten termeihin ja käsitteisiin. Tutkimuksessa analysoidaan keskustelupohjaista aineistoa lingvistisestä näkökulmasta, jossa hyödynnetään keskustelunanalyysin metodeja. Aineisto koostuu 120 viestin kokonaisuudesta, jotka on kerätty Whatsapp-pikaviestimen ryhmäkeskustelun viesteistä. Aineistoanalyysin esimerkit on valittu satunnaisotannalla. Tutkielman keskeisiä käsitteitä ovat kontrastiiviset ja adversatiiviset suhteet. Näiden käsitteiden ohelle olen kehittänyt komparatiivisen suhteen. Komparatiivisella suhteella tarkoitan sellaista semanttista suhdetta, jossa asiaintiloja vertaillaan eri tavalla kuin kontrastiivisten suhteiden lainalaisuudet sallivat. Tässä tutkimuksessa osoitan, miksi uusi käsite on tarpeellinen lingvistisellä kentällä. Tutkimus selventää taas-partikkelin luonnetta ja funktioita sen eri käyttöympäristöissä. Se havainnoi, kuinka partikkelin alkuperän spatiaalisuus ja temporaalisuus näkyy yhä sen nykyisessä käytössä. Taas-partikkelin muotoutuminen nykyiseen funktioonsa selittyykin sen etymologisen alkuperän kautta. Tämä tutkielma osoittaa, että taas-partikkeli on funktioiltaan varsin monipuolinen ja käytöltään hyvinkin laaja-alainen. Partikkelin avulla voidaan vertailla sellaisia entiteettejä, jotka ovat asiantilaan nähden yhtä kelpoisia vaihtoehtoja. Näiden entiteettien ei tarvitse olla toisiinsa nähden paralleelisia, vaan niiden ominaisuudet voivat olla epäsymmetrisiä eikä näin ollen vertailukelpoisia.
  • Heimo, Meeri (2021)
    Aims: The aim of this research is to describe home economics teacher students’ experiences on teaching quality at home economics teaching degree programme at the University of Helsinki. Little research has been conducted on the matter of the experiences of teaching quality and previous research on this subject has mostly been quantitative, not qualitative. This research bases on research about pedagogy in higher education, teaching quality and student satisfaction. Research on those subjects highlight the context in which teaching is given at the University of Helsinki for that it is important to understand the subject and its context that is under quality assurance. Methods: The research data consists of ten semi-structured theme interviews that were collected from home economics teacher students at the University of Helsinki. The interviews were insider interviews due to the fact that both the interviewer and the interviewees belong to the same insider group. The interviews were analysed by using inductive qualitative content analysis. Based on the analysis, eight themes were identified and divided into two themes, factors related to the teacher and factors related to the teaching. Results and conclusions: The results indicate that good quality teaching according to the experiences of home economics teacher students consists of teaching that is student oriented, academic, diverse, up-to-date, and combines theory, practice and teaching. In good quality teaching the teacher must be competent and excited about the subject they are teaching. The results indicate that eight different factors affect the experiences on the quality of teaching. The students that were interviewed had various experiences on the quality of teaching and majority of the students were mostly satisfied on the quality of teaching. On the experiences on quality of teaching teacher’s pedagogic skills and practises together with the didactic and pedagogic choices were emphasized. The results of this research increase the understanding of students’ experiences on the quality of teaching and the results of this study can be used when developing teaching.
  • Tuominen, Riikka (2021)
    Objective of the study Work stress affects teachers mental and physical well-being, increases costs and sick leave, and affects work productivity. Prolonged, intense stress is associated with lower job satisfaction. The decline of teachers´ well-being also has a negative effect on students' learning. Recovery from work is important for health, ability to work and the teacher's own well-being. In today's working life, the time left for recovery has decreased and the individual must take more and more care of his or her own well-being and recovery. Successful recovery effectively prevents work demands from developing into stressors. The aim of this study was to find out which elements of work polytechnic teachers find stressful in their work, what effects they perceive as work stress, what means of recovery they have at their disposal and what things may prevent success of recovery. Methods The 22 interviews were analysed using qualitative content analysis, in which they report on their own well-being, stress experiences and recovery from work as part of a broader thematic interview. The interview material has been collected since the end of 2019. Results and conclusions Polytechnic teachers perceive excessive workload, uneven workload and hurry as the most stressful elements in their own work. An examination of the effects of stress experiences showed that teachers perceive that work stress affects them above all mentally. Of the physical effects, sleep-related problems in particular were reflected in teachers' coping. An examination of the means of recovery showed that polytechnic teachers consider hobbies and social relationships to be the most important means of recovery. Most polytechnic teachers experience challenges in recovering from work. The majority of teachers feel that recovery is not enough or is only seasonal. Haste and too much work proved to be the biggest obstacles to recovery not always succeeding.
  • Åhlgren, Viivi (2020)
    YouTube has become the second popular application among children. The objective of this research was to determine why children spend so much time in YouTube and examine children viewpoint on YouTubes’s commercial collaborations and review it by critical media educational point of view. Also, the goal was to research school’s role as a media educator. Classes of first and second graders from Helsinki metropolitan area participated in the research. The material as collected through themed small-group interviews, which had four bigger themes as YouTube’s using, commercial collaborations, criticality and school’s role. There were a total of 17 participants and six interview groups. The data was categorised and analysed by using the content analysis method. Three different content types were identified from the material and they were YouTube’s using, viewpoint on YouTubes’s commercial collaborations and school’s role as media educator. One extra type was identified in children’s interviews, and that was parent’s role. The reason why children adores YouTube is because it is full of entertainment and the diversity it serves. Most of the children involved in this research has use the application for several years and still use it every day for several hours. Children recognise commercial collaborations, but they don’t really understand what they mean in practice. Criticality against influencer marketing was not present. Children don’t talk about YouTube in school with their teachers and school’s media educations don’t seem to reach YouTube.
  • Pesonen, Milla (2017)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten organisaation toimitusjohtajat viestintäjohtajansa näkevät ja millaisia odotuksia toimitusjohtajat viestintäjohtajaan kohdistavat. Tutkimuksen avulla pyrittiin myös hahmottamaan viestintäjohtajan roolia organisaatiossa strategisen viestinnän lähtökohdista tarkasteltuna. Tässä tutkimuksessa on vahva strateginen näkökulma, sillä viestinnästä on tulossa yhä strategisempi osa organisaatioiden toimintaa. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan käyttää viestintäjohtajan työn, siihen vaadittavan osaamisen sekä yleisesti viestinnän tärkeyden laajempaan hahmottamiseen. Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys koostuu organisaatioiden viestinnän eri osa-alueista, strategisesta viestinnästä ulottuvuuksineen sekä johtamisesta ja strategisesta johtamisesta. Teoreettisessa viitekehyksessä käsiteltyjä teemoja yhdistää niiden linkittyminen viestintäjohtajan strategiseen rooliin organisaatiossa. Strategisen viestinnän muodostaessa tutkielman punaisen langan, liittyy organisaatioiden johtaminen ja viestintä oleellisesti viestintäjohtajan rooliin organisaatiossa. Tutkielma edustaa laadullista tutkimusta ja sen aineisto kerättiin teemahaastattelujen avulla. Tutkimusta varten haastateltiin kymmentä suomalaisen yrityksen toimitusjohtajaa. Heidän edustamiensa organisaatioiden joukossa oli niin Helsingin pörssissä noteerattuja kuin noteeraamattomia yrityksiä. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella toimitusjohtajat näkevät viestinnän ja viestintäjohtajansa elimellisenä osana organisaatiotaan. Vaikka viestintä lukeutuu organisaatioiden tukitoiminnoksi, on sillä tärkeä rooli organisaation menestyksen kannalta. Tukitoiminnossa toimiessaan viestintä auttaa organisaatioita toimimaan, sillä ilman hyvin toimivaa tukea ei organisaation menestyminen olisi mahdollista. Viestintää arvostetaan ja sen arvo organisaatioille tunnistetaan. Viestinnän ja viestintäjohtajan rooli organisaatiossa näyttäytyi tulosten perustella hyvin strategisena, sillä viestinnän rooliksi nähtiin organisaation suunnan näyttäminen ja toimintaympäristön luotaaminen. Toisaalta toimitusjohtajat odottivat viestintäjohtajien olevan strategisia partnereitaan ja haastajiaan. Viestintäjohtajasta piirtyi tutkimuksen aikana hyvin moninainen kuva. Toimitusjohtajat odottavat viestintäjohtajansa olevan monitahoisia strategisia toimijoita. Viestintäjohtajalta odotetaan viestinnällisen osaamisen ohella niin liiketoiminnallista kuin johtamiseen liittyvää osaamista.
  • Palttala, Iida (2010)
    Automated dose dispensing is an increasing field in which medicines are packaged mechanically into small one-dose pouches in portions of two weeks. Suitability of tablets for automated dose dispensing has not been researched systematically earlier. The study was made in collaboration with the dose dispensing unit of Espoonlahti pharmacy. The aim of the study was to define optimal characteristics for an automatically dispensed tablet from a viewpoint of the dose dispensing process to reduce breakings and transitions. Breaking means that tablet crumbles, splits up or breaks up otherwise during mechanical dose dispensing process. Transition means that tablet is dispensed in a wrong dose pouch. Percentually breakings and transitions occur very little, but quantitatively plenty and increasingly when automated dose dispensing is becoming more common. Breakings and transitions cause plenty extra work because of correcting pouches, so their amount should be aimed to reduce. In addition, the aim is to find out matters to enquire from the manufacturers of medicines that would help concluding whether a product is suitable for automated dose dispensing based on written information. Results of the study indicate that to reduce breakings and transitions, an optimal tablet product for dose dispensing is rather small or middle sized, coated, strong and without a breakline and the optimal relative humidity of air in the product room of dose dispensing unit would be around 30 - 40 %. Matters to enquire from the manufacturers of medicines besides size, coating, breaking strength and breakline are stability of the product outside of its original package and light, heat and moisture sensitiveness of the product. Besides breakings and transitions, also stability of a moisture sensitive acetylsalicylic acid product (Disperin 100 mg) was investigated in 25 °C/60 % RH because air humidity in the product room is not adjustable. Duration of the test was four weeks. It is enough since it is the maximum time that tablets are outside their original packages during drug dispensing process before use. Tablets were kept in opened original container (bottle), in closed original container, in cassette of dispensing machine and in two different dose pouches (new material and the one in use). According to the results, cassettes are protecting tablets from moisture as poorly as an opened bottle. Instead, new pouch material protects tablets better than the material in use. Results of Raman spectroscopy measurements indicate no change in acetylsalicylic acid to salicylic acid during four weeks test. Moisture affects to tablets by decreasing breaking strength, which may cause more breakings. Air humidity should be adjusted in product rooms or tablets should be unpacked into cassettes as near operating the machine as possible to prevent breakings. Especially when air humidity is high. Among others, a heat sensitive drug product was researched because of the seaming unit of dose dispensing machine which is radiating heat of about 75 °C to pouches if machine is pulled over in the middle of work. Study was performed with variable temperature XRPD. Results of the study of heat sensitiveness indicate that 75 °C for 60 minutes doesn't induce changes in carbamazepine tablet (Neurotol 200 mg). However, results of the study reveal that researched product did not contain the most heat sensitive form of carbamazepine, so other heat sensitive drug products should be examined to get more information about effects of heat.
  • Mertanen, Sini (2023)
    For pediatric patients, it is often necessary to resort to off-label use of available commercial products. This may require manual modification of the preparations, which may result in reduced dose accuracy. In the past, there have been discussions about the potential of 3D printing technologies for on-demand manufacturing of medicines in hospitals. Printing technologies can be used to tailor medicines to the individual needs of patients. This could be a possible solution to the lack of commercial products for pediatric patients, for example. Semi-solid extrusion is a printing technique that could potentially be used in the future in hospitals. This study aims to design the simplest possible excipient composition for a printing material for semi-solid extruded preparations for pediatric patients. The finished products will be examined to determine the type of products achieved with this printing method and excipient composition. In addition, the suitability of semi-solid extrusion in a hospital environment will be observed and evaluated. Printing was performed with a pneumatic bioprinter. The desired formulations could not be prepared with a printing material containing only a gel former (poloxamer 407) and a solvent (water). Therefore, a filler (microcrystalline cellulose) was added to the printing material to improve the mechanical strength of the preparations. The model drug used in the study was warfarin sodium and the target strengths of the preparations were 0.1 mg, 0.5 mg and 1.0 mg. The preparations were dried at room temperature for 22-23 hours. The tablets produced in the study were small (diameter less than 7 mm, height less than 2 mm) grid-structured preparations. The method was successful in producing tablets of uniform mass. For all strengths, the tablets passed the European Pharmacopoeia test for uniformity of content of single-dose preparations. Only the 0.5 mg strengths passed the test of uniformity of dosage units. The excipient composition should still be optimized to improve the mechanical strength of the products. The overall preparation time of the formulations should be reduced, for example by shortening the drying time, to make semi-solid extrusion suitable for extemporaneus preparations in hospitals.
  • Lampi, Laura (2017)
    Goals. The objective of this Master's Thesis was to examine the connection between tablet computers and motivation, in this case with motivational beliefs according to the action control beliefs theory (Skinner, Chapman & Baltes 1988). The specific interest was to find out the differences and similarities between the students with special educational needs and general education students. Most of the previous research regarding to the subject indicates that the use of technology and tablet computers has positive impact to learning and motivation, concluding that technology-assisted teaching motivates students. On the other hand there has also been studies that report no impact or even negative impact on learning and motivation. This study aims to gain new insight of how the use of tablet computers influences on students' attitudes towards learning in Finland. Particular attention is directed to the students with special educational needs and the practical applicability of the results – the role that tablet computers could play in the development of special education. Methods. The participants of this study consisted of the 4th graders in the city of Vantaa, who responded to the Centre of Educational Assessment's tablet research online survey in the autumn of 2015 and spring of 2016 (N = 208). The data was analyzed by multivariate methods (e.g. one-way variance-, the GLM-analysis) to investigate the possible relations between the variables and to verify the differences between the groups. Results and conclusions. The general use of the tablet computers among the students was not found to be related to their beliefs that support learning. However, in the subject-specific review the use of tablets in mathematics was positively related to the students' learning supportive beliefs. In particular, within the students receiving intensified or special support, the use of tablet computer was related to students' agency beliefs about effort and competence and means-ends beliefs about effort. According to the previous research these beliefs are related to school performance within students who do well in school.
  • Palomäki, Emmi (2012)
    3D-imaging is based on combining two or more pictures to form one three-dimensional picture. Most of the methods used provide only surface pictures, but tomography acquires also information about the inside-structure of investigated material. Young's modulus is a method, which has been used for long time to determine toughness hard materials, such as steal. In traditional method a beam-shaped piece is bent. When the size of piece, used force and amount of bending are known, Young's modulus of piece can be calculated. Although the method has traditionally been used to research very hard materials, it has been applied without changes with pharmaceutical materials. It is, however, open to the question whether or not the method is appropriate for those materials. There are also methods to determine Young's modulus based on compressing a tablet or using ultrasound. Determining tablet's toughness with ultimate strength test is complicated because it breaks tablet. For that reason it would be good to find compensatory methods to measure strength of tablet. The aim of the study was to validate Flash Sizer 3D appliance, which is used in 3D-imiging. Another goal was to investigate possible correlations between 3D-imiging, Young's modulus and traditional ultimate strength method. Lastly, the feasibility of Young's modulus as a substitute for traditional ultimate strength measurement in self life studies was investigated. Flash Sizer 3D was validated by measuring particle size distribution of pellets, which were made of microcrystalline cellulose (Cellets). Sizes of the investigated pellets were 100 µm, 200 µm and 500 µm. Also binary mixture of 100 µm and 200 µm was investigated. From microcrystalline cellulose was made tablets and 3D-pictures were taken. Ultimate strength test was made for half of the tablets. Young's modulus was measured from half of the tablets in tableting day, day after that and nine days after tableting. Results show that Flash Sizer 3D is suitable for investigating bigger Cellet. With smaller particles distinguishing of tablets wasn't probably good enough. Still it seems to be quite good method to determine surface roughness of tablet. Young's modulus seems to be very promising as compensating method for traditional ultimate strength measurement. In future in self life studies tablets hardness might be able to investigate by measuring Young's modulus and not measuring ultimate strength. If correlation between Young's modulus and solubility meets the case, Young's modulus might also replace also solubility measurements in self life studies.
  • Olli, Anu (2016)
    Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan verkkokeskustelussa ilmeneviä metaforia. Keskustelun aiheena on v. 2014 Vantaan tablettihankinta. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu 9 internetissä julkaistusta tablettihankintaa käsittelevästä artikkelista ja niihin liittyvistä 143 verkkokommentista. Artikkeleista 4 on blogitekstejä, 4 uutista ja yksi aikakauslehtiartikkeli. Tutkimus keskittyy teksteissä oleviin metaforisiin ilmaisuihin ja niiden taustalla vaikuttaviin käsitemetaforiin. Metafora-analyysi pohjautuu kognitiivisen metaforateorian kehittäjien George Lakoffin ja Mark Johnsonin sekä Zoltán Kövecsesin metaforanäkemyksiin. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, millaisia metaforia aineistossa käytetään uutisoitaessa ja keskusteltaessa Vantaan tablettihankinnasta ja sitä, millaisen kuvan ne puhuttavasta aiheesta luovat. Aineistosta nousee esille vastakkainasettelua tablettien vaikutuksesta opiskeluun ja oppimiseen. Tabletteja kuvataan sekä oppimistuloksia parantaviksi ja yhteiskunnassa tarvittavia valmiuksia kehittäviksi laitteiksi että opetusta ja oppimista häiritseviksi ja heikentäviksi välineiksi. Näitä teemoja tuodaan esille useiden erilaisten metaforien avulla. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan myös, suhtaudutaanko kommenteissa tablettihankintaan ja/tai opetuksen digitalisaatioon positiivisesti vai negatiivisesti. Analyysi osoittaa, että usein samalla metaforalla voidaan kuvata sekä positiivista että negatiivista asennoitumista puheena olevaa asiaa kohtaan. Esimerkiksi metaforaa OPETUKSEN KEHITTÄMINEN ON MATKA voidaan käyttää kuvaamaan sekä positiivista että negatiivista suhtautumista opetuksen digitalisaatiota kohtaan.
  • Heinonen, Leo (2018)
    Helsingin yliopiston Lääketieteellisessä tiedekunnassa käynnistettiin vuonna 2013 iPad-projekti. Uusille lääketieteen ja hammaslääketieteen opiskelijoille jaettiin iPad-mallisia tablettitietokoneita opiskeluvälineiksi. Opiskelijoiden parissa todettiin kuitenkin tarvetta lisätuelle iPadin omaksumisessa luontevaksi opiskeluvälineeksi. Tuen tarve ilmeni myös opiskelijoille suunnatuissa kyselytutkimuksissa. Vuonna 2014 opintonsa aloittaneelle ja toiselle iPadit opiskelukäyttöön saaneelle vuosikurssille toteutettiin uutena tukimuotona opiskelijalähtöinen vertaistuutorointi-projekti. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miten vertaistuutoroinnin avulla voitaisiin tukea laitteiden opiskelukäyttöä. Tutkielma on osa tiedekunnan iPad-projektiin liittyvää laajaa toimintatutkimusta. Tutkimus on toteutettu monimenetelmätutkimuksena sisältäen kvalitatiivisiä ja kvantitatiivisia keinoja. Keskeiset osat syksyn 2014 vertaistuutorointi-projektin tutkimuksessa ovat itse tuutorointitoiminnan toteuttaminen tutkimusjoukolle syyslukukauden alussa ja samana syksynä opiskelijoille järjestetyn iPad-kyselyn tulokset. Ensisijaisen tutkimusjoukon muodostavat vuoden 2014 syksyllä aloittaneet opiskelijat ja vertailujoukkona joissakin kysymyksissä on vuotta aikaisemmin opintonsa aloittanut vuosikurssi, joilla laitteet olivat olleet käytössä vuoden pidempään. Tutkimusjoukko, jolle tarjottiin vertaistuutoreiden palveluja, koki osaavansa käyttää tablettitietokoneita sujuvasti opiskelussa edellisen vuoden vertailujoukkoa nopeammin. Enemmistö tutkimusjoukosta koki tablettien opiskelukäytön kannalta tärkeänä, että vanhemmat opiskelijat opastavat laitteen käytössä. Selkeä enemmistö kantaa ottaneista koki vertaistuutoritoiminnan tukeneen laitteen opiskelukäyttöä. Projektin myötä asenne tuen merkitystä kohtaan muuttui tiedekunnassa: enää ei luotettu, että kaikki opiskelijat pystyisivät niin kutsuttuina diginatiiveina luontaisesti omaksumaan uuden digitaalisen oppimisympäristön käytön ja hyödyntämään sitä heti luontevasti opiskelukäytössä. Vertaistuutorointi-projekti tuotti arvokkaita elementtejä ja uutta ruohonjuuritason tietoa, joiden perusteella tiedekunnan tarjoamaa IT-tukea voitiin kehittää paremmin vastaamaan opiskelijoiden tarpeita.
  • Hemminki, Nelli (2024)
    Tablets are solid medicinal products that are produced by compressing tablet mass in a tablet press. The reproducible and reliable functionality of the manufacturing process, facilities and equipment used in the manufacturing process of medicinal products must be validated. There must be a marketing authorisation for the sale of medicinal products, and pharmaceutical companies must comply with current legislation, Good Manufacturing Practices, and other binding guidelines. After marketing authorisation, certain changes, such as significant changes related to the manufacturing process or raw materials, must be notified to the competent authority by means of a variation application. Depending on the extent of the change, a revalidation and/or a regulatory approval before implementing the change may be required, which makes manufacturing process modification slow, expensive, and laborious. However, the pressure to enhance pharmaceutical manufacturing processes and reduce costs is prevailing. In this study, Lean Six Sigma methods were applied to enhance the manufacturing process of a tablet product. The study was divided into two parts. In the first part of the study, the objective was to investigate the manufacturing process of a tablet product X and to identify improvement actions that would make the manufacturing process of the tablet product X more efficient by achieving material and time savings. In addition, improvement actions were prioritized based on the benefits achieved by the improvement actions and the difficulty of implementation. The second part of the study was based on the improvement action selected from the first part of the study. The objective of the second part of the study was to investigate the factors influencing the amount of mass loss during tableting and how the amount of mass loss can be influenced. In this study, mass loss during tableting referred to the dusty mass inside the tablet press during tableting, which is removed from the tablet press to the equipment dedusting system. The purpose of the practical experiment conducted in the tablet production, which was part of the second part of the study, was to investigate how the magnitude of the exhaust airflow and fan power of the equipment dedusting system affects the amount of mass loss generated during tableting. Based on the experiment, adjusting the power of the equipment dedusting system can affect the amount of mass loss generated during tableting. However, further studies are needed to ensure that no dusty mass remains in the piping of the dedusting system or in tablet press at low exhaust airflow and fan power values during tableting. If the results are applied to other tablet products, the effect of a different formulation on powder dusting should be considered. Adequate dedusting during tableting is important so that the dusty mass inside the tablet press is removed as intended, facilitating the cleaning of the tablet press after tableting and reducing the risk of cross-contamination and exposure of workers to dust. The conclusion of this study is that Lean Six Sigma methods can be used more extensively to enhance the manufacturing processes of both tablet products and other pharmaceutical dosage forms and to reduce loss generated during the manufacturing process without revalidation or changes to a valid marketing authorisation.
  • Tervo, Meeri (2018)
    Hybrid mismatch arrangements are arrangements that exploits the difference in the tax treatment of an entity or instrument under the laws of two or more jurisdictions to produce a mismatch in tax outcomes where the mismatch has the effect of lowering the tax burden of the parties to the arrangement. Hybrid entities are due to a classification conflict between two or more states involved. The classification methods used by states for the tax classification of entities established under the private law of another state are generally applied autonomously. The methods used in one country do not generally take in to account of the tax classification applied to the entity by another country. Thus the classification of entities can create asymmetrical situations and lead to double taxation or to double non- taxation, where the tax status given by one state is disregarded in the other state. Hybrid entity mismatch arrangements are widespread and result in substantial erosion of the taxable bases of the countries concerned. In addition, they have an overall negative impact on competition, efficiency, transparency and fairness. Hybrid entities are commonly used in tax planning since they allow the taxpayers additional degree of flexibility that is often re-quired in international transactions. By using hybrid entities, the taxpayers can for example create harmful double non-taxation situations, double deductions situations or long- term tax deferral. By using hybrid entities, the taxpayers can also shift profits to a more tax favorable country. Even though hybrid entity structures can be used to avoid taxation they also can create unwanted double taxation. In order to prevent base erosion and profit shifting the OECD introduced in September 2013 an action plan that consisted 15 actions against base erosion and profit shifting. One of the actions was aimed at neutralizing the effects of hybrid mismatch arrangements. The fight against the base erosion and profit shifting was also recognized within the EU and in 2016 the EU introduced the first anti-tax avoidance directive. In May 2017 the EU introduced a new anti-tax avoidance directive regarding hybrid mismatch arrangements with third countries. The hybrid mismatch rules in BEPS action 2 and ATAD 2 takes the form of linking the tax treatment in one country to anoth-er country. In addition, the rules are designed to apply automatically. As hybrid mismatch arrangements occurs only in cross-border context, it has been questioned, whether the rules treat cross-border structures differently than purely domestic structures and whether they would thus constitute an obstacle for the free movement rights. In order to be compatible with the EU law, the rules should not restrict any fundamental freedoms in EU and if such restriction would arise the rules should be justified in order them to be compatible with the EU law. The linking rules in ATAD II apply only between associated enterprises, between a taxpayer and an associated enterprise, between the head office and permanent establishment or between two or more permanent establishments of the same entity and under a structure arrangement. The requirement for associated enterprises is 50% ownership or voting rights or capital rights in hybrid entity situations. As the ATAD II neutralizes only hybrid entity mismatches in certain situation, it should be asked whether the ATAD II enough and whether there are any alternative ways to tackle hybrid entity mismatch-es.
  • Stellato, Stefan (2016)
    In 2013, the OECD initiated its very comprehensive and ambitious project against base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). Largely inspired by the OECD, similar action to curb BEPS has been taken within the EU. An important part of these organisations’ measures concerns hybrid mismatch arrangements, commonly used by multinationals to achieve BEPS. Hybrid financial instruments, a form of hybrid mismatch arrangement, are financial instruments that bear characteristics of both debt and equity, which often leads to one country characterising the instrument as debt and another characterising it as equity. This difference in characterisation can be exploited to achieve double non-taxation. However, these instruments are not only used for tax arbitrage, but also for real business reasons. Various rules against mismatches from hybrid financial instruments have been proposed. As an example, the EU amended the Parent-Subsidiary Directive (PSD, 2011/96/EU) with the directive 2014/86/EU to obligate Member States to tax profit distributions that have been deductible by the distributing subsidiary. Wider action against mismatches from hybrid financial instruments has been proposed by the EU in directive proposal COM(2016) 26 final and by the OECD in Action 2 of its 15-point Action Plan against BEPS. Only one of these anti-hybrid rules, the PSD rule, has been implemented in national laws, although only recently. The other two rules are mere proposals, which together with the fact that countries have little previous experience of such rules makes a study on them motivated. This thesis examines the feasibility of the EU and OECD measures as one of the tools available to counter mismatches from hybrid financial instruments. It analyses and compares these three rules in order to make observations on their interpretation, problems and mutual compatibility, suggesting improvements where fit. The main research method of this study is the dogmatic method. However, even the comparative method is used when the study ventures into the national implementation solutions of the PSD rule in Finland, Sweden, Denmark and Germany. The rules are by no means unproblematic. Compatibility with EU primary law, chiefly the basic freedoms, is highly doubtful. There is thus a risk for these actions to be declared void within the Union. Further, these rules link the domestic tax treatment to that of another jurisdiction (linking rules), which causes complexity. This complexity together with sometimes even poorly drafted rules risks causing undesirable effects, such as mutual incompatibility, double taxation and undue compliance burden for the taxpayer. Therefore, care should be taken before introducing any of these rules.
  • Taskinen, Minna (2019)
    In this thesis, I have approached taekwondo from the cultural perspective using ethnographic methods. This martial art form is often associated with Korea; however, its origins seem to lie in the Japanese karate – although Korean sources often claim it to be even 2000 thousand years old tradition practiced in Korean peninsula. Foreign scholars such as Udo Moenig, on the other hand, have conducted convincing studies that illustrate similarities between these two martial forms. Furthermore, many martial art schools – that are considered as the “founding schools” of the “modern taekwondo” - were established after the Second World War. This controversy offered inspiration to look further into taekwondo as an “invented tradition”. In short, according to Eric Hobsbawm and Terrence Ranger’s definition, “invented traditions” are often created by repeating and even manipulating origin stories to establish the preferred history. Moreover, it often strengthens the local nationalism. Therefore, it is important to look into Korean nationalism to understand the reasons to highlight taekwondo’s Korean roots. In the modern day another concept related to taekwondo and Korean nationalism is the so-called “Korean Wave”, also known as hallyu by its Korean name. Especially scholars such as Jin Dal Yong and Kim Bok-rae define hallyu as a “soft power” to disseminate Korean culture globally through cultural products such as television shows, music, food and even sports. Hence, studying foreign people, who do taekwondo or in other words taekwondoin, to see if taekwondo really promotes Korean culture and inspires people to learn more about Korea became the main focus of the project. I decided to focus on the Finnish context because I have been learning taekwondo myself. Additionally, as a Finnish person I am familiar with the Finnish culture due to which understanding both cultures helps to explain the differences between the two cultures. Furthermore, I wanted to see, how much Korean cultural features have been adopted in the Finnish taekwondo gyms. To do this, I observed and attended taekwondo classes in three different taekwondo associations in Southern Finland, and I interviewed seven people with different belt ranks from beginner to master. In Finland taekwondo is typically seen as a martial art form with Korean background. Certain traditions such as bowing to greet and yelling as a response to commands are often associated with martial arts generally. Korean language is used in the class variedly depending on the instructor, but many seem not comfortable memorizing the terms and most common technique names have been translated to Finnish. In addition to this, teaching taekwondo is almost purely volunteer-based, the classes are after work hours, and the space to train is rented and so shared with other sport associations. Although taekwondo gyms might not remind people of Korea, the preserved traditions are seen as a way to pay homage to the founders of the sport.
  • Laakkonen, Oona (2016)
    Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan tahallisuuden näyttämistä ja tahallisuutta koskevan näyttökynnyksen korkeutta. Työn rakenne on jaettu ikään kuin kolmeen osaan. Ensimmäisessä osassa tarkastellaan tahallisuuden yleisiä oppeja rikosoikeuden näkökulmasta. Toisessa osassa keskitytään näytön arvioimisen tarkasteluun ja erityisesti tuomitsemiskynnyksen korkeuteen. Tutkimuksen kolmannessa jaksossa vastataan tutkimuskysymykseen, milloin tuomioistuin voi katsoa vastaajan tahallisuuden näytetyksi, eli milloin tahallisuutta koskeva näyttökynnys on ylittynyt. Kolmannessa osassa yhdistetään tahallisuuden rikosoikeudellinen ja näytön arvioimisen prosessioikeudellinen tarkastelu. Näytön arviointi perustuu asiassa esitetyn todistelun varaan. Näin ollen näytön arvioinnista on vaikea tehdä yleisesti päteviä johtopäätöksiä. Tuomioistuin saa vapaan harkinnan puitteissa arvioida tapauksessa esitetyn todistelun näyttöarvon. Tahallisuutta koskevan näytön arvioimisen konkretisoimiseksi tutkimuksessa on tarkasteltu tahallisuuden näyttämistä paljon julkisuudessa esillä olleen valelääkäritapauksen valossa. Valelääkäritapauksen tarkastelun tarkoituksena ei ole vastata kysymykseen, onko vastaaja syyllistynyt asiassa rikokseen, vaan saada käytännön näkökulma tutkimuskysymyksen tarkasteluun. Näytön arvioimisen tarkastelu ajankohtaistui, kun oikeudenkäymiskaaren 17 luvun uudistus tuli voimaan 1.1.2016. Tämän tutkimuksen kannalta uudistuksen merkittävin seikka oli rikosprosessin tuomitsemiskynnyksen määritelmän lisääminen lakiin. OK 17:3.2:n mukaan tuomion, jossa vastaaja tuomitaan syylliseksi, edellytyksenä on, ettei vastaajan syyllisyydestä jää varteenotettavaa epäilyä. Varteenotettava epäily -tuomitsemiskynnyksellä on pitkä kansainvälinen historia. Suomessa sitä on sovellettu korkeimman oikeuden käytännössä ensimmäisen kerran ratkaisussa KKO 2002:47. Kynnyksen täsmällisempää sisältöä ei kuitenkaan ole suomalaisessa oikeuskäytännössä eikä -kirjallisuudessa juuri avattu. Tässä tutkimuksessa olen käsitellyt melko laajasti varteenotettava epäily -kynnyksen sisältöä. Tutkimuksessa on myös jossain määrin käsitelty niitä metodeja, joita tuomioistuin voi hyödyntää tuomion perusteluissa. Tuomitsemiskynnyksen tarkastelun merkittävin osa tutkimuskysymykseni kannalta on, tuleeko tuomioistuimen katsoa myös tahallisuus näytetyksi ilman varteenotettavaa epäilyä. Tosin sanoen, koskeeko tuomitsemiskynnys tunnusmerkistötekijöitä kokonaisuutena vai jokaista tunnusmerkistön osatekijää erikseen. Tutkielmassa on kuvattu tahallisuuden näyttämistä lähinnä tahallisuuskäsitteen alarajalla. Tästä huolimatta tutkielmassa on painotettu myös muiden tahallisuuden asteiden merkitystä. Vaikka tutkimuskysymystä tarkastellaan valelääkärin surmaamistahallisuuden valossa, tutkimuksen johtopäätökset on tarkoitettu soveltuvaksi yleisesti tahallisuuden näyttämiseen
  • Pöyhönen, Pekka (2015)
    Tämän tutkielman tutkimustehtävänä on esitellä rikoksen valmistelun tahallisuus- ja vaaraelementtien keskeisiä tulkintaongelmia. Näihin tulkintaongelmiin pyritään antamaan tulkintasuosituksia. Siltä osin kun perusteltua tulkintasuositusta ei tutkielman puitteissa ole mahdollista antaa, pyritään löytämään niitä kysymyksiä, joihin vastaaminen on tarpeen tulkintatilanteen ratkaisemiseksi. Rikosoikeudellisen tulkinnan on korkeimman oikeuden omaksuman linjan mukaan oltava sopusoinnussa säännöksestä ilmenevän suojan tarkoituksen kanssa. Valmistelukriminalisointien tarkoitus yleisellä tasolla näyttää olevan rangaista vain sellaista tekijää, jonka tahdonmuodostus kertoo tekijän todella olevan valmis loukkaamaan suojeltua oikeushyvää. Toiseksi tarkoituksena on kattaa vain valmisteluteot, joiden kohdalla oikeushyvän loukkauksesta on olemassa todellinen vaara. Valmistelukriminalisointien subjektiivisella tunnusmerkillä asetetaan edellytys toimimisesta rikoksentekotarkoituksessa. Tämä on ilmaistu esimerkiksi tunnusmerkillä ”tehdäkseen”. Vuoden 2013 valmistelukriminalisoinneissa subjektiivinen tunnusmerkki on ”- - rikoksen tekemistä varten”. Tarkoitustunnusmerkkejä kuvaavien termien käytössä ei ole suomalaisessa rikosoikeustieteessä noudatettu täysin yhdenmukaista linjaa. Tutkielmassa muodostetaan ehdotus termien täsmällisestä ja yhdenmukaisesta käytöstä kuvattaessa tekijältä edellytettyä tarkoitusta. Rikoksen yritykseen peilaten todetaan, että usein käytetty termi ”korotettu tahallisuusvaatimus” on epähavainnollinen ja jopa harhaanjohtava tapa kuvata realisoitumatonta tahallisuutta. Perusteltua onkin erottaa tällaisen subjektiivisen ylijäämän aste ja kohde. Tarkoitustunnusmerkkien kohdalla niitä ensisijaisesti kuvaava ominaisuus on nimenomaan niiden tarkoittama subjektiivinen ylijäämä: tahallisuuden kohteen ei rikostunnusmerkistössä edellytetä realisoituneen. Erillinen kysymyksensä on se, minkä asteista tai laatuista tuon realisoitumattoman tahallisuuden täytyy olla. Tarkoituksen kohteen osalta havaitaan, että seuraustahallisuuden avulla voidaan arvioida realisoitumatonta seurausta edellyttävä tarkoitustunnusmerkki. Silloin kun kyse on tarkoituksesta suhteessa tekijän omaan tulevaan toimintaan, ei seuraustahallisuutta voida soveltaa. Tällöin tahallisuuden sisältö koostuu tekijän toimintapäätöksestä ja tarkoituksesta toteuttaa tuo päätös. Rikoksen omavalmistelussa tarkoitustunnusmerkin kohteena on nimenomaan tekijän tuleva toiminta. Tarkoitustunnusmerkin täyttymisessä relevantteja ovat kysymykset rikoksentekopäätöksen olemassaolosta, pääteon riittävästä yksilöinnistä ja toimimisesta tuon pääteon myöhempää toteuttamista varten. Käsitteellisellä tasolla tahallisuuden arviointi vastaa päättymättömän yrityksen tekijän tahallisuuden arviointia. Keskeisenä johtopäätöksenä subjektiivisten tunnusmerkkien tulkinnan kohdalla onkin, että niiden arvioinnissa mahdollista on tukeutua muualla rikosoikeudessamme, ennen kaikkea päättymättömässä yrityksessä, realisoituviin kysymyksenasetteluihin. Erityiskysymyksenä käsitellään avunantajan tahallisuutta. Avunantovastuun kohdalla tutkielmassa päädytään suosittelemaan tulkintaa, jonka mukaan avunantovastuu valmisteluvaiheessa kattaa enintään samat teot, jotka tulisivat rangaistavaksi jos päärikos etenisi yritykseen tai täyttyisi. Muussa tapauksessa päädyttäisiin pitämään joitain avunantotekoja rangaistavana ainoastaan valmisteluvaiheessa. Näin ollen avunantajan tahallisuusarviossa päätekijän tekona on pidettävä paitsi valmistelurikosta, myös valmistelun alla olevaa päärikosta. Rikoksen valmistelun rangaistavuudelle asetetaan vaaraedellytys ainoastaan vuoden 2013 valmistelukriminalisoinneissa. Rikoslakimme vanhastaan tuntemiin valmistelukriminalisointeihin ei näin ollen voida soveltaa vaaraa koskevia havaintoja. Valmistelutunnusmerkistöjen tarkoittama vaara vaikuttaa edellyttävän samanlaista jakoa ontologisen mahdollisuuden ja tietyn todennäköisyyden komponentteihin kuin konkreettinen vaara ja rikoksen yrityksen edellyttämä vaara. Näin ollen vaikuttaa perustellulta todeta valmisteluvaaran olevan laadultaan konkreettista. Rangaistava valmistelu edellyttää kvalifioitua – vähäistä suurempaa – vaaraa. Näin ollen vaaran on todennäköisyyskomponentiltaan ylitettävä ”varteenotettavan mahdollisuuden” aste. Tarkemman yleisen ohjenuoran antaminen vaaran vähäisyyden arvioinnissa on erittäin haastavaa. Vuoden 2013 valmistelukriminalisoinneista kertyneessä hovioikeuskäytännössäkään ei vähäisen vaaran tarkempaa luonnetta ole arvioitu. Puheena olevat säännökset sisältävät myös satunnaisten syiden kriteerin. Etenkin aikaisessa vaiheessa olevan valmistelun kohdalla näyttää olevan vain harvoin mahdollista todeta valmistelu vaarattomaksi. Toisin kuin rikoksen yrityksessä, valmistelussa tekijällä on vielä valittavissaan eri toimintavaihtoehtoja. Samoin vaara-arvio kohdistuu valmisteluvaiheessa paitsi hypoteettisiin kausaalisuhteisiin, myös tekijän omiin tuleviin valintoihin. Tästä syystä niin vaaraedellytyksen täyttymisen kuin satunnaisten syidenkin arviointi näyttää oleva luonteeltaan varsin erilaista kuin rikoksen yrityksen kohdalla. Vaara-arvioinnin aikajänteen ja vaaran monenlaisen laadun hallitsemiseksi esitetään vaara-arvion apuvälineenä käytettäväksi Ruotsin korkeimman oikeuden käyttämää osavaiheittaisuuden mallia.